acupuncture - mbs · the principle aim of...

Post on 12-Jul-2020






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Acupuncture is a system of healing that has been practised in China and other Eastern countries for thousands of years. Although often described as a means of pain relief, it is in fact used to treat people with a wide range of illnesses and health concerns. Its focus is on improving the overall wellbeing in a person rather than just treating isolated symptoms.

According to traditional Chinese philosophy, our health is dependent on the body’s motivating life energy – known as Qi – moving in a smooth and balanced way through a series of channels beneath the skin. Qi consists of equal and opposite qualities – Yin and Yang – and when these become imbalanced, illness may result.

By inserting fine needles into these channels of energy, an acupuncturist can stimulate the body’s own healing response and help restore a natural balance. The flow of Qi can be disturbed by a number of factors. These include emotional stresses; poor nutrition; hereditary factors; infections; medications and trauma.

The principle aim of acupuncture is to regain equilibrium between the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects in an individual so that they may live a happy, healthy life.

Many people come to acupuncture for help with specific symptoms or conditions. These include: anxiety, depression, arthritis, asthma, back pain, circulation problems, high blood pressure, migraines, sciatica, infertility, menstrual problems, skin conditions and digestive complaints.

Some people may have acupuncture as a preventive measure to strengthen their constitution, or because they feel unwell in themselves without being ‘ill’ in a traditional sense. It can also be used alongside conventional medicine in the treatment of both acute and chronic diseases. As with any therapy, the response from one person to another can vary. Some people respond well in 1 to 2 sessions and others may need a longer course of sessions over several months.

HOW CAN WE HELP?Everyones treatment is individual. We check your medical history including any blood tests and ultrasounds or request these if necessary, check your tongue and pulse and provide any necessary lifestyle and dietary advice. We also have a naturopath that can help. We provide acupuncture with all consultations and weekly herbal medicine prescriptions, if needed.

For more information, visit our website, contact us or feel free to come in and see us at Saltuary.

Acupuncture will lead you to better health

The principle of acupuncture is to regain equilibrium between the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects in an individual so that they may live a happy, healthy life.


Saltuary - your holistic health partner | Shop 2, 134 Great North Road Five Dock, NSW 2046P (02) 9713 8688 | E |


Floating is a unique experience designed to leave you in a state of blissful relaxation. Saltuary is proud to have Sydney’s very first and dedicated float rooms. Forget the old style tanks, we have custom built spacious and comfortable rooms so that everyone can experience the benefits of flotation!

Our float rooms contain everything you need and allow you to have total control over your environment. You can stand up and control the lights all from within the float room. There is a private shower & change area stocked with our gorgeous products for your exclusive use. We even play some gentle music to help you relax. In short, it’s complete mental and physical relaxation.

Flotation therapy is your gateway to a state of relaxation deeper than sleep. It’s the closest you’ll come to feeling weightlessness without a quick trip to outer space! No matter your size or shape, a float session allows you to effortlessly float due to the densely saturated mineral content of the water – you will not sink. You are suspended in 25cm of warm, sterile water containing a silky smooth mineral solution that leaves your skin feeling divine. Floating is used widely in the treatment of stress, anxiety, jet lag and to improve concentration and creativity. Just one hour of floating has the restorative effects of 4 hours of sleep!

In the gravity-free environment of floating, the body balances and heals internally as all the senses are rested. Research shows that floating measurably reduces blood pressure and heart rate whilst lowering the levels of stress related chemicals in the body. Old injuries and aches (especially backache) experience relief, as floating promotes blood circulation, bringing fresh nutrients to all parts of the body.

Your appointment takes approximately 1.15 hours, including showering time and relaxing afterwards in our post float lounge. Here we provide complimentary organic tea and fruit to help you make the most of your floating experience.

Floating is a method of attaining the deepest rest that humankind has ever experienced.

Saltuary - your holistic health partner | Shop 2, 134 Great North Road Five Dock, NSW 2046P (02) 9713 8688 | E |

The liberating experience of weightlessness and complete physical and mental (theta VWDWH��UHOD[DWLRQ�IURP�ÁRDW�WKHUDS\�ZLOO�DOORZ�\RX�WR�UHFHLYH�PDQ\�EHQHÀWV�LQFOXGLQJ�profound relief from stress on all levels.



