african americans in the military - lexisnexis...african americans in the military part 1: subject...

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    Part 1: Subject Files of JudgeWilliam Hastie, Civilian Aide

    to the Secretary of War

    BLACK STUDIES RESEARCH SOURCESMicrofilms from Major Archival and Manuscript Collections

    A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of

    A UPA Collectionfrom

  • Cover: Army Air Corps cadets reporting to Capt. Benjamin O. Davis Jr. Photograph courtesyof the National Archives, College Park, Maryland.


    Part 1: Subject Files of JudgeWilliam Hastie, Civilian Aide

    to the Secretary of War

    Project EditorRobert E. Lester

    Guide compiled byEric H. Doss

    BLACK STUDIES RESEARCH SOURCESMicrofilms from Major Archival and Manuscript Collections

    7500 Old Georgetown Road • Bethesda, MD 20814-6126

    A UPA Collection from

  • ii

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    African Americans in the military [microform] / edited by Robert E.Lester ; guide compiled by Eric H. Doss.

    microfilm reels ; 35 mm. — (Black studies research sources)Reproduces records highlighting a variety of issues: the working

    relationships among the Civilian Aide, the Secretary of War, and othersin the War Department; black officers and units; various organizations,such as the NAACP and the Urban League; and the African American publicat large.

    Accompanied by a printed guide entitled: A guide to the microfilm editionof African Americans in the military.

    ISBN 0-88692-742-01. World War, 1939–1945—Participation, African American—History—

    Sources. 2. United States—Armed Forces—African Americans—History—20th century—Sources. 3. African Americans—Segregation—History—20th century—Sources. 4. Race discrimination—United States—History—20th century—Sources. 5. Hastie, William, 1904–1976. I. Hastie,William, 1904–1976. II. Lester, Robert. III. Doss, Eric H., 1980– .IV. University Publications of America (Firm) V. Title: Guide to themicrofilm edition of African Americans in the military. VI. Series.D810.N4940.54'03—dc22 2006040826


    Copyright © 2006 LexisNexis,a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.

    All rights reserved.ISBN 0-88692-742-0.

  • iii

    TABLE OF CONTENTSScope and Content Note ............................................................................................ vSource Note ................................................................................................................. ixEditorial Note .............................................................................................................. ixAbbreviations .............................................................................................................. xi

    Reel Index

    Reel 1Aberdeen Proving Grounds–Air Corps—Aviation Cadets, A–Z ........................... 1

    Reel 2Air Corps—Aviation Cadets–Air Corps—Enlistments, A–H ................................. 2

    Reel 3Air Corps—Enlistments, I–Z–Air Corps—General ............................................... 4

    Reel 4Air Corps—General cont.–American Council of Education .................................. 6

    Reel 5American Council of Education cont.–Army Specialized Training ........................ 7

    Reel 6Army Specialized Training cont.–ASF Special Troop Policy Committee .............. 9

    Reel 7Assignment of Negro Officers–Aviation Cadets—Ed-3 ........................................ 10

    Reel 8Aviation Cadets—Ed-3 cont.–Bellwood Quartermaster Depot ............................. 11

    Reel 9Blood Plasma—Red Cross–Bureau of Public Relations—War Department ........ 13

    Reel 10Bureau of Public Relations–Camp Carson ........................................................... 14

    Reel 11Camp Claiborne, Louisiana–Camp Lee, Virginia ................................................... 16

    Reel 12Camp Livingston, Louisiana–Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi .................................. 18

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    Reel 13Camp Wallace, Texas–Chaplains—Inquiries re: Appointment as Camp Chaplains ......................................................................................................... 20

    Reel 14Chaplains—Inquiries re: Appointment as Camp Chaplains cont.–Civilian Assignments—Overseas ................................................................................. 22

    Reel 15Civilian Assignments—Overseas cont.–Civilian Teachers .................................. 24

    Reel 16Classifications—Army Tests–COFEP, Departmental .......................................... 25

    Reel 17COFEP, Departmental cont.–Committee on Fair Employment Practice (A–I) ................................................................................................... 26

    Reel 18Committee on Fair Employment Practice (A–I) cont.–Committee on Fair Employment Practice (Mc–Z) .......................................................................... 27

    Reel 19Committee on Fair Employment Practice (Mc–Z) cont.–COFEP, Inactive (J–N)................................................................................................... 28

    Reel 20COFEP, Inactive (J–N) cont.–COFEP, Inactive (A–D) ........................................ 30

    Reel 21COFEP, Inactive (A–D) cont.–COFEP, Inactive (M–O)....................................... 31

    Reel 22COFEP, Inactive (P–Z)–Conference of Negro Newspaper Representatives ............................................................................................... 32

    Reel 23Stewart, John L.–Courts-Martial ........................................................................... 33

    Reel 24Courts-Martial cont.–Courts-Martial Cases .......................................................... 35

    Reel 25Courts-Martial Cases cont.–Court-Martial, Woods, Joseph L. ............................. 36

    Principal Correspondents Index ............................................................................... 39Subject Index .............................................................................................................. 101

  • v

    William Henry Hastie, perhaps best known as the first African American federaltrial judge, served the government in many capacities throughout his career. From1940 to 1943, Judge Hastie served as civilian aide to Secretary of War Henry L.Stimson, specifically tasked to address any issues arising with African Americans inthe military. African Americans in the Military, Part 1: Subject Files of Judge WilliamHastie, Civilian Aide to the Secretary of War chronicles Hastie’s duties and dailyinteractions with African Americans attempting to overcome the systematicdiscrimination present in the government. The majority of Hastie’s files containpersonal correspondence from young African American men and their familiesseeking the opportunity to serve the government and assist the war effort. With theassistance of Truman K. Gibson and James C. Evans, Judge Hastie sought toprovide young African American men with equal access to the military.

    Organized alphabetically, this collection contains a rich record of the personalstruggles faced by African Americans. Beginning on the first reel, Hastie is calledupon to assist young men anxious to join the Army Air Corps. Most of the letterscontain narrative accounts of the application process the candidates endured. Inspite of advertised openings for African American pilots, navigators, and mechanics,most applicants were dismissed or informed that no African Americans would beallowed to fill the positions. Other letters contain allegations that physicalexaminations were biased or falsified to prevent the acceptance of African Americancandidates. Many of the applicants were informed of mysterious or previouslyundiagnosed maladies that prevented entrance into the Air Corps. The severity ofthis situation can be seen in a telegraph contained on Reel 3,

    I am away from Home since March first have been trying to enlist in AirCorps or any branch of service other than Infantry. Am ColoredQualifications otherwise OK. Please advise if you can help or shall I giveup and return home.

    Once a young man entered the service, his struggle was far from over. At thistime, the army remained fully segregated. The only exception was that white officerswere allowed, and in many cases expected, to command African American troops.As these men transitioned into military life, the discrimination changed with them.Some of this discrimination took the form of administrative and bureaucraticobstacles placed before the African American soldiers. Men were repeatedlytransferred across the country; they were assigned to bases where their trainingcould not be utilized, while educated and highly trained men were forced to serve asjanitors and servants. While some of the cases of transfers appear to be legitimate,the overwhelming message received by Hastie was that the armed forces wereteeming with racism.


  • vi

    Transferring personnel and underutilizing trained men, while clearly racist, areattempts to impede the progress of African American soldiers. Some members of themilitary, however, cared little about slowing the progress of the new soldiers andsought to end their aspirations completely. While cases and threats of murder areless prevalent than the standard racist reports, they appear from time to time inHastie’s files. A serious example occurs on Reel 9, Frame 0843, where Ethel K.Greene, a civilian from Washington, D.C., becomes concerned regarding therepeated threats from white soldiers. Mrs. Greene reports boisterous conversationsbetween these white soldiers explaining “what the Southern boys were planning to doto Negroes in the army, saying that Negroes could be shot down or killed withoutdetection.” Mrs. Greene’s letter seems to presage an event described on the nextreel. In a report on Camp Blanding, Florida, found on Reel 10, Frame 0843, JudgeHastie received information concerning a troubling court-martial that occurred at FortBenning, Georgia. The report details a shooting of a black soldier named Felix Hall.Private Hall was shot by a military police officer shortly after the discovery of anotherAfrican American soldier, bound and hanged from a tree close to the camp. Thecourt-martial contained conflicting evidence, but the final verdict acquitted the whitemilitary police officer based on a self-defense argument “despite the fact that all fivebullets took effect in Hall’s body with most of them having entered from the rear.”

    Even though Hastie was tasked to represent African Americans in the military,the scope of his job expanded as the war effort grew. A large portion of Hastie’s filescontain letters and details of problems facing African Americans who wanted to jointhe civil service. Many of these applicants were African American women who hadscored well on the civil service exam but were denied a position after they revealedtheir race. The systematic discrimination is revealed through personal accounts ofthe barriers to employment and promotion placed before these African Americancandidates. This section also contains forwarded documents from the Committee onFair Employment Practices. The committee was created to ensure that “there shallbe no discrimination in the employment of workers in defense industries orgovernment because of race, creed, color, or national origin.” In direct contradictionwith the Executive Order that created the committee, the letters contained in thissection are a testimony to the deeply engrained biases that would take generationsto overcome.

    The final section of this collection illuminates how military law affected AfricanAmerican soldiers. Many of the letters in these folders are pleas for clemency andleniency from the families and friends of convicted soldiers. In many of the cases,after thorough investigation, Hastie’s office found that the trials were conductedproperly and that there was no available recourse. In some of the more seriouscases, however, Hastie found that basic procedural errors and deliberate neglect ofthe rights of the accused led to a biased or improper verdict. Hastie was only able toaffect the outcome of a few cases, normally slightly reducing the sentence orpreventing the application of the death penalty.

