advanced reading-writing connection…..…activity #x

Post on 23-Dec-2021






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Advanced Reading-Writing Connection…..…Activity #X

1 | P a g e Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _____

Relationships in Writing: Exercise 1

Directions for Activity #X: Choose the best answer. Indicate whether each of

the following statements is true or false.

1. The use of addition words in a listing order is helpful not just to you as a writer; it is also

helpful to those who read your writing.



2. The point of using time order and listing order is to have an organized way of presenting

supporting details in your paper.



3. A listing order uses common addition words that include but, however, and on the other hand.



4. The use of addition words when organizing your support is not as important as the use of time




5. Common time words include later, then, next, and finally.


Advanced Reading-Writing Connection…..…Activity #X

2 | P a g e Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _____


6. The point of using time transitions in writing is to help connect each part of an experience or

process with the next as you move from the beginning to the end.



7. If you were writing a story about a course of events that began in the morning and then ended

in the afternoon, the order of the time words you use could be: later, finally, first of all, and next.



8. If you were writing a paragraph about the reasons you really liked or did not like a particular

instructor, you would use a listing order and addition words.



9. Organizing the support in your paper is only necessary if you have more than three supporting




10. If you were writing a paragraph that gave step-by-step instructions for making a chocolate

cake, you would use a listing order and addition words.



Advanced Reading-Writing Connection…..…Activity #X

3 | P a g e Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _____

Directions for Activity #X: Choose the best transition to fill in the


Relationships in Writing: Mastery Test 2

1. (1) “Functional literacy” does not refer only to a person’s ability to read words. (2) _____, it

has to do with a person’s ability to understand a map and do simple arithmetic.

a. Last

b. In addition

c. To begin with

d. Next

2. (1) Right _____ the pain of a migraine headache begins, many people experience a visual

“aura” consisting of flashing or wavy lights.

a. following

b. previously

c. until

d. before

3. (1) Some peace movements include no more than a dozen dedicated pacifists. (2) Others have

widespread popular appeal and the ability to mobilize thousands or even millions of citizens.

(3) In 1828, Quakers, evangelical preachers, and intellectuals joined to form the American Peace

Society, a national organization that promoted world peace as well as abolitionism and women’s

rights. (4) _____ in the century, they were joined by feminists, suffragettes, and social reformers.

a. Often

b. Later

c. When

d. In addition

Advanced Reading-Writing Connection…..…Activity #X

4 | P a g e Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _____

4. (1) Forget the spanking clean, neat, freshly painted houses in “colonial villages” constructed

for modern tourists. (2) Most seventeenth and eighteenth century colonial homes looked nothing

like them. (3) _____, few were painted on the outside. (4) Most were made of split or sawed

boards that, like modern wooden garden benches, faded into a gray that blended into the

landscape. (5) Secondly, they were small affairs, often consisting of a single room measuring

perhaps eighteen by twenty feet on the inside with a chimney at the end. (6) And some, but by no

means all, had whitewashed interior walls; otherwise, the interiors went unfinished.

a. Second

b. Next

c. For one thing

d. Furthermore

5. (1) An early method of writing was sign writing, in which each symbol was based on a picture

that resembled what it stood for. (2) Thus, a circle with wavy lines radiating from it might stand

for the sun, while a horizontal series of wavy lines might stand for water. (3) One early form of

this style of writing developed in Sumeria (present-day Iraq) around 3500 B.C.E. (4) A _____,

more familiar form developed in Egypt a few hundred years later and came to be known as

hieroglyphics. (5) The most durable form of sign writing blossomed in China about 2000 to 1500

B.C.E. (6) This method required learning thousands of different pictographs that represented

various objects and actions.

a. third

b. next

c. second

d. final

6. (1) Premarital sex does not always result from a desire for intimacy. (2) _____ important

factor is peer pressure. (3) For young males, sexual experience is seen as a way to prove their

manliness. (4) For young females, especially ones with a poor self-image, sexual intimacy is

regarded as a way to prove they are sexy and desirable.

a. Another

b. Moreover

Advanced Reading-Writing Connection…..…Activity #X

5 | P a g e Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _____

c. Third

d. Last

7. (1) The most extreme form of social control is capital punishment, that is, the execution of the

criminal offender. (2) _____ the 1960s, capital punishment was an integral part of the British

criminal justice system. (3) In the eighteenth century in particular, there were over two hundred

crimes, ranging from high treason to petty thievery, for which people could be executed.

