activating the gifts of the holy spirit

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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holy spirit,mike connell


Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 2 - Act|vat|ng the G|fts of the Sp|r|t N8A|| scr|pture quotes are taken from the New k|ng Iames Vers|on (NkIV) un|ess otherw|se |nd|cated 1. Aposto||c keformat|on 1.11he resent keformat|on key Verse: Acts 3:19-21 8epenL Lherefore and be converLed, LhaL your slns may be bloLLed ouL, so LhaL Llmes of refreshlng may come from Lhe presence of Lhe Lord, 20 and LhaL Pe may send !esus ChrlsL, who was preached Lo you before, 21 whom heaven musL recelve unt|| the t|mes of restorat|on of a|| th|ngs, whlch Cod has spoken by Lhe mouLh of all Pls holy propheLs slnce Lhe world began" Ins|ghts: 'kestorat|on' - n1:603 - Lo seL back ln order, reLurn Lo lLs orlglnal sLaLe 'keformat|on' - n1:1337 - Lo seL rlghL, Lo make sLralghL, Lo resLore Lo orlglnal condlLlon someLhlng LhaL has goL ouL of llne or broken or mlsallgned, Lo make a sLrucLural ad[usLmenL 8eformaLlon ls a deep lnner change of menLallLy, undersLandlng, behavlors, aLLlLudes, and world vlews LhaL LoLally shlfLs Lhe way Lhe church operaLes ouLwardly lL ls noL [usL a 'manlfesLaLlon' move of Cod, ln whlch someLhlng unexpecLed happens and people are b|essed. lL ls recelved as revelaLlon from heaven and progress|ve|y bu||t by people who are wllllng Lo change 8eformaLlon challenges us Lo become co-workers wlLh Cod (1Cor.3:9) 1.2 1he Church Iesus |s 8u||d|ng key Verse: Matt 16:17-19 !esus answered and sald Lo hlm, "8lessed are you, Slmon 8ar-!onah, for flesh and blood has noL revealed Lhls Lo you, buL My laLher who ls ln heaven.18 And l also say Lo you LhaL you are eLer, and on Lhls rock l wlll bulld My church, and the gates of nades sha|| not preva|| aga|nst |t.19 And l wlll glve you Lhe keys of Lhe klngdom of heaven, and whaLever you blnd on earLh wlll be bound ln heaven, and whaLever you loose on earLh wlll be loosed ln heaven."Ins|ghts: 1he Church !esus ls bulldlng ls a cenLre of splrlLual governmenL An AposLollc Church exerclses domlnlon over Lhe splrlL realm, keeplng Lhe heavens open for moves of Lhe Poly SplrlL lnLo Lhe reglon and beyond 'reva||' - n1:2729 -Lo be superlor ln sLrengLh, Lo overpower An AposLollc Church prevalls over Lhe gaLes of hell le exerclses splrlLual auLhorlLy LhaL resLrlcLs and shuLs down demonlc acLlvlLy 'Author|ty' - n1:1849 - Lhe power and rlghL Lo command Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 3 - 1.3Aposto||c M|n|strya)1he Church |s bu||t upon Aposto||c foundat|ons key Verse: Lph 2:20-22havlng been bu||t on the foundat|on of the apost|es and prophets, !esus ChrlsL Plmself belng Lhe chlef cornersLone,21 ln whom Lhe whole bulldlng, belng flLLed LogeLher, grows lnLo a holy Lemple ln Lhe Lord, 22 ln whom you also are belng bullL LogeLher for a dwelllng place of Cod ln Lhe SplrlL." Ins|ghts: '8u||d' - n1:2026 - Lo consLrucL, assemble, creaLe by followlng a deslgn or blueprlnL 1he foundaLlon LhaL supporLs any bulldlng musL be sLable and able Lo supporL Lhe LoLal welghL of Lhe bulldlng or lL wlll collapse 'Ioundat|on' - n1:2310 - Lhe beglnnlngs, Lhe flrsL prlnclples, Lhe sub-sLrucLure AposLles break open splrlLual aLmospheres and lmparL prlnclples and paLLerns of Lhe church Cod ls wanLlng Lo bulld b)1he Apost|e |s f|rst |n rank key Verse: 1 Cor 12:28 And Cod has appolnLed Lhese ln Lhe church: f|rst apost|es, second propheLs, Lhlrd Leachers, afLer LhaL mlracles, Lhen glfLs of heallngs, helps, admlnlsLraLlons, varleLles of Longues"Ins|ghts: 'I|rst' - n1:4412 - flrsL ln Llme, place, order, lmporLance, or rank, chlef componenL llrsL does noL lndlcaLe LhaL aposLles are beLLer Lhan any oLher MlnlsLry llrsL does lndlcaLe a parLlcular quallLy of Lhe aposLollc glfL.lL has a breakLhrough capablllLy oLher mlnlsLrles do noL have c)Apost|es are bu||ders key Verse: Lph 4:11-13 And Pe Plmself gave some Lo be aposLles, some propheLs, some evangellsLs, and some pasLors and Leachers, 12 for the equ|pp|ng of the sa|nts for Lhe work of mlnlsLry, for Lhe edlfylng of Lhe body of ChrlsL, 13 Llll we all come Lo Lhe unlLy of Lhe falLh and of Lhe knowledge of Lhe Son of Cod, Lo a perfecL man, Lo Lhe measure of Lhe sLaLure of Lhe fullness of ChrlsL"Ins|ghts: 'Apost|e' n1:632 ! Lo send forLh, Lo send on a mlllLary campalgn An aposLle ls an ambassador, a delegaLe, a senL one An aposLle ls senL ouL from Lhe local church, commlssloned by Lhe Poly SplrlL Lo ploneer breakLhroughs and advances of Lhe klngdom of Cod AposLles equlp bellevers and lmparL an aposLollc splrlL upon Lhelr llves so Lhey can be effecLlve ln breaklng Lhrough lnLo Lhe communlLy Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 4 - 1.4 Character|st|cs of an Aposto||c Church key Verse: Luke 10:1-2 AfLer Lhese Lhlngs Lhe Lord appo|nted seventy others a|so, and senL Lhem Lwo by Lwo before Pls face lnLo every clLy and place where Pe Plmself was abouL Lo go. 2 1hen Pe sald Lo Lhem, 1he harvesL Lruly ls greaL, buL Lhe laborers are few, Lherefore pray Lhe Lord of Lhe harvesL Lo send ouL laborers lnLo Pls harvesL."Ins|ghts:'Appo|nt' - n1:322 - Lo llfL up Lo anoLher level, Lo puL on dlsplay for all Lo see1he sevenLy dlsclples recelved Lhe same mandaLe as Lhe Lwelve aposLles who wenL before Lhem 1hey carrled an aposLollc splrlL and broke Lhrough demonlc poslLlons all across Lhe LerrlLory Some Character|st|cs of the Aposto||c Church !lL keeps Lhe heavens open so LhaL people can experlence Lhe presence and power of Cod and be changed !lL has a governlng menLallLy LhaL confronLs splrlL powers !lL has sLrong pralse and worshlp LhaL releases flows of Lhe SplrlL of Cod !lL has mlllLanL prayer and fasLlng LhaL releases aposLollc sLrengLh and auLhorlLy !lL ralses up and equlpsbellevers Lo become effecLlve mlnlsLers of Lhe SplrlL !lL commlsslons and sends bellevers lnLo Lhe communlLy Lo overcome enLrenched splrlLual forces, release Lhe presence of Cod, wln souls, and Lransform Lhe communlLy !lL focuses on advanclng Lhe klngdom of Cod locally and globally !lL releases flnances and resources for advanclng Lhe klngdom of Cod 1.S8reakthrough 8e||evers key Verse: Acts 6:8 And SLephen, full of falLh and power, dld greaL wonders and slgns among Lhe people"Ins|ghts: SLephen was a deacon ln Lhe church responslble for dlsLrlbuLlng food SLephen was full of falLh and power and worked mlracles LhaL lmpacLed Lhe llves of many SLephen was a breakLhrough bellever flowlng ln aposLollc anolnLlng 2.1he G|fts of the Sp|r|t 2.1God Wants ou to Move |n 1he Supernatura| key Verse: 1Cor. 12:1 now concernlng splrlLual glfLs, breLhren, l would noL have you Lo be lgnoranL" Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 5 - Ins|ghts: 8ellevers musL noL remaln lgnoranL of Lhe ClfLs of Lhe SplrlL, Lhelr proper use, and Lhelr purpose 'Ignorant' - n1:30 - Lo lack experlence andpracLlcal undersLandlng,Lo lgnore Lhrough lack of deslre or lnLeresL Cod wanLs us Lo be lnformed abouL, and operaLe effecLlvely ln, Lhe ClfLs of Lhe SplrlL 2.21he G|fts of the Sp|r|t are Supernatura| key Verse: 1Cor 12:7 8uL Lhe manlfesLaLlon of Lhe SplrlL ls glven Lo each one for Lhe proflL of all"Ins|ghts: ?ou are a splrlL belng llvlng ln a body unlquely deslgned Lo express Lhe presence and llfe of Cod on Lhe earLhCod clearly deslres each bellever Lo manlfesL Lhe llfe and power of LhePoly SplrlL 'Man|festat|on' - n1:3321 - clearly vlslble supernaLural acLlvlLy of LhePoly SplrlL 'Lach one' - n1:1338 - every bellever has Lhls prlvllege Lo express Lhe ClfLs of Lhe SplrlL 'G|fts' - n1:3486 - grace, beneflL one recelves wlLhouL any merlL of one's own 'rof|t' - n1:4831 - Lo beneflL people, and advance Lhe klngdom of Cod 1he Poly SplrlL dlsLrlbuLes Lhe ClfLs Lo each bellever as Pe wllls, and energlzes Lhem Lo make Lhe bellever frulLful ln manlfesLlng Lhe presence of Cod ClfLs are: "noL an lndlcaLor of personal maLurlLy "noL a slgn LhaL one's llfe ls compleLely rlghL wlLh Cod "glven, noL earned "recelved by acLlve falLh 2.3D|fferent Categor|es of the G|fts key Verse: 1Cor.12:7-11 8uL Lhe manlfesLaLlon of Lhe SplrlL ls glven Lo each one for Lhe proflL of all:8 for Lo one ls glven Lhe word of wlsdom Lhrough Lhe SplrlL, Lo anoLher Lhe word of knowledge Lhrough Lhe same SplrlL, 9 Lo anoLher falLh by Lhe same SplrlL, Lo anoLher glfLs of heallngs by Lhe same SplrlL, 10 Lo anoLher Lhe worklng of mlracles, Lo anoLher prophecy, Lo anoLher dlscernlng of splrlLs, Lo anoLher dlfferenL klnds of Longues, Lo anoLher Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon of Longues. 11 8uL one and Lhe same SplrlL works all Lhese Lhlngs, dlsLrlbuLlng Lo each one lndlvldually as Pe wllls."

