adult bible study guide jul aug sep 2015 adult bible study guide jul aug sep 2015 powerpoint...

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Adult Bible Study GuideJul • Aug • Sep 2015Adult Bible Study GuideJul • Aug • Sep 2015

powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente

Adult Sabbath School Bible Study GuideAn Appeal

Dear User….This PowerPoint Show is freely shared to all who may find it beneficial. While intended primarily

for personal use, some find it useful for teaching the lesson in church.

There are those, however, who add illustrations, change background, change fonts, etc. While their intention may be good, this is not right.

Slide #1 says “designed by claro ruiz vicente.” For honest Christians, it is not necessary for

another’s creation to be copyrighted in order to be respected.


Biblical MissionariesOur Goal

We will look at mission first and foremost as God’s means for commu-nicating the gospel. Mission is a core part of God’s sovereign activity in the

process of redeeming humanity.We will study how God’s eternal

purpose has been accomplished in the lives of individuals in the Bible whom He has used to be missionaries to the


Biblical MissionariesContents

1 The Missionary Nature of God 2 Abraham: The First Missionary 3 The Unlikely Missionary 4 The Jonah Saga 5 Exiles as Missionaries 6 Esther and Mordecai 7 Jesus: The Master of Missions 8 Cross-Cultural Missions 9 Peter and the Gentiles10 Philip as Missionary11 Paul: Background and Call12 Paul: Mission and Message13 Must the Whole World Hear?

Biblical MissionariesLesson 5, August 1Biblical MissionariesLesson 5, August 1

Exiles as Missionaries

Exiles as MissionariesKey Text

Daniel 7:14 NIV“ ‘He was given authority, glory and

sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language

worshipped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one

that will never be destroyed.’ ”

Exiles as MissionariesQuick Look

1. Daniel and the Exiles (Isaiah 39:6, 7)2. Daniel as a Missionary(Daniel 4:37; 6:25, 26)3. Daniel and God’s Kingdom (Daniel 7:13, 14)

Exiles as MissionariesInitial Words

The book of Daniel is also a kind of handbook for missionary activity.

Through faithfulness and diligence and unwavering faith, believers

revealed the reality of the living God to those who knew only false ones

and gave these pagans a chance at a place in this everlasting kingdom,

as well.

Exiles as Missionaries1. Daniel and the Exiles

Isaiah 39:6, 7 NKJV“ ‘Behold, the day is coming when all that is in your house...shall be carried to Babylon, nothing shall be left,’ says

the Lord. And they shall take away some of your sons who will descend

from you, whom you will beget;and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.’ ”

1. Daniel and the ExilesExiles as Missionaries

The reader encounters some of the challenges facing Hebrews living in an

alien culture that provided no apparent support for their loyalty to the God of Israel and, at times, was

openly hostile.It paints a picture of men who learnedto live out their commitment to truth

in the absence of the temple, the priesthood, and sacrifices.

Exiles as MissionariesTestimonies 8:153

“Every institution that bears thename of Seventh-day Adventist is to

be to the world as was Joseph inEgypt, and as were Daniel and his

fellows in Babylon.In the providence of God these men were taken captive, that they might

carry to heathen nations the knowledge of the true God.

Exiles as MissionariesTestimonies 8:153

They were to be representatives of God in our world.

They were to make no compromise with the idolatrous nations with which

they were brought in contact, butwere to stand loyal to their faith,

bearing as a special honor the nameof worshipers of the God who created

the heavens and the earth.”

Joseph and Moses in Egypt, Nehemiah in Babylon, and Esther in Persia.

Each lived a creative and rich life, skillfully negotiating complex religious,

social, political, and economic dynamics far different from those of

their home culture.They were in their own ways effective

missionaries for the God of Israel.

1. Daniel and the ExilesMore Exiles as Missionaries

Exiles as Missionaries2. Daniel as a Missionary

Daniel 4:37; 6:25, 26 NKJV“ ‘I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol

and honor the King of heaven, all of whose works are truth, and His ways justice. ... Then King Darius wrote: ... ‘[I]n every dominion of my kingdom

men must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel, for He is the living God,

and steadfast forever....’ ”

2. Daniel as a MissionaryIn Babylon

In Daniel 2, Daniel didn’t have a choice: either give the king what he wanted or face death. In contrast, in

chapter 3, his three friends could have spared themselves the fiery furnace if they simply had obeyed the king’s command. Instead, by

their faithful witness, they were able to testify to the power of the true


2. Daniel as a MissionaryIn Babylon

In Daniel 5, he is called upon to explain the extraordinary writing

upon the wall of Belshazzar’s palace, foretelling the overthrow of the

Babylonian Empire. Belshazzar had had opportunity to

learn truth and to be humbled by it. He didn’t take advantage of those


2. Daniel as a MissionaryIn Persia

In Daniel 6, he was thrown into aden of lions, but God dramatically intervened in a situation that even

the sympathetic king could not reverse.

Daniel’s deliverance so pleased the king that he issued an empire-wide

royal decree exalting the God of Daniel.

Exiles as Missionaries3. Daniel and God’s Kingdom

Daniel 7:13, 14 NKJV“And...One like the Son of Man,

coming with the clouds of heaven! ... To Him was given dominion and

glory and a kingdom. ... His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which

shall not pass away, andHis kingdom the one which shall not

be destroyed.”

3. Daniel and God’s KindomVisions of Superpowers

In Daniel 7–12, he had his own visions, which revealed the future of great

world superpowers. His visions especially emphasized that, despite

earthly rulers and their machinations, God retains final control of nations.In the end, He and His final kingdom

will triumph, and that triumph will be complete (see Dan. 2:44).

3. Daniel and God’s KindomVisions of Superpowers

“ ‘And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a

testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the

abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet

Daniel...then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains’ ” (Matt.


3. Daniel and God’s KindomVisions of Superpowers

Jesus closely linked the book ofDaniel to the end times, which, isn’t surprising, because Daniel in many

places does indeed point to the end times (Dan. 8:17, 19; 11:35; 12:4, 13).

And, according to Jesus, the end doesn’t come until “this gospel of the

kingdom will be preached in all the world” (Matt. 24:14, NKJV).

Exiles as MissionariesFinal Words

The gospel is to be preached unto “all the world,” and only then will

Jesus return.And we are the ones called to

preach it.Some then argue that Jesus can’t

return until we do our work.How are we to understand our role

in the timing of Jesus’ return?

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