    Hastie became disillusioned with his employer and his ability to change theracist policies of the federal government. After serving as civilian aide from 1941,Hastie resigned the position on January 15, 1943. Hastie’s resignation was a protestagainst the entrenched racism he discovered in the government and the military.

    Other collections of interest from LexisNexis include The William H. HastiePapers, a collection of Judge Hastie’s personal and judicial papers and documentsrelating to civil rights. Of interest for scholars of African American history,

  • vii

    LexisNexis offers a collection of NAACP records, Papers of the NAACP, whichinclude administrative, educational, and legislative documents produced by theNAACP. The LexisNexis African American collection also includes Civil RightsDuring the Eisenhower Administration, The Mary McLeod Bethune Papers, andmultiple other collections. Other World War II collections include World War IICombat Interviews, Manhattan Project: Official History and Documents, Top SecretStudies on U.S. Communications Intelligence During World War II, and Records ofthe Tuskegee Airmen.

  • ix

    SOURCE NOTEThe materials microfilmed for this collection come from RG 107, Records of the

    Secretary of War, Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of War, Entry188: Civilian Aide to the Secretary—Subject File [General Correspondence (JudgeHastie), 1940–1948], at the National Archives, College Park, Maryland.

    EDITORIAL NOTELexisNexis has microfilmed all materials from boxes 176 through 198 in RG 107,

    Entry 188, with the exception of duplicates and blank pages.

  • xi

    ABBREVIATIONSThe following abbreviations are used three or more times in this guide.

    ASF Army Service Forces

    CCC Civilian Conservation Corps

    COFEP Committee on Fair Employment Practice

  • 1

    REEL INDEX Following is a listing of the folders that compose African Americans in the Military, Part 1:

    Subject Files of Judge William Hastie, Civilian Aide to the Secretary of War. The four-digit number on the far left is the frame number at which a particular file folder begins. This is followed by the file title and the date(s) of the file. Substantive issues are highlighted under the heading Major Topics, as are prominent correspondents under the heading Principal Correspondents. Major Topics and Principal Correspondents are listed in the order in which they appear on the film, and each is listed only once per folder. The Principal Correspondents list includes all authors of all correspondence, except the most trivial memoranda and notes.

    Reel 1 Frame No.

    0001 Aberdeen Proving Grounds [1943–1948]. Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; Frank D. Dolan; Grant W. Breuer; Louis

    R. Lautier; Thomas M. Robins; Morris C. Brown; Joseph A. Pittman; Hugh V. Robinett; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Edward C. Green Jr.; H. S. Charnell Jr.; A. Bratton; R. F. Stearns; H. E. Robinson; Pedro C. Pla; August Schomburg.

    0089 Aberdeen Proving Grounds [1940].

    Principal Correspondents: Robert C. Weaver; Elder H. Russell.

    0093 Administrative Intern Program [1946–1948]. Principal Correspondents: John G. Connell Jr.; James C. Evans.

    0099 Adjutant General—Correspondence [1942]. Major Topics: Courts-martial and courts of inquiry; segregation; discrimination in

    armed forces, employment discrimination, Postal Service. Principal Correspondents: A. W. Johnson; Marcus H. Ray; James C. Evans; J. A.

    Ulio; John J. Brice; Joseph L. Clark; O. E. Fitzgerald; L. W. Sutton; C. A. Whittier. 0201 Advertising, Army [1942].

    Principal Correspondents: William H. Hastie; Eustace Gay; C. A. Franklin; H. B. Lewis; Roy Garvin.

    0223 Agriculture Conference [1944].

    Principal Correspondent: James C. Evans. 0244 Air Corps—Administrative Personnel [1942].

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Luska J. Twyman; Berry A. Davison; L. B. Hicham.

  • Frame No.


    0265 Air Corps—Airplane Mechanics [1943]. Major Topic: Employment applications, military; discrimination in military recruitment. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Lawrence W. Harris; Bert

    McDonald; John L. Donovan Jr.; Hamilton L. Cheatham; Robert C. Weaver; Chauncey E. Spencer; Garnet C. Wilkinson; W. G. Alexander; J. B. Hartranft Jr.; Irving C. Boyle; Ernst Gayden; John C. Robinson; John W. Davis; Cornelius R. Coffey; James L. H. Peck; F. D. Patterson.

    0335 Air Corps—Aviation Cadets, A–Z [1942–1944].

    Major Topics: Employment applications, military; discrimination in military recruitment.

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; John Adams Jr.; William H. Hastie; F. M. Allen; Charles C. Amey; Howard D. Gould; F. Schoenfeld; Campbell O. Johnson; Mary McLeod Bethune; Douglas G. Brown; Bruce T. Bowens Jr.; W. Harold Branch; Roscoe C. Brown Jr.; Richard T. Coiner Jr.; Carl Murphy; Russell Childs; Philip M. Brett Jr.; Gilbert A. Cargill; Leon Clark; Esther H. Wilson; W. T. Coleman; William F. Coleman Jr.; John W. Coombs; Claude A. Barnett; Arthur R. Decatur; James C. Evans; John E. Edwards; J. H. Eiland; Adam C. Falcon Jr.; Herman Ferguson; Charles H. Foreman; G. L. Washington; Charles E. Gibson Jr.; Walter S. Gladding; James E. Glass; Douglas R. Greer; George M. Johnson; Worl V. Hill; James J. Hyett; Jack Housen; William Irving Holland; J. A. Ulio; Park J. Ewart; Porter Hendricks; Phillip V. Hammond; Milton R. Henry; John A. Helem; James M. Hinton; Elmer A. Carter; Fred A. Bauer; Sidney R. Redmond; Maurice Jackson Jr.; Marvin S. Jacobs; Daniel James Jr.; Rufus R. Johnson; James M. Kinloch; Walter W. Harris; Thomas B. Mayo; Frederick H. Moore; John H. Sengstacke; Arnold Mason; Theodore Spaulding; Wilbur L. Motta; C. Udell Turpin; Ivan J. McRae Sr.; Willa B. Brown; James W. Napper; James Pritchett; Louis R. Lautier; Frederick L. Parker Sr.; Richard Coiner Jr.; John S. Perry; George W. Prioleau; John Rohlehr; Clem Russ; Larry N. Ross Jr.; Elmer A. Carter; Frank R. Bushey; Jack M. Anderson; James C. Ramsey; J. Edgar Reeves; Paul V. McNutt; Omar A. Robinson; William L. Dawson; George A. Kindall; R. C. Robinson Sr.; T. Emery Rolls Jr.; Henry M. Spaulding; Mildred Stevens; Milton R. Konvitz; Theodore Scott; Richard T. Coiner Jr.; John Slaughter; Lewis H. Bryant; Charles E. Taylor; Elliot Tempro; Robert Terry; L. J. Mecure; W. E. Feast; H. A. Orr; J. M. Marteena; H. T. Crane; Arthur Thompson; Francis R. Thompson; Lloyd D. Tyner; Johnnie V. Washington; Harold L. White; Lester B. Walker; Leonora B. Willette.

    Reel 2 0001 Air Corps—Aviation Cadets [1941–1944].

    Major Topics: Employment applications, military; discrimination in military recruitment.

    Principal Correspondents: C. H. Archer; William H. Hastie; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Charles M. Ashe; Alphonso Brooks; Thomas Bryant; R. B. DeFrantz; Paul F. Byrd; William L. Houston; James Young Carter; William W. Beasley; Arnold M. Cisco; James E. Cooper; J. Columbus Costner Jr.; Campbell C. Johnson; William B. Ellis; Charles English; James C. Evans; Ashway Garry Jr.; Hubert T. Delany; Arthur T. Giddings Sr.; Howard D. Gould; Willie Gullatte; Benjamin O. Davis Jr.; Joseph R. Houchins; Fischer Hudson; A. Maceo Smith; J. Don Jackson; Vetile D.

  • Frame No.


    James Jr.; St. Clair Streett; O. L. Lawson; Walter White; Roscoe Dunjee; Lawrence Lackey; Carroll N. Langston Jr.; Louis R. Lautier; George E. Lebby; James G. Lewis; George W. Libby; Charles Louthers; Richard T. Coiner Jr.; Ira W. Lucas; Henry Parks Jr.; F. D. Patterson; William Phelps Jr.; P. L. Prattis; Jesse H. Primus; Aida M. Richardson; J. W. Durant; Virgil J. Richardson; Louis C. Smith; Wilmer F. Lucas; Royal A. Spaulding; James A. Stewart Jr.; Rae Gene Thompson; Joseph J. Gibson; Elmer A. Carter; Compton A. Taylor Sr.; H. C. Chenault; S. M. Strong; Charles H. May; G. L. Washington; John H. Ives; Thomas D. Armstrong; R. E. Nugent; Catherine F. Freeland; R. E. Jones; T. W. Patrick; James E. Miller; William T. Smith; John I. McCammon; F. C. Scott; D. M. Allison; Enoc P. Waters Jr.; Arthur D. White; Crystal Bird Fauset; Clarence L. Williams; W. H. Redit; M. D. Williams; Thomas Worlds; R. R. Wright Jr.

    0365 Air Corps—Camoufleur [1943–1944].

    Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; Stafford Wells; John W. Davis; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Ray E. Porter; Edward T. Hall.

    0390 Air Corps—Departmental [1941–1945].

    Major Topics: Enlisted Reserve Program, employment applications, military; discrimination in military recruitment.

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Georgetta C. Blassingame; Robert A. Lovett; T. M. Belshe; John H. McCormick; Robert W. Harper; John B. Cooley; J. A. Ulio; Louis R. Lautier; William M. Kelley; Marvel Cooke; J. G. Christiansen; Roy Wilkins; William H. Hastie; James J. Hyett; William P. Scobey; Eleanor Roosevelt; Thomas J. Gent Jr.; George A. Brownell; Nora Bennett; L. S. Smith; Carl Murphy; Richard Bennett; Richard T. Coiner Jr.; Henry L. Stimson; Henry H. Arnold; James C. Evans; Sherman D. Scruggs; J. C. Evans; G. L. Davasher; Leon A. Ransom; John W. Judson; Harold F. Smith; Malcolm S. MacLean; Addison E. Richmond; David C. Hale; Robert P. Patterson; H. N. Gilbert; St. Clair Streett; William W. Beasley; James E. Wilson; Howard D. Gould.