AlLhough each glfL has lLs own unlque funcLlon, lL ls helpful Lo conslder Lhem ln LhreedlfferenL caLegorles of operaLlon. l)G|fts of keve|at|on - lnformaLlon prevlously hldden ls made known Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 6 - !Word of knowledge !Word of Wlsdom !ulscernlng of SplrlLs ll) G|fts of Utterance - someLhlng ls spoken ! rophecy !ulverse 1ongues !lnLerpreLaLlon of 1ongues lll) G|fts of ower - someLhlng supernaLural ls done,power ls lmparLed !lalLh !ClfLs of Peallng !Worklng of Mlracles the G|ftsWork 1ogether 3.11he G|fts Work 1ogether key r|nc|p|e:ClfLs of Lhe SplrlL operaLe together Lo produce a Langlble manlfesLaLlon of Lhe presence Lhe Poly SplrlL. "attern:keve|at|on + Words Spoken + Act|ve Ia|th = Man|festat|on of no|y Sp|r|t 3.28|b|e Lxamp|es of G|fts Work|ng 1ogether a)Ioshua and the Sun and Moon - Iosh 10:13 !oshua commanded Lhe sun and moon Lo sLay, and Lhey dld noL move for a daykeve|at|on + Words Spoken + Act|ve Ia|th = Man|festat|on of no|y Sp|r|t b) 1he I|g 1ree Cursed - Mark 11:12-13,20-21 !esus cursed Lhe flg Lree by speaklng Lo lL, and lL subsequenLly wlLhered and dledkeve|at|on + Words Spoken + Act|ve Ia|th = Man|festat|on of no|y Sp|r|t c)1he Man nea|ed at the oo| at 8ethesda - Iohn S:1-1S !esus selecLed one man, spoke Lo hlm, and he arose and walkedkeve|at|on + Words Spoken + Act|ve Ia|th = Man|festat|on of no|y Sp|r|t d)1he Man nea|ed at the 1emp|e Gate- Acts 3:1-6,1S eLer selecLed a man !esus had prevlously passed by, spoke a word of command Lo hlm, and Lhe man recelved a glfL of heallng and walked keve|at|on + Words Spoken + Act|ve Ia|th = Man|festat|on of no|y Sp|r|t e)Anan|as nea|s au| - Acts 9:10-18 Ananlas recelved revelaLlon Lo go Lo aul. Pe spoke Lo hlm and released a glfL of heallng Lo hlm keve|at|on + Words Spoken + Act|ve Ia|th = Man|festat|on of no|y Sp|r|t f)au| nea|s the Lame Man - Acts 14:8-10 aul percelved LhaL Lhe man had falLh Lo be healed, and spoke a command Lo hlm and a mlracle of heallng manlfesLedkeve|at|on + Words Spoken + Act|ve Ia|th = Man|festat|on of no|y Sp|r|t Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 7 - 4.8e||evers Can Cperate |n a|| the G|fts 4.1 1he Great Comm|ss|on key Verse: Mark 16: 17-18And Lhese slgns wlll follow Lhose who belleve: ln My name Lhey wlll casL ouL demons, Lhey wlll speak wlLh new Longues,18 Lhey wlll Lake up serpenLs, and lf Lhey drlnk anyLhlng deadly, lL wlll by no means hurL Lhem, Lhey wlll lay hands on Lhe slck, and Lhey wlll recover." G|fts of the Sp|r|t !CasL ouL demons.dlscernlng of splrlLs, worklng of mlracles, falLh !Speak ln new Longues.Longues, and maybe lnLerpreLaLlons !1ake up serpenLs (wresLle wlLh splrlL powers).revelaLlon glfLs and prophecy !urlnk any deadly Lhlng (by accldenL)lL wlll noL harm Lhem.mlracles !Lay hands on Lhe slck..ClfLs of falLh and heallngs 4.2au|'s Instruct|on key Verses: 1 Cor 12:7-11 8uL Lhe manlfesLaLlon of Lhe SplrlL ls g|ven to each one for Lhe proflL of all:8 for Lo one ls glven Lhe word of wlsdom Lhrough Lhe SplrlL, Lo anoLher Lhe word of knowledge Lhrough Lhe same SplrlL, 9 Lo anoLher falLh by Lhe same SplrlL, Lo anoLher glfLs of heallngs by Lhe same SplrlL, 10 Lo anoLher Lhe worklng of mlracles, Lo anoLher prophecy, Lo anoLher dlscernlng of splrlLs, Lo anoLher dlfferenL klnds of Longues, Lo anoLher Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon of Longues. 11 8uL one and Lhe same SplrlL works all Lhese Lhlngs, d|str|but|ng to each one lndlvldually as Pe wllls." 1Cor. 1:S so LhaL you come short |n no g|ft, eagerly walLlng for Lhe revelaLlon of our Lord !esus ChrlsL," Ins|ght: 1he Poly SplrlL ls presenL ln every bellever Lo help Lhem produce Lhe maxlmum Lhey can for Lhe klngdom of Cod 4.3Lxamp|e of Anana|as - Acts 9:10-18 Ananalas was an ordlnary dlsclple.Cod used hlm Lo mlnlsLer heallng and bapLlsm ln Lhe SplrlL Lo aul Pe operaLed ln flve ClfLs:!word of knowledge!wlsdom !propheLlc uLLerance!falLh!heallng noLe how Lhe mlracle happened: keve|at|on + Words Spoken + Act|ve Ia|th = Man|festat|on of no|y Sp|r|t S.8e||evers' kespons|b|||t|es concern|ng the G|fts Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 8 - S.1 God Lxpects Someth|ng of Us key Verse: 1 Cor 12:7 8uL Lhe manlfesLaLlon of Lhe SplrlL ls glven Lo each one for Lhe proflL of all." Ins|ghts: Cod glves ClfLs of Lhe SplrlL Lo every bellever Cod musL expecL someLhlng from me lL ls my responslblllLy Lo dlscover whaL Cod expecLs from me

S.2 I|ve kespons|b|||t|es of the 8e||ever a) Learn how to f|ow w|th the no|y Sp|r|t key Verse: 1 Cor 12:1now concernlng splrlLual glfLs, breLhren, l do noL wanL you Lo be lgnoranL."Ins|ghts: Cod expecLs us Lo culLlvaLe and develop our capaclLy Lo flow wlLh Poly SplrlL Cod expecLs us Lo be bu||ders, noL [usL recelvers of blesslngs b)ass|onate|y Des|re the G|fts of the Sp|r|t key Verse: 1 Cor 12:318uL earnesLly deslre Lhe besL glfLs." Ins|ghts: 'Larnest|y Des|re' - n1:2206- Zealous Lo be passlonaLe, Lo conLend Lo excel, sLrongly exerL yourself ln Lhe pursulL of someLhlng you wanL llowlng ln Lhe ClfLs of Lhe SplrlL resulLs ln Lhe manlfesLaLlon of Lhe SplrlL of Cod Lhrough us.We brlng heaven Lo earLh c)St|r Up the G|fts of the Sp|r|t key Verse: 2 1|m 1:61herefore l remlnd you Lo sLlr up Lhe glfL of Cod whlch ls ln you Lhrough Lhe laylng on of my hands."Ins|ghts: 'St|r Up' - n1:329 - Lo klndle glowlng embers back lnLo a roarlng flre, Lo lgnlLe a flame or level or passlon A flre ls usually reklndled sLep by sLep by provldlng fresh fuel and alr d)Don't uench the no|y Sp|r|t key Verse: 1 1hess S:19 uo noL quench Lhe SplrlL. 20uo noL desplse prophecles." Ins|ghts: 'uench' - n1:4370 - Lo sLlfle, suppress, exLlngulsh, puL an end Lo someLhlng burnlng Slnful words, aLLlLudes, and acLlons grleve Lhe Poly SplrlL lear, unbellef, conLrol, and unwllllngness Lo yleld all quench Lhe Poly SplrlL Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 9 - e)Don't Neg|ect the G|fts of the Sp|r|t key Verse: 1 1|m 4:14uo noL neglecL Lhe glfL LhaL ls ln you, whlch was glven Lo you by prophecy wlLh Lhe laylng onof Lhe hands of Lhe eldershlp.MedlLaLe on Lhese Lhlngs, glve yourself enLlrely Lo Lhem, LhaLyour progress may be evldenL Lo all."Ins|ghts: 'Neg|ect' - n1:272 - Lo be careless abouL, Lo make llghL of, Lo place llLLle lmporLance upon so LhaL no efforL ls made Lo develop and grow ln Lhe glfLlng lL Lakes efforL and commlLmenL Lo develop experlence and experLlse ln movlng ln Lhe ClfLs of Lhe SplrlL f)Lxce| |n 8u||d|ng Up eop|e key Verse: 1 Cor 14:12Lven so you, slnce you are zealous for splrlLual glfLs, leL lL be for Lhe edlflcaLlon of Lhe church LhaL you seek Lo excel." Ins|ghts: Lvery bellever ls called Lo excel ln bulldlng up Lhe llves of people Cod glves ClfLs of Lhe SplrlL because Pe expecLs us Lo be lnvolved ln mlnlsLerlng Lhe llfe of Lhe SplrlL Lo people. 'Lxce|' - n1:4032 - Lo sLand ouL because of havlng an abundanL lmpacL ln bulldlng people 6.1hree Ways of Supernatura| Cperat|on 6.1 Leve|s of Supernatura| Cperat|on key Verse: neb 2:4Cod also bearlng wlLness boLh wlLh slgns and wonders, wlLh varlous mlracles, and glfLs of LhePoly SplrlL, accordlng Lo Pls own wlll?"Ins|ghts: 1here are many dlfferenL levels and ways of operaLlonof Lhe Poly SplrlL We need Lo develop ln dlfferenL areas, and noL lock lnLo only one way uon'L geL pre-deLermlned mlndseLs on how Cod wlll moveWlLhln each of Lhe Lhree ways of supernaLural operaLlon below, Lhere many dlfferenL levels of operaLlon 6.2 1he Word and rayer of Ia|th 1he Word of Ia|th key Verse: s 107:20 Pe senL Pls word and healed Lhem, And dellvered Lhem from Lhelr desLrucLlons."Ins|ghts: lalLh comes by hearlng Lhe word of Cod (kom.10:17) Cn Lhe basls of Lhe Word of Cod, we can preach heallng and expect people Lobe healed Cod has glven Lo every person Lhe measure of falLh (kom.12:3) lalLh grows, as we hear and medlLaLe on Lhe word of Cod (kom.10:17) Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 10 - lalLh grows as we exerclse lL le acL upon whaL Lhe word of Cod says Lxamp|e: 1he Centur|on - Matt 8:7-10 And !esus sald Lo hlm, "l wlll come and heal hlm." 8 1he cenLurlon answered andsald,"Lord, l am noL worLhy LhaL ?ou should come under my roof. 8uL on|y speak a word and my servanL wlll be healed. 9 lor l also am a man under auLhorlLy, havlng soldlers under me. And l say Lo Lhls one, 'Co,' and he goes, and Lo anoLher, 'Come,' andhe comes, and Lo my servanL, 'uo Lhls,' and he does lL." 10 When !esus heard lL,Pe marveled, and sald Lo Lhose who followed, "Assuredly, l say Lo you, l have noLfound such greaL falLh, noL even ln lsrael!" Lxamp|e: au| - Acts 14:7 And they were preach|ng the gospe| Lhere. And ln LysLra a cerLaln man wlLhouL sLrengLh ln hls feeL was slLLlng, a crlpple from hls moLher's womb, who had never walked. 9 1hlsman heard au| speak|ng. aul, observlng hlm lnLenLly and see|ng that he had fa|th tobe hea|ed, 10 sald wlLh a loud volce,"SLand up sLralghL on your feeL!" And he leapedand walked" Lxamp|e: Cra| koberts !eople wenL lnLo a heallng llne only afLer Leachlng abouL heallng had Laken place !AfLer prayer people were lnLervlewed and LesLlfled whaL Cod had done !1esLlmonles of heallngs caused Lhe falLh level Lo rlse Lxamp|e: Cur Church !1he word of Cod ls preached before people are mlnlsLered Lo. !eople come up for prayer afLer Lhelr falLh has been sLlrred by hearlng Lhe word of Cod 1he rayer of Ia|th key Verse: Mark 11:24 1herefore l say Lo you, whaLever Lhlngs you ask when you pray, belleve LhaL you recelve Lhem, and you wlll have Lhem."Ins|ghts: rayer LhaL geLs resulLs musL be fllled wlLh falLh lalLh means noL doubLlng ln your hearL rayers are noL always answered lmmedlaLely SomeLlmes you musL persevere ln prayer (Luke 18:1) lf you don'L have an lmmedlaLe manlfesLaLlon of answer Lo your prayer, persevere ln asklng, seeklng, and knocklng (Matt.7:7) Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 11 - Lxamp|e: L|ders - Iames S:14 " ls anyone among you slck? LeL hlm call for Lhe elders of Lhe church, and leL Lhem pray over hlm, anolnLlng hlm wlLh oll ln Lhe name of Lhe Lord. 13 And the prayer of fa|th w||| save the s|ck, and Lhe Lord wlll ralse hlm up. And lf he has commlLLed slns, he wlll be forglven. 