abc coaches when_science_and_spirit_merge_06_feb12

Post on 07-May-2015






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Coaching with the spirit


When Science and “Spirit” merge in the Coaching Process

Happen 1



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only take notes if you wish to.

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According to the watchdog of the coaching and mentoring industries …

“… probably the most revolutionary and effective model of coaching to be developed in the last ten years – Betska K-Burr’s Power Coaching® with Mind-Kinetics®.” - Rey Carr, CEO, Peer Resources

To discover more about how Science and Spirit Merge in the coaching process …

We have a planetary emergency


• Complete meltdown of Arctic summer sea ice is imminent;

• GHG emissions are way over the top;

• 50 billion metric tonnes of methane hydrates in the Siberia Arctic Ocean could explode at any moment;

• 300,000 people are killed every year by climate change;

• Our oceans are dying – sea creatures and coral reefs. 99% of blue whales are gone, 70% of fish are gone;

• 16,000 children die every day from starvation;

• World food and water supplies are in peril;

• Glaciers are retreating and the list goes on …

We have a corporate/family emergency


• 50% of US corporations have been sued by employees;

• In Canada and India, we may not sue our employers but we sue inside – we simply shut down our productivity;

• 50% of Canadian Government Leaders are on anti-depressants … who is running that government?

• In Canada 26% of children 2-17 are currently overweight/obese;

• In India 15-20% of children and adolescents in the urban population are obese (Center for Obesity & Diabetes Support);

• In most progressive countries, rates of heart disease and cancer are increasing due to poor acidic and fat-centric diets of meat, processed foods, sugar, dairy and so on.


So how do we fix all of these

very significant challenges in all

walks of life?

What do you think?


Of course!

YOU are the answer!

Coaching is the answer.

We can coach out the problems and find

significant Solutions for a better world.

But, we must have coaching methodologies which

can help the Client find innovative solutions.

It is that simple!


Our job is to help the Client discover that

They ARE the Guru!

That they have all the answers inside of



“What a man ‘learns’ is really

what he ‘discovers’ by taking

the cover off his own soul, which

is a mine of infinite knowledge.

All knowledge that the world has ever

received comes from the mind; the

infinite library of the universe is in your

own mind.“


What is the #1 Value you bring to the coaching & leadership profession?


Example of Quantum Physics

in Action

How is it that when you pulled a

CLI Values Card it seems to be

perfect in terms of it being your

#1 coaching and leadership


The Brain Walk®

Faith Foi

Take a Walk. Move a Mountain™

Each CLI Values Card has a different frequency. “Love”

has a higher frequency than “Integrity”. Therefore, The

Law of Attraction is at work. When you set an intention

you select (attract) from the EMF of the cards the value that has the exact frequency which meets your intention.

The Model for Inner Peace which Brings World Peace

Pentalateral Thinking The Powerful Subconscious Mind

Newtonian vs Quantum Physics Epigenetics Cells, Environment, The EMF A Coach’s Responsibility 11 Truths about Coaching How to Coach with “Spirit”



As Coaches, our Clients expect us to be role models of …

14 Check point: how well are you doing with your Mind, Body, Spirit Mastery?

“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world … as in being able to remake ourselves.” - Gandhi

“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” – Dalai Lama


What is a Coach’s secret to Mind Mastery

and finding peace within themselves?



Module I

Conscious Mind

Subconscious Mind

Superconscious Mind


The Coach’s Secret for both Self and their

Clients is Pentalateral™ Thinking


“Positive thoughts have a profound effect on behavior and genes, but only when they are in harmony with subconscious programming.

And negative thoughts have an equally powerful effect. When we recognize how these positive and negative beliefs control our biology, we can use this knowledge to create lives filled with health and happiness.”

- Bruce Lipton


The subconscious mind –

processes some 20,000,000

environmental stimuli per second.

The conscious mind –

processes 40 environmental stimuli per second.

Who’s running the show?

"When a person has access to both the intuitive, creative, and visual right brain and the analytical, logical, verbal left brain, then the whole brain is working."

- Stephen Covey



1. the ability to quickly and effectively go into the subconscious mind to find the unconstructive programming that exists in yourself and Clients and …

2. the ability to change those unconstructive beliefs into permanent positive ones.

