active management of distribtion networks.pdf

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    Project Title

    Integration of operation of embedded

    generation and distribution networks


    URN 02/1145

    Final Report

    Prof. Goran Strbac (UMIST)

    Prof. Nick Jenkins (UMIST)

    Martin Hird (UMIST/Econnect)

    Predrag Djapic (UMIST)

    Guy Nicholson (Econnect)


    Department of Electrical Engineering &Electronics

    PO Box 88, Manchester, M60 1QD

    May 2002

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    Integrated operation of embedded generation and distribution networks

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    Page number

    Executive summary........................................................................................................4

    1. Control Strategies for Close Integration of Embedded Generation and

    Distribution Networks..................................................................................................10

    1.1. Background .............................................................................................................10

    1.2. From Passive to Active Distribution Networks..........................................................12

    1.3. Active Management of Voltage Rise Effect in Rural Areas.........................................17

    1.4. Qualitative Analysis of Options for Control of Voltage Rise Effect..............................19

    1.4.1 Worst Case Scenario (Minimum Load Maximum Generation) Approach...........20

    1.4.2 Managing the voltage rise effect by generation curtailment..................................21

    1.4.3 Managing the voltage rise effect by reactive compensation.................................22

    1.4.4 Managing the voltage rise effect using coordinated voltage control.....................22

    1.5. Application to a characteristic situation................................................................ ......23

    2. Distribution Management System for Close Integration of Embedded

    Generation and Distribution Networks.......................................................................28

    2.1. Introduction..............................................................................................................28

    2.2. Design of a Distribution Management System Controller............................................29

    2.2.1 Outline of Operation.........................................................................................29

    2.2.2 Network..........................................................................................................30

    2.2.3 Hardware Configurations..................................................................................32

    2.2.4 Communications...............................................................................................36

    2.2.5 Software..........................................................................................................37

    2.3. State Estimation........................................................................................................39

    2.3.1 Background - Transmission State Estimation.....................................................39

    2.3.2 Distribution State Estimation.............................................................................40

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    2.3.3 A Distribution State Estimator...........................................................................41

    2.4. Control Scheduling...................................................................................................45

    2.4.1 Priority List......................................................................................................46

    2.4.2 Optimal Power Flow........................................................................................47

    2.5. Implementation.........................................................................................................50

    3. Quantifying the Benefits of Active Management of Distribution Networks .............54

    3.1. Introduction..............................................................................................................54

    3.2. Case Studies ............................................................................................................56

    3.2.1 Description of the System.................................................................................56

    3.2.2 Base Case Scenarios........................................................................................58

    3.2.3 Tool for Modelling the Operation of an Active Distribution System....................58

    3.2.4 Generation Curtailment.....................................................................................60

    3.2.5 Reactive Compensation and Voltage Control....................................................65

    3.2.6 Area Based Voltage Control by OLTC ............................................................66

    3.2.7 Area Based Voltage Control by OLTC and Voltage Regulator..........................68

    3.2.8 Impact of Voltage Controls on Losses................................ ..............................70

    4. Commercial Arrangements to Support Active Management.....................................73

    4.1. Background.............................................................................................................73

    4.2. Voltage Rise Effect and Connection Costs ................................................................74

    4.3. Problems with Present Arrangements........................................................................75

    4.4. Cost Benefit Analysis of Implementing Active Management of Distribution


    4.5. Commercial Arrangements for Active Distribution Networks .....................................82

    4.6. Unbundling of Distribution Network Services ............................................................83

    5. Conclusions ...................................................................................................................89

    6. References....................................................................................................................93

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    Executive summary

    Rural distribution systems in which embedded generation is connected are susceptible to voltage

    rise. In order to minimise the overall effect of embedded generation, network operators prefer

    to connect embedded generation to higher voltages where their impact onto voltage profile is

    minimal. However, the commercial viability of embedded generation projects is sensitive to

    connection costs. These costs increase considerably with the voltage level at which the

    embedded generation is connected; generally the higher the voltage or sparser the network, the

    higher the connection cost. The developers of embedded generation therefore generally prefer

    to connect at lower voltages. The amount of generation that can be connected is usually

    established through deterministic load flow studies, usually with the critical case representing

    conditions of minimum/maximum load and maximum embedded generation output. This

    operating policy limits considerably the capacity of generation that can be connected to the

    existing distribution network.

    In this context, this project assesses the potential benefits of changing the operation philosophy

    of distribution network and embedded generation from passive to active management. This

    report deals with voltage control aspect of active management while issues associated with fault

    levels are not considered.

    The following four main control strategies are quantified:

    (i) Active power generation curtailment: The developer of embedded generation schemes

    may find it profitable to curtail some of the output for a limited period if allowed to

    connect greater generator capacity. This may be particularly attractive if the probability of

    the coincidence of high generation output with low network load condition is low.

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    (ii) Reactive power management: Absorbing reactive power can be very beneficial in

    controlling the voltage rise effect, especially in weak overhead networks with embedded

    generation. By absorbing reactive power, an increase of the output of active power can

    be realised.

    (iii) Area based coordinated voltage control of On Load Tap Changing Transformers

    (OLTCs): The present voltage control in distribution networks is primarily carried out by

    OLTCs. Clearly, the voltage rise effect in distribution networks with embedded

    generation can therefore be controlled by OLTCs (by reducing the voltage at times of

    high generation output). However, the present voltage control policy is designed for

    passive networks with strictly unidirectional power flows. Alternative voltage control

    practices that go beyond the present local voltage control, such as an area-based control

    of OLTC are considered in this study and the benefits of such policies quantified. The

    studies performed in this study show that this form of control is likely to bring the largest

    benefits in terms of the increase of embedded generation that can be connected to weak

    distribution networks.

    (iv) Application of voltage regulators: In the context of the voltage rise effect, minimum

    load - maximum generation conditions are usually critical for the amount of generation that

    can be connected. However, it may also be necessary to consider maximum load

    maximum generation conditions. This is because, the use of OLTC transformers to reduce

    the voltage on the feeder where the generator is connected, may produce an

    unacceptably low voltage on adjacent feeders that supply load. In this case it may be

    beneficial to separate the control of voltage on feeders which supply load, from the

    control of voltage on feeder to which the generator is connected. This can be achieved by

    the application of voltage regulators on appropriate feeders.

    The benefits of an active management of distribution network, exercised through the above

    alternative control strategies, are quantified by the volume of the annual energy and

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    corresponding revenue that can be generated for various capacities of embedded (wind)

    generation installed. This analysis is carried out on a characteristic 33 kV network that exhibits

    all the phenomena of interest.

    The studies performed clearly show significant benefits of active control of distribution network.

    The most beneficial are schemes with area based voltage control by OLTCs and voltage

    regulators achieving a 3 fold increase in the capacity of embedded generation that can be


    The report also discusses how this control might be achieved and also maps out a possible

    implementation path so that the concepts proposed can begin to be implemented quickly. The

    outline design of a Distribution Management System (DMS) controller suitable for embedded

    generation is discussed. Five hardware configurations are proposed of increasing complexity.

    The simplest relies merely on local measurements at the 33/11kV substation while the most

    complex proposes a hierarchical arrangement of DMS controllers. Although the first,

    straightforward approach is conceptually simple, it is likely to give considerable improvements in

    the capacity of embedded generation that may be connected.