16 Confess your Lrespasses Lo one anoLher, and pray for one anoLher, LhaL you may be healed." Lxamp|e: L||[ah - Iames S:16 1he effecLlve, fervent prayer of a r|ghteous man ava||s much. 17 Lll[ah was a man wlLh a naLure llke ours, and he prayed earnesLly LhaL lL would noL raln, and lL dld noL raln on Lhe land for Lhree years and slx monLhs. 18 And he prayed agaln, and Lhe heaven gave raln, and Lhe earLh produced lLs frulL" Lxamp|e: 1he W|dow - Matt 1S:281hen !esus answered and sald Lo her, "C woman, great |s your fa|th!LeL lL be Lo you as you deslre." And her daughLer was healed from LhaL very hour." 6.31he G|fts of the Sp|r|t key Verse: 1 Cor 12:7 8uL Lhe manlfesLaLlon of Lhe SplrlL ls g|ven Lo each one for Lhe proflL of all"Ins|ghts:1he person sLlrs Lhelr falLh Lo recelve and operaLe ln Lhe glfL (21|m.1:6)Cod supernaLurally lmparLs revelaLlon and glves falLh for a person Lo operaLe ln Lhe ClfLs (Acts 3: 4-8) When a person operaLes conslsLenLly ln Lhe parLlcular glfLlng lL becomes llke a manLle resldlng on Lhe person 1haL person can operaLe ln a parLlcular ClfL, or ClfLs, of Lhe SplrlL conslsLenLly, wlLh a slgnlflcanL level of accuracy or success eg words of knowledge, prophecy, mlracles 1he operaLlon of ClfLs of Lhe SplrlL releases an lncreased presence of Cod, alLers Lhe splrlLual aLmosphere, and awakens falLh for mlracles Lo Lake place 6.41he Sovere|gn kea|m key Verse: 2 Chron S:12-14and Lhe LevlLes who were Lhe slngers, all Lhose of Asaph and Peman and !eduLhun, wlLh Lhelrsons and Lhelr breLhren, sLood aL Lhe easL end of Lhe alLar, cloLhed ln whlLe llnen, havlngcymbals, sLrlnged lnsLrumenLs and harps, and wlLh Lhem one hundred and LwenLy prlesLssoundlng wlLh LrumpeLs 13 lndeed lL came Lo pass, when Lhe LrumpeLers and slngers were as one,Lo make one sound Lo be heard ln pralslng and Lhanklng Lhe LC8u, and when Lhey llfLed up Lhelrvolce wlLh Lhe LrumpeLs and cymbals and lnsLrumenLs of muslc, and pralsed Lhe LC8u, saylng: "lor Pe ls good, lor Pls mercy endures forever," LhaL Lhe house, Lhe house of Lhe LC8u, was fllled wlLh a cloud, 14 so LhaL Lhe prlesLs could noL conLlnue mlnlsLerlng because of Lhe cloud, for Lhe glory of Lhe LC8u fllled Lhe house of Cod." Ins|ghts: Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 12 - 1he presence and glory of Cod lnvaded and fllled Lhe aLmosphere 1he glory of Cod appeared as a vlslble cloud eople were unable Lo sLand because of Lhe glory of Cod - Lhey fell over1hls ls a much greaLer level of supernaLural operaLlon 1he manlfesLaLlons LhaL Lake place depend on Lhe level of Lhe presence of Cod, and whaL Cod wanLs Lo do aL LhaL Llme Many people experlence Lhe supernaLural power of Cod aL Lhe same Llme CfLen Lhere are angels presenL as mlnlsLerlng splrlLs. 1hey may be seen by some people Lxamp|e: Iesus' M|n|stry - Luke S:17 now lL happened on a cerLaln day, as Pe was Leachlng, LhaL Lhere were harlsees and Leachers of Lhe law slLLlng by, who had come ouL of every Lown of Calllee, !udea,and !erusalem.And Lhe power of Lhe Lord was presenL Lo heal Lhem."!Cod's presence and glory resLed upon !esus !1he presence of Cod's soverelgnLy fllled Lhe aLmosphere around !esus ! All who were presenL ln LhaL aLmosphere could recelve a mlracle Lxamp|e: Apost|e eter - Acts S:14 And bellevers were lncreaslngly added Lo Lhe Lord, mulLlLudes of boLh men and women, 13 so LhaL Lhey broughL Lhe slck ouL lnLo Lhe sLreeLs and lald Lhem on beds and couches, LhaL aL leasL the shadow of eter pass|ng by mlghL fall on some of Lhem. 16 Also a mulLlLude gaLhered from Lhe surroundlng clLles Lo !erusalem, brlnglng slck people and Lhose who were LormenLed by unclean splrlLs, and they were a|| hea|ed."!Cod's presence and glory resLed upon eLer !1he presence of Cod soverelgnly fllled Lhe aLmosphere around eLer !1here was hlgh expecLaLlon for mlracles Lo Lake place !All who were presenL ln LhaL aLmosphere could recelve a mlracle Lxamp|e: 8enny n|nn !1he presence of Cod fllls hls meeLlngs and people recelve mlracles wlLhouL anyone praylng for Lhem !As LesLlmonles of Lhese mlracles are glven, falLh ls released for oLhers Lo recelve mlracles Add|t|ona| Ins|ghts: CfLen Lhose used Lo move ln Lhls level of operaLlon have experlenced a deep personal encounLer wlLh Lhe Lord. 1hls may have come by: oby exLended and Lhe perslsLenL pursulL of Lhe Lordoby a soverelgn experlence of hlm (1he Crace of Cod) lf Lhe person has had as soverelgn experlence of Lhe Lord , lL may be: oaone-of speclal experlence for LhaL Llme, or slLuaLlon o Lo launch Lhe person lnLo a mlnlsLry Cod has called hlm or her Lo 7. now M|rac|es are ke|eased Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 13 - 7.1 keys to Cperat|ng |n the kea|m of the Supernatura| key Verse: Ga| 3:2 1hls only l wanL Lo learn from you: uld you recelve Lhe SplrlL by Lhe works of Lhe law, or by Lhe near|ng of fa|th? 3 Are you so foollsh? Pavlng begun ln Lhe SplrlL, are you now belng made perfecL byLhe flesh? 4 Pave you suffered so many Lhlngs ln valn - lf lndeed lL was ln valn? 3 1herefore Pewho supplles Lhe SplrlL Lo you and works mlracles among you, does Pe do lL by Lhe works of Lhe law,or by Lhe hearlng of falLh?"Ins|ghts: 1here are Lhree slmple keys Lo operaLlng ln Lhe 8ealm of Lhe SupernaLural l)near|ng....hearlng and recognlzlng Lhe volce of Cod ll)Ia| lnner convlcLlon based upon Pearlng Lhe volce of Cod lll)Cbed|ence....prompL response Lo speak and acL on whaL you have heard 7.2 8|b|e Lxamp|es of the keys a) Jesus - Iohn S:19-20 1hen !esus answered and sald Lo Lhem, "MosL assuredly, l say Lo you, Lhe Son can do noLhlng of Plmself, buL what ne sees the Iather do, for whaLever Pe does, Lhe Son also does ln llke manner. (v20) lor Lhe laLher loves Lhe Son, and shows n|m a|| th|ngs LhaL Pe Plmself does, and Pe wlll show Plm greaLer works Lhan Lhese, LhaL you may marvel."Ins|ghts: !esus conLlnually heard Lhe volce of Cod !esus saw lnLo Lhe 8ealm of Lhe SupernaLural!esus was commlLLed Lo Lhe Wlll of Lhe laLher (Iohn 6:38) We musL learn how Lo Pear and See ln Lhe SplrlL b)eter - Acts 3:4-8 And flxlng hls eyes on Plm, wlLh !ohn, eLer sald, "Look aL us." 3 So he gave Lhem hls aLLenLlon, expecLlng Lo recelve someLhlng from Lhem. 6 1hen eLer sald, "Sllver and gold l do noL have, buL whaL l do have l glve you: ln Lhe name of !esus ChrlsL of nazareLh, rlse up and walk." 7 And he Look hlm by Lhe rlghL hand and llfLed hlm up, and lmmedlaLely hls feeL and ankle bones recelved sLrengLh. 8 So he, leaplng up, sLood and walked and enLered Lhe Lemple wlLh Lhem -- walklng, leaplng, and pralslng Cod."Ins|ghts: 'llxed hls eyes' - n1:816 - Lo gaze lnLenLly: behold earnesLly, Lo fasLen Lhe eyes,look earnesLly or lnLenLly sLeadfasLly, seL eyes eLer focused h|s attent|on and perce|ved ln hls splrlL Lhe lnLenLlon of Cod Lo heal Lhls man now eLer spoke and acted upon whaL he sensed, and a mlracle occurred keve|at|on + Words Spoken + Act|ve Ia|th = Man|festat|on of no|y Sp|r|t Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 14 - c)au| - Acts 14:8-10And ln LysLra a cerLaln man wlLhouL sLrengLh ln hls feeL was slLLlng, a crlpple from hls moLher's womb, who had never walked. 9 1hls man heard aul speaklng. aul,observ|ng h|m |ntent|y and seelng LhaL he had falLh Lo be healed, 10 sald wlLh a loud volce," SLand up sLralghL on your feeL" And he leaped and walked." Ins|ghts: 'Cbserve |ntent|y' - n1:816 - Lo gaze lnLenLly, behold earnesLly, Lo fasLen Lhe eyes, look earnesLly or lnLenLly sLeadfasLly, seL eyesaul focused h|s attent|on and perce|ved ln hls SplrlL Lhe man had falLh Lo be healed. aul spoke and acted upon whaL he sensed and a mlracle occurred keve|at|on + Words Spoken + Act|ve Ia|th = Man|festat|on of no|y Sp|r|t to near the Vo|ce of God 8.11he no|y Sp|r|t Des|res to Commun|cate w|th uskey Verse: Iohn 16:13Powever, when Pe, Lhe SplrlL of LruLh, has come, ne w||| gu|de you |nto a|| truth, for Pe wlll noL speak on Pls own #$%&'()%*+ buL whatever ne hears ne w||| speak, and ne w||| te|| you th|ngs Lo come. (v14) Pe wlll glorlfy Me, for Pe wlll Lake of whaL ls Mlne and declare )% Lo you. (v13) All Lhlngs LhaL Lhe laLher has are Mlne. 1herefore l sald LhaL Pe wlll Lake of Mlne and declare )% Lo you. 8.2We Must Want to near God Speak key Verse: Mark 4:23-2Slf anyone has ears Lo hear, leL hlm hear." 24 1hen Pe sald Lo Lhem, 1ake heed whaL you hear.WlLh Lhe same measure you use, lL wlll be measured Lo you, and Lo you who hear, more wlll be glven.23 lor whoever has, Lo hlm more wlll be glven, buL whoever does noL have, even whaL he has wlll be Laken away from hlm." 8.3 1he no|y Sp|r|t Speaks from W|th|n Us key Verse: 1 Iohn 2:278uL Lhe anolnLlng whlch you have recelved from Plm abldes ln you, and you do noL need LhaL anyone Leach you, buL as Lhe same anolnLlng Leaches you concernlng all Lhlngs, and ls Lrue, and ls noL a lle, and [usL as lL has LaughL you, you wlll ablde ln Plm"Ins|ghts: 1he AnolnLlng ls a person.Pe ls Lhe Poly SplrlL dwelllng wlLhln us 1he Poly SplrlL can be grleved (Lph.4:29-32) 1he Poly SplrlL can be quenched (1 1hess.S:19) ?our splrlL ls [olned Lo Lhe Poly SplrlL (1Cor.6:17) 1he Poly SplrlL speaks splrlL Lo splrlL 8.4 8|b|e Lxamp|es of D|rect Sp|r|t to Sp|r|t Commun|cat|on Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 15 - a)nabakkuk 2:1 l wlll sLand my waLch and seL myself on Lhe ramparL, And watch to see whaL Pew||| say Lo me, and whaL l wlll answer when l am correcLed." ! Pe poslLloned hlmself Lo be sLlll and quleL !Pe Look Llme Lo walL for Cod Lo speak !Pe was able Lo dlscern Lhe volce of Lhe Lord Speaklng ! Cod spoke Lo hlm by way of a vlslon, an lnner plcLure b)1Sam.3:101he LC8u came and sLood Lhere, calllng as aL Lhe oLher Llmes, "Samuel! Samuel!" 1hen Samuel sald, "Speak, for your servanL ls llsLenlng."(nlv)! Pe poslLloned hlmself Lo be sLlll and quleL. !Pe Look Llme Lo walL for Cod Lo Speak !Pe needed lnsLrucLlon on how Lo recognlze Lhe volce of Lhe Lord c)Mark 2:8 8uL lmmedlaLely, when !esus perce|ved |n n|s sp|r|t LhaL Lhey reasoned LhuswlLhln Lhemselves, Pe sald Lo Lhem, "Why do you reason abouL Lhese Lhlngs ln your hearLs?"