act! for america

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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Brigit te G abriel

 A survivor of Islamic

tenor, best-selling author,

and President of ACT!

  fOr America.

"As Amer ica rose up agains t and defeated Naz ism

and Commun is m, now i s t he t ime t o s tand upagains t the ter ror and ty ranny of I s lamofasc ism.

I t is t ime for concerned Amer icans of good wi l l

t o jo in together and ACT! in the defense of our

secur it y , our l iber ty , and the values up on which

th is nat ion was founded - before i t 's too la te."

The v is ion of ACT! for Am er ica is an Amer ica

that, through i ts laws and publ ic pol ic ies , wi l l be

safe from Is lamic ter ror ism, wi l l remain f ree f rom

Is lamic authori tar ian ism, wi l l cont inue to enjoy

the b less ings of l iber ty and prosper i t y deeded to

us by those who came before us , and wi l l remain

a beacon of l ight and hope to the wor ld.



• R is ing  in defense o f our secur i ty.

 merzca our liberty,

and our va l ues 

Jihad (Holy War) has been

declared on America.

An d t o p a ra p h ra s e E d m u n d Bu r ke , "T h e o n l y t h in g

necessary fo r the t riumph o f th is ev i l i s fo r good men

to do nothing."

J o in u s t od a y, a s w e r is e t o ge th e r t o p ro te c t o u r

fami l ies, our comm unit ies, our l iber t ies, our values - our

country - f rom the evi l scourge of Is lamofascism.

ACT! for America

P.O. Box 12765Pensacola, FL 32591

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The call to J ihad (Holy War) is a centra l doc t r ine of I s lam, and in

the past severa l decades th is ca l l has been rev ived by hundreds

of mi l l ions of Mus l ims around the wor ld. The jus ti fication for th is

cal l to J ihad does not come f rom a few" ex t remis ts, " or a few

"radica ls" who have supposedly "h i jacked" a "peacefu l I s lam. "

The call to J ihad comes f rom the doct r ines of the Qur ' an and

the Hadi th - the holy books of I s lam - which are unequivocal

in the i r command to Mus l ims to conquer , conver t or k i l l a l l

unbelievers ( inf idels). Here's just a very small sampling:

"Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you

find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in

wait and ambush them using every stratagem

of war." Qur'an:9:5

"Fight them until all opposition ends and all

submit to Allah." Qur'an:8:39

"He said, 'Fight them so that there is no more

rebellion, and religion, all of it, is for Allah only.

Allah must have no rivals.''' Ishaq:324


ACT! for Amer ica is a nat ionwide organizat ion of concerned

Amer icans who want to be in formed, who want to in form others ,

and who are unit ing together to speak out agains t and res is t the

r is ing t ide of I s lamofasc ism - and the "pol i tica l cor rec tness" that

excuses it , rat ionalizes it , dismisses it , or blames America for i t .

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I f w e a re to s uc ce ssfu l lych al lenge the rising t ide o f Isiam ofas cismin our m idst,as w ell as the po l it ica l co rrectne ssthat is aiding i ts adv an ce ,w e ca nn ot goi t a lone.W e m ust uni te w i th other con cerne dci tizens to crea te a pow erfulgrassroo tsorganizat ion in th is co untry.. . an orga nizat ion that w i ll spe ak w ithauthor i ty . .. an orga nizat ion that can not be dism issed,si lenc ed or ignored ...

an organ izat ion that w i ll get resul ts!


Through a nat ionw ide network of loca l chapters,com bined wi th the pow erof Internet com m unicat ion,ACT ! for Am erica is ro l ling bac k the t ide of

Islam ofascism ,em pow ering peo ple acrosso ur nat ion throug h projects suc h as:

• Educa ting fr iends and fam i ly mem bers abou t the s t ra teg ies ,

tac tics and ob jectives o f Is lam ofasc ism .

• D is tr ibu t ing leg is la tive vo t ing records and po licy po s itions o f

elected off ic ia ls .

• Lobby ing e lec ted o ffic ia ls on leg is la tion impor tan t to

na tiona l secu rity and the th rea t o f I slamo fascism .

• W r iting le tte rs to the ed ito r , such as cor rect ing m isrepre-

sen ta tions about Is lam or cha lleng ing "po lit ica lly cor rect "

reporting about Is lam .

• M on ito ring e lemen ta ry , secondary and un ive rs ity cou rseo ffe rings and tex tbooks, exposing and p ro tes ting an ti-

Am erican ism and fau lty dep ic tions o f Is lam .

• D is tr ibu ting on line pe titions des igned to encou rage changes

in governm ent, bus iness, education o r med ia po lic ies .

• Conduc ting train ing sem ina rs on e ffec tive g rassroo ts andciv ic act ion st ra teg ies and tact ics.

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~ ACT!for America

DID YOU KNOW ...• Ham as ter ror ce lls are in p lace in dozens o f c i ties across Am er ica?

• Secretive Is lamic compounds, some of which are a l legedly t ra in ing jihad is ts

in param i li tary tact ics, exist on Am erican soi l?

• Is lamic m il itants have in fi lt ra ted the FBI, the C IA, and our m ili ta ry , and some

have been arrested and convic ted for ter ror ism and re lated charges?

• Mosques in Am er ica preach and d is t ribute mater ia ls that ca ll fo r Jihad,espouse ha tred o f " in fide ls ," and advoca te the over th row o f Amer ican

constitu tiona l government to be rep laced by s tric t Is lamic shar ia law?

• Univers it ies throughout Am er ica indoctrinate s tudents wi th a pro-Is lamic, ant i-

Amer ican , an ti- Is rae l b ias tha t w h itewashes the t ru th abou t m i litan t Islam?


You're only a click away from helping to ensure a safer, more

secure America! Log on at  today to...

• S ign up for emai l in format iona l updates and a ler ts so va luab le that

government o f fic ia ls and consu ltants in the fie lds o f counter-terrorism and

intel ligence subscr ibe to them.• Read the la tes t new s and commenta ry on the sp read o f Is lamofasc ism and

threats to our nationa l securi ty , inc lud ing exposes the "estab lishment media"

doesn't know abou t o r won 't report .

• Become a mem ber o f ou r rapid ly g rowing na tionwide o rgan iza tion .

• F ind out where ACT! for Am erica chap te rs a re in your a rea .

• Learn abou t ac tion items and p ro jec ts launched by ACT! for Amer ica and howyou can he lp make a d i f ference!

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