adventure dolphin brochure 2010

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Brochure for Adventure Dolphin in Newbury, Pangbourne and Hungerford for 2010.



DOLPHIN Annual Brochure

Adventure Dolphin’s function is to provide Outdoor Activities for the Children & Young People Services across West Berkshire, primarily for the 13-19 year olds but our extensive programme caters for people of all ages from 8 – 80. Numerous youth clubs are also run within the Centres and all are identified within the brochure. Please visit our website at:

Our extensive range of well maintained outdoor equipment is sufficient to facilitate and service all kinds of outdoor activities and expeditions, from a DofE expedition in a remote wilderness area to a day spent canoeing or team building.

Adventure Dolphin, operates to the highest safety standards and is licensed by the Adventure Activity Licensing Authority for kayaking, canoeing, kayak surfing, rock climbing, abseiling, hill walking, mountaineering, gorge scrambling and off road cycling. Licence no. L5696/R0588 Pangbourne & L3274/R0588 Newbury. We offer a wide range of specialist courses both in land and water based activities, whether it is at novice or advanced level. We pride ourselves on offering high value training at competitive prices.

Adventure Dolphin is fully recognised and approved by the British Canoe Union and has been awarded the prestigious Sports Council CLUBMARK status. It also conforms to the guidelines laid down by other national governing bodies. All staff are highly qualified under the various governing bodies to instruct / coach and are approved by West Berkshire Council for leading hazardous activities. They have all undertaken an enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check and hold first aid or lifesaving qualifications. A team of highly qualified volunteers deliver a large proportion of the programme, whose commitment and support enables us to provide such a varied programme.

Adventure Dolphin, Pangbourne (P) is based beside the River Thames at Pangbourne. This year is a very exciting year for Pangbourne as work is well underway on our new building, based on the old site. Completion should be in time for the summer holiday courses and until such time we remain in temporary accommodation at Beale Park and our usual canoeing, orienteering and team building activities will take place on the surrounding lake, river and field. Club activities, other than canoeing, will take place in other local halls and details can be supplied through the office.

Adventure Dolphin, Newbury (N) is based beside the Kennet & Avon Canal in Newbury, a two minute walk from the town centre. The Centre consists of a boat house with changing rooms/showers, a theatre/hall with a stage, kitchen and coffee bar area and offices and a gym that also houses the climbing wall which has 18 top roped panels at a height of 5m.

Adventure Dolphin, Hungerford (N) operates from the Croft Field Centre next to the Kennet & Avon Canal. The Centre is fully equipped with a kitchen/hall, a meeting room, toilets, showers and boathouse. The Croft also has a large field with access to the canal which is great for games and camping.

Adventure Dolphin


ContentsClub Programme, Pangbourne

Club Programme, Newbury

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Training 10

Climbing Courses Children’s Climbing Courses 11 Young People & Adult Climbing Courses Climbing Wall Award

Beginners Evening Climbing Courses 12 Day-time Beginners Climbing Courses Alpine Santa

Evening Canoeing Courses 13 Introduction to Marathon Paddling 14 BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue 8 Hour First Aid, Primarily BCU Aquatic Moving Water Skills Kayak or Open Canoe Touring Course Kayak or Open Canoe

Pool Based Courses Introduction to Kayaking 15 Water Confidence Course Canoe Polo Sessions Rolling Top up Club Paddlers Development Kayak Rolling & Water Confidence Course

Special Events Girls Activity Day 16 Night Paddle Youth Canoeing Regatta Crafty Craft Race Pangbourne Marathon Kayak or Open Canoe

Day Activities Touring Days 17 Kayak or Open Canoe Touring Days St Patrick’s Stream Paddle Surf the Waves Introduction to Sea Paddling Fun Day Sponsored Paddle

Weekend Activities/ Paddling Surf Weekend 18 River Wye Descent Paddling Clubs Development Days BCU 3 &4 Star Awards

Paddlepower Excel & Explore Star Awards Assessments Dates

School Holiday Programme, Pangbourne A Taste of Adventure 19 School Holiday All-Day Courses School Holiday Half-Day Courses Multi Activity Day Camps 20 Thames Tour Not Like Skool Local Activity Day Camp

School Holiday Programme, Newbury A Taste of Adventure 21 School Holiday Half-Day Courses

Mini Expeditions Winter Week/Cross Country Skiing 22 Club Members’ Week Explore Week Sea Kyaking/Roller Skiing Week Introduction to White Water Introduction to Alpine Paddling Club Trips Presentation Evening Progression Week Scotland or Lake District

Land Based Coaching Courses Mountain Biking 24 Teaching Orienteering Part 1 or Part 2 Basic Expedition Leader Level 2 Award Rec First Aid Course 25 Mountain Experience

Water Based Training/ Assessment BCU - UKCC Level 1 Certificate in Coaching Paddlesport (P) BCU - UKCC Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Paddlesport Training (P) BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Course 8 Hour First Aid Course, Primarily BCU Aquatic 27

BCU - UKCC Level2 Assessment BCU Bell Boat Helm

Outdoor Management Development

Courses Specific to Teachers

Terms & Conditions

Location Plan


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9 9 9 9

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13 13 13 13 13 13

14 14 14 14 14 14

15 15 15 15 15

Monday Tuesday Saturday SundayXodus (DofE) 7:00-9:00pm Bronze & Silver 13-16 years

Voyageurs (DofE) 7:30-9:30pm Gold 15+years

Competition Group 9:30-12:00pm Previous paddling experience required

Sunday Paddling 9:40-12:00pm Previous experience required

Paddlesport (not every week contact Centre for details) 9 years +

Key: D of E - Paddling - General Youth Club - Climbing - Mountain Boarding


For more details or to book please contact Adventure Dolphin Pangbourne on 0118 984 3162 or

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SundayMon Eve Paddling 7:00-9:00pm 19th April -18th October Previous paddling experience required

Rock Apes 6:30-9:00pm 13-19 years No climbing experience required

Team NEB 6:00-8:00pm 9+ years Restarting after Easter No previous experience required

Rock Chimps 6:00-7:30pm 9-12 years Climbing club NICAS L2 required

Verge (DofE) Activity club 7:00-9:00pm 13-25 years Bronze-Gold

Public Climbing10:00-4:00pmAll who are competent

Public Climbing 6:30-9:30pm Open to all competent climbers 18+ Under 18 have to be signed in by an adult

Junior Club 6:30-8:00 9-12 years Junior youth club

Vibe 7:00-9:00pm 12-15 years Youth activity club

Key: D of E - Paddling - General Youth Club - Climbing - Mountain Boarding

Waterside, Newbury

For more details or to book please contact Adventure Dolphin Newbury on 01635 41269


Adventure Dolphin Club Programme

Paddling Clubs:

RiverRats: Pangbourne - Trips suitable for paddlers working towards BCU Discover/2/3 Star Weir Wolves: Newbury - Trips suitable for paddlers working towards BCU Discover/2/3 Star Freeride: Trips suitable for paddlers working towards BCU 3/4 Star Progression: Trips suitable for paddlers working towards BCU 4/5 Star


Club Programme, Pangbourne

Roller Skiing - New to Adventure Dolphin For 2010 Roller Skiing is the Nordic sport of cross country skiing without the snow! The skis are very good for learning the basic techniques of the skate style of cross country skiing, which you see in the Winter Olympics. They are great for training and are said to be the ideal complement to canoeing.