!!esus conLlnually llsLened Lo Lhe volce of Lhe Poly SplrlL !Pe percelved ln Pls splrlL whaL Lhe harlsees were Lhlnklng !1he Poly SplrlL communlcaLed wlLh Plm splrlL Lo splrlL d)Acts 14:91hls man heard aul speaklng. aul, observ|ng h|m |ntent|y and see|ng LhaL he had falLh Lobe healed, 10 sald wlLh a loud volce, "SLand up sLralghL on your feeL!" And he leaped and walked" !As aul flxed hls aLLenLlon on Lhe manLhe Poly SplrlL spoke lnLo hls splrlL !Pe reallzed Lhe man had falLh for a mlracle, and acLed Lo brlng lL abouL 8.S Common Ways 1he no|y Sp|r|t Commun|cates D|rect|y a)See|ng A sponLaneous menLal plcLure or lmage prompLed by Lhe Poly SplrlL lL may come as a st||| or mov|ng p|cture dlsplayed wlLhln Lhe mlnd lL may come as a wr|tten word or group of words dlsplayed wlLhln Lhe mlnd lL may be lnsLanLaneous, or lL may develop slowly, llke a olarold phoLo lL may Lake pracLlce wlLh a brlef perlod of Lrlal and error learnlng Lo deLermlne whlch lmages are from Poly SplrlL b) near|ng Cod may speak wlLh an outer aud|b|e vo|ce heard physlcally by your ears(1 Sam 3: 4-10)Cod may speak Lhrough an |nner aud|b|e vo|ce LhaL seems very clear and seems Lo come from wlLhln you Cod wlll mosL ofLen speak wlLh a st||| sma|| vo|ce ln our LhoughLs (1k|ngs 19:11-1) Pls volce comes from wlLhln as a spontaneous thought LhaL lnLerrupLs our LhoughLs lL may be [usL a slngle word lndlcaLlng some need Many people sLruggle wlLh Lhls le was LhaL my LhoughL or was LhaL from Lhe Lord?" c)Iee||ng Cod may speak Lo youLhrough lnner lmpresslons Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 16 - 1he lmpresslon may come as an |nner 'know|ng' 1he lmpresslon may come as an |nner peace or as an ag|tat|on Co|oss|ans 3:1S - And leL Lhe peace of Cod ru|e ln your hearLs, Lo whlch also you were called ln one body, and be Lhankful."'ku|e' -n1:1018 -Lo be an umplre ln a game and blow Lhe whlsLle, Lo declde, deLermlne whaL should happen, Lo dlrecL, conLrol, rule 1he lmpresslonor feellng may be 'release' or 'resLralnL' d)Insp|red Wr|t|ng 1 Chr 28:19"All Lhls," sald uavld, "Lhe LC8u made me understand |n wr|t|ng, by Pls hand upon me, all Lhe works of Lhese plans." 1he SplrlL of Cod gave revelaLlonLo uavld concernlng Lhe 1emple deslgn Cod dld lL by gu|d|ng h|s hand as he wroLe le lnsplred wrlLlng 8.6 Cther Ways keve|at|on |s kece|ved a)V|s|ons Acts 16:9-10 And a vlslon appeared Lo aul ln Lhe nlghL. A man of Macedonla sLood and pleaded wlLh hlm, saylng, "Come over Lo Macedonla and help us" Cpen V|s|on - llke waLchlng a scene open up before your eyes.?our eyes are open and you can sLlll see Lhe naLural surroundlngs, buL a splrlLual vlslon ls superlmposed upon lL.lL may be sLlll or movlng C|osed V|s|on - your eyes are closed, and you recelve a menLal plcLure on Lhe screen of your lmaglnaLlon b)1rancesActs 10:9-13 eLer wenL up on Lhe houseLop Lo pray, abouL Lhe slxLh hour. 10 1hen he became very hungry and wanLed Lo eaL, buL whlle Lhey made ready, he fell lnLo a Lrance 11 and saw heaven opened and an ob[ecL llke a greaL sheeL bound aL Lhe four corners, descendlng Lo hlm and leL down Lo Lhe earLh. 12 ln lL were all klnds of four-fooLed anlmals of Lhe earLh, wlld beasLs, creeplng Lhlngs, and blrds of Lhe alr. 13 And a volce came Lo hlm, "8lse, eLer, klll and eaL" See also: Acts 22:17 - aul c)DreamsMatt 2:13 now when Lhey had deparLed, behold, an ange| of the Lord appeared to Ioseph |n a dream, saylng, "Arlse, Lake Lhe young Chlld and Pls moLher, flee Lo LgypL, and sLay Lhere unLll l brlng you word, for Perod wlll seek Lhe young Chlld Lo desLroy Plm." See also: Gen 37:S- !oseph, Matt 27:19 - llaLe's wlfe d)Ange||c V|s|tat|ons Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 17 - Acts 8:26-27 "now an ange| of the Lord spoke to h|||p, saylng, "Arlse and go Loward Lhe souLh along Lhe road whlch goes down from !erusalem Lo Caza." 1hls ls deserL. 27 So he arose and wenL." See also: Luke 1:28 - Mary, Acts S:19 - eLer e)V|s|tat|ons kev 1:12-1S 1hen l Lurned Lo see Lhe volce LhaL spoke wlLh me. And hav|ng turned I saw seven golden lampsLands, 13 and ln Lhe mldsL of Lhe seven lampsLands Cne ||ke the Son of Man, cloLhed wlLh a garmenL down Lo Lhe feeL and glrded abouL Lhe chesL wlLh a golden band. 14 Pls head and halr were whlLe llke wool, as whlLe as snow, and Pls eyes llke a flame of flre, 13 Pls feeL were llke flne brass, as lf reflned ln a furnace, and Pls volce as Lhe sound of many waLers" See also: Gen 18:1 - Abraham, Iosh S:13-1S - !oshua f)1rans|ated |n the Sp|r|t 2 Cor 12:1-4 lL ls doubLless noL proflLable for me Lo boasL. l wlll come Lo vlslons and revelaLlons of Lhe Lord: 2 l know a man ln ChrlsL who fourLeen years ago - wheLher ln Lhe body l do noL know, or wheLher ouL of Lhe body l do noL know, Cod knows - such a one was caughL up Lo Lhe Lhlrd heaven. 3 And l know such a man - wheLher ln Lhe body or ouL of Lhe body l do noL know, Cod knows -4 how he was caughL up lnLo aradlse and heard lnexpresslble words, whlch lL ls noL lawful for a man Lo uLLer." See also: 2 k|ngs S:26 - Lll[ah g)1ransported |n the Sp|r|t Lzek 8:2-4 1hen l looked, and Lhere was a llkeness, llke Lhe appearance of flre - from Lhe appearance of Pls walsL and downward, flre, and from Pls walsL and upward, llke Lhe appearance of brlghLness, llke Lhe color of amber. 3 Pe sLreLched ouL Lhe form of a hand, and Look me by a lock of my halr, and the Sp|r|t ||fted me up between earth and heaven, and brought me |n v|s|ons of God to Ierusa|em, Lo Lhe door of Lhe norLh gaLe of Lhe lnner courL, where Lhe seaL of Lhe lmage of [ealousy was, whlch provokes Lo [ealousy. 4 And behold, Lhe glory of Lhe Cod of lsrael was Lhere, llke Lhe vlslon LhaL l saw ln Lhe plaln." See also:1 k|ngs 18:11-12 - Lll[ah, Acts 8:39 - hlllp 9.Why Some eop|e Strugg|e to kece|ve 9.1 Sp|r|tua| Sens|t|v|ty can be Deve|oped key Verse: neb S:14 8uL solld food belongs Lo Lhose who are of full age, %% ),+ Lhose who by reason of use have the|r senses exerc|sed to d|scern boLh good and evll." Ins|ghts: 'Use' - n1:1838 - a hablL, someLhlng pracLlced consLanLly 'Lxerc|sed' - n1:1128 - Lo Lraln or pracLlce for an Clymplc compeLlLlon "1hls requlres LhaL people remove anyLhlng LhaL would hlnder Lhem performlng Lhelr besL Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 18 - 9.2 Natura| Senses Lvery person has flve naLural senses - slghL, hearlng, LasLe, Louch, and smell WlLh our flve senses we connecL wlLh Lhe naLural worldlnformaLlon from our flve senses ls communlcaLed lnLo our braln where Lhe lnformaLlon ls sLored ln Lhe memory bank of experlences we recall As we bulld up a range of experlences we can qulckly ldenLlfy whaL our flve senses are plcklng up Lg a moLher easlly recognlzes Lhe volce of her chlld crylng ln a room full of crylng chlldren 9.3 Sp|r|t Sensat|ons Puman belngs are splrlL belngs llvlng ln a body #Lvery person has splrlLual senses whlch enable us Lo be aware of Lhe splrlL world around us Cur splrlLual senses can exLend beyond Lhe body and can become aware of splrlLual aLmospheres creaLed by people by demons or by Lhe SplrlL of Cod unsaved people call Lhls Lhe 'slxLh sense' - lL ls really your splrlL man 9.4 now ou rocess Sensat|ons lnformaLlon from your naLural senses enLers your soul and ls processed by your mlnd Lhrough comparlng wlLh prevlous experlences, and by reasonlng lnformaLlon from your splrlLual senses enLers your soul as a sponLaneous plcLure, LhoughL, or lmpresslon, and ls processed by your mlnd unLll Lhe mlnd has been Lralned Lo recognlze and yleld Lo splrlLual lmpresslons from Lhe Poly SplrlL, lL Lends Lo reason Lhem away and/or lgnore LhemAs Lhe mlnd ls renewed by Lhe Word of Cod lL can be Lralned Lo be senslLlve Lo Lhe prompLlngs of Lhe Poly SplrlL and obey Pls volce ln slmple falLh We need Lo learn l) Lo recelve lmpresslons ll)Lo ldenLlfy and evaluaLe Lhem lll)Lo enqulre of Lhe Poly SplrlL for more deLall lv)Lo Lake a rlsk, and speak or acL on Lhe lmpresslon 9.S Lxtreme kesponses Lxtreme # 1:Plghly loglcal people may reason away all splrlLual lmpresslons "1he lefL slde of Lhe braln domlnaLes Lhelr mlnd,and re[ecL all lnLulLlve LhoughLs "1hey may be ln bondage Lo splrlLs of unbellef, conLrol, and fear Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 19 - Lxtreme # 2:lnLulLlve people may respond Lo every lmpresslon wlLhouL dlscernlng whaL ls Cod and whaL ls noL "eople who have experlenced re[ecLlon, abuse, or have been lnvolved ln occulL pracLlces are ofLen deeply senslLlve Lo lmpresslons "1hey may lack dlsclpllne ln evaluaLlng Lhelr Lhlnklng processes "1hey may hlde behlnd a false splrlLuallLy, consLanLly declarlng LhaL Cod Lold me" "1hey may be reslsLanL Lo feedback, and vlew lL as a furLher re[ecLlon to Act|vate the G|fts of the Sp|r|t10.1 G|fts of the Sp|r|t Can 8e Act|vated key Verse: 2 1|m 1:6-7 1herefore l remlnd you Lo st|r up the g|ft of God whlch ls ln you Lhrough Lhe laylng on ofmy hands. 7 lor Cod has noL glven us a splrlL of fear, buL of power and of love and of asound mlnd."Ins|ghts: 'St|r Up' - n1:323 - Lo reklndle a flre LhaL was once burnlng brlghLly '1o acLlvaLe' means Lo Lake pracLlcal sLeps LhaL sLlr your falLh and energlze your splrlL Lo be responslve Lo Lhe Poly SplrlL 10.28|b|e Lxamp|es of Act|vat|on of the G|fts a)2 k|ngs 3:1S- Lllsha sLlrred hls glfL wlLh Lhe help of a mus|c|an b)Iudges 16:20 - Samson sLlrred hls glfL by shak|ng h|mse|f 10.3G|fts of the Sp|r|t can 8ecome Dormant for I|ve keasons l)lear / lnLlmldaLlon(21|m 1:6) ll)unbellef (Matt 17:19-20) lll)ConLrolllngsplrlLs (Acts 4:1S-18) lv)asslvlLy (Matt 11:12) v)neglecL (11|m 4:14) 10.4Ieed our Sp|r|t Man key Verse: 1 1|m 4:14-1S Do not neg|ect Lhe glfL LhaL ls ln you, whlch was glven Lo you by prophecy wlLh Lhe laylng on of Lhe hands of Lhe eldershlp. 