achieving vibrant health in a day of fast foods and convenient processed foods

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Achieving Vibrant Health

In a day of fast foods and convenient processed foods

We have a Chronic Disease Epidemic!

• 12 states now have obesity rates above 30% (4 years ago there was only one) Ohio 29.6%

• 33% of adults who did not graduate from high school are obese, compared to 21.5% who graduated from college

• One out of every four Americans suffers from metabolic syndrome, a combination of Type-2 diabetes, hypertension, and abnormal levels of fats in the blood, which increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, arthritis, and other conditions. And there are more who don’t know it.

You must take care of your own health!

• Poor info from – Media

– Doctors

– Dietitians

– Many health spas

• Too many are stuck in the low fat, low cholesterol mode!

Fact: children who drink whole milk tend to be leaner that children who drink skim milk!

Kris’s story • Nourishing Traditions - The

Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats – the book that turned Kris into a “retired and reformed dietitian”!

• My website –

• Our WAPF chapter webpage –

Lisa’s story

• Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, by Dr. Weston A. Price – the book that inspired Lisa to turn from her vegan lifestyle and restore her health

The Research of Dr. Weston A. Price

• In the 1930’s, Dr. Price, a well-known Cleveland dentist, was concerned because his patients had so many cavities.

• He heard that there were isolated communities around the world who were known for their perfect teeth, and set out to visit them.

Dr. Price found healthy happy people

• Dr. Price found that these people also had excellent bone structure and good health

• Mothers bore their children with ease

• Children were happy and healthy

• TB, cancer and heart disease were rare.

These healthy people ate whole foods!

• He documented what they were eating – very nutritious local, unrefined foods, many of them raw, including raw milk and lots of saturated fat

• Their diets were much higher in nutrients than the diets of his patients back home.

Western refined food brought bad teeth and poor health

• Sadly he found that in neighboring communities that had access to Western refined food, tooth decay was rampant

• Poor health, including TB, was common

And crooked teeth in the second generation

• And in the next generation, crooked teeth and poor bone structure were common

• Children were sad and often ill

• Childbirth was difficult• Poorer nutrition made a

big difference!

Today’s Children

Modern Children

Most modern children have thin faces and need braces to straighten their teeth

Those missing vitamins

and minerals make a


This Trend is Reversible

• This beautiful woman was born of a mother with crooked teeth who improved her diet as a teenager

• Because her mother was eating a very nutritious diet, she has perfect teeth, good bone structure, and excellent health

• Nutrition does make a difference!

General Diet Guidelines

• Eat whole natural clean foods (organic or know your farmer)

• Invest in pasture-raised meat and dairy, including some raw

• Limit carbs, esp. sugar – too much raises insulin to damaging levels

• Eat plenty of healthy natural fats to satisfy appetite – butter and other animal fats (from pasture raised animals), olive oil, coconut or palm oil, avocado

• Use good sea salt to taste in your food

• Cholesterol is a non-issue – elevated cholesterol may indicate problem, but is not the cause of problem.

• Avoid processed foods

• Use clean water

• Use natural minerals rich salts

• Make bone broths

• Use soaked or sprouted grains

• Avoid most vegetable oils – too high in omega-6 fats

• Details on handout

Important! - Don’t be afraid of fat!• Fat phobia is based on poor research and

jumping to wrong conclusions• Fat phobia has served to fatten the coffers of

industry• Saturated fat does not cause heart disease or

cancer!• Cholesterol is not responsible for clogging

arteries!• Both are essential part of a healthy body!

Trust Us, We're Experts -How Industry Manipulates Science and

Gambles with Your FutureSee also “The Skinny on Fats” at

The Many Roles of Saturated Fat

CELL MEMBRANES – should be 50% saturated fatty acids.

BONES – Saturated fats help the body put calcium in the bones.

HEART DISEASE – Lower Lp(a), a marker for heart disease.

HEART FUNCTION – Saturated fats are preferred food for the heart.

LIVER – Saturated fats protect the liver from alcohol & other poisons.

LUNGS – Can’t function without saturated fats.

KIDNEYS – Can’t function without saturated fats.

IMMUNE SYSTEM – Enhanced by saturated fats.

ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS – Work together with saturated fats.

Why Butter is Better

• Butter is a rich source of true vitamin A

• Also contains other fat soluble vitamins - D, E, & K2

• These key vitamins are not well absorbed without fat

• K2 - especially rich in butter from cows on fresh spring pasture

• Rich source of trace minerals – – selenium, the antioxidant

mineral– Iodine, the thyroid mineral,

combats fibrocystic disease

• Contains valuable fats:– Short chain fatty acids:

• Butyric acid – fuel for the colon, also anti-carcinogenic

• Lauric acid – potent antimicrobial and antifungal - protects against GI infections – children fed skim milk have higher rates of diarrhea

– CLA, esp. if grass fed – cancer protective

– Cholesterol – protects the brain– The Wulzen or “anti-

stiffness” factor (only in raw butter & cream)

Beware of “Health-washing”

• Avoid soy• Avoid low fat• Cholesterol is not an issue

• Cage-free, ‘natural’ is not pasture raised

• Organic milk is better, but not raw

• Organic cereals may still be highly processed

SummaryTraditional diets maximized nutrients while

modern diets minimize nutrientsTRADITIONAL DIETS MODERN DIETSFoods from fertile soil Foods from depleted soilOrgan meats over muscle meats Muscle meats, few organs Animal fats Vegetable oilsAnimals on pasture Animals in confinementDairy products raw and/or fermented Dairy products pasteurizedGrains and legumes soaked/fermented Grains refined, extrudedBone broths MSG, artificial flavoringsUnrefined sweeteners (honey, maple syrup) Refined sweetenersLacto-fermented vegetables Canned vegetablesLacto-fermented beverages Modern soft drinksUnrefined salt Refined saltNatural vitamins in foods Synthetic vitamins added Traditional Cooking Microwave, IrradiationTraditional seeds/Open pollination Hybrid seeds, GMO seeds

What we do• Some of our classes:

– Kitchen Transition– Achieving a Health Weight– Nourishing Our Children– Vegetarian Vitals– Protect yourself from cancer with food– Juicing for health– Avoiding diabetes– Nourishing a healthy brain– Fabulous Fats– Gardening for Maximum Nutrition

• We meet 4th Tuesday of month at Grace Lutheran Church – check for schedule – and occasionally elsewhere.

The Weston A. Price

Dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism.

How to connect with us:

• - lists our classes and contact info

• We’re on Facebook – “Toledo WAPF Chapter”

• Join us on Meetup – “Toledo Whole Food Nutrition”

• Our Yahoo group – “WAPFToledo”

Toledo Chapter Leaders:

Kris Johnson, retired & reformed dietitian, 419-836-7637

Lisa Bowe, C.H.P., Health Counselor, 419-262-1023

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