    0682 Air Corps—Enlistments, A–H [1941].

    Major Topics: Employment applications, military; discrimination in military recruitment.

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; St. Clair Streett; Charles C. Amey; William H. Hastie; R. E. Nugent; J. W. Durant; William W. Beasley; Robert Warren Andrews; Thomas D. Armstrong; George Battle; David L. Batts; B. L. Bell; Melvin Jerome Bentley; Bedford T. Bentley; Courtland Bivens; Henry Allen Boyd II; Arnold Braithwaite; Earl Branch Jr.; Otis F. Tabler; Alphonso L. Brooks; Ralph J. Bunche; William H. Brown Jr.; Paul Francis Byrd; Cleveland Robert Chambliss; Charles Robert Collins; James Collins; Calvin H. Connally; Rayford W. Logan; Albert Cooke; G. Robert Cotton; G. L. Washington; E. S. Adams; Philip Augustus Coxe; Gloster B. Current; J. Mercer Burrell; John W. Davis; David C. Hale; E. P. Pierson; R. B. DeFrantz; Philip L. Burton; Charles C. Diggs; William M. Dillon; George Robert Douglass; Herbert Earley; Paul Edwards; Amos T. Hall; James C. Feggins; Clarence Forester Jr.; Benjamin E. Foster; Rutherford B. Gaston; Stanley George; Edward S. Geffrard; John G. Gibson; Arthur Gibson; Benjamin A. Grant; W. J. Trent Jr.; Blinzy L. Bore; James A. Webb; Alonzo D. Ransom; Howard D. Gould; James L. Graves; George B. Greenlee Sr.; George B. Greenlee Jr.; Clarence R. Grier; John Hall; Willard W. Hardy; William G. D.

  • Frame No.


    Henderson; George Thompson; T. H. Hildebrandt; Richard H. Hogg; John O. Hopkins Jr.; Peter Holden; Robert R. Hudson; Henry A. Hunt.

    Reel 3 0001 Air Corps—Enlistments, I–Z [1941–1942].

    Major Topics: Employment applications, military; discrimination in military recruitment.

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; William H. Hastie; Jesse W. Jeffrey; James L. Johnson Jr.; Elmer Douglass Jones Jr.; Madison S. Jones Jr.; Nelson M. Jones; Richard B. Jones; Howard D. Gould; Crystal Bird Fauset; E. B. Churchill-Jones; Willie Jones; J. Bernard Knighten; J. W. Knowles; Thomas E. Lewis; Frank W. Lindenberger; Erskine Lytle Jr.; Campbell C. Johnson; Joseph H. Mahood Jr.; Jesse J. Mayes; Benjamin O. Davis Jr.; Alfred A. Moore; Lewis H. Myers; J. W. Durant; Wesley B. McCoy; Hammond C. McDavid Jr.; Felix C. McDavid Jr.; Leon A. Nash; Albert Nealy Jr.; Payne Williams; William G. Williams Jr.; Norma O. Williams; Verdelle Lewis Payne; Henry Binford Perry; Robert G. Pitts; Maurice Pompey; Edward S. Poole; Walter White; Ray W. Guild; Cornelius Porter; M. B. Lowe; John M. Cassidy; P. L. Prattis; Willard B. Ransom; Price DeAyllon Rice; Leon W. Robbins; Charles W. Robinson; Joseph F. Rousseau; Edward V. Taylor; Richard McA. Shamley; James B. Shaw; George W. Shelby; James E. Shepard; Alvester Scott; William W. Beasley; Campbell C. Johnson; Percy J. Simms; Woolsey W. Hall; James Smith; Leslie Smith Jr.; Edward Spurlin; Frederick S. Weaver; Z. Alexander Looby; Bampfield Stinson; Nathan Tamarin; John H. Ives; Marvin B. Durrette; Daniel F. Munster; Edward F. Witsell; F. H. Hollingsworth; Stanley Koch; Reginald Thair; Nustace M. Peixotte; Graham Kirkpatrick; Edward F. Witsell; J. M. Bevans; Amos T. Hall; Reginald D. Thair; Jason A. Ellison; John T. Hazard; William R. Thompson; Elmer A. Carter; Alfred E. Waters; Carter W. Wesley; Robert G. Waters; George C. Grant; Jason H. Carter; W. Watson Jr.; St. Clair Streett; Carter W. Wesley; Louis R. Lautier; Ed. A. Weiss Jr.; Linwood Wright; Kenneth West; Lawrence Willette; Roderick C. Williams; James M. Woods; John H. Young III.

    0380 Air Corps—Enlistments, Ground Personnel [1942–1943].

    Major Topics: Employment applications, military; discrimination in military recruitment.

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Robert J. Smith; Oneida Cockrell; J. A. Ulio; Harvey N. Davis; Charles W. Smith; Campbell C. Johnson; J. S. Leonard; H. J. Matchett; D. H. (Bert) Anderson; Idwal H. Edwards; William H. Hastie; Wade H. Haislip; William G. Nunn; Charles S. Smith; Robert W. Harper; Roy Wilkins; Richard Thompson; Robert H. Mitchell; Edward Measham; Henry H. Polite; Robert A. Lovett; Nathaniel F. Silsbee; James L. H. Peck; James C. Ramsey; David C. Hale; Phillip V. Hammond; Thomas J. Gent Jr.; J. M. Bevans; Harold C. Hayes; J. L. Whitehead; Ernest G. Wilson; Otis R. Bryant Sr.; M. N. Carter; Walter W. Harris; George M. Johnson; John A. Davis; Harold C. Hayes; Robert A. Taft; Frederick V. H. Kimble; Clifford L. Rawson; Leon Clark; Charles C. Carter; Richard T. Coiner; B. R. Brazeal; James Gilbert Johnson; Walter G. Alexander II; Malcolm S. MacLean; Robert L. Neal; Wesley B. McCoy; Ira Mosley; John T. Hazard; Vivian Osborne-Marsh; Walter R. Brown; Charles A. York; Thomas W. Young; Fred Nichols; Charles P. English; Jesse L. Williams;

  • Frame No.


    Sylvester C. Harvey III; Charles T. Burns; Ralph C. McClure; Mary Smith; Stanley E. Bowles Jr.; Richard T. Coiner Jr.; Perry B. Jackson; Frank C. Montero; William Pickens; Gertrude I. Saunders; Frank J. Quayle Jr.; Edward S. Geffrard; Walter White; Jason A. Ellison; Paul R. Reese.

    0693 Air Corps—Navigators [1944–1945].

    Major Topic: Racial discrimination in military training and education. Principal Correspondents: Willard W. Savoy; M. D. Ruland; James C. Evans; Robert

    Payton; Daniel Keel; Coleman Young; Carl O. Roach; Lawrence Hawkins; Benjamin W. Alston; A. M. Baptiste; George G. Brock; J. W. Collins; John T. Evans.

    0738 Air Corps—Squadron (SEP) [1942–1943].

    Major Topics: Racial discrimination in military training and education; Maxwell Air Force Base.

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Frank D. Reeves; Fanny F. Hope; P. L. Prattis; Catherine F. Freeland; Coleman Chandler.

    0754 Air Corps—Enlistments, Ferrying Command [1942].

    Major Topics: Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron; discrimination in military recruitment.

    Principal Correspondents: William H. Hastie; John C. Robinson; Charles M. Ashe. 0765 Air Corps—Preflight Training [1943].

    Principal Correspondent: Otis R. Bryant Sr. 0767 Air Corps—Meteorologists [1944].

    Principal Correspondent: Truman K. Gibson Jr. 0770 Air Corps—Field Artillery Air Observation Units [1942–1944].

    Major Topics: Discrimination in military recruitment; Coffee School of Aeronautics. Principal Correspondents: Richard T. Coiner Jr.; William H. Hastie; F. L. Parks; Leon

    Clark; J. A. Ulio; H. B. Lewis; Horace R. Byers; B. R. Brazeal; Kimuel A. Huggins; Elbert H. Beard; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Richard T. Coiner Jr.; John T. Pope; Thomas L. Sims; Campbell C. Johnson; Alex H. Brown Jr.; Joseph Major Gayles; Lucia M. Pitts; Joseph W. Leonard; J. E. Taylor Jr.; Edwin M. Barrett; Willa B. Brown; John L. Frank; A. C. Phillips; Addison E. Richmond; C. B. Taylor; G. L. Washington; Clyde L. Hyssong.

    0865 Air Corps—General [1940–1945].

    Major Topics: Military aircraft; military-civilian relations; Civilian Pilot Training Program.

    Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; William Mitchell; Clinton E. Knox; Walter F. Walker; William F. Smedley; Alyce W. Thompson; Leland Terry; William H. Hastie; L. G. Pratt; A. Porter Davis; Walter L. Neville; G. W. C. Brown; Winder R. Harris; Enoc P. Waters Jr.; G. L. Washington; Thurgood Marshall; Walther White; Ed Brooks; John C. Robinson; Earl W. Renfroe; Hansen Outley; E. S. Adams; Howard D. Gould; Joseph R. Dorsey; Jack C. Tracey; Anthony B. Beasley Jr.

  • Frame No.


    Reel 4 0001 Air Corps—General cont. [1945–1946].

    Major Topics: Army Specialized Training Program; racial discrimination in military training, education, and recruitment.

    Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; Anthony B. Beasley Jr.; Elmer J. von Dickersohn; Campbell C. Johnson; James H. Utley; Charles G. Morrow; Jack C. Tracey; William L. Jordan; Homer Sanders; M. F. Whittaker; G. L. Washington; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Eugene Cravens; George Willard Frasier; E. C. Knowlton; Irving C. Harris; Burrell Howley; Harrison A. Gerhardt; Thomas T. Handy; David E. Washburn; Frank O. Brown Jr.; Enoc P. Waters; Joseph R. Houchins; Marcus H. Ray; Robert H. Warren; Richard W. Geuss; E. M. Smith; R. S. Barnard; Elizabeth H. Williams; James W. Holt; Jesse O. Dedmon Jr.; Madison S. Jones Jr.; Eddie Thomas; Edward F. Witsell; J. M. Lyle Jr.; M. L. McCreary; Hector Strong; Irving C. Harris.

    0245 Air Intelligence [1943–1944].

    Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; Carl M. Franklin; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; A. W. Brock Jr.; Leroy H. Woodson.

    0261 Airplane Mechanics—Instructors [1942–1944].

    Major Topics: Racial discrimination in military promotion; COFEP. Principal Correspondents: Clarence Mitchell; James C. Evans; Henry N. Conyers;

    Richard C. O’Brien; Henry L. Stimson; Marcus H. Ray; Daniel B. Delaney; Louis R. Lautier; Chauncey E. Spencer; Sidney C. Hill; R. D. Penland; Stanley F. Laskey; George E. Brewer; S. J. Good; W. E. Baker; J. H. Mason; Henry E. Jenkins Jr.; L. A. Moyer; Rives Bryant; Henry E. Jenkins Jr.; R. E. O’Neill; William H. Hastie; Henry H. Arnold; Francis L. Hearn; George M. Johnson; Osborne P. Crews; Lawrence W. Cramer.

    0543 American Youth for Democracy [1944–1945].

    Principal Correspondents: Robert McCarthy; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Davidson Sommers; Meyer Frieden; Noel F. Parrish; Harrison A. Gerhardt; Charlotte Hawkins Brown; Jesse Fletcher; John Howard; Harold P. Marley; F. O. Matheissen; William B. Spofford; Mary E. Woolley.

    0586 Army Hostesses [1945–1947].

    Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; Ila C. Gilmore; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Lydia Bray; Charlene F. Wharton; Pauline Ebran; Ola M. Bailey; Dorothy Mae Smith; Dorothy J. Phillips; Roberta Bailey; Daisy Kelley; Georgia M. Jettson; Willie Ann Evans; Willa Mae Jackson; Myrtle M. Gowdy; Muriel H. Poindexter; Mary Lumpkin; Dorothy M. Daniels; Georgia Lewis; Naomi Drew Rogers; Janet P. Jenkins; G. L. Jefferson; Patricia McWhorter; Lula Jones Garrett; Mary Smith; Inez Williams; Edith Handy; E. Hill; Evelyn Spann; E. S. McClain; M. S. Wright; Cherrie Lee Fulton; Lorayne Veney; Helen N. Carlisle; Eunice C. Smith; Dorothy L. Gordon; Lorene E. Williams; Louis R. Lautier; Ann Tanneyhill; Rose R. Jones.

    0689 ALCOA—Cleveland, Ohio [1943].

    Major Topics: Work stoppages; labor unions; discrimination in employment; defense industries.

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    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; J. Lawrence Duncan; George M. Johnson; James F. Stricklan; William H. Hastie; Allen B. Norton; William H. Davis; G. E. Strong.

    0762 Alabama Dry Dock and Ship Building Company [1943].

    Major Topic: Riots and disorders. Principal Correspondents: Clarence M. Mitchell; Robert C. Weaver; Francis J. Haas;

    Walter K. Graham; E. G. Trimble; Burton R. Morley; David R. Dunlap; J. M. Griser; W. T. Daly; Charles Hansen; J. L. Bouche; Elijah Jackson; Lawrence W. Cramer; Emory Land; Frank Knox; Henry L. Stimson; Paul V. McNutt.

    0812 Unlabeled Folder [1945].

    Major Topic: Racial discrimination. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; C. R. Smith; Louis R. Lautier.

    0817 Alexandria, Louisiana Disturbance [1942–1943].

    Major Topics: Riots and disorders; military discipline; discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Virgil L. Peterson; James B.

    LaFourche; Carl Murphy; Lawrence M. C. Smith; Walter White; Thornton R. Greene; Leon Lewis; Roy Wilkins; William H. Hastie; S. Bradley; David Bell; Georgia M. Johnson; H. B. Lewis.

    0906 Ama, Charles Togo [1943].

    Major Topic: Japanese Americans. Principal Correspondents: Forrester B. Washington; M. A. Gatewood; Truman K.

    Gibson Jr.; Noel F. Parrish; B. R. Brazeal. 0920 American Council of Education [1945–1947].

    Major Topics: Military education and training; higher education; military-civilian relations.

    Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; H. Councill Trenholm; Ralph H. Metfalfe; Richard L. Jones; Alonzo G. Grace; Sebastian C. Owens; Willard Abraham; J. T. Taylor; John W. Davis; Charles H. Thompson; Horace M. Bond; Walter L. Wright Jr.

    Reel 5 0001 American Council of Education cont. [1945].

    Major Topics: Higher education; military education and training; military-civilian relations.

    Principal Correspondents: Alonzo G. Grace; Ambrose Caliver; David A. Lane Jr.; James C. Evans; A. J. Brumbaugh; John W. Davis; Marie C. Brown; Brehon Somervell; Horace M. Bond; Robert H. Dunlop; Randall Jacobs.

    0078 Amarillo Army Air Field [1945].

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; J. A. Ulio; Virgil L. Peterson; Louis R. Lautier; N. C. Lorini; G. S. Armes; Jesse O. Dedmon Jr.

    0099 Anacostia Recreation Camp [1941].

    Principal Correspondent: William H. Hastie.

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    0132 Anniston Warehouse [1944]. Major Topics: Discrimination in employment; defense industries. Principal Correspondents: Clarence M. Mitchell; M. J. Leonard; Harold F. Ogden;

    John K. Collins; Truman K. Gibson Jr. 0156 Arkansas Ordnance Plant [1942].

    Major Topics: Discrimination in employment; defense industries. Principal Correspondents: Clifford E. Minton; Cy W. Record.

    0160 Army Day [1947].

    Principal Correspondents: John W. Davis; Marcus H. Ray. 0174 Armored Force [1941].

    Principal Correspondent: William H. Hastie. 0182 AKA [Alpha Kappa Alpha] Sorority [1945].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in employment. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Thomasina W. Johnson; James C.

    Evans; Ralph F. Gow. 0199 Armed Forces Training Program [1945–1948].

    Major Topics: Military education and training; military-civilian relations; higher education; American Council on Education.

    Principal Correspondents: Alonzo G. Grace; Sidney C. Hayward; James C. Evans; Robert P. Daniel.

    0258 Army Postal Service [1943].

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Alonzo J. Jernigan; William H. Hastie; Charles W. Gatewood; Albert P. Byrd.

    0290 Army Specialist Corps [1942–1943].

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Raymond Pace Alexander; Eustace Gay; Scholley Pace Alexander; Walter B. Baker; M. Lee Lyles; Campbell C. Johnson; William H. Hastie; Milton Basil; A. E. Boykin; Samuel R. Browne; Livingston Watrous; J. Tim Brymn; Walter E. Prosser; Elmer A. Carter; Harry T. Cash; Jesse Moffatte Chiles; Samuel C. Coleman; William T. Conway; Claude H. Cooper; B. Alfred Cox; Gladys B. Johnson; Leonard de Paur; George T. Drummond; John N. Patterson; Leslie Pickney Hill; Morton A. Seidenfeld; Walter V. Bingham; James H. Duckrey; George K. Hunton; Frank D. Reeves; Archibald Glover; J. A. Ulio; Lorenz B. Graham; Junius E. Hankins; Lawrence W. Cramer; George S. Harris; Robert C. Weaver; G. Smith Hawkins; John R. Hawkins Jr.; E. A. Hawley; Dick Jones; A. Heningburg; William L. Houston; Lonnie Hicks; Jim Hewlett; J. Newton Hill; Joseph R. Houchins; Lloyd Isaacs; Harold Jackman; E. A. Johnson; V. D. Johnston; Noble Jones; George W. Lattimore; Ira Latimer; Joseph W. Moore; Jessie Louise Terry; Nat W. Finston; Wendell G. Morgon; Daniel C. Morison; Earl J. Morris; Edward Marrow; Ernest T. Marshall; James M. Nabrit Jr.; Frederick A. Parker; William H. Payne; L. A. Moyer; Les Helms; Millard C. Pigford; William C. Pyant; Henry L. P. King; Randolph D. Ragsdale; Roy M. Smith; Otto B. Ramsey; Edwin L. Hogan; H. J. Romm; F. D. Patterson; H. H. Knight; John N. Martin; Norma O. Williams; Roland M. Sawyer; Lawrence W.

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    Cramer; Charles Silverman; H. E. Simms Jr.; Alfred Edgar Smith; John J. McCloy; William P. Scobey; Malin Craig; W. R. Jervay; J. Otis Smith; Foster F. Burnett; Dwight F. Davis; Joseph H. Taylor; S. B. Taylor; Dudley H. Thomas; William N. Thomas; Douglas Thompson; Edward B. Toles; Richard Hill Walker; Marvin Young; Saunders E. Walker; Rush Brown Price; Earl M. Wish; Viola M. Whitfield; Henry K. Craft; Frank L. Whitaker; Roy Wilkins; William H. H. Wilkinson; George W. Williams; George R. Evans; Millard T. Woods; Richard Wright.