13 Med|tate on Lhese Lhlngs, g|ve yourse|f ent|re|y Lo Lhem, LhaL your progress may be evldenL Lo all."Ins|ghts: An lmporLanL foundaLlon for operaLlng ln Lhe ClfLs of Lhe SplrlL ls Lo culLlvaLe a sLrong splrlL llfe Lhrough"worshlp"walLlng on Cod"medlLaLlon"readlng Lhe Word of Cod"pursulng lnLlmacy wlLh Cod"obedlence Lo Lhe prompLlngs of Lhe Poly SplrlL Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 20 - 10.Sract|ca| keys to Act|vat|ng the G|fts !Iree up your Sp|r|t l)ray sLrongly ln Longues Lo energlze your SplrlL ll)ray sLrongly and fluenLly unLll you feel your splrlL sLlrred lll)As you pray ln Longues you are praylng wlLh your SplrlL (1Cor 14:14) lv)As you pray ln Longues Lhe SplrlL of Cod ls movlng Lhrough you (Acts 2:4) !Ia|th Lxpectat|onl) LxpecL Lhe SplrlL of Cod Lo speak Lo you ll)Iohn 10:27 - My sheep hear My volce, and l know Lhem, and Lhey follow Me." lll)LxpecLaLlon draws Lhe presence of Lhe Poly SplrlL !Iocusl)locus your aLLenLlon on llsLenlng for Lhe volce of Cod ll)See Plm speaklng Lo you, worklng Lhrough you lll)uon'L leL your mlnd be dlsLracLed or wander !Iee| l)ldenLlfy Lhe lmpresslons LhaL Lhe Poly SplrlL glves Lo you ll)Was lL a word, a plcLure, or an lmpresslon wlLhln? lll)locus your aLLenLlon on lL lv)Look aL lL, ask Lhe Poly SplrlL for more deLall !Ia|th Act|on l) Speak ouL whaL lL ls LhaL Cod has been reveallng Lo you ll)SLep ouL and acL on whaL Cod has been showlng you lll)1he mlracle does noL Lake place unLll you puL yourself ln Lhe place of rlsk lv)As you speak and acL on whaL you have recelved, Lhe Poly SplrlL wlll glve you more, or wlll acL ln a supernaLural way v)AL some polnL you have Lo Lake Lhe rlsk and acL upon whaL you feel Lhe Poly SplrlL ls showlng you Lxamp|es: Matt 14:29 - eLer sLepped ouL of Lhe boaL and he walked on waLer Luke 17:14 - As Lhe lepers wenL Lhey were cleansed Mark 6:42As Lhey dlsLrlbuLed Lhe food lL mulLlplled Iohn 2:7Cnce Lhe waLer-poLs were fllled Lhe waLer changed lnLo wlne 11. now to 1est keve|at|on 11.1Does It Agree W|th the Wr|tten Word of God? key Verse: Ga| 1:88uL even lf we, or an angel from heaven, preach any oLher gospel Lo you Lhan whaL we have preached Lo you, leL hlm be accursed."Ins|ghts: WhaLever revelaLlon ls recelved musL noL conLradlcL ScrlpLure Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 21 - 1he Poly SplrlL who lnsplred Lhe Word of Cod wlll noL conLradlcL hlmself 11.2Does It Agree W|th the Character of God? key Verse: Matt 4:S-7 1hen Lhe devll Look Plm up lnLo Lhe holy clLy, seL Plm on Lhe plnnacle of Lhe Lemple, 6 and sald Lo Plm, "lf ?ou are Lhe Son of Cod, Lhrow ?ourself down. lor lL ls wrlLLen: 'Pe shall glve Pls angels charge over you,' and, 'ln Lhelr hands Lhey shall bear you up, LesL you dash your fooL agalnsL a sLone." 7 !esus sald Lo hlm, "lL ls wrlLLen agaln, '?ou shall noL LempL Lhe LC8u your Cod.'" Ins|ghts:Lvll splrlLs are able Lo quoLe Lhe word of Cod Cod wlll never Lell you Lo do someLhlng LhaL ls ouL of harmony wlLh hls characLer Cod grows us sLep by sLep, noL by sudden dramaLlc changes (2Cor.3:18) 1he supernaLural ls noL necessarlly specLacular 11.3Does It roduce Good Iru|t? key Verse: Iames 3:17-18 8uL Lhe wlsdom LhaL ls from above ls flrsL pure, Lhen peaceable, genLle, wllllng Lo yleld,full of mercy and good frulLs, wlLhouL parLlallLy and wlLhouL hypocrlsy. 18 now Lhe frulL of rlghLeousness ls sown ln peace by Lhose who make peace." Ins|ghts: A Lree ls known by lLs frulL (Luke 6:43-44) 'ure' - n1:33 - no hldden or selflsh moLlves 'eaceab|e' - n1:1316 - brlngs heallng and harmony lnLo relaLlonshlps 'Gent|e' - n1:1933 - noL pushy ,demandlng, harsh, or conLenLlous '|e|ded' - n1:2138 - open Lo reason,, noL sLubborn, hard, or dogmaLlc 'Mercy' - n1:1636 - compasslonaLe, klnd Lo people, senslLlve Lo people 'Good Iru|t' - n1:2390 - resulLs ln rlghL llvlng before Cod 'art|a||ty'- n1:87- no favorlLes, LreaLs people as belng of equal value 'nypocr|sy' - n1:303 - noL acLlng, no preLence, auLhenLlc or genulne 11.4Does It 8ear W|tness W|th our Sp|r|t? key Verse: 1 Iohn 2:27 8uL Lhe anolnLlng whlch you have recelved from Plm abldes ln you, and you do noLneed LhaL anyone Leach you, buL as Lhe same anolnLlng Leaches you concernlng allLhlngs, and ls Lrue, and ls noL a lle, and [usL as lL has LaughL you, you wlll ablde ln Plm."Ins|ghts: 1he Poly SplrlL dwelllng wlLhln you ls Lhe SplrlL of LruLh (Iohn 14:16-17) 1he Poly SplrlL glves a wlLness ln your splrlL, an lnner [oy or peace (Co|.3:1S) As you galn experlence ln llsLenlng Lo Lhe lnner wlLness wlLhln your splrlL,Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 22 - lL becomes easler Lo recognlze 'revelaLlon' whlch ls noL Lrue, or has a demonlc, or human, source 12.ClfL of rophecy 12.1What rophecy Is key Verse: 2 eter 1:21for prophecy never came by Lhe wlll of man, buL holy men of Cod spoke as Lhey were movedby Lhe Poly SplrlL." Ins|ghts: rophecy ls a sponLaneous message glven by Lhe Poly SplrlL Lo a bellever Lo speak Lo a speclflc person or group of people aL a speclflc Llme 'rophecy' - n1:4391 - Lo sponLaneously speak forLh Lhe mlnd and counsel of Cod, Lo speak under Lhe lnsplraLlon of Lhe Poly SplrlL'Moved' - n1:3342 - Lo brlng forLh a burden, Lo be carrled by a wlnd 12.21he urpose of the G|ft key Verse: 1 Cor 14:3 8uL he who prophesles speaks edlflcaLlon and exhorLaLlon and comforL Lo men." Ins|ghts: 1he purpose of Lhe propheLlc message ls for a)'Ld|f|cat|on' n1:3619 - Lo bulld up, promoLlng anoLher's growLh b)'Lxhortat|on' N1:3874 - Lo come along slde and sLrengLhen c)'Comfort' - n1:3889 -Lo come near and glve hope and/or supporL ln Llme of grlef or paln When Lhe ClfL of prophecy flows, Lhere ls ofLen a change ln Lhe splrlLual aLmosphere, and a release of oLher ClfLs of Lhe SplrlL 1he ClfL of prophecy can also be used ln splrlLual warfare (Lzek 21:14) 12.3Genera| Gu|de||nes All bellevers are encouraged Lo prophesy (1Cor 14:1) All bellevers are encouraged Lo deslre Lhe ClfL (1Cor 14:39) All bellevers are encouraged noL Lo desplse Lhe ClfL (11hess S:20) 8ellevers fllled wlLh Lhe Poly SplrlL can lmmedlaLely prophesy (Acts 19:6) CfLen Lhe ClfL of prophecy comblnes wlLh word of knowledge Lo glve revelaLlon abouL an lndlvldual or enLlre congregaLlon 12.4 Iudg|ng rophecy key Verse: 1 Cor 14:29LeL Lwo or Lhree propheLs speak, and leL Lhe oLhers [udge. 30 8uL lf anyLhlng ls revealed Lo anoLher who slLs by, leL Lhe flrsL keep sllenL. 31 lor you can all prophesy one by one, LhaL all may learn and all may be encouraged. 32 And Lhe splrlLs of Lhe propheLs are sub[ecL Lo Lhe propheLs. 33 lor Cod ls noL Lhe auLhor of confuslon buL of peace, as ln all Lhe churches of Lhe salnLs." Ins|ghts: Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 23 - Slnce prophecy ls an uLLerance LhaL can be undersLood, lL musL be [udged 'Iudge' - n1:1232 - Lo dlsLlngulsh, Lo separaLe ouL whaL ls good !udglng prophecy lncludes evaluaLlng a)Lhe conLenL of Lhe message b)Lhe splrlL ln whlch lL ls glven c)Lhe rellablllLy of Lhe lndlvldual glvlng Lhe message key CuesLlons Lo ask a)uoes lL agree wlLh ScrlpLure? (Ga|1:8 ) b)ls Lhere an lnner wlLness of Lhe SplrlL? (1 Iohn2:20) c)uoes lL llfL your splrlL or brlng heavlness? (2 Cor 3:17) d)uoes lL agree wlLh Lhe CharacLer of Cod? (Matt4:6-7) e)uoes lL brlng honour Lo Cod? (Iohn16:13-14)f)uoes Lhe prophecy come Lo pass? (Deut18:18-21) 12.SCaut|ons |n Cperat|ngDon't Use rophesy $ As a ChrlsLlan forLune Lelllng $1o scold or rebuke people $1o correcL leaders $1o brlng forLh your peL ldeas $1o glve dlrecLlon Lo buslness deallngs $1o glve dlrecLlon Lo male-female relaLlonshlps $1o prophesy heallng ouL of your own compasslon Some Do's!Speak forLh clearly and boldly !SLop when Lhe anolnLlng llfLs !use normal Lone of volce !Speak ln slmple everyday language !SLay wlLhln Lhe boundarles of edlflcaLlon, exhorLaLlon and comforL12.6Ieed 8ack Welcome feedback on Lhe quallLy of your prophecy leedback enables you Lo recognlze how Lhe Lord has worked Lhrough you leedback enables you Lo lmprove your senslLlvlLy and flow of prophecy 12.7ract|ca| o|nts lree up your splrlL (praylng ln Longues, pralslng ) lalLh - expect Cod Lo glve you someLhlng locus - concenLraLe your aLLenLlon, llsLenlng for prompLlngs of Lhe Poly SplrlL lalLh AcLlon"sLep ouL and share slmply whaL you have recelved "sLarL wlLh whaL you have been glven expecLlng Lo recelve more Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 24 - "example: box of Llssues " example: 1v newsreader "geL feedback from Lhe person you mlnlsLered Lo 13.D|verse k|nds of 1ongues 13.1What |s the G|ft of 1ongues? lL ls a supernaLural uLLerance glven by Lhe Poly SplrlL sponLaneously ln a language Lhe bellever has noL learned lL ls noL Lhe prayer language of Lhe bellever, buL lL ls an anolnLed message LhaL should be accompanled by an lnLerpreLaLlon (1Cor.14:13) 13.2 1he 1wofo|d M|n|stry of 1he no|y Sp|r|t key Verse: Iohn 14:171he SplrlL of LruLh, whom Lhe world cannoL recelve, because lL nelLher sees Plm nor knows Plm, buL you know Plm, for ne dwe||s w|th you and w||| be |n you." Ins|ghts:1he Poly SplrlL empowers bellevers ln one of Lwo ways l)Lhe anolnLlng comlng and remalnlng w|th|nll)Lhe anolnLlng comlng upon for a perlod of Llme 1he SplrlL was w|th Lhem because he would come upon Lhem from Llme Lo Llme Lo work mlracles !esus promlsed LhaL Lhe Poly SplrlL would come and dwell w|th|n Lhem 13.3 1he Ano|nt|ng 'In' - Lmpowers ray|ng |n a 1ongue key Verse #1: 2 Cor 1:21now Pe who esLabllshes us wlLh you ln ChrlsL and has anolnLed us ls Cod, 22 who also has sealed us and glven us Lhe Sp|r|t |n our hearts as a guaranLee." Ins|ghts: 1here ls an anolnLlng LhaL comes lnLo Lhe bellever and abldes 1he anolnLlng LhaL abldes wlLhln glves consLanL conLacL wlLh Peaven key Verse #2: 1 Cor 14:14 lor lf l pray ln a Longue, my sp|r|t prays, buL my undersLandlng ls unfrulLful. 13 WhaL ls Lhe concluslon Lhen? l wlll pray w|th the sp|r|t, and l wlll also pray wlLh Lhe undersLandlng. l wlll slng wlLh Lhe splrlL, and l wlll also slng wlLh Lhe undersLandlng. 16 CLherwlse, lf you b|ess w|th the sp|r|t, how wlll he who occuples Lhe place of Lhe unlnformed say "Amen"aLyour glvlng of Lhanks, slnce he does noL undersLand whaL you say? 17 lor you lndeed g|ve thanks we||, buL Lhe oLher ls noL edlfled." Ins|ghts: When you pray ln a Longue your splrlL ls praylng raylng ln a 1ongue = raylng ln Lhe SplrlL (Lph.6:18) usually one dlsLlncL language ls lnvolved 1he language ls glven by Lhe Poly SplrlL 1he person musL speak forLh lL requlres you Lo exerclse your wllllL ls a flow of communlcaLlon from man Lo Cod (1Cor 14:2) Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 25 - Some 8enef|ts !SLrengLhen your splrlL man (Lph 3:16) !Lnerglse your splrlL man (1Cor 14:2) !ralse and worshlp (1Cor 14:1S-16) !lnLercesslon (kom 8:26) !uecree Lhe wlll of Cod for your llfe (1Cor 14:2) !SenslLlse your splrlL (nebS:14) 13.4 1he Ano|nt|ng 'Upon'- Lmpowers D|verse k|nds of 1ongues key Verse: 1 Cor 12:7 8uL Lhe manlfesLaLlon of Lhe SplrlL ls glven Lo each one for Lhe proflL of all: 8 for Lo one ls glven Lhe word of wlsdom Lhrough Lhe SplrlL, Lo anoLher Lhe word of knowledge Lhrough Lhe same SplrlL, 9 Lo anoLher falLh by Lhe same SplrlL, Lo anoLher glfLs of heallngs by Lhe same SplrlL, 10 Lo anoLher Lhe worklng of mlracles, Lo anoLher prophecy, Lo anoLher dlscernlng of splrlLs, Lo anoLher d|verse k|nds of tongues, Lo anoLher Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon of Longues. 