activity handbook ssp papar

Post on 07-Aug-2018






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  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar




    Compiled by:

    Betty D Primus @ Betty Adantus


    English Language Secondary School


    School Support Plan 'or(shop )*,

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


     ABLE %- C%$E$SI.   Foreword..............................................................................2

     Vocabulary Activities

     Activities for Word Wall

    Grammar Intervention ideasReading Intervention Ideas

    Creative Writing Ideas

    II.   Appendix 1...........................................................................9

    III.   Appendix 2.........................................................................10

    IV.   Appendix............................................................................11

     V.   Appendix 4.........................................................................12

     VI.   Appendix .........................................................................1!

     VII.  Appendix ".........................................................................14

     VIII. Appendix #.........................................................................1

    IX.   $ooper%&i'e (e%rnin) no&e* + KAAN,2009.........................1"

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar



    This handbook contains all the activities carried out during the chool u!!ort "lan

    #nglish #nhancement "rogramme

    for econdary chools$ %istrict &evel Worksho! on the '( and ') August (*'+. The

    activities range from a list of suggested interventions for Vocabulary enrichment, Grammar

    !ractice, Reading Com!rehension and Creative Writing ideas to hel! teachers design

    interventions to address the ga!s identi-ed from the student riting data.

    In addition, I have included a fe other activities that teachers could do ith their students

    to engage them better in the learning !rocess. /ou may ada!t or ado!t the activities

    de!ending on your students0 levels and learning styles, as ell as the availability of


    I ho!e teachers ill bene-t from this handbook and as!ire to make learning #nglish fun

    and engaging for the students.

    Good &uck.

    1etty % "rimus 2 1etty Adantus


    #nglish econdary chools

    "a!ar %istrict #ducation 45ice

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar



     A. -ord -%((Word Wall is a good way to help students build on their vocabulary list and

    to support retention. You can begin with a piece of blank manila card or mahjong

    paper and a set of empty cards (cut to your preferred sizes and shapes). There is

    no rule on how you have to arrange the words on the Word Wall. You can be as

    creative as you can with the students.

    nce you have enough words on the Word Wall! you can do various

    activities with the students to help them remember the words. You can do it

    weekly or monthly. "ake full use of the words from the Word Wall to help student

    remember better.

    Acti0ities 1or 'ord 'all

    #.$. %ll these activities could be carried out once your Word Wall has enough words to

    support the process.


    You will need photocopied sheets of 9 or 25 blocks (see appendix 1). Students will need objects

    to cover words.

    1. !all on students to pick words fro" the wall the# want to be included in the $a"e.

    2. %s each word is picked& students will write it on their 'in$o sheet in an# blank block the#

    choose and #ou will write it on an index card.

    . hen all students have filled up their sheets #ou are read# to pla#.

    *. Shuffle #our index cards and call the words one at a ti"e.

    5. +ave students chant the spellin$ of each word and then cover it with their object or draw

    an ,- on the word.

    /. 0he first student to have a co"plete row covered or strai$ht ,- wins 'in$o.

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


    . Students can clear their sheets and pla# a$ain.

    Cunningham, P.M. (1995). Phonics They Use. N.Y.: Harper Coins.

    Word Search

    1. ass out a cop# of a ord Search worksheet (See %ppendix 2) to each student.

    2. 0eacher chooses 5 words fro" the word wall.

    . %s teacher calls out word& students chant and write on blank at botto" of worksheet.

    *. hen all 5 words have been written& students place each word in the word search pu33le and

    add additional letters to fill in the boxes.

    5. 0rade ord Search pu33les.

    /. hen each word is found& trace around it with a colored pencil& pen or "arker or use ahi$hli$hter to hi$hli$ht the word found.

     !oun"as, #.C. Pinne, $.%.: (199&)'or Ma""ers. N.H. Heinimann.


    1. 4ake a hopscotch on the classroo" floor with tape& or on the pla#$round with chalk.

    2. !hoose a word wall word and write one letter in each box of the hopscotch and the whole

    word at the top.

    . Students hop and sa# each letter to spell the word and the sa# the word

    at the end.

    6. o for additional words. 


    & 6ach $roup $ets a place"at (see %ppendix ).

    & 0he "iddle part will contain the task. 6.$. %ctivities #ou do at ho"e

    & 6ach $roup "e"ber "ust write on the part assi$ned with their correspondin$ nu"bers

    (1 7 5)

    & 8nderline the verb and transfer it on a word card provided and paste it on the ord all.


