adrian phoenix academy banquet details slide final updated 040913 (1)

Post on 21-May-2015






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This is an update of last year School Presentation evening, for those who follow I thought you would like to see our latest - can I say success?


Phoenix Academy‘Where have all the students gone?’(The original was prepared in 2012

updated 2013)


Martin Luther University of Wurttemberg

"I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labour in

explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of the youth".

Martin Luther, 1483 to 1546 Württemberg Eisenach, Germany

Phoenix Academy 2010 student currently studying at

Kingston University" No I am not finding University a pressure. The only

thing I have to remember is to spell using English spelling and not American, but of course I can do

both. Oh, and the other thing is, I really didn't appreciate being pushed at school by the teachers to

finish my PACEs, but now I’m at University I understand and appreciate what you all did.

Thank You."Neisha Padmore

A 2011 general certificate student who left and went on to

college“ what is funny is how the students don’t seem to

be able to complete work on time. I have just handed in one of my first essays, the lecturer said 1,000 words, I was about 400 over so I went to him

and asked how critical is the word count?”“Oh” he replied, “I only ask for 1,000 as most of the students cannot get anywhere near that number, I

am happy with anything up to 2000"

Phoenix Academy Student 2011

"I wish the accounts course I did in Phoenix Academy had been as easy as the accounts course I am now

doing as part of my University course"

Jamaal Rowe, studying at Canterbury University

An ACE student who studied at Liverpool Hope University

" I am studying a Degree in English and what surprised me was that I was the only person who knew how to

breakdown an English sentence into its grammatical parts. Running my own mini tutorials in my university

accommodation for my university friends they all asked me 'how on earth do you know how to do this?’ I said 'I

went to an ACE school and I learnt this kind of English when I was 13 years old. I could not believe that no one

else could do this"ACE student, Emma Crago, studied at Liverpool Hope Univeristy

Emma Obtained a First in 2013


“When you have been to a school using the ACE system a fundamental element that you learn is how to manage

your study time and how to complete work within a given period. I am finding that my work gets completed whereas lots of other students seem to have problems

completing work and bringing it in on time. We all have the same amount of time, and I think some of them are

possibly brighter than me, but what they lack is the discipline that has been put into me over the years to

complete the work on time.”

Conversation with one of our students

“A friend asked me if I could help her with her GCSE maths as she had to take an exam. I was very surprised when I

looked at her work, I helped her and showed her how to work some things out. I then asked if I could take a copy of the work home. She agreed and explained that it was an

old practice paper used for GSCE exams. I showed it to my younger sister, who was 13 at the time, and I asked her if

she could do this math? She said, ‘ yes of course, I am doing this work now.’'

The 13 year old student was on PACE 1083. The ICCE General Certificate begins at PACE 1085.

Ellis and Sam went from Phoenix Academyto study Music at The Institute

Ellis and Sam, both from Phoenix Academyobtained Diplomas in Music in 2013 – Ellis decidedto stay on to obtain a degree.

Jamaal Rowe

Jamaal left PhoenixAcademy in 2011 havingobtained the ICCEintermediate qualification.This gave him entry intoCanterbury University wherehe is now studying for aDegree in Business Studies,Accounts and allied subjects.

Mellissa Richmond

Melissa left PhoenixAcademy in 2012 havingobtained the ICCEAdvanced qualification.She has gone onto BrunelUniversity to studymedicine.

Vanessa Amadi

Vanessa left PhoenixAcademy having obtained anICCE General certificate. She went on to take anAccess Course and is nowstudying for a Degree inEnglish at the LondonUniversity.

Neisha Padmore

Neisha Left PhoenixAcademy in 2009 with anICCE Intermediate qualification. This enabled her to enterKingston University whereshe is completing herDegree in Accounts.

Jonathan ReubenJonathan has started at Waltham Forest College doing a level 3 course in ICT. He completed his ICCE Foundation Certificate at Phoenix Academy.

After a few weeks at the college Jonathan was asked what School he went to – and was moved up as the work being presentedhad already been covered by Jonathan at Phoenix Academy. He is currently attaining the top marks in his class. (2013 update)

Rashid has started at Waltham Forest College doing a level 3 course in ICT. He completed his ICCE Foundation Certificate at Phoenix Academy.

Rashid Alcendor

Along with Jonathan, Rashid was also asked what school he went to – and was also moved up as the work being presented had already been covered by Rashid at Phoenix Academy ( 2013 update)

Jourdelle BennettJourdelle left Phoenix Academy in 2010 with the ICCE Foundation Certificate. He has gone on to business college and now works as an estate agent.

Malachi KellyMalachi left Phoenix Academy having obtained the ICCE General qualification. He now attends City of Westminster College where he has completed his Foundation Degree in Photography. Update 2013

Mal is now doing another year for his BA

Samuel Kelly

Samuel left Phoenix Academy having obtained the ICCE General qualification. He went on to The Institute where he obtained a Diploma in Guitar.

Ellis Mortimer

Ellis left Phoenix Academy having obtained the ICCE General qualification. He then went on to The Institute, college of music where he completed a Diploma in Guitar. He is now doing a bridging module to begin his Degree in Music next year.

And the latest details

on the 2013 Graduates are...

But before I tell you the latest on our current school leavers note this

• Over the last few years we have had 17 school leavers, that is students who have stayed with us until legal school leaving age

• Out of that 17 school leavers:*7 Went on to university*8 Went on to college to do A levels or equivalent*2 Went straight to work *So in % terms 41% of our students go to university*And 47% go to college

Even more interesting out of those who stay on at Base ‘6’ (that is our equivalent sixth form) to do at least the Intermediated ICCE certification 100% of them went on to the university of their choice.

And now to the latest leavers...

Blaze Owen Day

• Blaze has become the first student that I know of who has obtained an A* Foundation level certificate. He has moved on to study Media at The City and Islington College Level 3.

Luke Mayer

• Luke has gained a General Certificate with ICCE. He has gone to Alexandra Park Sixth Form to study ‘A’ Levels there in Chemistry, Maths, Music, and Biology

Elif Cabrera

• Elif has completed her Intermediate ICCE certificate with straight ‘A’s in all subjects for her Biblical Studies Elif passed with an A*. Elif is now going to The University of Roehampton to study Business and Spanish

Shyiem Rowe

• Shyiem has moved on with an ICCE certificate to study IT at The University of Southampton

Milanta Petkauskaite

• Has achieved a great grade in her ICCE General certificate and is moving on to do A levels at Westminster Community College she is studying Psychology, Critical Thinking, English Language English Literature and Philosophy

Joseph James

• Has achieved a Foundation Certificate with ICCE and has moved on to City and Islington College to study Media

Adrian HawkesWhere the students have gone2012 updated 2013

Graduation Ceremony Ellis and Sam

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