
Post on 30-Oct-2014






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Meaning Objective & function Important & benefits Various types of media or advertising List of Ethical & Legal Issues When Advertising

MEANING Advertising is a complex process of employing various media to sell a product or service. Advertising is any kind of media used to inform people about an idea, product, or service. An example of an advertisement would be television commercials. Advertising is nothing but a paid form of non-personal presentation or promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor with a view to disseminate information concerning an idea, product or service. The message which is presented or disseminated is called advertisement. In the present day marketing activities hardly is there any business in the modern world which does not advertise. However, the form of advertisement differs from business to business. Advertising simply put is telling and selling the product. Advertising Management though is a complex process of employing various media to sell a product or service. This process begins quite early from the marketing research and encompasses the media campaigns that help sell the product. Without an effective advertising management process in place, the media campaigns are not that fruitful and the whole marketing process goes for a toss. Hence, companies that believe in an effective advertising management process are always a step ahead in terms of selling their goods and services. Essentially advertising means spreading of information about the characteristics of the product to the prospective customers with a view to sell the product or increase the sale volume.

Definition Advertisement has been defined differently by different persons. A few definitions are being reproduced below:

According to Wood, "Advertising is causing to know to remember, to do."

According to Wheeler, "Advertising is any form of paid non-personal presentation of ideas, goods or services for the purpose of inducting people to buy."

According to Richard Buskirk, "Advertising is a paid form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor."

According to William J. Stanton, "Advertising consists of all the activities involves in presenting to a group, a non-personal, oral or visual, openly sponsored message regarding disseminated through one or more media and is paid for by an identified sponsor."

The main features of advertise are as under:

It is directed towards increasing the sales of business. Advertising is a paid form of publicity It is non-personal. They are directed at a mass audience and nor at the

individual as is in the case of personal selling. Advertisements are identifiable with their sponsor of originator which is not

always the case with publicity or propaganda.

Objective / Functions of advertising

The purpose of advertising is nothing but to sell something -a product, a service or an idea. The real objective of advertising is effective communication between producers and consumers. The following are the main objectives of advertising:

Preparing Ground for New Product

New product needs introduction because potential customers have never used such product earlier and the advertisement prepares a ground for that new product.

Creation of Demand

The main objective of the advertisement is to create a favorable climate for maintaining of improving sales. Customers are to be reminded about the product and the brand. It may induce new customers to buy the product by informing them its qualities since it is possible that some of the customers may change their brands.

Facing the Competition

Another important objective of the advertisement is to face to competition. Under competitive conditions, advertisement helps to build up brand image and brand loyalty and when customers have developed brand loyalty, becomes difficult for the middlemen to change it.

Creating or Enhancing Goodwill

Large scale advertising is often undertaken with the objective of creating or enhancing the goodwill of the advertising company. This, in turn, increases the market receptiveness of the company's product and helps the salesmen to win customers easily.

Informing the Changes to the Customers

Whenever changes are made in the prices, channels of distribution or in the product by way of any improvement in quality, size, weight, brand, packing, etc., they must be informed to the public by the producer through advertisement.

Neutralizing Competitor's Advertising

Advertising is unavoidable to complete with or neutralize competitor's advertising. When competitors are adopting intensive advertising as their promotional strategy, it is reasonable to follow similar practices to neutralize their effects. In such cases, it is essential for the manufacturer to create a different image of his product.

Barring New Entrants

From the advertiser's point of view, a strongly built image through long advertising helps to keep new entrants away. The advertisement builds up a certain monopoly are for the product in which new entrants find it difficult to enter.

In short, advertising aims at benefiting the producer, educating the consumer and supplementing the salesmen. Above all it is a link between the producer and the consumer.

Benefits or Importance of Advertisement

Advertising broadens the knowledge of the consumers. With the aid of advertising, consumers find and buy necessary products without much waste of time. This speeds up the sales of commodities, increases the efficiency of labor in distribution, and diminishes the costs of selling. It is an accepted fact that without market stimulus of heavy advertising, consumers might have waited another sixty years for the product evaluation that took place in less than ten years - it took after all over sixty years from the invention of the safety razor before the first acceptable stainless steel blades appeared in the market. These words are more than enough to testify the potentialities of advertising in the field of modern marketing system. The main benefits of advertising may be narrated as follows:

Benefits to Manufacturers

It increases sales volume by creating attraction towards the product. It helps easy introduction of new products into the markets by the same

manufacturer. It helps to create an image and reputation not only of the products but also of

the producer or advertiser. In this way, it creates goodwill for the manufacturer.

Retail price, maintenance is also possible by advertising where price appeal is the promotional strategy.

It helps to establish a direct contact between manufacturers and consumers. It leads to smoothen the demand of the product. It saves the product from

seasonal fluctuations by discovering new and new usage of the product. It creates a highly responsive market and thereby quickens the turnover that

results in lower inventory.





Selling cost per unit is reduced because of increased sale volume. Consequently, product overheads are also reduced due to mass production and sale.

Advertising gives the employees a feeling of pride in their jobs and to be in the service of such a concern of repute. It, thus inspires the executives and worker to improve their efficiency.

Advertising is necessary to meet the competition in the market and to survive.

Benefits to Wholesalers and Retailers

Easy sale of the products is possible since consumers are aware of the product and its quality.

It increases the rate of the turn-over of the stock because demand is already created by advertisement.

It supplements the selling activities. The reputation created is shared by the wholesalers and retailers alike

because they need not spend anything for the advertising of already a well advertised product.

It ensures more economical selling because selling overheads are reduced. It enables them to have product information.

Benefits to Consumers

Advertising stresses quality and very often prices. This forms an indirect guarantee to the consumers of the quality and price. Further large scale production assumed by advertising enables the seller to seller product at a lower cost.

Advertising helps in eliminating the middlemen by establishing direct contacts between producers and consumers. It results in cheaper goods.

It helps them to know where and when the products are available. This reduces their shopping time.

It provides an opportunity to the customers to compare the merits and demerits of various substitute products.

This is perhaps the only medium through which consumers could know the varied and new uses of the product.

Modern advertisements are highly informative.

Benefits to Salesmen

Salesmanship is incomplete without advertising. Advertising serves as the forerunner of a salesman in the distribution of goods. Sales are benefited the advertisement in following ways:

Introducing the product becomes quite easy and convenient because manufacturer has already advertised the goods informing the consumers about the product and its quality.

Advertising prepares necessary ground for a salesman to begin his work effectively. Hence sales efforts are reduced.

The contact established with the customer by a salesman is made permanent through effective advertising because a customer is assumed of the quality and price of the product.

The salesman can weigh the effectiveness of advertising when he makes direct contact with the consumers.

Benefits to Community or Society

Advertising, in general, is educative in nature. In the words of the late President Roosevelt of the U.S.A., "Advertising brings to the greatest number of people actual knowledge concerning useful things: it is essentially a form of education and the progress of civilization depends on education."

Advertising leads to a large-scale production creating more employment opportunities to the public in various jobs directly or indirectly.

It initiates a process of creating more wants and their satisfaction higher standard of living. For example, advertising has made more popular and universal the uses of such inventions as the automobiles, radios, and various household appliances.

Newspapers would not have become so popular and so cheap if there had been no advertisements. The cheap production of newspapers is possible only through the publication of advertisements in them. It sustains the press.

It assures employment opportunities for the professional men and artist. Advertising does provide a glimpse of a country's way of life. It is, in fact, a

running commentary on the way of living and the behavior of the people and is also an indicator of some of the future in this regard.

Types of advertisingVirtually any medium can be used for advertising. Commercial advertising media can include wall paintings, billboards, street furniture components, printed flyers and rack cards, radio, cinema and television adverts, web banners, mobile telephone screens, shopping carts, web popups, skywriting, bus stop benches, human billboards, magazines, newspapers, town criers, sides of buses, banners attached to or sides of airplanes ("logo jets"), in-flight advertisements on seatback tray tables or overhead storage bins, taxicab doors, roof mounts and passenger screens, musical stage shows, subway platforms and trains, elastic bands on disposable diapers, doors of bathroom stalls, stickers on apples in supermarkets, shopping cart handles (grabertising), the opening section of streaming audio and video, posters, and the backs of event tickets and supermarket receipts. Any place an "identified" sponsor pays to deliver their message through a medium is advertising.

Television advertising / Music in advertising

The TV commercial is generally considered the most effective mass-market advertising format, as is reflected by the high prices TV networks charge for commercial airtime during popular TV events. Some television commercials feature a song or jingle that listeners soon relate to the product. Virtual advertisements may be inserted into regular television programming through computer graphics. It is typically inserted into otherwise blank backdrops or used to replace local billboards that are not relevant to the remote broadcast audience. More controversially, virtual billboards may be inserted into the background where none exist in real-life. This technique is especially used in televised sporting events. Virtual product placement is also possible.


An infomercial is a long-format television commercial, typically five minutes or longer. The word "infomercial" is a portmanteau of the words "information" & "commercial". The main objective in an infomercial is to create an impulse purchase, so that the consumer sees the presentation and then immediately buys the product through the advertised toll-free telephone number or website. Infomercials describe, display, and often demonstrate products and their features, and commonly have testimonials from consumers and industry professionals.

Radio advertising

Radio advertising is a form of advertising via the medium of radio. Radio advertisements are broadcast as radio waves to the air from a transmitter to an antenna and a thus to a receiving device. Airtime is purchased from a station or network in exchange for airing the commercials. While radio has the limitation of being restricted to sound, proponents of radio advertising often cite this as an advantage. Radio is an expanding medium that can be found not only on air, but also online.

Online advertising

Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web for the expressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract customers. Online ads are delivered by an ad server. Examples of online advertising include contextual ads that appear on search engine results pages, banner ads, in text ads, Rich Media Ads, Social network advertising, online classified advertising, advertising networks and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam.

Product placements

Covert advertising, also known as guerrilla advertising, is when a product or brand is embedded in entertainment and media. For example, in a film, the main character can use an item or other of a definite brand, as in the movie Minority Report, where Tom Cruise's character John Anderton owns a phone with the Nokia logo clearly written in the top corner, or his watch engraved with the Bulgari logo. Another example of advertising in film is in I, Robot, where main character played by Will Smith mentions his Converse shoes several times, calling them "classics," because the film is set far in the future. I, Robot and Spaceballs also showcase futuristic cars with the Audi

and Mercedes-Benz logos clearly displayed on the front of the vehicles. Cadillac chose to advertise in the movie The Matrix Reloaded, which as a result contained many scenes in which Cadillac cars were used. Similarly, product placement for Omega Watches, Ford, VAIO, BMW and Aston Martin cars are featured in recent James Bond films, most notably Casino Royale. In "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer", the main transport vehicle shows a large Dodge logo on the front. Blade Runner includes some of the most obvious product placement; the whole film stops to show a Coca-Cola billboard.

Press advertising

Press advertising describes advertising in a printed medium such as a newspaper, magazine, or trade journal. This encompasses everything from media with a very broad readership base, such as a major national newspaper or magazine, to more narrowly targeted media such as local newspapers and trade journals on very specialized topics. A form of press advertising is classified advertising, which allows private individuals or companies to purchase a small, narrowly targeted ad for a low fee advertising a product or service. Another form of press advertising is the Display Ad, which is a larger ad (can include art) that typically run in an article section of a newspaper.

Billboard advertising

Billboards are large structures located in public places which display advertisements to passing pedestrians and motorists. Most often, they are located on main roads with a large amount of passing motor and pedestrian traffic; however, they can be placed in any location with large amounts of viewers, such as on mass transit vehicles and in stations, in shopping malls or office buildings, and in stadiums.

Mobile billboard advertising

Mobile billboards are generally vehicle mounted billboards or digital screens. These can be on dedicated vehicles built solely for carrying advertisements along routes preselected by clients, they can also be specially equipped cargo trucks or, in some cases, large banners strewn from planes. The billboards are often lighted; some being backlit, and others employing spotlights. Some billboard displays are static, while others change; for example, continuously or periodically rotating among a set of

advertisements. Mobile displays are used for various situations in metropolitan areas throughout the world, including: Target advertising, One-day, and long-term campaigns, Conventions, Sporting events, Store openings and similar promotional events, and Big advertisements from smaller companies.

In-store advertising

In-store advertising is any advertisement placed in a retail store. It includes placement of a product in visible locations in a store, such as at eye level, at the ends of aisles and near checkout counters (aka POP—Point Of Purchase display), eye-catching displays promoting a specific product, and advertisements in such places as shopping carts and in-store video displays.

Coffee cup advertisingCoffee cup advertising is any advertisement placed upon a coffee cup that is distributed out of an office, café, or drive-through coffee shop. This form of advertising was first popularized in Australia, and has begun growing in popularity in the United States, India, and parts of the Middle East.[citation needed]

Street advertisingThis type of advertising first came to prominence in the UK by Street Advertising Services to create outdoor advertising on street furniture and pavements. Working with products such as Reverse Graffiti, air dancer's and 3D pavement advertising, the media became an affordable and effective tool for getting brand messages out into public spaces.[citation needed]

Sheltered Outdoor AdvertisingThis type of advertising opens the possibility of combining outdoor with indoor advertisement by placing large mobile, structures (tents) in public places on temporary bases. The large outer advertising space exerts a strong pull on the observer, the product is promoted indoor, where the creative decor can intensify the impression.

Celebrity brandingThis type of advertising focuses upon using celebrity power, fame, money, popularity to gain recognition for their products and promote specific stores or products. Advertisers often advertise their products, for example, when celebrities share their favorite products or wear clothes by specific brands or designers. Celebrities are often involved in advertising campaigns such as television or print adverts to advertise specific or general products. The use

of celebrities to endorse a brand can have its downsides, however. One mistake by a celebrity can be detrimental to the public relations of a brand. For example, following his performance of eight gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, swimmer Michael Phelps' contract with Kellogg's was terminated, as Kellogg's did not want to associate with him after he was photographed smoking marijuana. Celebrities such as Britney Spears have advertised for multiple products including Pepsi, Candies from Kohl's, Twister, NASCAR, Toyota and many more.

Sales promotions

Sales promotions are another way to advertise. Sales promotions are double purposed because they are used to gather information about what type of customers you draw in and where they are, and to jumpstart sales. Sales promotions include things like contests and games, sweepstakes, product giveaways, samples coupons, loyalty programs, and discounts. The ultimate goal of sales promotions is to stimulate potential customers to action.[25]

Media and advertising approaches

This section may contain original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding references. Statements consisting only of original research may be removed. (April 2012) This section needs additional citations for verification. (April 2012)

Increasingly, other media are overtaking many of the "traditional" media such as television, radio and newspaper because of a shift toward consumer's usage of the Internet for news and music as well as devices like digital video recorders (DVRs) such as TiVo.[26]

Digital signage is poised to become a major mass media because of its ability to reach larger audiences for less money. Digital signage also offers the unique ability to see the target audience where they are reached by the medium. Technological advances have also made it possible to control the message on digital signage with much precision, enabling the messages to be relevant to the target audience at any given time and location which in turn, gets more response from the advertising. Digital signage is being successfully employed in supermarkets. Another successful use of digital signage is in hospitality locations such as restaurants. And malls.

Advertising on the World Wide Web is a recent phenomenon. Prices of Web-based advertising space are dependent on the "relevance" of the surrounding web content and the traffic that the website receives.

