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Post on 17-Mar-2020






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Hello everyone. It is lovely to have this opportunity through Abraxas to write a

regular message.One of the main predictions

was that the year 2012 would bring a lot of changes and personal clearing in preparation for a new age. Personal clearings are usually experienced on an individual level as a very difficult time. Relationships can break up, jobs lost, unexpected deaths and so on.

When we are in the process it is so difficult to see it as a process and know that it is just that. The drama and story draws us in and it is endured as a very personal and intense time. It is difficult to hold onto the greater perspective, step back and see it as part of a bigger picture. We take it personally. It is though part of a bigger picture and when we realize this some of the intensity falls away.

It is like a wave pounding on a pebbly beach and one of the stones thinking ‘Oh this is awful. I am having a terrible time. Why is this happening to me?’ It then looks around and sees it is part of a turning tide.

If we can step back from the story and drama we can appreciate that the greater the falling away of the old, the cleaner are the foundations on which to new can be built. But this takes time. One of the biggest lessons of 2014 is to embrace the continuing journey with focus and patience. The debris is finally being cleared, even if this feels to be a slow process. A time of introspection has to be gone through.

This spring is a time of inner renewal not

angelicreikimagic.com / angelicreikinewsletter@gmail.com No 6 / spring equinox 2014

Learn to go with the flow


EDITORIAL by Christine Core

Bio-angelic, 20” x 16”, acrylic on canvas Image: © Leah Reitz Winter

The official newsletter of Angelic ReikiAbraxas

Philadelphia-based artist Leah Reitz Winter found that Angelic Reiki transformed her creative outlook. The image above was inspired by Jesus and features golden triangles representing the Holy Trinity. Leah talks about her experiences inside. SEE PAGE 4

As above, so below...



large external flamboyance. It is a time

to be clear about what we really want to do in our lives. This period brings its own challenges too. Until there is a clear vision and plan the foundations cannot be built upon and this clarity requires an intimate connection with our inner being. Humans tend to like to be busy working on projects and having firm goals. Time for renewal has to be taken.

So we might have an idea of what we would like to do and really clarify the vision over the next couple of months but it is not paying the mortgage. In 3D it is not providing us with what we need.

This is an uncomfortable place to be in and just when we thought we had done the clearing in 2012/13. It can feel that there is no stable base on which to build the future. And so the learning goes on. We have been brought up to depend on certainties and we find insecurity challenging.

It is not an easy habit to break. In our society success is a good home, reliable income, stability, continuity, security for the family etc; programs so deeply grooved in our psyche.

Of course, the ‘laugh’ is that we always think we are going somewhere and

achieving something but actually there still is only the journey, always. The only end is the end of attachment.

So if you are feeling frustrated or concerned that life is not how you expected after 2012 it is because the foundations for the next phase are still being conceived. We will be in the powerful energy of an astrological Grand Cross for the next few months and April will be particularly energetic. There will be a lot going on astrologically and a Lunar and Solar eclipse thrown in as well.

The advice is to find the quiet centre of the storm and witness the process from your centre of self love. Smile at the camera as you start the ride. You have never failed, you never did get it wrong; all experiences are valid and you have the power to make them valuable.

Many Angel Blessings,




important (as any shift to a cardinal sign is) in the astrological calendar because it marks the start of a new season.

Aries is the sign of quickening. It marks the beginning of the blooming period, where signs of life are beginning to show but are still new and tender.

Working with new and full moons is a very useful tool for integrating duality in our lives. Each set of opposite signs represent an axis of energy which are seeking integration and balance, they are two halves of the same coin. Aries and Libra represent passion and ideals respectively.

The best representation of the highest integration of this energy is the tradition of the noble warrior who abounds in many cultures from the Grail Knights of Arthurian legend to the Samurai warriors of the East.

The noble warrior is brave, strong, fearless and capable of awesome leadership and feats of fighting (Aries), they also adhere to a strict code of ethics and ideals such as protecting the weak and vulnerable, fair play, strategy, nobility and upholding justice and harmony (Libra).

These are the two energies

that require integration this month. How are they working in your life? Are there areas of your life where you need to take more action, or protect your boundaries (Aries)? Do you need to reflect upon your ideals and ethics and what motivates you?

Aries and Libra need the integration of the other to become the noble warrior archetype. Without the guiding Libra energy, Aries is in danger of being dictatorial and bullying. Without Arian action, Libra is in danger of being ineffectual and weak.

Libra needs the Arian physicality to make a difference in the world.

Taurus and ScorpioThese energies represent life and death itself. Taurus represents the pleasure, sensuality, the horn of plenty and the good life. It also represents the Earth and Earth energy.

Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, represents death, detoxification and stripping away of all the dead wood. It is a pruning type of energy.

Like all opposites, they balance each other. Without Scorpio, Taurus is in danger of becoming stagnant, as it likes to accumulate.

I wanted to include a moon meditation in this edition of the newsletter as not only was this something Kevin

included in the previous version of Abraxas but it’s an important tool for spiritual growth.

As a species, we are often very disconnected these days with the rhythms of the sun, the moon and the Earth. Any connection we do care to have with these forces is often with the solar energy, which is as it should be, as it is crucial for life on Earth.

However, I would like to encourage everyone to take time to connect with the moon energy. The moon affects our emotional bodies, female hormonal and pregnancy cycles and is an important energy to connect with. When properly integrated it gives balance, peace and intuition which are the foundations of compassion and tenderness.

As the moon orbits the sun in a month, working with it can provide us with a mini trip round the zodiac in 30 days. Working with the sun cycles of the year is the best way I know of to channel our creativity and to manifest what we want from life. The moon’s gentle reflective energy can support this by way of our emotions and intuitions.