Our skis can be used on tarmac, packed surfaces or short grass. We provide safety pads and helmets and the skis can be used with normal training shoes.

Opportunities to try this sport will be given to any youth group, so if you fancy giving it a try contact the Pangbourne Centre or club leader. Sessions, or courses, can be arranged as required.

Competition Group Pangbourne Canoe Club is the competition group of Adventure Dolphin and provides opportunities to experience fun and training sessions plus competitive events including marathon racing.

Marathon racing can be enjoyed by paddlers of all ages and abilities. It comprises elements of skill, stamina and tactics.

Requirements: Those new to K boating should undertake an ‘Introduction to Marathon Paddling’ training sessions and have completed PaddlePower 1-4 plus an informal assessment before joining the group.

Time: Saturday mornings Time: 09.30 - 12.00 Please be prompt.

Paddlesport Challenge An opportunity for young paddlers age 9-16 years to continue paddling over the winter and complete in a series of events against other clubs in the Southern Region.

Some events are individual while others depend upon teamwork and co-operation.

Regular practice sessions are organised, mainly on Saturday mornings at 10.30. If you are interested contact the Centre for information.

Sunday Paddling An open session of fun canoeing for all Club members with their PaddlePower Start Certificate or working towards PaddlePower Passport or above. Regular trips out to local weirs and rivers for the more proficient paddlers take place over the winter period, as well as a variety of games and other water activities.

All canoeing equipment can be supplied. Wear suitable warm clothing, old trainers and bring a lightweight, windproof anorak. DON’T FORGET to bring a towel and dry clothes to change into at the end. The Centre does not provide wet suits.

Time: Sunday mornings 09.40 to sign in, change and be on the water 10.00 – 12.00 throughout the year except Bank Holiday weekends (open Boxing Day morning) and school summer holidays.



Introduction to Marathon Paddling A new initiative for 2010. A 4-week course to learn the basics of paddling marathon kayaks, have some fun and get fitter in the process. The course will end with a short journey to allow us to gauge your ability to move forward into the Saturday morning marathon racing team sessions.

Date: 1 - 22 May (For extra dates please contact the office)

Code: DMAMA020Time: 11.45 – 13.15 Cost: £ Students £ Adults

Sprint Training An indoor training session during winter months then out onto the river as soon as light in the evenings, with an aim to enter local sprint events in the Spring. Suitable for young people 13 years or above who are working towards PaddlePower Excel.

Wednesday evenings Time: 18.00 - 19.00Cost: £1

River Rats River Rats is the introductory club for paddlers who wish to progress and develop their paddling in different disciplines. Members should have completed a BCU PaddlePower Passport course, or star award equivalent. For moving water trips members will require experience of having paddled using a spraydeck.

Flat Water to Grade II BCU 2/3 Star or Discover.

Freeride Freeride is the intermediate club for paddlers who have prior experience.

Members should be confident paddlers on Grade II moving water for kayak or Grade I/II moving water and medium sized lakes for open canoe. Paddlers should be able to paddle 10k on flat water.

Kayak, Grade II/III ‘moderate conditions’ for those working towards BCU 3/4 Star skills.

Open Canoe, Grade I/II, & medium lakes, ‘moderate conditions’ for those working towards BCU 3/4 Star skills.

Progression Progression is the advanced paddling club for those who wish to push their paddling in their preferred discipline. Club members should be confident paddling Grade II/III water in kayak or Grade II/II+ water and large open water for open canoe. Paddlers should be able to paddle 15k comfortably on flat water.

Kayak, Grade III/IV, Open Canoe Grade II/III and open water, ‘advanced conditions’ for those working towards BCU 4/ 5 Star skills.


Club Programme, Pangbourne

Adventure Dolphin offers three different levels of clubs to give a variety of paddling opportunities and related activity for members to develop their personal skills in a wide range of craft and environments at the appropriate level.

Club programmes are released throughout the year and can be found at or email Clare Westall on


Club Programme, Pangbourne

Xodus A Youth Activity Club where you have fun and make friends. A range of activities, including climbing, night games, canoeing, navigation exercises and social nights are arranged to introduce new skills. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) is a main focus of the youth club. We have years of experience of assisting young people through Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. The programme is split into four sections: Volunteering, Physical, Skill & Expeditions. Expeditions by foot, open canoe, kayak, and bicycle trips.

Time: Monday eveningsTime: 19.00 - 21.00 Bronze & Silver

Voyageurs For young people aged 15+ who are interested in following a number of outdoor activities. The group chooses and develops its own programme, organises trips, social events and also plans its own expeditions. It also incorporates opportunities to complete Gold DofE programmes. The club also runs a series of residential opportunities.

Time: Tuesday evenings 19.30 - 21.30 Voyageurs/Gold DofE

Contact the Centre for further details.

Pizza If you want the opportunity to have your say and meet new people then this is the place for you. PIZZA is open to any member aged between 13-19 years and aims to put across your perspective into how the Centres should run and what we offer young people.

Dates and times will be published termly.Call us or check out


Club Programme, Newbury

Monday Night Canoeing - Summer Mondays are the core of Adventure Dolphin paddling programme for seasoned veterans or those just completing their PaddlePower Passport. Note: Open canoeists paddle all year round. Beginners should have completed one of our courses before joining this group. All canoeing kit is supplied. Just come along with loose, warm clothing, old trainers, a waterproof top, a towel and dry clothes to change into at the end.

Time: 19.00 – 21.00 on the canal from 19 April to 18 October

Weir Wolves The club meets on Monday evenings for flat water sessions and trips to local weirs. Throughout the winter the club meets up on various weekends for weir trips, surfing and river trips, with outings running at introductory, intermediate and advanced levels.

Weir Wolves is open to all with their Paddlepower Discover or old 2 Star in kayak/open canoe who are keen and enthusiastic to progress their skills on to moving water.

Dates and programmes issued termlyTime: Monday evening 19.00 – 21.00

Adult/Family Climbing On Sunday daytime or Monday evenings the climbing wall is open to the public for a drop-in climbing session. There are a variety of routes to choose from and the atmosphere is friendly and supportive. In order to climb with us at these sessions, you will need to demonstrate that you can put on a harness, tie in and belay safely. You will also need to become a registered member of the climbing wall.

Time: Sundays 10.00-16.00 or Monday evenings 18.30-21.30

Age: Open to all that can demonstrate safe practise.

Cost: Registration £ (one off fee) Centre Members: £0.00 Non Members: £0.00 Adult Centre Members £0.00 Adult Non Members: £0.00

Rock Apes Offers a gripping opportunity to develop your climbing skills and techniques. Whether it’s the first time you’ve tied a figure of eight or if you want to progress to lead climbing, Rock Apes has something to offer you. As well as climbing on our own wall, transport is provided to other climbing walls, along with helmets, harnesses and ropes. Just come along with loose clothing, something to drink and your climbing head on.

Time: Tuesday evenings 18.30 – 21.00 Age: 13 – 19 years


Club Programme, Newbury

Waterside Junior Club A youth club for 9 – 12 year olds. A great opportunity to meet new people and try new activities. Everything from pool to pizza making, X boxes and chalk painting to arts and crafts. Your first week’s free so come on down and have some fun.

