accmp prospectus

Post on 27-Mar-2016






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School prospectus


For our family, the choice of education was clear. We wanted a place with high academic standards that also demonstrated genuine Christian love and service. Australian Christian College is that school. - Phillip (Parent)

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At Australian Christian College, nurturing a child’s development is a responsibility we relish with great delight. The opportunity to equip and encourage a student is considered an immeasurable blessing at this school.

Like you, we view the children in our care as more than one dimensional. They are precious and vulnerable. They have tender hearts and impressionable minds.

It is with this belief in mind that we educate the ‘whole child’. We do this by maintaining a learning environment that has been purposefully constructed to allow each student to thrive spiritually, academically, socially and physically.

A common sentiment expressed by many parents is the school’s caring atmosphere. Teachers and students treat each other with respect. You can feel assured that your child will be protected as part of this harmonious and cooperative community.

Seldom does a week pass by without a parent mentioning the quality of teachers at this school. They are best described as approachable and dedicated. Their faith in Jesus Christ binds them together, whilst professional excellence drives them forward. I am constantly in awe of their unwavering commitment to the students.

You’ll appreciate the inclusive and flexible nature of this school. You see, we offer co-educational classes from Kindergarten to Year 12. What’s more, the school is also registered to deliver distance education to students throughout New South Wales.

Australian Christian College is an exceptional place. I invite you to be part of our future.

Mrs. Paulle KwokPrincipal Dip. ECE


Junior School Kindergarten - Year 6

A great experience in the early years of school makes all the difference as your child develops. This is the focus of the Junior School.

Believe it or not, school can be fun! By making learning fun, your child will be more engaged and keen to attend school each day.

Your child’s natural curiosity will be nurtured into a thirst for knowledge, which is typically the seed that grows into a love of learning.

The academic program is focused on building a strong foundation for learning through a rigorous study of literacy and numeracy.

After spending 7 years in Junior School, your child will be ready to confidentially enter Middle School.


When I came to the school I was really struggling with English. I found it hard to write essays and I was very nervous about public speaking. During my time at Australian Christian College I was able to turn those weaknesses into strengths with the help of my teachers. Today I am studying a Bachelor of Medical Science at UWS. - Ian (Former Student)


Middle School Years 7 - 9

Middle School encourages your child to hone his or her God-given talents. They will become more self-aware, learning their strengths and weaknesses.

The academic program includes challenged-based and inquiry learning, which encourages students to ask thoughtful questions and investigate the subject matter with enthusiasm.

In Middle School your child will be given the opportunity to learn Maths, English, Science, Bible, Technology, History, Geography, Visual Art, PDHPE, Sport, Mandarin, Music and Commerce.

To enhance your child’s self-confidence, they will be given the chance to participate in junior chapel, school assemblies and special interest clubs. As well, there are an increasing number of co-curricular options available.

Exposure to this comprehensive program during Middle School will ensure your child is well prepared for Senior College.

Senior College Years 10 - 12

At this pivotal time in a young adult’s life the Senior College endeavours to ensure students shine spiritually, academically, socially and physically.

This is achieved by offering a breadth of electives and co-curricular opportunities. The academic program is modelled on a real-world context, with case studies, projects and group work. Students work studiously to prepare for tertiary education and working life.

To assist this preparation, students have access to the school’s career adviser to aid in the selection of subject choices, work experience and post-school pathways.

Recognising their growing maturity, Year 11 and 12 students have their own common room including kitchen facilities. They are also able to leave campus early when they don’t have scheduled classes, as well as drive to school on a provisional licence.

In Senior College, every student is encouraged to be their best, in readiness for the challenges and opportunities of life after school.

My daughter was struggling with Maths at her previous school. Since coming to Australian Christian College her grades have gone from 21% to 89% in Maths. I am so thankful that my daughter is learning every day! - Susie (Parent)



Learning often occurs spontaneously in settings outside the classroom. To ensure this impromptu learning flourishes, the school offers a range of co-curricular options.

Co-curricular opportunities cover the Arts, sport, outdoor education, public speaking and special interest clubs. Your child may decide to take to the stage, spike volleyballs, climb rock walls, debate climate change or become a chess master.

The Arts allows students to express their unique personality. Our integrated arts program includes music, drama and visual arts. The school employs a dedicated creative arts teacher with assistance from a professional artist and musician.

Sport is a vital part of school life at Australian Christian College. It helps to promote cooperation and team spirit. Students are encouraged to strive for their personal best, while demonstrating

exemplary sportsmanship. Sports played include softball, basketball, volleyball, netball and rugby league.