    The overall concept for the controller software is then discussed with the two major elements:

    state estimation and control scheduling. Although state estimation techniques are well developed

    for transmission networks these approaches are not directly transferable to distribution systems

    with embedded generation. The basis of state estimation is explained and then the further work

    that is required to adapt existing techniques to dealing with the limited number of measurements

    available on distribution networks and the use of load data to provide pseudo-measurements is


    Two approaches have been identified for control scheduling. A priority-list, rule-based

    approach may be applied whereby engineering judgement and knowledge of various contracts

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    is used to determine the order in which various controls should be adjusted. This approach is

    attractive for an early implementation of a simple system, as it is conceptually straightforward

    and transparent to practicing engineers. For more complex implementations it may be preferable

    to consider using an optimal power flow to optimise the control rigorously.

    Furthermore, a possible implementation route is discussed given the present constraints on

    distribution network operates and generators. Initially, simple implementations are proposed

    with the embedded generator under local control and the controller operating on the Automatic

    Voltage controller (AVC) at the 33/11 kV transformer.

    The presence of embedded generation in distribution systems alters radically the way these

    networks should be viewed not only from technical but also from a commercial vantage point.

    With the introduction of embedded generation, distribution networks are expected to offer an

    non-discriminatory open access to the networks and facilitate competition in the generation and

    supply sectors. This requirement introduces a new role for distribution networks. Distribution

    network operators now are required to provide network services to generators and to enable

    them to take part in provision of such services.

    Under the present regulatory framework Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) do not have

    any incentive to connect generation and offer active management services to reduce the

    connection costs and increase the amount of embedded generation that can be connected. In

    this report, costs and benefits of active management of distribution networks are identified and

    discussed. This is necessary for the development of appropriate commercial incentives for

    DNOs. Furthermore, the report discusses a number of issues associated with present

    commercial arrangements, particularly in relation to pricing that may impact an reactive power

    based voltage control.

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    A market based exchange of services between distribution network operators and embedded

    generators (and other network users in general) is proposed and discussed.

    This would require unbundling of distribution network services and enabling users to contribute

    to the major responsibilities of DNOs (i) voltage and (ii) service quality management. As a

    consequence of the historical development of distribution systems, these objectives have been

    traditionally met by employing the operational and development practices that involved the use of

    assets, facilities and resources owned and managed by DNOs. In this traditional approach

    embedded generation is effectively excluded from the opportunity to support DNOs in carrying

    out their main duties and also from receiving enhanced services from DNOs which would

    provide more choice in connection (active management).

    The new role of distribution networks requires unbundling of distribution network services and

    the development of commercial arrangements within which DNOs would carry out their

    responsibilities at least cost and efficiently, by using services from a number of potential

    providers. Under this scenario DNOs would maintain the responsibility of managing all

    components of service quality, but the means of achieving this objective would involve not only

    distribution network facilities. It would also make use of the inputs provided by embedded

    generation, and more generally, by demand-side management, storage facilities, reactive

    compensation facilities including an active interchange of services between the DNOs and the

    TNO on the distribution-transmission boundary. In the context of embedded generation, this

    concept could open the possibility for generators to provide DNOs with network support

    (substitute for network capacity), with voltage regulation and contribute to service quality. On

    the other hand, DNOs could offer enhanced network services to generators, such as active

    distribution management and enable them to control their connection costs. The value of various

    services provided by and to DNOs could be determined on a market basis.

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    1. Control Strategies for Close Integration of Embedded

    Generation and Distribution Networks

    1.1. Background

    The UK Government is working towards a target of renewable energy providing 10% of UK

    electricity supplies by 2010 with 10GW of CHP by the same date. Depending on the load

    factor assumed, this will require the installation of up to 14 GW of generation capacity on to

    distribution networks (i.e. at voltages of 132 kV and below). Renewable generation will benefit

    considerably from the Renewables Obligation that rewards green energy through a mechanism

    of Renewables Obligation Certificates [1]. However, under the present conditions the owners

    and operators of the distribution networks, the Distribution Network Operators (DNOs)

    anticipate that they can integrate only a much more limited capacity of generation [2] without a

    major reinforcement.

    The environment in which distribution companies function creates a number of interrelated

    regulatory, commercial and technical questions that need addressing in order to facilitate thisgrowth in small-scale generation. This reflects

    (i) the historic function of the distribution network, that has been primarily viewed as a

    transport provider, rather than in the role of a facilitator of competition in the generation

    and supply sectors, and

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    (ii) the historic passive configuration of the distribution system, in which the expectation is

    that virtually all the electricity is supplied from the transmission networks at several

    points in each DNOs area and is then distributed to consumers at lower voltages.

    An open access based framework for distribution networks clearly needs to be developed. The

    Utilities Act 2000 requires DNOs to facilitate competition, which is effectively a vehicle for

    opening up distribution networks and for providing equitable access to the energy market. In

    order to take full advantage of this opportunity an adequate regulatory and commercial

    environment needs to be developed and a number of technical issues related to network

    operation and development resolved, as documented in the Report of the OFGEM/DTI

    Embedded Generation Working Group [4]. The report recognises that at present there are

    neither commercial nor technical frameworks to encourage the DNOs to integrate this

    embedded generation (EG) into their systems in an optimal manner.

    The overall problem can be viewed as a conflict between two regulatory systems: the aggressive

    economic regulation of the UK power industry, which is dominated by relatively short-term

    issues of economic efficiency, and the environmental which aims to establish incentives for small-

    scale, less carbon intensive technologies in pursuit of climate change objectives. It may be seen

    that a high penetration of embedded generation, which is essential if renewable energy sources

    and CHP are to be introduced to meet government targets, represents a paradigm shift in the

    UK electricity system.

    Specifically, this work is centred around an analysis of the benefits that can be derived from

    changing the operation philosophy of distribution networks from passive to active. The emphasis

    is on the design of control strategies of active distribution systems that would enhance the ability

    of the existing networks to accommodate additional embedded generation.

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    In this section the fundamental features of passive distribution networks are examined and their

    inability to accommodate increased amounts embedded generation discussed. It is

    demonstrated how the voltage rise effect, the main limiting factor in rural areas, can be

    effectively controlled within an active network environment, and as a result, enable considerably

    higher levels of penetration of embedded generation into existing systems. The following three

    main control strategies are then elaborated in some detail:

    (i) Active power generation curtailment

    (ii) Reactive power management

    (iii) Area based coordinated voltage control

    (iv) Application of voltage regulators

    Qualitative analysis of these alternatives is then carried out on a simplistic distribution network

    model where the effect of these controls can be easily understood.

    The ability of active networks to accommodate embedded generation is illustrated on a

    characteristic case study of connecting a wind farm to a weak distribution network. It is shown

    that through reactive power management or coordinated voltage control the amount of

    embedded generation that can be connected to the existing system can be increased for a factor

    of 3, in comparison with passive networks.

    1.2. From Passive to Active Distribution Networks

    Modern distribution systems were designed to accept bulk power from the transmission

    network and to distribute it to customers. Thus the flow of both real power (P) and reactive

    power (Q) was always from the higher to the lower voltage levels. This is shown schematically

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    in Figure 1.1 and, even with interconnected distribution systems, the behaviour of the network is

    well understood and the procedures for both design and operation long established.