Aries and LibraThis month the moon moves into Aries, which is always

INSIDE...l How Angelic Reiki gave artist Leah Reitz Winter new inspiration PAGE 4l Book and film reviews PAGE 7l AR teacher Kay Zega on healing and development groups PAGE 7l Claire Dixon on how she lives from the Angelic Reiki space PAGE 8

l Some Zen wisdom: continuing our excerpts from Kevin’s blog PAGE 9l Anjali Bappoo-Huneewoth tells how AR helped her beat fibromyalgia and how she now plans to use it to heal the corporate world PAGE 10l Laughter file PAGE 12

Take time out to connect with the moon’s energy

Claire Dixon offers some moon meditations for the spring and explains how our satellite can help us achieve balance and peace





Scorpio’s clearing energy ensures that Taurean

growth is always fresh and vital. Scorpio needs Taurus’s greening powers to remind it of its purpose.

We are not meant to live Spartan, pinched lives, we are here to enjoy and take pleasure in the material – it is good for us. Healthy appreciation of and pleasure in the material allows a deeper connection with the Earth.

So during April it is worth reflecting on where you need to grow and consequently where you need to prune. What needs to be let go of so that you can grow?

The best representation of this energy is the shaman, who understands and works with life and death forces without preference, keeping the energies in balance.

Gemini and SagittariusThese two rule the axis of communication. Gemini rules the everyday level of communications and communication in relationships.

Gemini energy is a disseminator of information. Sagittarius represents the higher levels of communication; it represents seeking and communication with the divine. It is the light in the darkness of winter.

Sagittarius needs Gemini’s ability to disseminate its vision and Gemini needs Sagittarian higher connection to prevent it from becoming a garrulous gossip or having a scattered, distracted mind.

May is a time for reflecting upon your communications. How is your social life, how do you keep up with people and interact? What ideas do you have milling around? How is your spirituality? How is the flow between your spirituality and your everyday life?

The best representation of the integration of this energy is prophet or priest, who communes with the divine and then goes out and teaches/shares this information with others in a way they can understand. It is about balancing the different types of communication in our lives.

Moon meditation processGet into a meditative state.

Connect with the moon, either visually (such as looking at the new/full moon or a picture of it), through feeling, or whatever modality.

Invoke gratitude and ask for blessing so you may bless others.

Reflect on the essence of the sign the new/full moon is in:l(New Moon 30th March 7:45pm) Aries: action, drive, quickening, passion.l(Full Moon 16th March 5:09pm) Libra: balance, harmony, justice, integration.l(New Moon 29th April 7:15pm) Taurus: pleasure, abundance, growth.l(Full Moon 15th April 8:43am) Scorpio: pruning, releasing, letting go.l(New Moon 28th May 7:40pm) Gemini: everyday communication, breath, power of the mind.l(Full Moon 14th May 8:16pm) Sagittarius: spirituality, vision quest, truth.

Do this for about 20 minutes or so. When complete disconnect, invoke gratitude and write about your experience. Reflect on the coming month. Consider the difference in energy from each new to full moon.

This meditation is best done at the exact times of the new or full moon or a day before or after each side.

All times given are GMT

Lunar ticks: the moon has a powerful influence on our emotional bodies Image: sxc.hu




little self, out of the equation and it opens you up to the bigger potential of what is really being expressed and created, the resonance and the vibration, the whole piece of something that’s beyond our limited self.

So how would you say it inspires you now? I know you said the creative process has changed for you but how has your output changed, if at all? Are there any differences in style, for instance?

Absolutely, when I was an undergraduate and probably for the past four or five years I was all about realism. It was about making something

Divine inspirationLeah Reitz Winter is an expressive fine artist, psychotherapist, mum of two and AR enthusiast based in the suburbs of Philadelphia, USA. She describes her pieces as focusing on patterns and aiming to excite and stimulate the senses towards freedom and expansion. Here, she tells Claire Dixon how AR has influenced her work


the art was being created and from where. The feeling, essentially, is what changed all the way around.

I can relate to that as my thing is writing and from doing the Angelic Reiki training myself it feels that those ego barriers have been dissolved. Things come through in so much more of an even flow. It’s not a struggle, if anything it’s about trying to keep up with the pace.

Yeah, I find that everywhere your humanness would limit, Angelic Reiki kind of just blows through that. It takes you as a human being, or what I call the

fine art so I have an art education background as well. I’m certified to teach art. However, AR progressed my art significantly. I use it to create a space and get into that flow.

Most of the time when I was working on my art it was quite an ego struggle, my mind very much clouded my ability to create what I wanted to and come out the way I wanted it to look. It was all very controlling and a very kind of love/hate process.

I feel Angelic Reiki really opened me up and allowed the process to come through me more as opposed to me trying to control and manipulate how

How did you get into Angelic Reiki?

Through my husband. Constance

Welkie trained me and my husband teaches science with her in the local school district.

She knew I was interested in reiki and it was when I was pregnant with my first child that my husband wanted to learn general reiki, so he got trained in Usui (reiki) with her. Then she told him about Angelic Reiki and she wanted to talk to me about it, I guess she had an instinct.

It resonated with me so I did level 1 and 2 and thought it was amazing. I took it with some of my family and then I did the 3 and 4 as well. She kind of pushed me into it a little bit but I’m really glad that she did!

Had you done any art before your AR training or did that begin after AR?

I have a bachelors degree in

The Cyclist, acrylic on canvas, 16” x 20” Image: © Leah Reitz Winter

question. I would say that my trust, my ability to trust and surrender and let go and let God in has been the primary practice of Angelic Reiki.

Like fear, if I find there is something that needs to be healed, or if I find there is an emotional pattern, I work a lot on myself.

I haven’t got a whole lot into working with other people unless requested. I know I could do that in the future but I have other focuses right now. I’ve been working on myself and I’ve been working on issues that I’ve struggled with for a long time.