Time: Tuesday evenings 18.30 – 20.00 Cost: £1.00Age: 9 – 12 years

Vibe This drop in club is designed to give you somewhere to meet up and chill out in a fun and friendly environment. Inters Club is a great place to meet new people, play football, pool, use the internet, play Xbox, chill out on the sofas and visit our tuck shop.

Time: Wednesday evenings 19.00 – 21.00 Cost: £1.00Age: 12 – 15 years

Team NEB (Newbury Extreme Boarders) Mountain boarding is one of the fastest growing sports. Since some Americans put big wheels on their skate boards and raced them down a grassy slope we’ve all been going mad. Come and join Team NEB at the Centre for a taster session of this awesome sport. All equipment supplied.

Kicking off with a weekend away at Easter, this year looks set to be full of fun.Time: Wednesday evenings 18.00 – 20.00 Age: 13 – 19 years

Rock Chimps This is a new club for 9–12 year olds who have gained a NICAS level 2 award (courses to train for NICAS 1 & 2 available here on Thursday evenings). This year Rock Chimps are aiming to try out some other climbing walls in the local area.

Time: Thursday evenings 18.00 – 19.30 Age: 9-12 years

Verge Get down to the Verge on Friday nights. We get up to everything from kayaking to climbing, cooking to extreme ironing! With our own indoor climbing wall and the canal five long steps from the boatshed, the Verge is where the action is! Programmes are issued termly.

Start your Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE), if you are 13 years 8 months or above and be part of the youth club that’s done some of the maddest expeditions ever. Will you make history? If you’re already doing DofE you can move over right now. Verge has years of experience helping people through their Bronze, Silver or Gold awards. We have had expeditions to Mont Blanc and Canada but if you don’t want to head abroad just yet, the Ridgeway or Wayfarers Walk are right on our doorstep.

Time: Friday evening 19.00 – 21.00


DofE (Duke of Edinburgh’s Award)

Paddling or Walking Weekends Bronze/Silver DofE Water/Land Based Training or Assessment Adventure Dolphin is pleased to offer expedition training opportunities to any group from West Berkshire or surrounding areas. A chance for youth groups or DofE participants to experience either a journey in open canoe/sea kayak or hill walking in Wales or Dartmoor to Wild Country Areas. Phone 0118 9843162 to discuss opportunities. (previous paddling experience may be required)

Cost & Dates: A ‘mop up’ expedition at Bronze level is run annually during October half-term

DofE Expedition Gold Training/ Voyageurs Programme Land or Water BasedCost: Price on applicationDates: A full programme of events is available

from each Centre. For details on Voyageurs & Verge turn to pages…..

DofE EveningsTime: Monday evenings 19.00 - 21.00

Bronze & Silver (Xodus) (P) Tuesday evenings 19.30 - 21.30

Gold (Voyageurs) (P)

Adventure Dolphin is an Access Organisation for West Berkshire’s DofE programme. It offers a range of activities and opportunities, which are suitable for the Volunteering, Physical and Residential sections of the Award.

We are able to accredit any person, 13 years and 8 months (or any Year 9 pupil) - 24 years old, who completes the required time period and is not already registered with DofE. When gaining an Access Credit, the young person can then register with DofE and the completed section will be entered into their record books.


Climbing Courses, Newbury

Children’s Climbing Courses (N) These courses are an introduction to, or consolidation of, wall climbing leading to NICAS (National Indoor Climbing Award Scheme) Level 1 and 2. Suitable for those aged 8 – 15 years. The courses have proved to be extremely popular often filling up weeks in advance.

Dates: 7 Jan – 11 Feb, 25 Feb – 1 April, 22 April – 27 May,

10 June – 15 July, 16 Sept – 21 Oct, or 4 Nov – 9 Dec.

Time: Thursday evenings 18.00 – 19.30Cost: £

Young People & Adult Climbing Courses (N) These courses teach young people and adults to climb & belay safely and introduced the basic climbing principles and techniques.

The courses have proved very popular with parents who wish to take their children climbing here on a Monday evening and, as they are completed over a 3-week duration, on the third week the parent can bring their child along to climb with them. Age range 16 – Adult.

Dates: 15 – 29 Jan, 5 – 19 March, 30 April – 14 May, 18 June – 2 July

9 – 23 July, 24 Sept – 8 Oct, 12 – 26 Nov, 1 – 17 Dec

Time: Friday evenings 19.00 – 21.00

Cost: £

Climbing Wall Award The MLTE Award is for those wishing to take groups on Artificial Climbing Walls.

Part 1 (Training) A 16 hour (2 day) course covering technical competence, the climbing wall environment and supervision.

Prerequisites: 6 months experience of using climbing walls – 15 different occasions at three different walls including one public wall.

Registration with MLTE. Must be able to lead on an indoor wall. Minimum 18 years of age at registration. A wider understanding of the sport i.e. have climbed outdoors.

Date: Saturday/Sunday Times: TBC Location: Adventure Dolphin, NewburyCost: £

Code: EMACW1222

A similar course could be organised on demand. Should you be interested in such a course a ‘Learn to Climb’ day will be held on Saturday 11 September 2010 to give you an outline of training requirements prior to the course and the confidence to go away and climb on local walls.

Part 2 (Assessment) Before applying for an assessment candidates should have recorded a minimum of 30 visits to at least 3 different climbing walls and have assisted a SPA holder or higher on at least 15 instructed sessions on at least 2 different walls. It is possible that candidates could gain experience by assisting on our evening climbing courses and days away – please contact the office for details.

Date and Cost: By arrangement


Beginners Evening Climbing Courses Beginners wall courses where safe practice, essential rope and climbing techniques will be taught at a basic level on our new indoor wall. Suitable for those aged 8-16 years.

Dates: Wednesdays 15 September – 6 OctoberCode: ESEBC004

Wednesdays 3 – 24 NovemberCode: ENOBC004

Time: 19.00 – 20.30 Cost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

Day-time Beginners Climbing Courses (For Adults) Beginners wall courses where safe practice, essential rope and climbing techniques will be taught at a basic level on our new indoor wall.

Dates: Wednesdays 10 November – 1 DecemberCode: ENOBC005

or Wednesdays 19 January – 9 February 2011

Code: EJABC005Time: 10.30-12.00Cost: £0.00 Adults

Alpine Santa Here is your chance to climb up the mountains to find Santa. Climb to the top of the climbing wall and receive a Christmas present from Santa in his alpine grotto.

Date: Saturday 11 December 2010 To book for Santa at Newbury Centre call 01635 41269Or for Pangbourne 0118 9843162

Climbing Courses, Pangbourne


A choice of evening canoeing courses are available, as identified on the flow charts on page ? They begin on the following dates at Pangbourne or Newbury. Please book at the relevant Centre:

0118 9843162 - Pangbourne (P) 01635 41269 – Newbury (N)

6 week coursesTuesdays (A) 20 April - 25 May Code: EAPTU021 – (P) or (N)Wednesdays (B) 21 April – 26 May Code: EAPWE022 – (P) onlyThursdays (C) 22 April – 27 May Code: EAPTH023 – (P) or (N)Time: 18.30 – 20.15

6 week courses Tuesdays (D) 8 June - 13 July Code: EJETU024 – (P) or (N)Wednesdays (E) 9 June – 14 July Code: EJEWE025 – (P) onlyThursdays (F) 10 June - 15 July Code: EJETH026 – (P) or (N)Time: 18.30 - 20.15

Please note that, due to the new building project, Pangbourne’s courses will be held at Beale Park until further notice, approximately one mile upstream of the lock.