Massage utilises systemic manipulation of soft tissue to heal and soothe the body. It promotes healing by improving circulation and blood flow to muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, nerves and the lymphatic system.

Massage addresses: ³ Stress and anxiety ³ Muscle tension ³ Soft tissue injuries ³ Sports performance ³ Joint pain and mobility ³ Odema and swelling / lymphatic drainage ³ Headaches ³ Depression ³ Insomnia

Styles of massage include: ³ Relaxation ³ Remedial ³ Sports / deep tissue ³ Pregnancy ³ Cupping ³ Myofascial release ³ Reflexology

BOWEN THERAPYBowen is a natural, non-invasive, totally holistic therapy, which treats the entire body. It is suitable for all age groups

including newborn babies & the elderly. The pressure that is applied by the therapist is very little and is referred to as eyeball type pressure. The process releases energy, sending impulses to the brain, which in turn triggers a neural response in the body.

Bowen Therapy is a stand-alone treatment but can be incorporated within other treatments.

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPYCraniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on therapy that allows the body to relax and release tension. It is suitable for all ages from infants to the elderly. CST helps:

³ Tension headaches ³ Jaw clenching ³ Neck tension ³ Sciatica ³ Difficulty in relaxing ³ Anxiety ³ Insomnia ³ Depression and more.

CST can be combined with other therapies such as massage and Myofascial Release Technique.

Relax and rejuvenate with our premiumand professional massage therapy


Our massage therapists have over 40 years collective experience and there isn’t a style of massage they don’t cover.

Saltuary - your holistic health partner | Shop 2, 134 Great North Road Five Dock, NSW 2046P (02) 9713 8688 | E |


NATURAL MEDICINEWe believe in the power of nature to improve your health and well being and our team of specialist natural health practitioners are always on hand to provide naturopathic advice and remedies.

NATUROPATHYNaturopathy is a safe and effective form of medicine that is suitable for everyone from infants through to the elderly. It can be used as a preventative form of medicine, or to aid in a variety of conditions from an acute cold right through to chronic ailments including high blood pressure or arthritis. A trained professional should always be consulted. Being a primary form of healthcare, many health funds offer rebates for treatment.

Naturopathy seeks to uncover the cause of an illness rather than simply treating the symptoms. Naturopaths treat you as a ‘whole’ person rather than treating a ‘condition’. They take into account your body, mind and spirit,

including everything from dietary habits through to emotional factors. Naturopaths are trained in a variety of health sciences including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, and symptomatology. They are also trained to prescribe a wide selection of natural medicines including herbal medicine, nutritional supplements and flower essences to name a few.

Naturopaths use a range of tools including iris, tongue and nail analysis, as well as things like hair mineral analysis. Various other pathological tests can be ordered by Naturopaths, e.g. liver function and hormone levels, etc. At Saltuary, we also use Hemaview, or live blood screening and advanced cellular health analysis.

To ensure a comprehensive level of healthcare, all new Naturopathic consultations at Saltuary are broken into 2 stages:1. Initial consultation with screening

tests (Hemaview, Cellular Health analysis, Zinc Tally and pH)

2. Follow up consultations (usually a week later, and then as required from there)

Please bring all medications, herbal and or nutritional supplements you are currently taking, as well as any recent or related pathology test results to your initial consultation (including a historical collection of these if you have this).

Receive naturopathic advice and remedies fromyour trusted natural health practitioners at Saltuary

Saltuary - your holistic health partner | Shop 2, 134 Great North Road Five Dock, NSW 2046P (02) 9713 8688 | E |

Naturopathy to me, is synergistic with the very idea of life itself. In my naturopathic consults, I take you – the whole & unique you – into account. I listen to your story, your history, your goals and your dreams. I look for symptoms, and perform screening tests. All this creates a baseline for which my treatments stem from. - Tiina Hogg, Head Naturopath




At Saltuary, we boast two beautiful hand built salt rooms. The salt rooms at Saltuary use the pristine salts of the ancient and majestic Himalayan mountain ranges of Pakistan. Our salt rooms provide you with a clean and beautifully ambient atmosphere to relax in as you begin to regain and rebalance your health. We proudly built our rooms using 100% natural building materials wherever we could. Our rooms are rich in negative ions to benefit your health even further and are always heated to a very comfortable temperature. Blankets are also provided for those that want them.