The outdoor education program includes camps for Years 5 & 6, 7 & 8 and 9 & 10. At these camps students undertake appropriate outdoor activities designed to develop physical skills, resilience, perseverance, confidence and self-control.

The confidence that public speaking instills is well documented. As such, public speaking is incorporated into the curriculum for the benefit of all students. For those students who excel or would like to further enhance their skills, they can be involved in the school’s debating team and the Rotary ‘Youth Speaks’ Public Speaking Competition.

There is a growing number of special interest clubs at the school covering robotics, drama, music and sustainable gardening. Additionally, students are able to serve with our charity partner Compassion Australia.

With so many co-curricular opportunities available, most students have trouble deciding what to do!

The sports programme at the school is really growing.My son can compete in so many different sports. - John (Parent)



I want students able to think, live and process information in the world beyond school; to be able to give of themselves to a wider community, to graduate with a sense of self worth, to know how to address issues that may come up with resilience and courage, to produce adults who (God willing), will one day ‘change the world’. - Rachel (Teacher)

This is a place where God’s precious creations are lovingly cherished by Christian teachers who genuinely care.

As you can appreciate, the quality of the teachers reflects the quality of education being delivered. At Australian Christian College we are blessed to have teachers who are profoundly committed to nurturing the ‘whole child’.

As well as being servant-hearted and caring our teachers are professional educators. Most teachers have completed two university degrees and many have post-graduate qualifications.

To maintain the school’s high standards of teaching and learning, the teaching team engage in regular professional development. They stretch each other to deliver better lessons and share strategies for improving student learning.

Our teachers don’t withdraw to the staff room at every opportunity. It is usual to see teachers playing soccer and handball with the students at lunch. Come behind the scenes and you’ll notice teachers listening to students talk about their hobbies and aspirations.

As a result of the teachers, the school benefits from an immensely cheerful and vibrant community of students who are eager to do their best.

My English teacher is one of the most interesting teachers I’ve ever had. She brings the lesson to life with humour and drama. - Tim (Year 11 Student)



Your child has many things vying for their affection. Amid all the earthly temptations, we are working to ensure the school delivers a positive spiritual influence on your child.

Academic rigour and co-curricular opportunities are undoubtedly important, however we are striving to have an eternal impact on the students.

Importantly, our approach to laying a biblical foundation in every student is one of human inquiry. As you know, Christianity is based on historical events and documented evidence. Students are encouraged to investigate the facts.

Christian values and beliefs are weaved into the very fabric of the school through a biblically consistent learning program, Christian teachers, regular prayer and weekly chapel services.

Stemming from our Christian ethos, we value:

» Lord Jesus Christ, friend of sinners, and saviour of those who believe

» Academic rigour highlighted by excellent NAPLAN and HSC results

» A diversity of student opportunities as they seek to identify their God-given talents

» Service in local and global communities

Visit the school and you’ll experience a community of young learners who are gracious and warm-hearted.


The school has a great blend of curriculum, technology and biblical principles. You can clearly see the work of God in the school. - Tony (Parent)



Nowadays, students need an education delivered in a manner vastly different from which you experienced as a child.

To accommodate this change in the world, Australian Christian College has digitally enabled classrooms, pedagogical methods and an online learning program.

This whole of school approach – called Digital Natives – ensures students will have the skills required to tackle the post-school world of work and further study.

Today’s student is a digital native. They don’t know what it is like to live in a world without the internet, social media and mobile technology. As a school community, we see this as a great opportunity to educate students in the ethical and effective use of technology.

To ensure this opportunity bears fruit, we require every student from Kindergarten to Year 12 to have their own iPad or MacBook. This approach allows digital

learning opportunities to take place throughout the day without the need to go to formal computer labs or sit in front of a bulky desktop computer.

Digital Natives extends deeper into school life with a learning environment that is conducive to digital connectivity. The campus has wifi broadband access in all learning spaces and students conduct research from digital textbooks and ebooks. Plus, every student has their own email address through Google Apps and access to their courses via the online learning portal.

Importantly, the school is vigilant regarding the ethical use of technology. Students take part in annual cybersafety courses and the school invites the NSW Police to hold safety seminars as well.

Around the globe, digital technology is changing the way people live, work and learn. Australian Christian College is committed to ensuring our students are ready for this digital world.

Our son is working with his teachers to create movies. He’s entered state competitions and has had mentoring on film equipment including cameras, audio equipment and lighting at school. We love seeing him use his God-given talents. - John & Fiona (Parents)



Distance education is the educational practice where your child is enrolled with a registered distance education school and they conduct their academic work at home under your supervision.

