about us 36 - 2013-14

Post on 24-May-2015






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Issue�:�36Vol.�:�33 12-03-2014Date�:� Pages�:�04

International Women's Day (IWD), originally called International Working Women's Day, is marked on March 8 every year. In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political, and social achievements. Started as a Socialist political event, the holiday blended in the culture of many countries, primarily Eastern Europe, Russia, and the former Soviet bloc. In some regions, the day lost its political flavor, and became simply an occasion for men to express their love for women in a way somewhat similar to a mixture of Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day. In other regions, however, the political and

human rights theme designated by the United Nations runs strong, and political and social awareness of the struggles of women worldwide are brought out and examined in a hopeful manner.

This is a day which some people celebrate by wearing purple ribbons.

More details at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Women's_Day

stHemamalini, born on 1 April 1968 was the youngest of the two children of Sri. R.G.Talkad & Smt. Padmavathi Talkad, born and brought up in Mysore. She did her schooling at Nirmala Convent, Pre-University course at Marimallapa`s & Graduation at D.Bhanumaiah`s

evening College Mysore. Hemamalini was a talented Classical Singer &

Barathanatyam dancer from childhood. Went on to become a professional play-back singer who has sung for many private audio cassettes & CD`, has recorded many songs like Folk Songs, Bhavageethe`s & Devotional Songs. Has practiced Hundustani Classical –Kirana Gharana from Dr.Sharada Hanagal from Dharwar. Hemamalini was the disciple of the famous Barathanayam guru`s like Vishnudas, Krishnaveni and Nagaratna Jain.

After a very long years of friendship & Love in the year 1994, married Praveen Krupakar, a Documentary, Corporate & Short Film-Maker and also ran an entertainment agency called as `Art Promoters`, who produced & promoted top class stage shows throughout south India. Show of international repute artiste like Usha Uthup, Sharon Prabhakar, Alisha Chinnai , Jhonny Lever, Babla Orchestra, 13 A.D. , & Shiva (Rock Shows) were produced by Art Promoters. Continued to page 3

International Women's Day

IW Midtown felicitates 2 women Achievers


A visit to Arivu – A school off the beaten path“The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts,

but of values.”- William S. BurroughsOn 8th March – Dr.Prahlad's Birthday, a group of

enthusiastic Rotarians along with a couple of Inner Wheel members visited Arivu in Lingambudhi Lay out. Interacting with the children, the teachers and the parents gave us an insight into the ideologies and the philosophy followed and practised in this unique school.

The 50 odd children sang Happy Birthday for our Doc in Kannada. The song loaded with wonderful sincere wishes definitely made it a very memorable birthday. No cake cutting – the school does not believe in that kind of celebrations. However, the birthday boy distributed cake to everyone.

After President Bhanu's welcome, it was Raghu mama's turn to present Rotary to the kids. In his inimitable story telling style, he arrived at the objective of Rotary – to bring joy and happiness to the community. Our Amogh's video was played to give the teachers and parents a glimpse of Rotary.

Children ranging from kindergarten to class 5 entertained us with skits, role playing the travails of various animals caused by inconsiderate humans. The skits were conceptualised and directed by the children themselves.

It was time for us to know more about the school and Mr Janardhan, a patron and parent spoke about what makes the school different.

“Children have to be educated, but they also have to be left to educate themselves.” Ernest Dimnet.

This is the focus of the people who run this school. They believe that learning is optimal when it happens in the mother tongue. The children go through experiential learning. Activities involving sports, crafts, music, theatre, gardening and playing

traditional games help them develop interpersonal skills as well as life skills and also help them evolve into shrama jeevis.

To a query from one of the Rotarians as to how the children will cope with the mainstream, Mr Janardhan said 'We help them develop competencies which readies them for any kind of competition.'

Later, lunch was served to everyone and the young students insisted on washing their plates themselves.

It was a well spent Saturday and for me a very meaningful Women's Day too!

– Chandrika Raghu

They were also the technical co-ordinaters for `Miss Cosmopolitan India` - All India level Beauty Pageant organized by Lions Club of Mysore Cosmopolitan in the year 1994.

Hemamalini, became Hemamalini Krupakar after marriage & she worked as the financial co-ordinator for Art Promoters. She has a son Rithvik Aaron Krupakar studying in I PUC at Vidhya Ashram college Mysore.