    0880 Army Specialized Training [1] [1942–1944].

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; James C. Evans; Blanche Anderson Aarons; William H. Hastie; E. Wendell Graham; Homer Harris Jr.; Dennie Trammel; S. R. Redmond; Gloster B. Current; Osceola L. Spencer; George B. Moon; J. A. Ulio; Leslie S. Perry; Bernert Carter; Henry L. Stimson; Francis Mitchell; Atherton Bagot; Bernard H. Kaplan; Claude A. Barnett; Ray Lyman Wilbur; Richard Walker; A. S. Ridgley; Earl B. Dickerson; Leo L. Bromley; Madeline L. Aldridge; Julian D. Rainey; Phil M. Robinson; Jubie B. Bragg Jr.; Lloyd D. Ellis.

    Reel 6 0001 Army Specialized Training [1] cont. [1943].

    Major Topics: Military-civilian relations; higher education. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Philip T. Atkins; James C. Evans;

    Ray W. Guild; Jubie B. Bragg Jr.; Joe N. Dalton; William L. Dawson; Herman Beukema; Campbell C. Johnson; David D. Jones; Lorenzo R. Nelson; West A. Hamilton; Doris D. Rogers; Chappelle C. Cochrane; F. T. Lane; Charles R. Allen; A. Jeanette Gear; F. G. Clark; J. A. Ulio; Louis R. Lautier; J. Newton Hill.

    0153 Army Specialized Replacement Program [1945].

    Principal Correspondent: James C. Evans. 0160 Army Specialized Training [2] [1945–1948].

    Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; Louis R. Lautier; Campbell C. Johnson; Curtis L. Kelly; John W. Lathen Jr.; J. A. Ulio; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; S. O. B. Johnson; Paul B. Harris; Richard Walker; Frederick E. Skeight Jr.; John W. Lathen Jr.; M. Scovel Richardson; John A. Brown Jr.; William R. Beard; Jno. J. Watson; A. L. Jackson; J. Paul Chretien Sr.; Samuel Williams; Merlin L. Reddix; John J. Spencer Sr.; Leslie S. Perry; Amos E. Chase; Ellis S. Outlaw; Elvina L. White; Warren G. Spenser; Michael J. Bent; John Jasper Watson; William R. Ellis; Carlton R. Seymour; James Lindell Lyle; Calvin D. Stewart; Thomas G. Laster Jr.; Mauldin J. Oswell; Arthur G. Trudeau; Bernard A. Contee; John J. McCloy; J. S. Leonard; Herman Beukema; T. D. Palmer; James H. Hawkins; Elgy S. Johnson; Helen V. VanBlake; William H. Gray Jr.; Madeline L. Aldridge; Joseph H. Nelson; Alfred B. Brown; Odell Uzzell; Arthur L. Jackson; John W. Davis; Arthur Kelley; J. T. Betsch; Ralph Don McKinney; Rufus E. Clement; R. C. Weaver; J. F. Laine; Melvin J. Chissem Jr.; Julia E. Brooks; Edward Wendell Graham; Frank D. Reeves; Leo A. Branton; R. E. Smith; B. R. Kuntz; Robert W. Harper; Robert E. M. Goolrick; George R. Jacks; H. P. Bonnewitz; Jubie B. Bragg Jr.; Otis J. Wynne; Lillie P. Smith; Jean McCurry; J. C. Olden; Edward Wimp; Ray

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    W. Guild; J. Walter Wills Jr.; Elmer A. Carter; Lawrence B. Robinson; Francisco Rodrigues; Lloyd D. Ellis; Joseph A. Gavagan; William F. Pearson; Francis M. Fitts; Arthur C. Logan; Edward F. Witsell.

    0553 Army Talk [1947].

    Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; Ira F. Lewis; Allyson Warrick Barrett; Eva Batey; Harry W. Greene; T. M. Campbell; Bernice G. Jones; T. Gillis Nutter; Andrew H. Calloway; William G. Niederland; J. St. Clair Price; Robert P. Daniel; Horace M. Bond; Charles H. Thompson; Benjamin E. Mays; Rachel L. Huntington; Ambrose Caliver; Russell A. Lane; Sarah Whitford; Charles H. Wesley; Manie W. Campbell; F. G. Clark; W. S. Davis; F. D. Patterson; John W. Davis; Mordecai W. Johnson; E. B. Evans; George M. Fennell.

    0694 Attitudes of Negro Soldiers [1943].

    Principal Correspondents: Charles F. Wilson; Edward Mayfield; F. H. Osborn; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Jonathan Daniels; Bert B. Babero; Majorie S. Greene; Benjamin O. Davis Sr.; Edward T. Mayfield.

    0772 ASF Classification and Assignment Survey [1944].

    Principal Correspondent: Frederick A. Clement. 0777 Arsenals—Negros Employed in Various Arsenals, Reports of Training Programs at

    Various Arsenals [1941]. Principal Correspondents: Henry Case Willcox; Theron D. Weaver; William H.

    Hastie; William N. Porter; H. C. Minton; M. K. Barroll Jr.; C. M. Wesson; A. H. Onthank; Robert C. Weaver; P. W. Melton.

    0903 Unlabeled Folder [1946–1947].

    Major Topics: Manhattan Project; military transportation. Principal Correspondents: Fletcher C. Waller; James C. Evans; Marcus H. Ray.

    0921 ASF Special Troop Policy Committee [1944–1945].

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; John Hammond; E. B. Jones; Eugene Meyer; Joseph F. Battley; F. H. Osborn.

    Reel 7 0001 Unlabeled Folder [1947].

    Major Topic: Military appointments and promotions. Principal Correspondents: Marcus H. Ray; Beverly M. Ward; Herbert L. Tucker;

    Arthur P. Hatfield; James C. Evans; Edward McClellan; Leon F. Lavoie; Thomas Barr; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Don V. Estill; C. J. Nelson; Linsey J. Samford; Edward J. Goodwin Sr.; Junius R. Savage; Lawrence W. Massey; George S. Eyster; Richard L. Jones; Castine A. Davis; Joshua M. Wilburn; Walter H. Dabney; Wendell T. Derricks; Willard W. Savoy; Edward Morrow; Marshall R. Hurley; E. M. Almond; Paul W. Byers; Aldrick H. Wilson; Matthew D. Branch; West A. Hamilton; John B. Coulter; Ludlow W. Werner; A. H. Shimkus; Charles R. Stanback; William B. Collier Jr.; Leo W. Gibbons; Herbert A. Barrow; John O. Mosly; F. D. Patterson; John D. Pryor; Albert Howard; W. E. Harvill; J. J. O’Hare; J. C. Fry; Walter J. Gordon; Percy R. Turnley; Raymond E. McDyer; David J.

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    Wilson; Vance H. Marchbanks Jr.; Arthur P. Hatfield; Woodrow B. Bivens; Jack C. Tracey; Baxter S. Scruggs; James Pughsley; Webb Threet; L. H. Colligan; Charles H. Wesley; Everett F. Morrow; Roscoe C. Cartwright; Arthur P. Hatfield; Hardy B. Ruffin; William P. Jones Jr.

    0401 Assignment of Negro Officers [1941–1946].

    Principal Correspondents: Marcus H. Ray; Webb Threet; George L. McClain; Kenneth C. Royall; Wendell Derricks; Otis J. Wynne; James C. Evans; Isadore Maximilian Martin; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Raymond E. Contee; Joseph H. B. Evans; James Felton Brown; Lawrence W. Massey; Charles R. Stanback; James Pughsley; Wayne M. Lewis; Albert A. Loving Jr.; F. E. Sandquist; Elbert H. Stiff; Joseph F. Ranken; Anderson F. Pitts; Harriette B. White; W. G. Capel Jr.; Henry L. Stimson; Shippen Lewis; Henry M. Francis; Charlotte Atkins; William H. O’Connor; William D. Nabors; Louis R. Lautier; Virgil L. Campbell; Berkeley A. Mills; Leroy Morris; E. Gaylord Howell; Andrews F. Daniel; L. N. Chitwood; Arnold L. Hougland; Thornton Chase; George P. Warner; Charles E. Marland; Vernon F. Greene; James W. Mitchell; M. R. Williams; W. E. Gibbons; L. R. Besse; Albert C. Burwell; M. J. Lynch; Edwin N. Hardy; L. E. Banker Jr.; W. K. Stewart Jr.; Lester A. Walton; Rufus A. Atkins; Claude A. Prosser; Lloyd L. Lee; C. C. Marshall; Harrison D. Hobbson; Huenta C. Neal; Russell H. Dawson; Merritt P. Martin; John J. Hazel; Charles H. Wesley; Campbell C. Johnson; Allen W. Dunn; Phineas B. Bryant; Thomas J. Shumate; Charles Houston; Herbert L. Nelson; D. W. Jones; Wayne G. Mann; R. L. Jones; William Henry Huff; Leonard B. Williams Jr.; Roy Wilkins.

    0748 Augusta Arsenal [1943].

    Principal Correspondents: John F. O’Gara; Henry B. Wilson Jr. 0757 Augustine, Estelle J. [1942]. 0760 Aviation Cadets—Ed-3 [1944].

    Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; William H. Eaton; G. L. Harrison; William H. Eaton; Earl Belle Smith; E. B. Jourdain Jr.; F. O. Woodard; Arthur Drayne; John W. Davis; C. H. Pontius; Emanuel Cockrell; Robert E. King; Fannie W. Howard; Harry T. Pratt; Olive M. Diggs; Warren Gregory Perkins; Albert E. Barnes; John D. Rhodes Jr.; Dennie M. Trammell; Howard Ridley; A. D. Gaither; Mary Frances; Robert C. Peck; Lawrence Moye Jr.; Henry H. Arnold; John A. Griffin; Albert N. Wardlaw; Allen Morse; James Becknell; Clyde Edmonds; Arcenta Orton; George Dyson Hart; Thomas Johnson; Robert Powell; Charles Whitner Pinckney.

