acute visual loss due to acute angle-closure glaucoma ... · closure glaucoma after kidney...

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Acute Visual Loss due to Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma

Hae Ri Kim1, Kang Wook Lee1*, Won Jung Choi1, Hong Jae Jeon1, Young Rok Ham1, Kyung nam Kim2,Dae Eun Choi1 and Ki Ryang Na1

1Division of Nephrology, Department of Nephrology, Chungnam National University Hospital, Daejeon, South Korea2Department of Ophthalmology, Chungnam National University Hospital, Daejeon, South Korea*Corresponding author: Kang Wook Lee, Division of Nephrology, Department of Nephrology, Chungnam National University Hospital, 282Munhwaro Junggu, Daejeon, 35015, South Korea, Tel : +82422807160; E-mail :

Received date: September 04, 2017; Accepted date: October 03, 2017; Published date: October 09, 2017

Citation: Hae Ri Kim, Kang Wook Lee, Won Jung Choi, Hong Jae Jeon, Young Rok Ham, et al. (2017) Acute Visual Loss due to Acute Angle-ClosureGlaucoma after Kidney Transplantation. J Clin Exp Nephrol Vol.2 No.3: 47.

Copyright: ©2017 Kim HR, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, whichpermits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

AbstractAcute angle-closure glaucoma is an ocular emergency and isdistinct due to its acute presentation, need for immediatetreatment, and well-established anatomic pathology.Although some patients develop increased intraocularpressure after kidney transplantation, few patients arediagnosed with glaucoma. Most glaucoma that appearsafter kidney transplantation is of the open-angle type and isprobably associated with steroid treatment. Acute angle-closure glaucoma after kidney transplantation is rare. Wereport a case of acute angle-closure glaucoma, suggested tobe steroid independent that developed after kidneytransplantation and resulted in progression to permanentvisual loss.

Keywords: Angle closure; Glaucoma; Kidneytransplantation; Visual loss

Abbreviations:ONH: Optic Nerve Head; RNFL: Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer; OU:

Both Eyes; SUP: Superior; NAS: Nasal; TEMP: Temporal; OD:Right Eye; OS: Left Eye; C/D: Cup to Disc

IntroductionGlaucoma is an optic neuropathy than can cause optic nerve

damage and loss of vision [1]. Although some studies haveshown that 10% of patients develop increased intraocularpressure (IOP) after kidney transplantation (KT), glaucoma isdiagnosed in few patients [2].

Although acute angle-closure glaucoma is very rare, it is anocular emergency that produces critical complications, includingpermanent visual loss. Kopsa et al. reported a case ofcorticosteroid-induced glaucoma that developed in both of apatient’s eyes after management of an acute rejection episode

from KT [3]. IOP tends to increase slowly in cases of steroid-related glaucoma, which usually appears as primary open-angleglaucoma, but can also appear as low-tension glaucoma [4].

Acute angle-closure glaucoma appearing shortly after KT israre. Here, we describe the case of an older woman whodeveloped acute angle-closure glaucoma (suggested to besteroid independent) after deceased-donor KT, resulting inprogression to permanent visual loss.

Case DescriptionA 65-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for

cadaveric KT. She had been diagnosed with mesangialproliferative glomerulonephritis 15 years previously, and herkidney function had decreased gradually. Peritoneal dialysis hadbeen started because of end-stage renal failure 10 yearspreviously. The patient had no history of diabetes. She wastaking antihypertensive medicines, such as barnidipine andcandesartan. Cinacalcet was prescribed to control secondaryhyperparathyroidism.

Basiliximab was injected just before KT and 4 days aftersurgery as induction immunosuppressive therapy. Tacrolimus,mycophenolate, and a high-dose glucocorticoid were started asthe main immunosuppressive therapy. Target trough levels oftacrolimus were 10-12 ng/dL. The patient’s urine outputincreased to 150-400 mL/h shortly after KT. The results oftransplanted kidney Doppler ultrasonography and a Tc-99mDTPA scan were normal. Her serum creatinine level wasnormalized 5 days after surgery, and urine output wasmaintained well.

