ad_vent bill hicks' style

Post on 22-Mar-2017






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“By the way ifanyone here is inadvertising ormarketing…kill yourself.”

“It’s just a littlethought; I’m justtrying to plantseeds. Maybe oneday they’ll takeroot - I don’tknow…”

“You try, you dowhat you can.

(Kill yourself.)”

“Seriously though,if you are, do.Aaah, no really.There’s norationalisation forwhat you do andyou are Satan’slittle helpers.”

“Okay … kill yourself.

Seriously. You arethe ruiner of allthings good.”

“Seriously.No this is not ajoke. You’regoing… There’sgoing to be a jokecoming. There’sno fucking jokecoming.”

“You are Satan’sspawn filling theworld with bileand garbage.

You are fuckedand you arefucking us.”

“Kill yourself. It’sthe only way tosave your fuckingsoul. Kill yourself.

Planting seeds.”

“I know all themarketing peopleare going, He’sdoing a joke.

There’s no jokehere whatsoever.”

“Suck a tail-pipe,fucking hangyourself, borrowa gun from aYank friend.

I don’t care howyou do it.”

“Rid the world ofyour evil fuckingmachinations.(Machi…)Whatever, youknow what Imean.”

“I know what allthe marketingpeople arethinking right nowtoo: Oh, youknow what Bill’sdoing?”

“He’s going for thatanti-marketing dollar.That’s a goodmarket. He’s verysmart. Oh man, I amnot doing that, youfucking, evilscumbags!”

“Ooh, you know whatBill’s doing now? He’sgoing for the righteousindignation dollar.That’s a big dollar. Alot of people arefeeling thatindignation…”

“We’ve done research… huge market. He’sdoing a good thing.

Godammit, I’m notdoing that, youscumbags!”

“Quit putting agoddamn dollar signon every fucking thingon this planet.”

“Ooh, the angerdollar. Huge. Huge intimes of recession.Giant market. Bill’svery bright to do that.God, I’m just caughtin a fucking web.”

“Ooh, the trappeddollar, big dollar, hugedollar. Good market,look at our research.”

“We see that manypeople feel trapped.”

“If we play to that …and then separatethem into the trappeddollar…”

“How do you live likethat?”

“What didya do today,honey?

Oh, we made ah, wemade ah arsenic achildhood food now,goodnight. *snores*”

“Yeah we just said,you know, is yourbaby really too loud?You know? *snores*

Yeah, you know themums will love it.*snores*”

“Sleep like fuckingchildren, don’t ya.

This is your world,isn’t it?”

There’s a place forcommunications tohelp people makesound decisions in aconfused world. Thatdoesn’t mean sellingthem more shit theydon’t need …”

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