  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


    a. 6ach student will receive a word card with a ke#word. 6.$. fa"il#& buildin$

     b. Students find other friends with a si"ilar ke#word.

    c. 0he# for" a new $roup and brainstor" "ore words on the sa"e cate$or# and write it on

    the other side of the word card.

    d. aste their words on the ord all.

    Graffiti Wall

    i. hat words can students re"e"ber fro" #esterda#s lesson 6ach student take turns to

    write their words on the $raffiti wall (0eacher calls out the nu"ber 1 7 * : decide how

    "an# students to do it in a lesson).

    ii. ick a word fro" the ord all 7 "ake a sentence usin$ the word chosen. Students write

    their sentences on the ;raffiti all.

    Word Translation

    1. 6ach $roup will be $iven a task sheet with 5 words (preferabl# vocabular# found in the

    readin$ text the teacher will use in the lesson).

    2. 0he $roup will look for the "eanin$ : translation in 4ala# and co"plete their vocabular#


    . 4ixor" a new $roup

    with si"ilar activit# chosen and co"e up with a?

    1. !rossword pu33le

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


    2. 'o$$le

    . ord Search

    *. %nton#" Search

    5. Sa"e or ifferent

    2.A33A. I$E.!E$I%$ IDEAS

    Part of Speech Sorter 

    @n $roup& students will $et a pack of cards and a place"at. 6ach student takes turn to pick a card

    and read the word loudl#. 0he $roup then decide if the word is a noun : adjective : verb and place

    it on the correct label (see %ppendix *).


    1. Aead a text. 8nderline : hi$hli$ht the verbs. >ind out the past : present : future of the

    verbs. !o"plete a table $iven. (See %ppendix 5).

    2. 6ach $roup will receive a set of verb cards. ecide whether the word is an action or a

    linkin$ verb and put the" under proper headin$s. (see %ppendix /).

    .eading Inter0ention Ideas

    Jigsa !eading

    6ach $roup will be $iven a se$"ent of a lon$er text. Scan for relevant infor"ation to co"plete a

    task sheet $iven.

    ifferent share? ;roup accordin$ to #our nu"ber and exchan$e infor"ation to co"plete the task


    Go bac" to your on group# Compare notes#

    !unning $ictation%

    !hoose #our partner. ecide who is ,% and ,'.

    ,% will run to the text and "e"orise as "uch as he:she can then report to the partner. %fter 2

    "inutes& switch roles until #ou $et the full text written down.

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


    Colour &e !ight

    Aead a text and answer the Buestion b# colourin$ the correct infor"ation.

    C.EAI!E '.II$2 IDEAS

    $ig $eeper

    raw a dia$ra" (see %ppendix ).

    rite a si"ple sentence in the first hole.

    8nderline the verb : noun usin$ different colours.

    4odif# the verb : noun or add in adjectives in the next hole.

    Aeplace with s#non#"s : add in details in the next hole ("a# add in idio"s& relative clause&

     preposition& exa"ples etc).

    Creati'e Writing% (air Wor" 

    Step )%

    raw the face of a person in the top ri$ht

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


    !o"plete the sentence usin$ their i"a$ination and add one "ore sentence.

    ass the paper to the pair on #our ri$ht.

    Aead and add one "ore sentence. ass to the ri$ht.

    !ontinue to $raduall# build the stor# until #ou are told to end it.

    >ollow up?

    ut the stor# up for ever#bod# to read and vote for the best one.

    8se it for error identification or correction.

    0#pe the stor# and add in "ore details.

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar



    B I N

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


    APPE$DI4 )

     -RD SEAR/H

    '. 7777777777777777777777777 6. 777777777777777777777777777(. 7777777777777777777777777 +. 777777777777777777777777777). 7777777777777777777777777

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar




      6 (


     A$&i'i&ie* o do %


  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


    APPE$DI4 5

    Let’s Sort This Out!





    P(%$e /%rd* Here

    P(%$e /%rd* Here

    P(%$e /%rd* Here

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


    APPE$DI4 ,

     3er Ten*e*

    Past Present Future

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


    APPE$DI4 6

    Action Verbs Linking Verbs

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


    APPE$DI4 7

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


    C%%PE.AI!E LEA.$I$2 $%ES 8 &A2A$9)**

    &i+ (air Share

    1. Students "ix around the roo".

    2. 0he facilitator calls ,pair.