(4) These executions were held in full public view in the belief that the witnesses would be

deterred from committing similar acts.

a. Whenever

b. Then

c. When

d. Until

8. (1) Up to a hundred years ago, people believed tomatoes to be poisonous. (2) This is because

the tomato belongs to a family of plants, the Nightshade, which does have some poisonous

members. (3) People _____ assumed the tomato to be poisonous because of the unpleasantly

strong odor given off by the stem and leaves of the plant. (4) The stem and leaves give off this

odor because they are, in fact, toxic; but the fruit itself is not.

a. thirdly

b. next

c. for one thing

d. also

9. (1) More than nine thousand pieces of man-made junk are now orbiting in space, mostly left

over from exploded satellites. (2) More space junk is being added all the time. (3) _____, the

number of pieces is increasing as they bump into one another and break into smaller bits.

a. Furthermore

b. Next

Advanced Reading-Writing Connection…..…Activity #X

6 | P a g e Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _____

c. One

d. Another

10. (1) At the heart of the technological revolution was the microprocessor. (2) First introduced

in 1970 by Intel, the microprocessor miniaturized the central processing unit of a computer,

enabling small machines to perform calculations that previously only large machines could do.

(3) _____ the next decades, the power of these integrated circuits increased by a factor of seven

thousand. (4) Computing chores that took a week in the early 1970s took only one minute by the

year 2000, while the cost of storing one megabyte of information, or enough for a 320-page

book, fell from more than $5,000 in 1975 to 17 cents in 2000. (5) The implications for business

were enormous.

a. Soon

b. While

c. When

d. During

Advanced Reading-Writing Connection…..…Activity #X

7 | P a g e Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _____

Inferences in Reading and Writing: Mastery Test 1

Directions for Activity #X: Choose the inference that is most logical, based on

the information given in the selection.

A1. Choose the logical inference.

a. The house was built on stilts so the children could play underneath it.

b. The children are enjoying themselves.

c. The children probably seldom watch real television.

A2. Choose the logical inference.

a. The cartoonist wishes to emphasize how television keeps children from more active play.

b. The cartoonist means to emphasize the children’s creativity in building a realistic sand


c. The cartoonist wishes to emphasize that outdoor play provides good exercise for children.

(1) “Does the chili have any meat in it?” the woman asked. (2) “No,” answered the waiter. (3)

“I’ll have chili, then.” (4) The waiter was disappointed, since chili was one of the restaurant’s

Advanced Reading-Writing Connection…..…Activity #X

8 | P a g e Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _____

least expensive items. (5) “The lobster special is delicious,” he suggested, “and healthy.” (6) The

woman shook her head and responded, “Not for the lobster.”

B3. Choose the logical inference.

a. The woman is a vegetarian.

b. The woman was brought up as a vegetarian.

c. The woman is allergic to seafood.

B4. Choose the logical inference of the passage.

a. The woman was alone.

b. The woman is on a tight budget.

c. The waiter was hoping to get a larger tip for a more expensive meal.

(1) Mutual attraction may get us into a love relationship, but it is not the determining factor in

making the relationship grow and last. (2) Two factors that make relationships endure have to do

with expectations and equity. (3) When two people first fall in love, they often enjoy a mixture

of romantic, sexual, and other intense feelings of love. (4) In healthy, lasting relationships this

passionate love gradually shifts into compassionate love, which blends friendship, intimacy,

commitment, and security. (5) If both people in the relationship anticipate and welcome this

shift, the transition is managed comfortably. (6) Expectations are aligned with reality. (7) If not,

the relationship can become troubled or even end because of this surprise about the nature of

love or any number of other unrealistic expectations that can occur. (8) In addition, each person

in the relationship needs to experience a balance between what he/she puts into the relationship

and what he/she gets out of it. (9) Each needs to feel that neither too little nor too much is

received when compared with what is given. (10) This equity helps make for a happy


C5. We can infer that the author of this passage believes

a. romantic love can be damaging to a relationship.

b. the happiest couples are not physically attracted to one another.

c. physical attraction is often strongest early in a relationship.

C6. We can conclude that the author of this passage

Advanced Reading-Writing Connection…..…Activity #X

9 | P a g e Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _____

a. has learned through personal experience about the uncertainties in relationships.

b. believes that realism about love increases the chance of happiness.

c. believes that love inevitably fades after people have been together a long time.

C7. We can infer from this passage that the author believes

a. the changes that people in love go through are sad, but inevitable.

b. compassionate love can be richly rewarding.

c. people should change partners when feelings of romantic love fade.

C8. We can conclude from the author’s remarks that

a. ideally, people in a relationship will enjoy both giving and receiving.

b. a person who really wants a relationship to succeed will ignore his or her own needs.

c. there is no such thing as receiving too much from a partner.

