about paris*saclay university · gestural and mobile interaction 1 21 2,5 internet of things and...

Post on 03-Oct-2020






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Our researchers produce over 12,000 scientific publications every year and have an international standing in many areas. Paris-Saclay University has given rise to 10 Fields medallists, represents 15 % of French R&D, and ranks 1st in France and 3rd in Europe for ERC grants.

Research is strongly integrated with innovation and entrepreneurship with, among many other achievements, 300 new start-ups supported since 2004.


As of 1st January 2020, Paris-Sud University bec me Paris-Saclay University.

Paris-Saclay University brings together 14 higher education and research

institutions located in South-west region of Paris. We provide multi-and

cross-cutting education to undergraduate and graduate students from around the globe. Master’s students can choose from our 45 programmes (15 % in English) supported by a variety of scholarships opportunities. We are home to 10% of doctoral candidates in France who work within one of our 300 research teams in close connection with innovation and the industry, using the latest cutting-edge experimental and technological platforms- 1st laser facility in the world, biggest and most powerful MRI

magnet worldwide, Synchrotron SOLEIL, Centre for Nanoscience and

Nanotechnology equipped with the largest clean room in France, Institute for Climate and Environment, Paris-Saclay Plant Institute to name a few.




Faculty of Sciences 5

Departmental contacts 5

Biology 6

Chemistry 10

Computer Sciences 12

Earth and Universe Science 16

Mathematics 17

Physics 19

Application 27

Academic Information 28


Paris-S University



Sciences in Orsay

Sports in Orsay

Medicine in Kremlin- Bicêtre

Pharmacy in Châtenay-Malabry

Law, Economics, and Management in Sceaux



Polytech Paris-Sud in Orsay

(Electronics, energy and systems, Computer science, Materials Science, Photonics and optronic systems)


IUT of Orsay (Chemistry, Computing and Physical Measurements)

IUT of Cachan (Industrial Mechanics, Production and Computing)

IUT of Sceaux (Business and Management)

University's presidency


Paris-Saclay University is the place of excellent research for the benefit of understanding the world, students’ success and society’s needs. The high quality of its research is proven by the many awards and its position in international rankings. The visibility of its research and courses should be further improved by its integration into Paris-Saclay University on 1 January 2020




s, and Management in Sceaux


Faculty of Science Dean’s building


Sciences Pri.sciences@u-psud.fr

General Contact M. Kalidiouma Sidibé Kalidiouma.sidibe@u-psud.fr 1 69 15 74 09

Cooperation and Agreements


Biology Dr. Catherine Dreux catherine.dreux@u-psud.fr 1 69 15 61 11

Chemistry Dr. Philippe Berdagué philippe.berdague@u-psud.fr 1 69 15 47 69

Computer Science Dr. Emmanuel Waller emmanuel.waller@u-psud.fr 1 69 15 66 27

Earth and Universe Science

Dr. Hermann Zeyen hermann.zeyen@u-psud.fr 1 69 15 49 09

Mathematics Dr. Filipa Caetano filipa.caetano@u-psud.fr 1 69 15 60 32

Physics Dr. Mathieu Langer international-physics.sciences@u-psud.fr

1 69 85 85 78



The Orsay research center was created by Nobel prizes Irène and Frédéric Joliot-Curie the discoverers of artificial radioactivity. Irène was the daughter of Marie and Pierre Curie. In 1955, the premises of the research center inside Paris had become too small to accommodate the large facilities such as particle accelerators essential to modern physics. They decided that the new laboratories, in the fields of nuclear and particle physics, should be settled in the park of the Orsay castle that was recently donated to the Paris University. Today, Orsay has become one of the top campuses in France, if not the first, for Physics and Mathematics. In the seventies, new top-level laboratories and Institutes in chemistry, biology, computer science and earth sciences, settled in Orsay that became the largest scientific campus in France. The Orsay Faculty of Sciences is the oldest campus of the University Paris-Sud. It brings together over 10,200 students, 1,600 PhD students, 1,600 professors and 1,800 administrative and technical staff. Its research laboratories work in close connection with CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), CEA (Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission), l’INSERM (French Institute of Health and Medical Research), l’INRA (National Institute of Agricultural Research), l’INRIA (French Institute for Research in Computer Sciences and Automation), and Institut Curie (medical, biological and biophysical research institute).