The patient complained of discomfort and an irritatingsensation in her right eye on postoperative day 3. Anophthalmologist detected a corneal abrasion on the patient’sright eye and a cataract in the left eye. Artificial tears eye dropswere prescribed for the corneal abrasion. At that time, thepatient’s IOP was at the upper limit of normal in both eyes (left,21 mmHg; right, 22 mmHg). Uncorrected visual acuity was 0.3

Case Report

iMedPub Journals

DOI: 10.21767/2472-5056.100047

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Nephrology

ISSN 2472-5056Vol.2 No.4:48


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and the anterior chamber was shallow in both eyes. Relativeafferent pupillary defect (RAPD) is a condition in which thepupils respond differently to a light stimulus shone in one eye ata time due to unilateral or asymmetric disease of the retina oroptic nerve. No RAPD was seen at that time.

The patient’s symptoms subsided shortly after administrationof the artificial tears eye drops. However, she experiencedsevere pain in both eyes and headache 5 h later. Tramadol andacetaminophen were administered. The eye pain and headachewere relieved, but had not fully subsided, on postoperative day4. The patient complained of mild headache and nausea onpostoperative days 6 and 8. Acetaminophen and anti-emeticswere prescribed.

The patient complained of left eye discomfort and pain onpostoperative day 12. In addition, new blurred vision occurred.We consulted the ophthalmology department again. A visiontest showed that the left eye had no light sense. A test for RAPDwas positive in the left eye. The IOP was very high in the left eye(52 mmHg; right eye, 15 mmHg). The cup to disc (C/D) ratio wasnot measurable due to severe disc edema on funduscopy. Thepatient’s vision was almost completely lost in the left eye, whichwas thought to be due to the elevated IOP. The accuratemeasurement of disc size via funduscopy was difficult due tosevere edema at that time. However, the cup was enlarged(Figure 1).

Figure 1: Representative funduscopic photographs. (A) Optic disc edema, suggesting increased intraocular pressure, is visible. (B)The disc edema persisted post-iridotomy.

The patient was diagnosed with acute closed-angle glaucoma,optic nerve damage, and vitreous hemorrhage. Mannitol wasadministered to control the IOP, and the left eye pain subsided.However, the patient’s visual loss continued, and a poorprognosis was predicted.

The IOP of the left eye was well controlled on postoperativeday 15. However, the vision loss and pain continued in the lefteye. The patient underwent emergency iridotomy, whichmarkedly relieved her left eye pain.

The patient underwent left post-chamber lensectomy onpostoperative day 23 to control repeated severe pain in the lefteye. The disc edema had decreased, but persisted at the time of

follow-up funduscopic examination. Accurate measurement ofdisc size was difficult because of the edema. However, weassumed that the C/D ratio had increased above the normalrange because the cup had enlarged.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) was performed 4 weeksafter discharge to evaluate the optic nerve and the thickness ofthe nerve fiber layer. OCT showed that the left eye had adecreased rim area and increased C/D ratio (0.86). The C/D ratioin the right eye was normal. The retinal nerve fiber layer wasgenerally thin in the left eye, especially on the superior andinferior sides. The OCT results revealed optic nerve damage tothe left eye (Figure 2).

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Nephrology

ISSN 2472-5056 Vol.2 No.4:48


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Figure 2: Optical coherence tomography. The C/D ratio increased in the left eye to 0.86 and in the right eye to 0.28. The RNFL wasgenerally thinner than normal in both eyes. It was especially thin on the superior and inferior sides of the left eye, suggestingglaucomatic optic nerve damage.

Right lensectomy was performed 5 weeks after discharge toprevent an acute glaucoma attack because the right eye also hadshallow depth.

DiscussionGlaucoma is an optic neuropathy caused by compression of

the optic nerve or impairment of the blood supply due toincreased IOP that can cause visual field loss and decreasedvision [1]. Glaucoma can be classified as angle-closure or open-angle glaucoma. In this case, increased posterior pressure forcedthe iris to migrate to the cornea, resulting in a compressedanterior angle and closed-angle glaucoma. The anterior angle iscreated from the back of the iris to the front of the cornea, andthe aqueous humor drainage pathway is blocked when theanterior angle is compressed and IOP increases rapidly.