    . Students pair up with the person closest to the". Students who havent found a partner raise

    their hands to find each other.

    *. airs discuss a topic or answer a Buestion $iven b# the facilitator& with think ti"e.5. Aepeat steps 1

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


    Gallery Wal" 

    Students use texts or i"a$es placed around the roo" to co"plete a desi$nated task.

    1. Select "aterial for displa#.

    2. %ttach to walls or tables. 4ake sure displa#s are well spread out to avoid student crowdin$.

    . @n $roups or individuall#& students rotate fro" displa# to displa#& co"pletin$ a $iven task.

    Carousel ,eedbac" 

    0ea" rotate fro" project to project leavin$ feedback for other tea"s.

    1. 0ea"s stand in front of their projects.2. Gn a si$nal& tea"s rotate to the next project.

    . >or a specified ti"e& tea"s discuss the other tea"s project& with no writin$.

    *. Student 1 writes feedback with positive co""ents and su$$estions for i"prove"ent.5. 0ea"s rotate and repeat steps 2

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


    0i"ed 7 air 7 Share is desi$ned to eBualise participation as eBual ti"e is structured into the


    1. 0he facilitator $ives a topic to talk about or a Buestion to answer.

    2. @n pairs& artner % talks about the topic and artner ' listens.

    . 0he facilitator instructs each student to stop b# sa#in$ ,ti"e.*. artner ' shows appreciation for artner %s answers.

    5. artners switch roles and repeat steps 2or ri$ht:wron$ answers& Student H* checks and then either praises or tutors.

    K >or Buestions that have no ri$ht or wron$ answer& Student H* does not check for

    correctness& but praises and then paraphrases the thinkin$ that went into the answer.

    Students rotate roles& one person clockwise for each new round.

    ,ind Someone Who

    Students circulate throu$h the classroo"& for"in$ and refor"in$ pairs& tr#in$ to Ifind so"eone

    whoL knows an answer& then the# beco"e Iso"eone who knows.L

    1. Students "ix in the class& keepin$ a hand raised until the# find a partner that is not a


    2. @n pairs& artner % asks a Buestion fro" the worksheetF artner ' responds. artner % records

    the answer on his or her own worksheet and expresses appreciation. artner ' checks and

    initials the answer.. artner ' asks a BuestionF artner % responds. artner ' records the answer on his or her own

    worksheet and expresses appreciation. artner % checks and initials the answer.

    *. artners shake hands& part& and raise a hand as the# search for a new partner.5. Students repeat Steps 17/ until their worksheets are co"plete.

    /. hen their worksheets are co"plete& students sit downF seated students "a# be approached

     b# others as a resource.

    . @n tea"s& students co"pare answersF if there is disa$ree"ent or uncertaint#& the# raise four

    hands to ask a tea" Buestion.

    1ne Stray

    Gne tea""ate Istra#sL fro" her tea" to a new tea" to share or $ather infor"ation. 0ea""ates

    each write three state"ents& two true& one false& atte"ptin$ to trick their tea""ates.

  • 8/20/2019 Activity Handbook SSP Papar


    1. % nu"ber is rando"l# called and that student fro" each tea" stands up. 0he re"ainin$ three

    tea""ates re"ain seated but raise their hands. ithout consultin$ tea""ates& each student

    writes down his:her own best $uess which state"ent is false.

    2. 0eacher calls& IStra#.L. Standin$ students stra# to a tea" that has their hands up.

    *. 0ea"s lower their hands when a new "e"ber joins the".

    5. Students work in their new tea"s to share or $ather infor"ation.

    1ptional? Students return to their ori$inal tea"s to share what the# learned when the#


    Team Stand/N/Share

    0ea"s check off or add each idea as it is shared b# other tea"s& sittin$ down to show ever#

    tea"s ideas have been shared.

    1. %ll students stand near their tea""ates.2. 0he teacher calls on a standin$ student holdin$ the tea" list.

    . Selected student states one idea fro" the tea" list.

    *. 0he student in each tea"& who is holdin$ the tea" list& either adds the ite" to the list& or if it

    is alread# listed& checks it off.5. Students pass their tea" lists one tea""ate clockwise./. 0ea"s sit when all their ite"s are shared. hile seated& the# add each new ite" usin$

    Aound0able. hen all tea"s are seated& all ite"s have been shared and 0ea" Stand

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