3. The ability to access the superconscious for genius solutions.

Therefore, for you to be highly

effective, your full Coaching

Toolkit must have …


Module II


Newtonian vs Quantum Physics

In Newtonian Physics (Isaac Newton), only matter was

discussed. The mind disappears. The body is separate from

the mind. Disconnect from spirit. As an organism we are DNA

controlled robots. Vital Force has no impact on us.

Newtonian Mechanics: Universe = Matter ~1700 AD

Quantum Mechanics (Einstein): Universe = Energy ~1921

QM puts the mind back in charge. The mind is the vital force.

Unity of polarities (male and female). Holism.

Consciousness influences life. Unity of energy and matter.

All organisms respond to vibration, communicate via vibration.

“The field [mind] is the sole governing agency of the particle [body]. ~ Albert Einstein


Epigenetics (Study Bruce Lipton’s Work)

Epigenetics is The NEW Biology =

“Control above the genes”

Genes and DNA do not control our future

WE are the power. We control our future.

Our thoughts control our future.

Each cell in our body is a programmable chip.

Therefore, we can change our biology and

behaviours by changing our beliefs.



Darwinian followers believe that:

1. Individual traits are passed from parents to

children. This is true – children are


2. Hereditary factors are passed down from

parent to child and this controls how the

individual lives their life.

This implies that there is no hope for

children of alcoholic parents for example.



Cancer, for example, is a body with a lousy

government! The community of cells has

broken down.

Why? Because of the Client’s beliefs.

UK Study: 1/3 of cancer patients who got

saline instead of chemo but thought they

were getting chemo had their hair fall out!

What we think we become!



We have been programmed to

accept that we are subservient

to the power of our genes.

Heart disease, cancer, diabetes

and obesity levels are

increasing at alarming rates.

If a person’s mother died from heart disease,

chances are their programming says “I’m going to

die from heart disease as well.”

What we think we become!


Module III


Our body is a bustling community of

50 – 100 trillion cells.

Cells are living sentient entities that

keep our bodies alive and thriving.

Because our cells are programmable,

we must be very aware of the signals

we are letting into our cells.

We must TALK to our cells because they are miniature people.


More about Cells!

Each cell possesses the functional equivalent of our:

Nervous system

Digestive system

Respiratory system

Excretory system

Endocrine system

Muscle and skeletal systems

Circulatory system

Integumentary system

Reproductive system and

even a primitive immune system

The Brain is the Manager of all

the cells; otherwise we

would have chaos!


More about Cells!

In other words, each cell is an intelligent

being that can survive on its own.

We remember that we began as single cells.

In order to survive, each cell needed to

have the functional equivalents above.

Then one day we woke up and realized

that we could be something greater

so we formed a team!!!


It’s the Environment Stupid!

Lipton’s research showed us that when he provided a

healthy environment for sick cells, the cells revitalized!

The significance for Coaches is that when a Client is

stuck, the Client needs to look at their environment.

For example:

1. Do they have negative people in their life?

2. Do they have a good spiritual practice?

3. If unwell, are they still eating meat, processed foods and

mucus causing products? Drinking alcohol? Cigs?

4. What unconstructive belief systems are stuck in their

subconscious mind/cells causing the illness?


“By learning to bring your awareness to past experiences

and conditioning – memories stored in the very receptors

of your cells – you can release yourself from these

blocks, this stuckness.” - Candace Pert, Neuroscientist


CLI’s interpretation of Pert’s research is that habits and

behaviours will only change if there is a biological, cellular

shift in the brain body.

CLI can confirm Pert’s work because before CLI discovered

Pert, we were already testing our Clients to see if they had

shifted at a cellular level and designed out coaching models


Therefore, in the coaching process in order for permanent

positive change to happen for the Client (where they take

action) the cells must change their beliefs.


Lipton’s research: Receptor proteins have two negatively

charged ends. Like charges repel. The repelling forces in

this case cause the backbone of the protein to extend so

that the negative amino acids are as far apart as possible.


PCMK™ Coaching:

1. Client discovers why they keep repeating certain behaviours

by finding the root cause event that started the pattern.

2. Uses Quantum Physics to select the Methodology with the

perfect frequency to create everlasting change.

3. Models are scientifically engineered to ask questions that

are LB/RB/Con/Sub/Super in order to bring the Client into a

positive state and away from a negative state.