I do reiki on my kids all the time. If there is a fear or an issue that I’m struggling with I will go into a self healing, work on that issue and trust that it has been taken care of.

That’s a nice little segue into my next question, which is are there any angelic beings in particular that you work with?

It’s so funny, I hope there’s a universal language but sometimes I wonder if there are differences between the way Angelic Reiki is taught or even experienced.

When I go to get a healing, Jesus and Quan Yin come in for me quite frequently and some ascended masters.

No one angel in particular, lots of different colours, but Jesus in particular is one who comes in all the time and a lot of golden light work but it’s like the person doing





husband and I are practising with our children is attachment parenting. I mean were not 100% attachment parenting but we do follow a lot of the principles and I’m sure you can relate to it.

This can be quite time-intensive and it’s definitely worth it, as we can see how happy and secure our children are, but balancing those needs and our commitment to them and really wanting to do it as well as our own stuff is a bit of a juggling act.

To piggy-back on that a little bit, when I’m doing a piece I’ll wear my son. I’ll stick him in the ergo carrier when he sleeps and stick the flaps up and then I’ll stand there and I paint. It’s just what us moms do to get our little bit of time in!

I can relate to that! The next question is are there any other ways you feel Angelic Reiki has changed you?

It’s fundamentally changed the way I exist in my everyday life. It’s such an overwhelming

this divinely created little egg and then it’s like an hour! I just had a baby in October and some of the art I’m doing now is pen and ink and from my chair.

So I have a notebook on the arm of my chair and I’m doing

these black and white patterns, these repetitive patterns, of very realistic objects but there’s a certain multi- dimensionality. That was migrated into because my need to create is insatiable and, you

know, creation through my children and parenting from that space and creating artwork from that space.

I’m into mindful, conscious parenting and parenting from that space and creating art from that space has been this theme I’m trying to bridge, these two aspects of my life.

I can totally relate to that because one of the things my

look exactly like I saw it. After Angelic Reiki I’m

extremely abstract. My style has gone from tangible and realistic to abstract and non-Earth based/non-dimensional.

I’m working on very spiritual topics, struggling with my Earth-based reality and other dimensionality that I’ve experienced through Angelic Reiki, either through healings of others or my personal healings. Through my own healings I’ve actually been having visions of a finished piece.

It is a little intimidating because you’re approaching a finalised piece that exists already in some sort of creation dimensionality and to ground that into the physical is definitely overwhelming.

My humanness starts to come in and I’m like ‘How do I get from point A to point B?’ and I have to remind myself that I’m not in charge of that. I just create the space, open myself up and allow it to become what it’s supposed to become.

So most of my expression now is very much macro to micro, looking at what is above, so below and seeing that at work. There’s a lot of patterns, sacred geometry.

I thought it was interesting what you said as well about creating the space, because as I’m also a mother of two small children having all these things come through and then having the space and time to go away and do that is something I struggle with. I just wondered if you identify with that?

Absolutely, I don’t have a website because I don’t have time to dedicate to it. I’ve bounced around so much, I said I was into realism before so all of that work wouldn’t be relevant now and when I get these moments, I’ll paint for an hour now that my daughter’s in pre-school, so one painting can take me a long time.

It’s hard because once you get into the flow of it, it’s really difficult to stop and then it’s really difficult to get back into it and have it be in that same feeling, that same space, mood. It kind of needs to be

‘Most of my expression now

is very much macro to micro, looking at what

is above, so below’

Above: Hummingbird’s Magic, pen and ink/watercolor, 11” x 15”. Left: Wise Watcher, pen and ink/watercolor, 11” x 15” Images: © Leah Reitz Winter



ABRAXAS SPRING EQUINOX 20146the healing can also have their people too!

The reason I was asking was I was curious in reference to your art.

For example the lady I interviewed for the last edition is an animal healer and doing some amazing work. She has St Francis, the patron saint of the animals, coming in a lot and during our interview I could definitely feel his presence. He’s somebody I’ve not experienced in any other Angelic Reiki situation.

It’s just really interesting to me to see who shows up for who.

Even through all the births of my children, Jesus and a lot of golden light has come in. It’s interesting because the picture that Christine Core was attracted to was the picture of the three golden triangles [Bio-Angelic, on the cover of this edition], which is all Jesus-inspired.

Wow!Yeah, the Holy Trinity and a

very different relationship with the consciousness of Christ, that whole arena.

Any final thoughts?I just wish that everybody

could get a taste of what it is to experience the level in which you can touch and resonate beyond your human senses.

Even through the creation of art, the experience of it, Angelic Reiki has taken me so much further beyond the physical and it’s something that all of us have in common now, the experience and the transformation that can happen when we open up and how much we are capable of healing ourselves and others through


heard about you I thought, ‘Wow, the potential for the energy to come through in a different way, in a way that can reach many people simultaneously, is amazing’.

It transcends what you and I can do on a day to day basis. The one-to-ones are beautiful but when you consider there is a whole mass of consciousness that hasn’t been reached and that it feels like you want to put it in the water, you know!

If it uplifts and makes people tap into a feeling state of being or a vibrational state of being and change their experience there’s no telling how far we can get Angelic Reiki to reach.

Leah’s shop LRWinter on Etsy will be featuring her work in early spring. You can visit her Facebook page at facebook.com/LRWinterStudio and email her at lrwinter2@gmail.com

national borders! With the art, I feel it’s a way of exposing people to the energy who would otherwise never become exposed to it.

That was one reason why I really wanted to interview you, because as soon as I

this beautiful gift. For that I’m very grateful and I’m blessed to be part of this amazing community of women and people. I say women because I’ve only met women so far!

I think it bonds us all, it’s so amazing and it’s transcending

Above: Dancer, pen and ink, 11” x 14”. Left: The Angel, pen and ink, 11” x 14” Images: © Leah Reitz Winter

Creative force: Leah manages to juggle her painting and drawing with parenting

A round-up from Christine Core and Claire Dixon.