    P,Q P,Q

    Figure 1.1 - Conventional distribution network deign and operation

    However, with significant penetration of embedded generation the power flows may become

    reversed and the distribution network is no longer a passive circuit supplying loads but an active

    system with power flows and voltages determined by the generation as well as the loads. This is

    shown schematically in Figure 1.2. For example, the CHP generation scheme with the

    synchronous generator (S) will export real power when the electrical load of the premises falls

    below the output of the generator but may absorb or export reactive power depending on the

    setting of the excitation system of the generator. The wind turbine will export real power but is

    likely to absorb reactive power as its induction (sometimes known as asynchronous) generator

    (A) requires a source of reactive power to operate. The voltage source converter of the

    photovoltaic (pv) system will allow export of real power at a set power factor but may

    introduce harmonic currents, indicated as in Figure 1.2. Thus the power flows through the

    circuits may be in either direction depending on the relative magnitudes of the real and reactive

    network loads compared to the generator outputs and any losses in the network.

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    P,Q? P,Q?



    CHP S



    Figure 1.2 - Ad-hoc approach with existing operation practice

    The change in real and reactive power flows caused by embedded generation has important

    technical and economic implications for the power system. To date, most attention has been

    paid to the immediate technical issues of connecting and operating generation on a distribution

    system and most countries have developed standards and practices to deal with these. In

    general, the approach adopted has been to ensure that any embedded generation does not

    reduce the quality of supply offered to other customers and to consider the generators as

    negative load. No real attempt has been made to consider how the overall performance of a

    distribution system with a significant penetration of embedded generation may be optimised.

    Clearly, a number of difficulties, following from the different objectives of the generator and

    network operator, can be identified immediately. At present in the UK networks, the objective

    of the generator is to supply the maximum energy (kWh) to the network and so receive the

    largest payment. The objective of the DNO is to maintain supply to all customers, the majority

    of whom will be load customers. As the network operator has no control over the embedded

    generator all decisions concerning the network must be made considering the worst possible

    conditions of the generation for any set of network conditions. Hence at minimum (or even zero)

    load the maximum generation is assumed and at maximum load, minimum generation is assumed.

    In summary, there is no mechanism where the overall distribution network and embedded

    generation system can be optimised.

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    Every DNO has an obligation to supply its customers at a voltage within specified limits. This

    requirement often determines the design and expense of the distribution circuits and so, over the

    years, techniques have been developed to make the maximum use of distribution circuits to

    supply customers within the required voltages. For example, it is well known that the ratio of the

    MV/LV transformer is usually adjusted so that at times of maximum load the most remote

    customer receives acceptable voltage. During minimum load the voltage received by all

    customers is just below the maximum allowed. If an embedded generator is now connected to

    the end of such a circuit then the flows in the circuit will change and hence the voltage profiles.

    The most onerous case is likely to be when the customer load on the network is at a minimum

    and the output of the embedded generator must flow back to the source.

    In some cases, the voltage rise can be limited by reversing the flow of reactive power (Q) either

    by using an induction generator or by under-exciting a synchronous machine and operating at

    leading power factor. This can be effective on higher voltage overhead circuits, which tend to

    have a higher X/R ratio. However, on LV cable distribution circuits the dominant effect is that of

    the real power (P) and the network resistance (R) and so only very small embedded generators

    may generally be connected to LV networks.

    Some DNOs use more sophisticated control of on-load tap changers of the HV/MV

    distribution transformers including the use of a current signal compounding the voltage

    measurement. One technique is that of line drop compensation and as this relies on an assumed

    power factor of the load, the introduction of embedded generation and the subsequent change in

    power factor may lead to greater uncertainty in operation if the embedded generator is large

    compared to the customer load.

    As the present network operation philosophy is known to considerably limit the amount of

    embedded generation that can be connected, the focus of this particular piece of work is on

    quantifying the benefits of the integration of embedded generation into distribution network

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    operation in terms of the increased ability of the networks to accommodate embedded

    generation. This integration effectively changes the conventional doctrine of the operation of

    distribution networks from passive to active and this work carries out a conceptual analysis of

    the operation of such active networks. Various degrees of integration are possible, ranging from

    a simple local based control of generation to a coordinated control between distribution and

    generation facilities over interconnected distribution circuits. This co-ordinated, system level

    voltage and flow control could be based on a controller that allows this integrated operation to

    be implemented.

    The controls may be implemented either using central Distribution Management System

    controllers, such as one depicted in Figure 1.3 (say one for each 33/11 kV substation), or by

    distributing the control functions among the various controllers associated with each item of plant

    (i.e. generators, tap-changers). However this choice is largely an issue of implementation only as

    the control philosophy proposed accepts the requirement for communication between the

    various items of plant. The control actions required are slow (e.g. change of tap-changer set-

    point or generator despatch) and so low cost, slow, communications systems will be

    appropriate. The overall control system will be arranged in a hierarchy with the controllers of the

    33/11 kV substations communicating upwards to similar equipment in 132/33 kV substations

    etc. Particular attention must be paid to the consequences of failure of the communications

    systems and how the system then reverts to a safe state.

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    CHP S





    P,Q,V, P,Q,V,


    DMS Controller inputs-Network flows and voltages (P, Q, V)-Contracts for constraining on and off


    DMS controller outputs:Tap positions and generator dispatch

    (P , Q)

    Figure 1.3 - Active distribution network operation

    As indicated earlier, the degree of integration can vary from a simple local based control of

    generation to a coordinated control between distribution and generation facilities over

    interconnected distribution circuits.

    1.3. Active Management of Voltage Rise Effect in Rural Areas

    Connections of embedded generation in ruraldistribution systems are susceptible to voltage

    rise. Current operating policy based on passive operation of distribution network limits the

    capacity of generation connected based on the extreme condition of minimum load, maximum

    generation. In order to minimise the overall effect of embedded generation network operatorsprefer to connect embedded generation at higher voltages where their impact onto voltage levels

    is minimal. However, the commercial viability of embedded generation projects is sensitive to

    connection costs. These costs increase considerably with the voltage level at which the

    embedded generation is connected; generally the higher the voltage or sparser the network, the

    higher the cost. The developers of embedded generation therefore prefer to connect at lower

    voltages. This conflict of objectives between embedded generation developers and network

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    operators is usually settled through simple deterministic load flow studies, usually based on one

    critical case representing conditions of minimum load and maximum embedded generation


    As this will demonstrate, an active distribution network will allow considerably greater

    penetration of embedded generation. Three alternative control strategies are evaluated1:

    (a) Active power generation curtailment (shedding) can be used as a means of reducing the

    voltage rise effect. The generator may find it profitable to curtail some of its output for a

    limited period if allowed to connect a larger capacity. This may be particularly suitable for

    embedded generation, as the generation curtailment is likely to be required during times of

    relatively low value of energy (such as summer nights). This mode of control is local and,

    generally, there is no need for communication system.

