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Post on 16-Mar-2020






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DOST VII 2017 Women’s Month Celebration

“WE Make Change Work for Women”


March 21, 2017 Lahug S & T Complex, Sudlon Lahug, Cebu


To highlight the importance of the role of women in Science and Technology and to increase the awareness and participation of the staff and officials of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Regional Office No. VII in the celebration of Women’s Month, the DOST 7 spearheaded series of Health Enhancing Trainings and a Recognition activity on March 21, 2017 at Lahug S & T Complex, Sudlon Lahug, Cebu City.

The whole day activity is in celebration of

the 2017 National Women’s Month as

mandated by RA 6949 (an Act to Declare

March of Every Year as a Working Special

holiday to be known as National Women’s

Day). The occasion was celebrated with the theme, “WE Make Change Work for

Women” in participation of sixty five (Female 29, Male 36) DOST VII employees and

DOST assisted successful woman entrepreneur.

The event kicked-off with a solemn group morning prayer in honor of the success and

struggle of women in all distinctions in life, in all sectors of the society, in all races

especially for those women who were abused, abandoned and deprived of opportunities

in life.

Women Health Enhancing


An hour-long Zumba session had been conducted to help build the strength and endurance of all DOST employees. The activity includes strengthening (like squats and lunges) and stretching movements to burn calories and fats, and help improved the overall body condition of all participants. The Zumba session was led by licensed fitness instructors from

DOST VII staff and officials in Fitness Session

DOST VII employees after the Zumba Class

To enhance the awareness of the staff in First Aid management and on the significance of proper Nutrition intake, the DOST VII facilitated the Emergency First Aid Care Training and Nutrition Counseling on Body Mass Index, Body Fat Analysis and Balanced Diet. The conduct of the health trainings is in partnership with the Department of Health (DOH) Region VII, in the person of Dr. Shelbay G. Blanco, Cluster head of DOH.

Testimony and Recognition of

a Successful DOST assisted Woman


The Women’s Month Celebration concluded with a testimony and recognition of Ms. Venus C. Genson, one of the successful DOST VII assisted woman entrepreneur. Ms. Genson shared her “road to success experience” and “tips on how to be a

successful woman entrepreneur”. DOST VII presented Ms. Genson with a Plaque of Recognition for her passion, unconditional commitment and exceptional performance as one of the leading Woman Entrepreneur in the production of Diversified Crafts of Filipino quality furniture, furnishings, house wares and other handcrafted items not only for the Philippines but also for the world.


Training on Emergency First Aid Management

Ms. Venus C. Genson during her Testimony as one of the successful DOST assisted Woman Entrepreneur

Presentation of Plaque of Recognition to Ms. Venus C. Genson, given by DOST VII Reg. Dir. Mr. Ed Paradela (extreme left), Supervising Science Research Specialist Samuel A. Parcon (third from right) and Cebu Provincial Dir. Tristan L. Abando (extreme right)



Training on Emergency Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Welcome Remarks by DOST VII Regional Director Mr. Edilberto L. Paradela

Training on CPR

Training on Emergency First Aid Care Management

Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation as Resource Speaker to Dr. Shelbay G. Blanco,

given by Ms. Bernarda G. Perez (extreme left), Mr. Ed Paradela (second from right) and Mr.

Jess Zamora (extreme right)

Closing Remarks by Mr. Jesus F. Zamora, Jr., Asst. Regional Director for Technical

Operation Division

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