advanced functional programming tim sheard 1 lecture 14 advanced functional programming tim sheard...

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Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 1Lecture 14

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology

Lecture 14: Dynamic Programming and Parsers

•Dynamic programming

•Memoization and lazy arrays

•Parsing – String based

•Parsing – Array based

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 2Lecture 14

Thursday’s Lecture

Due to the visit of Robert Giegerich, Thursday’s lecture will be a guest lecture.

Thursday, February 27, 2003 at 11:00 am AB401

Pair Algebras: A (***)-Lecture on Dynamic Programming

Note change in time and place from regular lecture!

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 3Lecture 14

Reminder Final Projects

• This is due Thursday Feb. 27, 2003– Hand it to me at the Giegerich lecture, or put it

in my mailbox by the end of the day

• A project is a small programming exercise of your choice which utilizes some advanced feature of Haskell.

• You must define your own project – a 1 page description of what you will do.

• Good project descriptions outline the task, the procedure used, perhaps even some of the data structures.

• Good projects can lead to papers and publications.

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 4Lecture 14

Dynamic Programming

Consider the function

fib :: Integer -> Integer

fib 0 = 1

fib 1 = 1

fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

Main> fib 25


(4334712 reductions, 7091332 cells, 30 garbage collections)

takes about 4 seconds on my machine!

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 5Lecture 14

Why does it take so long

Consider (fib 6)

fib 6

fib 5 fib 4

fib 2

fib 2 fib 1

fib 3

fib 2

fib 2 fib 1

fib 1

fib 3

fib 2

fib 2 fib 1

fib 1

fib 4

fib 2

fib 2 fib 1

fib 3

fib 2

fib 2 fib 1

fib 1

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 6Lecture 14

Recursion does the trick

fix f = f (fix f)

g fib 0 = 1

g fib 1 = 1

g fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

fib1 = fix g

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 7Lecture 14

Taming the duplication

fib2 :: Integer -> Integer

fib2 z = f z

where table = array (0,z) [ (i, f i) | i <- range (0,z) ]

f 0 = 1

f 1 = 1

f n = (table ! (n-1)) + (table ! (n-2))

Main> fib2 25


(3299 reductions, 4603 cells)

Result is instantaeous on my machine

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 8Lecture 14


memo :: Ix a => (a,a) -> ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> a -> b

memo bounds g = f

where arrayF = array bounds [ (n, g f n) | n <- range bounds ]

f x = arrayF ! x

fib3 n = memo (0,n) g n

fact = memo (0,100) g

where g fact n =

if n==0 then 1 else n * fact (n-1)

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 9Lecture 14

Type of a Parser

data Parser a = Parser (String -> [(a,String)])

A function inside a data definition.The output can is a list of successful


This type can be made into a monad

Also be made into a Monad with zero and (++) or plus.

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 10Lecture 14

Defining the Monad

instance Monad Parser where return v = Parser (\inp -> [(v,inp)]) p >>= f = Parser (\inp -> concat [applyP (f v) out | (v,out) <- applyP p inp])

instance MonadPlus Parser where mzero = Parser (\inp -> []) mplus (Parser p) (Parser q) = Parser(\inp -> p inp ++ q inp)

instance Functor Parser where . . .

where applyP undoes the constructorapplyP (Parser f) x = f x

Note the comprehensi

on syntax

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 11Lecture 14

Typical Parser

Because the parser is a monad we can use the Do syntax .

do { x1 <- p1 ; x2 <- p2 ; ... ; xn <- pn ; f x1 x2 ... Xn }

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 12Lecture 14

Running the Parser

Running Parsers

papply :: Parser a -> String -> [(a,String)]papply p = applyP (do {junk; p})

junk skips over white space and comments. We'll see how to define it later

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 13Lecture 14

Simple Primitives

applyP :: Parser a -> String -> [(a,String)]applyP (Parser p) = p

item :: Parser Charitem = Parser (\inp -> case inp of "" -> [] (x:xs) -> [(x,xs)])

sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Charsat p = do {x <- item; if p x then return x else mzero}