BOOK: The Perception Deception (David Icke)

I met David Icke in about 1994 at one of his early presentations as he toured the UK talking about what he believed to be truth about the state of humanity.

I found him gentle and full of love, rather different to the angry persona with free use of the F-word found on YouTube. I believe his love for truth and humanity fired in him a determination to say it as it is, no compromises. I love how he says it. His interview on Red Ice Radio to promote his latest book is thoughtful and deep. CC


BOOK: The Ethics of Caring; Honoring the Web of Life in our Professional Healing Relationships (Kylea Taylor)

A repeat from last month in case you didn’t see it. Being in professional practice as a healer or teacher requires a specific skills base and high level of self-awareness. Through her own professional experiences and keen perception of the role of the healer, Kylea Taylor has written the best book I have seen on this subject. CC

BOOK: The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)

Have you read The Hunger Games? The fact that this is on book stands in railway stations and airports is a real testament to how everyone is starting to wake up to the controlled and manipulated inequality suffocating humanity. CC

SHORT FILM: Gratitude (Louie Schwartzberg)

To expand on what I’m trying to say about living from the Angelic Reiki space (see page 8), check out this six-minute film by Louie Swchartzberg of MovingArt.com. Its theme is gratitude and how to cultivate it in our lives. With stunning images, a moving soundtrack and heartfelt narration by Brother David Steindl-Rast, it is one of the most uplifting films I have seen for a long time. CD


Reviews and recommendations

Can you remember when you first learned Angelic Reiki? Perhaps it was recently or

maybe it was years ago.Whenever and wherever you

were first introduced to the magic of this oh-so-special system of angelic healing - which works directly with the Angelic Kingdom of Light to expand consciousness, treat root causes of conditions, heal trauma and suffering facilitating change on all levels - it will have had a lasting impact on you.

The teacher you chose at any level of Angelic Reiki will also, to a greater or lesser extent, have influenced your development.

As the uniquely powerful, life-changing aspects of Angelic Reiki challenged you to work through ‘your own stuff’ in the days, weeks and months after your angelically empowered workshop(s), what support was available to you?

Did your nearest and dearest understand and support you or were they confused, thinking you’d joined some kind of cult? What about their reaction to you embracing the changes Angelic Reiki promotes? I recall someone telling us their children were not impressed with their newly-assertive mother and “wanted their old mom back”.

When learning a new healing modality with a strong spiritual element, we need the support of like-minded people to talk to, ask questions and discuss concerns with, share ideas with and practise giving and receiving healing. Otherwise, it can be an isolating experience which slows down and even prevents development.

Perhaps you are fortunate and have had the opportunity to develop personally, spiritually and professionally by meeting

regularly with other Angelic Reiki devotees or spiritually-minded people.

If not, I encourage you to check out whether a healing and development group is being run in your area. If there isn’t and the idea appeals, why not set one up?

My husband Mike and I have run healing and development groups

since 2001, initially traditional Reiki Shares then multi-therapy get-togethers, to provide opportunities to exchange healing while also learning from each other by sharing spiritual/personal/professional development issues and enjoying being in the company of like-minded people.

The breakout box above is an extract from our leaflet outlining the format that has worked for us and those who have joined us on a regular basis.

Such groups can be so valuable in so many ways. If you

offer a regular development opportunity of this type, perhaps you could let the team know so that Abraxas can include details of gatherings around the world?

Support of the type gained through such groups can lead to all manner of therapeutic growth. Over the years Mike and I have delighted in hearing about challenges overcome and successes achieved that people have shared within our group.

Everyone has a story to tell about their own unique journey with Angelic Reiki and how it has ‘gifted’ them (and continues to do so) as appropriate to their healing and development.

Wishing everyone continued personal, spiritual and professional development, supported always by an abundance of angelic blessings.

You can visit Kay’s website at www.angelicreiki.net or email any questions to her at enquiries@angelicreiki.net


If you’ve been attuned to Angelic Reiki or have another healing ability to share, you’re very welcome to join us for our monthly development gathering.Each session will offer opportunities to:l Send healing to people, places, situations, and to the planetl Work in pairs to receive and practise angelic and other healingl Share experiences, info, ideas, news, development opportunitiesl Ask questions/raise any concerns or uncertainties in a supportive environment

l Receive insights pertinent to personal, spiritual and professional advancement

l Share whatever promotes unconditional love, laughter, healing, harmony, supportiveness

l Generally be in the uplifting energies generated whenever likeminded people gather together for the highest good.l Enjoy a cuppa and biscuits at the end of the evening.There’s no obligation to attend each month. Join us whenever you feel drawn to do so but please let us know in advance so that we can organise rooms and refreshments.Suggested Contribution: £5+ (this goes towards our month-ly payment to the Water Aid Charity)Note: Attendance counts towards Continuous Professional


AR teacher Kay Zega of Worcester in the UK explains the benefits of using healing and development groups




still use the AR energy by living from that space: of cultivating equilibrium, peacefulness and unconditional love.

The cultivation of love is very important and, as I progress further into AR, everything seems to be gradually reducing to one question – am I coming from a loving place or not?

Maintaining this space can be a challenge, it is very easy to get distracted and pulled off course in our world. It takes strong boundaries to maintain living from this space, of being honest while maintaining kindness, of being loving and non-judgmental while not condoning abuse or violence of any fashion.

However, I have found that there are things I can do which help me maintain my ability to live from this place. If I feel I have “dropped down” and am no longer operating from this higher vibration, then I need to re-establish that connection, so here is what I do.

Setting the intentionIdeally, I like to do some

self-treatment before I even get out of bed in the morning. I find it sets me up for the whole day. It ensures my connection, the day seems to go more smoothly and I feel as if I have more energy and emotional resources to contend with any of the little challenges the day may bring.