7 week courses (6 week course elongated by a week in case you are away on holiday over this period)Tuesdays (G) 20 July – 31 August Code: EJYTU033 – (P) onlyWednesdays (H) 21 July – 1 September Code: EJYWE036 – (P) onlyThursdays (I) 22 July – 2 September Code: EJYTH038 – (P) onlyTime: 18.30 – 20.15

6 week courseThursdays (J) 9 September – 14 October Time: 18.00 – 19.45 Code: ESETH039 – (N) onlyCost of each course:

Students: £39.50 Adults: £51.00 Code: ESETH039 – (N) only

Evening Canoeing Courses



Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,11,12

PaddlePower level 1-4

PaddlePower 3-6

PaddlePower 5-8

PaddlePower 7-9




START ONE STAR AWARD Assessed in either kayak or open canoe

TWO STAR AWARD Both kayak AND open canoe skills

THREE STAR (boat specific)

Flowchart for 2010 Courses

BCU 3 Star Foundation Skills will also be available during evenings at Pangbourne. i.e. Open Canoe, Touring & Moving Water.


Evening Canoeing CoursesIntroduction to Marathon Paddling A new initiative for 2010. A 4-week course to learn the basics of paddling marathon kayaks, have some fun and get fitter in the process. The course will end with a short journey to allow us to gauge your ability to move forward into the Saturday morning marathon racing team sessions.

Date: 27 April – 18 May orCode: EAPMA038

15 June – 6 JulyCode: EJUMA038

Time: 18.30 – 20.15 Cost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue (P) This course is a pre-requisite for the BCU/UKCC Level 1/2 Award and looks at the appropriate safety and rescue skills for looking after groups on sheltered water.

Date: Tuesday 20 April – 25 MayCode: EAPCS039

Thursday 22 July – 2 SeptemberCode: EJYCS039

Time: 18.30 – 20.15 Cost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

8 Hour First Aid, Primarily BCU Aquatic (P) A 6-week course to provide those involved in water based activities with the basic knowledge and skills required to administer first aid should the need arise. Assessment will be ongoing throughout the course and not by examination therefore commitment to regular attendance is paramount. This award is valid for 3 years and is suitable for the First Aid requirement for BCU UKCC Coach Level 1or 2 (Level 3 and above require a 16 hour certificate). Cost includes First Aid manual and registration.

Date: Wednesday 21 April – 26 MayCode: EJEAF041

Time: 18.30 – 20.15Cost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

Moving Water Skills Kayak or Open Canoe (P) Six-week courses for those wishing to gain moving water experience. Weeks one and six are based around the Centre with weeks 2 to 4 at various local locations.

Date: Thursday 22 April – 27 May Time: 18.00 – 21.00 (21.45 approx when away

from the Centre)Cost: £ Students £ AdultsCode: EAP4S042

Touring Course (P) Kayak or Open Canoe Journeys suitable for the requirement for PaddlePower and Star Tests.

Date: Tuesday 8 June – 13 July Time: 18.00–21.00pm (21.45 approx. when

away from the Centre)Cost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

Code: EJECS043


Pool Based CoursesIntroduction to Kayaking (P) An opportunity to learn kayaking techniques in the warmth of an indoor pool. This three-session course will enable you to acquire basic skills before moving on to the river environment. Based at the Willink Leisure Pool, Burghfield Common.

Date: 11 – 25 March Time: Thursdays 19.00 - 20.00 Cost: £ 34.00 Students £40.50 Adult

Code: EMHIK048

Water Confidence & Introduction to Kayak Rolling Course (P) Learn water confidence and kayak rolling skills in the luxury of a pool environment on these six-week courses. For PaddlePower Passport/1 star paddlers and above. Based at the Willink Leisure Pool, Burghfield Common.

Dates: Thursdays 16 September – 21 October

Code:ESEKR050 13 January – 17 February 2011

Code: EJAKR049Time: 19.00 -20.00 or 20.00 - 21.00 Cost: £ Students £ Adults

Canoe Polo Sessions (P) At Willink Leisure Pool, Burghfield Common. Members of the Paddlesport teams or members of other local clubs are welcome.

Dates: 11 – 25 March 2010 3 - 10 March 2011Time: Thursdays 20.00 – 21.00 Cost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

Code: EMHSR049

Rolling Top up (P) This course is for those wishing to develop or regain their rolling skills. Participants should have attended a previous rolling course or have prior rolling experience. Willink Leisure Pool.

Date: Thursday evenings 4 - 25 November Time: 20.00 – 21.00Cost: Students £0.00 Adults £0.00

Code: ENORTH0411

Club Paddlers Development (P) Pool based training at Willink Leisure Pool for all paddling club members. During the 3 weeks paddlers will develop skills relevant to their skill level in the warmth of a pool environment.

Dates: 4 – 25 NovemberTime: Thursdays 19.00 – 20.00Cost: Students £0.00 Adults £0.00

Code: ENOMS058

Kayak Rolling & Water Confidence Course Mary Hare School Pool (N) This is an opportunity to build confidence and ability in the comfort and warmth of an indoor swimming pool. Improve those support strokes and learn to roll.

Rolling sessions take place on a Monday evening at Mary Hare Grammar School, Newbury.

Dates: 8 November – 13 DecemberCode: ENOKR051

10 January - 14 February 2011Code: EJAKR052

Time: Mondays 20.00 – 21.00 Cost: Students £0.00 Adults £0.00


Girls Activity Day (N) A fun packed multi-activity day for girls and young women enabling them to try out some of the following activities: open canoeing, archery, mountain biking, mountain boarding, climbing and indoor crafts. Lunch provided. Age 9 -16 years.

Date: Saturday 15 MayTime: 09.00 – 16.15Cost: £15.50

Code: DMYGD065

Night Paddle (P) Celebrate the longest day (well, almost, the actual date is the 21st) with a night paddle. Meet 9.30pm to load and leave for a venue yet to be decided.

Date: Friday/Saturday 18 - 19 JuneCost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

Code: KJESK070

Youth Canoeing Regatta (P) A FUN EVENT - racing in age groups and different boats. Novice to expert. Come along and have a go! Includes the ‘Top School Challenge’

Date: 11 JulyTime: 9.45 am – 4.00 pmCost: £ 0.00 to enter all the races in your age

group.Code: DJEYR066

Crafty Craft Race (N) Every year Newbury Round Table run a Crafty Craft race along the Kennet and Avon Canal, with its associated Fair and Fete in Victoria Park. The adult race starts from Hungerford and the young people’s race starts at Kintbury. Each year the clubs from Adventure Dolphin Newbury put together some rather weird and wonderful crafts and join in the fun!! Hopefully there will be some from Pangbourne this year too!

There are trophies to be won in a number of categories, including best fancy dress and fastest adult and junior craft. Every year we have won at least one!!!!

