accessibility issues with ebooks

Post on 17-Dec-2014






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About accessibility Costs and problems Formats, tools and standards Legal acts Quick peek into issues present in

highr education facilities


where are libraries in this all? Summary

what do you think

It’s a term related to print disability, ”which means – with respect to the individual – a physical or mental impairment in seeing or reading”

(work definition by the Advisory Commission on Accessible Instructional Materials in Postsecondary Education, AIM Commission)

People covered by this term:

blind with severe visual impairments, including effects of aging with injuries or nerve disabilities preventing form managing books with learning disabilities with text comprehension issues

Why accessibility of ebooks is important?

TIME running through high-speed scanner and optical

character recognition editing digital content adding logical structure making accessible form

DAISY book, large print, Braille readable format MONEY min. $400 per book, less for books without complex

graphic content ~$1,800 (!) per book from STEM disciplines


Efforts can be redirected to new, better solutions.

DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) gold standard for accessible e-book formats since

1996, managed by DAISY Consortium referred to as DTB, digital talking book

semantic structure included, allows software to navigate easily within the book

may inclde high-quality synthetic speech or/and prerecorded audio

EPUB 3 specification takes DAISY solutions into consideration


MOBI/AZW ▪ simple EPUB application

▪ supports basic data tables and adding text alternatives for images

▪ doesn’t have rich semantic structure

▪ basic ways of navigation


taged content

actual text (not images),

International Association for Information and Image Manegement, PDF/AU

text-to-speech function

can be read by many devices

Screen readers (JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver) Screen magnifiers (ZoomText, MAGic, Mac Zoom) Literacy software (Read and Write Gold, WYNN) Captioning Various low mobility/strenght/dexterity poiting



National Information Standards Organization NISO list 1999

Worl Wide Web Consortium User Agent Accessibility Guidelines UAAG 1.0

2002 User Agent Accessibility Guidelines UAAG

2.0 worked in progress (aligned with Web Content Accessibilit Guidelines)


United States Code on Copyright, Title 27, chapter 1, the Chafee amendement:

designated authorized entities to distribute accessible copies of books to people who are blind or have other organic disabilities affecting reading process

= Libraries?

National Library Service Bookshare American Printing House for Blind (APH) Learning Ally Disability Services offices?

LEGAL STATUS for conversion is unclear, an issue, problematic, open to question…

what about

Major consuments of reading technologies Can provide easy access to technologies Could partner with campus media production

units of disability services offices Rise avereness of the issue

Broadly speaking – go toward pressing

universality of ebook formats and providing accessibility for the widest possible user base

accessibility, print disability proccess of converting books, digital-born

ebooks formats: DAISY, MOBI, PDF higher education conflict Where publishers stand What libraries can do

presentation by Agata Kawalec

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