    (b) Secondly, absorbing reactive power can be beneficial to controlling voltage rise effect,

    especially in weak overhead networks with embedded generation. This mode of control is

    also local and, generally, there is no need for communication system. In this respect, the use

    of a reactive compensation facility, such as a STATCOM, at the connection point is

    discussed in [3]. However, reactive power management as a means of increasing the

    penetration of embedded generation has not been widely applied in the UK. Within this

    work an advanced optimal power flow method will be applied to illustrate the potential of

    reactive power management in the context of managing voltage rise-effect.

    (c) Thirdly, the introduction of a co-ordinated voltage control policy may be beneficial from the

    embedded generation penetration levels point of view. Present voltage control in

    1Application of voltage regulators is elaborated in Section 3 of the report

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    distribution networks is primarily carried out by On Load Tap Changing-transformers

    (OLTC). Voltage control is usually based on a simple constant voltage policy or a scheme

    that takes into account circuit loading while determining the voltage that should be

    maintained. It is important to bear in mind that this voltage control policy was designed for

    passive networks with strictly unidirectional power flows. In active distribution networks

    with multi-directional power flows, the validity of this local control voltage practice becomes

    inherently inadequate. In fact, this practice limits the degree of openness and accessibility of

    distribution networks and therefore has a considerable adverse impact on the amount of

    generation that can be accommodated. On the other hand, alternative voltage control

    practices that go beyond the present local voltage control, such as an area-based control of

    OLTC will be considered and the benefits of such policies quantified. This coordinated

    control would be accompanied with an adequate communication system and measurements

    from a number of points along the feeder.

    (d) Finally, application of voltage regulators may be very beneficial for decoupling voltage

    control on feeders supplying loads from feeders to which generation is connected.This is

    useful when it is necessary to consider maximum load maximum generation conditions.

    This is because, the use of OLTC transformers to reduce the voltage on the feeder where

    the generator is connected, may produce an unacceptably low voltage on adjacent feeders

    that supply load. In this case it may be beneficial to separate the control of voltage on

    feeders which supply load, from the control of voltage on feeder to which the generator is

    connected. This can be achieved by the application of voltage regulators on appropriate


    1.4. Qualitative Analysis of Options for Control of Voltage Rise Effect

    The voltage rise effect is illustrated using a simple circuit shown in Figure 1.4. This figure

    represents the basic features of a distribution system into which an embedded generator, G, is

    connected (assumed at 11kV). This generator (PG, QG) together with a local load (PL, QL) and

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    a reactive compensator (QC) is connected to the distribution system (DS) via a weak rural

    distribution overhead line with impedance Z and, say a 33/11 kV transformer with an On Load

    Tap Changer (OLTC).



    Q Comp

    PL, QL


    Z=R + jX





    Figure 1.4 - Simple system for modelling voltage rise

    The voltage at busbar 2 (V2) can be approximately calculated as follows:



    This simple equation can be used to qualitatively analyse the relationship between voltage at

    busbar 2 and the amount of generation that can be connected to distribution network, as well as

    the impact of alternative control actions.

    1.4.1 Worst Case Scenario (Minimum Load Maximum Generation) Approach

    As discussed above, the capacity of generation that can be connected to a distribution circuit

    determined by analysing the extreme conditions of the coincidence of minimum load (PL= 0, QL

    = 0) and maximum generation (PG = PGMAX). This policy enables DNOs to continue to operate

    their systems as if generators were not connected at all. The effect of such connection policy on

    the amount of generation that can be connected to existing system can be analysed by the

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    following expression (for the simplicity sake unity power factor operation is assumed, i.e.



    G12 PRVV + (2)

    The capacity of the generator that can be accommodated in the existing system is clearly limited

    by the maximum voltage at busbar 2:


    VVP 1





    It is important to observe that the real part of the network impedance, R, is critical for the

    amount of generation that can be connected (as the value of reactance, X, is not relevant as the

    generator is assumed to operate with a unity power factor). This resistance is determined by

    conductor size and is assumed constant for a given system.

    1.4.2 Managing the voltage rise effect by generation curtailment

    It is important to observe that the probability of such extreme situation (coincidence of minimum

    load with maximum generation) actually occurring is generally low, and hence it may be

    beneficial to accommodate a larger generator at busbar 2 and curtail it when voltage at busbar 2

    rises to that of the limit. The effect of generation curtailment on the capacity that can be

    connected is given by the equation below.


    VVPP 1






    + (4)

    The likelihood of the coincidence of minimum load with maximum generation will determine the

    total annual energy curtailed. As the price of electricity is primarily driven by load demand, and

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    generation curtailment occurs typically during periods of low load, the value of this energy

    curtailed is likely to be relatively low.

    1.4.3 Managing the voltage rise effect by reactive compensation

    Managing of reactive power injections can make a considerable impact on the capacity of

    generation that can be connected to weak overhead distribution networks. If reactive power,

    Qimport (i.e. ( )CLG QQQ ), is absorbed from the network, the amount of generation that

    can be connected under no load conditions can be increased:










    Observe that the effectiveness of reactive power import is greatly influenced by the value of line

    reactance X. In this context, reactive compensation is considerably more effective on overhead

    networks (with typical reactance of]km/[4.0XOH

    ), than on cable networks (with typical

    reactance of ]km/[1.0XC ). It is also important to bear in mind that absorbing reactive

    power would lead to an increase in losses, and the evaluation of this control option should

    therefore include loss assessment.

    1.4.4 Managing the voltage rise effect using coordinated voltage control

    Control of voltage at busbar 2 by regulating voltage V1, at busbar 1, using the OLTC, can

    considerably increase the capacity of embedded generation. In this control option, the OLTC is

    used to lower voltage to the minimum value min1V , enabling larger injection of active power at

    busbar 2:

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    However, in a more complex network, the value of this voltage, and the corresponding tap

    position of the OLTC, would have to be optimised.

    All these three methods of regulating voltage can be applied in combination. It should also be

    noted that reinforcing the system could also enhance the amount of generation that can be

    accommodated. This is however out of scope of this study that is focused on voltage regulation

    in the existing system.

    1.5. Application to a characteristic situation

    In order to illustrate the limitation of passive distribution network operating philosophy and the

    benefits of active control of distribution systems arising from the management of the rise effect

    (and hence connection cost), a weak 20 kV distribution network to which a wind farm is to be

    connected is considered (Figure 1.5). Network and load parameters are given in Table 1.1 and

    Table 1.2. Induction generators with power factor correction capacitors are considered for the

    operation of the wind farm. The combined active-reactive characteristic of the group of

    generators (without power factor correction) to be used is given in Figure 1.6. The size of the

    fixed power factor correction used is 3 MVAr. Voltage at busbar 2 is held at 1.03 p.u. by the

    transformer tap changer.

    High and low loading conditions as two characteristic snap shot situations are analysed.

    Minimum demand is set to be at 10% of the peak.

    Table 1.1. Circuit data

    Line Records

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    To Number R(p.u.) X(p.u.)