State of the art halogenerators disperse finely ground salt throughout the room’s air. You may experience a minute salty taste on your lips whilst in the room, but apart from that, you won’t really see much as the particles are so small.

Although a relatively new concept in Australia, salt rooms have been used throughout Europe for decades. Known as ‘halotherapy’ (‘halos’ meaning salt in Greek), salt rooms offer a natural, non-invasive, drug free, and clinically proven treatment modality for people suffering from skin and respiratory conditions.

The term ‘halotherapy’ refers to the therapeutic use of salt in rooms known as ‘halochambers’. Halochambers are man-made rooms designed to mimic the environment of natural salt mines deep in the earth’s crust.

The benefits of Himalayan salt therapy are numerous and it can be effective in the following situations:

³ General health and wellbeing: Strengthens immune system; decreases stress & thus improves mood; detoxifying; provides 84 minerals essential to health.

³ Improving sports performance: Improves lung capacity for greater athletic performance.

³ Providing respiratory relief: Helps to decrease mucous congestion; is anti-inflammatory; antihistamine; antibacterial – all allowing for easier, more comfortable breathing in conditions such as asthma, COPD and more.

³ Treating skin conditions: Provides an abundance of minerals necessary for skin health, and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory to decrease skin irritation, infection and inflammation.

³ Relief for children and pregnant women: Natural, drug free & clinically proven way to treat skin and respiratory / lung problems. May also help with behavioural problems due to the relaxing nature of the abundant negative ions.

Experience a total transformation through Himalayan Salt Therapy

Saltuary - your holistic health partner | Shop 2, 134 Great North Road Five Dock, NSW 2046P (02) 9713 8688 | E |


Reduce pain, reduce weight, detox & have beautiful skin with an infrared sauna.

Saltuary - your holistic health partner | Shop 2, 134 Great North Road Five Dock, NSW 2046P (02) 9713 8688 | E |

Infrared saunas have numerous health benefits. Differing from traditional saunas, infrared saunas warm your body directly rather than through the use of hot air, leaving you to enjoy the sauna experience without humidity and steam. ‘Infrared heat’ has nothing to do with ultraviolet light that causes sun burn or skin damage. It is simply a form of energy transmitted at a specific wavelength. This gentle type of heat penetrates the body, causing sweating to occur. Sweating moves toxins and waste products out of our cells and tissues, detoxifying us.

As we perspire, our skin pores open, clearing waste products and shedding old cells, leaving the skin glowing in an improved vigour tone and elasticity. Roughness is replaced by smoothness and suppleness. Infrared saunas can help to break down scars from incisions, eczema, psoriasis, acne, even keloids can be softened over time.

Infrared Saunas are the ultimate in fat burning. For an average heat conditioned person, a 30 minute session can burn up to 1000 calories, the equivalent of going for a 10 – 15km run! As the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) states:

As sweat production is increased, your heart works harder to pump blood, boosting your circulation, mimicking the benefits of continuous exercise. When skipping regular exercise due to illness or allowing injuries to heal, saunas are fantastic in helping to maintain cardiovascular conditioning.

Research shows that stretching after a 30 minute session produces a permanent increase in your flexibility. Saunas are a great way to warm up for exercise to help prevent injury. As tissues are warmed, muscles readily relax allowing for greater flexibility and range of motion. After exercise, infrared saunas aid with oxygen debt recovery and faster healing of muscle pains through increased circulation and delivering oxygen rich blood to body tissues.

Saunas are helpful for many musculoskeletal ailments including sprains, strains, arthritis, muscle spasm and for helping relieve stiffness and soreness. The deep infrared heat dilates blood vessels, bringing nutrients to muscle and soft tissue injuries and removing metabolic wastes. Arthritic complaints can be relieved.

Infrared saunas are a great way to detoxify. Deep penetrating heat causes toxins to be released from cells into our lymph, releasing them via our sweat, taking the detoxifying load off your liver and kidneys. Perhaps the most immediate effect you will notice is pure relaxation, as stress and tension simply melts away, helping you feel rejuvenated, renewed and restored.