    Reel 8 0001 Aviation Cadets—Ed-3 cont. [1944].

    Major Topics: Civil Air Patrol; civil aviation; federal-state relations. Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; William Shields; A. D. Gaither; John P.

    Whittaker; M. F. Whitaker; F. D. Bluford; J. F. Drake; E. P. Southall; R. B. Atwood; Sherman D. Scruggs; W. R. Banks; Lawrence Davis; G. L. Harrison; Thomas E. Jones; Ambrose B. Nutt; Henry H. Arnold; Rudolph Moses; F. G. Clark; George H. Kydd III; W. D. Harden; F. D. Patterson; George D. Frasier;

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    Ralph P. Bridgman; John L. Frank; N. O. Williams; Kendall K. Hoyt; Earle L. Johnson; Edwin A. Halsey.

    0203 Aviation Cadets [1942–1945].

    Principal Correspondents: Edward A. Hudson; Thomas E. Jones; James C. Evans; Anderson F. Pitts; George E. Stratemeyer; David C. Hale; J. A. Ulio; M. G. White; Herbert B. Loper; George F. Wright; Joseph Wosk; R. C. Atkins; A. Lloyd; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Bert Anderson Jr.; Charles Dollard; C. H. Archer; Marcus H. Ray; Harold Bailey Sr.; Alfred B. Brown; Kenneth E. Carter; Emanuel M. Cockrell; William T. Coleman; Campbell C. Johnson; James M. Landis; Philip M. Brett Jr.; Rosemary Ellis; Ellis Edwards; James A. Gordon Jr.; Edward A. Hudson; W. S. Fitch; Jack H. Housen; Joseph R. Dorsey; Irving C. Harris; John L. Hill; Worl V. Hill; Eunice James; Jennings Randolph; Randall Jacob; Clyde H. Dynum; James B. Knightson; Thomas T. Handy; O. G. Haywood Jr.; Henry H. Arnold; C. E. Hixon; James K. Little; Walter Livingston; Carl Murphy; Thomas W. Love; S. P. Long Sr.; William Morris; William E. Isabelle Jr.; Sterrs A. Johnson; Walter F. Waite; Arthur E. Burwell; Clarence C. Austin; Benjamin E. Mourning; Walter C. Edwards; Lewis G. Thomas; Robert E. Reynolds; James A. Perry; Silas E. Taylor; Allen F. Killings; Lee Roy J. Webb; Elpheus J. Allen Jr.; Jack Foster Miller; Benjamin O. Davis Sr.; Carl M. Nelson; Ambrose B. Nutt; Milton Pentecost; Lee B. Porter; James Pritchett; J. H. Presnell; Robert Powell; David M. Fromstein; John D. Rhodes Jr.; Sarney Robinson; Ralph Raukx; Elmer A. Carter; William Alfred Streat Jr.; LaVerne Streat; William H. Shields; Mary McLeod Bethune; Grace Lee Stevens; Johnnie V. Washington; James W. Washington; James T. Wares; Louis R. Lautier; Starling W. James.

    0622 Barnard, Wesley [1943–1944].

    Major Topics: Discrimination in employment; defense industries. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Clarence M. Mitchell; Judson Ford;

    E. S. Matthews; M. D. Mills; Vincent P. Mandes Jr.; D. B. Braislin; Ernest W. Thomas; Donald R. Vance; Paul E. Bryander; Graham M. Moore; Sam Rehn; Dorothy Patton; D. B. Braislin; George M. Johnson; Will Maslow; J. H. Mason; Gordon Hanson.

    0751 Becton, Kenneth Gilford [1947].

    Major Topic: Higher education. Principal Correspondents: Marcus H. Ray; James E. Shepard; H. V. Brown.

    0769 Barrow, Joe Lewis [1942–1945].

    Major Topics: Military discharges; propaganda. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Louis J. Krem; Ruby Goldstein;

    Henry Jenkins Jr.; Ralph Nemo; E. L. Bartlett; Louis R. Lautier; Joe Louis; Joseph W. Byron; D. V. Gaffney; Rankin R. Boone; Gordon E. Clark; Franklin A. Kolyer; Lucas V. Beau; Falkner Heard; G. R. Johnston; Willie F. Parris; Andrew G. Freeman; L. J. Livingston; Falkner Heard; Fred Maly; Jimmy Bivens; Dick Campbell; Preston D. Callum; Coleman C. Martin; Leroy L. Wahle; Archie M. Johnson; F. K. Wint; William F. McKee; Francis D. Butler; Theodore P. Bank; William H. Bolden; Carroll Fitzgerald; Louis C. Blount; Francis V. Fitzgerald; N. B. Young; Robert H. McNeill; J. Harvey Kerns; Mildred Osby; Herbert F. Lyons;

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    Charles I. West Jr.; Robert E. Kintner; A. D. Surles; Joe Ford; Richard G. Spencer; Tom Slater; Michael S. Jacobs; William H. Hastie; Irving J. Phillipson.

    1046 Belle Mead Army Service Forces Depot [1944].

    Principal Correspondent: R. Potter Campbell. 1055 Bellwood Quartermaster Depot [1942].

    Principal Correspondents: William Slater; William I. Gibson.

    Reel 9 0001 Blood Plasma—Red Cross [1947].

    Principal Correspondents: Thelma L. Howard; James C. Evans; Jesse O. Thomas; Marcus H. Ray; Norman A. Durfree; Violet M. Savage; William W. Hinckley; R. Walker; Pauline V. Friedman; Naomi J. Kornacker; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Charles B. Henderson; Francis C. Hutcheson; Pearl H. Allen; John J. Howell; Doris A. Garland; Charles H. Cunningham; Roger F. Gordon; J. A. Ulio; Ester Irene West; Joe Ford; William W. Hinckley; Edward H. Cavin; Harriet L. Van Vranken; Walter White; John W. Martin; T. M. Smith; John O. Holly; Vivian Carey; Leroy Crayton; R. W. Findley; Charles H. Garvin; Charles H. Loeb; Norman L. McGhee; W. M. McKinney; J. C. Mickle; Lawrence O. Payne; William O. Walker; Sidney Williams; Theodore Williams; C. L. Sharp.

    0150 Blue Discharges [1945–1947].

    Principal Correspondents: Edward F. Witsell; James C. Evans; Joseph F. Albright; Stanley G. Edwards; Milton R. Henry; Marcus H. Ray; Thurston Lane; Manuel Miller; Jesse O. Dedmon Jr.; Edwin M. Arundell; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Carolyn Davenport Moore; Ernest S. Reynolds; Claude Duval; Jonathan D. Hawkins; George R. Gilbert.

    0283 Bolling Field—Complaint of Discrimination Against Negro Employees [1944].

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Gordon E. Clark; Clarence M. Mitchell; Arthur J. H. Walker; J. LaRue Hinson.

    0386 Bureau of Public Relations [1945–1948].

    Major Topic: Riots and disorders. Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; Daniel E. Day; Willard W. Savoy;

    Marcus H. Ray; Edward F. Witsell; F. L. Parks; Claudius O. Wolfe; Claude A. Barnett; P. Bernard Young Jr.; Louis F. Campbell; Homer B. Roberts; Louis R. Lautier; Clarence De Hart; George S. Mitchell; L. H. Foster; Harrison A. Gerhardt; Leroy W. Kemp; H. A. Barnes.

    0504 Boise, Idaho [1942].

    Principal Correspondents: William H. Hastie; William Slater; Carl Murphy; Truman K. Gibson Jr.

    0521 Bolling Field [1942–1943].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in military training and education. Principal Correspondents: John J. O’Brien; Louis R. Lautier; Truman K. Gibson Jr.;

    Robert A. Lovett; Ethel K. Greene; W. T. Stedman; Donald Young.

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    0551 Bomb Disposal [1944]. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Vincent Roberto.

    0556 Brookley Field [1942–1945].

    Major Topics: Riots and disorders; military law; courts-martial and courts of inquiry; murder; government investigations.

    Principal Correspondents: Louis R. Lautier; J. L. LeFlore; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Robert H. Dunlop; William J. Clark; J. A. Ulio; Henry L. Stimson.

    0623 Brown, Walter S. [1943].

    Major Topic: Military assignments and releases. Principal Correspondents: E. R. Whitehurst; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Walter S. Brown.

    0628 Bombardiers [1943–1944].

    Principal Correspondents: Willard Harrison; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Philip M. Brett Jr.; Claudius S. Matthews; P. L. Prattis; Louis R. Lautier; Howard J. Williams; Robert W. Harper; Charles H. King; James H. Stewart; John H. McCormick; James Pughsley; Alton L. Nathaniel; William A. Streat Jr.; Vincent J. Browne; Leonard D. Penich; Theba D. Foster; Carl Murphy; Robert R. Reeves; Harvey E. Harris; Charles B. Reese; Robert A. Lovett; Marvin O. Peay; Floyd Penick; Clark R. Bullett; Roy Wilkins; O. W. Morris; Harry B. Thornton; Percy H. Toombs Jr.; Clifton Searles; James A. Henson; Harold E. Rothschild; Olan Charles Belton; Alvester Scott.

    0750 BPR [Bureau of Public Relations], Speaking Section [1942–1943].

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; William H. Hastie; Frank T. McCabe; H. E. Lindsay; R. B. Atwood.

    0769 Brown, Willa B., Coffeey School of Aeronautics [1940–1943].

    Major Topics: Student aid; military education and training; airports and airways. Principal Correspondents: Willa B. Brown; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; J. Levirt Kelly; John

    W. Martyn; J. A. Ulio; L. S. Smith; Alfred Edgar Smith; Grove Webster; Robert H. Hinckley; Charles E. Cox; J. K. Gerhart.