Hemamalini Krupakar has just now cleared her pre Phd exams and have been selected for research from the University of Mysore for the year 2013-14 in Counseling and psychotherapy, she did her MScp., (Master`s in Counseling & Psychotherapy) from Kuvempu University Shimoga, B.,com from University of Mysore, B,CS (Bachellors in Christian Studies) from Serampore University, B,Ed (Special Education) from Karnataka State Open University and has secured 2nd Rank .

Her strength: is her patience and tolerance. She believes in respecting individuality and being non-judgmental. She also believes in 'unconditional love' which can change the whole world. Her motto is to serve without any expectations with contentment.

Later having quest to do service to the mankind & the society, with the inspiration & support from her Friends, Husband & family members started a Special School called as “NIREEKSHE” in the year 2006 at her residence at Srirampura Extension Mysore. Started with just 5 children now 61 children. Due to constraints of space the Institution has shifted to a new premises at 'I' block Ramakrishnanagar.

`Nireekshe` - is a Kannada word which means - ̀ THE HOPE`, Hemamalini Krupakar believes that ̀ Every Child is Special, as they are the Children of God`

Hemamalini Krupakar`s, ̀ Nireekshe` is an open school & a day care center formed exclusively for the Children who are Learning disabled, Slow learners, mild mental retarded, Autism, Dyslexia and other children with behavioral problems. She started Counseling and convincing the parents of special children to accept their child`s disabilities & problems and bring out the hidden potentialities. It demands utmost dedication, Patience, Love, Psycho-Motor & Cognitive Skills to serve children with Disabilities. Along with her she has employed 18 service minded women teachers & 3 helpers to teach & train 61 children of `Nireekshe`. She is striving hard to create awareness amongst public, about what is Autism, Dyslexia, Mental Retardation, Slow learning & Learning Disability and raise moral support for this cause in the society and also to remove misconception about these disabilities.

Hemamalini Krupakar`s future vision is – to build a Residential School and a Vocational Training center for Special Children and make them self sufficient – quality & relevant education for Special Children – Free Education & legal aid to poor and needy children – Rights to Life – Protection of Childhood and Women Empowerment.

Continued from page 1

RMA Office gets new look

RMA office got a swanky new look. The renovated office was inaugurated recently by Rtn.Ramki in the presence of Rtn.Alagappan, Rtn.Sundar,Rtn.Das,Rtn.Aiyanna,Rtn.Baliga & others. Visit the office and get the feel of the plush office.

More than just a photo – no words needed

Smt. Hemamalini.....

1. Is it the TRUTH ?2. Is it FAIR to all concerned ?3. Wi l l i t bui ld GOODWILL and BETTER

FRIENDSHIPS?4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned ?

Rotary Quiz

Q: 2014 Sydney Convention is on tha) 25th to 29 May 2014

st thb) 1 to 4 June 2014th thc) 5 to 9 June 2014

d) Its already over!!!


Date : 19-03-2014 Time : 6:30pm

Venue : RCL Hall, JLB Road, Mysore

Next Week

Birthday Wishes

Rtn. Rajesh R Shath

17 March

The fortune telling app, Predictables, uses s o c i a l m e d i a t o 'predict' events and recommend a course of action to the wearer.

Designed by Dor Tal, the prototype

Predictables app searches the social media and digital conversations of both the user and their circle of friends, family and co-workers. When it determines a relevant event, it will recommend an action for the user to follow “in order to cope with the said future event in the best possible manner.” For example, the app may suggest rescheduling a meeting (based on emails and texts from team members) or recommend buying flowers for a friend who has received bad news.

The device is housed in either a wrist-worn or table-top projector, and is controlled by gesture recognition.

Rotarian Adrian Brewer, of international water charity Roll Out the Barrel and Amanda Watkin, Secretary of RIBI met with Helen Clark, Chair of the United Nations Development Group, to discuss how 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide can support the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The MDGs are:to eradicate extreme poverty and hungerachieve universal primary educationpromote gender equality and empowerment

of womenreduce child mortality ratesimprove maternal healthcombat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseasesensure environmental sustainabilitydevelop a global partnership for development - See more at: http://www.ribi.org/news/ribi-

news/rotary-and-the-united-nations # sthash. PMuC4gjc.dpuf

Wedding Anniversary Wishes

Rtn. Sambasivan Rth

19 Mar




: In



Speaker Meet

Answer : Option b

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