Contact your club leader for further details.

Date: Bank Holiday Monday 3 May

Pangbourne Marathon (National Hasler Ranking Event) A national marathon race in the Hasler series. Those attending Saturday morning marathon training are encouraged to enter this event. This is a great spectator sport. The Race will be held at Beale Park, Lower Basildon.

Date: Sunday 13 June 2010 (2009/2010) Sunday 19 September 2010 (2010/2011)

Cost & Timings on application

Special Events

Canoeing and kayaking are:- “Assumed risk.” – “water contact sports.”


Day Activities

Kayak or Open Canoe Touring Days (P) Local journeys suitable as qualifying paddles for new BCU 1 or 2 Star or PaddlePower awards.

Dates: Saturday 8 May – Jubilee RiverCode: DMAJO001

Saturday 3 July – Oxford Tour of CollegesCode: DJUJO002

Time: 9.00am-3.00pm approx each will have own timings to be confirmed with joining instructions.

Cost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

Kayak or Open Canoe Touring Days (P) Explore the tidal river through London taking in sights such as the Houses of Parliament and the London Eye on the way. The London bridges look amazing from way down there, the river wider and other craft so much larger. Paddlers should be of BCU PaddlePower Discover / 2 star standard or above unless agreed by the Coach in charge. Open Canoe or Sea Kayak.

Date: Sunday 12 SeptemberCost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

Code: DMYTT059

St Patrick’s Stream Paddle The nearest weekend to St Patrick’s Day, join this fun themed paddle through one of the most picturesque backwaters on the River Thames.

Date: Saturday 20 MarchTime: 10.00 – 15.00 Cost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

Code: DMASPS2003

Surf the Waves (P) Have fun catching the waves, bongo-sliding and doing bottom turns. The venue will be North Devon. Paddlers should be at BCU 2 Star level/Discover or above.

Dates: 17 April Code: DAPSU010 18 July Code: DJYSU001

Cost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

Introduction to Sea Paddling (P) A taster day for those wishing to try a new discipline. Put a sea kayak to the test cutting through the waves, perhaps find a cave or two or an estuary to explore. Only open to Adventure Dolphin members.

Dates: Sunday 20 JuneCost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

Funding has been obtained to allow us to keep the cost of this day as low as possible.

Code: DJUSE0606Fun Day Sponsored Paddle in aid of New Building Fund. Join this fun relay event paddling in Bell Boats, starting at Oxford and getting as far downstream as we can in the day.

Minimum Cost of Day £15.00

This can be paid by yourself or made up from sponsorship. Obviously the more you can raise the better.

Date: Saturday 6 March

Although bookings for most of the day, weekend & week long activities are taken at Pangbourne they are open to club members from both centres &, in many cases, transport will be provided from Newbury as well as Pangbourne.

Canoeing and kayaking are:- “Assumed risk.” – “water contact sports.”

Personal boats & equipment may be used at the discretion of the trip leader. Please note these will not be covered by our insurance.


Weekend Activities / PaddlingSurf Weekend (P) Have fun catching the waves, bongo-sliding and doing bottom turns. The venue will be North Devon. Paddlers should be at BCU 2 Star level or above. Camping or bunkhouse accommodation.

Dates: 18 – 20 September Cost: £72.00 Student £82.00 Adults

Code: KMHSU072

River Wye Descent (P) During 2009 we are attempting a descent of the River Wye. Details below identify the legs planned.

Date: 4 - 5 April Hay – Hereford (Freeride camping trip)

Code: KAPRW0404 2 - 4 May Hereford – Ross

(River Rats/Freeride camping trip)Code: KMARW0205

15 - 16 August Ross – Symmonds Yat (River Rats camping trip)

Code: KAURW1508Cost: On application

An extensive club programme is available to members through the office or on the website. All trips and courses are available to adults as well as young people.

Paddling Clubs A full programme of River Rats, Weir Wolves, Freeride and Progression trips is available from the Centres or on the web-site:

Development Days Working Towards the New BCU 3 &4 Star Awards A programme is available from the Centres.

See website and posters around the Centre for more information

Paddlepower Excel & Explore The Centres will be providing opportunities to sign of the above awards throughout the year.

Please check the web-site or call either Office for details.

Star Awards Assessments Dates (P) Ready for an assessment? Completed all of your training and journeys? Then book yourself a date:

BCU 1or 2 Star – new syllabus or PaddlePowerSunday 17 May 1.30pm – 3.30pmSaturday 13 June 10.30am – 12.30pmSaturday 18 July 10.30am – 12.30pmSunday 20 Sept 1.30pm – 3.30pmCost: £17.50 Students £25.00 Adults

BCU 3 Star Sea – Saturday 5 September – Dorset.BCU 3 Star Open - TBC BCU 3 Star White Water – TBC BCU 4 Star White Water – 5/6 DecemberBCU 4 Star Open Canoe – 7/8 NovemberCost to be confirmed. Contact the Office for details.


School Holiday Programme, Pangbourne

A Taste of Adventure (P) Day courses for young people to experience some of our activities, which could include kayaking, open canoeing, orienteering, camping skills and team games dependent on weather/river conditions. The days are designed for 8 – 13 year olds to introduce them activities in the outdoors. A varied programme is offered during the week giving participants the opportunity of attending on more than one day if required. Lunch is provided.

Dates: 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16 AprilCode: DAPTA093

1, 2, 3 or 4 JuneCode: DMYTA094

21, 22, or 23 July Code: DJYTA095

31 August or 1 SeptemberCode: DAUTA096

Time: 10.00 – 16.00Cost: £ per day including lunch

School Holiday All-Day Courses (P) Join us for a week of fun in the outdoors. The course will cover the BCU PaddlePower scheme in the mornings with an opportunity to try open canoeing, kayaking, orienteering, camp skills and team building in the afternoons with everyone joining the day paddle and BBQ on the last day. (Minimum age 10 years. Only suitable for young people)

Dates: 9 – 13 AugustCode: WP3AD101

16 - 20 AugustCode: WP4AD102

Time: 10.00 - 16.00Cost: £

School Holiday Half-Day Courses (P) Ideal opportunities to try kayaking or open canoeing, or improve your skills in a safe but fun environment. These Monday to Friday courses, suitable for young people and mums and dads, work towards the BCU PaddlePower scheme. It is not always possible to gain an award in one week so other training and trips are recommended. The courses run either in the morning or the afternoon for 4 days with a day paddle on the last day, finishing with a BBQ and Certificate Presentation. Participants should be at least 10 years of age. It is possible that younger participants could be accepted after discussion with Centre staff.

Dates:Week 1: 26 – 30 July Code: WP1HD097Week 2: 2 – 6 August Code: WP2HD098Week 3: 9 - 13 August Code: WP3HD099Week 4: 16 - 20 August Code: WP4HD100Week 5: 23 – 27 August Code: WP5HD101Times: A: 10.00 – 12.30

B: 14.00 – 16.30 Cost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

Please note: All participants should be able to swim 50 metres unless agreed by the Youth Activity

Workers or Programme Co-ordinator in advance


School Holiday Programme, Pangbourne

Multi Activity Day Camps (P) A five-day, action packed, programme for young people that could include activities such as: kayaking, open canoeing, orienteering, climbing, abseiling, mountain boarding, archery, and camp skills. This course includes an overnight camp with 2 nights away. The final day will include a day paddle by canoe, followed by a BBQ. No experience necessary. (Minimum age 13 years).