Reasons for online display advertising: Display ads generate awareness quickly. Unlike search, which requires someone to be aware of a need, display advertising can drive awareness of something new and without previous knowledge. Display works well for direct response. Display is not only used for generating awareness, it’s used for direct response campaigns that link to a landing page with a clear ‘call to action’.

E-mail advertising is another recent phenomenon. Unsolicited bulk E-mail advertising is known as "e-mail spam". Spam has been a problem for e-mail users for many years.

A new form of advertising that is growing rapidly is social network advertising. It is online advertising with a focus on social networking sites. This is a relatively immature market, but it has shown a lot of promise as advertisers is able to take advantage of the demographic information the user has provided to the social networking site. Friendertising is a more precise advertising term in which people are able to direct advertisements toward others directly using social network service.

As the mobile phone became a new mass media in 1998 when the first paid downloadable content appeared on mobile phones in Finland, it was only a matter of time until mobile advertising followed, also first launched in Finland in 2000. By 2007 the value of mobile advertising had reached $2.2 billion and providers such as Admob delivered billions of mobile ads.[citation needed]

More advanced mobile ads include banner ads, coupons, Multimedia Messaging Service picture and video messages, advergames and various engagement marketing campaigns. A particular feature driving mobile ads is the 2D Barcode, which replaces the need to do any typing of web addresses, and uses the camera feature of modern phones to gain immediate access to web content. 83 percent of Japanese mobile phone users already are active users of 2D barcodes

Some companies have proposed placing messages or corporate logos on the side of booster rockets and the International Space Station

Unpaid advertising (also called "publicity advertising"), can provide good exposure at minimal cost. Personal recommendations ("bring a friend", "sell it"), spreading

buzz, or achieving the feat of equating a brand with a common noun (in the United States, "Xerox" = "photocopier", "Kleenex" = tissue, "Vaseline" = petroleum jelly, "Hoover" = vacuum cleaner, and "Band-Aid" = adhesive bandage) — these can be seen as the pinnacle of any advertising campaign. However, some companies oppose the use of their brand name to label an object. Equating a brand with a common noun also risks turning that brand into a generic zed trademark - turning it into a generic term which means that its legal protection as a trademark is lost.

From time to time, The CW Television Network airs short programming breaks called "Content Wraps," to advertise one company's product during an entire commercial break. The CW pioneered "content wraps" and some products featured were Herbal Essences, Crest, Guitar Hero II, Cover Girl, and recently Toyota.

Recently, there appeared a new promotion concept, "ARvertising", advertising on Augmented Reality technology Controversy exists on the effectiveness of subliminal advertising (see mind control), and the pervasiveness of mass messages (see propaganda

Rise in new media

US Newspaper Advertising RevenueNewspaper Association of America published data [30]

With the Internet came many new advertising opportunities. Popup, Flash, banner, Pounder, advergaming, and email advertisements (all of which are often unwanted or spam in the case of email) are now commonplace. Particularly since the rise of "entertaining" advertising, some people may like an advertisement enough to wish to watch it later or show a friend. In general, the advertising community has not yet made this easy, although some have used the Internet to widely distribute their ads

to anyone willing to see or hear them. In the last three quarters of 2009 mobile and internet advertising grew by 18.1% and 9.2% respectively. Older media advertising saw declines: −10.1% (TV), −11.7% (radio), −14.8% (magazines) and −18.7% (newspapers).

Niche marketing

Another significant trend regarding future of advertising is the growing importance of the niche market using niche or targeted ads. Also brought about by the Internet and the theory of The Long Tail, advertisers will have an increasing ability to reach specific audiences. In the past, the most efficient way to deliver a message was to blanket the largest mass market audience possible. However, usage tracking, customer profiles and the growing popularity of niche content brought about by everything from blogs to social networking sites, provide advertisers with audiences that are smaller but much better defined, leading to ads that are more relevant to viewers and more effective for companies' marketing products. Among others, Comcast Spotlight is one such advertiser employing this method in their video on demand menus. These advertisements are targeted to a specific group and can be viewed by anyone wishing to find out more about a particular business or practice at any time, right from their home. This causes the viewer to become proactive and actually choose what advertisements they want to view.[31]

Crowd sourcing

Main article: Crowd sourcing

The concept of crowd sourcing has given way to the trend of user-generated advertisements. User-generated ads are created by consumers as opposed to an advertising agency or the company themselves, most often they are a result of brand sponsored advertising competitions. For the 2007 Super Bowl, the Frito-Lays division of PepsiCo held the Crash the Super Bowl contest, allowing consumers to create their own Doritos commercial.[32] Chevrolet held a similar competition for their Tahoe line of SUVs.[32] Due to the success of the Doritos user-generated ads in the 2007 Super Bowl, Frito-Lays relaunched the competition for the 2009 and 2010 Super Bowl. The resulting ads were among the most-watched and most-liked Super Bowl ads. In fact, the winning ad that aired in the 2009 Super Bowl was ranked by the USA Today Super Bowl Ad Meter as the top

ad for the year while the winning ads that aired in the 2010 Super Bowl were found by Nielsen's BuzzMetrics to be the "most buzzed-about".[33][34]

This trend has given rise to several online platforms that host user-generated advertising competitions on behalf of a company. Founded in 2007, Zooppa has launched ad competitions for brands such as Google, Nike, Hershey's, General Mills, Microsoft, NBC Universal, Zinio, and Mini Cooper. Crowdsourced advertisements have gained popularity in part to its cost effective nature, high consumer engagement, and ability to generate word-of-mouth. However, it remains controversial, as the long-term impact on the advertising industry is still unclear.[35]

Global advertising

Advertising has gone through five major stages of development: domestic, export, international, multi-national, and global. For global advertisers, there are four, potentially competing, business objectives that must be balanced when developing worldwide advertising: building a brand while speaking with one voice, developing economies of scale in the creative process, maximising local effectiveness of ads, and increasing the company’s speed of implementation. Born from the evolutionary stages of global marketing are the three primary and fundamentally different approaches to the development of global advertising executions: exporting executions, producing local executions, and importing ideas that travel.[36]

Advertising research is key to determining the success of an ad in any country or region. The ability to identify which elements and/or moments of an ad contribute to its success is how economies of scale are maximized. Once one knows what works in an ad, that idea or ideas can be imported by any other market. Market research measures, such as Flow of Attention, Flow of Emotion and branding moments provide insight into what is working in an ad in any country or region because the measures are based on the visual, not verbal, elements of the ad.[37]

Foreign public messaging

See also: Soft Power and International Tourism Advertising

Foreign governments, particularly those that own marketable commercial products or services, often promote their interests and positions through the advertising of those goods because the target audience is not only largely unaware of the forum as a vehicle for foreign messaging but also willing to receive the message while in a mental state of absorbing information from advertisements during television

commercial breaks, while reading a periodical, or while passing by billboards in public spaces. A prime example of this messaging technique is advertising campaigns to promote international travel. While advertising foreign destinations and services may stem from the typical goal of increasing revenue by drawing more tourism, some travel campaigns carry the additional or alternative intended purpose of promoting good sentiments or improving existing ones among the target audience towards a given nation or region. It is common for advertising promoting foreign countries to be produced and distributed by the tourism ministries of those countries, so these ads often carry political statements and/or depictions of the foreign government's desired international public perception. Additionally, a wide range of foreign airlines and travel-related services which advertise separately from the destinations, themselves, are owned by their respective governments; examples include, though are not limited to, the Emirates airline (Dubai), Singapore Airlines (Singapore), Qatar Airways (Qatar), China Airlines (Taiwan/Republic of China), and Air China (People's Republic of China). By depicting their destinations, airlines, and other services in a favorable and pleasant light, countries market themselves to populations abroad in a manner that could mitigate prior public impressions


In the realm of advertising agencies, continued industry diversification has seen observers note that “big global clients don't need big global agencies any more”.[38] This is reflected by the growth of non-traditional agencies in various global markets, such as Canadian business TAXI and SMART in Australia and has been referred to as "a revolution in the ad world".[39]

New technology

The ability to record shows on digital video recorders (such as TiVo) allow users to record the programs for later viewing, enabling them to fast forward through commercials. Additionally, as more seasons of pre-recorded box sets are offered for sale of television programs; fewer people watch the shows on TV. However, the fact that these sets are sold, means the company will receive additional profits from the sales of these sets.

To counter this effect, a variety of strategies have been employed. Many advertisers have opted for product placement on TV shows like Survivor. Other strategies include integrating advertising with internet-connected EPGs, advertising on companion devices (like smartphones and tablets) during the show,

and creating TV apps. Additionally, some like brands have opted for social television sponsorship.[citation needed]

Advertising education

Advertising education has become widely popular with bachelor, master and doctorate degrees becoming available in the emphasis.[citation needed] A surge in advertising interest is typically attributed to the strong relationship advertising plays in cultural and technological changes, such as the advance of online social networking. A unique model for teaching advertising is the student-run advertising agency, where advertising students create campaigns for real companies.[40] Organizations such as American Advertising Federation and AdU Network partner established companies with students to create these campaigns.


Main article: Criticism of advertising

While advertising can be seen as necessary for economic growth, it is not without social costs. Unsolicited commercial e-mail and other forms of spam have become so prevalent as to have become a major nuisance to users of these services, as well as being a financial burden on internet service providers.[41] Advertising is increasingly invading public spaces, such as schools, which some critics argue is a form of child exploitation.[42][43] In addition, advertising frequently uses psychological pressure (for example, appealing to feelings of inadequacy) on the intended consumer, which may be harmful. Many even feel that often, advertisements exploit the desires of a consumer, by making a particular product more appealing, by manipulating the consumers needs and wants.


Main article: Advertising regulation

There have been increasing efforts to protect the public interest by regulating the content and the influence of advertising. Some examples are: the ban on television Tobacco advertising imposed in many countries, and the total ban of advertising to children under 12 imposed by the Swedish government in 1991. Though that regulation continues in effect for broadcasts originating within the country, it has been weakened by the European Court of Justice, which had found that Sweden was obliged to accept foreign programming, including those from neighboring countries or via satellite. Greece’s regulations are of a similar nature, “banning

advertisements for children's toys between 7 am and 10 pm and a total ban on advertisement for war toys".[44]

In Europe and elsewhere, there is a vigorous debate on whether (or how much) advertising to children should be regulated. This debate was exacerbated by a report released by the Kaiser Family Foundation in February 2004 which suggested fast food advertising that targets children was an important factor in the epidemic of childhood obesity in the United States.

In New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, and many European countries, the advertising industry operates a system of self-regulation. Advertisers, advertising agencies and the media agree on a code of advertising standards that they attempt to uphold. The general aim of such codes is to ensure that any advertising is 'legal, decent, honest and truthful'. Some self-regulatory organizations are funded by the industry, but remain independent, with the intent of upholding the standards or codes like the Advertising Standards Authority in the UK.

In the UK most forms of outdoor advertising such as the display of billboards is regulated by the UK Town and County Planning system. Currently the display of an advertisement without consent from the Planning Authority is a criminal offense liable to a fine of £2,500 per offence. All of the major outdoor billboard companies in the UK have convictions of this nature.

In the US many communities believe that many forms of outdoor advertising blight the public realm.[45] As long ago as the 1960s in the US there were attempts to ban billboard advertising in the open countryside.[46] Cities such as São Paulo have introduced an outright ban[47] with London also having specific legislation to control unlawful displays.

Many advertisers employ a wide-variety of linguistic devices to bypass regulatory laws (e.g. In France, printing English words in bold and French translations in fine print to deal with the Article 120 of the 1994 Toubon Law limiting the use of English).[48] The advertisement of controversial products such as cigarettes and condoms are subject to government regulation in many countries. For instance, the tobacco industry is required by law in most countries to display warnings cautioning consumers about the health hazards of their products. Linguistic variation is often used by advertisers as a creative device to reduce the impact of such requirements.

Advertising research

Main article: Advertising research

Advertising research is a specialized form of research that works to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of advertising. It entails numerous forms of research which employ different methodologies. Advertising research includes pre-testing (also known as copy testing) and post-testing of ads and/or campaigns—pre-testing is done before an ad airs to gauge how well it will perform and post-testing is done after an ad airs to determine the in-market impact of the ad or campaign on the consumer. Continuous ad tracking and the Communicus System are competing examples of post-testing advertising research types.[citation needed]


Main article: Advertising research

Today’s culture is made up of meanings between consumers and marketers. These meanings depict signs and symbols that are encoded in everyday objects.[49] Semiotics is the study of signs and how they are interpreted. Advertising has many hidden signs and meanings within brand names, logos, package designs, print advertisements, and television advertisements. The purpose of semiotics is to study and interpret the message being conveyed in advertisements. Logos and advertisements can be interpreted at two levels known as the surface level and the underlying level. The surface level uses signs creatively to create an image or personality for their product. These signs can be images, words, fonts, colors, or slogan. The underlying level is made up of hidden meanings. The combination of images, words, colors, and slogan must be interpreted by the audience or consumer.[50] The “key to advertising analysis” is the signifier and the signified. The signifier is the object and the signified is the mental concept.[51] A product has a signifier and a signified. The signifier is the color, brand name, logo design, and technology. The signified has two meanings known as denotative and connotative. The denotative meaning is the meaning of the product. A television’s denotative meaning would be that it is high definition. The connotative meaning is the product’s deep and hidden meaning. A connotative meaning of a television would be that it is top of the line.[52]

Apple is an excellent example of using semiotics in their advertising campaign. Apple’s commercials used a black silhouette of a person that was the age of Apple's target market. They placed the silhouette in front of a blue screen so that the picture behind the silhouette could be constantly changing. However, the one thing that stays the same in these ads is that there is music in the background and

the silhouette is listening to that music on a white iPod through white headphones. Through advertising, the white color on a set of earphones now signifies that the music device is an iPod. The white color signifies almost all of Apple’s products.[53]

The semiotics of gender plays a key influence on the way in which signs are interpreted. When considering gender roles in advertising, individuals are influenced by three categories. Certain characteristics of stumuli may enhance or decrease the elaboration of the message (if the product is perceived as feminine or masculine). Second, the characteristics of individuals can affect attention and elaboration of the message (traditional or non-traditional gender role orientation). Lastly, situational factors may be important to influence the elaboration of the message.[54]

There are two types of marketing communication claims-objective and subjective.[55] Objective claims stem from the extent to which the claim associates the brand with a tangible product or service feature. For instance, the camera has auto focus features. Subjective claims convey emotional, subjective, impressions of intangible aspects of a product or service. They are non-physical features of a product or service that cannot be directly perceived, as they have no physical reality. For instance the brochure has a beautiful design.[56] Males tend to respond better to objective marketing communications claims while females tend to respond better to subjective marketing communications claims.[57]

In advertisements, men are represented as independent. They are shown in more occupations than women. Women are represented mainly as housewives and mothers. Men are more likely to be shown advertising cars or business products, while women advertise domestic products. Men are more likely to be shown outdoors or in business settings. Women are depicted in domestic settings. Men are more often portrayed as authorities. As far as ads go, with age men seem to gain wisdom and authority. On the other hand women seem to disappear with age. Voiceovers are commonly used in advertising. Most voiceovers are men (figures of up to 94% have been reported). There have been more female voiceovers in recent years but mainly for food, household products, and feminine care products.[58]

Gender effects in the processing of advertising

According to a 1977 study by David Statt, females process information comprehensively, while males process information through heuristic devices such as procedures, methods or strategies for solving problems, which could have an

effect on how they interpret advertising.[59] According to this study, men prefer to have available and apparent cues to interpret the message where females engage in more creative, associative, imagery-laced interpretation.