The Faculty of Science consists of 7 departments:



Computer Science

Earth science

History of Sciences




Computer Science

Earth science

History of Sciences



er Scienc

Earth science

tory of Sciences





Note that the Earth and Universe Sciences department currently does not offer teaching in English


Mobility coordinator: Dr. Catherine DREUXcatherine.dreux@u-psud.fr


The Department of Bioloy is one of the six disciplinary departments of the Faculty of Sciences of Orsay, a component of Paris-Sud University. It includes all the research and teaching activities in Biology of the Faculty of Sciences of Orsay

The Department of Biology contributes to many trainings programs within the framework of the LMD; it offers in particular Bachelor and Master's degree in Biology with various courses and specialties. The department of Biology orga-nizes research and teaching around five major axes:

Macromolecules and cellular functions,Biology of micro-organismsCellular biology development and evolutionPlant physiologyBiodiversity and ecology.

In addition, there are two cross-cutting themes, neurosciences, as well as sys-tems biology and physical-chemistry-biology interfaces. This includes, inter alia, environmental issues, which are, in essence, multidisciplinary

Key numbers

350 full time researchers 236 teacher-researchers 120 doctoral and post-doctoral researchers working in 12 mixed research units (UMR) associated with the CNRS (Scientific Research National Center), INSERM (Institute for Medical research) or CEA

500 administrative, technical, social and health staff.


COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Core courses : Genes, proteins and cells 1 100 10

Systems Biology I 1 25 2,5

Systems Biology II 1 25 2,5

Biosignaling 1 50 5

Workshop on model organisms 1 50 5

Epigenetics 2 29 2,5

Membrane dynamics 2 23 2,5

Development in questions 2 50 5

Introduction to biotherapies 2 25 2,5

Applied genomics and precision medicine 2 25 2,5

COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Cell Dynamics and communication 1 50 5

Developmental genetics 1 31 3

Bioimaging 1 31 3

Small RNAs and Epigenetics 1 15 3

Neural stem cells and neural development 1 25 3

Development and Cancer : Colloquium 1 35 3

Development and Cancer / or / Stem cells: practical course

1 31 3

Director: Odile BROCHAINContact: odile.brochain@u-psud.fr


Director: Anne-Hélène MONSORO-BURCQContact: anne.monsoro-burq@u-psud.fr



COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Animal experiment, ethics and good practices in biology 1 27 2

Biostatistics, models and software 1 24 2

Principles and methods in animal genetics 1 18 1

Integrative analysis of reproduction 1 21 2

Quantitative and statistical genetics 1 39 3

Genome analysis 1 30 3

Genetic diversity and population management 1 39 3

Modeling from organs to herd and resource allocation 1 66 4

Precision livestock management: application of quantitative biology and predictive models

1 18 1

Advanced animal genetics 1 18 1

Adaptation 1 18 1

Epidemiology and health 1 18 1

Applied Ethology 1 18 1

Epigenetics and genes regulations 1 18 1

Director: Etienne VERRIERContact: etienne.verrier@agroparistech.fr


This programme is taught at AgroParis Tech, a member of Université Paris-Saclay


COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Genomic applications in environmental biotechnology 1 6 2

Conception, construction and characterization of biological parts and devices

1 6 2

Metabolic Engineering 1 18 2

Biosafety and ethical questions of synthetic 1 8 2

Synthetic Biology 1 40 8

Cell Factory Optimisation 1 40 5

Statistical analysis of biological sequences and gene expression 1 12 2,5

Statistical learning of biological networks 1 12 2,5

Formal methods applied to biological system engineering and modeling

1 12 5

Test applied to biological objects 1 16 2,5

Nanobiology 1 12 2,5

Chips for molecular evolution 1 20 2,5

Eucaryotic cells engineering 1 40 5

Computational protein design 1 12 2,5

Practical course on rational protein design 1 20 2,5

Director: Ioana POPESCUContact: ioana.popescu@univ-evry.fr


This programme is taught at Université d’Evry, a member of Université Paris-Saclay



The Department of Chemistry includes all the research and teaching activities in chemistry of the Faculty of Sciences of Orsay within Paris-Sud University.