Dates: 2 - 6 AugustTimes: Monday 10.00-16.00 Tuesday arrive 10.00 return 16.00 on Thursday, Friday 09.00-18.00 Cost: £0.00

Code: WP1MA103

Thames Tour A 4-day canoe/camping exploration of the River Thames. The trip will use open canoes or sea kayaks for the journey taking time to explore various backwaters.

The trip is suitable fore DofE Bronze or Silver Expedition.

Dates:Cost: £0.00 Students £0.00Adults

£0.00 DofE ParticipantsCode: WJUTT

Not Like Skool (P) Two separate days of activity during the half-term holiday. Different activities will take place on each day. Contact the Offices for more details. (Minimum age 12 years with BCU PaddlePower Passport.) Only open to Centre members.

Dates: 25 October – Weir Bash 26 October – Multi-Activity Day

Cost: £0.00 per day Overnight

27/28 October - Moving Water £0.00

Code: KFENL201

Local Activity Day Camp (P) A local, four-day programme which could include some of the following: kayaking, open canoeing, orienteering, archery, swimming, walking, camping skills, plus an overnight camp. The final day will be a mini-expedition by canoe, followed by a BBQ. Minimum age – 10 years.

Date: Mon-Thurs 23 - 26 August Times: 10.00 -16.00 Cost: £0.00 Code: WP5LA105


School Holiday Programme, Newbury

A Taste of Adventure (N) A great opportunity for young people to experience some of the activities we have on offer, which include kayaking, open canoeing, climbing, mountain boarding, archery, team games and cooking on camp stoves. The days are created for 8 – 13 year olds to introduce them to outdoor education. This is always very popular so book early!

Dates: 17 February 7, 9, 14 or 16 April 2 or 4 June 31 August or 1 September 30 October (Halloween theme)

Time: 10.00–16.00Cost: £0.00 per day including lunch We can also offer Taste of Adventure Birthday Parties at Newbury for up to 8 children with party lunch and birthday cake provided for £250.00

School Holiday Half-Day Courses (N) These courses are an ideal opportunity to try kayaking, open canoeing and indoor climbing. These Monday to Friday courses (to Thursday for Climbing) suitable for young people and mums and dads, work towards the BCU PaddlePower scheme on the water or the NICAS award on the climbing wall. It is not always possible to gain the award in one week so other training and trips are recommended. These courses run either in the morning or afternoon for 4 days, for those based on the water the Friday will be a day paddle finishing with a BBQ and certificate presentation. Participants should be at least 10 years of age. It is possible that younger participants could be accepted after discussion with Centre staff.

Paddling Course Dates: Week 1: 26-30 July Week 2: 2–6 August Week 3: 9-13 August Week 4: 16-20 August Week 5: 23-27 August

Times: A: 10.00 – 12.30 B: 14.00 – 16.30

Cost: £0.00 Student £0.00 Adults Climbing Course Dates:

Course 1: 26-29 July Course 2: 2-5 August Course 3: 9-12 August Course 4: 16-19 August Course 5: 23-26 August

Times: A: 11.00 – 13.00 B: 14.00 – 16.00

Cost: £0.00 Student £0.00 Adults

Canoeing and kayaking are:- “Assumed risk.” – “water contact sports.”

Personal boats & equipment may be used at the discretion of the trip leader. Please note these will not be covered by our insurance.


Mini ExpeditionsWinter Week/Cross Country Skiing This expedition is aimed at introducing those with some experience of either hill craft or walking to the potential of exploring an area on skis. On this occasion we will be exploring the Alsace region, France. Minimum age 13 years open to members of all clubs.

This trip is approved as a DofE residential experience for Gold participants.

Dates: 12 – 20 February 2010 or 18 – 26 February 2011 Venue TBC

Cost: £380Code: WFECS121

Club Members’ Week (P) Following on from the success of last year, we are going to run another week. This will be a week of fun, personal challenge and development taking part in a variety of outdoor activity, for example canoeing, kayaking, mountain boarding, archery, climbing, orienteering, artificial white water visit, wide games and team building. There will be an overnight camp on the Tuesday evening. Age range 13-16 years open to members only.

Dates: 16 – 20 AugustCost: £0.00

Code: WAUMW1708

Explore Week This camping week will give an opportunity to explore some of the different disciplines that Paddlesport has to offer, including moving water and paddling on the sea. This trip is suitable for Passport paddlers plus. Minimum age 12 years.

Dates: 9 – 13 AugustCost: £0.00

Code: WAUEX913

Sea Kyaking/Roller Skiing Week Explore the amazing Dorset Jurassic coastline by sea kayak. Passing along this area of outstanding natural beauty we can have fun in the waves exploring inlets, harbours, caves and rocky outcrops, and of course eat lots of ice-cream and possibly a trip to the cinema. We will also give the opportunity to try roller skiing during the week. Suitable for Discover / 2 star paddlers (River Rats, Freeride & Weir Wolves). Minimum age 12 years.

Date: 1 – 6 AugustCost: £0.00

Code: WAUSW0308

Introduction to White Water A chance to introduce 2 star paddlers/PaddlePower Discover (also PaddlePower Passport having used a spraydeck) and above to basic white water skills on a camping expedition in spectacular surroundings on rivers in southern France. Kayak or Open Canoe. The week will finish at an artificial white water site. (River Rats & Weir Wolves)

Date: 20 – 29 AugustCost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

Code: WAUAG126

PLEASE NOTE: All mini expeditions are for members only and the cost includes food, transport, accommodation, equipment hire and instruction unless otherwise stated.


Introduction to Alpine Paddling A chance to take your paddling to a whole new level in the beautiful French Alps. This camping trip will give you the opportunity to receive coaching whilst taking in the scenery and paddling new rivers. You will need to have good basic white water skills and the ability to roll. (Freeride)

Date: 23 July – 1 AugustCost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

Code: WJYIA125

Club Trips Presentation Evening This evening gives the opportunity of joining the participants and staff of the 2010 expeditions when they reminisce and show video footage of their particular trip. It is also the chance to learn of any new initiatives for 2011. Some of the popular trips fill up on this evening so be there, don’t miss out.

(River Rats, Freeride, Weir Wolves & Progression, Verge, Voyageurs, Xodus, Competition & Paddlesport members all welcome).

Date: Sunday 17 October Venue: PangbourneTime: 7.00 – 9.30pm

Code: ENOTP001

Progression Week Scotland or Lake District Date: 23 – 31 OctoberCost: £0.00

Code: WOCWWS2310

Mini Expeditions

Canoeing and kayaking are:- “Assumed risk.” – “water contact sports.”


Land Based Coaching CoursesMountain Biking Mountain Biking is coming back to Adventure Dolphin. We will be running day or half-day rides on off road trails for Beginner to Advanced level. We will also be delivering the CTC’s New Performance Awards early in 2010. If you are interested in getting involved or coming on the first ride, contact the Centre through the office by phone or email.