    0849 Bureau of Public Relations—War Department [1941].

    Principal Correspondents: William H. Hastie; A. D. Surles; Mary McLeod Bethune; W. M. Wright Jr.; R. B. Lord; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Fred R. Moore; Walter White; Thurgood Marshall; Robert C. Richardson Jr.; Glenn J. Jacoby; James E. Shultz; D. P. Page; Chequita Lonewolf; Erskine W. Lytle Jr.; Erwin Clement; Herbert Henderson; Joseph F. Haskell; Frank A. Allen Jr.; Walter M. Harrison; Allan L. Dexter; F. V. FitzGerald; Mildred J. Wiese; Roy L. Gillespie.

    Reel 10 0001 Bureau of Public Relations [1942–1945].

    Major Topics: Mass media; propaganda; military appointments and promotions; African American newspapers.

    Principal Correspondents: Louis R. Lautier; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Falkner Heard; Lyman W. Liggins; Robert S. Brown; James C. Evans; William H. Hastie; Lorenzo J. Greene; John S. Hayes; A. D. Surles; William C. Handy; E. M. Kirby;

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    Louis G. Cowan; Anne Hummerty; St. Clair Bourne; William Slater; Morris Steverson; Jason J. S. Keys; Douglas Parmentier; Richard L Neuberger; William Slater; Bates Raney; W. C. Handy; E. M. Almond; Maceo B. Sheffield; George A. Barnes; T. H. Hayes Jr.; Raymond S. Rubinow; E. M. Kirby; D. P. Page; Asher Z. Cohen; Alfred Fleishman; W. R. Banks; Henrietta Hunt; H. A. Barnes; Charles A. Peters; Robert T. Rees; James A. Atkins; Marshall E. Newton; Claude S. Miller; Homer P. Roberts; Everett Wile; Dorothy W. Baruch; Arthur F. Furr; Esther V. Cooper; Earl B. Wixcey; George Norford; H. W. Isbell; P. Bernard Young Jr.; William A. Chambers; Henry J. Tankard; Daniel E. Day; Chandler Owen; Robert E. Kintner; J. A. Day; Stanley J. Grogan; Erwin H. Treusch; Cornia S. H. Rogers; Robert E. Kintner; Donal G. Thompson; Carroll Fitzgerald; R. Ernest Dupuy; Leavia H. Friedberg; Robert S. Scurlock.

    0564 Burrell, Ruth M. [1943–1944].

    Major Topics: Discrimination in employment; Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri; government investigations.

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Clarence M. Mitchell; Roy A. Hoglund; John E. O’Gara; James A. Person; Henry B. Wilson Jr.; Richard E. Haugh; Jacob J. Gerhardt; Ar. Duvall; George Dewey Tate; Helen Marie Walker; Claudia Webb; Lillian Walker; Dorothy Louise Atkinson; Margaret Elieen Batton; Josie Harris; Pauline Slay; Kathryn Schaffeur; Virginia Lee Sullivan; Harrison Brown; James L. Rockey; James C. Burris; Ray M. Munger; Sterling H. Bishop; Glenn O Bramel; Clarence G. Thompkins; William O. Smith Sr.; Oral V. Atwill; Lawrence L. Barnard; William J. Green Sr.; Lewis P. Burton; John L. Johnston; William E. Bergfelder; R. L. Marchman.

    0665 Byrd, Charles [1944].

    Principal Correspondents: John W. Davis; J. D. Pair; James C. Evans. 0671 CAA [Civil Aviation Administration] [1943–1946].

    Major Topics: Veterans education; vocational education and training. Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; G. L. Washington; Benjamin O. Davis

    Jr.; Bruce Uthus; Charles W. Tate; Charles W. Pearcy; John L. Frank; Marshall L. Fields; John H. Young III; Dora B. Mickey; Rayford W. Logan; David Kirby; Joseph Ramos; Paul V. McNutt; F. D. Patterson.

    0796 Camp Atterbury, Indiana [1945].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Louis R. Lautier; John E. Royston; Philip T. Atkins; J. A.

    Ulio; P. L. Prattis; William Slater; George L. Bannister; Raphael C. Barrow. 0841 Camp Blanding, Florida [1942].

    Major Topic: Treatment of African American soldiers. Principal Correspondents: Howard McC. Snyder; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; William H.

    Hastie; Frank D. Reeves; Stanley West. 0857 Camp Bowie, Texas [8] [1941].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: William H. Hastie; Louis R. Lautier; James M. Reid;

    Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Jesse T. Ryle Jr.

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    0876 Camp Breckinridge, Kentucky [1944–1945]. Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Robert H. Dunlop; J. A. Ulio; Carl

    Murphy; Clarence E. Adams. 0894 Camp Butner, North Carolina [1942–1945].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; Edward L. Meck; Truman K. Gibson Jr.;

    Marshall Brown; Joseph T. Taylor; W. H. Jernagin; W. H. D. Brown; Orion N. Page; Wendell T. Derricks; William O. Walker; J. A. Ulio; Ross B. Bretz; C. J. Leslie; David L. Hicks; Harry B. Terry.

    0974 Camp Campbell, Kentucky [1943].

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Woolsey W. Hall. 0979 Camp Carson, Colorado [1943].

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Thurgood Marshall.

    Reel 11 0001 Camp Claiborne, Louisiana [4] [1941–1944].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Rachel B. Noel; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; A. Clayton Powell;

    Bernard Johnson; J. S. Leonard; William O. Walker; J. A. Ulio; Marion Hill; Abigail E. Crawford; Felming H. Norris; J. Charles Verdell Norris; Edgar B. Holt; Carolyn D. Moore; Theodore L. Lane; Carl Murphy; George J. Johnson; Leslie S. Perry; Carrie Bell Broveo; Eustace Gay; P. L. Prattis; Raphael C. Barrow; James B. LaFourche; Oscar C. Brown; Marion Buford; Arthur Crawford; Sanders D. Middleton; Roscoe E. Holman; Elmer P. Gibson; Althea Crawford; William Slater; Howard D. Gould; Ralph C. Holliday; W. O. Rawls; Ralph C. Holliday; William H. Hastie; Walter M. Harrison.

    0145 Camp Croft, South Carolina [1942–1944].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Edna G. McGee; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; William Slater;

    William H. Hastie; Carl Murphy; Paul A. Paden; John J. McCormick; John P. Davis; Esther Prescott.

    0209 Camp Davis, North Carolina [4] [1941–1944].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Conrad Clark; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Carl Murphy; William

    H. Hastie; I. Benjamin Pierce; Hortense Houston Young; George M. Johnson; Ollie B. Johnson; A. C. MacNeal; Roy Wilkins; Robert C. Weaver; Robert D. Brown; H. Carl Moultire; Walter White; Curtiss Todd; Alexander J. M. Wannamaker; Ruth L. Hobbs; Foster F. Burnett; Robert D. Brown; Carrie G. Hargrave; E. E. Taylor; Wade H. Haislip; James J. McClendon; Thurgood Marshall; Mary C. Bluford; Iva Bluford.

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    0303 Camp Deming, New Mexico [1942]. Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Carlton Shepherd; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Walter White.

    0314 Camp Edwards, Massachusetts [1] [1941–1944].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Robert E. Carter; Elmer A. Carter; Charlotte Moton;

    Theresa Johnson; William H. Hastie; Goldie E. Mitchell; R. O’Hara Lanier; Frank E. Steele; Chauncey M. Hooper; Edua J. Wakefield; Albert Major; Ben A. Richardson.

    0407 Camp Ellis, Illinois [1944].

    Principal Correspondent: Charles W. Matthews. 0410 Camp Forrest, Tennessee [1942–1944].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Louis R. Lautier; John J. McCloy; Truman K. Gibson Jr.;

    Marcus H. Ray; George L. McClain; Byron C. Minor; Robert E. Kintner; Clifford R. Moore; Buel A. Williamson; Presly Holliday; Virgil L. Peterson; Prentice Thomas; Thurgood Marshall; Earl Renfro; William H. Hastie; Esther Prescott.

    0501 Camp Gordon Johnston [1944].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Carl Murphy; Oliver L. Norrell;

    Grant Reynolds; Frank Wiggins; Barbee William Durham. 0529 Camp Gordon, Georgia [1942–1945].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Marcus H. Ray; Hazel Garrett;

    James Garrett; Leslie S. Perry; Leroy Schuler; J. A. Ulio; Joseph L. Smith; Carl Murphy; William H. Hastie; William Slater; Ernest L. Spivey; Prentice Thomas; P. L. Prattis.

    0600 Camp Grant, Illinois [1942].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: William H. Hastie; E. S. Adams; Truman K. Gibson Jr.;

    A. L. Foster. 0610 Camp Harrahan, Louisiana [1943].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Oscar C. Brown; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; William Slater.

    0617 Camp Holabird, Maryland [1943].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondent: Robert A. Murray.

    0620 Camp Hood, Texas [1942–1944].

    Major Topics: Discrimination in armed forces; venereal disease. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Charles P. Browning; Earl W.

    Bacon; T. Morris Davis; Harrison A. Gerhardt; William G. Nunn; Vance S. Mullon;

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    Robert H. Dunlop; John W. Lawlah; O. J. LaBarge; Donald W. Boehme; M. J. Cooke; Leon H. Washington Jr.; Louis R. Lautier; Howard Bennett; J. R. Hudnall; A. E. Moorer; S. M. Derrick; L. Mendel Rivers; Henry C. Taylor; T. C. McFall; Theophilus Mann; Essie Clifton; Jack Williams; George S. Cargill Jr.; Edward l. Larson; George C. Farris; C. E. Steele; Marvin H. Singley; William Herndon; William H. Hastie; Joseph L. Smith.

