advantages of wallpaper over the wall paint

Post on 10-Jan-2017






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Advantages Of Wallpaper Over The Wall Paint

• The wallpapers are very trendy because they are not only very beautiful, but also have excellent advantages. This is why people are giving more preferences to the designer wallpapers instead of wall paints. Here are some advantages of wallpapers over the wall paints.

More Durability

• The designer wallpapers have more durability as compared to the wall paints. The wallpaper can last up to 15 years, three times more than wall paint and will remain in the same condition. The wall paints lose their shine and color start fading after few years, but wallpapers stay as new.

Installing,Reinstalling And Removing

• The best designer wallpapers are easy to be installed, re-installed and removed. There are solution and tools available that are used in installation and removal or the wallpaper. Some residential wallpaper comes in strips so they are easier to install and remove as compare to wall paints.

Less Time Duration

• The wall paints required much time in installation and they do not look perfect unless more than one coat is applied. But, the wallpapers do not require that much time. There are tools and solutions available which are used while applying or removing the residential wallpapers.

Textures, Patterns And Multi Colors

• In the wall paints if you want to make patterns and use multiple colors, this will require much time and an expert who will design patterns by using multiple colors on your walls. But, the wallpapers already have amazing textures, patterns and multi colors that simply mesmerizes to eyes.


PPT Created By : Fardis (Baroque Wallpaper Designs)

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