academic stress to management students

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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INTRODUCTION Students have to cross many

obstacles to achieve their optimal academic performance.

The incidence of stress takes at the level of management, faculty, students, environment, etc.

Few instances of stress are admission process, fee structure, climate in the campus, nature of faculty, the behaviour of students, etc.

MBA is one of the most common career choices amongst the youth in India today.

Stress in academic institutions can have both positive and negative consequences if not well managed.

Also Express India, on Jan 10 2015 reported that Crime Records Bureau figures show India’s suicide rate has risen 9.5 per cent a year for 10 years.



The management education is an important medium that facilitates improvement of leadership qualities and turns out excellent future managers.

Students entering into the professional education needs to face many challenges to which they have never been exposed earlier.

The pressure to earn good grades and to earn a degree is very high .

The Stress caused by other factors such as Management, Faculties, Students and Placement is also holding a significant phase among the Management Students.


The main objective of this research is to understand the “Impact of academic stress upon performance and mental health of MBA students.”

To identify the stressors which affect the performance of students, to analyze the impact due to Management, Faculties, Students and Placement on the stress level of students.


1.5 Fear about criticism by Family, Friends and Society causes Stress to


1.5 Lack of Guidance to Placement Process develops Stress to Students.

3 Showing Partiality among Students develops Stress to Students.

4 Non Co-operative Attitude of Faculties cause Stress to Students.

5 Competition in Placements develops Stress to Students.

6 Non Preparation for Placement develops Stress to Students.

7 Exam results develop Stress to Students.

8 Too many Examinations create Stress to Students.

9.5 Lack of Communication of information from Management to Students

may cause Stress to Students.

9.5 Immoral Activities (Drug/ Alcohol/ Cigarette Smoking) develop Stress to



-Create a routine. If you get yourself in the habit of studying, working out, and sleeping at certain hours, it will be easier to fit in all the things you need to do in a day without feeling too stressed out.

-Put limits on work hours. You can't work all the time-fun and relaxation have to be part of your routine as well. Limit the times when you will work to give yourself time to sleep and rest up so you won't get sick.

-Give yourself a break.If you've been working steadily for hours, give your eyes and mind a chance

for a rest by taking a break. You can come back feeling more refreshed and ready to go.

-Be realistic. Sometimes there's just no way are you going to get done everything you'd like to in one day. Be realistic about your goals and understand that you can only do so much.

-Understand you can't do everything.While you might want to go to class, work, play a sport, and participate in clubs and social activities, the reality is that sooner or later you're going to get run down by trying to do so much. Focus on doing the things you truly love and forget about the rest.

-Get help.

Ask for help from professors and friends. They may be able to give you more time or help you to complete projects and studying more quickly.

-Take advantage of campus meditation and yoga programs.

Many campuses are equipped with programs that can help students get a release from their stresses through a relaxing session of meditation.

-Relax with hobbies.

Whether you like to paint or to destroy aliens with your friends in video games, making time for the things you love is an important part of keeping yourself from getting too stressed out.

-Give yourself plenty of time.

It's easy to put off starting on a big project or studying for a test until the last minute. You'll be much less stressed out, however, and will likely do better if you give yourself more time to work on it.

-Don't let yourself get run down.

If you feel yourself getting stretched too thin, take a step back and evaluate everything you've got going on to determine what's really important.

-Spend time with friends.

There are few things that can cheer you up like being around the people you like most. Eat dinner with friends or just hang out and watch TV or take a walk to get away from the stress of homework.

-Learn time management skills.

Time management skills will make everything from getting assignments done to managing work a lot easier. Read a book or check out advice on the internet to help you better manages the hours of your day.

-Don’t self-medicate.

Some students drink, take drugs, smoke and use other unhealthy behaviours to cope with stress, these behaviours can exacerbate stress by negatively affecting your mood and health.

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