Regular use of a sauna may be as effective as a means of cardiovascular conditioning and burning of calories as regular exercise. - JAMA



Saltuary - your holistic health partner | Shop 2, 134 Great North Road Five Dock, NSW 2046P (02) 9713 8688 | E |

Patient mobility, vitality, endurance and appetite can all be improved through restoring spinal function.


Chiropractic is a health care discipline based on the scientific premise that the body is a self-regulating, self-healing organism. These important functions are controlled by the brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves of the body. “Chiropractic” comes from the Greek word Chiropraktikos, meaning “done by hand.”

The practice of chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine, and pelvis) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health.

The skull protects the delicate tissues of the brain. The moving bones of the spine protect the intricate communication pathways of the spinal cord and nerve roots. If these nervous system pathways are impaired, malfunction of the tissues and organ malfunction throughout the body can result.

Chiropractic also places an emphasis on nutrition, exercise, wellness and healthy lifestyle modifications.

In Australia, Chiropractors are registered health care practitioners and complete a 5 year University based program.

Chiropractic is safe and effective natural health care for the whole family.

HOW CAN WE HELP?Periodic appointments can help you to keep in tip-top shape. While some people seek help from a chiropractor as a reaction to unbearable aches or pains, preventative visits can be most beneficial in maintaining good health for those who are active, have stressful jobs, or simply want to be their very best.

For more information, visit our website, contact us or feel free to come in and see us at Saltuary.

Research shows that chiropractic care is more effective and economical and also gives longer lasting results for disorders of the spine than other forms of health care.


Through gentle yoga poses, deep meditation and of course, the ambiance and calm of being completely surrounded by Himalayan salt, our yoga workshops explore the breath and encourage our bodies to simply ‘let go’.

Our classes involve gentle yoga poses, pranayama and guided meditation, with an emphasis on music and joy. Our yoga workshops are combined with Himalayan salt therapy offering the added benefit of helping attendees enhance their lung capacity, strengthen their immune system and decrease stress levels via the inhalation of the rooms salt infused air.

Saltuary has proudly sourced eco yoga mats, eco blocks, eye masks, blankets etc for your use – everything is catered for! Simply bring yourself!

SUNDAY AFTERNOON WORKSHOPMonthly themed workshops are held on Sunday afternoons. Workshops last 90 minutes and include a Himalayan salt therapy session. All levels are catered for in these workshops, from beginners through to experienced.

BEGINNERS 6-WEEK-COURSESThis one is for people with only limited exposure to yoga or none at all. Whether you’re new to yoga or getting back into it, looking to mentally unwind or increase your strength and flexibility, this course is perfect for you! You’ll build an awareness and appreciation of your amazing body, use your breath fully and efficiently and learn to relax. Each week you’ll build on your knowledge of yoga and each class includes a relaxing salt session at the end.

GENERAL 6-WEEK-COURSESThis one is for people with some experience and understanding of yoga, or for anyone who has completed our beginner’s course. You will further your knowledge of yoga as well as fine-tuning your best yogini / yogi moves!

These are all intimate classes, holding a maximum of 8 people, allowing all levels to be easily catered for. Contact us for more information, class schedules and costs.

Brings deep peace and harmony to body, mind and spirit.

These 90 minutes workshops will have you feeling nourished, rejuvenated and deeply at peace in no time.


Saltuary - your holistic health partner | Shop 2, 134 Great North Road Five Dock, NSW 2046P (02) 9713 8688 | E |


saltuary helps

We help you enhance your sports performance through holistic and comprehensive natural therapies. Natural therapies can help to improve your performance & recovery time without causing stress or damage to the body. Being in good health & having a clear, focused mind

is extremely important for peak performance

The therapies / services that we offer for athletes include:


Saltuary - your holistic health partner | Shop 2, 134 Great North Road Five Dock, NSW 2046P (02) 9713 8688 | E |

SALTTHERAPYSalt therapy enhances lung

capacity, optimises breathing, enhances oxygen utilisation,

improves lung function, develop a stronger immune system and decreases stress

levels resulting in a better and more enduring performance

and faster recovery.

