access to information

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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Nader-Taghizadeh University of Nicosia


Manufactured world of media

Media literacy and Responsibilities of the government

Positive informative aspect of the media

Manufactured world of media

Who owns the media?

In what extend authority should control or own media? Or do they have to control at all?

People usually believe to those who appear on media

Media owners are rich individuals in most of the countries but …

In some other countries (middle east) the authority owns the media

Almost in every country media are influenced by politicians

I am quiet sure that you are very familiar with these information

The power of media

Manipulation of mind

and etc…

But do you think everyone else

in other part of the world have the same opportunity to have access to free information?

The answer is No, they don’t…

In most of the countries such as China, Korea, Iran, media is highly controlled by the authority

this doesn’t mean that people are not willing to receive information but they don’t have access

Agenda setting in media

Selective information

Predefined images

Emphasize on certain issues (for example election)

Exaggeration of facts and sensitizing events

To sell info and manipulate people’s mind

What we need?

Content analysis of media

If we dig deep into contents of any media source

We will find many interesting results about manipulated contents.


How public can distinguish real facts from fake or exaggerated news?

How many percent of people believe the media? What class? What age group? What gender?

US. Hikers arrested

in Iran-spy or not?

Media literacy and responsibility of the Government According to [T.McGolagle(p.4)] a coherent

rationale could be developed if government were priorities the three P’s of sound “public policy”.

Provision of media education for all their citizens;

Participation of all their citizens in social, cultural and economical activities,

And protection of all citizens in need (either because of their age, disabilities or their income).

Technology growth & access to info

Revolutionary movements in recent years were result of interconnected networks in global village

Smart phones

Social media



But issues are very complex

it means

More access to info

More education

Breaking traditional taboos


Occupied buffer zone in Nicosia

Wall street strike

Arab spring

Various movements in Iran

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