    2 1 0.01869 0.17726

    2 3 0.03100 0.40174

    2 5 0.33290 0.58310

    3 4 0.09000 0.15770

    3 5 0.64460 0.86000

    5 6 0.23900 0.21040

    6 7 0.24762 0.25132


    1.00 pu

    21.03 pu


    1.01 pu


    0.99 pu

    51.00 pu


    1.00 pu


    1.00 pu

    12.8 MW

    12.8 MW12.1 MW12.0 MW

    0.6 MW

    0.6 MW

    0.0 MW

    0.0 MW0.0 MW0.0 MW

    8.8 MW

    8.6 MW

    31.50 MW6.31 MVR

    12.00 MW2.40 MVR

    54 MW18 MVR

    9.20 MW1.85 MVR

    0.00 MW

    53.7 MW

    53.2 MW

    2.97 MVR0.00 MVR

    3.00 MVR

    2.6 MVR-2.4 MVR

    0.0 MVR-0.0 MVR

    0.0 MVR

    -0.0 MVR

    1.2 MVR

    -1.1 MVR

    4.5 MVR

    -3.8 MVR

    -12.0 MVR

    17.7 MVR

    1.2 MVR

    -0.7 MVR

    Figure 1.5 - Seven-bus network

    Table 1.2. Load data

    Load Records

    Busbar MW MVAr MVA

    2 31.5 6.31 32.13

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    4 12.0 2.40 12.24

    5 9.2 1.85 9.387 0 3.00 3.00

    Induction generator circle diagram (without pfc)









    0 10 20 30 40 50 60

    Power export (MW)


    Figure 1.6 - Induction generator circle diagram

    Assuming that allowable voltage variation in the network are +/- 5%, three exercises are


    (i) Passive network operation is simulated and the maximum amount of embedded

    generation that can be connected to the network is determined. Both heavy and light

    loading conditions are considered. By performing a number of load flow calculations it

    can be concluded that 13.5 MW and 4.6 MW can be absorbed under heavy and light

    loading conditions respectively.

    (ii) Active distribution network operation is simulated with local control via a reactive

    power compensation plant, installed at the point of connection. The case study

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    demonstrates that absorbing reactive power can be very beneficial to controlling voltage

    rise effect, and hence enable increased amount of embedded generation to be connected

    to the existing system. Furthermore, the minimum size of the plant to allow various

    amounts of generation to be connected is determined. It is important to observe changes

    in active losses as shown in Table 1.3 (voltage at busbar 2 is held at 1.03 p.u.). The

    compensation plant is modelled simplisticly as a synchronous condenser, which is

    certainly adequate for this type of analysis.

    Table 1.3

    High loading conditions Low loading conditions

    PG QG Q absorbed by

    the compensator

    Plosses Q absorbed by the



    (MW) (MVAr) (MVAr) (MW) (MVAr) (MW)

    1.0 3.2 0 0.99 0 0.01

    3.0 3.6 0 0.92 0 0.05

    5.0 4.0 0 0.91 0.16 0.15

    10.0 5.0 0 1.13 3.18 0.78

    15.0 7.3 0.66 1.85 3.81 1.83

    20.0 9.5 1.18 3.02 4.12 3.27

    This table shows that, at the extreme, this network could accommodate 20.0MW, from the

    voltage rise point of view, if a compensation of 4.12 MVArs (of reactive absorption) is installed.

    Note that in this particular case losses would be more than 3MW under all load conditions.

    When considering the economics of reactive compensation plant, the installation cost of thisreactive support will have to balance against the value of the increase in generation output taking

    into account negative effects on system losses. This topic is discussed in Section 3.

    (iii) In passive distribution networks voltage regulation is carried out by On Load Tap

    Changing-transformers (OLTC). Voltage control is usually based on a simple constant

    voltage policy. In active distribution networks with embedded generation and multi-

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    directional power flows, the validity of this local control voltage practice may become

    inadequate. This case study illustrates the benefit that a co-ordinated voltage control

    including OLTC with respect to amount of embedded generation that can be connected

    and the amount of reactive support required (Table 1.4 and 1.5). Thus, with busbar 2

    maintained at 1.015 pu a 7 MW generator may be connected with no additional reactive

    compensation. Reducing busbar 2 voltage to 1.pu increases this to almost 15 MW.

    Table 1.4 - Set voltage at bus 2 V = 1.015 p.u.

    High loading conditions Low loading conditions

    PG QG Q absorbed by

    the compensator

    Plosses Q absorbed by the



    (MW) (MVAr) (MVAr) (MW) (MVAr) (MW)

    1.0 3.2 0 1.00 0 0.01

    3.0 3.6 0 0.94 0 0.06

    5.0 4.0 0 0.93 0 0.15

    10.0 5.0 0 1.17 1.47 0.68

    15.0 7.3 0 1.84 2.18 1.67

    20.0 9.5 0 2.91 2.56 3.07

    Table 1.5 - Set voltage at bus 2 V = 1.00p.u.

    High loading conditions Low loading conditions

    PG QG Q absorbed by

    the compensator

    Plosses Q absorbed by the



    (MW) (MVAr) (MVAr) (MW) (MVAr) (MW)

    1.0 3.2 0 1.02 0 0.01

    3.0 3.6 0 0.95 0 0.06

    5.0 4.0 0 0.95 0 0.1610.0 5.0 0 1.19 0 0.64

    15.0 7.3 0 1.89 0.53 1.55

    20.0 9.5 0 2.99 0.98 2.89

    The exercises performed clearly show that a coordinated voltage control has a significant

    potential for increasing the level of penetration of embedded generation to weak overhead

    distribution networks.

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    2. Distribution Management System for Close Integration of

    Embedded Generation and Distribution Networks

    2.1. Introduction

    It has been shown in Section 1 that there is very considerable benefit in integrating the control of

    embedded generation and the local distribution networks. This section discusses how this

    control might be achieved and also maps out a possible implementation path so that the

    concepts proposed can begin to be implemented quickly.

    Firstly the outline design of a Distribution Management System (DMS) controller suitable for

    embedded generation is discussed. Five hardware configurations are proposed of increasing

    complexity. The simplest relies merely on local measurements at the 33/11kV substation while

    the most complex proposes a hierarchical arrangement of DMS controllers. Although the first,

    straightforward approach is conceptually simple, it is likely to give considerable improvements in

    the capacity of embedded generation that may be connected.

    The overall concept for the controller software is then discussed with the two major elements:

    (1) state estimation and (2) control scheduling. Although state estimation techniques are well

    developed for transmission networks these approaches are not directly transferable to

    distribution systems with embedded generation. The basis of state estimation is explained and

    then the further work that is required to adapt existing techniques to dealing with the limited

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    number of measurements available on distribution networks and the use of load data to provide

    pseudo-measurements is outlined.

    Two approaches have been identified for control scheduling. A priority-list, rule-based

    approach may be applied whereby engineering judgement and knowledge of ancillary services

    contracts is used to determine the order in which various controls should be adjusted. This

    approach is attractive for an early implementation of a simple system, as it is conceptually

    straightforward and transparent to practicing engineers. For more complex implementations it

    may be preferable to consider using an optimal power flow to optimise the control.

    Finally, a possible implementation route is discussed given the present constraints on distribution

    network operates and generators. Initially, simple implementations are proposed with the

    embedded generator under local control and the controller operating on the AVC controller at

    the 33/11 kV transformer.

