aboriginal and torres strait islander cultural capability action … · 2020. 11. 2. · aboriginal...

Post on 14-Feb-2021






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  • Message from the Director-GeneralThe Department of Education is committed to delivering aspirational, educational, economic and social outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

    The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Capability Action Plan (the plan) recognises the importance of the department becoming more representative and inclusive of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The plan establishes clear and effective actions to facilitate this in the department over three years. It builds on the important work we have done in implementing previous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Capability Action Plans and the Queensland Government Reconciliation Action Plan 2018–2022.

    Cultural capability is a key element of the department’s Commitment Statement, launched in June 2019. The statement commits the entire workforce to create supportive environments where stakeholders are empowered to act and co-design solutions through the development of relationships and connections to community.

    Tony Cook Director-General - Department of Education

    What is Cultural Capability?Cultural capability is the understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, our shared history and the integration of knowledge to co-design standards, policies and practices to produce better outcomes for Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

    Cultural Capability Action PlanThe Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Capability Action Plan 2019-2021 is the third plan released by the department. Our plan is aligned with the Queensland Government Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Capability Framework, which provides strategic direction for cultural capability planning.

    Monitoring and ReportingA report outlining half-year and full-year results will be prepared and submitted to the whole-of-government Cultural Agency Leaders Committee.

    Measuring success • Working for Queensland survey results indicate

    an increase in workplace inclusion through the demonstration of inclusive practices.

    • School Opinion Survey results indicate an increase in teacher confidence in embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in the classroom.

    • Cultural capability across the department is valued and embedded in service delivery.

    • The proportion of workforce representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is increased and reflected across different areas and in particular across different levels within the department (corporate, schools and executive leadership).

    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff attraction and retention rates are improved.

    Artist biography

    Josiah Omeenyo is from Lockhart River Queensland Australia and is a member of the Lockhart River Artists group. Josiah is well known for his coral reef themed paintings using spectacular colour combinations.

    He is not the only artist in his family, his mother and aunty are also involved with the Lockhart River artists. He uses paint on canvas and linen to share his stories with the world.

    © Copyright Josiah Omeenyo 2011

    Coral Beds Down Under Artwork

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Capability Action Plan 2019–2021

  • © Copyright Josiah Omeenyo 2011

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Capability Action Plan 2019 –2021


    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement and stronger partnerships


    Culturally responsive systems and services

    4.2 Convene an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Conference


    Building Cultural Capability to improve economic participation

    3.2 Build capability within the department’s early years services and schools, to identify English as an alternative language or dialect (EAL/D) learners, assess their proficiency and teach Standard Australian English explicitly, actively and meaningfully

    3.1 Increase staff knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories and achievements

    4.1 Connect with parents and the community to co-design whole of school and ECCE strategies and ensure students are culturally safe, valued, respected and wellbeing and cultural identity is nurtured

    4.3 Deliver an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research symposium that shares the key findings from educational research that impacts on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners, their families and communities and educators


    Valuing Culture2.2 Develop a whole-of-government policy to support the revitalisation, renewal and reclamation of Aboriginal languages and Torres Strait Islander languages

    2.1 Promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culturally significant dates including reconciliation week and National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) week

    2.3 Develop a cultural capability framework for Department of Education (DoE)

    2.4 Develop cultural capability for supervisors of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff

    4.4 Implement an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement framework for employees

    4.5 Student engagement initiatives


    Leadership and Accountability

    1.2 Undertake co-design projects with the Ministerial Advisory Committee Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Training Advisory Committee (QATSIETAC)

    1.1 Establish dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander inclusion focus in Executive Management Board meetings

    1.3 Appoint an Executive Champion to advocate, promote and demonstrate cultural capability and workforce inclusion

    1.4 Establish an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Early Childhood and Community Engagement (ECCE) reference group

    1.5 Implement an executive cultural capability program informed by the Queensland Public Sector Commission leading practice

    1.6 Contribute to sector-wide thought leadership and apply leading practice on workplace inclusion of Aboriginal employees and Torres Strait Islander employees with Cultural Agency Leaders (CAL) group

    5.2 Develop an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural knowledge lens to assist DoE policy development

    5.1 Launch and implementation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce strategy

    5.3 Ensure the Department‘s external Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider is able to provide culturally competent EAP services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees

    5.4 Review recruitment processes to assess barriers to inclusion and workforce diversity

    5.5 Identified roles are utilised in DoE divisions that have a direct influence on service delivery and strategic influence to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

    5.6 Ensure contracted services and programs are culturally safe and staff have appropriate knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and community protocols

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