accident rutier tradus

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 Accident Rutier Tradus


    Accident Rutier

    In data de 15.05.2013 in jurul orei15:00 echipajul de Descarcerare a fostsolicitat prin apel unic 112 la un accidentde circulatie pe raza localitatii Traian.Inconditii de ploaie soferul unui autovehicol apierdut controlul volanului si a intrat incoleziune frontala cu un copac de pemarginea drumului.In urma coleziuniisoferul a ramas incarcerat.

    In momentul ajungerii la loculinterventiei autovehiculul se afla pepropriile roti iar din primele cercetari nu semai afla nimeni in masina in afara de sofer.

    Comandantul de echipaj si unuldintre paramedici vor realiza

    recunoasterea.Un paramedic va abordavictima din fata iar cei doi servanti vorrealiza balizarea zonei.La comandacomandantului de echipaj se va realizastabilizarea autovehiculului si indepartareabornelor bateriei.Paramedicul va prindecapul victimei prin geamul spart in urmacoleziunii de la sofer.

    Se va crea o cale de acces catrevictima prin indepartarealunetei,paramedicul avand acces lavictima,ii admninistreaza oxigen,ii punegulerul cervical si efectueaza o evaluaresecundara.

    Comandantul de echipaj ia hotarareaca trebuie indepartata portiera din stangafata,operatiunea de descarcerare va aveaurmatorii pasi:

    - cu ajutorul departatorului se va

    strange aripa,se va folosi foarfecapentru taierea acesteia.Se vor taiabalamalele si se va indepartaportiera.Paramedicii vor montavesta extractoare tip ked si se varealize extragerea victimei cuajutorul targii lopata prin lunetaautovehiculului.Se va acordaprimul ajutor victimei si va fitransportata la cea mai apropiataunitate de primi urgente.

    Road/Traffic accident

    On 15/05/2013 around 3:00 p.m.theextrication crew was requested, bycalling 112 unique number, to a caraccident on the area of the localityTraian. Due to the rainy weatherconditions, the driver of a vehicle has

    lost control of the steering wheel andcollided frontally with a tree from theside of the road. As a result of thecollision the driver remainedincarcerated/trapped in the car.At the time of the arrival at the site ofthe intervention, the vehicle was on itsown wheels and from the firstresearches there was nobody in the ca

    any longer besides the driver.The crew commander and one of theparamedics will perform therecognizing/evaluation. A paramedicwill approach the victim from the frontand the two servants will mark out thearea. At the order of the crewcommander the vehicle will bestabilized and the clamps of the batterywill be removed. The paramedic will

    catch the victim's head through thebroken window which resulted after thcollision, on the side of the driver.A gateway of access to the victim willbe created by removing the rearwindow. The paramedic, having accesto the victim, administrates him/ heroxygen, puts the cervical collar andperforms a secondary assessment.

    The crew commander takes thedecision that the left front door shouldbe removed, the extrication operationwill take the following steps:- With the help of the wing retractor , thwing will be pressed and the scissorswill be used to cut it. The hinges will becut and the door will be removed. Theparamedics will mount the ked extractotype vest and perform the extraction of

    the victim with the shovel type stretche

  • 7/28/2019 Accident Rutier Tradus


    through the rear windscreen. The victimwill be given the first aid and will betransported to the nearest emergencyreceiving unit/room.

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