Distance education is a legislated mode of schooling where teaching and learning takes place without the teacher and student being in the same physical location.

As a registered distance education school, Australian Christian College provides the learning program and distance education teachers, and you allocate a study area at home from which your child works.

Distance education is not limited to those in remote areas like correspondence schools used to be. Many distance education students live in cities and large regional towns, including Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Albury, Wagga Wagga and Coffs Harbour.

Given that the learning program is delivered via distance education, you’ll appreciate the necessity to make it unique:

» Teachers deliver lessons according to a weekly timetable.

» Course work is delivered in a flexible environment – allowing your child to complete their work at a suitable time.

» Your child works online, through traditional textbooks and completes projects.

» Students in K-6 are enrolled in seven courses of study: Maths, English, Science & Technology, HSIE, Creative & Practical Arts, PDHPE and Bible.

» Students in 7-10 are enrolled in the following courses: Maths, English, Science, Technology, History, Bible, Geography, Music, Visual Art, Commerce, Photography & Digital Media and PDHPE.

» Your child is able to meet with other students online to discuss school work, hobbies and sports.


Distance education provides many benefits, including:

» Your child is able to focus on their work in a loving environment.

» You are able to maintain close family relationships throughout the school day.

» You become an active participant in your child’s education. You provide your home environment as an ideal context for your children’s education knowing you have the full support of the school.

» The tight family unit that develops as a result of at-home education allows family values to be nurtured.

» As a distance education student, your child will interact socially with people across the complete age-range of society. Through this interaction they are able to acquire the rules of behaviour, and the beliefs and attitudes that will allow them to function effectively as members of our society.

If you are interested in learning more about distance education, you might like to register for our Virtual Open Day.

For dates and other details on the Virtual Open Day, please scan the QR Code or visit

- Ally (Distance Education Parent)

I really enjoy the discussion posts because I can still hear other people’s opinions even though I’m not in the same room as them. Also, I can refer back to how the teacher has explained the topic.

- Ebony (Distance Education Student)

We love distance education! You’ve got the best of both worlds. As a parent you don’t have to plan anything or make up your own curriculum. But you still have the hands-on opportunity with your child.



The school supported us through the hard times and my daughter has really grown. - Casey (Parent)

Distance Education is really good for us. It’s the better option for my son. We can go on the learning journey together.- Rhonda (Distance Education Parent)

In theatre there’s this concept of a “fourth wall” - it’s when you become aware of the audience. My teacher breaks through the fourth wall and she makes me think from a new perspective. - Grace (Year 11 Student)

We come to work sharing the same vision and purpose. We have the opportunity to show and model the love of Christ every day to our students - Ralph (Teacher)

I made so many close friends during my schools years. The school is like a big family. - Jenny (Graduate Student 2011)

I’m thankful for the opportunity to have a Christian school available for

my children to attend that aligns with our family values. - Rebecca (Parent)

Australian Christian College gets the whole family involved in a Christian-

based, well-founded learning journey. That’s why we love being in Australian

Christian College. - Ryan (Parent)

Every time I visit the school everyone is smiling. It is a joyful place, where the students are happy.

- Ruth (Parent)


When we were reviewing the education of our children, we viewed the Australian Christian College videos on the website. We saw the infant ’s teacher Debra Kwok teaching a class. What impressed us was the apparent love and care personified in the video. While it is possible for promotional videos to represent organisations in their most positive light; we were pleasantly encouraged to learn after several interviews, and indeed two years with the school that the attitude portrayed in the video is real. - Greg & Wendy (Parents)



To assist with your decision, you might be interested in the following options:

Open Day

When you attend our Open Day, you will see the whole school (K-12) operating on a typical school day. You will meet friendly staff, smiling students and other parents. It’s a great opportunity to gain a real sense of what makes this school so special.

For dates and other details on the Open Day, please scan the QR Code or visit

Personal School Tour

By arranging a Personal School Tour you can meet the leadership team, teachers and tour the school grounds. You may like to coincide your school tour with an enrolment interview.

To book your tour, please visit the website

Enrolment Process

If you’ve already decided that Australian Christian College is the right place for your child, please follow this process:

Step 1:

Complete an enrolment application, which indicates your desire to enrol your child with Australian Christian College.

Step 2:

Once you’ve provided a completed enrolment application to the school, you and your child will be invited to attend an enrolment interview with a senior member of the school during the term prior to planned commencement.

Step 3:

An offer of place is made as a result of a successful interview. If you accept an offer of a place, the necessary forms must be returned to the school and payment arranged.

Regardless of what next step you’ve decided to take, we look forward to providing you with a warm welcome at Australian Christian College.

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