? papply item "abc"[('a',"bc")]

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 14Lecture 14


? papply item "abc"[('a',"bc")]

? papply (sat isDigit) "123"[('1',"23")]

? parse (sat isDigit) "abc"[]

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 15Lecture 14

Useful Parsers

char :: Char -> Parser Charchar x = sat (x ==)

digit :: Parser Intdigit = do { x <- sat isDigit ; return (ord x - ord '0') }

lower :: Parser Charlower = sat isLower

upper :: Parser Charupper = sat isUpper

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 16Lecture 14

Exampleschar x = sat (x ==)

? papply (char 'z') "abc"[]

? papply (char 'a') "abc"[('a',"bc")]

? papply digit "123"[(1,"23")]

? papply upper "ABC"[('A',"BC")]

? papply lower "ABC"[]

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 17Lecture 14

More Useful Parsersletter :: Parser Charletter = sat isAlpha

Can even use recursionstring :: String -> Parser Stringstring "" = return ""string (x:xs) = do {char x; string xs; return (x:xs) }

Helps define even more useful parsersidentifier :: Parser Stringidentifier = do {x <- lower ; xs <- many alphanum ; return (x:xs)}

What do you think many does?

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 18Lecture 14


? papply (string "tim") "tim is red"

[("tim"," is red")]

? papply identifier "tim is blue"[("tim"," is blue")]

? papply identifier "x5W3 = 12"[("x5W3"," = 12")]

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 19Lecture 14

Choice -- 1 parser or another

Note that the ++ operator (from MonadPlus) gives non-deterministic choice.

instance MonadPlus Parser where (Parser p) ++ (Parser q) = Parser(\inp -> p inp ++ q inp)

Sometimes we’d like to prefer one choice over another, and take the second only if the first fails

We don’t we need an explicit sequencing operator because the monad sequencing plays that role.

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 20Lecture 14

Efficiencyforce :: Parser a -> Parser a

force p =

Parser (\ inp ->

let x = applyP p inp

in (fst (head x), snd (head x))

: (tail x) )

Deterministic Choice(+++) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser ap +++ q = Parser(\inp -> case applyP (p `mplus` q) inp of [] -> [] (x:xs) -> [x])

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 21Lecture 14


? papply (string "x" +++ string "b") "abc"


? papply (string "x" +++ string "b") "bcd"[("b","cd")]

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 22Lecture 14

Sequences(more recursion)

many :: Parser a -> Parser [a]many p = force (many1 p +++ return [])

many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]many1 p = do {x <- p ; xs <- many p ; return (x:xs)}

sepby :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a]p `sepby` sep = (p `sepby1` sep) +++ return []

sepby1 :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a]p `sepby1` sep = do { x <- p ; xs <- many (do {sep; p}) ; return (x:xs) }

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 23Lecture 14


? papply (many (char 'z')) "zzz234"


? papply (sepby (char 'z') spaceP) "z z z 34"

[("zzz"," 34")]

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 24Lecture 14

Sequences separated by operators

chainl :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Parser a

chainl p op v = (p `chainl1` op) +++ return v

chainl1 :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> Parser a

p `chainl1` op = do {x <- p; rest x }

where rest x =

do {f <- op; y <- p; rest (f x y)} +++ return x

? papply (chainl int (return (+)) 0) "1 3 4 abc"


Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 25Lecture 14

Tokens and Lexical Issues

spaceP :: Parser ()spaceP = do {many1 (sat isSpace); return ()}

comment :: Parser ()comment = do{string "--"; many (sat p); return ()} where p x = x /= '\n'

junk :: Parser ()junk = do {many (spaceP +++ comment); return ()}

A Token is any parser followed by white space or a comment

token :: Parser a -> Parser atoken p = do {v <- p; junk; return v}

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 26Lecture 14

Using Tokenssymb :: String -> Parser String

symb xs = token (string xs)

ident :: [String] -> Parser String

ident ks =

do { x <- token identifier

; if (not (elem x ks))

then return x else zero }

nat :: Parser Int

nat = token natural

natural :: Parser Int

natural = digit `chainl1` return (\m n -> 10*m + n)