More recently, research by Martin (2003) reveals that males and females differ in how they react to advertising depending on their mood at the time of exposure to the ads, and the affective tone of the advertising. When feeling sad, males prefer happy ads to boost their mood. In contrast, females prefer happy ads when they are feeling happy. The television programs in which the ads are embedded are shown to influence a consumer's mood state.[60]

ADVERTISMENT MEANINGAdvertising simply put is telling and selling the product. Advertising Management though is a complex process of employing various media to sell a product or service. This process begins quite early from the marketing research and encompasses the media campaigns that help sell the product. Without an effective advertising management process in place, the media campaigns are not that fruitful and the whole marketing process goes for a toss. Hence, companies that believe in an effective advertising management process are always a step ahead in terms of selling their goods and services.

As mentioned above, advertising management begins from the market research phase. At this point, the data produced by marketing research is used to identify what types of advertising would be adequate for the specific product. Gone are the days when there was only print and television advertising was available to the manufacturers. These days apart from print and television, radio, mobile, and Internet are also available as advertising media. Advertising management process in fact helps in defining the outline of the media campaign and in deciding which type of advertising would be used before the launch of the product.

If you wish to make the advertising effective, always remember to include it from the market research time. Market research will help to identify the niche segment of the population to which the product or service has to be targeted from a large population. It will also identify why the niche segment would opt for the

product or service. This information will serve as a guideline for the preparation of advertising campaigns.

Once the niche segments are identified and the determination of what types of advertising will be used is done, then the advertising management focuses on creating the specifics for the overall advertising campaign. If it is a radio campaign, which type of ads would be used, if it is a print campaign, what write ups and ads will be used, and if it is a television campaign, what type of commercials will be used. There might also be a mix and match advertising in which radio might supplement television advertising and so on. It is important that through advertising management the image is conveyed that all the strategies complement each other. It should not look to public that the radio advertising is focusing on something else while television on something else. The whole process in the end should benefit the product or service.

The role of people designing the advertising campaign is crucial to its success. They have been trained by seasoned professionals who provide the training in the specific field. Designing an advertising campaign is no small a task and to understand the consumer behavior from the data collected from market research is a very important aspect of the campaign. A whole lot of creativity and inspiration is required to launch an adequate advertising campaign. In addition, the management skills come into play when the work has to be done keeping the big picture in mind. It would be fruitful for the company if the advertising campaign lasts well over the lifetime of a product or service, reach the right customers, and generate the desired revenue.

advertising   DefinitionThe activity or profession of producing information for promoting the sale of commercial products or services.

he title of my project is ETHICAL ISSUES IN ADVERTISING. Advertising can be defined as any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion o f i d e a s , g o o d s o r s e r v i c e s t h r o u g h m a s s m e d i a s u c h a s n e w s p a p e r s , m a g a z i n e s , television or radio by an identified sponsor So basically advertising is a mass communications device through which companies promote or market their product to the consumer, and this enables them to make informed consumption decisions.

As now a days advertisements have a very great impact on the consumer’s behavior; it plays very important role in our Indian economy directly or indirectly. so if it becomeunethical it leads our society in wrong direction.To overcome these problems certain ethical standards are set up by the government and Iwant to throw a light on this only.As it is a very wide field so here I am restricted to the electronic media only.We have to think about this unethical problem and this wrong presentation of business.So that we can give good ethics to our youngsters.  adjectives are used to describe advertising, depending on how an individual is reacting,such as great, dynamic, alluring, fascinating, annoying, boring, intrusive, irritating andoffensive, etc.Adver t i s ing p lays an impor tant par t in our everyday l ives as i t enables us to choose  between different ranges of products. These products are promoted through differenttypes of advertisements and cater to all types of markets. . Advertising enables producersto expand their markets and therefore take advantage of economies of scale to reduce unit production costsMany advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those productsand services through the crea t ion and re invent ion of the "   brand image” . For these  purposes , adver t i sements somet imes embed the i r persuas ive message wi th fac tua l information. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, includingtelevision,radio,cinema,magazines,newspapers,video games, theInternet,carrier bags and   billboards . Advertising is often placed by anadvertising agencyon behalf of a company or other organization.On the other hand advertising is plagued with social and ethical issues as it results in over consumption and waste of resources. ‘Ethics basically refers to what is right, good or consistent with virtue. Advertising generates complex ethical questions which have to beconsidered, as this mode of communication commits some highly controversial ethicalacts which are damaging to the society as a whole. It promotes overselling, exploitationof vulnerable groups, vulgarity, offending the public, promoting socially harmful valuesor behavior and intrusion of privacy.Advertising creates an environment where it abuses certain values and interests that arenot universa l ly agreed upon. For example in 2001 Yves Saint Laurent launched a fragrance called ‘Opium which featured a naked model. This stirred controversy and people found it offensive and sex was being used openly to promote a perfume. For afashion magazine the advertisement was fine but for billboards it was inappropriate and10 |P a g e

  some social groups found it morally and ethically wrong. Some times advertising drawsmixed response from the public, while sometimes it becomes controversial.


Advertising is the promotion of a company’s products and services carried out primarily t o D r i v e s a l e s o f t h e p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v i c e s b u t a l s o t o b u i l d a b r a n d i d e n t i t y a n d communicate changes or new product /services to the customers. Advertising has becomean essential element of the corporate world and hence the companies allot a considerableamount of revenues as their advertising budget. There are several reasons for advertisingsome of which are as follows:•Increasing the sales of the product/service•Creating and maintaining a brand identity or brand image.•Communicating a change in the existing product line.•Introduction of a new product or service.•Increasing the buzz-value of the brand or the company.Significance of AdvertisingBasica l ly adver t i s ing crea tes wants but does not fu l f i l l them, a person may see an advertisement for a product, it might be glossy and fancy and he might be attracted to buythe product. He might eventually buy it but it will not satisfy him it will just be a waste.It’s a short term material satisfaction which just drives the economy by over consumptionof goods and services. It keeps the consumer in doubt about what to buy and in whatquantities and this doubt in turn has ethical implications.Fourreasons are attributed to the fugacious nature of the way advertising practices are being carried out in developing countries.11 |P a g e


1.The role of Information and Communication technologies: As ICTs evolve so domarketing practices. If yesterday it was television that revolutionized the wayadver t i sements could crea te a las t ing impact on the consumer , then today the internet and phone text messages are doing just that.2.The world today is an increasingly global village: Social and ethnic boundariesare fast falling in the wake of cable television and the like.3 .Rapid economic expansions in countr ies l ike China and India have meant tha t marketers have to quickly respond to the changing socio-economic scenarios.Millions of people have entered the middle class and millions more are poised todo so. For marketers, the consequences can be mind boggling-as incomes andspending powers rise, marketers have to respond to increasing demands fromconsumers.4.Better and improved marketing research has meant that the entire populace is notseen in totality but rather as a congeries of different types of consumers

List of Ethical & Legal Issues When Advertising

Specific age groups can be more susceptible to manipulative advertising tactics.

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The advertising industry operates within strict federal regulations and is monitored by the Federal Trade Commission. Even with truth-in-advertising laws in place, advertisers have significant leeway to violate the ethical standards of a wide range of consumers. Advertisers have to be especially careful to act ethically at all times, taking extra care when advertising to children, advertising potentially harmful products and using psychological tactics to stimulate demand. Having a list of ethical and legal issues at hand when creating advertisements can help you to craft legal, responsible ad messages.

Truth in Advertising

The Federal Trade Commission Act set forth requirements for truth in advertising and created the FTC to enforce the provisions of the act. The Bureau of Consumer Protection's Business Bureau notes that advertisements in the U.S. must by truthful, not deceptive and not unfair. Advertisers must also have evidence available to back up claims they make. The FTC defines deceitful statements as those that are likely to mislead consumers who act reasonably under normal circumstances and that are likely to affect consumers' purchase decisions. The FTC defines unfair advertisements as those that are likely to cause substantial, unavoidable injury when using a product, unless the injury is outweighed by the provable benefits.

Advertising to Children

Although the FTC places special emphasis on truth-in-advertising laws when applied to children, the law allows for a great deal of unethical behavior here. Former FTC commissioner Roscoe B. Starek states that children are not likely to understand exaggerated statements or images, citing the example that children may believe a toy helicopter to come fully assembled when in fact assembly is required. This interpretation of the law completely ignores the unethical ramifications of purely legal advertising, such as building brand loyalty in children before they even understand what a brand is, encouraging children to develop negative self images or getting children hooked on products that can impede social development. The best way to act ethically in this area is to advertise to parents, not children.

Advertising Harmful Products

Different countries look differently on the advertising of vice products and services, striking a balance between placing personal responsibility on citizens and regulating what citizens are allowed to indulge in. The United States highly regulates some forms of vice, prohibits others

and gives still others a free hand. For example, cigarette advertising is only permitted on specific media, excluding television and radio, while alcohol advertising is allowed on all media. Companies have to take a good look at the true nature of their product lines when deciding whether they are acting ethically as advertisers. Television ads for fast food hamburgers are completely legal and effective at building demand, for example, but doctors in the 21st century are beginning to find links between fast food and a national obesity epidemic. Pharmaceutical ads with lists of side effects, as another example, are often followed 10 years later by attorneys' ads for class-action lawsuits against the companies for wrongful injury.

Advertising Tactics

Advertising tactics present additional ethical challenges. Advertisers have a range of less-than-ethical yet legal tools at their disposal, including subliminal advertising, emotional appeals, taking advantage of less educated individuals, spreading propaganda for political campaigns, and other tactics ethical advertisers consistently refrain from using. At the end of the day, consumers will be more attracted to companies that do not use underhanded, psychologically manipulative tactics to gain their business.


India is one of the youngest countries in the world with 60% of its population less than 24 years of age. Maximum youngsters are using TV as a source of information. The study reflects that Young generation is highly influenced and convinced by “celebrity advertisements”. They feel celebrity advertisements increase credibility of TV advertisements. Physical appearance and personality of celebrity are also important factors to make TV advertisements more effective and convincing. The buying behavior of young generation is influenced by celebrities’ knowledge and experience. They prefer female celebrities for TV advertisements. According to them celebrity should be young/adult with appealing figure and celebrity’s Status, class, and lifestyle should match with the product which they are going to endorse. This study reflects few interesting result that Indian youth and adult majority do not give any importance to the caste, regional and religious background of celebrity for TV advertisements.

Keywords: T.V. advertisements, Celebrity, expertise, credibility, Physical appearance, personality

* Professor and Head, Accurate Institute of Management and Technology,Greater Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar, (Uttar Pradesh India)

** Scientist, Center for Science Communication, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India)

*** Professor and Head, School of Social Science, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya,, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India)


In Indian family life cycle, young members of family play a vital role in buying behavior. The term young refers to persons who are no longer children and not yet adults.

India is one of the youngest countries in the world with 60% of its population less then 24 years of age and is charted as the most prospective destination for retail investment in the A. T. Kearney’s Global Retail Opportunity Report, 2007.

The Indian young segment roughly estimates close to 250million (between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five) and can be broadly divided (socio-psychologically) into three categories: the Bharatiyas, the Indians & the Inglodians (copyright Kaustav SG 2008).

The Bharatiyas estimating 67% of the young population live in the rural areas with least influence of globalization and have high traditional values. They are least economically privileged, most family oriented Bollywood influenced generation. The Indians constitute 31.5% and have moderate global influence. They are well aware of the global trends but rooted to Indian family values, customs and ethos. The Inglodians are basically the creamy layers and marginal (1.5% or roughly three million) in number though they are strongly growing (70% growth rate). Inglodians are affluent and consume most of the trendy & luxury items. They are internet savvy & the believers of global-village (a place where there is no difference between east & west, developing & developed countries etc.), highly influenced by western music, food, fashion & culture yet Indian at heart.

According to “The Financial Express Special, ‘Tuesday, February 9, 2010 New Delhi’ young (age 13 to 35 years) population in India is 459 million in which literate young population is 333 million. More specifically age group (13 to 19) population is 36.7 million, age group (20 to 24) population is 22.1 million and age group (25 to 35) population is 44.3 million. Out of 333 million young populations, male young population is 186.5 and female young population is 146.2 million.

However Television is most popular source of information with 78 % (91% urban, 70% rural) young viewer-ship. Newspaper comes second with 53 % (65.3 % urban, 45.9 % rural) readership, though it scores over television when it comes to being the primary source for news current affairs. Data also shows that maximum youngsers are using TV as a source of information.

The importance of advertising has been widely accepted all over the world and has profound recognition in the global market. In India the role of advertising is getting more stress day by day and every businessman wants to invest willingly in advertising. The advertising business in India grew from Rs10 crores in 1955 to Rs 8000 crores in 2000* and in Nov 2005 it is estimated Rs.19900 crores and it is expected that it will reach Rs 55,800 crores by 2010 as estimated by Dainik Bhaskara.

The fast growth of advertising industry in India is because of the phenomenonal development of such media as television, radio, and computer and in addition to the large number of new products introduced due to rapid industrialization & new economic policy and economic development of the country.

Billions of dollars are spent on celebrity endorsements, which show its importance for the advertising industry. A recent estimate notes that one quarter of all commercials screened in the USA include celebrities. In UK one in five (20%) marketing communication campaign features celebrities. (Journal of Advertising Research)

In India, 20% of advertisements is endorsement by celebrities. Dainik Bhaskar estimates the total expenditure on advertising as Rs 19900 crores (Nov 2005) while on celebrity endorsement Rs 950 crores. Theory and practice prove that use of super star in advertising generates a lot of publicity and attention for public.( Ohanion 1991 )

At present the business companies prefer the use of celebrities as spokespersons in order to position and promote the sale and popularization of products or brands. The use of celebrities has become a favorable marketing strategy. Celebrities are people who enjoy public recognition by a large share of certain group of people, whereas attributes like attractiveness, extraordinary lifestyle or special status are just examples and specific common characteristics can not be observed. It can be said that within a corresponding special group, celebrities generally differ from their source name, and enjoy a high degree of public awareness.

The main reason for using celebrities, as spokespersons is their high potential influence. The celebrities get higher degree of attention & recall. They increase awareness of a company advertising, create positive feeling towards brands and areperceived by consumers as more entertaining (Soleman 2002). Using a celebrity in advertising is therefore likely to positively affect consumers’ brand attitude and purchase intention. It is estimated that approximately 20 percent of all advertisements use celebrity spokespersons & payment to celebrities account for around 10 percent of all advertising dollars spent.

Literature Review

Researchers in the fields of marketing, communications and social psychology have tried to identify factors related to the endorser that are central to understanding and improving their effectiveness. The theoretical basis for assuming that an advertisement’s effectiveness increases relative to the trustworthiness, expertise, and attractiveness of the communicator stems from two research streams: source credibility (comprising of source trustworthiness and source expertise) and source attractiveness (also referred to collectively as the source models). From their study in 1953 Hovland et al. established the source credibility model and defined expertise as “the extent to which a communicator is perceived to be a source of valid assertions” and trustworthiness as “the degree of confidence in the communicator’s intent to communicate the assertions he considers most valid”.