In our case, consideration of the patient’s symptoms andexamination resulted in a diagnosis of acute angle-closureglaucoma. The patient developed angle-closure symptoms ofheadache, eye pain, and blurred vision, as well as increased IOP.Narrowing of the anterior chamber depth was seen via slit-lampbio microscopy. The C/D ratio was difficult to measure, but we

assumed that the optic nerve had been damaged because of theenlarged cup. The C/D ratio is the ratio of the cup to the opticdisc. The cup is a sink region at the head of the optic nerve inthe center of the optic disc. In glaucoma, increased IOPdecreases blood flow to the optic nerve, which destroys thenerve. As glaucoma progresses, the C/D ratio increases. Whenthe C/D ratio is > 0.8, glaucoma is suspected.

Old age, family history, female sex, a shallow anteriorchamber, and increased IOP are known risk factors for acuteglaucoma [5,6]. Lin et al. reported a mean anterior chamberdepth of 2.7 mm in a patient with acute angle-closure glaucoma[7]. In our case, old age, female sex, and small initial anteriorchamber depths (left eye, 1.5 mm; right eye, 3.0 mm) wereamong the risk factors. Considering these factors, our patientwas at greater risk of glaucoma relative to other patients.

Gayat at al. noted that acute angle-closure glaucoma isrelated to general anesthesia. He reported on a patient withdecreased visual acuity who complained of eye pain and nausea1 day after surgery [8].

In our case, the IOP was in the normal range 3 days after KT.Because the patient’s symptoms were aggravated beginning 3

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Nephrology

ISSN 2472-5056 Vol.2 No.4:48


© Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License 3

days after general anaesthesia, we believe that the glaucomawas not likely caused by the surgery or medication prescribedafter surgery.

Drugs can cause glaucoma. Iatrogenic glaucoma can occursecondary to drug administration and can result in blindness dueto optic nerve damage caused by increased IOP [9]. Adrenergicagents, anticholinergics, antihistamines, and antidepressants areknown to cause acute closed-angle glaucoma [10,11]. Steroidscan also increase the incidence of glaucoma [9,12].

Ticho et al. reported on the development of steroid-inducedglaucoma, resulting in disk cupping, visual field loss, andblindness, after KT [13]. IOP tends to increase slowly in cases ofsteroid-related glaucoma, which usually appears as primaryopen-angle glaucoma, but can also appear as low-tensionglaucoma [12,14,15].

In our case, an acute attack of angle-closure glaucomaoccurred on one side. The IOP was very high, and the patient’ssymptoms were acute. These features differ from those ofsteroid-induced glaucoma. The patient’s risk factors (old age,female sex, and a shallow anterior chamber) and theadministration of steroids may have increased the risk of acuteglaucoma. In particular, the severely shallow anterior chamberin the left eye may have been an important cause of theglaucoma attack in the present case.

Most glaucoma attacks are seen when pupillary block occursin a patient unaware of their narrow iridocorneal angle [9,16].Iridotomy is the most effective approach to decrease pressure inthe early stages of the disease [9,16]. However, it is not effectivewhen a patient has had vitreous hemorrhage or has ciliary orsuprachoroidal effusion [9,16]. In our case, we believed thatiridotomy might not be effective because of vitreoushaemorrhage.

Aung at al. reported on long-term outcomes of acute primaryangle closure in 90 Asians followed for 4-10 years after thediagnosis of this condition. They observed glaucoma in 47.8%(n=43) of cases, glaucomatous optic neuropathy and compatiblevisual field loss in 42.2% (n=38) of cases, and blindness in 17.8%(n=16) of cases. About 50% of the blindness cases were causedby glaucoma. In our case, the patient suffered permanent visualloss in the left eye [16].

In summary, we report a case of acute angle-closure glaucomaresulting in permanent visual loss shortly after KT in a 65-year-old woman. Because of the detection of corneal abrasion andnormal IOP on the initial ophthalmic examination, glaucoma wasnot considered, despite the intermittent occurrence of ocularsymptoms. The general anaesthesia and drugs used during KT

constitute risk factors for increased IOP. Selectiveophthalmologic screening may be needed for patients with riskfactors, such as older age, family history, and ocular symptoms,before KT.

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Journal of Clinical & Experimental Nephrology

ISSN 2472-5056 Vol.2 No.4:48


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