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Accenture Functional Requirements

Page 1 of 1 2/13/2014

Client/Project Name Shelby County, Tennessee

Requirement Document No. TN-Letter to Officers (47157-POW-005-L)

Prepared By Christy Ross

Date Issued May 17, 2007


Business Need Shelby County wants to modify the phone numbers provided in the body of this correspondence. This is considered a report modification as allowed in the contract.

Detailed Requirements 1. The last sentence in the body of the letter reads “If you have questions, feel free to contact Gail Smith at 545-4135 or 545-4173.' Modify this sentence to read 'If you have questions, feel free to contact us at 379-4352 or 379-4353.”

2. The remainder of the letter will remain unchanged.

Processing Overview From the Main Menu, select the Reports tab. Click the Reports Menu button. Select “Poll Worker” as the Report Type. Highlight “TN-Letter to Officers” in the list of report names. Designate an Election and, if desired, identify other options. User may Preview, Print or Save this correspondence.

Final Deliverable(s) RPL

Implementation Information:

Interface N/A

Reports Modify the sentence described in detailed requirement #1 above.

Other N/A

Configuration Data N/A

Comments: 1. Accenture will provide a sample of the report for signoff. Approval will be needed before testing can begin.

2. The client will perform user acceptance testing (UAT) upon delivery. Shelby will respond with three days with either acceptance or a list of issues arising from UAT.

Client Approval: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________

Accenture Functional Requirements

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Client/Project Name Shelby County, Tennessee

Requirement Document No. Poll Book Modification To Include Signature Images

Prepared By Christy Ross

Date Issued May 30, 2007


Business Need Shelby County requests the signature image from the voter’s record appears on the poll book layout. Poll workers can compare this with the signature written by the voter at polls.

Detailed Requirements 1. The image of the signature from the voter’s record will appear to the right of the Social Security Number and below the Ballot No. and Problem boxes. This is marked as Opt. 1 in Exhibit A.

2. Shelby wants to control the inclusion of signature images through the use of the Signature check box in the Poll Book Wizard.

3. There are no other required changes to the Poll Book.

Processing Overview To produce a Poll Book, access the Reports tab from the Main Menu. Click on the Poll Books button to open a new screen. Click on the New Poll Book button to initiate the Poll Book Wizard. Shelby chooses the following options in the Wizard:

A. (Screen 1) Create by Precinct Split (not Precinct) and Print for Every Precinct Split.

B. (Screen 2): Client may check the Signature check box. If so, the signature images will print in the designated space on the poll book layout. NOTE: The printing of warning messages is not linked to the Warning Message checkbox.

C. (Screen 3): Select to page break after each alpha change in the last name (As, Bs, Cs, etc.). Also select "Print By: and input a date.

The above actions populate a poll book record that can now be previewed or printed. To print a Poll Book, access the Reports tab from the Main Menu. Click on the Poll Books button to open a new screen. Designate an election and click on the Show Poll Books button. Highlight the desired poll book record. Select Preview or Print. Once the book has been previewed or printed, the user will be prompted by a message “Would you like to record this poll book as having been printed?” Answering Yes modifies the status as “Printed”. Answering No leaves the status as “Not Printed”. Poll Book can also be used to record votes. From the Main Menu, access the Elections tab. Click on the Record Votes button to open a new screen. Designate the election in the first dropdown and click on the Voter ID number field putting the cursor in that field and begin scanning the bar code of the Voter ID numbers from the pages of the Poll Book. NOTE: Each client should follow specific procedures outlined for this screen. Those procedures should direct the client on a complete use of all of the available options (e.g., Method, Location, Party, Reason or Precinct, etc.).

Final Deliverable(s) RPL

Implementation Information:

Interface There are no required changes.

Reports Insert the signature to the right of the SSN and below the Ballot No. and Problem boxes.

Other There are no required changes.

Configuration Data There are no required changes.

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Comments: • The coloring of the signature image cannot be varied to a gray or halftone shade. This image will appear as is.

