accomplice the driver of the getaway car was arrested and tried as an accomplice in the daring bank...

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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The driver of the getaway car was arrested and tried as an accomplice in

the daring bank robbery

N- a person who takes part in a crime

Syn- partner in crime, confederate


Throughout history, nations that are bitter enemies have sought to

annihilate each other.

V- To destroy completely

Syn- obliterate, decimate, demolish

Ant- foster, promote, encourage, nurture


A judge may be criticized for rulings that appear to be arbitrary

and without legal precedent

Adj- Unreasonable; based on one’s wishes or whims without regard for reason or fairness

Syn- capricious, high-handed, autocratic

Ant- reasoned, rational, objective, equitiable


Behavior considered brazen in one era may be deemed perfectly

acceptable in another

Adj- Shameless, Impudent, made of brass

Syn- saucy, bold

Ant- deferential, respectful, self-effacing


Enzymes are catalysts that aid in the digestion of food

N- A substance that causes or hastens a chemical reaction; any

agent that causes changeSyn- stimulus, spur, instigator


The exodus of African Americans to the industrialized northern states in

known as the Great Migration

N- A large scale departure or flight

Syn- emigration, escape, hegira

Ant- immigration, influx, arrival, entrance


The Federal Reserve Board may lower interest rates in order to

facilitate economic growth

V- to make easier; to assist

Syn- ease, smooth the way, simplify

Ant- hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede


Criminals deemed incorrigible can expect to receive maximum sentences

for their offenses against society.

Adj- Not able to be corrected; beyond control

Syn- unruly, intractable, incurable, inveterate

Ant- tractable, docile, curable, reparable


Don’t you think it’s sad that many people use only a small fraction of

their latent abilities?

Adj- Hidden, present but not realized

Syn- dormant, inactive, undeveloped

Ant- exposed, manifest, evident


In the struggle for civil rights, Martin Luther King, Jr., advocated peaceful

rather than militant protest.

Adj- Given to fighting; active and aggressive in support of a causeN- an activist

Syn- truculent

Ant- unassertive, peaceable, passive


The boy was very morose over the death of his pet.

Adj- having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable

Syn- morbid, doleful

Ant- cheerful, blithe, jaunty, buoyant


I have read that book twice, but I still find the author’s meaning

completely opaque

Adj- not letting light through; not clear or lucid; dense, stupid

Syn- hazy, cloudy, foggy, murky, dull, obtuse

Ant- transparent, clear, bright, perceptive


Voters should insist that candidates for high office address the paramount

issues facing our society

Adj- chief in importance, above all others

Syn- supreme, foremost, primary, dominant

Ant- secondary, subordinate, anciliary


Some people can prattle away on the phone for hours on end

V- to talk in an aimless, foolish, or simple way; to babble; N- baby talk; babble

Syn- (V) chatter

(N) twaddle, gibberish, piffle


It is a defense lawyer’s job to rebut the charges made by the


V- to offer arguments or evidence that contradicts an assertion; to

refuteSyn- disprove, confute, shoot holes in

Ant- confirm, corroborate, substantiate


A judge may need to reprimand a lawyer for repeatedly harassing a


V- to scold; find fault withN- a rebuke

Syn- (V) reprove, reproach; (N) reproof

Ant- (V) praise, pat on the back


In Les Miserables, Jean Valjean is sentences to many years of servitude

for stealing a loaf of bread.

N- slavery, forced labor

Syn- captivity, bondage, thralldom

Ant- freedom, liberty


Landlords who routinely make slapdash repairs should be

considered negligent.

Adj- careless and hasty

Syn- cursory, perfunctory, sloppy, slipshod

Ant- painstaking, meticulous, thorough, in-depth


It is dangerous for hikers to drink water from any source that

appears to be stagnant.

Adj- not running or flowing; foul from standing still; inactive,

sluggish, dullSyn- still, motionless, inert, fetid

Ant- flowing, running, fresh, sweet


Most dieters occasionally succumb to the lure of a high-

calorie dessert.

V- to give way to superior force, yield

Syn- submit, die, expire

Ant- overcome, master, conquer

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