It offers in particular Bachelor and Master’s degree in chemistry with various courses and specialties.

The research activities in chemistry are carried out in five research laboratories and cover a large number of sub-disciplines: organic chemistry, inorganic che-mistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, theoretical chemistry, radio-chemistry, materials chemistry...

200 researchers and teacher-researchers 120 doctoral and post-doctoral researchers working in 5 mixed research units (UMR) associated with the CNRS (Scientific Research National Center):

ICMMO (Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d’Orsay, UMR 8182)LCP (Laboratoire de Chimie Physique, UMR 8000)ISMO (Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay, UMR 8214)IPN (Institut de Physique Nucléaire, groupe de radiochimie, UMR 8608)CSNSM (Centre de Sciences Nucléaires et de Sciences de la Matière, UMR 8609)

110 teacher-researchers 55 doctoral-teachers and a associate professor assure the majority of the courses, tutorials and practices in chemistry.

50 administrative, technical, social and health staff

Mobility coordinator: Dr. Philippe BERDAGUÉphilippe.berdague@u-psud.fr


Director: Sandrine LACOMBEDirector of M1: Laure CATALAContact: laure.catala@u-psud.fr


COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Analytical methods (IR & UV-Vis spectroscopies, NMR, MS 1 50 5

Introduction to biophysics and microscopies for life sciences 1 51 5

Kinetics / Electrochemistry 1 50 5

Organic / Inorganic chemistry towards sustainability 1 50 5

Quantum mechanics 1 50 5

COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Chemistry for renewable energy: from advanced research to industrial applications

1 50 6

Fast processes and radiations 1 25 3

Molecular simulations, applications to biosystems 1 25 3

Nanoparticles and Advanced radiation therapies 1 50 6

Nanosciences 1 50 6

Transferable skills: Patent Law, Scientific writing, Career objectives

1 50 6

Director: Sandrine LACOMBEDirector of M2: Nicolas RABASSOContact: nicolas.rabassp@u-psud.fr



COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction 1 42 5

Design of Interactive Systems 1 21 2,5

Programming of Interactive Systems 1 42 2,5

Evaluation of Interactive Systems 1 21 2,5

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Basics 1 21 6

Business Developpement Lab 1 1 21 2,5

Interactive Information Visualization 1 21 2,5

Scientific Visualization 1 21 2,5

Photo-Realistic Rendering 1 21 2,5

Gestural and Mobile Interaction 1 21 2,5

Internet of Things and Human-Machine Interaction 1 21 2,5

Mixed Reality and Tangible Interaction 1 21 2,5

Intelligent Multimodal Interaction 1 21 2,5



Mobility coordinator: Dr. Emmanuel WALLERemmanuel.waller@u-psud.fr

Director: Sarah FDILI ALAOUIContact: sarah.fdili-alaoui@lri.fr


The computer science department of Paris-Sud University covers a large spectrum of research and formation. It has connections with the most important research French institutions, as CNRS, INRIA, CEA and INRA.

Bachelor degree consists of two tracks: computer science and computer science applied to business management.

At master level, three tracks are offered: bioinformatics, computer science and computer science applied to business management.

Thanks to its participation in international projects, the computer science department also delivers teaching in English at master level.

2 laboratories gather the research activities:LRI (Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique)LIMSI (Laboratoire d’Informatique pour la Mécaniqueet les Sciences de l’Ingénieur)


COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Design Project in HCI 2 42 5

Advanced Design of Interactive Systems 2 21 2,5

Advanced Evaluation of Interactive Systems 2 21 2,5

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Advanced 2 42 5

Business Developpement Lab 2 2 62 6

Interactive Information Visualization 2 62 2,5

Scientific Visualization 2 21 2,5

Photo-Realistic Rendering 2 21 2,5

Gestural and Mobile Interaction 2 21 2,5

Internet of Things and Human-Machine Interaction 2 21 2,5

Mixed Reality and Tangible Interaction 2 21 2,5

Intelligent Multimodal Interaction 2 21 2,5

Virtual Humans 2 21 2,5

Groupware and Collaborative Work 2 21 2,5

Creative Design 2 21 2,5

Digital Fabrication 2 21 2,5

Audio synthesis 2 21 2,5


COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Fundamentals of Situated Interaction 1 21 2,5