    2.2. Design of a Distribution Management System Controller

    2.2.1 Outline of Operation

    Conceptually, the DMS controller is located at the primary substation which is the lowest

    voltage point on the network with an on load tap changer for voltage control although in practice

    there is no reason why its capabilities cannot be distributed amongst other controllers. It has the

    necessary data to provide a model of the local HV distribution network. At a set interval,

    perhaps every half-hour, the DMS controller estimates the state of the part of the network that

    is under its control. The estimate comprises the voltage at each bus of the network. To

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    calculate the estimate, the DMS controller uses models of the loads connected to the network

    and a minimum number of real-time measurements.

    Using the state estimate, the DMS controller calculates control values and outputs these to

    devices connected to network elements, such as on-load tap-changers and embedded

    generators. The control values are calculated to optimise the power flow in that part of the


    If any real-time measurement changes significantly, the DMS controller calculates and outputs

    new control values within a few seconds, to prevent infringement of, or reduce the probability

    of, network constraints.

    The DMS controller comprises software that runs on a hardware platform that is connected to

    the electrical network. The main features of the electrical network and hardware platform are

    described in the following sections. The software inputs and outputs are then briefly described.

    A detailed description of the software is given in Sections 2.3 and 2.4.

    2.2.2 Network

    Figure 2.1 is a simplified schematic diagram of part of a distribution network. The primary

    substation transformers are fitted with on-load tap-changers (OLTC) that are controlled by

    automatic voltage control (AVC) relays. For the DMS controller to control the voltage at a

    multi-transformer substation, as illustrated, the AVC relays are assumed to be operated in

    master-follower configuration and the DMS controller controls the set point of the master. For a

    single transformer substation, the DMS controller controls the set point of the single AVC relay.

    The voltage at more than one substation can be controlled by different DMS controllers or by

    communication from one controller.

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    Several circuits are shown connected to the substation, each comprising several busbars

    connected together by lines or cables. The DMS controller can re-configure the network, which

    can be radial or meshed, by opening or closing circuit breakers.

    Customer loads are connected to the buses. The DMS controller can control some loads by

    disconnecting and reconnecting them.

    Embedded generators are connected to several of the busbars. These have different types of

    controller, depending upon the type of generator. The DMS controller controls the active and

    reactive power export of embedded generators by sending control signals to their controllers.

    Examples of control signals are: a set point for the automatic voltage regulator of a synchronous

    generator, a set point for the governor of an engine, a signal to a wind farm supervisory control

    and data acquisition (SCADA) system to stop a number of wind turbines in a wind farm or to

    change the set point of the pitch angles in all wind turbines in a wind farm to a new maximum


    Measurements of voltage, current or power are taken at the substation bus bar and several

    other busbars. These would typically be busbars to which generators are connected or at which

    large voltage variations are expected. The DMS controller uses the minimum number of

    measurements necessary to calculate a state estimate sufficiently accurate for satisfactory control

    of the network.

    Reactive power compensation devices, such as capacitor banks or static compensators may

    also be connected to the network. The DMS controller controls these by, for instance,

    connecting and disconnecting a capacitor bank.

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    33 / 11 kV


    with On-line





    11 kV / 230 V

    Transformerwith low

    voltage loads

    Network bus

    Network line

    or cable





    com ensator









    Figure 2.1 - Schematic diagram of part of a distribution network

    2.2.3 Hardware Configurations

    Schematic diagrams of possible DMS controller hardware configurations are shown in Figures

    2.2 and 2.3. Five different possibilities are shown, increasing in scale and complexity.

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    Remote Terminal


    Remote Terminal




    Automatic Voltage

    Control Relay





    Automatic Voltage

    Control Relay



    Remote Terminal




    Automatic Voltage

    Control Relay



    Remote Terminal





    Figure 2.2 - Schematic diagrams of simple DMS controller hardware configurations

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    Remote Terminal


    Remote Terminal




    Automatic Voltage

    Control Relays



    Remote Terminal



    Embedded Generators

    Loads, Compensators,

    Circuit Breakers
















    Figure 2.3 - Schematic diagrams of more complex DMS controller hardware configurations

    The three configurations shown in Figure 2.2 illustrate simple applications of the DMS

    controller, which control only a single AVC relay. The DMS control software runs on the real-

    time microcomputer and the output is a single set point value to an AVC relay. The computer

    and relay are sited at a primary substation (e.g. 33/11kV). These two units are in each of the

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    three configurations; the difference between the configurations is the number and type of real-

    time measurements that are provided as inputs to the software.

    Configuration 1 is the simplest and uses only local substation measurements. Examples of these

    are substation busbar voltage, total substation power, feeder power, total substation current and

    feeder current. This configuration may provide workable control for a radial network with a

    single embedded generator.

    In configuration 2, local substation measurements are supplemented with network measurements

    from a single remote terminal unit (RTU). The RTU is a partially intelligent device that has

    monitoring, communications and some control functions. The RTU is sited at a key point on the

    network, such as the busbar at which an embedded generator is connected or the bus at which

    the largest voltage variations are expected. The RTU takes measurements at this point and

    communicates them to the real-time microcomputer (DMS controller). Examples of network

    measurements are bus voltage, load (or generator) power, feeder power, load (or generator)

    current and feeder current. This configuration may be suitable for a radial network with a single

    embedded generator for which configuration 1 provides insufficient data to allow workable


    Configuration 3 is the same as configuration 2, except that it has several RTUs. This

    configuration may be suitable for a radial or meshed network with one or more embedded


    Figure 2.3 shows two more complex configurations. These configurations control AVC relays,

    embedded generators, loads, reactive power compensators and circuit breakers.

    Configuration 4 uses local measurements and measurements from several RTUs, in the same

    way as configuration 3. Configuration 4 controls many network devices, therefore it is likely that

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    it will require a larger number of RTUs than configuration 3. Configuration 4 is suitable for

    control of a re-configurable radial or meshed network with one or more substations, several

    embedded generators, controllable loads and reactive power compensators.

    Configuration 5 shows how the DMS controllers could be used in a hierarchical manner. Each

    controller is as illustrated in configuration 4. At the lowest level, the four controllers would

    typically be sited at primary substations or perhaps at a lower level at in-line voltage

    regulators. The intermediate level controllers could be sited at medium voltage substations (bulk

    supply points 132/33kV). The highest-level controller could be sited at a grid supply point

    (e.g.400 or 275/132kV). Configuration 5 is suitable for control of part of a distribution network

    that contains a large number of embedded generators and is supplied from a single grid supply


    2.2.4 Communications

    For configuration 1 the real-time microcomputer, the local measurement device and the AVCrelay are directly connected to each other. In configurations 2 to 5, remote communications are

    needed between the RTUs and the real-time computer. In configurations 4 and 5 remote

    communications are additionally needed between the real-time computer and the devices

    connected to the network.

    Measurement data is communicated from an RTU to the real-time microcomputer once per

    interval, say every half hour, or if there is a significant change in a measurement. The number of

    data values communicated each time is typically less than five e.g. voltage magnitude, real power

    and reactive power.

    A control value is communicated from the real-time microcomputer to a controlled device when

    a change in the device output is required. The number of data values communicated each time is

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    typically one or two e.g. a set point for generator real power output and a set point for

    generator power factor, or a binary value to open or close a breaker.

    The choice of remote communications medium depends largely on the required speed of data

    transfer. It is common for AVC devices to have an initial delay of 10 120 s between measuring

    an over or under voltage and outputting a change tap signal to the OLTC. Once a change tap

    signal has been output, some AVCs have a 5 60 s delay before outputting a second change

    tap signal. These durations reflect present distribution network voltage control practice.