I also like to set my intentions for the day, things I’d like to get done, how I want to feel. If I know there are any situations which may make me feel any degree of fear I visualise a violet flame either running around a clock face or I imagine

Cultivating loveAs we live moment to

moment we slow down and appreciate the beauty that each moment brings. Choosing love in every situation becomes easier when we come from a slower, more mindful place, as the soul is in the driving seat.

We have to remind ourselves of love and to love so that we can see with those eyes once again. Quantum physics has demonstrated that particles will behave in a way that they are expected to by the person observing them. If we can learn to see with eyes of love all the time and to expect it then just think of what this will do to life on Earth.

Conversely, this also shows the power of visual mediums such as television, where programmes are edited to condition and direct exactly what we see, think and therefore believe.

I feel that being discerning about what you allow into your field is good practice, especially where the media is concerned. I say this because mediums such as the television, films and the internet are directed to appeal to our subconscious, it is difficult for us to know how to process their content from an objective place. Be mindful and discerning and as soon as you feel yourself being pulled into an emotional reaction, pull out – this is what it is ultimately designed to do, to perpetuate low states of energy and vibration.

We can cultivate love by being grateful for what we have. There is so much we take for granted - the love of friends and family, our material comforts and just being alive at this time. We are so fortunate to be alive at this time, where so much knowledge is becoming available and

the day on a line and see the violet flame burn through it (a bit like the DeLorean’s tracks in the Back to the Future films!) and this helps me a great deal.

Setting clear intention is good practice as it helps us decide what we are not available for, which in turn promotes good boundaries. Intending to be loving is always welcomed by the angels.

Living in the momentAlthough all of us have to

plan and organize our lives, which is a good thing, once this is done living in the moment as much as possible is a good spiritual practice. Being in the now allows love to flow through us more easily, more honestly.

Our thoughts and actions are fresher, clearer and more honest. I find that after setting my intentions, leaving the rest of the day to trust and living

in the moment is key for the day I want to happen. The desire to control and micromanage ourselves is an ego desire – it is not the way of the soul.

Allowing things to be what they are

Living in the moment also promotes increased tolerance and perspective. There is less judgment, less need to control and direct from a competitive place. There is more trust in the self and the world each one of us is creating. This enables us to be happily detached, so you can act rather than react to situations depending on the needs of the moment, rather than being influenced by the slights of the past.

I was inspired to write this after my interview with Leah (thank you Leah!) [See Page 4]. During our interview

she spoke about creating her art as well as parenting and living from an Angelic Reiki space.

This reminded me of something Archangel Metatron said to me when Phil and I first took on the newsletter, in which he asked me to ask you how to bring the effects of AR treatment into our everyday lives.

For me, this is an open conversation. All I can illustrate is my own experience and others will resonate with what I say or not. We have different personalities, lifestyles and ways of being but the issue is how do we continue the level of vibration outside the treatment room or our own practice?

One of the things that fascinates me about AR is not only the marvellous effects it can have, both dramatic and subtle, but the different ways we can express this energy and use it in our everyday lives to create change. AR is a wonderful tool at the disposal of each one of us to create the change we wish to see in the world and all we have to do is live from it – simple, right?!

At the AR newsletter we are interested to hear, from as many people as possible, how you live with this energy, how does it affect you on a day to day basis? What changes have occurred for you? From my own experience it has not only brought me two beautiful children but also reconnected me to my spirituality in a profound way.

So what do I mean by living from this space? Well, I mean living our lives from that place: a state of peacefulness, equilibrium and compassion.

We live in such a chaotic, fractured world that seems poised on the brink of monumental change. As individuals, this can leave us feeling overwhelmed.

However, by living from that AR energy we can bring it into the world. Even if we don’t have the option or opportunity to give treatments to others, we can

How to live from the AR space: a

personal perspective

Claire Dixon offers her view on how to bring the benefits of AR into everyday life


‘Being in the now allows love to flow through us more easily, more honestly’


2 January 2008We are like someone

immersed in water, who complains of nothing to drink.

Hsueh-FengIn this text it can easily be

seen how the master is showing us that we are surrounded by everything that we need now. All that we have ever desired is part of who we are and where we are in any one moment. The thought and feeling we do not have what we desire most is the illusion.

3 January 2008Wise listeners, the wisdom

of enlightenment is inherent in each of us. We failed to recognize it because of the illusion of mind, and so to know our own essence of Mind we see the teachings of the enlightened.

The dichotomy illustrated here is that enlightenment is an integral part of who we are. Because of the delusion of mind (read here personality consciousness), we feel there is something lacking in our lives. We do not recognise that spirit is part of who we are and so we seek out books to try to find enlightenment, to try to find the spirit that we already are. We are spirit lost trying to find ourselves once again.

4 January 2008Student: “What is the path

to liberation?”Seng-t’san: “Who binds you?”Student: “No one binds me.”Seng-t’san: “Why then do

you want to be liberated?”This text illustrates perfectly

how we have a perception that we should be more than we already are. It is a nagging doubt that there is something missing in our lives, that we can be more than we are in this moment. Asked what that thing is we have no answer, we have no definition of that which we seek the most. So therefore the illusion is laid bare.

It is the perception that we are missing something, that we are lacking something which

causes most of our suffering.

5 January 2008There are in Zen no sacred

books of dogmatic tenets.If I am asked, therefore,

what Zen teaches, I would answer Zen teaches nothing.

Whatever teachings there are in Zen, they came out of one’s own mind. We teach ourselves; Zen merely points the way.

DT SuzukiThe Enigma of Zen is here

illustrated. Zen cannot be quantified, described or explained. It is non-doing. It is everything that is not. All the books and teachings describing Zen are not Zen. They are a path to a state of non-consciousness where the books, teachings and reader disappears.