MASSAGETHERAPYMassage promotes blood flow

to muscles & helps reduce recovery time by flushing metabolic wastes such as lactic acid - reducing post

sporting activity pain & discomfort. It helps keep your

muscles young & limber & ensures optimal performance.

FLOATTHERAPYFloat therapy improves

sports performance & recovery, focus &

visualisation and increases circulation & energy. It

helps to rehabilitate new injuries, improve sleep

patterns, normalise blood pressure and lower heart rate.

SAUNATHERAPYInfrared saunas

are an effective way to increase flexibility, warm up muscles & aid with oxygen debt recovery and remove metabolic wastes. Helps maintain CV conditioning whilst

waiting for injuries to heal.

NATUROPATHYNaturopathy takes into account the whole you,

not just your diet & training regime, but also your stress levels, immune health and recovery & performance needs. It aims to restore

balance and ensure that you perform at your absolute best.

ACUPUNCTUREAcupuncture is effective in

treating many sports related problems. It can be used to heal injuries and treat pain including back & neck pain.

It can be used preventatively to enhance your performance

by offering deep relaxation and restoration.


Saltuary - your holistic health partner | Shop 2, 134 Great North Road Five Dock, NSW 2046P (02) 9713 8688 | E |

saltuary helps

We work closely with parents to provide a suitable and holistic approach to achieving better health and well-being for your child. Where required, we can work with you to develop an integrated plan that pinpoints any specific issues that may be impacting

your child’s health, well-being or behaviour.

The therapies / services that we offer for children include:

SALTTHERAPYWe have built a salt room dedicated to little

people, complete with books, toys and a ‘salt’ pit! They can play in the salt room while the session is underway and have fun whilst benefiting from everything that salt therapy

does including reducing risk of recurrent infections, helping clear the airways, reducing

sinusitis, helping fight off colds and flu, relieving asthma and much more.

HEALTHCHECKSWe offer free 10 min Structural/Postural health checks for kids from age 2 – 16yrs.

Our remedial therapist will check their feet, spine & posture and recommend better ways to carry school bags, exercises or suggest a

treatment plan when necessary. We generally recommend 30 min remedial treatments for kids who need it. On the spot claiming

available for most funds via HICAPs.

ACUPUNCTUREAcupuncture is a safe, gentle

and effective way to treat a range of common childhood complaints

including digestive upsets, skin problems and respiratory issues. It

can benefit children of all ages, including newborns. Childrens appointments generally

last 10 - 30 mins and on the spot claiming is available for most heath funds.

NATUROPATHYWe work closely with children to uncover any underlying illnesses or issues that can

be addressed by natural remedies. We help with nutrition, herbal medicines, homeopathy,

flower essences & even carry a range of practitioner-only supplements designed for

kids. We also tailor design weight loss, healthy eating & detoxification programs for children.

Private health rebates are also available.


Saltuary - your holistic health partner | Shop 2, 134 Great North Road Five Dock, NSW 2046P (02) 9713 8688 | E |

saltuary helps

Our dedicated team of highly trained natural therapists are the perfect health care partners to look after you during your pregnancy, birth and beyond. Our range of therapies are suitable for

pregnant women and provide relief, relaxation and rejuvenation. Natural remedies ensure that you maintain good health while avoiding harmful or unwanted side effects that you may experience

with more conventional medicines during this time.

Here are the therapies we recommend for pregnant women:

SALTTHERAPYBy sitting in our salt rooms,

you are exposed to more than 80 minerals vital to you & your

baby’s health. It decreases stress levels & helps reduce

pain from sinusitis and cold & flu symptoms. It also provides relief from other respiratory

illnesses or discomforts.

MASSAGETHERAPYMassage helps promote blood flow

throughout the body & combats stress. It enhances a sense of well-being. We offer

various styles to help in pregnancy, including remedial, cranio-sacral therapy, reflexology and Bowen therapy – all of which are very gentle. It’s covered by private health funds & includes on the spot claiming via HICAPs.

FLOATTHERAPYA one hour float session

equates to 4 hours of restorative sleep helping pregnant women regain

some vital & rejuvenating rest. It is safe right throughout

pregnancy & can help with aches & pains that a growing

baby can create.