British Orienteering Teaching Orienteering Part 1 or Part 2 To provide candidates with the knowledge, understanding and practical ability to perform/teach the basic skills of the sport of orienteering and how to deliver it in a fun and exciting way. Part 1 will also include delivery of English National Competition framework for Key Stage 2 & 3 and Part 2 Key Stage 3 & 4 plus activities required for GCSE syllabi. Candidates will be able to demonstrate safe practice in working with groups of beginners on private ‘safe’ enclosed areas such as school sites or outdoor centre grounds.

The courses are aimed at teachers, youth sector workers and those working in outdoor centres. Anyone over the age of 16 may attend but the Orienteering Youth Leader Award, available for 14-19 year olds may be more suitable. These courses are not assessed. Following the training candidates will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Dates: Part 1 –Contact the Centre for details Part 2 – On application

Cost: TBC

Basic Expedition Leader Level 2 Award This course provides a Level 2 National Award through Sports Leaders UK for all with a responsibility for looking after others (particularly

the young out of doors), or those who wish to train others in carrying out different types of camping expeditions; suitable for those who work in youth clubs and DofE units.

Course 1:11 Wednesday eves from 3 February plus 3 weekends: 26 – 28 February, 19 – 21 March, & 16 – 18 April followed by an assessment weekend 25-26 September (separate cost)

Cost: £ 350 (funding may be available through D of E, Schools or Youth Service)

Code: KJFBE134Note: For certification a current First Aid qualification is required. Please note that a similar course will commence in 2011, dates and costs to be confirmed.


Land Based Coaching Courses

Rec First Aid Course Suitable for outdoor instructors and enthusiasts. Acceptable for qualifications with MLTE, BCU, BASI, SNSC, ESC, RYA and other sports national governing bodies. The course is applicable to the outdoor environment. Previous first aid experience required.

This 16 hour course is intended to give as much knowledge and practical experience as possible. You learn the principles of first aid, moving on to basic life

support in an easy and logical manner followed by common medical emergencies, wounds, bleeding and shock, in the classroom and all backed up by a practical session. Then practical sessions outdoors reinforce the inside work. The second day starts with fractures, followed by the effects of heat and cold. The afternoon is then spent with lifting and handling casualties followed by various scenarios

for the mountains and outdoors as applicable.

Dates: 27 - 28 March or Code: KMAFA131 8 - 9 May Code: KAPFA132Cost: £0.00

Mountain Experience For those wishing to gain mountain experience towards Mountain Leader or Walking Group Leader awards or those with the BEL qualification who wish to extend their knowledge and experience.

A. Hill Walking Day walks, good general fitness and a good pair of boots. Opportunities to practise navigation skills. – Brecon / Dartmoor

B. Skills training, steeper terrain. Good general fitness (walking carrying a rucksack).

C. Hill Walking Weekends – North Wales / Lake District Backpacking – high, wild camp Scrambling Snowdon Horseshoe Welsh 3000s

Dates: 19 – 21 March 14 – 16 May 24 – 26 September

Other opportunities may be available – please check the website or contact the Centre for details.


Water Based CoachingBCU - UKCC Level 1 Certificate in Coaching Paddlesport (P) This is the first level course for people wishing to become a paddlesport coach. The course covers all elements of the syllabus excluding the foundation safety and rescue test. Students being on the course will leave able to operate under direct supervision or under remote supervision depending on experience and aptitude.

Prerequisites: 2 star award (old 2 star kayak AND 2 star canoe acceptable) & foundation safety and rescue for boat based award. Students MUST register with the BCU and complete parts of the coach level 1 workbook that they will receive prior to the course. Minimum 16 years of age.

Date: 24 - 25 April & 22 - 23 MayCode: KOC1TJU0

3 - 4 & 24 - 25 JulyCode: KOC2TJY0

Time: Saturday 9am-6pm & Sunday 9am-5 pm Cost: £0.00

BCU - UKCC Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Paddlesport Training (P) (Boat based) This is a 4 day training course for the second level certificate in coaching paddlesport. The course is for people who may be working independently. This is a non-discipline specific course and students will learn the skills to teach in both canoe and kayak, a good standard of personal performance in both craft is required. For those candidates holding the prerequisites and who have registered with the BCU .The course will cover observation, analysis and implementation techniques plus experimentation of new coaching styles/boats.

Prerequisites: Minimum age 17 years. Have completed a L1 (or old L2 training course) within the past 3 years. BCU CST or FS&R, new 2 star or old 2 star Canoe and Kayak. Six hour first aid

certificate and CRB.

Date: 2 - 3 & 16 - 17 OctoberTime: Saturday 9am-6pm – Sunday 9am-5pmCost: £0.00

Code: KOC2T112

BCU Foundation Safety & Rescue Course The course will provide the key safety & rescue skills required to operate safely and deal with common emergencies, ensuring safety of themselves & others. It will also provide the appropriate rescue skills to be used to help themselves &/or others in difficulties.

Prerequisites: 2 star (old 2 star CN & K), swim in normal clothing suitable to prevailing conditions. Minimum age 14 years. Holding of a first aid certificate is strongly recommended.

Dates: Sunday 18 April Code: DMHCS091

or Saturday 4 SeptemberCode: DSPCS092

Cost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults


8 Hour First Aid Course, Primarily BCU Aquatic (P) This course provides basic knowledge and skills required to administer First Aid. The award is valid for 3 years and is a First Aid Certificate requirement for BCU Level 1 & 2 Coaching awards. (Levels 3-5 require a 16 hour certificate).

Dates: Sunday 7 March based at PangbourneTime: 9.00am – 5.30pm

Code: DMHAF089 or Sunday 5 September based at NewburyTime: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm

Code: DSPAF090Cost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

(includes book and certificate)

BCU - UKCC Level2 Assessment If successful, this one-day assessment leads to certification as a Level 2 coach in paddlesports. Candidates must present a completed workbook at assessment and complete the practical components of the assessment.

Prerequisites: Hold a valid first aid certificate, Hold 3 star in main discipline and demonstrate 3 star competency in an alternative. Be 18 years of age or over. Have completed Level 2 training, completed 20 hours of relevant coaching experience, Criminal Records Bureau check (contact BCU), child protection training, assessment tasks in assessment pack and professional development modules.

Dates: Saturday 10 JulyTime: 9.00am – 5.00pmCost: £80.00

Code: DJYA0115

BCU Bell Boat Helm This award is specifically aimed at teachers to enable them to take young people on the water. A teacher with no previous paddling skills can qualify as a helm after a 2 day course (this includes 4 hours first aid). Courses are available through the Coaching for Teachers scheme.

For existing Placid Water Awards holders a one day ‘Helm’ course or modular equivalent covers aspects of the course specific to the Bellboat.

To qualify the candidate must: 1 Have a basic knowledge of first aid and resuscitation 2 Must have a working knowledge of safety and rescue using the Bellboat 3 Must be over eighteen years of age (Candidates may attend the course when over sixteen and be called Trainee Helms) 4 Must be competent in the practical assessment 5 Be a member of the BCU or National Association, or pay the Registration fee for the first year.

