adelle poster

Post on 19-Aug-2015






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ADELLE Since 2011


Who made it? Adelle is an editorial typefaceThe Creators of Adelle

Type Together is a type foundry created in 2006 by designers Veronika Burian and José Scaglione. TT developed out of the desire to publish high quality typefaces and cooperate on new type projects. The foundry provides common grounds for collaboration with other type designers.

Veronika Burian, born in Prague, got her first degree in Industrial Design in Munich, Germany, before moving to Austria and Italy to work as a mix between product and graphic designer. She graduated with distinction from the MA in Typeface Design in Reading, UK, in 2003 and she started to work as full-time type designer at DaltonMaag in London for a few years. She moved back to her hometown Prague and is now living and working in Spain. She currently dedicates her time to Type Together.

José Scaglione is a both graphic designer and typeface designer. He is the co-founder of type foundry Type Together, where he has published many award-winning type fatmilies. Scaglione is currently teaches at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is often invited to lecture about typography and lead typeface workshops at international conferences and academic insti-tutions. In 2013 José was appointed President of the Association Typographique Internationale. In 2012 he was the chairman of the Letter.2 type design competition and conference.

Adelle is used for editorials, newspapers, magazines, web material, and books.

In eleifend, et pulvinar pellentesque, turpis nibh tincidunt velit, non congue purus velit a lorem. Aliquam id sem sit amet felis ultricies imperdiet a eget elit. Duis efficitur orci eget porttitor gravida. Maecenas egestas volutpat aliquet. Duis commodo venenatis nisl ac mollis. Cras at ornare nisl. Donec nunc nisi, varius id tortor vitae, cursus dignissim odio. Quisque sodales faucibus justo ut semper. Curabitur sed nunc non nisi semper semper vitae id elit. Praesent quis nisl ut nisl consectetur. Etiam vulputate augue id magna luctus, sit tempus erat consectetur. Mauris ut finibus nibh.

Nam libero ex, hendrerit eu tristique, mattis eget felis. Semper pulvinar nibh, accumsan nunc venenatis ut. Donec non nibh elit. Donec sit amet augue molestie, convallis nibh eget, enim. Nunc interdum placerat odio, nec tristique sapien aliquam tempor. Suspendisse scelerisque leo molestie vulputate augue. Ut urna nunc, viverra in arcu non, lobortis placerat eros.

Donec condimentum massa in diam semper, et convallis ipsum aliquet. Pellentesque fringilla augue. Integer condimentum nisl venenatis eleifend interdum. Integer et tempor orci. In

hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc volutpat nisl, at pellentesque magna. Nunc ornare nibh vel libero ultricies accumsan. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et fames.

Integer non sem eget dolor consequat dapibus in sit amet ipsum. Vivamus ultrices facilisis magna et volutpat. Ut commodo varius orci, ac tempor felis pretium vel. Fusce blandit urna arcu, ut tincidunt elit posuere semper. Morbi congue mattis nisl vestibulum bibendum. Cura-bitur a mi non mauris varius bibendum. Nunc gravida, ex vel commodo luctus, dui eros facilisis purus, vel pretium ex lacus in libero. Quisque ac dui sit amet metus viverra aliquam vel tristique massa. Quisque vel orci venenatis nisl luctus interdum sit amet at ante. Nullam a ante metus. Etiam cursus sit amet velit vehicula sollicitudin. Praesent bibendum ac leo quis dignissim. Fusce ipsum enim, viverra id porta id, ornare a diam. Quis bibendum nisi. Vestibulum scelerisque ultricies leo, eget egestas justo cursus nec. Donec rhoncus risus nisi.

Nulla facilisi. Fusce dignissim quis nulla sed aliquet. Pellentesque diam augue, lacinia quis nulla id, facilisis posuere odio. Ut eros eleifend, ultrices magna facilisis, ornare mi. Maecenas sed purus sit amet lectus egestas mollis. Morbi suscipit, nisi ac scelerisque ultrices, risus augue molestie arcu, blandit varius eros mauris a mi.


Ch-ch-ch-changes!Adelle caught changing its body type when italicizing

The Adelle typeface has been caught in a significant scandle. When Adelle shifts to its italic form, its lowercase a and g letters lose their double stories. Instead they change to a larger counter. It’s capital Q, meanwhile, changes its tail.

This new revelation has been causing quite the uproar, and has many typography and designstudents looking to the sky, tossing their arms to the air, and screaming “why?!” Adelle’s foundry, Type Together sup-ported Adelle’s body change, stating, “we support our client’s change...”


=a ag gQ Q

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