4. This new positively charged signal is sufficient to bind to one

end of the necklace to create a positive charge at one end.

The two ends attract each other and marriage takes place. At CLI we call this “popping”.


PCMK™ Coaching:

4. Just to make sure, at the end of every PCMK™ session,

a Release of the Emotional Charge process releases any

remaining emotions leaving the Client in a permanently

positive state of being. They become very strong.

5. This changing conformation generates movement. The

antenna of the Receptor Protein is happy with this positive

signal and allows the new energy to enter the cell.

Processing proteins connect that energy with the effector

protein whose job it is to take action! That energy is

harnessed to do work providing for such functions as digestion, respiration, and action on a goal.








When coaching, the right positive signal must be picked up by the antenna of the receptor protein in order for it to allow the energy of that positive thought to enter the cell. The processor protein connects this energy to the effector protein which sends signals to the interior of the cell to take action.

Positive Signal


This is THE most important part right here. Innovative solutions come in from the EMF or super-conscious mind.


Module IV


What is the Electro Magnetic Field?

It is the energy field around the body in which is

stored all knowledge and wisdom of the

universe including of self.

EMF = superconscious mind.

When receptors are constricted we have

distorted thinking or irrational thought because

the emotions are blocking the nourishment from

reaching our thinking cells.


Quantum Physics indicates

that energy and matter are


(Einstein, E=mc2)

Our bodies are not mechanistic systems of solid matter. They are oscillating energy in constant flux, sometimes appearing as solid matter. Everything is energy. Witness that a cell phone works on “frequency” or vibration.

Kirlian photography shows that around our bodies are colours of energy. This photograph is of the energy field or EMF of someone’s fingers. Kirlian photography can be used to diagnose disease, even before it manifests itself in the physical body, and assess the quality of food. Kirlian photographs of organic food show a quality of 'radiance' that is not present in conventionally grown foods. We often eat dead food.


Module V


“All things are created by the mind. Our mind we must create; we must speak good things, think good things, and then we will change the negative to the positive. We should teach the cells in our own bodies to think good thoughts. Whatever good we think or speak, our minds, our bodies and the millions and billions of cells in our bodies also will listen immediately. That’s why I say that you’re your own master.” - Supreme Master Ching Hai

Our Superconscious or ‘Godself’ is defined as that perfect part of ourselves which has all the answers. When we connect with the Superconscious for solutions, we feel complete, whole and one with the universe. We are at peace.





= Energy Field

around the body


Scientific coaching models create the environment where, in every session, our Clients connect with their brilliant Godself which results in brilliant solutions and permanent positive behavioural change. Aren’t we lucky to have Coaching as an enlightening vehicle with which to achieve this noble state of being?



Module VII


8 reasons to indicate that memories are stored

in the body (as well as in the EMF of the body)

1. Quote from Supreme Master Ching Hai.

2. If we are reprogramming our cells, then the

unconstructive program or memory must be in

the cells.

3. Tissues (cells) store memories such as fear …

research on heart transplant patients.

4. If each cell replicates a human being, the

membrane of the cell must be the brain of the

cell (memory bank). Mem-brain.


8 reasons to indicate that memories are stored

in the body (as well as in the EMF of the body)

5. In the human brain, the hippocampus forms and

stores short term memory and the amygdala converts

the short term memory into long term memory. If

each cell is like a human being, the cell must also

have a memory centre.

6. Bathing French Riviera beauties. Once their skin

burns, that skin is highly sensitive for the rest of their

lives … therefore, cells have memories.

7. When we lose our short-term memory, we can take

B12 and it comes back; therefore, memory is in the



8. If each cell is like a miniature human being, then it follows that each

cell has an EMF. As seen through deep meditation, each receptor

has an EMF in which are stored the memories.

Coaching Clients who cannot achieve a goal or overcome a problem

have very little energy flowing through the receptor into the cell.

A malnourished cell = a fuzzy Client!

A Coach’s job is to find the exact positive signal (positive belief

system) which will excite the receptor’s antenna to allow energy into

the cell. No more fuzzy Client!

Memories are stored in the EMF of each Receptor

CLI’s Ground Breaking Research


This process is what gives the Client permanent positive change.

Otherwise they flounder, repeating the same pattern over and over.

For fast results coaching methods must be very scientific in order to

find the “signal” to wake up the receptor!