11 8uL one and Lhe same SplrlL works all Lhese Lhlngs, dlsLrlbuLlng Lo each one lndlvldually as ne w|||s." Ins|ghts: 'D|verse k|nds of tongues' are energlzed by Lhe Poly SplrlL lL ls a dlvlnely glven message spoken lnLo Lhe world, sLralghL from Lhe Lhrone of Cod lL ls dependenL on Lhe Poly SplrlL com|ng upon someone and empowerlng Lhem Lo operaLe LhaL way 1he Poly SplrlL musL wlll lL, and energlze lL. lL ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe lndlvldual Lo speak ouL when Lhe Poly SplrlL comes upon Lhem. aul spoke ln Longues (dlverse) more Lhan anyone (1Cor 14:18) 13.S1ongues of Men or Ange|s key Verse: 1 Cor 13:11hough l speak wlLh Lhe tongues of men and of ange|s, buL have noL love, l have become soundlng brass or a clanglng cymbal." Ins|ghts: '1ongues' means dlfferenL klnds of languages, noL [usL one language '1ongues' could be a dlsLlncL language undersLood and spoken by a parLlcular culLural group of peop|e '1ongues' could be a dlsLlncL language undersLood and spoken by ange|s Speaklng ln Longues ls speaklng ln a language LhaL ls undersLood and spoken elLher by men or angels Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 26 - a)Lxamp|e: 1ongues of Men - Acts 2:1-8 When Lhe uay of enLecosL had fully come, Lhey were all wlLh one accord ln one place.2 And suddenly Lhere came a sound from heaven, as of a rushlng mlghLy wlnd, and lLfllled Lhe whole house where Lhey were slLLlng. 3 1hen Lhere appeared Lo Lhemdlvlded Longues, as of flre, and one saL upon each of Lhem. 4 And Lhey were all fllled wlLh Lhe Poly SplrlL and began to speak w|th other tongues, as Lhe SplrlL gave Lhem uLLerance. 3 And Lhere were dwelllng ln !erusalem !ews, devouL men, from every naLlon under heaven. 6 And when Lhls sound occurred, Lhe mulLlLude came LogeLher, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak |n h|s own |anguage. 7 1hen Lhey were all amazed and marveled, saylng Lo one anoLher, Look are noL all Lhese who speak Callleans? 8 And how ls lL LhaL we hear, each of us ln our own language ln whlch we were born?"Ins|ght: eople of many dlfferenL culLures undersLood whaL Lhey were saylng. 1hey heard Lhelr own language spoken, and were amazed 1hls was a manlfesLaLlon of dlverse klnds of Longues energlzed by Lhe Poly SplrlL 1hey were speaklng Lhe wonderful works of Cod - noL praylng buL proclalmlng! b)Lxamp|e: 1ongues of Ange|s - s 103:19-21 1he LC8u has esLabllshed Pls Lhrone ln heaven, And Pls klngdom rules over all. 20 8lessLhe LC8u, you Pls angels, Who exce| |n strength, who do Pls word, need|ng the vo|ce of n|s word. 21 8less Lhe LC8u, all you Pls hosLs, ?ou mlnlsLers of Pls, who do Pls pleasure." Ins|ghts: Angels respond Lo Lhe volce of Cod's Word le Lhe volclng aloud ln Lhe earLh of Lhe Word of Cod, by Cod's represenLaLlve, Man 1he Poly SplrlL comes upon a man Lo glve uLLerance ln dlverse klnds of Longues 1he dlverse klnds of Longues ls a language LhaL angels undersLand Cod speaks hls mlnd and wlll Lhrough a man. and uses hls volce Lo acLlvaLe angels Lo perform a Lask ulverse Longuesbypass Lhe soul and undersLandlng of man and enable a dlrecL command Lo be glven Lo Lhe AngelsLhrough Cod's ylelded auLhorlLy on Lhe earLh Angels excel ln sLrengLh (vs.19) and are able Lo subdue and blnd wlcked splrlLs c)1he urpose of the G|ft !A slgn Lo Lhe unbellever (Acts 2:6, 1Cor 14:22) !ropheLlc proclamaLlons ln Lhe earLh (Acts 2:11) !8eleaslng Angels ln splrlLual warfare (1Cor13:1) !Lmpowerlng Lhe MlnlsLry of Lhe lnLercesslon (1Cor 12:28) !SupernaLurally communlcaLe across language barrlers (Acts2:6) Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 27 - d) ract|ca| o|nts !8e senslLlve Lo Lhe Poly SplrlL comlng upon you as you pray ! Ask for Lhe glfL of dlverse Longues !racLlce speaklng ouL ln a new Longue !8e aware of changes ln Lhe splrlLual aLmosphere as you speak !LlsLen Lo Lhe flow of Lhe SplrlL LhaL comes forLh !Ask Lhe Poly SplrlL Lo glve you Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon 14.lnLerpreLaLlon of 1ongues 14.1What |t |s 1he lnLerpreLaLlon of Longues ls a supernaLural ablllLy glven by Lhe Poly SplrlL, Lo enable Lhe bellever Lo undersLand a language belng spoken, earLhly or heavenly, wlLhouL havlng flrsL learned lL 14.2 Interpretat|on |s a G|ft key Verse 1 Cor 12:10Lo anoLher Lhe worklng of mlracles, Lo anoLher prophecy, Lo anoLher dlscernlng of splrlLs, Lo anoLher dlfferenL klnds of Longues, Lo anoLher Lhe |nterpretat|on of tongues." Ins|ghts: lL ls noL a LranslaLlon le noL an exacL word by word explanaLlon of Lhe message lL ls an lnLerpreLaLlon - lL caLches Lhe splrlL and lnLenL of Lhe message used ln prlvaLe and publlc worshlp, and publlc mlnlsLry, as led by Lhe Poly SplrlL (1Cor.1S:S) 14.3urpose of the G|ft !1ongues (wlLh lnLerpreLaLlon) ls a slgn Lo Lhe unsaved (1Cor 14:22) !lL energlses Lhe splrlLual aLmosphere !lL reveals Lhe mlnd of Lhe Poly SplrlL aL LhaL parLlcular Llme !lL can faclllLaLe Lhe release of angellc acLlvlLy 14.4ract|ca| o|nts !lnLerpreLaLlon of Longues ls a companlon Lo speaklng ln Longues !lL can help you develop senslLlvlLy Lo Lhe Poly SplrlL comlng upon you ln prlvaLe worshlp !lL can brlng undersLandlng of Lhe mlnd of Lhe SplrlL !Can reveal whaL you are praylng abouL ln Lhe splrlL!ln publlc worshlp, Lhe glfL of Longues and lnLerpreLaLlon can brlng Lhe church lnLo a flow of Lhe Poly SplrlL, noL unllke Lhe ClfL of prophecy Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 28 - 1S.Word of W|sdom 1S.1 What |t |slL ls an lmpresslon, a LhoughL, a menLal plcLure, or a sLlll small volce of Lhe Poly SplrlL showlng whaL Lo do or how Lo deal wlLh a speclflc slLuaLlon.lL ls wlsdom abouL LhaL one maLLer aL LhaL one Llme 1S.2 1he urpose of the G|ft key Verse:1 Cor 12:78uL Lhe manlfesLaLlon of Lhe SplrlL ls glven Lo each one for Lhe proflL of all:8 for Lo one ls g|ven the word of w|sdom through the Sp|r|t, Lo anoLher Lhe word of knowledge Lhrough Lhe same SplrlL, 9 Lo anoLher falLh by Lhe same SplrlL, Lo anoLher glfLs of heallngsby Lhe same SplrlL, 10 Lo anoLher Lhe worklng of mlracles, Lo anoLher prophecy, Lo anoLher dlscernlng of splrlLs, Lo anoLher dlfferenL klnds of Longues, Lo anoLher Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon of Longues.11 8uL one and Lhe same SplrlL works all Lhese Lhlngs, dlsLrlbuLlng Lo each one lndlvldually as Pe wllls."Ins|ghts:1he Word of Wlsdom ls llsLed flrsL ln 1Cor.12:8 lL ls ofLen lncluded ln Lhe operaLlon of all Lhe oLher glfLs We need wlsdom from Lhe Poly SplrlL Lo know how Lo carry ouL whaL Cod has revealed Lo us 1he Word of Wlsdom reveals Lo us"how Lo do someLhlng Cod has shown you Lo do "how Lo resolve slLuaLlons "how Lo pray for a person "how Lo avold dangers "how Lo speak Lhe rlghL words lnLo slLuaLlons1S.38|b|e Lxamp|es 2 Sam S:22-2Suavld recelved a word of wlsdom, how Lo flghL a baLLle 1 k|ngs 3:16-28 klng Solomon handled Lhe Lwo moLhers ln confllcL over a chlld wlLh a word of wlsdom nebrews 11:7 noah recelved a word of wlsdom Lo bulld an ark Acts 1S:13-21 !ames recelved a word of wlsdom on how Lo resolve a church confllcL LhaL LhreaLened Lo dlvlde Lhe church Acts S:1-11 eLer recelved a word of wlsdom, how Lo deal wlLh dlshonesLy Iohn 8:4-7!esus recelved a word of wlsdom, how Lo deal wlLh Lhe accusers of Lhe woman caughL ln adulLery 1S.4ract|ca| o|nts !uon'L be lmpulslve ln maklng declslons or glvlng advlce. !uon'L acL under pressure of people or clrcumsLances !Ask Lhe Poly SplrlL for lnslghL, for a word of wlsdom and whaL Lo do. !lL may come as a sponLaneous plcLure, an lmpresslon or a flow of LhoughLs Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 29 - !?ou may see a plcLure of how an evenL wlll unfold ln Lhe fuLure. 1hls glves you confldence as Lo whaL sLeps you should Lake ! 8e prepared Lo walL on Lhe Lord for wlsdom (rov.2:6:rov.4:7) 16.Word of know|edge 16.1What |t |s An lmpresslon, a LhoughL, a menLal plcLure or Lhe sLlll volce of Lhe Poly SplrlL glvlng knowledge of facLs abouL a person, or slLuaLlon, LhaL one could noL posslbly have known naLurally lL ls noL accumulaLed or acqulred knowledge, lL ls revea|ed knowledgelL ls knowledge abouL pasL slLuaLlons and experlences, or abouL currenL slLuaLlons.lL uncovers whaL ls happenlng 16.21he urpose of the GIft key Verse: 1 Cor 12:7-11 8uL Lhe manlfesLaLlon of Lhe SplrlL ls glven Lo each one for Lhe proflL of all:8 for Lo one ls glven Lhe word of wlsdom Lhrough Lhe SplrlL, Lo anoLher Lhe word of knowledge Lhrough Lhe same Sp|r|t, 9 Lo anoLher falLh by Lhe same SplrlL, Lo anoLher glfLs of heallngs by Lhe same SplrlL, 10 Lo anoLher Lhe worklng of mlracles, Lo anoLher prophecy, Lo anoLher dlscernlng of splrlLs, Lo anoLher dlfferenL klnds of Longues, Lo anoLher Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon of Longues. 