Source Attractiveness does not refer to physical attractiveness per se – it is related to three more general concepts: similarity, familiarity, and liking. The model holds that the effectiveness of a

message depends on the source’s familiarity, likeability, similarity, and attractiveness to the respondent. Familiarity is considered knowledge of the source through exposure, whereas likeability is affection for the source as a result of the source’s physical appearance and behavior; and similarity is the supposed resemblance between the source and the receiver of the message (McGuire, 1985). According to the source models, endorsers are effective when they are seen by consumers as trustworthy (Friedman & Friedman, 1976; G. Miller & Basehart, 1969), experts (Crano, 1970; Crisi & Kassinove, 1973; Woodside & Davenport, 1974), and attractive (Joseph, 1982; McGuire, 1985). Although there are a number of moderating influences (e.g. fit with product and audience; low vs. high purchase decision; prior attitudes), in general, the more trustworthiness, expertise, and attractiveness the endorser has, the more effective they are at changing consumer attitude and opinion. (Brinol, Petty, & Tormala, 2004; Gotlieb & Sarel, 1991; Grewal, Gotlieb, & Marmorstein, 1994; Harmon & Coney, 1982; Hovland, Irving, & Kelly, 1953; Hovland & Weiss, 1951; Sternthal, Dholakia, & Leavitt, 1978) Empirical evidence in support of source credibility is abundant. Source credibility is credited with improved consumer confidence (Brinol et al., 2004), reversing negative predispositions (Sternthal et al., 1978), increasing product purchase intentions (Harmon & Coney, 1982), and altering consumers’ reactions to advertisements and brands (Goldsmith, Lafferty, & Newell, 2000). Additionally, research has shown that highly credible sources “induce more behavioral compliance than do less credible sources” (Ohanian, 1990, p. 42);


To analyze the influence of “celebrity TV advertisements” on young generation.

To find out impact of buying behavior factors on young population


1. H01: Young generation is not influenced by “celebrity TV advertisements”

2. H02: There is no impact of buying behavior factors on young generation


Survey was conducted in district Gautam Budh Nagar. The 300 sample size was selected in such a way that both the young and adult were represented proportionately. In most of the situations many respondents had refused and some respondents had not cooperated to fill the questionnaires. Hence 450 respondents were selected by non-probability convenience sampling method to fill thequestionnaire. Only 300 respondents have given appropriate and complete information on sent questionnaire. Rests of the questionnaires were dropped because of incomplete information. A five-point interval Likert scale from “strongly agree (5)” to “strongly not agree (1)” was used to measure the response to each statement (items).

Z Test used to test mean difference between two samples

Z Test:

SE= Standard Error

= Standard Deviation (Adult)

Standard Deviation (YOUNG)

= Mean of Adult

= Mean of YOUNG

= Number of Observations (Adult)

= Number of Observations (YOUNG)

Z= Z Test


Data analysis shows that out of 300 respondents, there were 166 (55.33 %) young respondents and 134 (44.67 %) were adult respondents in this study age group of 12 year to

21 years considered as “Young” respondents and Age group of 22 year to 45 years considered as “Adult” respondents. (Table-1)

More specifically data analysis shows that in male respondents, young were118 (39.33%) and adult were 80 (26.67%). Similarly in female respondents, young were 48 (16 %) and adult 54 (18 %) (Table-1.1)



To measure the influence of celebrity through T.V. advertisements on respondents, eight questions were asked from respondents. (Figure-1)

According to Table No.2 results shows that both young and adult respondents have similar opinion. They were in favor of the fact that Celebrity advertisements are more effective; create more attention and trust than non celebrity advertisements.

However young generation feels that celebrities have more expertise than non-celebrities for T.V. advertising. They feel more convinced by celebrity advertisements. According to them, use of celebrities increases advertisements’ credibility. Physical appearance and personality of celebrity are also important factors to makes T.V. advertising more effective and convincing.


Twenty-four specific attributes of celebrities (factors) have been analyzed under the major four factors expertise, trustworthiness, physical appearance and personality (Figure-2)


Seven statements were asked to respondents to analyze specific expertise attributes of celebrities, which may influence the buying behavior of respondents

Table No. 3 shows that buying behavior of young generation influenced, if celebrities are experienced and users of product. However, adult respondents feel that celebrities should have knowledge of the products which they are going to endorse by TV advertisements.

According to both type of respondents (adult and young) celebrities should be educated and skilled, qualified and Justified for that product which they are going to promote. Result also reflects that technical knowledge about product/brand to celebrity is not required to convince purchase.


Specific attributes of trustworthiness of celebrities have been analyzed on the basis of five statements

According to table no.3.1 Young and adult both respondents purchase their products on the trust, honesty, truthfulness and dependability of celebrities. However adult respondents feel celebrities should be sincere and Reliable also to influence their buying behavior.


To analyze specific attributes of physical attractiveness of celebrites five questions were asked from respondents to measure the infuluence on buying behaviour of respondents Table 3.2 results shows that young generation feels that celebrities should be young/adult and they should have appealing figure (sexy and beautiful) they prefer female celebrities for TV advertisement.

However, both (young and adult) respondents feel that celebrities should be smart (body constitution) to convince to purchaser. They also believe that Voice and gesture of celebrity is also important factors that affect on their purchase decisions.


To measure the impact of specific personality attributes of celebrities, seven questions were asked from respondents that may influence their buying behavior. According to findings of Table 3.3 young generation feels that Status, class, and lifestyle of celebrity should match with product/brand and advertisement for effective and convincing advertisement.

However adults believe that social & cultural background of celebrities influences their buying behavior. Both young and adult respondents have similar thinking towards Image, Reputation and popularity (public figure) of celebrity which plays important role to influence buying behavior of respondents.

Analysis also reflects few interesting results that Indian young and adult respondents do not believe in the caste, regional and religious background of celebrity


Young generation is highly influenced and convinced by “celebrity advertisements” According to them, celebrity advertisements increase credibility of TV advertisements. Physical appearance and personality of celebrity are also important factors to make TV advertisements more effective and convincing.

The buying behavior of young generation is influenced by celebrities’ knowledge and experience about such products which they are going to promote by TV advertisements. They prefer female celebrities for TV advertisements, according to them celebrity should be young/adult with appealing figure (sexy and beautiful) and celebrity’s Status, class, and lifestyle should match the product which they are going to endorse.

Young and adult population commonly feels that celebrity advertisement is more effective; creates more attention and trust than non celebrity advertisements. According to them celebrities must be educated, qualified & justified with that product to which they are endorsing through TV advertisements. They don’t feel that technical knowledge is required to celebrities to endorse the products. They feel motivated to purchase their products by the trust, honesty, truthfulness and dependability of celebrity. They believe that celebrities should be smart (body constitution) to convince purchaser, they also feel that Voice and gesture of celebrity are also important factors to have effect on their purchase decisions. They have similar thinking that Image, Reputation and popularity (public figure) of celebrity plays important role in influencing the buying behavior.

However adult generation believes that social and cultural background of celebrity should match product and TV advertisement. They also feel that celebrities should be sincere and Reliable to influence their buying behavior.

This study reflects few interesting results that Indian young and adult majority do not give any importance to the caste, regional and religious background of celebrity for TV advertisements.

Tools of Promotion - Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relation & Direct Marketing

The 4 Ps of marketing are product, price, place and promotion. All four of these elements combine to make a successful marketing strategy. Promotion looks to communicate the company’s message across to the consumer. The four main tools of promotion are advertising, sales promotion, public relation and direct marketing.


Advertising is defined as any form of paid communication or promotion for product, service and idea. Advertisement is not only used by companies but in many cases by museum, government and charitable organizations. However, the treatment meted out to advertisement defers from an organization to an organization.

Advertising development involves a decision across five Ms Mission, Money, Message, Media and Measurement.

Mission looks at setting objectives for advertising. The objectives could be to inform, persuade, remind or reinforce. Objective has to follow the marketing strategy set by the company.

Money or budget decision for advertising should look at stage of product life cycle, market share and consumer base, competition, advertising frequency and product substitutability.

Message’s development further is divided into four steps, message generation, message evaluation and selection, message execution, and social responsibility review.

Once the message is decided the next step is finalizing the media for delivering the message. The choice of depends on reach of media, frequency of transmission and potential impact on customer. Based on this choice of media types are made from newspaper, television, direct mail, radio, magazine and the internet. After which timing of broadcast of the message is essential as to grab attention of the target audience.

Checking on the effectiveness of communication is essential to company’s strategy. There are two types of research communication effect research and sales effect research.

Sales Promotion

Promotion is an incentive tool used to drive up short term sales. Promotion can be launched directed at consumer or trade. The focus of advertising to create reason for purchase the focus of promotion is to create an incentive to buy. Consumer incentives could be samples, coupons, free trial and demonstration. Trade incentive could be price off, free goods and allowances. Sales force incentive could be convention, trade shows, competition among sales people.

Sales promotion activity can have many objectives, for example, to grab attention of new customer, reward the existing customer, increase consumption of occasional users. Sales promotion is usually targeted at the fence sitters and brand switchers.

Sales promotional activity for the product is selected looking at the overall marketing objective of the company. The final selection of the consumer promotional tools needs to consider target audience, budget, competitive response and each tool’s purpose.

Sales promotion activity should under-go pretest before implementation. Once the activity is launched it should be controlled as to remain within the budget. Evaluation program is a must after implementation of the promotional scheme.

Public Relations

Companies cannot survive in isolation they need to have a constant interaction with customers, employees and different stakeholders. This servicing of relation is done by the public relation office. The major function of the public relation office is to handle press releases, support product publicity, create and maintain the corporate image, handle matters with lawmakers, guide management with respect to public issues.

Companies are looking at ways to converge with functions of marketing and public relation in marketing public relation. The direct responsibility of marketing public relation (MPR) is to support corporate and product branding activities.

MPR is an efficient tool in building awareness by generating stories in media. Once the story is in circulation MPR can establish credibility and create a sense of enigma among sales people as well as dealers to boost enthusiasm. MPR is much more cost effective tool than other promotional activities.

Direct Marketing

The communication establishes through a direct channel without using any intermediaries is referred to as direct marketing. Direct marketing can be used to deliver message or service. Direct marketing has shown tremendous growth in recent years. The internet has played major part in this growth story. Direct marketing saves time, makes an experience personal and

pleasant. Direct marketing reduces cost for companies. Face to face selling, direct mail, catalog marketing, telemarketing, TV and kiosks are media for direct marketing.

Advertisement, Promotional activity, Public relation and direct marketing play an essential role in helping companies reaches their marketing goals.


Marketing communication is an integral process involving the use of various communication tools. What are these communication tools? Simply said they are the tools which get the message across to the target audience. And you would know these communication tools by now. They are.

Advertising – Advertising is any paid or non paid form of communications and is the primary communication tool. Advertising includes various media vehicles such as Television, outdoor, digital, print ads etc.

Sales promotion – A direct form of communication tool which connects directly to the customer. It is a widely used communication tools and is used most in the FMCG and Retail industry. (Ever heard of the words “50% off on all merchandise that’s sales promotion)

Publicity – Publicity is generally free in nature and the organization does not generally pay for publicity. A review recommending a particular product, an article praising a personality are forms of publicity. Personal selling – Sales is an act wherein the sales person directly interacts with the customer and tells him the pros of buying their product. A sales person goes through tha AIDAS process so as to bring customers to your company.

Public relations – Public relations is a communication tool which maintains images of businesses as well as celebrities and brands. Publicity and public relations are not common. However several public relations campaign include publicity.


Advertising has numerous objectives which includes communicating with potential customers as well as persuading them to adopt a particular product or develop a preference towards the product for repeat purchase which ultimately results in brand loyalty. Advertising Theory or theories therefore try to explain how and why advertising is effective in influencing behaviors and accomplishing its objectives.

There are numerous theories on advertising. Most theories of advertising generally propose that the effectiveness of advertising is dependent on the main practices being carried out including more exposure towards the brand or repetitive advertising. In other words, most theories suggest that if you want a consumer to like a product or a brand continuously then simply expost the consumer to a product or brands advertising such that there are certain feelings and expectations attached towards the rand itself. Advertising theories also make use of content specification,

Specific message and media characteristics, consumer characteristics, product/service characteristics, and competitive actions.

As it is often said that ‘half of all advertising doesn’t work,’ aiming to understand and apply the many general and specific principles forming advertising theory may potentially do much to increase the likelihood that any particular advertising campaign or advertising strategy will be effective and accomplish its intended objectives. Marketers must therefore seek to understand the factors that influence advertising’s effectiveness and ineffectiveness relative to intended objectives and particular contexts to be able to judiciously apply such knowledge. Even experienced firms can make advertising missteps, such as allowing the firm’s ad agency to create an advertisement that is memorable and consistent with some elements of advertising theory (e.g. persuading with emotion for a low-involvement purchase) but not fully realizing until after it has aired that the ad runs counter to other principles associated with advertising theory (e.g. emphasizing those emotions that are desired to be positively associated with the brand).

TYPES OF ADVERTISING Advertising is the promotion of a company's products and services carried out primarily to drive up sales of the products and services. It is also done to build a brand identity and communicate changes in old products or introduce new product/services to the customers. Advertising has become an essential element of the corporate world and hence companies allot a considerable amount of resources towards their advertising budget. There are several reasons for advertising, some of which are as follows:

Increasing the sales of the product/service.Creating and maintaining a brand identity or brand image.Communicating a change in the existing product line.Introduction of a new product or service.Increasing the buzz-value of the brand or the company.

Thus, there are several reasons for advertising. Similarly, there exist various media which can be effectively used for advertising. Mentioned below are the various categories or types of advertising. Have a look.

Print Advertising - Newspapers, Magazines, Brochures, Fliers

Print media has always been a popular advertising option. Advertising products via newspapers or magazines is a common practice. In addition to this, the print media also offers options like promotional brochures and fliers for advertising purposes. Often, newspapers and magazines sell the advertising

space according to the area occupied by the advertisement, the position of the advertisement in the publication (front page/middle page, above/below the fold), as well as the readership of the publications. For instance, an advertisement in a relatively new and less popular newspaper will cost far less than an advertisement in an established newspaper that has a high readership. The price of print ads may also depend on quality of the paper and the supplement in which they appear. For example, an advertisement in the glossy (and popular) supplement of a newspaper costs more than one in a supplement which uses mediocre quality paper.

Outdoor Advertising - Billboards, Kiosks, Trade-shows and Events

It makes use of several tools and techniques to attract the customers outdoors. The most common examples of outdoor advertising are billboards, kiosks, and also events and trade-shows organized by the company. Billboard advertising is very popular. However it has to be really terse and catchy in order to grab the attention of the passersby. Kiosks not only provide an easy outlet for the company's products but also make for an effective advertising tool to promote the company's products. Organizing special events or sponsoring them makes for an excellent advertising opportunity and strategy. The company can organize trade fairs, or even exhibitions for advertising their products. If not this, the company can organize several events that are closely associated with their field. For instance a company that manufactures sports utilities can sponsor a sports tournament to advertise its products.