6 January 2008If you meet a wise man and

you do not say anything to him, nor keep silence, how would you question him?

Fa-yenThis is a Zen koan. These

texts are designed to challenge the mind and place it in a position of submission to concepts and judgements.

The student would be given the quandary and asked to meditate on it until an answer arose. Thus we ask you to do the same. Clue: Why would you need to question a wise man?

7 January 2008The student asked the master,

“What is the deepest meaning of Buddhism?” The master bowed deeply to his pupil.

It may be inferred from this passage that the master is bowing to the student. However, the meaning for me is that the master is bowing in humility before everything around him including the student because everything in the world is Buddha.

Remember Buddha is a realisation, not a person or being. The deepest meaning of Buddhism for me therefore is to be humble in the world.

Abraxas continues its exploration of posts from Kevin Core’s blog, which he started in January 2008 and focuses on a book by Tim Kreke called Zen Wisdom.

The first part of each entry is a brief explanation of the Zen journey followed by a quote from Tim’s book and then Kevin’s explanation. You can access Kevin’s blog here.

Some Zen wisdom...


It can be tempting to cram lots of activity and busyness into our days. We have been programmed to believe that unless we are being physically productive we are not useful and not contributing anything.

This attitude is endemic in Western culture and being busy is something people can even get competitive about. If we look at nature, we can see rest and recuperation always follow periods of action: night follows day, winter follows summer.

Slowing down helps us appreciate the simple things life offers us and also helps maintain a higher vibration. Although being busy is lauded by popular culture, it is a very effective way of preventing many from being reflective.

Knowing our limits and forgiveness

Sometimes we will not operate from our best space. Reflect on that. It’s a learning journey, not a finished product.

Show yourself love too, when you are getting frazzled take time out to reconnect with your intentions and your self.

Ask the angels for help and guidance. Make peace as much as you can, where you need to. As soon as you can do some self-treatment, work on the issue.

Remember Meister EckhartIn a parable Meister Eckhart,

the 13th Century mystic, said that after the stable boy had seen the face of God, he returned to the stable.

This sums up so succinctly what I think is important about living from the AR space. The boy returned to his mundane life, that’s a given. After every workshop or training we have to get back to the old routines but it is about how we view these routines now.

How do we see our mundane lives, through what eyes? Perhaps our routines need some invigorating, perhaps not. Letting the AR energy in to affect how we see the world is the most crucial thing of all.

This is how I maintain living from the AR space. How about you? What do you do? We’d love to hear. Drop us a line at angelicreikinewsletter@gmail.com

we can really begin to develop our spirituality.

Although there is still a long way to go, consider the difference the internet has made to our lives.

Yes, there are problems with it, like any technology, but the amount of information it can give us is wonderful, something that our ancestors had no access to.

Similarly, we are free to develop our spirituality without persecution or censure. Ridicule maybe, but it’s no longer a life and death situation.

Remembering gratitude is important to gain a balanced perspective on what really is. It relaxes the soul and creates a positive vibration that makes it easier to shimmy away from any situation we find undesirable.

Loving what isKeeping perspective can be a

challenge and this works hand in hand with gratitude. Being appreciative of what is working well in our lives is better for us than concentrating on what we would like to change, it builds what Esther and Jerry Hicks call The Vortex, so we are in a good place anyway and this makes it so much easier to attract what we do want to change.

Although so much of this is obvious and we know it already, it’s easy to forget when we get caught up in work, paying the bills and the general hustle and bustle of life.

Make time and space for beautyBeauty is not much talked

about these days except within the shallow confines of the media, which likes to dictate to us what is or isn’t beautiful as a way of making money out of us.

True beauty is nourishing for the soul and its quality will resonate differently with each one of us – it is in the eye of the beholder.

Ultimately, what is found beautiful is irrelevant as it is the feeling it moves in us that counts, that something external has helped to build our higher vibration which flows from within to without.

Whether it is flowers, art, the colour yellow, or being in a forest, making time and space for beauty each day is a wonderful way to help keep our vibrations high.




How did you get into Angelic Reiki?

I was doing a correspondence

course with the Diana Cooper School last year and Eloise Bennett [an AR teacher based in Pembrokeshire, Wales] was one of the directors of the Diana Cooper School and a programme leader there.

When I went on the website I would see Eloise and her picture used to attract me and because they are correspondence courses, they are not so much in-depth.

I wanted something more, so that led me to contact Eloise and within two or three weeks everything was settled. I think it was the divine plan because everything was settled so quickly and so I came to the UK for my training.

What level have you trained up to?

Master teacher.So that was in one intensive

block?Yes.What differences have you

noticed in your life before AR and after AR?

I think the most important thing is to know where I come from as well. I’ve had a number of spiritual masters or gurus, as this is common practice in my country.

I used to do energy healing in another modality when I was very young and then after that I have had many spiritual masters but the main difference I see is that AR helps you to stand in your own power.

Yes, definitely.To not be dependent on

someone either, you don’t have to be dependent upon your guru or your spiritual master, they show you to be independent. You’ve learned, you’ve done the course, you’ve done the methods, you stand in your own power and no one can take that from you.

You don’t have that obligation we can have in our culture to keep going down to the master morning and night. So it really does put you in your own power.

I think that’s a really interesting point. In the past I’ve read about the differences between Western spirituality and Eastern spirituality and how Eastern is a lot more

the aim is to make a difference in people’s lives.

If I was able to see the difference it is very important to share. I’m currently looking to set up my own company because you can’t really do much of anything without having your own company in Mauritius!

That sounds so inspiring. It sounds like you’ve got some amazing plans and being the person that’s introducing the

Angelic Reiki energy to your country – wow!

It is!Have you

noticed the AR energy changing your everyday life?