PCMK™ Coaches do this in a number of ways including:

1. Use colour to find the chakra in which the cells reside.

2. Using multiple techniques the Client goes right into the EMF of that

receptor to discover what literally shut the receptor down from

functioning. The subcon mind (EMF) reveals the exact age of the

shutdown. Client usually instantly remembers the event.

3. A new positive belief system is anchored in the subcon to replace

the old unconstructive one.

Memories are stored in the EMF of each Receptor

CLI’s Ground Breaking Research


A Coach’s Responsibility

To provide our Clients with the highest customer

service, Coaches have a responsibility to

learn methodologies which find that magical

belief system which excites the antenna of the

receptor to once again allow energy into the cell

thus shifting our Client’s behaviours


Clients need and want fast results, especially in a

global crisis climate which demands fast solutions.

When we think and act using the brilliance of our

original great self, we are in a stronger position to

help our ailing planet.


Module IX


11 Truths about Coaching

1. Let’s Celebrate our Success thus far! 2. Let’s invite our Clients to put Spirit back into their

lives. 3. Coaching based solely on a series of logical

questions is outdated. Coaching results are maximized when our Clients are invited to use their whole brain/mind.

4. Our Beliefs Control our Bodies, our Minds, and therefore our Lives.

5. The Environment Plays a Major Role in our Transformation. Get rid of toxicity.


11 Truths about Coaching

6. Our Clients want and deserve the fastest, most effective coaching methodologies!

7. Let’s learn from our Brothers and Sisters in Other Professions. ie Talk Therapy is not very effective.

8. Our Clients deserve to be Coached by the Best. In the human world, we have the same communication challenge as do the whales. Our phone line to “God” is full of static. With polluted minds and polluted bodies, it is difficult to access our highest intuition because our access to it is filtered by the “garbage” we have created in the form of unconstructive beliefs in our subconscious and by what impure food and drink and such we put in and on our bodies.


11 Truths about Coaching

9. We could Consider Making “Three Stops”

#1: Stop calling ourselves coaches if all we do is give advice. #2: Stop thinking that coaching is just for goal setting and only therapy is for emotional issues. The therapy profession does not own the field of ‘emotions’. #3: Stop minimizing our abilities as a Coach. We are brilliant inside! When Coaches embrace and become masters of our own mind, body, and spirit we are astonished at the speed of our thinking.


11 Truths about Coaching

10. Be prayerful. When we get stuck about what question to ask next, silently pray and wait for the answer to come.

11. Acknowledge that there are some challenges that can

only be solved by the Grace of God.


Meditation is the Secret of all the Sages Free SAFE Meditation:


To Be the Best

Coach for our

Clients …

Coaching with the

left brain only is

quickly becoming

outdated. It is not

powerful enough.

Learn Mind, Body,

Spirit Coaching

Methodologies to

help yourself and

your Clients tap into

their subconscious

and the all powerful



Module X


Introducing …

The World’s #1 Positive Thinking Tool


Free to you and your Clients at

Our gift!

Use it for a happier and peaceful life.


In addition to The Brain Walk®, PCMK™ Lasers – ten minute coaching methodologies for great results.

Visit: Sample Lasers + Audio

Thanks for being our guest today!


Sign up for Free Coaching and Leadership CLI Quick Tips by sending an email to For a copy of these slides, give your business card to Inderjeet.


Fill out the Entry Form to Win Big Prizes! Read The “God” in Coaching. Attend a free webinar to learn more. Check out the coaching tools at the side table. More wonderful thoughts for you on the Entry Form …

To discover more about how Science and Spirit Merge in the coaching process …

More Next Steps …




Being a Coach is a wonderful thing

Ah, to be a Coach is a wonderful thing

where my Clients learn how to love themselves

in ways they have never done before.

And, I too, learn how to better love myself.

To be a Coach is a fulfilling job

when, at the end of the day, I sleep

peacefully knowing that my Clients

embark upon a more enlightened life.

To be a Coach gives my life more meaning

as my Clients rave about their achievements,

leaving behind old, unrewarding patterns

and turning personal and global crises into dust.


To be a Coach, I often want to give

my Clients their money back!

They teach me so much about death

and dying and living with my soul.

Thank you Clients and may God bless you!

You are my best friends.

You are often my saviour for I, too,

am still finding the real me.

~ Betska K-Burr, 2009

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