abused wife and cancer survivor and indie journo file complaint against harrisburg pa police

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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http://christopher-king.blogspot.com/2011/12/kingcast-takes-stand-on-domestic.htmlhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2FghMxsQiQAn incredible story of how a woman who was the breadwinner and a cancer survivor gets kicked out of her own home by a husband who hid his criminal past from her, including issues of sodomy and aggravated assault. It seems His Honor is prone to citing Warren Zevon in his rulings.... well I am here to tell him he's got an Excitable Boy on his hands.


CHRISTOPHER KING, JD.http://KingCast.net



14 December, 2011

Re: Affidavit Regarding my Attempts to Notify Harrisburg Police Department of my Concerns for the safety of Ms. T, and of Potential Civil Rights Violations.


Now comes Affiant, Christopher King, JD, as if on Oath and being duly sworn and subject to the penalties of Perjury to solemnly aver:

1. I am Christopher King, JD, an investigative journalist living in Boston, Massachusetts. I hold a Juris Doctorate in law from Case Western Reserve University in Ohio. I am a former Assistant States’ Attorney General under Lee Fisher and Betty Montgomery. In my current capacity I am frequently attending trials and providing research or videos, working toward justice and the public good by focusing on Civil Rights Violations, Homicide, Police Abuse, and Mortgage Fraud.

2. Some of my work and research is reflected in the Dan Talbot Revere Police Murder Trial and in the Boston Herald Summary Judgment loss to Joanna Marinova on a Defamation case involving prison personnel, see generally:

Dan Talbot: http://tinyurl.com/6xxg4loMarinova: http://tinyurl.com/6zjzzcc

3. I have experience in Police abuse cases, including a case in which two (2) Ohio officers were found to have made my client Michael Isreal a victim of violent crime, in Ohio Court of Claims #V96-61481. http://tinyurl.com/ckn64zt

4. I am familiar with some of the details of the underlying case herein as contemplated by the complaint of Ms. T, a recent cancer survivor, and provide my observations of three (3) phone calls I made to the Harrisburg Police Department on or about 8 December, 2011. I informed all three parties that I was taping the conversation, yet the latter two LE, including a Lieutenant, attempted to scare me with allegations of wiretapping and hung up on me, refusing to provide their names in complete violation of Right-to-Know Laws and principles. I understand the Right to Know Law in Pennsylvania was recently expanded by Act 3 of 2008, enacted effective 1 Jan 2009. http://www.openrecordspa.org//rtk_assets/09RTKlaw.pdf


Video of phone call #1 is here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9_YiNPIsSk

5. In the first call I noted my concerns on learning that Mr. C, husband of Ms. T, had a criminal history involving sodomy and aggravated assault. I told him how Mr. C had telephoned me sua sponte and was basically incoherent and talking gibberish about this situation, which in retrospect heightened my concerns for Ms. T’s safety, which have been supported by her statement in her complaint that reads as follows in pertinent part:

Before Officer Bright left, she turned and told Mr. Onukwubiri that when she hits you, call me and I will arrest her……

……I was taken down to the Walnut Street police station and booked. As I entered the facility a Latino officer on duty asked me what my name was. I replied Tonya Andrews and he started making fun of me, stating aren’t you the girl that was supposed to be dead. I remember you, we got a call that you were dead in somebody’s house. He asked what I did to Clem and then stated, I know Clem. I worked with him. He’s a good guy, so what did you do to him. Then he started singing some idiotic junior high song with my name in it.

The gentleman seemed fairly professional in his approach and forwarded me to an “investigating” officer, who telephoned me several moments later.

6. The second officer was gruff to the point of rudeness as he ran me off of the phone and threatened me with a wiretapping case after I told him that Ms. T noted that Harrisburg LE told her they had a cozy relationship with Mr. C.

7. The third officer – purporting to be a Lieutenant, was gruff to the point of rudeness as he ran me off of the phone and threatened me with a wiretapping case.

8. Each of the second officers mocked me as they told me they would “make a note to the file that Mr. C called you and was talking gibberish,” entirely ignoring my legitimate concerns for Ms. T’s safety, as I told them about his criminal background that he failed to divulge to Ms. T, basically rendering their marriage a Fraud under Fraudulent Inducement theory. And generally creepy in my opinion.


9. Frankly, it boggles my mind how this woman with no criminal background and with an immense work ethic is being put out of the house that she paid for while Harrisburg’s finest mock me on the phone and her in person as they ask her “what did you do to him?”