Before, when I was doing the other energy

modalities, I used to be drained, really drained and did not have a way of protecting my own energy, not to be tainted by other people’s stuff.

I was constantly very open, in terms of my energy field, wherever I used to go because I’m a very sensitive person. I used to capture all those other energies that I didn’t need. I used to have to clear myself.

I’m very sensitive to other people’s energies, so if someone comes into my space I would feel that person’s energy and not have a way to control that.

I didn’t even have a way to control myself, my energy field would just open and close on its own without me knowing and

I didn’t have a way of controlling that. I’ve had that issue ever since I was a child. I didn’t know how to control my energy but with AR what I find fantastic is that I have a way now to know when to open myself, when to close, when that’s my issue, when it’s other people’s.

At times it’s not your drama, it’s not your stuff, it’s other people’s dramas that are coming into you. I think that really changed my life, being able to control that by using AR.

Also, what I do with the clearing, I’ll give myself clearing, the clearing of the space as well, clearing of the house, the property where I live.

Something else interesting I’ve started to do since last year is to tune my crystal and then I will send energy out through it in a 5km radius. Now it’s a 10km radius! I will do that from time to time on a weekly basis.

That’s lovelyIt’s not only to clear myself

but my son and my house but the properties around. I’ve also tried clearing a space in my office but that’s really very demanding!

I bet it is! I remember you said that you worked for a bank, so I can imagine it is demanding!

It is very demanding! I don’t do it to often. I will use it whilst I’m driving, if I feel that I need to do some angel work on the way. I use it everywhere I go, if I go

guru-based, a very different concept to the West. Obviously there are advantages and disadvantages with both systems.

I’ve read how some Western people really enjoy the devotional aspect of Eastern spirituality as that is something that is not encouraged in the West. To hear your perspective, coming from an Eastern perception, is really fascinating. I think in the West we can take for granted that spiritual development will lead to an increase in our power and overlook this very important outcome.

I think that was the biggest one for me, the biggest take-away. Back here I was trying to stand in my own power but I was not able to.

Are you the only person practicing AR in Mauritius?

Yes, I am the only one who is currently giving courses and I haven’t really been full-time into giving the courses yet because I work in the corporate world.

Ever since I’ve been back I’ve trained three of my friends who wanted to know about it. They’ve done level 1 and 2. I’m aiming to deliver the courses on a more regular basis, so I’m looking at managing my time in the corporate world and to be able to deliver some courses because at the end of the day


Anjali Bappoo-Huneewoth from Mauritius says AR helped her beat fibromyalgia. She works for a bank and having trained as a master teacher in the UK she is setting up her own company teaching AR to big business as a way to start cleaning up the energy surrounding

globalisation. She told Claire Dixon all about her amazing journey.

AR healed me and I think it can heal the corporate world

‘I’ve had many spiritual masters

but the main difference with AR is it lets you

stand in your own power’



‘You’re too difficult, please go, I can’t work with you’!

He’s got a very strong energy, that’s for sure!

Yes! You see, the only archangel I was used to working with was Michael. I didn’t even know that AR used Metatron. So when I got to the UK and Archangel Metatron came up in the course, I was like ‘Archangel Metatron?!’ So that’s what you’ve been trying to tell me!

That is so amazing!Even my doctors said before I

went to the UK, we don’t have any treatment for you, it’s just palliative treatment and this is how you’ll live until you pass away. I was taking lots of medication. However, after doing AR work I used to feel better, so I thought ‘Let me get to the UK to do some courses and I will feel even better’.

palliative treatment. I lived with that for four years until last year. So, last year was when I went to the UK. In 2012, the angels started to work with me directly.

I still remember in 2012 I was going to a friend for energy healing. I didn’t know which energy healing she was doing but I went for two sessions. From time to time Archangel Metatron used to come and dance around my head and say ‘Metatron, Metatron, Metatron!’, like that!

I used to say ‘I don’t know you, please go away!’ and I was doing a card reading that time on my own. It was a very intuitive reading as I’m very psychic, so I used to say, ‘Archangel Metatron, please go away, please go away’. When I was reading about who Archangel Metatron is, I said

to a hotel, or to my parents or anywhere I

will clear the energy all around. I’ve been using it on my son,

who is nearly five now. Doing the AR course and the theory behind it has really helped me to understand what type of child he is and how to work with his energy.

What happened with that, when I was pregnant with my son, his energy, if I can put it this way, was higher than mine. My body could not really sustain that energy level from him. I used to do meditation but he was and still is a very high energy child.

When he was about eight months old, I felt very sick and the doctors said I had an incurable condition known as fibromyalgia.

There was no medication for it except the kind used in


What really caused me to say ‘Stop now, I’m not taking any medication’ was because my fibromyalgia was really bad last year and I had to be admitted to clinic several times.

I had to make a decision as to whether I would continue to work or not as it was that bad and the medication the doctors were giving me were the same as cancer patients as the pain level was so, so high.

So I was on this high level of medication, dependent on others – I couldn’t even drive myself to the office. There were days when I couldn’t eat because it was so painful in my jaw. Some days I couldn’t walk.

However, I came to the UK on my own. I travelled a 12-hour flight and from London to Pembrokeshire is a whole day’s travel by train. When I was in Mauritius I couldn’t even travel 45 minutes in the car and I would have to rub my feet and get the hot and cold pack but it was as if the divine, the universe, the angelic energy helped me to get through all that travelling to the UK on my own.

I came to the UK and although my brother-in-law lives here he wasn’t able to help me so I was really on my own. It was a real test at that time, my husband couldn’t accompany me because of the cost. Being on your own and able to travel and sort out everything after being dependent for four years was a real test.

Also, not just in any country but a country the other side of the world.

Another of the great things about the AR course was that I had not cooked for years because I had always got someone else to do it because of the pain. Now I was cooking daily for myself, which was very funny!