Fundamentals of Virtual and Augmented Reality 1 42 5

Advanced Programming of Interactive Systems 1 42 5

Design of Interactive Systems 1 21 2,5

Advanced Design of Interactive Systems 1 21 2,5

Advanced Evaluation of Interactive Systems 1 21 2,5

Interactive Information Visualization 1 21 2,5

Scientific Visualization 1 21 2,5

Photo-Realistic Rendering 1 21 2,5

Gestural and Mobile Interaction 1 21 2,5

Internet of Things and Human-Machine Interaction 1 21 2,5

Mixed Reality and Tangible Interaction 1 21 2,5

Intelligent Multimodal Interaction 1 21 2,5

Groupware and Collaborative Work 1 21 2,5

Creative Design 1 21 2,5

Digital Fabrication 1 21 2,5

HCI Project 1 21 2,5

Audio synthesis 1 21 2,5

Director: Sarah FDILI ALAOUIContact: sarah.fdili-alaoui@lri.fr



COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Fundamentals of Virtual and Augmented Reality 1 42 5

Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction 1 42 5

Advanced Programming of Interactive Systems 1 42 5

Evaluation of Interactive Systems 1 21 2,5

Design of Interactive Systems 1 21 2,5

Advanced Evaluation of Interactive Systems 1 21 2,5

Interactive Information Visualization 1 21 2,5

Advanced Evaluation of Interactive Systems 1 21 2,5

Interactive Information Visualization 1 21 2,5

Scientific Visualization 1 21 2,5

Photo-Realistic Rendering 2 21 2,5

Gestural and Mobile Interaction 2 21 2,5

Mixed Reality and Tangible Interaction 2 21 2,5

Intelligent Multimodal Interaction 2 21 2,5

Virtual Humans 2 21 2,5

Groupware and Collaborative Work 2 21 2,5

Creative Design 2 21 2,5

Digital Fabrication 2 21 2,5

Advanced Design of Interactive Systems 2 21 2,5

HCI Project 2 21 2,5

Internet of Things and Human-Machine Interac-tion

2 21 2,5

Director: Sarah FDILI ALAOUIContact: sarah.fdili-alaoui@lri.fr






Mobility coordinator: Hermann ZEYENhermann.zeyen@u-psud.fr

Note that the Earth and Universe Sciences department currently does not offer teaching in English

The Earth and Universe Sciences department offers a diverse teaching as can be seen the different specialties of its two master degrees. Earth and Universe sciences: “Hydrology, Hydrogeology and soils,” “Sedimenta-ry and volcanic environment”, “Planetology”.Environment: Geological engineering, “Hydrology, Hydrogeology and soils,”

Research is conducted at GEOPS laboratory which gathers

5 research units35 teachers researchers10 post-docs20 Phd students13 technical and administrative staff


Mobility coordinator: Filipa CAETANAOfilipa.caetano@u-psud.fr


The Mathematics Department of Paris-Sud University covers a large spectrum of research and formation in pure and applied mathematics. It has connections with the most important research French institutions, as CNRS, CEA, INRA and INRIA.

The mathematics Department offers a complete formation program in all the levels of the LMD. In particular, it offers a Master’s level education program together with the other members of Paris-Saclay University, in the following specialities:

Geometry, Analysis and Arithmetic ;

The Mathematics Department has around 300 members, including about 140 permanent researchers, university lecturers and professors, and about 100 PhD students.

The researchers of the department are divided into five research teams: Harmonic Analysis,Numerical Analysis and Partial Differential Equations,Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry,Probabilities and StatisticsTopology and Dynamics.

There are strong interactions with other science fields such as biology, medicine, physics, and aeronautics.

The doctoral research also benefits from the high level of the interaction with the Paris-Saclay members.