10. Wherefore I submit this affidavit in the interests of substantial



_______________________CHRISTOPHER KING, J.D.

_______________________NOTARY PUBLIC


MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:_________________________


Department of Public SafetyUCR 4440

Harrisburg Bureau of PoliceCitizen’s Complaint Form

Complainant 12/13/2011 Case#Andrews Tonya R C F 32 262 Peffer Street Harrisburg PA 17102

No Witness besides assailant – Clem Onukwubiri

262 Peffer Street Harrisburg PA 17102

Oct. 9th 2010 btw 12:45am – 1:15am 262 Peffer Street, 17102Aimee Bright, Badge #98

Officers arrived at my house btw 11:45 – 12am Oct. 8th at request of my soon to be ex-husband, who alleged that I was locking him out of the house. I was in fear for my safety. Five officers showed up and Officer Bright said she was in charge and told me that he could throw a chair through the window or kick the door in. It was his (Mr. Onukwubiri’s residence too – though they didn’t ask for identification) residence and he is allowed to enter the home. I pointed out two phone calls that I made to dispatch earlier that evening. No officer was sent or investigated my domestic violence claim against Mr. Onukwubiri that happened btw. 5 -6 pm that evening. Before Officer Bright left, she turned and told Mr. Onukwubiri that when she hits you, call me and I will arrest her.

The officers left and Mr. Onukwubiri kicked the back door in, breaking the pane on the door jam and injuring me in the process. 10 -15 min later he called the police and claimed that I had assaulted him. The same officers showed back up, with Officer Bright leading the way. I was on a neighbor’s porch and without a word they came up and arrested me. There were no witnesses to what happened in my pre-marital residence during that 10 – 15 min. The officers but my in the back of the police cruiser in handcuffs in front of 5 neighbors who had come out to witness the scene. Mr. Onukwubiri was laughing and chatting with Officer Bright on my front porch.

I was taken down to the Walnut Street police station and booked. As I entered the facility a Latino officer on duty asked me what my name was. I replied Tonya Andrews and he started making fun of me, stating aren’t you the girl that was supposed to be dead. I remember you, we got a call that you were dead in somebody’s house. He asked what I did to Clem and then stated, I know Clem. I worked with him. He’s a good guy, so what did you do to him. Then he started singing some idiotic junior high song with my name in it.


I complained and no one on duty that night did anything. I asked for Officer Bright’s badge # and it was provided, then they came and shackled my legs.

I had zero prior arrests and an exemplary personal record and was employed by New York Life, which is one of the premier and most difficult Life Insurance companies to be hired into. I went through an extensive background check and had three different securities licenses at the time.

Another office came to process my fingerprints and take a mug shot. I told him that my husband had assaulted me and injured my leg breaking into the house. I said I needed to sit down. He told me that the fingerprints wouldn’t take long and didn’t allow me to sit.

I was then put directly into the 1st female cell and wasn’t provided an opportunity to use the phone. In addition, I requested about 20 times to use the phone and no officer entered the cell block the entire night, except around 2:20am, when another female (young black girl) was brought in and put in the cell next to me). Between her and I we called and requested an officer over 35 times and no one came back until the day shift came on around 7:30am that morning.

I was in the cell for over 13 hours and did go before the judge for arraignment until 11:30am the following morning. This all occurred less then 4 months after my hysterectomy as part of my breast cancer treatment. I informed the officers that I was a breast cancer survivor at my booking and that I didn’t feel well and my knee had been injured in the incident. They completely ignored my comments and did not provide any medical assistance or access to a phone at all until 11:45am the following morning when I was arraigned by the judge on $25,000 unsecured bail and released.

There was nothing in the cell – no blanket, no toilet paper, no pillow. I was dressed in jeans and a tank top and luckily had socks on. I used one of my socks for toilet paper after going in the toilet around 5am that morning. It was approximately 55 – 60 degrees in the cell and my cellmate also was complaining of the cold and lack of response from the night shift that booked us. She was called before the judge before I was and was released before I was.

I had nothing on me when I was processed -- no money, no cell phone . Upon arraignment the Judge told me I was evicted from my residence and if I couldn’t provide a new legal address within 10 min, I would be sent to DCP. I called a neighbor and luckily they answered and allowed me to stay with them that night. I walked from Walnut Street to my neighbors’ house – 2011 Green Street (Matt & Beth Hunter) and promptly burst into tears. I probably had a nervous breakdown and Beth tried to convince me to go to the emergency room because I was hyperventilating and couldn’t stop crying. My ex-husband immediately came to their door, less then 5 min after I arrived and immediately violated the PFA order. I refused to speak to him or see him.


It was a horrible experience for a former law-abiding citizen, who since that day has never trusted another police officer, regardless of municipality and now completely despises the court system at this point in time. The whole system is corrupted when the abuser gets to manipulate the system and turn the victim into the abuser. If I can seek damages, I will because after that arrest I went to a major depression and eventually tried to commit suicide for the first and only time in my life. But I am a cancer survivor and I wouldn’t let the Harrisburg Police department end my life, without putting a bullet in my head or heart.

Officer Bright will have her day of retribution, when she stands before God and is questioned about what type of a person she really is to put me through this type of an experience. So will all of the officers that stood by that night and allowed a citizen of their city that they were supposed to protect, to be ridiculed and shackled as an alleged domestic violence abuser. Shame on the City of Harrisburg Police Department.


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