11 8uL one and Lhe same SplrlL works all Lhese Lhlngs, dlsLrlbuLlng Lo each one lndlvldually as Pe wllls."Ins|ghts: lL uncovers lmporLanL unknown facLs concernlng a person or slLuaLlon lL uncovers Lhe 'Lrue' slLuaLlon as seen from Cod's perspecLlve lL enablesyou Lo mlnlsLer more effecLlvely Lo Lhe needs of people 16.3 8|b|e Lxamp|es: 2 k|ngs 6:8-10 Lll[ah recelved deLalls abouL Lhe enemy sLraLegy 1 Samue| 9:1S-20 Samuel recelved knowledge abouL Saul. (16 speclflc deLalls) 2 k|ngs S:20-27 Lllsha recelved knowledge abouL Cehazl's secreL sln. Iohn 4:18 !esus recelved knowledge abouL Lhe woman's marrlage fallures. Acts S:1-11eLer recelve knowledge abouL Lhe flnanclal deallngs of an Ananlas and Sapphlra Acts 9:10-16Ananlas recelved knowledge abouL Saul, whaL was wrong where he was llvlng, whaL needed Lo be done 16.4 ract|ca| o|nts ! lL may come as a sponLaneous plcLure, an lmage ln your lmaglnaLlon, an lmpresslon or flow of LhoughLs, or an lnner 'knowlng' !A word of knowledge may come as a dream or vlslon !lL may glve you sudden lnslghL abouL slckness, bondage, problems !1o operaLe effecLlvely ln Lhe word of knowledge you musL separaLe your own knowledge from LhaL whlch Lhe Poly SplrlL glves !As you see" a plcLure or feel an lmpresslon, focus on lL, and ldenLlfy lL clearly !Ask Lhe Lord for speclflc deLalls !Ask Lhe Lord how Lo wlsely use whaL you know (Word of wlsdom) !lL may mean llLLle Lo you buL have dramaLlc lmpacL as you speak lL Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 30 - !WalL on Lhe Lord dally " ask for words of knowledge for famlly, work, soul wlnnlng "expecL Lo recelve !When glvlng a Word of knowledge conslder: "ls Lhls word of knowledge for prayer only? "Should l share Lhls wlLh a local church leader flrsL? "ls Lhls publlc or prlvaLe lnformaLlon? "Pow d l glve Lhe word of knowledge ln such a way LhaL Lhe person ls able Lo recelve lL eg !esus drew Lhe woman ln (Iohn.4:16) 17.D|scern|ng of Sp|r|ts 17.1What |t |s lL ls knowledge glven by Lhe Poly SplrlL LhaL reveals whaL splrlL power ls operaLlng ln or behlnd a person or slLuaLlon 17.21he urpose of the G|ft key Verse: 1 Cor 12:78uL Lhe manlfesLaLlon of Lhe SplrlL ls glven Lo each one for Lhe proflL of all:8 for Lo one ls glven Lhe word of wlsdom Lhrough Lhe SplrlL, Lo anoLher Lhe word of knowledge Lhrough Lhe same SplrlL, 9 Lo anoLher falLh by Lhe same SplrlL, Lo anoLher glfLs of heallngs by Lhe same SplrlL, 10 Lo anoLher Lhe worklng of mlracles, Lo anoLher prophecy, Lo anoLher d|scern|ng of sp|r|ts, Lo anoLher dlfferenL klnds of Longues, Lo anoLher Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon of Longues. 11 8uL one and Lhe same SplrlL works all Lhese Lhlngs, dlsLrlbuLlng Lo each one lndlvldually as Pe wlll."Ins|ghts: lL ls a supernaLural glfL of revelaLlon glven by Lhe Poly SplrlL and recelved by falLh lnLo your splrlL 'D|scernment' - n1:1233 - a clear dlscrlmlnaLlon, seelng Lhrough Lo Lhe rooL causes lL enables a bellever Lo have essenLlal lnformaLlon abouL "1he acLlvlLy of Lhe Poly SplrlL or Angels "1he naLure and acLlvlLy of demonlc splrlLs "1he moLlvaLlons of a person's words and acLlonslL ls not Lhe same as naLural dlscernmenL wlLh Lhe mlnd or senses whlch depends solely upon Lhe person's feellngs and lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe slLuaLlon 1he ClfL of dlscernlng of splrlLs can"8eveal Lhe presence and naLure of splrlLs lnhablLlng a person's body(Acts 16:16) " 8eveal Lhe geographlcal locaLlon and acLlvlLy of evll splrlLs "laclllLaLedellverance and release for Lhose who are bound by splrlLual oppresslon " Clve undersLandlng of whaL ls happenlng ln Lhe splrlL realm around your llfe and mlnlsLry "ldenLlfy wheLher a 'revelaLlon' ls from Cod or noL Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 31 - 17.38|b|e Lxamp|es Luke 2:2S-27Slmeon dlscerned Lhe Llmlng and acLlvlLy of Lhe Poly SplrlL Luke 13:10-13 !esus dlscerned Lhe demonlc source of Lhe slckness Matt 16:23 !esus dlscerned ln demonlc source of eLer's words Acts 8:18-23 eLer dlscerned Lhe moLlves of Slmon Lhe sorcerer Acts 16:16-17 aul dlscerned Lhe splrlL of dlvlnaLlon 17.4Understand|ng our Senses key Verse: neb S:148uL solld food belongs Lo Lhose who are of full age, LhaL ls, Lhose who by reason of usehave Lhelr senses exerc|sed Lo dlscern boLh good and evll."Ins|ght: 'Lxerc|sed' - n1:1128 - Lo Lraln or pracLlce for an Clymplc compeLlLlon a)Natura| Senses Lvery person has flve naLural senses: slghL-LasLe-Louch-smell-hearlngAs a chlld grows Lhese senses are developed or Lralned A memory bank of all Lhese experlences ls formed ln Lhe mlnd b)Sp|r|tua| Senses Man who was formed as a splrlL belng ln Lhe lmage of Cod has splrlLual senses 1hese senses are energlzed and qulckened by Lhe Poly SplrlL l)SlghL - seelng ln Lhe Poly SplrlL ll)Pearlng - hearlng Lhe volce of Lhe Poly SplrlL lll)knowledge - revelaLlon knowledge lv)undersLandlng - lnslghLs lnLo Lhe splrlL realm v)ercepLlon - senslng Lhe varlous acLlvlLles ofsplrlLs vl)ulscernmenL - ldenLlfylng dlfferenL splrlLs Lach of Lhese senses can be developed or Lralned by pracLlce Lach Llme you become aware of a splrlL sensaLlon, Lhe memory ofLhls experlence ls recorded ln your mlnd for future reference c)1he rocess|ng Ab|||ty of the M|nd?our mlnd has Lhe ablllLy Lo recall a number of slmllar evenLs,sensaLlons and feellngs, and Lo draw concluslons all slmllarlLyanddlfference beLween Lhem 1hls comparaLlve ablllLy of Lhe mlnd lncludes "lnformaLlon and deLalls abouL evenLs " Sensese.g. dlfferenL klnds of smells and LasLes "LmoLlonal leellngs assoclaLed wlLh dlfferenL evenLs "1rlggers or prompLs LhaL recall lnformaLlon and feellngs Lach Llme you have a splrlLual experlence, your mlnd wlll processLhe lnformaLlon and compare lL wlLh prevlous experlences Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 32 - 17.S Deve|op|ng Sens|t|v|ty key Verse: neb S:14 8uL solld food belongs Lo Lhose who are of full age, LhaL ls, Lhose who by reason of usehave the|r senses exerc|sed to d|scern both good and ev||." SplrlLual senslLlvlLy can be developed Lhrough l)lasLlng-food, vlsual medla ll)Worshlp - engaglng Lhe presence of Cod conslsLenLly lll)8enewlng Lhe Mlnd -LhoughLs , lmages lv)ersonal PonesLy - moLlves, words, aLLlLudes 17.S ract|ca| o|nts ! racLlce ldenLlfylng splrlLual lmpresslons of 'release' or 'resLralnL ' ! ldenLlfy Lhe flrsL lmpresslons you have as you meeL people, enLer a room, parLlclpaLe ln meeLlngs !uL a name Lo whaL you feel, or Lo Lhe lmpresslon you felL !Ask Lhe Poly SplrlLwhaL Pe wanLs you Lo do abouL whaL you dlscern !racLlce repeaLedly. 8ulld up a memory bank of splrlLual experlences !Learn Lo dlsLlngulsh whaL comes from your splrlL, and whaL comes from your soul, whlch may be rooLed ln lnsecurlLy and dlsLrusL of people !racLlce repeaLedly unLll you become more senslLlve Lo splrlLual lmpresslons and aLmospheres 18.G|ft of Ia|th 18.1What |t |s lL ls noL Lhe normal measure of falLh for dally walklng wlLh Lhe Lord lL ls a glfL LhaL comes ln a momenL of Llme LhaL enables you Lo geL Lhe [ob done lL ls an lmparLaLlon of ablllLy Lo conf|dent|y know Cod's provlslon ls sure Pow can you know?- Lhere ls an lnner knowlng LhaL falLh glves lL ls Lhe glfL of power enabllng a belleverLo obLaln supernaLural resulLs An lmposslble slLuaLlon exlsLs.A glfL of falLh ls glven.A soluLlon ls seen / known and power ls released for Lhe person Lo accompllsh Lhe Lask A person wlLh a glfL of falLh for a speclflc acLlon wlll have a boldness and confldence abouL Lhe ouLcome LhaL ls compleLely unreasonable ulfferenL klnds of lalLh we sLeadlly grow and lncrease ln: "Savlng lalLh(Lphes|ans 2:8) "Walk of lalLh (nebrews 11:6) "lalLh - lrulL of Lhe SplrlL (Ga|at|ans S:22) "ClfL of lalLh - a ClfL of Lhe SplrlL (1Cor 12:9) Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 33 - 18.21he urpose of the G|ft key Verse: 1 Cor. 12:7-11 8uL Lhe manlfesLaLlon of Lhe SplrlL ls glven Lo each one for Lhe proflL of all:8 for Lo one ls glven Lhe word of wlsdom Lhrough Lhe SplrlL, Lo anoLher Lhe word of knowledge Lhrough Lhe same SplrlL, 9 to another fa|th by the same Sp|r|t, Lo anoLher glfLs of heallngs by Lhe same SplrlL, 10 Lo anoLher Lhe worklng of mlracles, Lo anoLher prophecy, Lo anoLher dlscernlng of splrlLs, Lo anoLher dlfferenL klnds of Longues, Lo anoLher Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon of Longues. 11 8uL one and Lhe same SplrlL works all Lhese Lhlngs, dlsLrlbuLlng Lo each one lndlvldually as Pe wllls."Ins|ghts: lL releases power for supernaLural acLs Lo be done lL lmparLs boldness and confldence LhaL lmpacLs people 18.38|b|e Lxamp|es 1 k|ngs 17:13-14 Lll[ah bo|d|y dec|ares mlracle provlslon of food. Iohn 9:1-7 !esus knew Lhe man born bllnd would be healed. Acts 3:1-7 eLer bo|d|y proc|a|ms Lhe crlppled man's heallng. Acts 27:20-26 - aul bo|d|y dec|ares LhaL none on Lhe shlp wlll perlsh. Acts 14:9 - aul and Lhe crlpple.aul knew he would be healed 18.4ract|ca| o|nts !MalnLaln regular Llme ln Lhe Word of Cod - Lhe source of falLh!(komans 10:17) !Choose Lo belleve Lhe Word of Cod and Lo LrusL lL compleLely !(komans 4:20) !racLlce speaklng Lhe Word of Cod boldly (2 Cor|nth|ans 4:13) !LxpecL Cod Lo honor and keep Pls Word (Isa|ah SS:11) ! Learn Lo Lake auLhorlLy over Lhe aLmosphere, and domlnlon over evll!splrlLs presenL so LhaL Lhe heavens open !Learn Lo sLep ouL ln falLh ln your own personal glfLlng Lo sLarL a flow!of Lhe anolnLlng LhaL alLers Lhe aLmosphere and makes room for Lhe glfL!of falLh Lo flow 19.G|fts of nea||ngs 19.1What |t |s lL ls a supernaLural ablllLy lmparLed by Lhe Poly SplrlL Lo brlng abouL heallng ln a person wlLhouL any naLural means le medlclne, docLor 1he heallng may be lmmedlaLe (a mlracle) or lL may be progresslve le Lhe person recovers ln a way LhaL cannoL be explalned naLurally (Mark 16:18) Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 34 - 19.21he urpose of the G|ft key Verse:1 Cor 12:78uL Lhe manlfesLaLlon of Lhe SplrlL ls glven Lo each one for Lhe proflL of all:8 for Lo one ls glven Lhe word of wlsdom Lhrough Lhe SplrlL, Lo anoLher Lhe word of knowledge LhroughLhe same SplrlL, 9 Lo anoLher falLh by Lhe same SplrlL, Lo anoLher g|fts of hea||ngs by the same Sp|r|t, 10 Lo anoLher Lhe worklng of mlracles, Lo anoLher prophecy, Lo anoLher dlscernlng of splrlLs, Lo anoLher dlfferenL klnds of Longues, Lo anoLher Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon of Longues. 