Director: Quentin MÉRIGOTContact: quentin.merigot@math.u-psud.fr


COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Advanced Continuous Optimization I 1 30 5

Optimal Control of ODEs 1 30 5

Introduction to Operational Research and Combinatorics 1 30 5

Dynamical Programming 1 30 5

Game Theory 1 30 5

Advanced Continuous Optimization II 1 30 5

Calculus of Variations 1 30 5

Derivative-Free Optimization 1 30 5

Stochastic Optimization 1 30 5

Dynamic games 1 30 5

Foundations of distributed and large-scale computing optimization

1 30 5

Optimal Transport 1 30 5

Geometric Control 1 30 5

Tropical Algebra in Games and Optimization 1 30 5

Optimal Control of PDEs 1 30 5

Dynamics of information and communication in games 1 30 5


PHYSICSMobility coordinator: Dr Mathieu LANGERinternational-physics.sciences@u-psud.fr

The physics department offers a quality and multidisciplinary education at bachelor and master level.

Bachelor: applied physics, mechanics, fundamental physics, chemistry, educa-tion, electronics – electrical engineering and automatic.

Master: physics, mechanics, energy, nuclear engineering, material science and engineering, education, electronics – electrical engineering and automatic, trai-ning of teachers, earth and universe science, environment.

The physics department is particularly opened to international students with English taught courses from 3rd bachelor and a large choice of master degrees taught in English.

Orsay campus gathers 50 % of the research potential in physics of Université Paris-Saclay.

21 laboratories900 researchers200 teachers - researchers


Director: Patrick PUZOContact: patrick.puzo@u-psud.fr


COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Analytical Mechanics 1 54 3

Quantum Mechanics I 1 48 5

Quantum Mechanics II 2 24 2,5

Advanced Topics in Quantum Mechanics 2 30 1,5

Mathematics 1 72 7

Electromagnetism & Optics I 2 5

Electromagnetism & Optics II 2 4

Statistical Physics I 1 24 6

Special Relativity 2 28 3

Experimental project 2 66 6

Experimental work 1&2 14 2

Introduction to Dynamical Systems 2 25 2,5

Ways of seeing, ways of knowing 2 25 2,5

Physics of biological systems 2 25 2,5


COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Advanced Statistical and Quantum mechanics 1 70 8

Atoms, Molecules and Optics 1 70 8

Particles, Nuclei and Universe 1 70 8

Solid State Physics 1 70 8

Advanced mathematics for physicists 1 30 3

Mathematical and statistical methods, from big data to relevant information

1 30 3

Programming and numerical methods-e-learning 1 30 3

Sensors, measurements, and signal processing 2 30 3

Experimental Physics 2 72 6

Astrophysics and Astroparticles 2 50 6

Nuclear and Particle physics 2 50 6

General Relativity & Cosmology 2 50 6

Complements in Condensed Matter 2 50 6

Complex systems and information theory 2 50 6

Plasma physics and applications 2 50 6

Advanced mathematics for physicists 2 30 3

Mathematical and statistical methods, from big data to relevant information

2 30 3

Sensors, measurements, and signal processing 2 30 3

Director: Tiina SUOMIJARVIContact: tiina.suomijarvi@u-psud.fr



Director: Frederico GARRIDODirector of M1: Mathieu LEBOISContact: matthieu.lebois@u-psud.fr


COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Basic Nuclear Physics 1 30 3

Thermodynamics 1 30 3

Chemical Engineering 1 27 3

Basic Neutronics 1 30 3

Interactions of Radiations with Matter 1 20 2

Solution Chemistry 1: speciation and process 1 36 3

Chemistry of Materials 1 33 4

Mathematics for Chemists 1 42 4

Radiolysis 1 24 3

Economics of Energy 2 23 2

Project management 2 42 4

Energy Production Technologies 2 30 3

Data processing 2 27 3

Solution Chemistry 2: separation chemistry 2 24 2

Atomic and molecular spectroscopy 2 33 3

Nuclear Analysis Methods 1 30 2

Electrical power engineering 1 46 4

Material science & mechanics 1 27 3

Mathematics for Physicist 1 42 4


COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

PWR Functional Description 1 30 4

Introduction to safety 1 30 4

Thermohydraulics 1 1 27 3

Other systems - Fuel Cycles 1 25,5 4

Nuclear Materials 1 42 4

Labworks 1 27 3

Introductory Nuclear Physics 1 42 4

Neutronics 1 1 39 4

Radioprotection - Criticality 2 24 3

Thermohydraulics 2 2 36 4

Neutronics 2 2 60 5

Radiation protection 1 1 17 2

Risk management 1 27 4

Basic Nuclear Physics 1 24 2

Radiation protection 2 1 33 3

Fuel: from the mine to the reactor 1 30 5

Separation & recycling 1 46 6

Process, simulation & process control 2 27 2

Waste conditioning 2 42 4

Radioactive waste management & repository design 2 27 4

Actinide electronic structure (spectroscopy and speciation) 2 24 2

Director: Frederico GARRIDODirector of M2: Mathieu LEBOISContact: tiina.suomijarvi@u-psud.fr