    If the time between a significant real-time measurement change and a controlled device receiving

    a new control value is no more than 5 s, then the DMS controller is operating in line with

    present voltage control practice.

    Two types of communication that permit this speed of data transfer are:

    A public data network e.g. Vodafone Paknet, which gives call set-up times of less than

    0.5 s.

    Power line carrier.

    2.2.5 Software

    Figure 2.4 is a block diagram of the DMS controller software, showing its inputs and outputs.

    The measurement input comprises the local and network measurements. The outputs are the

    control values for the various devices under control. These are all real-time signals. The

    remaining inputs are off-line data.

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    The network data input comprises the network topology and electrical parameters. The pseudo

    measurement input provides values for all un-measured quantities that are required for the state

    estimator. This input is described in more detail in Section 2.3.

    The constraints input comprises three types of constraint:

    Primary plant constraints e.g. embedded generator capacity

    Control limits e.g. OLTC maximum number of tap steps

    Network constraints e.g. voltage limits

    The contracts input comprises the details of ancillary service contracts between the distribution

    network operator and owners of:

    Embedded generators

    Controllable loads

    Reactive power compensators

    The DMS controller software has two functional blocks: state estimation and control scheduling.

    The state estimation block uses the network electrical parameters, network topology, load

    models and real-time measurements to calculate a network state estimate. This is passed to the

    control-scheduling block, which uses it to calculate a new set of control values for the devices

    connected to the network. The set of control values optimises the power flow in the network,

    while observing all the constraints and taking account of all the contracts.

    State estimation and control scheduling are discussed in detail in Sections 2.3 and 2.4.

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    Automatic voltagecontrol relays





    Loads,Compensators,Circuit breakers


    Figure 2.4: Block diagram of DMS controller software

    2.3. State Estimation

    2.3.1 Background - Transmission State Estimation

    A state vector is a set of variables that defines all the possible states of a system. Knowledge of

    the state vector provides a basis for real-time control of the system. In the case of a power

    system, the state variables are usually taken to be the voltage magnitude and relative phase angle

    at each bus. These can be calculated using a load flow, given the system load and generation.

    On a transmission network, the number of measurements is usually larger than the number of

    state variables. The measurements contain errors and are therefore not necessarily the variables

    required for load flow calculations. State estimation (SE) provides a means of utilising all

    available measurements, taking account of the expected errors, to calculate the best estimate of

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    the state vector. SE is used widely in Energy Management Systems (EMS) as the basis for real-

    time control of transmission networks.

    2.3.2 Distribution State Estimation

    State estimation has not been widely applied to distribution networks. The main reason for this

    is that distribution networks have traditionally been operated as passive radial networks and so

    there was little need to estimate their state accurately.

    The level of automation in distribution networks has increased in recent years, drive n mainly by

    a perceived need to improve the quality of supply. Distribution management systems (DMSs)

    have been installed that can rapidly re-configure the network to restore customers supplies

    following a fault. The recent growth in embedded generation presents new challenges to these

    systems. Embedded generators are far from being integrated into distribution networks, meaning

    that their full potential is not realised. For this to happen, DMSs need to incorporate the

    generation scheduling features of EMSs. As SE is the basis for these EMS functions, work isrequired to transfer SE from transmission to distribution systems.

    Some work on distribution state estimation (DSE) has been reported in the academic literature

    in the 1990s [1]-[7]. The following features of distribution networks are identified as being

    different from those of transmission networks when applying SE.

    Lack of real-time measurements although the number of measurements available to a

    DMS is increasing, it is still much less than the number of state variables. This necessitates the

    use of pseudo measurements, which are derived from historical data.

    Network size distribution networks are topologically much larger than transmission networks.

    Researchers have therefore developed computationally efficient algorithms for Distribution State

    Estimators (DSE) that can be applied to a large part of a distribution network [1]-[4]. Network

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    reduction methods have also been applied to provide a network model that is sufficiently simple

    to analyse.

    Low X/R ratio 11 kV distribution line impedance typically has a ratio of inductance to

    resistance of about 0.5. The same ratio for a transmission line is typically about 10. This means

    that transmission SE algorithms that decouple active and reactive power terms may not be

    appropriate for distribution networks.

    Radial topology distribution systems are generally operated as radial networks, unlike

    transmission systems, which are operated as mesh networks. As the amount of embedded

    generation increases, distribution networks may be operated meshed. A DSE algorithm

    therefore needs to perform satisfactorily on both radial and meshed networks.

    Bi-directional power flow distribution networks were generally designed for uni-directional

    power flows from a few grid supply points radially outwards to customers. An embedded

    generator may reverse the direction of power flow. A DSE algorithm therefore needs to take

    account of bi-directional power flow on a radial network.

    Unbalanced loads - distribution networks are operated with unbalanced loads in the USA and

    consequently DSE algorithms that estimate state variables for all three phases have been

    developed [2]-[4]. These may be unnecessary for UK distribution systems, which are operated

    with more or less balanced loads compared to the USA.

    2.3.3 A Distribution State Estimator

    The following is a description of a distribution state estimator that is suitable for use with

    embedded generation. The approach to selecting the SE method has been to use the simplest

    applicable established techniques.

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    Weighted Least Squares Algorithm

    The most common SE algorithm is the weighted least squares formulation, defined by Equation

    1 below:


    {x1, x2, , xNs}

    J (x1, x2, , xNs) = [Zi

    eas fi(x1, x2, , xNs)]2


    i = 1




    x is a state variable

    Ns is the number of state variables

    fi is the function relating the ith measurement to the state variables

    Zimeas is the ith measurement

    Nm is the number of measurements

    i2 is the variance of the ith measurement

    J(x) is the measurement residual

    The algorithm finds the best fit between the state variables and the available measurements,

    taking account of the accuracy of the measurements. The difference between a measurement

    and the measurement value calculated from the state variables is first taken. This is then squared

    and divided by the variance of the measurement. The sum of these terms is then minimised by

    adjusting the values of the state variables. This method has been proven in transmission systems

    and is applicable to both radial and meshed networks.

    Newton-Raphson Solution

    The functions fi are non-linear and so Equation 2.1 cannot be solved directly. The Newton-

    Raphson method finds the set of state variables for which the derivative of Equation 2.1 is zero,

    by approximating the derivatives of the functions fi with Taylor series. This method is used in

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    load flow and transmission state estimation (TSE) and so is well documented and is suitable for

    use with the low line X/R ratio on distribution networks. Other methods, such as forward-

    backwards sweep can be applied only to radial network.

    State Variables

    The state variables are taken as the bus voltage magnitudes and relative phase angles. These are

    the most commonly used state variables in load flow and TSE and so their use is well

    documented. In addition to these, the statuses of circuit breakers are taken as state variables.

    Their use at transmission level is documented in [9] and their application to DSE is reported in


    Some researchers have used branch currents as state variables for DSE, claiming improved

    computational efficiency [3]. This is worth further investigation for application to the DMS


    Measurement Functions

    The functions fi relate measurements to state variables. The constants in these functions are the

    network line impedances. Functions fi for DSE measurements are:

    Bus active power injection

    Bus reactive power injection

    Line active power flow

    Line reactive power flow

    Line current magnitude

    Bus voltage magnitude

    Measurement equipment for some or all of these quantities may already be installed on a

    particular part of a network.