• It may be necessary to adjust the size of the Ballot No box. This will be completed only if it will allow for a larger signature image. The existing aspect ratio of the image will be maintained.

• The current poll book layout accommodates a ten-character Voter ID in bar-code font. If Shelby assigns eleven-character IDs, bar codes for those IDs will be truncated.

• Accenture will test the modified poll book using client-specific options described above. Testing will include use of Federal and non-Federal elections.

• Accenture will provide a sample of the poll book. Client approval of that sample is required before testing can begin.

• Shelby will perform user acceptance testing (UAT) upon delivery. Shelby will respond within three days with either acceptance or a list of issues arising from UAT.

Client Approval: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________

Accenture Functional Requirements

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EXHIBIT A – Mockup provided by client

Accenture Functional Requirements

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Client/Project Name Shelby County, Tennessee

Requirement Document No. Voter Applications Statistics (VOT-008-C)

Prepared By Christy Ross

Date Issued May 17, 2007


Business Need Shelby County wants to modify to enhance the Voter Application Statistics report to include a secondary report header.

Detailed Requirements 1. Add a secondary report header to the report. This will print/display the date options used at run-time.

2. No other changes are required.

Processing Overview From the Main Menu, select the Reports tab. Click the Reports Menu button. Select “Voters” as the Report Type. Highlight “Voter Application Statistics” in the list of report names. Enter the From Date and To Date values on the Statistics Options tab. User may Preview, Print or Save this report.

Final Deliverable(s) RPL

Implementation Information:

Interface N/A

Reports Add a secondary report header to this report to print/display date options used at run-time. Place the modified report in the RPL. This will supersede the core report version.

Other N/A

Configuration Data N/A

Comments: 1. Accenture will provide a sample of the report for signoff. Approval will be needed before testing can begin.

2. The client will perform user acceptance testing (UAT) upon delivery. Shelby will respond with three days with either acceptance or a list of issues arising from UAT.

Client Approval: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________

Accenture Functional Requirements

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Client/Project Name Shelby County, Tennessee

Requirement Document No. Registered Voters by Age

Prepared By Christy Ross

Date Issued May 17, 2007


Business Need Shelby County wants a new report detailing the age demographics of registered voters.

Detailed Requirements 1. The new report name will be Registered Voters by Age. 2. The report will be listed on the Voters report menu. 3. The layout of this report will be styled in part after the TN-All Voter

Turnout Statistics Report by Age. 4. This is not a participation report. 5. The report will group by Precinct. 6. The report will break down age groups by Precinct as follows: 18-24,

25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64 and 65 & Over. 7. At run-time, the report will calculate the age of each voter. 8. The report will include a count and a percentage for each of these

groups. 9. A total for the Precinct will appear in the right-most column. 10. The report will provide grand totals on the last page immediately

following the last precinct. 11. The report orientation will be landscape. 12. The report will utilize the standard ESM Report Header. 13. The report will contain a secondary report header used to list the

options selected at run-time. 14. Enable use of the common report filters to include Valid Voters and

Federal Voters. These are found on the Reports tab. 15. Enable the Options tab so a user may specify additional criterion. 16. Allow the following options:

a. Any District by Code b. Any District by Name c. House Number d. Street Name e. City f. Race g. Voter Status (e.g., A, I, X, or H) h. Registration Date

17. Because this will not be participation report, options for Election-related data are not required.

Processing Overview From the Main Menu, select the Reports tab. Click the Reports Menu button. Select Voters as the Report Type. Highlight Registered Voters by Age in the list of report names. Specify desired options. User may Preview, Print or Save this report.

Final Deliverable(s) RPL

Implementation Information:

Interface N/A

Reports 1. Create a new report using the standard header. 2. Group data by the Precinct value found on the voter’s record. 3. Calculate counts and percentages of voters by precinct and age group.

If Report Options are used, counts and percentages will reflect voters matching all criteria (e.g., age group, precinct and other options).