Bell Boat Helms must join as a Basic member (minimum) in subsequent years. Membership includes Family and Youth categories. Also ‘Junior Club’ membership which includes full individual membership rights for the named leader within the fee paid by the Junior club.Date: Time: Cost: £0.00 Students £0.00 Adults

Code: DMYBB109

Water Based Coaching

Courses Specific to Teachers


Other Courses AvailableOutdoor Managment DevelopmentADVENTURE DOLPHIN has experience in designing and implementing highly successful outdoor management development programmes. Prior to any work with your company, Adventure Dolphin will ascertain your programme needs through focused discussion. Subsequently, we will design and deliver a programme that meets your specification. Adventure Dolphin programmes are challenging and thought provoking, and our training teams are supportive and encourage achievable results, which are easily transferred into the workplace. The outdoor activities we use range from practical problem solving exercises through to team project work. These activities are to a balance and level that is appropriate to the people in your organisation.

Team BuildingCompanies are rapidly recognising the role of effective teamwork as a key to future success. Adventure Dolphin can design team-building programmes for your organisation to maximise the success of teams working within a variety of different environments.

Team performance is developed through practice and reviewed sessions leading to enhanced commitment.

LeadershipThe ability to be successful, to meet the challenge of high performance in a constantly pressurised environment is central to effective leadership. Adventure Dolphin will create a powerful vehicle for the development of key management skills essential for any leader to be successful in an organisation. By guiding and encouraging your leaders to develop their coaching and nurturing skills, we will help release the true leadership potential of your organisation.

Personal DevelopmentPersonal development is one of the most fundamental steps which leads to improved individual performance and ultimate business growth. Adventure Dolphin creates a continual flow of opportunities for personal growth during its personal development programme. By improving confidence and skill levels, Adventure Dolphin improves self-esteem, which can be transferred effectively back into a working environment.

Specific skill based training such as water safety & rescue or hospitality days can also be arranged – Price on application

A range of courses for schools are available please contact us for more details.

Terms & Conditions1. Regulations1.1 It is Adventure Dolphin’s policy to operate

courses using well-maintained equipment and nationally qualified, experienced staff.

1.2 Decisions taken by the coach/leader in charge of each activity course are final.

1.3 For waterbased courses participants must be water confident and must wear approved buoyancy aids, which the Centre provides. Suitable footwear must be worn at all times on or off the water. Hat/sunglasses are also recommended.

1.4 INSURANCE: Limited third party or personal accident cover is provided but participants own equipment is not insured at any time.

1.5 Adventure Dolphin strongly advises that no items of value be brought along to activities due to the danger of loss or theft. Management takes no responsibility for any valuables or personal belongings damaged or lost whilst involved with Adventure Dolphin activities.

2. Fees2.1 A place can only be reserved on receipt of a

completed booking form and a non-returnable deposit of 20% of course fee. All brochured course fees are exempt of VAT. VAT at 17.5% is levied on all Management Training Courses.

2.2 The balance of the fee is payable FOUR WEEKS before the start of the course. Failure to pay the balance at this stage may result in cancellation of the booking and loss of the deposit. Payment is acceptable by cheque by post or by cash in person to the office (Mon-Fri 9.30am-3.00pm or by other arrangement with the Office)

2.3 The WHOLE course fee is required to reserve a place for any booking made within SIX WEEKS of the start of the course.

3. Cancellation by Client3.1 All cancellations must be in writing.3.2 Cancellation up to EIGHT WEEKS before the

start of the course incurs loss of deposit only.3.3 If less than EIGHT WEEKS notice of

cancellation is given, after payment of the balance of the course fee, then 80% of the total fee will be retained.

3.4 Cancellation within the final TWO WEEKS before the start of the course will result in forfeit of 100% of the total fee.

3.5 Should cancellation take place once full payment has been made, Adventure Dolphin will attempt to re-sell the place. If this is possible the client will receive a full refund less a £17.00 administration cost. If cancellation is due to a medical condition a claim can be made on our insurance policy upon receipt of a doctor’s certificate, however, a £100 excess applies.

3.6 All course bookings are non-transferable. Any transfers that may be made under exceptional circumstances only, are wholly at the discretion of the Programme Manager

4. Cancellation by Adventure Dolphin

4.1 Whilst every attempt is made to ensure that advertised courses actually run, Adventure Dolphin reserves the right to cancel at any time where numbers fail to reach a workable minimum. In the event of this clients will be offered the following options: either full refund of fees or the same course on a different date.

Note: “Canoeing & Kayaking are “Assumed risk.” – “water contact sports.” that may carry attendant risks.” Participants should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own action and involvement”. (British Canoe Union directive)


LocationsDirections to Adventure Dolphin, Pangbourne’s temporary venue and offices. (Beale Park)From 20 April 2009 - Summer 2010 Pangbourne is 8km from the M4 interchange, Junction 12. Take the A4 from here towards Newbury, at second roundabout bear right, follow signs for Beale Park. Proceed along the A340, pass through Tidmarsh and enter Pangbourne. At mini roundabout continue ahead, pass under the railway bridge and Pangbourne College boat-house. You will find Beale Park on the right-hand side in approx 1.5km. Proceed to car park then to the left of the main gates to the Park.

Directions for Adventure Dolphin, NewburyFrom A4/A339 ‘Robin Hood’ roundabout follow signs for Town Centre. Take 2nd turn left at the mini-roundabout into Park Way. Follow road to bottom and turn right into Camp Hobson Car Park. Drive through the car park and through the gates at the bottom; follow round left to Waterside Youth & Community Centre.Alternatively use Northbrook Street entrance (3rd left from the A4/A339). Follow the road to just before the traffic lights at the bridge over the canal. Turn left immediately after Boots the Chemist through a narrow arch. The Centre is straight infront of you.

Directions for Adventure Dolphin, HungerfordTurn right going south through the Town Centre on Salisbury road. Take the right-hand turn just after going under the Railway Bridge. Take the first turn right into The Croft. Follow to the left towards the church. The entrance is infront of you (Croft Field).


ADVENTURE DOLPHIN Membership Charges (April 2010 – March 2011)

Students/ Young people £5.50 per year + £2.00 per session Some shorter sessions may be at a different sessional rate. These are identified next to the relevant information under club programmes.Adults £27.00 per year + £3.00 per sessionFamily Members £53.50 per year + appropriate sessional charge.

Visitors are welcome at the following costs: Students/ Young people £4.00 per sessionAdults £7.50 per session

Membership allows access to programmes/activities at all three venues Membership cards will need to be shown at each session


Since the recent restructuring of the Youth Service the Youth Activity Team now operates as one entity across the whole of West Berkshire.

Existing and new programmes will continue at each Centre and are now available across all three venues through one single membership payment.

Bookings for each activity should be made at the Centre where the activity will take place. Hungerford bookings will be taken through the Newbury office.

Adventure Dolphin, Pangbourne Dolphin House, Whitchurch Road

Pangbourne, Reading

Berkshire, RG8 7DATel: 0118 9843162 Fax: 01189 841055


Adventure Dolphin, Newbury Waterside Centre

Northbrook Street, Newbury

Berkshire, RG14 1DS Tel: 01635 41269 / 524599


‘West Berkshire Council is committed to equality of opportunity. We will treat everyone with respect regardless of race, disability, gender, age, religion or sexual orientation. If you require this information in a different format, such as audio tape, or in another language, please

ask an English speaker to contact a Centre.31

Youth Activity Team

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