It just sounds miraculous, what happened to you! To come through all that and to come to this point where you’re saying ‘I’m fine!’ is amazing.

The doctors have said they can’t testify as to how I did it but right after I came to the UK to do energy healing, I was fine.

My doctor respects it and he told me before I went to the UK that the



Life-changing: Anjali now aims to use AR to build a bridge between the spiritual and corporate worlds



Abraxas will get its next outing at the summer solstice so please help us by sending in contributions. We want you to use this platform to tell your stories. How are you using Angelic Reiki? What results have you seen?

We would ideally like photos to be submitted along with any articles so that we can illustrate Abraxas more effectively and really put a face on the community.

We also want to see artwork that has

been inspired by Angelic Reiki, so do send in images of any creative efforts you would like to share.

Resolution for all images needs ideally to be 300dpi (or make sure the file has a data weight of at least 1MB) and the preferred format is jpeg.

You can send submissions, with letters and feedback also welcome, to angelicreikinewsletter@gmail.com

We look forward to hearing from you!

The next edition...

The healing power of laughterHumour was important to Kevin and the previous outing of Abraxas included many jokes and humorous anecdotes. We take up the baton...

Children’s letters to God These charming items are often circulated as an anonymously written piece but they are actually excerpts from a lovely book by Stuart Hample and Eric Marshall, Children’s Letters to God (Workman Publishing, 1991 and reprints).

Here are a few sample messages:

Dear God, I read the Bible. What does begat mean? Nobody will tell me. Love, Allison.

Dear God, Maybe Cain and Abel would not have killed each other if they had their own rooms. That’s what my Mom did for me and my brother. Larry.

Dear God, Did You really mean “do unto others as they do unto you”? Because if You did, then I’m going to get my brother good. Darla.

Dear God, Thank You for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy. Joyce.

Dear God, I didn’t think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset You made on Tuesday. That was cool. Eugene.

God creates everyone A little girl was sitting on her grandfather’s lap as he read her a bedtime story.

From time to time, she would take her eyes off the book and reach up to touch his wrinkled cheek. She was alternately stroking her own cheek, then his again.

Finally she spoke up, “Grandpa, did God make you?” “Yes, sweetheart,” he answered, “God made me a long time ago”.

“Oh,” she paused, “Grandpa, did God make me too?” “Yes, indeed, honey,” he said, “God made you just a little while ago.”

Feeling their respective faces again, she said: “God’s getting better at it, isn’t he?”

medication I needed was not tablets but

spirituality, so when I came back he was so happy for me. In the UK it was only for the first few days of the course that I took one or two of the medications and I haven’t taken any since then! That’s August last year.

It’s all due to AR. It’s reversed completely and from that, what I say now is that you can’t say something is incurable. I think it can be reversed, this is how I did it through AR. In AR there is the healing and then there is the understanding, the theory of it. Once you understand the theory as well, you’ll be able to do the healing better.

I know what you mean, I think the actual healing removes those internal blocks and makes you clearer but knowing how it works and the understanding that brings opens you up to a deeper level of healing, so it’s as if the two work in tandem.

The information from the course has also been very useful as well. For example, my son is very hyperactive and the things he says to me sometimes are beyond my understanding. After the AR course I’m better equipped to take him through this journey, so he will tell me about things that are happening on the other side.

I can identify with that, as my son is almost three and he’s only just started talking. I know he can understand everything and he can perceive things I can’t. For instance, when I’m putting him to bed at night, he’ll be pointing up in the air and saying ‘That, that’ and waving! So now I just tell

him he’s got much better eyesight than me and can see things I can’t see. It’s very useful for raising these kinds of children that are coming through, not only for guiding them but protecting them as well since they are so sensitive to energy.

Fortunately, my son went to his paediatrician and they saw he was hyperactive, although at the time I didn’t know anything about AR.

If he’s sleeping and eating well there is no need for any medication. When you see what they do to some of the kids, giving them Ritalin, it makes you really uncomfortable.

Now, with the AR and after what I have come through, I feel as if I’m in a stronger position to stand up to anything like that, to doctors. I feel as if I’m his Mum but also his guide and

it’s good to use this energy with your family.

I was talking to another lady I interviewed for this edition [Leah, see page 4] about this, who is also a mother of young children, and we were talking about how you can use the AR energy to guide children as a parent, which is wonderful and which I think Metatron has something to do with.

So what are your future plans for the AR energy?

I’m planning on setting up my own company to deliver the courses in my country. Setting up my own company gives it a legitimacy and level of professionalism for the laws in Mauritius, so I’m working on that. I’ve been looking for my company name.

What I’m planning on doing is targeting the corporate

world, which is very demanding and stressful. We need that bridge between the corporate and spiritual worlds, so I’ve been looking for a name that really brings those two together. My aim is not to be sitting on top of a mountain and delivering my course and cutting off completely from the real world, my aim is to bring people from the corporate world into the AR sphere.

That is wonderful, can you imagine if we can get people from that world into AR, get that energy into the corporate sphere and what that could do?

Yes, it will help them to better deliver, firstly to understand themselves. Once they are able to self-heal and clear their auras, I think the energy will be cleaner in globalisation.

We don’t need to take them up to master level, for example, unless people wish to progress that far, but even levels 1 and 2 will make a huge difference.

It is this bridging between the corporate and the spiritual world, the material and the spiritual world, while people can continue to work in the corporate world but have a spiritual approach to it.

I’ve been taking other courses as well, to help me bring these two worlds together, such as how to deliver corporate training.

We’ll have to catch up in a year or 18 months to see how you are getting on. I’m so excited about your project.

You’ll be very welcome to.

If you’d like more details about Anjali’s training in Mauritius you can email her at anjali@lesohum.com or visit her website at www.lesohum.com

‘We need to build a bridge between the

corporate and spiritual worlds’


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