Broadcast Advertising - Television, Radio and the Internet

Broadcast advertising is a very popular advertising medium that constitutes several branches like television, radio or the Internet. Television advertisements have been very popular ever since they were introduced. The cost of television advertising often depends on the duration of the advertisement, the time of broadcast (prime time/lull time), sometimes the show on which it will be broadcast, and of course, the popularity of the television channel itself. The radio might have lost its charm owing to new age media. However it remains the choice of small-scale advertisers. Radio jingles have been very a popular advertising medium and have a large impact on the audience, which is evident in the fact that many people still remember and enjoy old popular radio jingles.

Covert Advertising - Advertising in Movies

Covert advertising is a unique kind of advertising in which a product or a particular brand is incorporated in some entertainment and media channels like movies, television shows or even sports. There is no commercial advertising as such in the entertainment but the brand or the product is subtly (or sometimes evidently) showcased in the entertainment show. Some of the famous examples for this sort of advertising have to be the appearance of brand Nokia which is displayed on Tom Cruise's phone in the movie Minority Report, or the use of Cadillac cars in the movie Matrix Reloaded. Pay attention next time, you're sure to come across a lot of such examples.

Surrogate Advertising - Advertising Indirectly

Surrogate advertising is prominently seen in cases where advertising a particular product is banned by law. Advertisement for products like cigarettes or alcohol which are injurious to health are prohibited by law in several countries. Hence these companies come up with several other products that have the same brand name and indirectly remind people of the cigarettes or alcohol of the same brand by advertising the other products. Common examples include Fosters and Kingfisher beer brands, which are often seen to promote their brand with the help of surrogate advertising.

Public Service Advertising - Advertising for Social Causes

Public service advertising is a technique that makes use of advertising as an effective communication medium to convey socially relevant messages about important matters and social causes like AIDS, energy conservation, political integrity, deforestation, illiteracy, poverty and so on. David Ogilvy who is considered to be one of the pioneers of advertising and marketing concepts had reportedly encouraged the use of the advertising field for a social cause. Ogilvy once said, "Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest - it is much too powerful a tool to use solely for commercial purposes.". Today, public service advertising has been increasingly used in a non-commercial fashion in several countries across the world in order to promote various social causes. In the United States, radio and television stations are granted to bidders on the basis of a fixed amount of public service advertisements aired by the channel.

Celebrity Advertising

Although the audience is getting smarter and smarter and the modern-day consumer is getting immune to the exaggerated claims made in a majority of advertisements, there exists a section of advertisers that still bank upon celebrities and their popularity for advertising their products. Using celebrities for advertising involves signing up celebrities for campaigns, which consist of all sorts of advertising including, television ads or even print advertisements. How effective these ads are, is something that each consumer himself can determine.

Each of the advertisement types mentioned has its own sub-types and rates of effectiveness. It is the job of advertising department to figure out which type of which medium is the best and the most feasible for the company.

Digital media future of advertisingSujit John & Swati Anand, TNN Jul 20, 2007, 12.33am IST

BANGALORE: Anyone who's caught the Dove Evolution ad on YouTube feels compelled to forward it to friends. The ad film, that shows an ordinary looking woman transform into a glamorous model thanks to heavy make-up, strong lights and clever Photoshop tools, drives home the message of unrealistic perceptions of beauty.

O&M Toronto began its awards haul for the ad with the Cannes Lions and is set to pick up more. And an enthused WPP (advertising majors like O&M, JWT and Grey Worldwide form part of the media conglomerate) can't have enough of the success story. Even the spoofs of the ad, particularly the one called Lardo, have only driven the ad's popularity further.

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That's just one indication of how powerful digital media is becoming in communications space. Advertisers and agencies across the world are today looking at channels like web sites, blogs, social networking sites and mobile phones to influence consumer decisions.

"Consumers are beginning to participate in advertising and communication, becoming part of the creative department," says Robyn Putter, creative head of WPP. "Once you do good work, you have the consumer acting as the evangelist."

Digital media today accounts for 8% of global ad spend. In UK, it's as high as 17%. Over the coming years, it is expected to touch about 25%. "Consumers spend 20-25% of their time online, so ad spend should follow that and stabilise around that level," says Mark Read, WPP's director. In India, the digital media spend is currently less that 2% of total ad spend, but the expectation is that it will be 8 to 10% by 2010.

"After years of stagnation, advertising expenditure in digital media in 2006 showed a steep growth of over 150% over the previous year," says Ruchira Raina, ED of media house Dentsu Communications, who predicts a 50% CAGR in ad spend on digital media over the next several years.

Online advertising is interactive and has greater measurability, with hits being constantly monitored and in some cases, conversion rates of hits-to-purchase as well.

Search engines like Google are the biggest driving force of online advertising. With internet phenomena like social networking sites - most notably Orkut and Hi5 - as well as blogging catching on especially among the youth, ad agencies are coming up with different ways of targeting these channels.

"Advertising on blogging and social networking sites offers an opportunity to match unique keywords for each ad unit and narrow the targeting directly to the theme you want. Better targeting offers higher response to your ads," says Raina.

Read feels that the introduction of IPTV will throw up a host of opportunities as it will widen base Net users.

Although number of cellphone users in India is around 150 million and internet users are only about 40 million, ad agencies are betting higher on internet than mobile. "For one, mobile phones are far more personal and 'push SMSes' don't work. There's great potential but one needs to work out models to suit the medium," reasons Read.

Globally, while online advertising is estimated to be $32-33 billion in 2007, advertising on mobiles is expected to be just about 3% of that. However, companies like Bangalore-based mGinger are trying to offer advertising solutions in mobile phone. "We send SMSes based on categories - like travel or apparel - only with the permission of the user. Besides, the SMSes usually have a discount incentive," says Chaitanya Nallan, CEO, mGinger.


by Sunita Shrotriya

People who are sceptical about the future of advertising in India and predict its demise do not take into consideration that enterprises have a need to communicate with the public. Hence Advertising will continue to be a tool of communication. So, what forms will advertising take in the future ?The answer to this question is that in India, despite the advent of the new media, traditional media will continue to have a large share, as the rural market is still untapped. And in urban market too the traditional media is still a popular means of communication. However, the urban market is also influenced by the new media. As the media through which advertising messages are conveyed evolve, it is important to stress that the fundamentals of effective communication simply need to be adapted to fit these new forms. Rather than dreary, the future of advertising is bright and unlimited. Marketing professionals are constantly seeking effective means to promote their brands. Advances in computer and communication technologies are opening up immense opportunities for advertising people. As the rural market is untapped, a definite shift towards the rural is indicated. The Rural Market in India The rural market today accounts for only about 6 -7 percent of the total share of ad pic. So, clearly there seems to be a long way ahead. Time and again, marketing professionals have harped on the potential of the rural market, but few have really focused on it. Until a few years ago, the rural market was given a step motherly treatment by Indian marketers and advertisers. Ads were mostly adaptations of the campaigns targeted at the urban populace and communication was mere translation of the ad copy. The advertising meant to appeal the urban consumer did not touch the hearts and minds of the rural consumer. While this is changing the process is slow. Today, a time has come when the ad copy and concept for rural India needs to be thought in the vernacular. The greatest challenge for advertisers and marketers lies in finding the right mix which will have appeal to the rural folks. Coca Cola tapped the rural market in a big way when it introduced bottles priced at Rs 5/- backed by Aamir Khan ads. The company on its behalf has also been investing steadily to build their infrastructure to meet the growing needs of the rural market. Another successful ad campaign that provides a blend of the urban and rural is that of Bournvita Confidence. The Television ad is a happy blend of the folk music to which the city lad presents steps. It has appeal to both the rural and urban audience. The music is lilting and soulful. And the dance steps equally matching. Interestingly, the rural market is growing at a far greater speed than its urban counterpart, in certain categories at least. Dealing with rural marketing is a different ball game altogether. It needs the basic understanding of the rural consumer psyche, which is far different from its urban counterpart. Also, distribution remains to be the single largest problem that marketers face. Reaching your product to remote locations in villages where the infrastructure is poor and lower level of literacy are few of the hitches in marketing in the rural areas.

The other challenge is that campaigns have to be tailor-made for each product category and each of the regions where the campaign is to be executed. Therefore, a thorough knowledge of the nuances of language, dialect and familiarity with prevailing customs in the regions is essential. As compared to the Indian urban society, which is turning into consumerism society, the rural consumer will always be driven by his needs first and will therefore be cost conscious. Nevertheless, the future no doubt lies in the rural markets, since the size of the rural market is growing at a good pace. There is a better scope for language writers who understand the rural and regional publics better.There is also a great scope for specialists like Event Managers, Wall painters, Folk artists, Audiovisual production houses. So, the fact remains that the rural market in India has great potential, which is just waiting to be tapped. Progress has been made in this area by some, but there is a long way for marketers to going order to reap the maximum benefits. Changes in the Urban Scenario As companies attempt to reach their consumers more effectively, database marketing, home shopping channels, infomercials and electronic couponing are emerging as the new cost effective way to deliver the message. These new channels of information distribution offer variety, convenience, flexibility and customization. While traditional print and broadcast are becoming more customized too, they have not moved at the pace of these technologies. The fastest growing new information channel today is the Internet. It offers two - way graphical, world - wide communication and technology oriented early adapters. The users are welleducated, upscale individuals who have chosen to access information from a worldwide web. Thisis the first medium to deliver an almost instant global audience. It is a new form of masscommunication and provides users with a new economy of information distribution. Advertisingon the Internet has become the most significant new development within the industry.As this new information delivery system grows and is able to effectively and efficiently deliverinformation to the mass market, advertising will be a part of the future for two reasons. First, thefact is that few products and services directed to mass markets, advertising is the most costeffective means of promotion. Second, the financial subsidy that advertising will provide this newmass medium will be as important as it was for the traditional media. Advertising will provide theprimary source of income for the future expansion of the Internet. Advertising will continue to bean integral part of the economy because it has consistently worked better and cost less over thelong run than other alternatives.The new media represent the future for advertising agency media people. They represent achallenge to academic programs in advertising education, Students will need to be pointed in thedirection of new application of existing media planning concepts in advertising. They will need tobe involved in developing new ideas about definitions, concepts, measurements andimplementation on advertising media. The new media represent opportunities for growth inadvertising.New forms of technology and interactive communication will evolve at a furious pace becausenow the computer is the tool and process for advertising creative. Concepts will undergo arevolutionary change. Visuals and copy will need to speak a new language. The entire process of conceptualization and technical processing will undergo a sea change. The design, language andcontext of the advertising message will change. Because of the ongoing technological evolution,the computer is now one of the major devices used in conceptualizing, developing and producingmaterial for both the print and electronic media.But creative people must beware of the drawbacks that the new media has to offer. Creativepeople will rely too much on the computerised processes and software. Anyone who has accessto the computer can design when in actuality the designer should have basic aestheticknowledge and skills for the task. The result of this accessibility could be poor designs producedwell technically.The long held rules of advertising design which include formulaic layouts and word

counts forprint advertising will be relics. Logos, images and text is technologically revolutionised.

Hence, advertising poses a new challenge for the creative people as a new visual and verbal language has to be evolved to suit the new media. Adaptation of technology is the key to handling the new media effectively. Thus there is immense potential in the advertising field. As the new media is working parallel to the print and electronic media as the traditional media continues to be a part and parcel of the advertising campaign.

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“INDIAN ADVERTISING INDUSTRY – AN OVERVIEW” Indian economy has performed above expectations in the past decade. Mass media advertising still holds an upper edge over targeted advertising. However, there seems to be an increasing preference towards ‘Below The Line’ promotions as against traditional mass media campaigns. The paper gives an overview of different mediums of advertising in the Indian context.

India is developing into an open-market economy, yet traces of its past policies focusing on self sufficiency remain. Economic liberalization, including industrial deregulation, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and reduced controls on foreign trade and investment, began in the early 1990s and has served to accelerate the country's growth, which has averaged more than 7% per year over the last decade. In 2010, the Indian economy rebounded robustly from the global financial crisis - largely because of strong domestic demand. Indian economy is expected to perform well in near future.


Businesses are Indian economy is growing and the market is on an expansion mode. Businesses are looking up to advertising as a tool to cash on business opportunities. Growth in business has led to a consequent growth in the advertising industry. Indian advertising industry has emerged as one of the major industries and has broadened its horizons be it the creative aspect, the capital employed or the number of personnel involved. The industry today offers a host of functions to its clients that include client servicing, media planning, media buying, creative conceptualization, pre and post campaign analysis, market research, marketing & BRANDING

Though loosely defined, a ‘line’ divides the communication mediums into two categories. ‘Above the Line’ promotion is done for mass audience and it aims at establishing brand identity or increase brand awareness. This type of communication is conventional in nature and is considered impersonal to customers. The mediums considered under this category include Television, Radio, Print Media (newspapers and magazines), Cinema, Internet and Out Of Home (OOH) advertising. Out Of Home further encompasses street furniture, transit advertising and hoardings. Currently, TV and Print media occupy more than 80% of total ATL advertising spends in India (Fig 1). ‘Below the Line’ promotion refers to forms of non-media communication or advertising. Such promotions target specific individuals and involve them. It focuses on direct means of communication which are expected to induce transactions or lead to increase in sales. BTL promotions include activities such as direct mails, exhibitions and events, sponsorship activities, public relations and sales promotions (Fig 2). Sales promotions are short-term incentives, largely aimed at consumers. Such sales promotions include Price Promotions, Coupons, Gifts with Purchase, Competitions and Prizes, Money Refunds and Loyalty Incentives. Point Of Purchase displays also fall under this category.

Broadly put, everything done prior to a customer's actual entry into an outlet is ATL and most of the activities performed inside the store are BTL activities. With increasing pressure on marketing teams to achieve communication objectives more efficiently and with a limited budget, there has been a need to find out more effective and cost efficient ways to communicate with the target consumers. This has further led to increasing shift from the regular media based advertising to target advertising.

Creation of ‘experience zones’ for increasing customer engagement is developing slowly in India. ‘Product Sampling’ at specific locations creates such zones and allows consumers to relish the experience. - Brand Mangers have started taking cues from shopper insights to understand shopper behavior and guide them to design and further implement promotions and maximize their Returns on Investment. - Most of the buying decisions are taken at the last 3 feet inside the outlet. Brand managers have started insisting on creativity in designing of POP products in order to differentiate and increase brand’s visibility amidst a number of competitive brands vying to grab the share of space inside the outlet. - Usage of Lenticular and Electro-Luminescence technologies in Displays and VM products in India to grab consumer attention is still in budding stage. - Metal, wood and plastics are still the preferred material for production of POP products. Usage of recyclable materials like corrugated board for making POP displays is not very high in India currently. It has started gaining popularity these days. In times to come, innovations in POP displays might become more important in order to differentiate from the clutter. Integrated Communications Approach:

‘The Line’, as discussed earlier, is an imaginary line used to demarcate mass advertising from target advertising. Through the Line (TTL) (or Integrated Communications Approach) refers to an advertising strategy involving both ATL and BTL promotions wherein one form of advertising points the target group to another form of advertising thereby crossing the 'line'. Eg. a Big Bazaar’s print advertisement stating 'Sabse Sasta Wednesday ' along with store details is an ATL. This communication might increase footfalls in stores. Once in the store, the target customer is presented with BTL promotional materials like pamphlets etc or BTL campaigns like ‘Swayamvar’ to boost sales. By doing

so, efforts of brand managers are integrated and returns can be optimized which otherwise would have been separate investments. The concept of integrated communications is gaining importance in India.