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 27Lecture 14


? papply (token (char 'z')) "z 123"[('z',"123")]

? papply (symb "tim") "tim is cold"[("tim","is cold")]

? papply natural "123 abc"[(123," abc")]

? papply (many identifier) "x d3 23"[(["x"]," d3 23")]

? papply (many (token identifier)) "x d3 23"[(["x", "d3"],"23")]

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 28Lecture 14

More Parsers

int :: Parser Int

int = token integer

integer :: Parser Int

integer = (do {char '-’

; n <- natural

; return (-n)})

+++ nat

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 29Lecture 14

Example: Parsing Expressions

data Term = Add Term Term

| Sub Term Term

| Mult Term Term

| Div Term Term

| Const Int

addop:: Parser(Term -> Term -> Term)

addop = do {symb "+"; return Add} +++

do {symb "-"; return Sub}

mulop:: Parser(Term -> Term -> Term)

mulop = do {symb "*";return Mult} +++

do {symb "/"; return Div}

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 30Lecture 14

Constructing a Parse tree

expr :: Parser Termaddop :: Parser (Term -> Term -> Term)mulop :: Parser (Term -> Term -> Term) expr = term `chainl1` addopterm = factor `chainl1` mulopfactor = (do { n <- token digit ; return (Const n)}) +++ (do {symb "(“ ; n <- expr ; symb ")“ ; return n})

? papply expr "5 abc"[(Const 5,"abc")]

? papply expr "4 + 5 - 2"[(Sub (Add (Const 4) (Const 5))(Const 2),[])]

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 31Lecture 14

Array Based Parsers

type Subword = (Int,Int)

newtype P a = P (Array Int Char -> Subword -> [a])unP (P z) = z

emptyP :: P ()emptyP = P f where f z (i,j) = [() | i == j]

notchar :: Char -> P Charnotchar s = P f where f z (i,j) = [z!j | i+1 == j, z!j /= s]

charP :: Char -> P CharcharP c = P f where f z (i,j) = [c | i+1 == j, z!j == c]

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 32Lecture 14

anychar :: P Charanychar = P f where f z (i,j) = [z!j | i+1 == j]

anystring :: P(Int,Int)anystring = P f where f z (i,j) = [(i,j) | i <= j]

symbol :: String -> P (Int,Int)symbol s = P f where f z (i,j) = if j-i == length s then [(i,j)| and [z!(i+k) == s!!(k-1) | k <-[1..(j-i)]]] else []

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 33Lecture 14


infixr 6 |||

(|||) :: P b -> P b -> P b

(|||) (P r) (P q) = P f

where f z (i,j) = r z (i,j) ++ q z (i,j)

infix 8 <<<

(<<<) :: (b -> c) -> P b -> P c

(<<<) f (P q) = P h

where h z (i,j) = map f (q z (i,j))

infixl 7 ~~~

(~~~) :: P(b -> c) -> P b -> P c

(~~~) (P r) (P q) = P f

where f z (i,j) =

[f y | k <- [i..j], f <- r z (i,k), y <- q z (k,j)]

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 34Lecture 14

run :: String -> P b -> [b]

run s (P ax) = ax (s2a s) (0,length s)

s2a s = (array bounds (zip [1..] s))

where bounds = (1,length s)

instance Monad P where

return x = P(\ z (i,j) -> if i==j then [x] else [])

(>>=) (P f) g = P h

where h z (i,j) =

concat[ unP (g a) z (k,j)

| k <- [i..j] , a <- f z (i,k)]

Advanced Functional Programming

Tim Sheard 35Lecture 14


p1 = do { symbol "tim"; c <- anychar

; symbol "tom"; return c}

ex4 = run "tim5tom" p1

ex5 = run "timtom" p1

Main> ex4


(1808 reductions, 2646 cells)

Main> ex5


(1288 reductions, 1864 cells)

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