Advanced Reading-Writing Connection…..…Activity #X

10 | P a g e Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _____

Argument in Reading and Writing: Mastery Test 1

Directions for Activity #X: Choose the answer to the argument question.

Group 1. One of these statements is the point of an argument, and the other three are support for

that point. Click on the statement that is the point of the argument in this group.

a. Debates over who could drive the car created serious conflicts between parents and


b. The use of automobiles for Sunday outings was thought to have led to a decline in church


c. The first automobiles were a cause for alarm in many communities.

d. Autos were seen as giving young people too much freedom and privacy, serving as

“portable bedrooms” that couples could take anywhere.

Group 2. One of these statements is the point of an argument, and the other three are support for

that point. Click on the statement that is the point of the argument in this group.

a. During the 1920s, banks began offering the country’s first home mortgages.

b. Retail sellers of everything from cars to irons in the 1920s allowed customers to pay in


c. In the 1920s, about 60 percent of mortgages and 75 percent of all radios were purchased on

the installment plan.

d. The use of installment credit became very popular with banks, retail sellers, and consumers

during the 1920s.

Group 3. One of these statements is the point of an argument, and the other three are support for

that point. Click on the statement that is the point of the argument in this group.

a. Most women today continue to work in a relatively small number of traditional “women’s”

jobs, and full-time female workers earn only 68 cents for every $1 paid to men.

Advanced Reading-Writing Connection…..…Activity #X

11 | P a g e Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _____

b. Despite all that has been achieved in terms of women’s rights, many injustices still remain.

c. Today, the economic plight of women involved in the 50% of marriages that end in divorce

is often grave.

d. Although female-headed families constitute only 15 percent of the U.S. population, they

account for over 50% of the poor population.

Group 4. One of these statements is the point of an argument, and the other three are support for

that point. Click on the statement that is the point of the argument in this group.

a. Printed newspapers are limited by the amount of news that can be printed in one edition,

but online papers have no such limitations.

b. More and more people are reading online newspapers because they realize that online

papers have certain advantages over traditional newspapers.

c. Online papers can be updated continuously, since they have no edition deadlines.

d. Online newspapers are interactive—e-mail addresses, bulletin boards, and chat rooms

allow readers to provide quick feedback to the paper.

Group 5. One of these statements is the point of an argument, and the other three are support for

that point. Click on the statement that is the point of the argument in this group.

a. Adult-structured sports promote healthy child development.

b. Adult-structured sports teach children how to accept authority and prepare them for the

realistic competition they will face as adults.

c. Practices and games regularly scheduled by adults ensure that children get plenty of


d. Adult-structured sports enable parents and children to create healthy bonds.

Group 6. One of these statements is the point of an argument, and the other three are support for

that point. Click on the statement that is the point of the argument in this group.

a. Physicians never hold up cabbies, but many do cheat Medicare.

Advanced Reading-Writing Connection…..…Activity #X

12 | P a g e Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _____

b. Bookkeepers don’t rob convenience stores, but they have been known to take money from

their employers’ accounts.

c. Instead of mugging, pimping, and burglary, the privileged evade income tax, bribe public

officials, and embezzle money.

d. The more privileged social classes find alternatives to the street crime generally committed

by the lower classes.

Group 7. Read the three items of support (the evidence) in the group below. Then click on the

point that is adequately supported by that evidence.


Eating chocolate releases serotonin in the human brain, resulting in feelings of pleasure. Chocolate contains caffeine, a stimulant that restores alertness. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that have health benefits such as protecting blood vessels

and promoting cardiac health.

Which point is adequately supported by all the evidence above?

a. Sweet treats are actually good for your health.

b. Chocolate can have a significant impact on the human body.

c. Dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate.

d. Chocolate could be considered a drug.

Group 8. Read the three items of support (the evidence) in the group below. Then click on the

point that is adequately supported by that evidence.


o Animal researchers tested two crows, Betty and Abel, to see whether they would choose a hooked wire or a straight wire to use for getting some food out of a tube.

o During one session Abel snatched the hooked wire away from Betty, leaving Betty with only the straight wire to use.

o When Betty realized the straight wire wouldn’t work, she bent it into a hook with her beak.

Which point is adequately supported by all the evidence above?

Advanced Reading-Writing Connection…..…Activity #X

13 | P a g e Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________ Period: _____

a. A crow can construct a simple tool.

b. Crows have proven themselves to be the smartest birds.

c. Researchers prefer to work with crows because they are so intelligent.

d. Research indicates that some crows can construct simple tools.

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