ACUPUNCTUREAcupuncture is a safe, gentle

& effective way to treat a variety of pregnancy related concerns including nausea, back pain, sciatica & even

preparing for birth, especially with breech babies. It is

deeply restorative and gives rest & relaxation to parents.

NATUROPATHYWe believe in promoting better health and well-being through natural remedies that

will not harm the body which is particularly important during pregnancy. During your

pregnancy we will consult with you to uncover any underlying issues or areas that need to be

addressed and recommend suitable natural remedies to help. Contact us to find out more.

At Saltuary, we work with businesses to develop health and well-being packages for staff that promote less stress and result in increased focus, morale and motivation in the work place.

We also work directly with busy executives and business owners to create holistic and integrated health management plans that can significantly reduce stress levels and achieve overall health

and well-being, the benefits of which will flow throughout the workplace.

The therapies we offer busy executives & business owners include:


SALTTHERAPYSalt therapy not

only decreases stress levels & increases your body’s endorphins, it

also helps reduce pain from sinusitis, cold & flu symptoms and provides

relief from other respiratory and skin ailments.

SAUNATHERAPYUsing a very gentle form of

light, our infrared sauna offers health benefits without the use of steam or humidity. It helps with fat burning

& aids with detoxification, pain reduction, enhanced

circulation & glowing skin. It is great for stress & very relaxing.

FLOATTHERAPYFloat therapy is the ultimate stress buster. 1 hour in a float tank is equivalent to 4 hours of restorative sleep on your body, revitalising & deeply invigorating for body, mind and soul. It helps with sleep

problems and improves circulation and energy levels.

NATUROPATHYNaturopathy can help

decrease stress and anxiety, whilst maximising your energy. Using diet, herbal medicines,

nutritional supplements and more, naturopathy

will maximise your body’s function to have you perform at your best.

MASSAGETHERAPYMassage utilises

systemic manipulation of soft tissue to heal and soothe the body. It exerts

a therapeutic effect by slowing down the heart

and breathing rate, reducing blood pressure

& stress hormones.

ACUPUNCTURE Acupuncture is an effective

way to diffuse everyday stressors. It promotes a deep sense of relaxation, bringing back harmony & balance to have you performing at your best. It can aid with fatigue, back pain, muscle soreness,

stress, anxiety and more.

Saltuary - your holistic health partner | Shop 2, 134 Great North Road Five Dock, NSW 2046P (02) 9713 8688 | E |

saltuary helps


Saltuary - your holistic health partner | Shop 2, 134 Great North Road Five Dock, NSW 2046P (02) 9713 8688 | E |

saltuary helps

At Saltuary, we believe in the power of nature to improve your health and well-being. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of natural therapies and have a team of specialist practitioners on board at all times. Our therapies are suitable for all ages especially the elderly who benefit at times

from less invasive treatments and medicines with fewer side effects.

Here are the therapies we recommend for the elderly:

SALTTHERAPYSalt therapy treats a

number of respiratory illnesses including colds, flu, sinusitis, pneumonia bronchitis and coughs.

It also provides relief for allergies, emphysema, cystic

fibrosis & asthma.

SAUNATHERAPYUsing a very gentle form of

light, our infrared sauna helps to enhance circulation and

to decrease aches and pains associated with conditions such as arthritis. They also help with weight loss and stimulate cardiac output.

MASSAGETHERAPYMassage offers an enjoyable

way to help alleviate the symptoms from many age related diseases. It is non

invasive and has no negative side effects. We offer remedial

massage as well as Bowen therapy & reflexology.

ACUPUNCTUREAcupuncture is a safe & gentle way to treat age

related concerns including pain, arthritis, digestive

complaints, depression, fatigue & more. Deeply relaxing

& rejuvenating, it helps to enhance overall well-being.

NATUROPATHYWe help with healthy

ageing through the use of preventative therapies/

medicines, or to treat existing ailments such

as arthritis & high blood pressure with the use of natural medicines.

FLOATTHERAPYFloatation therapy helps

with chronic aches and pains associated with arthritis. One

hour spent in a float room is equivalent to 4 hours of

restorative sleep. It can help with sleep problems and with rehabilitation from any injuries.

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