Director: Iolanda MATEA Contact: matea@ipno.in2p3.fr


COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Experimental project 1 112 6

Quantum Field Theory 1 60 6

Particles Physics 1 60 6

Astroparticles and Cosmology 1 60 6

From nuclei to stars 1 60 6

Detector Physics 1 30 3

General Relativity 1 30 3

Accelerator Physics 1 30 3

Advanced lecture 2 30 3

Computing course and project 2 30 3

COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Fabrication and Characterisation of Nanodevices and Nanoobjects

1 30 3

Microscopy, Near-Field Microscopy and Spectroscopy 1 30 3

Physics of Semiconducting Nanostructures 1 30 3

Nanomagnetism and spintronics 1 27 3

Mobile Charges in physics and chemistry 1 27 3

Nanophotonics 1 30 3

Nanoelectronics and Molecular Electronics 1 30 3

Microtechnology 1 30 3

Numerical Simulation of Nanosystems 2 27 3

Director: Arnaud BOURNELContact: arnaud.bournel@u-psud.fr



COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Statistical Field Theory and Statistical dynamics 1 9 80

Nonlinear physics and biosystems 1 9 80

Advanced simulation techniques and mathematical tools 1 6 50

Quantum field theory or Experimental soft-matter: objects and methods

1 6 50

Systèmes désordonnés 1 25 3

Out of equilibrium statistical physics 1 25 3

Advanced methods of stochastic dynamics and energetics 1 25 3

Director: Emmanuel TRIZACContact: emmanuel.trizac@u-psud.fr


COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Electromagnetism and relativity 1 25 80

Introduction to plasma physics and tokamaks 1 50 80

Accelerators 1 41 50

High power lasers 1 50 50

Management and organisation of large scale facilities 1 30 3

Numerical methods 1 25 3

Physics and transverse technologies 1 25 3

Detection, measurement, signals 1 27 3

Practical manipulations close to large scale facilities I 1 42 3

Practical manipulations close to large scale facilities II 2 42 3

Student gathering (CERN/ITER/LMJ) 2 6

Director: Sophie KAZAMIASContact: sophie.kazamias@u-psud.fr



COURSE Semester Hours ECTS

Analog Electronics 1 - Analog Devices and Circuits 1 29 3

Analog Electronics 2 - AMS & RF Functions (EA2) 1 28,5 3

Digital Electronics 1 - Digital systems (EN1) 1 15 3

Digital Electronics 2 - Advanced architectures (EN2) 1 28,5 3

More-than-Moore - Functional diversification (MTM) 1 28,5 3

Advanced Analog-to-digital converters and Digital-to-Ana-log converters (CAN)

1 9 3

CAD of Analog Integrated Circuit (CAD1) 1 31 3

Advanced Design Methodologies (CAD2) 1 31 3

Hardware Implementation of Algorithms (ALG) 1 18 3

Digital SOCs (SOC) 1 30 3

Algorithms and Architectures for Digital Computing (A2HW) 1 18 3

Mixed-signal, Analog & RF Systems for communicating objects (SMART)

1 45 6

Mixed Signal Integrated Circuit Design (CISM) 1 30 3

Microsystem design (CMEMS) 1 28,5 3

Fabrication and characterization of microsensors (FMCAP) 1 29 3

Circuit nanoarchitecture and deep learning (NARCHI) 1 18 3

Physics and modelling of MEMS (PMEMS) 1 30 3

Embedded processors and dedicated architectures (PEMB) 1 28 3

Director: Hervé MATHIASContact: herve.mathias@u-psud.fr




Autumn Semester 2020/2021 May 15th

Spring Semester 2020/2021 October 30th


Nomination and mandatory documents

1. The partner university selects students based on performance, commitment andlanguage skills and nominates them for the exchange by sending a notification ofnomination to the Incoming Mobility Officer at Université Paris-Sud:incoming-exchange.international@universite-paris-salcay.fr