Various media for Advertising

Advertising media are the means to transmit the message of the advertiser to the desired class of people. Channels or vehicle by which an advertising message is brought to the notice of the prospective buyer:

Types of MediaThere is no dearth of media today. It may be direct or indirect. Direct method of advertising refers to such methods used by the advertiser with which he could establish a direct contact with the prospective hand involve the use of a hired agency for spreading the information. Most of the media are indirect in nature, e.g., press publicity, cinema, etc. The various media that are commonly used are being explained here under:


Newspaper (Hindi or English) (morning or evening editions) are bought largely for their news value as such they are most appropriate for announcing new products and new development of existing products. The choice of a particular news paper for advertising depends upon many factors i.e., circulation of the newspaper, the type of readers it serves, the geographical region in which it is popular, the costs of space and general reputation of the paper etc.


Another medium under press publicity is magazines and journals. They also offer good facility because magazine are read leisurely when the reader is mentally prepared to receive advertisements.

NEW PAGE……………………………………

Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common. The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various traditional media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as blogs, websites or text messages.

Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their products or services through "branding," which involves the repetition of an image or product name in an effort to associate certain qualities with the brand in the minds of consumers. Non-commercial advertisers who spend money to advertise items other than a consumer product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations and governmental agencies. Nonprofit organizations may rely on free modes of persuasion, such as a public service announcement (PSA).

Modern advertising was created with the innovative techniques introduced with tobacco advertising in the 1920s, most significantly with the campaigns of Edward Bernays, which is often considered the founder of modern, Madison Avenue advertising.[1][2][3]

In 2010, spending on advertising was estimated at $142.5 billion in the United States and $467 billion worldwide

Positive and Negative Effects of AdvertisingPositive EffectsThe positive side of advertising is that it makes you aware that a product or service is available. New and improved products are developed all the time and we can't be expected to keep track of these developments ourselves. So its manufacturer helps us in our lack of awareness and tells us: "Our new and improved product is now even better! Go out and buy it!".

This happy message really pleases the consumer in us and if the product is one that we use we are pleased that it has now been improved (again) and is even better. Even though the message is the same as it was the last time it was improved, chances are, if we were using it before, that we will continue to use it and that we react positively to the latest improvement. So far so good. When a good product is improved it does become a better product, right?

The ad will tell us in a variety of ways that it is any or all of the following:

better than the competitor's product cheaper than the competitor's product easier to use than the competitor's product has more prestige value than any similar product lasts longer the competitor's product it's made of superior parts or ingredients it's healthier for you it's wholly organic it's stronger, faster acting, larger, shorter etc. etc. and so forth.

So we are grateful for advertisements because they keep us up to date on the improvement of existing products and the creation of new ones. This is all very good.Unfortunately many advertisements, despite rigorous guidelines, rules, laws and consumer magazines and organisations, tell us a product or service is good only to find out after purchase that it is not good at all. And sometimes we get mad because we feel we have been taken for a ride. And this is definitely not good.

Before, in those good old days (when everybody complained), we got to recognize certain brands and products as good quality and we stuck by them. Reputation is important, as we have mentioned before, and when a company sticks to its original success formula we can trust them and continue to use their products or services without having to worry about it too much. And that is good because in our busy modern lives we have plenty to worry about already.

Negative EffectsThe negative side of an ad is that it is not usually a neutral and objective statement. The ad is made by the product's manufacturer and that already tells us that it will never be objective. According to the box every product is the best after all.

No one can deny that an unbelievable quantity of bad products are for sale. Depending on the power of the manufacturer it can be blatantly obvious that we are dealing with a bad or substandard product.  But if the manufacturer has a lot of power, the ad is so sophisticated in its

execution that, we are wholly convinced with what we are dealing is genuinely great product.

In retrospect, after the sale in other words, we can find out that the ad failed to let us know any or all of the following:

it's made of substandard materials it tastes bad it's badly made it's made from leftovers and rejected materials it's made by someone undergoing forced labor it's far too expensive and should cost 10% of what it does because it is made much much

cheaper somewhere else some of its ingredients or additives such as preservatives, colorings, etc. have been

banned in your country for at least 30 years because of their carcinogenic effects (cancer inducing)

there's really nothing in the product that is in the least bit beneficial to your physical or mental health

it could be dangerous to your children it's made up of animal byproducts they are destroying a rain forest to produce it it's been designed exclusively to use all those other bits and pieces they would otherwise

be stuck with it would kill any insect better than any spray if you would feed it to them instead of

eating it yourself it's made from organic materials, not mentioning that those organics are animal

byproducts and leftovers, bio-material even an experimental laboratory would label bio-hazard etc. etc. and so forth.

The list is quite endless once you get going the reality of it is quite depressing. The only thing we can do is learn from our failures, i.e., never buy a product or anything else manufactured by that company, or use that service again, until we are absolutely sure it is now really worth our hard earned money and time.

Advertising IntroductionAdvertising is the means of informing as well as influencing the general public to buy products or services through visual or oral messages. A product or service is advertised to create an awareness in the minds of potential buyers. Some of the commonly used media for advertising are T.V., radio, websites, newspapers, magazines, bill-boards, hoardings etc. As a result of economic liberalization and the changing social trends advertising industry has shown rapid growth in the last decade.

Advertising is one of the aspects of mass communication. Advertising is actually brand-building through effective communication and is essentially a service industry. It helps to create demand, promote marketing system and boost economic growth. Thus advertising forms the basis of marketing.

Advertising plays a significant role in today's highly competitive world. A career in advertisement is quite glamourous and at the same time challenging with more and more agencies opening up every day. Whether it's brands, companies, personalities or even voluntary or religious organizations, all of them

use some form of advertising in order to be able to communicate with the target audience. The salary structure in advertising is quite high and if you have the knack for it one can reach the top. It is an ideal profession for a creative individual who can handle work-pressure.

Today, new areas are emerging within advertising like event management, image management, internet marketing etc. Event management wherein events are marketed, Image management wherein a a particular profile of an individual or an organisation is projected. Internet marketing has also brought about a lot of changes in advertising as Internet means that one is catering to a select group of audience rather than a mass audience.

Different Media of AdvertisingNewspapersA newspaper is a written publication containing news, information and advertising, usually printed on low-cost paper called newsprint. General-interest newspapers often feature articles on political events, crime, business, art/entertainment, society and sports. Most traditional papers also feature an editorial page containing columns which express the personal opinions of writers. Supplementary sections may contain advertising, comics, coupons, and other printed media. Newspapers are most often published on a daily or weekly basis, and they usually focus on one particular geographic area where most of their readers live.Newspapers are used for advertising about the business mostly by the businesses.These advertisement can be done for small as well as for big business too.It is a traditional method of advertising.


Allows to reach a huge number of people in a given geographic area. Flexibility in deciding the ad size and placement within the newspaper. Ad can be as large as necessary to communicate as much of a story. Exposure to the ad is not limited; readers can go back to the  message again and again if

so desired. Free help in creating and producing ad copy is usually available. Quick turn-around helps ad reflect the changing market conditions.Decided ad can be in

customers hand in one or two days.


Ad space can be expensive. Poor photo reproduction limits creativity. Newspapers are a price-oriented medium and most ads are for sales. Newspapers are a highly visible medium, so competitors can quickly react to prices. Expect  ad to have a short shelf life, as newspapers are usually read once and then

discarded. With the increasing popularity of the Internet, newspapers face declining readership and

market penetration. A growing number of readers now skip the print version of the newspaper and instead read the online version of the publication.

Ad has to compete against the clutter of other advertisers, including the giants ads run by supermarkets and department stores as well as the ads of  other competitors.

MagazinesMagazines, periodicals or serials are publications, generally published on a regular schedule which  contains a variety of articles which are financed by advertising, by a purchase price, or both.Magazines are a more focused, albeit more expensive, alternative to newspaper advertising. Through magazines  highly targeted audience can be reached.There can be various types of magazine such as academic journals,art magazines,bussiness magazine,computer magazines,health and fitness magazine,women magazine,etc.


Allows for better targeting of audience, as you can choose magazine publications that cater to your specific audience or whose editorial content specializes in topics of interest to your audience.

High reader involvement means that more attention will be paid to the  advertisement. Better quality paper permits better color reproduction and full-color ads. The smaller page permits even small ads to stand out.


Plans for advertising in magazine have to be made weeks or months in advance The slower lead-time heightens the risk of your ad getting overtaken by events. There is limited flexibility in terms of ad placement and format. Space and ad layout costs are higher.

Yellow PagesYellow Pages can be used  to promote and advertise the business. Aside from the traditional Yellow Pages supplied by phone companies, now specialized directories targeted to specific markets can be checked: interactive or consumer search databases; Audio tex or talking yellow pages, Internet directories containing national, local and regional listings; and other services classified as Yellow Pages.


Non-intrusive. Frequency. Wide availability, as mostly everyone uses the Yellow Pages. Action-oriented, as the audience is actually looking for the ads. Ads are reasonably inexpensive. Responses are easily tracked and measured.


Pages can look cluttered, and the ad can easily get lost in the clutter. Ad is placed together with all your competitors. Limited creativity in the ads, given the need to follow a pre-determined format. Ads slow to reflect market changes.

RadioAs compare to other media of advertisement radio rates have less inflation in last 10 years.


Radio is a universal medium enjoyed by people at one time or another during the day, at home, at work, and even in the car.

The vast array of radio program formats offers to efficiently target your advertising dollars to narrowly defined segments of consumers most likely to respond to your offer.

Gives your business personality through the creation of campaigns using sounds and voices.

Free creative help is often available. Rates can generally be negotiated.


Because radio listeners are spread over many stations, you may have to advertise simultaneously on several stations to reach your target audience.

Listeners cannot go back to your ads to go over important points. Ads are an interruption in the entertainment. Because of this, a radio ad may require

multiple exposure to break through the listener's "tune-out" factor and ensure message retention.

Radio is a background medium. Most listeners are doing something else while listening, which means that your ad has to work hard to get their attention.

TelevisionTelevision being an image-building and visual medium, it offers the ability to convey your message with sight, sound and motion.


Television permits to reach large numbers of people on a national or regional level in a short period of time.

Independent stations and cable offer new opportunities to pinpoint local audiences.

Disadvantages Message is temporary, and may require multiple exposure for the ad to rise above the clutter.

Ads on network affiliates are concentrated in local news broadcasts and station breaks. Preferred ad times are often sold out far in advance. Limited length of exposure, as most ads are only thirty seconds long or less, which limits

the amount of information you can communicate. Relatively expensive in terms of creative, production and airtime costs.

Direct MailDirect mail, often called direct marketing or direct response marketing, is a marketing technique

in which the seller sends marketing messages directly to the buyer. Direct mail includes catalogues or other product literature with ordering opportunities like sales letters and sales letters with brochures.


Your advertising message is targeted to those most likely to buy your product or service. Marketing message can be personalized, thus helping increase positive response. Your message can be as long as is necessary to fully tell your story. Effectiveness of response to the campaign can be easily measured. You have total control over the presentation of your advertising message. Your ad campaign is hidden from your competitors until it's too late for them to react.


Some people do not like receiving offers in their mail, and throw them immediately without even opening the mail.

Resources need to be allocated in the maintenance of lists, as the success of this kind of promotional campaign depends on the quality of your mailing list.

Long lead times are required for creative printing and mailing. Producing direct mail materials entail the expense of using various professionals -

copywriter, artists, photographers, printers, etc. Can be expensive, depending on your target market, quality of your list and size of the


TelemarketingTelemarketing is the process of marketing goods, advertising services or customer service over the telephone. Call center telemarketing is classified into two categories; inbound and outbound telemarketing. Inbound telemarketing is any incoming sales or service from viewers and listeners who want to order the advertised product or ask for more information. Some inbound applications are order taking, customer service, help desk and many more. An outbound telemarketing on the other hand, is the practice of making phone calls to prospects or existing customers done by a marketing person. Some outbound telemarketing applications include phone sales, appointment setting, lead generation and many more.


Provides a venue where you can easily interact with the prospect, answering any questions or concerns they may have about your product or service.

It's easy to prospect and find the right person to talk to. It's cost-effective compared to direct sales. Results are highly measurable. You can get a lot of information across if your script is properly structured. If outsourcing, set-up cost is minimal. Increased efficiency since you can reach many more prospects by phone than you can

with in-person sales calls.

Great tool to improve relationship and maintain contact with existing customers, as well as to introduce new products to them.

Makes it easy to expand sales territory as the phone allows you to call local, national and even global prospects.

Telemarketing is available 24/7 at 365 days a year. Telemarketing allows to adjust and make any changes with the strategy anytime

necessary to increase results. An example of this is that  according to requirement  sales script can be changed or edited.Even calling hours can be also changed. This can be done as long as you gain results with it which results into another breakthrough, flexibility.

DisadvantagesAn increasing number of people have become averse to telemarketing.

More people are using technology to screen out unwanted callers, particularly telemarketers.

Government is implementing tougher measures to curb unscrupulous telemarketers. Lots of businesses use telemarketing. If hiring an outside firm to do telemarketing, there is lesser control in the process given

that the people doing the calls are not your employees. May need to hire a professional to prepare a well-crafted and effective script. It can be extremely expensive, particularly if the telemarketing is outsourced to an

outside firm. It is most appropriate for high-ticket retail items or professional services.

Specialty AdvertisingThis kind of advertising entails the use of imprinted, useful, or decorative products called advertising specialties, such as key chains, computer mouse, mugs, etc. These articles are distributed for free; recipients need not purchase or make a contribution to receive these items.


Flexibility of use. High selectivity factor as these items can be distributed only to the target market. If done well, target audience may decide to keep the items, hence promoting long

retention and constant exposure. Availability of wide range of inexpensive items that can be purchased at a low price. They can create instant awareness. They can generate goodwill in receiver. The items can be used to supplement other promotional efforts and media (e.g.

distributed during trade shows).


Targeting your market is difficult. This can be an inappropriate medium for some businesses. It is difficult to find items that are appropriate for certain businesses.

Longer lead time in developing the message and promotional product. Possibility of saturation in some items and audiences. Wrong choice of product or poor creative may cheapen the image of advertiser.

Importance of AdvertisingAdvertising is one of the oldest forms of public announcement and occupies a vital position in an organization's product mix. According to the American Marketing Association, Chicago, "Advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor."

To advertise means to inform (seen as the flow of information about a product or service from the seller to the buyer). However, advertising does not end with the flow of information alone. It goes further to influence and persuade people to take a desired action - like placing an order to buy a product.

The consumer market has become highly competitive with a new brand being born almost everyday. Irrespective of the kind of product you are looking for, be it consumer durables like refrigerators,  air conditioners, washing machines or fast moving consumer products (FMCG) the number of brands available is truly mind boggling.  Naturally it is the prime concern of every marketer to promote their brand as a shade better than the competitors'. Advertising comes in handy here.

However, simply informing a customer that a brand exists is not enough. Advertising should be targeted towards the  prospective audience in such a way that it forms a positive impact on the customer and in the process creates brand recognition.Marketers generally target advertising campaigns at the groups of customers:

First Time Users of a Product:Customers who don't use that product category at all. The aim is to convince them to try that product.

