advanced email marketing for massage therapists

Post on 30-Apr-2015






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Advanced Email Marketing

Allissa Haines

Brooke Thomas

“Authentically connecting with the community you want to serve.”

Review the Basics

❖ Trust

do it right!

Review the Basics

❖ Preference!

❖ Cost effective!

❖ Measurable

why use email?

Review the Basics

❖ Transactional (individual)!

❖ Bulk

2 types of emails

Review the Basics

❖ Use a service!

❖ CAN-SPAM Compliant

look good, stay legal

Because you’re smart enough to handle it

Advanced Email Techniques

There’s no way around it, you gotta know

Who do you serve?

The megaphone vs the handshake

Choosing a niche

Building a List


❖ Purge your files !

❖ Create a system for adding new clients

if you already have a list

Building a List

❖ Be clear about what you’re offering.!

❖ Offer something useful.

new subscribers from website !& social media

Building a List

❖ QR code or simple sign up list!

❖ Offer incentive!

❖ Follow up with event-specific welcome email

in-person opt in

Getting specific

Segmenting your list

Lists, Tags & Groups

❖ MailChimp

Lists, Tags & Groups

❖ Constant Contact!

❖ tags

Segment based on Activity

❖ MailChimp

systems vary

Charts ’n graphs ‘ things


What to Measure

❖ Clickthrough Rate!

❖ Conversion Rate!

❖ Bounce Rate!

❖ List Growth Rate!

❖ Email Sharing/Forwarding!

❖ Overall ROI

and what it means

What to Measure

❖ Did recipient interact?

clickthrough rate

What to Measure

❖ Did the recipient do what you wanted her to do?

conversion rate

What to Measure

❖ Message is not delivered

bounce rate

What to Measure

❖ Are you getting new subscribers?!

❖ Where are they coming from?

list growth rate

What to Measure

❖ Who shares, and what do they share?


What to Measure

❖ Is this worth your time & money?

overall ROI

What NOT to Measure

❖ Open Rate!

❖ Unsubscribe


Time, time, time, see what’s become of me


Whaddya like best?

A/B Testing

A/B Testing

❖ Timing!

❖ Subject line!

❖ Design!

❖ From name

only change ONE thing

Organize yo’self

Creating a Schedule

Creating a Schedule

❖ Valentine’s Day!

❖ Spring!

❖ Mother’s & Father’s Days!

❖ Back to School!

❖ Holidays

consider annual promotions

Creating a Schedule

❖ Whatever works for you!

❖ Make time to accomplish the tasks

spreadsheet, calendar, appointment book

The pretty emails get all the attention

Creating a Template

Creating a Template

❖ html!

❖ plain text!


Clean, simple design always wins


Creating a Template

❖ Single column!

❖ Buttons over text links!

❖ Simple fonts

mobile friendly

The From Field

❖ Branded email address!

❖ Person !

❖ Business!

❖ Both?

go pro

Hey, I know you!

Logo in the Header

Be Polite

❖ Greeting!

❖ personalize it!

❖ Closing!

❖ not too formal, not too casual

and complete

Allow myself to introduce myself

The Welcome Email

Welcome Email

❖ Intro & thank you!❖ Set expectations!

❖ type of content!❖ frequency!

❖ Tell what makes you special!❖ Invite !

❖ to communicate!❖ to book

the ‘nice to meet you’


creating a email to follow up from an event

Creating Compelling Content

Know Your Goals

❖ More clients!

❖ Renew relationships with inactive clients!

❖ Clients to come in more often!

❖ Inform and educate

what’s the purpose of the email?

It’s not about you

Subject Lines

Subject Lines

❖ Chamber E-News!

❖ May Newsletter!

❖ News from XYZ, Inc.

examples of awful subject lines

❖ Spam triggers!

❖ Bait & switch!

❖ Boredom


Subject lines

❖ Address the clients’ needs!

❖ Brief, 40-55 characters!

❖ Clear & informative!

❖ Personalize!

❖ Action verbs

make ‘em great

❖ Schedule now for the best time slot!

❖ Run faster after these hamstring stretches!

❖ Show Dad how much you care

action verbs (when appropriate)

A taste of something good

Preview Text

The big show

Main Content



❖ Greeting (personalized) !

❖ 1-2 paragraph blurbs, link to your website!

❖ Relevant image!

❖ Closing

don’t spill your guts

First Paragraph

❖ Address the topic in the Subject line!

❖ Incentive

get right to it

Do what I say

Call to Action

Call to Action

❖ Short & sweet!

❖ Use a button (not just text)

giving orders

Nobody’s perfect

Common Mistakes

Common Mistakes

❖ Miss a field in the template (usually at the bottom)!

❖ Copy & missing a change!

❖ Busted links

not quite complete

It’s not over ’til it’s over

After the Send

After the Send

❖ Share on social media channels!

❖ Vary the format

get social

After the Send

❖ Did you accomplish your goal?

check your stats

Nice & slow

Drip Campaigns

Let’s make a Drip Campaign

❖ email 1!

❖ email 2!

❖ email 3

Topic/ Purpose

Sharing is caring

Working with Referral Partners

Referral Partners

❖ Do NOT borrow or buy a list!

❖ Do swap blurbs to put in each other’s next email

do it right

Writing in general!!!Email Marketing!!!!!Business email etiquette book, spinweb !!!Button generator!


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