4. Definitions are presented below which presume no additional Report Options are used. Fields listed from left to right are:

Accenture Functional Requirements

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Column Name Definition

Precinct ID Precinct from voter’s record

18 – 24 Count of voters between ages of 18 and 24 within the precinct.

Count of voters between ages of 18 and 24 within the precinct divided by the total count of voters within the precinct. This will be displayed as a %.

25 – 34 Count of voters between ages of 25 and 34 within the precinct.

Count of voters between ages of 25 and 34 within the precinct divided by the total count of voters in the precinct. This will be displayed as a %.

35 – 44 Count of voters between ages of 35 and 44 within the precinct.

Count of voters between ages of 35 and 44 within the precinct divided by the total count of voters in the precinct. This will be displayed as a %.

45 – 54 Count of voters between ages of 45 and 54 within the precinct.

Count of voters between ages of 45 and 54 within the precinct divided by the total count of voters in the precinct. This will be displayed as a %.

55 – 64 Count of voters between ages of 55 and 64 within the precinct.

Count of voters between ages of 55 and 64 within the precinct divided by the total count of voters in the precinct. This will be displayed as a %.

65 -- Over Count of voters 65 or older within the precinct.

Count of voters 65 or older within the precinct divided by the total count of voters in the precinct. This will be displayed as a %.

Total Reg Count of voters within the precinct.

5. Center the column headers for the age group breakdowns over both the count and percentage columns for that age group.

6. Right-align numeric and percentage fields to help with readability. 7. Center grand totals below the corresponding age grouping at the

bottom of the report. These are: Row Column Definition

1 1 Count of voters between ages of 18 and 24.

1 2 Count of voters between ages of 25 and 34.

1 3 Count of voters between ages of 35 and 44.

1 4 Count of voters between ages of 45 and 54.

1 5 Count of voters between ages of 55 and 64.

1 6 Count of voters 65 years of age or older.

1 7 Count of voters.

2 1 Count of voters between ages of 18 and

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24 divided by the total count of voters. This will be displayed as a %.

2 2 Count of voters between ages of 25 and 34 divided by the total count of voters. This will be displayed as a %.

2 3 Count of voters between ages of 35 and 44 divided by the total count of voters. This will be displayed as a %.

2 4 Count of voters between ages of 45 and 54 divided by the total count of voters. This will be displayed as a %.

2 5 Count of voters between ages of 55 and 64 divided by the total count of voters. This will be displayed as a %.

2 6 Count of voters 65 years of age or older divided by the total count of voters. This will be displayed as a %.

8. The label for Row 1 of the grand total will be “Total”. The label for Row 2 of the grand total will be “%”.

9. Percentage fields will allow for a maximum of 5 digits. Fields containing counts will allow enough for 6 digits.

10. Add a column header to extend across the age group columns. This header will read “Registered Voters by Age Group and Percent” as shown on Page 1 of the mockup.

11. Mimic the fonts and typeface used on the Turnout Report.

Other N/A

Configuration Data N/A

Comments: 1. The matrix style of this report will present totals by Precinct. This will order the Precinct values. Ad-hoc sorting will not be available.

2. The titles depicted on the mockup for the age group data is inconsistent. The report will use the header shown on page 1.

3. The TN-All Voter Turnout Statistics Report by Age included a Total Percentage of voters who participated against the total of voters within the Precinct. The mockup includes this column; however, this percentage is not relative to the data presented in the new report. We are omitting this field.

4. As this report will be compiling large amounts of data, we recommend executing it in the reporting environment.

5. Accenture will provide a sample of the report for signoff. Approval will be needed before testing can begin.

6. Shelby will perform user acceptance testing (UAT) upon delivery. Shelby will respond within three days with either acceptance or a list of issues arising from UAT.

Client Approval: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________

Accenture Functional Requirements

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EXHIBIT A – Mockup provided by client

Accenture Functional Requirements

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