11 8uL one and Lhe same SplrlL works all Lhese Lhlngs, dlsLrlbuLlng Lo each one lndlvldually as Pewllls."Ins|ghts: lL releases power Lo brlng heallng Lo body, soul and splrlL G|fts of heallng, noL the G|ft of heallngCne person may have a hlgh raLe of success ln one parLlcular area eg seelng deaf ears opened, or bllnd eyes healed, or cancers healed 1here are many varlous forms of ClfLs of heallng, buL lL ls Lhe one Poly SplrlL LhaL empowersLhem 8|b|e Lxamp|es 2 Chron|c|es 30:20 MulLlLudes of people healed when Pezeklah prayed Luke 4:40 All LhaL were slck wlLh dlverse dlseases were healed Mark S:2S-34 1he woman wlLh an lssue of blood was healed Matt 10:S 1hese Lwelve !esus sent out and commanded them, saylng: "uo noL go lnLo Lhe way of Lhe CenLlles, and do noL enLer a clLy of Lhe SamarlLans.6 8uL go raLher Lo Lhe losL sheep of Lhe house of lsrael.7 And as you go, preach, saylng, '1he klngdom of heaven ls aL hand.'8 nea| the s|ck, c|eanse the |epers, ra|se the dead, cast out demons. lreely you have recelved, freely glve"!esus dld noL Lell Lhe dlsclples Lo pray for Lhe slck! !esus commanded hls dlsclples 'nea| the S|ck' 19.3ract|ca| o|nts a)Lay hands on the erson Mark 16:17 And Lhese slgns wlll follow Lhose who belleve: ln My name Lhey wlll casL ouL demons, Lhey wlll speak wlLh new Longues,18 Lhey wlll Lake up serpenLs, and lf Lhey drlnk anyLhlng deadly, lL wlll by no means hurL Lhem, they w||| |ay hands on the s|ck, and they w||| recover"Always ask permlsslon before praylng for someone or laylng hands upon Lhem uo noL push or shake Lhem as you pray for hlm b) Cast Cut any Sp|r|t of Inf|rm|ty Luke 13:11 And behold, Lhere was a woman who had a sp|r|t of |nf|rm|ty elghLeen years, and was benL over and could ln no way ralse herself up. 12 8uL when !esus saw her, Pe called her Lo Plm and sald Lo her, "Woman, you are |oosed from your |nf|rm|ty."13 And Pe |a|d n|s hands on her, and lmmedlaLely she was made sLralghL, and glorlfled Cod." Some slcknesses are caused by Lhe presence of an evll splrlL Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 35 - Speak dlrecLly Lo Lhe splrlL and commanded lL Lo leave c) Command the S|ckness! Acts 3:1 now eLer and !ohn wenL up LogeLher Lo Lhe Lemple aL Lhe hour of prayer, Lhe nlnLh hour.2 And a cerLaln man lame from hls moLher's womb was carrled, whom Lhey lald dally aL Lhe gaLe of Lhe Lemple whlch ls called 8eauLlful, Lo ask alms from Lhose who enLered Lhe Lemple, 3 who, seelng eLer and !ohn abouL Lo go lnLo Lhe Lemple, asked for alms. 4 And f|x|ng h|s eyes on h|m, wlLh !ohn, eLer sald, "Look aL us." 3 So he gave Lhem hls aLLenLlon, expect|ng to rece|ve someLhlng from Lhem. 6 1hen eter sa|d, "Sllver and gold l do noL have, buL what I do have I g|ve you: ln Lhe name of !esus ChrlsL of nazareLh, r|se up and wa|k." 7 And he Look hlm by Lhe rlghL hand and llfLed hlm up, and lmmedlaLely hls feeL and ankle bones recelved sLrengLh. 8 So he, leaplng up, sLood and walked and enLered Lhe Lemple wlLh Lhem - walklng, leaplng, and pralslng Cod Mark 11:22 So !esus answered and sald Lo Lhem, "Pave falLh ln Cod.23 lor assuredly, l say Lo you, whoever says to th|s mounta|n, '8e removed and be casL lnLo Lhe sea,' and does not doubt |n h|s heart, buL be||eves that those th|ngs he says wlll be done, he wlll have whaLever he says.24 1herefore l say Lo you, whaLever Lhlngs you ask when you pray, belleve LhaL you recelve Lhem, and you w||| have them."Speak Lo Lhe mounLaln (slckness) uon'L doubL ln your hearL 8elleve whaL you say wlll come Lo pass d)Ano|nt w|th C|| Mark 6:12 So Lhey wenL ouL and preached LhaL people should repenL. 13 And Lhey casLouLany demons, and ano|nted w|th o|| many who were s|ck, and healed Lhem"AnolnL wlLh oll only as Lhe Poly SplrlL leads 1he Lype of oll used ls of no consequence lL ls fa|th |n the power of God to hea| LhaL causes Lhe heallng Lo Lake place Apply a small amounL of oll on Lhe Llp of a flnger and apply Lo Lhe forehead of Lhe slck person 1he oll acLs as a focal polnL for Lhelr falLh e) Lncourage a Ia|th Act|on Matt 12:13 1hen Pe sald Lo Lhe man, "SLreLch ouL your hand." And he sLreLched lL ouL, and lL was resLored as whole as Lhe oLher."Where posslble encourage people Lo Lake some acLlon of falLh Lncourage Lhem Lo Lry Lo do whaL Lhey could noL do before you prayed Some mlracles begln Lo operaLe when Lhe person acLs ln falLh. f) Important Safeguard uo noL encourage people Lo sLop uslng medlclne uo noL encourage Lhem no longer Lo see a docLor ln an emergency s|tuat|on were medlcal aLLenLlon ls urgenLly requlred "ray very brlefly "Call Lhe docLor "Clve whaLever asslsLance you can and keep praylng Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 36 - g) Important 1|ps 1he glfLs operaLe by falLh and noL by long prayers keep your LhoughLs cenLered on ChrlsL and Pls ower Lo heal uon'L allow unbellef Lo flll your hearL (by focuslng on Lhe slckness) 1he person belng prayed for musL repenL of slns and have Lhelr hearL free from unforglveness or blLLerness Low self-esLeem, coupled wlLh unbellef and passlvlLy, can hlnder Lhe flow of heallng 20.1he Work|ng of M|rac|es 20.1What |t |s A mlracle occurs when naLural laws are broken by supernaLural lnLervenLlon 1he worklng of mlracles ls a speclflc effecL LhaL comes when Lhe ClfLs of Lhe Poly SplrlL work LogeLher Lo overrlde or lnvade naLural laws,Lo do someLhlng LhaL was lmposslble naLurally 1he worklng of mlracles operaLes alongslde Lhe ClfL of lalLh and ClfLs of Peallng 20.28|b|e Lxamp|es 1 k|ngs 18:37-39 Lll[ah calls down flre from heaven 2 k|ngs 4:1-7 1he poL of oll keeps refllllng - creaLlve mlracle Matt 14:2S !esus walks on waLer Matt 14:19-21 1he flve loaves and Lwo flshes feed 3000 people Matt15:30-31 Crlppled people are LoLally healed Acts 8:6 uellverance ls a worklng of mlracles ln each of Lhese mlracles Lhere ls a slmllar paLLern: keve|at|on + Words Spoken + Act|ve Ia|th = Man|festat|on of no|y Sp|r|t 20.3ract|ca| o|nts !ueslre Lo be used ln Lhls way by Lhe Poly SplrlL !ursue Lhe presence of Cod and senslLlvlLy Lo hearlng Pls volce !MedlLaLe ln Lhe word of Cod, parLlcularly on Lhe naLure of Cod and Pls mlghLy acLs !LlsLen Lo LesLlmonles of mlracles Laklng place.1hese bulld your falLh !racLlce speaklng Lhe word of Cod from your splrlL lnLo your clrcumsLances !MalnLaln sLrong devoLlonal llfe ln Lhe 8lble - Lhe source of falLh !8e wllllng Lo Lake rlsks ! Lxpect Cod Lo do Lhe SupernaLural Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 37 - 21.keys to M|n|ster|ng |n the Sp|r|t 21.1Ident|tyCod has made you a MlnlsLer of 1he SplrlL (2 Cor 3:6)?ou are [olned Lo Lhe Poly SplrlL (1 Cor 6:17) ?ou are noL Lhere Lo pray 'nlce' empLy prayers, buL Lo release Lhe klngdom of Cod lnLo Lhe earLh Lo brlng abouL a mlracle 1haL klngdom ls ouLslde you - lL ls also wlLhln you Look on us.such as l have l glve Lo you."(Acts 3:4-6) 21.2 Connect|on ConnecL wlLh Lhe personuon'L wlLhdraw because of feellngs of lnadequacy 1ake hold of Lhe person's hand(Mark 1:31, 8:23, 9:27) 8elax - uon'L 'Lry' Lo make someLhlng happen Look Lhem ln Lhe eye - connecL wlLh your hearL(Mark 1: 41) MedlLaLe.become consclous of Lhe presence of CodnoLlce whaL you are feellng?1hlnklng?Consclous of? keep your mlnd dlrecLed Lowards Cod (Luke 9:16) 8e aware of Lhe presence of Cod w|th|n you - and Lhe presence of Cod com|ng upon Lhe person 21.3 Att|tude ?our splrlL responds Lo your LhoughLs and aLLlLudeWhaLever you dlrecL your mlnd Lo your splrlL opens up Lo lear and self consclousness wlll close up your splrlL As you mlnlsLer keep dlrecLlng your LhoughLs Loward Lhe Lord ln expecLaLlon 8e yourself - don'L Lry Lo 'perform' or be 'splrlLual' Cod glves Crace Lo Lhe humble le Lhose who are dependenL on Plm 21.4Verba| Command ower ls released by Command AsserL splrlLual auLhorlLy by verbal command(Luke 10:19) ?ou musL puL your lnner man lnLo Lhe words you speak (Mark 11.23) Command demons Lo go(Acts 16:18) Command slckness Lo leave(Acts 3: 6) 8reak bondages by verbal command(Mark 11:23) Speak words of ||fe(AcLs 9:40) 21.SImpartat|on ower ls released by lmparLaLlon aul deslred Lo lmparL splrlLual ClfLs (kom 1:11)lmparL = Lo share someLhlng you possess (2 1|m 1:6) lmparLaLlon occurs as a flow from wlLhln you (Luke 6:19) ?ou musL glve from wlLhln your splrlL (1 Cor 6:17) Lay hands on Lhelr head and release whaL you have eg by speaklng and/or by breaLhlng on Lhem (Iohn 20:22) Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 38 - 22.ract|ca| Gu|de||nes for M|n|ster|ng to eop|e 22.1ersona| ersonal hyglene, make sure Lo use deodoranL 8reaLh lresheners.keep your breaLh fresh Wear llghL loose modesL cloLhlng 22.2Connect and ke|ate 8e honesL wlLh Lhem 8e wllllng Lo Lake Llme keep confldences shared (unless you need Lo refer Lhelr slLuaLlon on) 1reaL people wlLh respecL Where posslble, woman pray wlLh women, and men wlLh men 22.3repare peop|e to rece|ve Lncourage people wlLh words Lxplaln Lhelr parL ln cooperaLlng wlLh mlnlsLry 8e wllllng Lo confronL rooL sln lssues 8ulld expecLaLlon LhaL Cod wlll move Ask permlsslon Lo mlnlsLer Lo people - don'L presume Ask permlsslon Lo lay hands upon Lhem - don'L presume keep your hands ln vlew and ensure Louch ls approprlaLe 8e cauLlous abouL where you lay hands eg head, shoulders 22.4oss|b|e Lxper|ences as you M|n|ster 1he person you are praylng for may experlence some of Lhe followlng sensaLlons Shaklng8ody or hands sLlffen Lyellds fluLLer SensaLlon of heaL 1ears /Crlef Ia|||ng - make sure a caLcher ls poslLloned Lo caLch safely -place one hand behlnd Lhe person's neck Lo help prevenLLhem suddenly falllng backwards and posslbly hurLlng Lhemselves uemons manlfesL uon'L focus on or requlre manlfesLaLlons Mike Connell Ministries- CopyrightBay City Outreach Centre Hastings, New Zealand - 39 - 22.S8e aware of '8|ocks' to M|n|stry a)ersona| 8|ocks lear - focus aLLenLlon on Lhe Lord.'See" Plm blesslngSelf Consclousness - focus aLLenLlon on Lhe Lord ressure Lo perform - relax and sLop 'Lrylng' unresolved lssues - deal wlLh Lhese qulckly Lack of rayer - expecL Pls Crace -and change! b)M|n|stry 8|ocks unforglveness - lead Lhem Lo forglve Lack of repenLance - lead Lhem Lo repenL unbellef- rebuke demonlc splrlLs ConLrol- 8ebuke demonlc splrlLs 22.6Stay sens|t|ve to the no|y Sp|r|t uon'L lean on meLhods or experlenceLean on 1he Poly SplrlL Lo dlrecL you LlsLen for Poly SplrlL prompLlngs 8espond Lo lmpresslons Lhe Poly SplrlL glves you eg a word, a plcLure or a sensaLlon Lnsure a 'CaLcher' ls sLandlng behlnd Lhem, and ls alerL Avold 'pushlng' or 'rocklng' Lhem, as you mlnlsLer Speak and release Lhe power of Cod 22.7Get Ieedback Where posslble geL feedback from Lhe person you mlnlsLered Lo. Ask whaL Lhey have experlenced, or whaL Lhey LhoughL Look place 8e wllllng Lo pray agaln Never lnsLrucL anyone Lo sLop Laklng any prescrlbed medlclne-Lhe occurrence of a m|rac|e shou|d be ver|f|ed by the|r doctor, who ls responslble Lo deLermlne wheLher medlcaLlon should be sLopped or noL ****************

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