First Time Users of a Brand:Consumers who don't use a particular brand but might be using a competitor's brand. The aim here is to convince buyers to switch from the competition product to theirs.

Regular Users of the Brand:Buyers who are using the brand already. The aim is to serve as a reminder of the brand's benefits and convince them to continue using it.

Launch a New Brand into the Market.

The Benefits of Advertising

Economic Benefits of Advertising:Advertising can play an important role in the process by which an economic system guided by moral norms and responsive to the common good contributes to human development. Advertising can be a useful tool for sustaining honest and ethically responsible competition that contributes to economic growth in the service of authentic human development. Advertising does this, among other ways, by informing people about the availability of rationally desirable new products and services and improvements in existing ones, helping them to make informed, prudent consumer decisions, contributing to efficiency and the lowering of prices, and stimulating economic

progress through the expansion of business and trade. All of these can contribute to the creation of new jobs, higher incomes and a more decent and humane way of life for all.

Cultural Benefits of Advertising:Because of the impact advertising has on media that depend on it for revenue, advertisers have an opportunity to exert a positive influence on decisions about media content. This they do by supporting material of excellent intellectual, aesthetic and moral quality presented with the public interest in view, and particularly by encouraging and making possible media presentations which are oriented to minorities whose needs might otherwise go unserved. Moreover, advertising can itself contribute to the betterment of society by uplifting and inspiring people and motivating them to act in ways that benefit themselves and others.

Moral and Religious Benefits of Advertising:In many cases  too benevolent social institutions, including those of a religious nature, use advertising to communicate their messages - messages of faith, of patriotism, of tolerance, compassion and neighbour service of charity toward the needy, messages concerning health and education, constructive and helpful messages that educate and motivate people in a variety of beneficial ways.

Positive Effects:-The positive side of advertising is that it makes you aware that a product or service is available. New and improved products are developed all the time and we can't be expected to keep track of these developments ourselves. So its manufacturer helps us in our lack of awareness and tells us: "Our new and improved product is now even better! Go out and buy it!".

The ad will tell us in a variety of ways that it is any or all of the following:

• better than the competitor's product• cheaper than the competitor's product• easier to use than the competitor's product• has more prestige value than any similar product• lasts longer the competitor's product• it's made of superior parts or ingredients• it's healthier for you• it's wholly organic• it's stronger, faster acting, larger, shorter etc. etc. and so forth.

So we are grateful for advertisements because they keep us up to date on the improvement of existing products and the creation of new ones.

Negative Effects:-The negative side of an ad is that it is not usually a neutral and objective statement. The ad is made by the product's manufacturer and that already tells us that it will never be objective. According to the box every product is the best after all.No one can deny that an unbelievable quantity of bad products are for sale. Depending on the

power of the manufacturer it can be blatantly obvious that we are dealing with a bad or substandard product.

In retrospect, after the sale in other words, we can find out that the ad failed to let us know any or all of the following:• it's made of substandard materials• it tastes bad• it's badly made• it's made from leftovers and rejected materials• it's made by someone undergoing forced labor• it's far too expensive and should cost 10% of what it does because it is made much much cheaper somewhere else• it could be dangerous to your children• it's made up of animal byproducts• they are destroying a rain forest to produce it• it would kill any insect better than any spray if you would feed it to them instead of eating it yourselfThe list is quite endless once you get going the reality of it is quite depressing. The only thing we can do is learn from our failures, i.e., never buy a product or anything else manufactured by that company, or use that service again, until we are absolutely sure it is now really worth our hard earned money and time.

Advertising objectivesAdvertising objectives are the communication tasks to be accomplished with specific customers that a company is trying to reach during a particular time frame. A company that advertises usually strives to achieve one of four advertising objectives: trial, continuity, brand switching, and switchback. Which of the four advertising objectives is selected usually depends on where the product is in its life cycle.

1. Trial - The purpose of the trial objective is to encourage customers to make an initial purchase of a new product. Companies will typically employ creative advertising strategies in order to cut through other competing advertisements. The reason is simple: Without that first trial of a product by customers, there will not be any re peat purchases.

2. Continuity - Continuity advertising is a strategy to keep current customers using a particular product. Existing customers are targeted and are usually provided new and different information about a product that is designed to build consumer loyalty.

3. Brand Switching - Companies adopt brand switching as an objective when they want customers to switch from competitors' brands to their brands. A common strategy is for a company to compare product price or quality in order to convince customers to switch to its product brand. Switchback - Companies subscribe to this advertising objective when they want to get back former users of their product brand. A company might highlight new product features, price reductions, or other important product information in order to get former customers of its product to switchback.

forms of advertising Advertising, when forms of advertising roperly understood, is a powerful tool for marketing. It can be most effective with products that can be differentiated from similar products based on consumer-accepted quality differences. However, regardless of the quality of a product’s advertising, it is important to remember that a product has to compete on its own. For example, brand preference cannot be established if the product fails to meet consumer expectations.

Below are forms of advertising you may want to consider:

Newspapers Advantages – short lead time, flexible, reach large audience, community prestige, intense coverage, reader control of exposure, coordination with national advertising, merchandising service, segment consumer by geography.Disadvantages - short life span, may be expensive relative to other media, hasty reading, poor reproduction, lack of creativity.

RadioAdvantages – audio capacity, short lead time, low cost relative to other media, reach demographic and geographic segmented audience, reach large audience.Disadvantages – don’t have visual capacity, fragmented and inflexible, temporary nature of message.

Magazines and JournalsAdvantages - selectivity for demographic and geographic segments, high in quality reproduction, lasts as long as magazine is kept, prestigious advertisement is credibility of magazine is high, extra services, issue may be read by more than one person.Disadvantages – long lead time, lack of flexibility in gaining attention, often limited control over location of advertisement.

Outdoor AdvertisingAdvantages – inexpensive relative to other media, quick communication of simple ideas, repetition of exposure to customers, ability to promote products available for sale nearby.Disadvantages - brevity of the message, short exposure time, cannot target customer, public concern over esthetics.

Television Advantages - impact mass coverage, repetition, flexibility in getting attention of consumer, prestige, visual and audio capabilities, short lead time.Disadvantages - temporary nature of message, high cost relative to other media, high mortality rate for commercials, evidence of public distrust, lack of selectivity, hard to target customer, requires production specialists

Direct MailAdvantages – flexibility in reaching target audience, short lead time, intense coverage, flexibility of format, complete information, easy to personalize.

Disadvantages - high cost per person, dependency on quality of mailing list, consumer resistance, may be considered as junk mail, may be difficult and expensive to access mailing lists.

Forms of advertisementAdvertising can take a number of forms, including advocacy, comparative, cooperative, direct-mail, informational, institutional, outdoor, persuasive, product, reminder, point-of-purchase, and specialty advertising.1. Advocacy Advertising - Advocacy advertising is normally thought of as any advertisement, message, or public communication regarding economic, political, or social issues. The advertising campaign is designed to persuade public opinion regarding a specific issue important in the public arena. The ultimate goal of advocacy advertising usually relates to the passage of pending state or federal legislation. Almost all nonprofit groups use some form of advocacy advertising to influence the public's attitude toward a particular issue.

2. Comparative Advertising - Comparative advertising compares one brand directly or indirectly with one or more competing brands. This advertising technique is very common and is used by nearly every major industry, including airlines and automobile manufacturers. One drawback of comparative advertising is that customers have become more skeptical about claims made by a company about its competitors because accurate information has not always been provided, thus making the effectiveness of comparison advertising questionable.

3. Cooperative Advertising - Cooperative advertising is a system that allows two parties to share advertising costs. Manufacturers and distributors, because of their shared interest in selling the product, usually use this cooperative advertising technique. An example might be when a soft-drink manufacturer and a local grocery store split the cost of advertising the manufacturer's soft drinks; both the manufacturer and the store benefit from increased store traffic and its associated sales. Cooperative advertising is especially appealing to small storeowners who, on their own, could not afford to advertise the product adequately.

4. Direct-Mail Advertising - Catalogues, flyers, letters, and postcards are just a few of the direct-mail advertising options. Direct-mail advertising has several advantages, including detail of information, personalization, selectivity, and speed. But while direct mail has advantages, it carries an expensive per-head price, is dependent on the appropriateness of the mailing list, and is resented by some customers, who consider it "junk mail."

5. Informational Advertising - In informational advertising, which is used when a new product is first being introduced, the emphasis is on promoting the product name, benefits, and possible uses.

6. Institutional Advertising - Institutional advertising takes a much broader approach, concentrating on the benefits, concept, idea, or philosophy of a particular industry. Companies often use it to promote image-building activities, such an environmentally friendly business practices or new community-based programs that it sponsors. Institutional advertising is closely related to public relations, since both are interested in promoting a positive image of the company to the public.

7. Outdoor Advertising - Billboards and messages painted on the side of buildings are common forms of

outdoor advertising, which is often used when quick, simple ideas are being promoted.

8. Persuasive Advertising - Persuasive advertising is used after a product has been introduced to customers. The primary goal is for a company to build selective demand for its product.

9. Product Advertising - Product advertising pertains to nonpersonal selling of a specific product. An example is a regular television commercial promoting a soft drink. The primary purpose of the advertisement is to promote the specific soft drink, not the entire soft-drink line of a company.

10. Reminder Advertising - Reminder advertising is used for products that have entered the mature stage of the product life cycle. The advertisements are simply designed to remind customers about the product and to maintain awareness.

11. Point-of-Purchase Advertising - Point-of-purchase advertising uses displays or other promotional items near the product that is being sold. The primary motivation is to attract customers to the display so that they will purchase the product. Stores are more likely to use point-of-purchase displays if they have help from the manufacturer in setting them up or if the manufacturer provides easy instructions on how to use the displays.

Advertising is a means for popularizing a commodity or a service. The experts in the field of advertisement focus on making a product highly attractive for alluring the consumers to buy it, regardless of its need.

Most of the consumers buy a product purely based on how good they feel about the ad

The Negative Side of AdvertisementsThe world today is very competitive in nature and everyone believes in the ‘survival of the fittest’. Owing to our technological prosperity, we have choices, more than we can count.  So the only way to make a product catchy is to go for an impressive advertisement. While doing so, many ad-makers forget how responsible they are to the society.

It is true that an ad has a lot of positive factors, but the negatives have greater effect.

Here are a few prominent negative effects of the ads -

Hidden or unrevealed ad costs- We, the consumers are often flattered as ‘Kings’ by giant companies. We all know that it is us, the consumers who ultimately pay for a commodity. All the chargers for making a finished product are paid by us. But how many of us know that we pay for all these stupid ads as well? Each and every ad has this hidden cost, which is quite illogical.

False claims- Almost all the ads put forth false claims of the targeted product. The creators may point to the product’s unique features, but in a much exaggerated way.  They resort to this kind of deceiving for increasing the sales and thereby the profit. As for sure, they would never disclose any of its negative factors to us. Since all the ads are

done perfectly, we would never sense any fault either. Moreover, the companies on no account feel guilty of lying to its faithful customers.

Negative conditioning- We are in a way, being conditioned by these majestic companies, just like ‘Pavlov’s dog’. To hike their sales, they advertise massively and we gradually get conditioned in the bad way. When we get to see an attractive ad for long, we gradually start liking and believing it. The result is that we ultimately become addicted to products that we don’t actually need.

Setting false trends- Advertisements set false trends in the society. Consumers get a wrong image of social dignity and acceptance. They proliferate that without a certain product; we would be considered substandard in the society. When consumers feel that certain products can make them more dignified they would naturally go for it.

Degradation and demoralization of art forms- Art forms have lost its morale since ads makers began using them in a twisted way. Ads are no longer creative exhibitions of ideas but pure auctions of it. Monetary benefit is the prime concern as if nothing is happening in the world other than buying and selling of commodities.

Do we really need to suffer all this torture by actually ‘paying’ for it? To be frank, we are also in a way responsible for  this agony. Over consumerism has blinded our senses and we sprint into action without thinking intensely. So next time, before diving into an ad, think twice- ‘Do I really need this thing and is it worth my money’?


In 1980’s, there was no motivation, no fulfillment of psychological, spiritual or social needs in advertisement as there were no competitors at all, but now days there are more competitors as well as people had developed more broader sense of thinking that, which product is less cheaper, which product can fulfill our needs. For example taking the example of milk products. In Pakistan, there are more than 10 products such as Nestle, Olpers, Haleeb, Nurpur etc. This wide range of products creates confusion for the consumer that which product is the best. Therefore, through advertisement sellers motivate the consumer to buy their product. Therefore, there are three types of needs, which are fulfilled through advertisement now days.

1980-1990sPosted on November 15, 2011 by e.b. carrier

The late 1980s and early 1990s saw the introduction of cable television and particularly MTV. Pioneering the concept of the music video, MTV ushered in a new type of advertising: the consumer tunes in for the advertising message, rather than it being a by-product or afterthought. As cable and satellite television became increasingly prevalent, specialty channels emerged, including channels entirely devoted to advertising, such as QVC, Home Shopping Network, and ShopTV Canada.Advertising agency clients began to demand results for increasingly expensive ads—in the form of research data from the end-consumer (Goodrum and Dalrymple, 1990). However,

the cost of this research, including the employment of advertising researchers, was too great for small agencies, forcing smaller agencies to merge into larger ones during the 1980s (Goodrum and Dalrymple, 1990). During this decade, some advertising agencies moved from traditional radio and TV advertising toward sales promotion techniques (such as rebates, coupons, and sweepstakes) that offered measurable proof of increased sales (Wells et al., 2000).With the advent of the ad server, marketing through the Internet opened new frontiers for advertisers and contributed to the “dot-com” boom of the 1990s. Entire corporations operated solely on advertising revenue, offering everything from coupons to free Internet access. At the turn of the 21st century, a number of websites including the search engine Google, started a change in online advertising by emphasizing contextually relevant, unobtrusive ads intended to help, rather than inundate, users. This has led to a plethora of similar efforts and an increasing trend of interactive advertising.The share of advertising spending relative to GDP has changed little across large changes in media. For example, in the US in 1925, the main advertising media were newspapers, magazines, signs on streetcars, and outdoor posters. Advertising spending as a share of GDP was about 2.9 percent. By 1998, television and radio had become major advertising media. Nonetheless, advertising spending as a share of GDP was slightly lower—about 2.4 percent.


Edo period advertising flyer from 1806 for a traditional medicine called Kinseitan

Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters. Commercial messages and political campaign displays have been found in the ruins of Pompeii and ancient Arabia. Lost and found advertising on papyrus was common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Wall or rock painting for commercial advertising is another manifestation of an ancient advertising form,

which is present to this day in many parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. The tradition of wall painting can be traced back to Indian rock art paintings that date back to 4000 BC.[5] History tells us that Out-of-home advertising and billboards are the oldest forms of advertising.

As the towns and cities of the Middle Ages began to grow, and the general populace was unable to read, signs that today would say cobbler, miller, tailor or blacksmith would use an image associated with their trade such as a boot, a suit, a hat, a clock, a diamond, a horse shoe, a candle or even a bag of flour. Fruits and vegetables were sold in the city square from the backs of carts and wagons and their proprietors used street callers (town criers) to announce their whereabouts for the convenience of the customers.