2. Students then apply online :

Applications should include the following documents: Learning Agreement (signed and stamped by the departmental coordinator of thestudents’ home institution)Declaration of nomination (signed by the departmental coordinator of the students’home institution) Official academic transcript of all grades obtained at the university (signed and stam-ped by the students’ home institution)

3. Université Paris-Saclay will notify the students as to their acceptance within 5weeks

FURTHER INFORMATION: https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/en/admission-help/international-students/exchange-programme



Paris-Sud Grading System

(18-20)/20 Outstanding

(16-18)/20 Excellent

(14-16)/20 Very Good

(12-14)/20 Good

(10-12)/20 Satisfactory/Pass

(0-9)/20 Fail

ABs Absent


Autumn Semester: September – January

Winter Semester: February - June

For precise entrance dates, contact your host facultyList of Faculties: www.u-psud.fr/en/university/schools.html

COURSE CATALOGUE AND DESCRIPTIONSSome faculties have their course catalogue on line:www.u-psud.fr/fr/international/etudiants-etrangers/programmes-d-echange.html

Université Paris-Sud participates in several International (Erasmus Mundus) Master and PhD programmes, as well as other double Master degrees and English taught Master pro-grammes: www.u-psud.fr/en/education/international-degrees.html

LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTIONMost classes are taught in French, some are taught in English. While applicants should have a sufficient command of French to be able to follow lectures without difficulty (B1-B2), no language level certification is mandatory.

LANGUAGE COURSESUniversité Paris-Sud offers French language courses called “FLE”, for incoming interna-tional students. An intensive one-week course is offered at the beginning of the autumn semester, in addition to weekly courses held throughout the academic year: www.u-psud.fr/fr/international/etudiants-etrangers/cours-de-francais.html

GRADING SYSTEMAt Université Paris-Sud, grades are out of 20.



ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPTSUniversité Paris-Sud will issue an official transcript no later than 5 weeks after final grades are available.

ACCOMMODATIONUniversité Paris-Sud cooperates with several student residences on and around the university campus. Priority for student housing will be given to students coming from institutions having an Erasmus Bilateral Exchange Agreement with Université Paris Sud.

Rooms or studios are available (price range €200 - €500 / month)

www.u-psud.fr/en/international/accommodation-for-exchange-students.html accommodation.international@u-psud.fr

UNIVERSITY LIFEUniversité Paris-Sud has many cultural and sports-orientated activities to comple-ment student life on campus. Tandem is a student-operated association sponsored by the Head Office of International Relations that allows incoming international stu-dents to meet and spend time with French resident and other international studentswww.u-psud.fr/en/campus-life/life-at-the-university.html

VISA REQUIREMENTSApplicants from outside the European Community require a visa and a permit (“Titre de Séjour”) in order to study in France. The first step in this procedure is to contact the French Embassy / Consulate in your country who will be able to instruct you.

www.u-psud.fr/en/education/visa-and-admission-fees.htmlContact: visa.etudiant@u-psud.fr

INSURANCE: Health insurance is mandatory in order to study in France. EU citizens are covered by their health insurance and must obtain a European Health Insurance Card before coming to France.

Non-EU citizens should register on https://etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr/#/

TRANSPORTSGetting to OrsayOrsay Campus is delivered by two REB B stations: Orsay-Ville and Bures-sur-Yvette.From Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle Take RER B to “Orsay-Ville” or “Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse”.

From Orly Airport1. Take the Orlyval shuttle to Antony (9,30€).2. In Antony take RER B to “Orsay-Ville” or “Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuses”.“Imagine R Etudiant” is the transport student pass for Paris and its region (Ile-de-France). It is reserved to students below 26 years old.

For 30€ per month (350 € per year) you will be able to travel by metro, bus, RER (urban train) and tramway.

You can subscribe online at www.navigo.fr or ask a form in any metro or train sta-tion for Imagine R Etudiant subscription.





CONTACTInternational Relations Faculty of ScienceBuilding 336, office 11 91405 Orsay Cedex (FRANCE)



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