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    Pseudo measurements

    On distribution networks, the number of measurements is much less than the number of state

    variables. A SE algorithm requires the number of measurements to be the same as or larger than

    the number of state variables. The unmeasured quantities are provided by pseudo

    measurements. These are measurement values that are derived from off-line data. Some

    researchers have investigated the availability and use of such data [6], while others have

    assumed it to be available [4]. It is proposed to calculate pseudo measurements using standard

    load profiles for three load classes: domestic, commercial and industrial. The profiles specify a

    normalised load expected value and variance for each half hour of the day. These will be

    matched to the particular network using available historical data. The variance associated with

    each pseudo measurement will be much larger than that associated with each measurement.

    Statistical SE

    In TSE, each measurement is modelled as an independent normally distributed random variable

    with expected value Zimeas and variance i

    2. The estimated state variables are therefore also

    random variables. In TSE, generally only the expected values are considered. This is because in

    TSE there are more measurements than state variables and so the state estimate is the most

    accurate representation of the system state available.

    In DSE, as the variances of the pseudo measurements are much larger than the variances of the

    real measurements, the accuracy of the state estimate can be improved by increasing the number

    of measurements. Clearly, the balance must be struck between cost of measurements and the

    value that they bring.

    A particular accuracy of state estimate will be necessary for control scheduling and this will

    require a particular number of measurements. This accuracy and number of measurements can

    be determined by calculating the statistical properties of the state variables and using these to set

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    confidence limits. For example, consider an estimated bus voltage magnitude, modelled as a

    normally distributed random variable and a fixed system voltage magnitude limit. If the expected

    value of the estimated voltage is three standard deviations from the voltage limit, then there is a

    99.73 % certainty that the actual bus voltage is within the limit. An acceptable level of certainty

    is chosen and this determines how many standard deviations from a limit the expected value of a

    state variable can be. The number of measurements is then chosen to provide a sufficiently small

    state variable standard deviation to allow the state variable expected value to vary over an

    acceptable range for control scheduling.

    Three approaches to statistical DSE have been made. These use probabilistic load flow [5],

    stochastic load flow [7] and fuzzy state estimation [8]. The stochastic load flow approach is the

    simplest. It assumes that the measurements and pseudo measurements are normally distributed

    random variables and approximates the state variables as normally distributed random variables.

    It also allows correlation of measurements and pseudo measurements.

    The accuracy of the stochastic state estimate will also depend upon the goodness of fit of a

    normally distributed random variable to the actual variations of the measurements and pseudo


    2.4. Control Scheduling

    Two methods have been considered for scheduling controls. These are priority list and optimal

    power flow.

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    2.4.1 Priority List

    A priority list is specific to the part of network under the control of the DMS controller. The

    network is studied off-line and a priority list of controls and sets of rules are drawn up. A set of

    controls is then selected in real-time by testing the state estimate against the rules.

    The priority list might comprise, for example, 30 sets of controls, with set 1 being the most

    preferred and set 30 the least preferred. One set of controls comprises a setting for each device

    under the control of the DMS controller. Each set of controls has an associated set of rules. Aset of rules comprises a permissible range for each state variable. The control-scheduling

    algorithm tests the state estimate against each set of rules, starting with the most preferred set of

    controls and continuing down the priority list. If the state estimate obeys all the rules for a

    particular set of controls, then that set is output.

    In drawing up the priority list, decisions are made as to the most desirable controls. The

    following is a possible list of control aims that could be used to draw up a priority list. They refer

    to the network shown in Figure 2.1 and are listed in descending order of preference. Generators

    1 and 2 are taken to be synchronous and generator 3 to be asynchronous.

    1. Maximise generator 1 active power export

    2. Maximise generator 2 active power export

    3. Maximise generator 3 active power export

    4. Minimise generator 1 reactive power import

    5. Minimise generator 2 reactive power import

    6. Minimise compensator reactive power import

    7. Minimise time controllable load is disconnected

    8. Maximise voltage setting for OLTCs

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    The order of preference would be established from the ancillary service contracts between the

    network operator and the owners of the devices.

    In selecting a set of controls, the control-scheduling algorithm also needs to take account of the

    number of changes in control setting that it makes. In doing this, the type of device under control

    needs to be considered. For instance, too many changes to the set point of an AVC relay will

    cause mechanical wear in the OLTC, shortening its life. This is a less important issue for an

    automatic voltage regulator of a synchronous machine, but would still need to be taken into


    The control settings also need to take account of generators such as wind turbines that have

    fluctuating output power.

    2.4.2 Optimal Power Flow

    In general, the following sources of control may be available for managing the voltage and flowprofiles of active distribution networks:

    Control limits e.g. OLTC maximum number of tap steps

    Reactive power compensators

    Embedded generators

    Controllable loads

    The choice of controls will depend on

    Objective of the optimisation and cost associated with each of the controls

    Operating conditions defined by the network topology and loading

    Location and magnitudes of violated voltage and/or flow limits and

    Effectiveness of each control source in eliminating specific violations and its cost

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    This problem belongs to the class of general Optimal Power Flow problems. The main idea of

    an OPF applied in the context of active distribution networks would to minimise the total cost of

    available control actions while satisfying voltage and thermal constraints and determining the

    value of the corresponding controls applied (GiP DiP , cQ and kT ).

    This problem, for each individual settlement period t, may be stated mathematically as follows:

    Objective function





    Subject to:

    ),,( TVPPPPP injiDiGiLiGi =+ (2.3)

    ),,( TVQQQQQQ in jiDiGiLiCGi =++ (2.4)


    ijij SS (2.5)




    iVVV (2.6)




    GiGi PPP (2.7)




    c QQQ




    k TTT (2.9)


    PfQ = (2.10)

    )( DiDi PgQ = (2.11)


    LiLi Q,P Active and reactive load at node i, at time t

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    GiGi Q,P Active and reactive generation at node i, at time t

    GiGi QP , Active and reactive generation curtailment/increase at node i, at time t

    (if possible)

    DiDiQP , Active and reactive demand curtailment/increase at node i, at time t (if


    cQ Reactive power absorbed by a reactive compensator, at time t


    inji Q,P Active and reactive power injection at node i, at time t

    kTTap setting of the tap-changer k, at time t

    ijS Load flows of the branch ij, at time t


    ijS Maximum control load flow in branch ij, at time t

    i Voltage angle at node i, at time t

    iV Voltage at node i, at time t

    The objective function (Equation 2.2) minimises the total cost of control actions. It is envisaged

    that exercising each of the available control actions may be associated with some cost. For

    example, there is likely to be some cost associated with constraining generators in order to

    manage the voltage and flows in the network. The costing should be based on some form of the

    opportunity cost which would form a base for the cost of contracts curtailment. This may be in

    the form of fees associated with the exercise of the options. Nodal power balance equations are

    represented by Equation 2.3 and 2.4.

    The optimisation is also subject to the branch thermal constraint (Equation 2.5) and network

    voltage limits (Equation 2.6). The maximum

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