As education became an apparent need and reading, as well as printing, developed advertising expanded to include handbills.[citation needed] In the 18th century[when?] advertisements started to appear in weekly newspapers in England. These early print advertisements were used mainly to promote books and newspapers, which became increasingly affordable with advances in the printing press; and medicines, which were increasingly sought after as disease ravaged Europe. However, false advertising and so-called "quack" advertisements became a problem, which ushered in the regulation of advertising content.

19th century

An 1895 advertisement for a weight gain product.

As the economy expanded during the 19th century, advertising grew alongside. In the United States, the success of this advertising format eventually led to the growth of mail-order advertising.

In June 1836, French newspaper La Presse was the first to include paid advertising in its pages, allowing it to lower its price, extend its readership and increase its profitability and the formula was soon copied by all titles. Around 1840, Volney B. Palmer established the roots of the modern day advertising agency in Philadelphia. In 1842 Palmer bought large amounts of space in various newspapers at a discounted rate then resold the space at higher rates to advertisers. The actual ad - the copy, layout, and artwork - was still prepared by the company wishing to advertise; in effect, Palmer was a space broker. The situation changed in the late 19th century when the advertising agency of N.W. Ayer & Son was founded. Ayer and Son offered to plan, create, and execute complete advertising campaigns for its customers. By 1900 the advertising agency had become the focal point of creative planning, and advertising was firmly established as a profession. [6] Around the same time, in France, Charles-Louis Havas extended the services of his news agency, Havas to include advertisement brokerage, making it the first French group to organize. At first, agencies were brokers for advertisement space in newspapers. N. W. Ayer & Son was the first full-service agency to assume responsibility for advertising content. N.W. Ayer opened in 1869, and was located in Philadelphia.[6]

20th century

A print advertisement for the 1913 issue of the Encyclopædia Britannica

At the turn of the century, there were few career choices for women in business; however, advertising was one of the few. Since women were responsible for most of the purchasing done in their household, advertisers and agencies recognized the value of women's insight during the creative process. In fact, the first American advertising to use a sexual sell was created by a woman – for a soap product. Although tame by today's standards,[citation needed] the advertisement featured a couple with the message "The skin you love to touch".[7][non-primary source needed]

Modern advertising was created with the innovative techniques used in tobacco advertising beginning in the 1920s, most significantly with the campaigns of Edward Bernays, which is often considered as the founder of modern, Madison Avenue advertising.[1][2][3] The tobacco industries was one of the firsts to make use of mass production, with the introduction of the Bonsack machine to roll cigarettes. The Bonsack machine allowed the production of cigarettes for a mass markets, and the tobacco industry needed to match such an increase in supply with the creation of a demand from the masses through advertising.[8]

On the radio from the 1920s

Advertisement for a live radio broadcast, sponsored by a milk company and published in the Los Angeles Times on May 6, 1930

In the early 1920s, the first radio stations were established by radio equipment manufacturers and retailers who offered programs in order to sell more radios to consumers. As time passed, many non-profit organizations followed suit in setting up their own radio stations, and included: schools, clubs and civic groups.[9]

Advertisements of hotels in Pichilemu, Chile from 1935.

When the practice of sponsoring programs was popularised, each individual radio program was usually sponsored by a single business in exchange for a brief mention of the business' name at the beginning and end of the sponsored shows. However, radio station owners soon realised they could earn more money by selling sponsorship rights in small time allocations to multiple businesses throughout their radio station's broadcasts, rather than selling the sponsorship rights to single businesses per show.

Public service advertising in WW2

The advertising techniques used to promote commercial goods and services can be used to inform, educate and motivate the public about non-commercial issues, such as HIV/AIDS[citation

needed], political ideology, energy conservation and deforestation.

Advertising, in its non-commercial guise, is a powerful educational tool capable of reaching and motivating large audiences. "Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest—it is much too powerful a tool to use solely for commercial purposes." Attributed to Howard Gossage by David Ogilvy.

Public service advertising, non-commercial advertising, public interest advertising, cause marketing, and social marketing are different terms for (or aspects of) the use of sophisticated advertising and marketing communications techniques (generally associated with commercial enterprise) on behalf of non-commercial, public interest issues and initiatives.

In the United States, the granting of television and radio licenses by the FCC is contingent upon the station broadcasting a certain amount of public service advertising. To meet these requirements, many broadcast stations in America air the bulk of their required public service

announcements during the late night or early morning when the smallest percentage of viewers are watching, leaving more day and prime time commercial slots available for high-paying advertisers.

Public service advertising reached its height during World Wars I and II under the direction of more than one government. During WWII President Roosevelt commissioned the creation of The War Advertising Council (now known as the Ad Council) which is the nation's largest developer of PSA campaigns on behalf of government agencies and non-profit organizations, including the longest-running PSA campaign, Smokey Bear.[citation needed]

Commercial television in the 1950s

This practice was carried over to commercial television in the late 1940s and early 1950s. A fierce battle was fought between those seeking to commercialise the radio and people who argued that the radio spectrum should be considered a part of the commons – to be used only non-commercially and for the public good. The United Kingdom pursued a public funding model for the BBC, originally a private company, the British Broadcasting Company, but incorporated as a public body by Royal Charter in 1927. In Canada, advocates like Graham Spry were likewise able to persuade the federal government to adopt a public funding model, creating the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. However, in the United States, the capitalist model prevailed with the passage of the Communications Act of 1934 which created the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).[9] However, the U.S. Congress did require commercial broadcasting companies to operate in the "public interest, convenience, and necessity".[10] Public broadcasting now exists in the United States due to the 1967 Public Broadcasting Act which led to the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and National Public Radio (NPR).

In the early 1950s, the DuMont Television Network began the modern practice of selling advertisement time to multiple sponsors. Previously, DuMont had trouble finding sponsors for many of their programs and compensated by selling smaller blocks of advertising time to several businesses. This eventually became the standard for the commercial television industry in the United States. However, it was still a common practice to have single sponsor shows, such as The United States Steel Hour. In some instances the sponsors exercised great control over the content of the show—up to and including having one's advertising agency actually writing the show. The single sponsor model is much less prevalent now, a notable exception being the Hallmark Hall of Fame.

Media diversification in the 1960s

In the 1960s, campaigns featuring heavy spending in different mass media channels became more prominent. For example, the Esso gasoline company spent hundreds of millions of dollars on a brand awareness campaign built around the simple and alliterative [11] theme Put a Tiger in Your Tank.[12] Psychologist Ernest Dichter [13] and DDB Worldwide copywriter Sandy Sulcer [14] learned that motorists desired both power and play while driving, and chose the tiger as an easy–to–remember symbol to communicate those feelings. The North American and later European campaign featured extensive television and radio and magazine ads, including photos with tiger tails supposedly emerging from car gas tanks, promotional events featuring real tigers,

billboards, and in Europe station pump hoses "wrapped in tiger stripes" as well as pop music songs.[12] Tiger imagery can still be seen on the pumps of successor firm ExxonMobil.

Cable television from the 1980s

The late 1980's and early 1990's saw the introduction of cable television and particularly MTV. Pioneering the concept of the music video, MTV ushered in a new type of advertising: the consumer tunes in for the advertising message, rather than it being a by-product or afterthought. As cable and satellite television became increasingly prevalent, specialty channels emerged, including channels entirely devoted to advertising, such as QVC, Home Shopping Network, and ShopTV Canada.

On the internet from the 1990sMain article: Internet marketing

With the advent of the ad server, marketing through the Internet opened new frontiers for advertisers and contributed to the "dot-com" boom of the 1990s. Entire corporations operated solely on advertising revenue, offering everything from coupons to free Internet access. At the turn of the 21st century, a number of websites including the search engine Google, started a change in online advertising by emphasizing contextually relevant, unobtrusive ads intended to help, rather than inundate, users. This has led to a plethora of similar efforts and an increasing trend of interactive advertising.

The share of advertising spending relative to GDP has changed little across large changes in media. For example, in the US in 1925, the main advertising media were newspapers, magazines, signs on streetcars, and outdoor posters. Advertising spending as a share of GDP was about 2.9 percent. By 1998, television and radio had become major advertising media. Nonetheless, advertising spending as a share of GDP was slightly lower—about 2.4 percent.[15]

A recent advertising innovation is "guerrilla marketing", which involves unusual approaches such as staged encounters in public places, giveaways of products such as cars that are covered with brand messages, and interactive advertising where the viewer can respond to become part of the advertising message. Guerrilla advertising is becoming increasingly more popular with a lot of companies. This type of advertising is unpredictable and innovative, which causes consumers to buy the product or idea. This reflects an increasing trend of interactive and "embedded" ads, such as via product placement, having consumers vote through text messages, and various innovations utilizing social network services such as Facebook or Twitter.[citation needed]

Advertising theory

Hierarchy of effects model

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information. (August 2012)

Hierarchy of effects model[16]

It clarifies the objectives of an advertising campaign and for each individual advertisement. The model suggests that there are six steps a consumer or a business buyer moves through when making a purchase. The steps are:

1. Awareness2. Knowledge3. Liking4. Preference5. Conviction6. Purchase

Means-End Theory

This approach suggests that an advertisement should contain a message or means that leads the consumer to a desired end state.

Leverage Points

It is designed to move the consumer from understanding a product's benefits to linking those benefits with personal values.

Verbal and Visual Images

The political economy of advertisement is the theory that a few powerful groups, or ‘knowledge monopolies,’ control the thoughts, behaviors, and actions of the public through mass media as communication. As a form of communication, advertisement uses repeated verbal and visual images to develop and alter society. Over time, these repeated images and symbols become associated with either positive or negative attributes and can modify the public’s evaluation of such cultural objects as people, religions, ethnic groups, and societal roles. Thus, the media forms the beliefs and values of the public through media portrayals. The messages of the ((political economy)) commonly correlate with current economic interests.[17]

Marketing mix

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Main article: Marketing mix

The marketing mix has been the key concept to advertising. The marketing mix was suggested by professor E. Jerome McCarthy in the 1960s. The marketing mix consists of four basic elements called the four P’s. Product is the first P representing the actual product. Price represents the process of determining the value of a product. Place represents the variables of getting the product to the consumer like distribution channels, market coverage and movement organization. The last P stands for Promotion which is the process of reaching the target market and convincing them to go out and buy the product.[citation needed]

There has been a long tradition of advertising in India since the first newspapers published in India in the 19th Century carried advertising. The first advertising agency was established in 1905, B. Datram and Company, followed by The India-Advertising Company in 1907, the Calcutta Advertising agency in 1909, S.H.Bensen in 1928, J. Walter Thompson Associates through its Indian associate, Hindustan Thompson Associates in 1929, Lintas (Lever international Advertising Services) in 1939 and McCann Erikson in 1956. Advertising expenditure in the 1950s was estimated at $US 300,000. Under the more socialist political environment of the 1960s and 1970s there was little incentive for companies to advertise because advertising was not tax deductible. In the 1970s there was a 58% growth in the number of registered agencies from 106 in 1969 to 168 in 1979, and this included a growth in Indian agencies. The first advertising appeared on state television in 1976.

With the opening of the economy in the 1980s there was a growth in the number of alliances with multinational agencies and an expansion in advertising though foreign network participation in agency ownership was limited. In 1987 Hindustan Thompson was affiliated to J. Walter Thompson. Lintas, the 2nd ranking agency, held only 4% of its subsidiary, as did Ogilvie and Mather. Saatchi and Saatchi/Compton had minority interests in Compton as did Lintas. A study done in 1984 of the largest companies in India found that the ratio of advertising expenditure to sales had risen from .64 in 1976, to .71 in 1980 to .74 in 1984. Foreign controlled corporations had the dominant share of total advertising expenditure, and 80% of these were in the consumer goods sectors. Advertising was very concentrated with the top 50 advertisers accounting for 80% of the advertising spending and the top 10 advertisers made up 40% of that figure, 32% of the total. The largest advertiser throughout the period was Hindustan Lever which was nearly 10% of the advertising budget of the corporate sector companies.Pharmaceutical companies were also significant advertisers at this time.


Today in India, the scope for advertising has progressed considerably although the Indian advertising spends as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is still abysmally low (at 0.34 %) as opposed to other developed and developing countries. Advertising revenues are vital for the growth of Entertainment and Media (E&M) industry in India. These low ad spends are an immense potential for growth. This can be seen through the development of so many new mediums of advertising in recent years. Current advertising revenues are estimated to be about 200 billion for 2008.

August 8, 2012 by Greg Kramer

Today I want to step out of the “not so nice shoes” that I’ve been wearing in my last two blogs and write positively about the good experiences I’m aware of in advertising. One of the best

aspects of advertising is that we become better informed about things that are going on in the world, new products that may improve our health and well being, and others that may boost our

happiness. These days, we have become more prone to stressful anxieties and different disorders, and certain adverts have helped us women to cope with them by simply normalizing the

situation. Sometimes, a good ad can really lift our spirits. I know this may seem silly, or perhaps even a little dramatic, but some women out there really need this sort of thing to make them feel

good about themselves.

For example, there are ads about a couple breaking up where the woman starts indulging in a tub of ice

cream, a bar of chocolate or something equally delicious. The product (the delicious goodie) teams up

with a perfectly understandable and normal situation in our day-to-day lives, such as indulging in

“naughty” food during the not so good times. I absolutely love these ads, and they make me feel so

much better because they remind me that I am not the only one who sometimes indulges in a little too

much sweet goodness when times are rough. Besides which, I’m sick of those ads about 99% fat free

food – if I want to eat something sweet and satisfying, I want the real thing. So these ads reach out to

the broken hearted or sad women out there who are digging into a tub of ice cream while watching TV

and believe me, they bring a smile. They tell us what we should already know, that we are not perfect

human beings and that we do sometimes give in to temptation.

Health is a very important thing in our lives; actually it’s the most important thing. Regular check ups are

important but these visits can be quite daunting. Luckily some ads really do know how to reach out to

us. Take the smear test ad for example.

I know from personal experience, and those of my friends and other women, that this can be a terrifying situation to have to go through. Not only do we have to go and open our legs to a

complete stranger, albeit a professional, but we also have to deal with the fact that certain complications may arise from the test. We instantly feel an enormous sense of paranoia, which creates

fear, which in turn leaves us feeling reluctant to take the test. This level of worry may seem senseless, but it’s real, which is why I really like the way the smear test ad is done. Which ad? The one

with the four Maori or Pacifica women who get all dressed up, climb into that hideous van before ending up at the smear test clinic.     The ad creates a comfortable atmosphere, one in which

women get together and sort of have each other’s backs, turning something scary into a lovely, even fun experience. Although many people may have negative feedback about this ad, it works by

normalising the fact that all women go through this process and that it does not have to be so bad.

Other ads that have a good impact on our health are the ones for breast screening, depression

(especially with New Zealand’s incredibly high rates of depression), anti smoking, pregnancy etc. I know

not everybody will agree with me on this, perhaps because they think they’re watching needless

adverts, and that we’re all already aware that we have to deal with these challenges and difficulties. But

let me tell you, from my experience as a counselor, that many women don’t really think or feel at all

positive about these situations, and many of them believe that they are the only ones who have these

fears. It only takes one good advert to reach a woman and it can create a whole new world for her. So

this ability to change perspectives is what I love about adverts, they take us into a world that we want to

reach, they tell us a story where we can see ourselves playing the main character and they can surely

inspire us (the good ones that is).


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