    0808 Camp Howze, Texas [1944].

    Principal Correspondents: E. S. Reynolds; Truman K. Gibson Jr. 0812 Camp Kearns, Utah [1943].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Virgil L. Peterson; H. R. Hickman; Truman K. Gibson Jr.

    0823 Camp Kilmer, New Jersey [1943–1947].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Franklin H. Williams; Marcus H. Ray; J. A. Ulio; A. K.

    Westbrook; Homer M. Groninger; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Robert H. Dunlop; Louis R. Lautier; Cecil L. Rutledge; Robert E. Kintner.

    0862 Camp Lee, Virginia [3] [1941–1948].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; M. J. McAuliffe; Marcus H. Ray; Robert

    A. Smithey; Franklin H. Williams; John W. Tierney; Erwin H. Leiphart Jr.; Joseph D. Martin; Louis R. Lautier; Carl Murphy; A. J. Gray; John E. Scott; Joseph Albright; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Moses S. Gibson; Cyprian H. Colbert Jr.; Dorsey E. Lane; Monticello J. Brown Sr.; W. R. Ming Jr.; Willie M. Perdue; Naaman E. Smith; Thurgood Marshall; John P. Miller; Walter White; William H. Hastie; Roy Wilkins; J. A. Ulio; Samuel A. Reed; Oliver W. Hill; William Fisher Jr.; Masood Ali Warren; Howard McC. Snyder.

    Reel 12 0001 Camp Livingston, Louisiana [4] [1941–1945].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: L. H. Nokes; James C. Evans; William P. Curran; Louis R.

    Lautier; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Jesse O. Dedmon Jr.; Thomas I. Jones; J. A. Ulio; Mame Mason Higgins; George H. McMurry; Leslie S. Perry; Osborne E. Scott; W. I. Sherwood; Ambrose F. White; Grayce E. Johnson; Franks Robert; Claudie C. Gibson; Lincoln O’Brien; F. Dorris Lusk; O. E. Beezley; Lewis E. Reigner; James W. Thornton.

    0151 Camp Maxey, Texas [1943–1944].

    Major Topics: Military law; discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: C. L. Dellums; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; J. A. Ulio; Louise

    Banks; Robert H. Dunlop. 0167 Camp McCain, Mississippi [1942–1944].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; D. W. Haggard; Charles Smith Jr.

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    0179 Camp McCoy, Wisconsin [1942]. Principal Correspondents: William H. Hastie; Carl Murphy.

    0184 Camp Murray, Washington. 0187 Camp Pickett [1942–1944].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Julius E. Dixon; Ray Wilkins; J. M.

    Ellison; M. M. Lawrence; John L. Jones; Campbell C. Johnson. 0221 Camp Polk, Louisiana [1942–1946].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: L. R. Hendrickson; M. N. Zwitzer; Marcus H. Ray; Harry L.

    Twaddle; William H. Warren; Sid Collins; Robert L. Morris; Hector D. Garcia; Philip L. LaManche; Franklin H. William; Milton R. Konvitz; John McAllister; Joseph L. Smith; William H. Hastie; Gloster B. Current; Samuel Bonery.

    0276 Camp Robinson, Arkansas [1941–1941].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: F. H. Osborn; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; J. A. Ulio; Grant

    Reynolds; H. B. Lewis; Harold E. Fermon; A. Clayton Powell Jr.; Gladys W. Fermon; William H. Hastie; Richard A. Lowe; John A. Singleton; Walter White; Granville H. Martin; H. V. McCoy; S. G. Fairchild; Clifford E. Minton; Sam Strauss.

    0354 Camp Rucker, Alabama [1943].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: R. E. Kunkel; E. B. Schlant; Milton R. Konvitz; Truman K.

    Gibson Jr.; Roy Wilkins; Robert E. Kintner. 0370 Camp San Louis Obispo, California [1943].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Channing H. Tobias; Joseph E.

    Ford; Homer U. Oliver. 0386 Camp Shanks, New York [1943].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Trezzvant W. Anderson.

    0391 Camp Shelby, Mississippi [1944–1944].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Joseph F. Battley; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Lillie M.

    Jackson; James C. Evans; John W. Hurse; Edward A. Burch; Joel G. Adams; Lemuel L. Foster; Hollis A. Woods; J. A. Ulio; Edward Stern; James P. Phinnie; Lowry G. Wright; Hilding G. Kruse; Robert J. Blanton; James N. Harlan; Lathe B. Row; Dorothy G. Miller; Jerry M. Miller; Norman Brittingham; Louis R. Lautier; Mary McLeod Bethune; E. L. Kanwit; L. L. Foster; W. C. Leland; Ray H. Everett; Thomas A. Webster; Fred Edwards; William H. Hastie; Walter White; William Slater; James H. Murphy; P. L. Prattis; E. J. Taylor Jr.; Lucious H. Pryon; Ernest W. King; Catherine F. Freeland.

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    0564 Camp Sibert, Alabama [1943–1944]. Major Topics: Women’s Army Corps; discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Gladys Blackmon; Roberta McKenzie; Joseph F. Battley;

    Truman K. Gibson Jr. 0580 Camp Stewart, Georgia [1942–1944].

    Major Topics: Military law; discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Pauline R. Coggs; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; C. B. Powell;

    John W. Childs; E. A. Stockton Jr.; Charles H. Houston; Andrew Tillman Jr.; Carl Murphy; Stanley J. Grogan; Wetnona Smith; William O. Walker; Russell E. Hubbard; Alfred A. Duckett; Walter H. Dustman Jr.; John T. Winterich; Milton Konvitz; F. Everett Henry; Lesley C. Hooker; J. A. Green; H. Laurence McNeil; Clarence A. Smith; Winifred Samuels; Lillian Myers; Lecia C. Hill; Rose Slatken; Roy Wilkins; J. Noel Macy; Adam Clayton Powell Jr.; Joseph Flowers; Thomas E. Wallace; Prentice Thomas; Louis R. Lautier; J. A. Ulio; Johnnie Johnson; M. G. Richeson; David F. Radcliffe; Carl A. F. Holler; J. G. Hulaz; T. Hughes; B. M. Bryan; William H. Hastie; Carl F. Williamson; St. Clair Bourne.

    0868 Camp Sutton, North Carolina [1942–1944].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Albert F. Washington; Ernest

    Terrell Jr.; John O. Mitchell; Oscar L. Flowers; Howard G. Conley; Philip E. Brown; Carl Murphy; Ralph H. Godfrey; William H. Hastie; Rhydon I. Brown.

    0918 Camp Swift, Texas [1942–1944].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Clyde King; Smithy Norton; P. L.

    Prattis; Louis R. Lautier; Robert E. Kintener; Carl Murphy; Raymond C. Ferrell; William Slater.

    0959 Camp Tyson, Tennessee [1949–1944].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: W. J. Beggs; Robert M. Shamwell; John S. Crull;

    Benjamin D. Whecbee; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Claude M. Richardson Sr.; Louis R. Lautier; Carl Murphy; Fred Hart.

    0997 Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi [1943].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Elmer P. Gibson; R. E. Guthrie; John P. Neu; Carl

    Scheidwind; William L. Browning Jr.; Lloyd Kerford; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Magnolia Lewis Butts; J. R. Burney.

    Reel 13 0001 Camp Wallace, Texas [4] [1941–1943].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: John. B. Maynard; V. F. Shaw; R. P. Palmer; Truman K.

    Gibson Jr.; William H. Hastie; Robert Richardson; William Slater; George E. Haynes; E. S. Adams; B. J. Strode; Dutton Ferguson.

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    0056 Camp Wolters, Texas [8] [1942]. Principal Correspondents: William H. Hastie; G. F. Porter; W. H. Simpson.

    0063 Camp Young, California [1943].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in armed forces. Principal Correspondents: Williard Moore; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Charles A. Collins.

    0076 Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania [1942].

    Principal Correspondent: William H. Hastie. 0079 Casualties [1943–1947].

    Principal Correspondents: Edward F. Witsell; James C. Evans; Estelle M. Bates; William I. Gibson; W. P. Harrison; Charles P. Browning; Sydney P. Brown; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Louis R. Lautier; Martha C. Simpson; Marie A. Bell; Arlyn G. Sweeney; Robert E. Dunlop; Walter M. S. Tresville.

    0181 Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania [1946–1948].

    Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; Bert Cumby; F. B. Watson; Frank Dorn; Benjamin O. Davis Jr.; Marcus H. Ray; W. B. Palmer; Patrick L. Doran; Louis J. Beasley; P. L. McPherran; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Fred Herzberg.

    0291 CCC [Civilian Conservation Corps]—Administrative Appointments [1941–1942].

    Principal Correspondents: J. A. Ulio; William H. Hastie; K. B. Bush. 0377 CCC [Civilian Conservation Corps]—Departmental [1940–1942].

    Principal Correspondents: W. R. Hazelrigg; William H. Hastie; Philip T. Atkins; M. S. Parrish; J. A. Ulio; E. S. Adams.

    0428 CCC [Civilian Conservation Corps]—General [1940–1941].

    Principal Correspondents: William H. Hastie; A. C. Bailey; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; A. H. Maloney Jr.; Eugene H. Williams; Thomas M. Dent; Norvell R. Slosson; Charles A. Holley; W. N. Whitfield; William A. Phelps; S. C. Coleman; Harold Kenneth Wilson; William C. Nelson; Roy A. Carter; J. Henry Alston; Thurgood Marshall; Thomas M. Dent; Winthrop M. Southworth Jr.; James Mosley; John L. Moore; W. Urbach; Richard R. Queen.

    0547 Challenges to Leadership [1944].

    Principal Correspondent: B. S. Abernethy. 0608 Chaplains—Departmental [1940–1941].

    Principal Correspondents: Marcus H. Ray; George L. Van Way; Joe N. Dalton; A. B. Wood; Luther D. Miller; James C. Evans; William R. Arnold; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; C. H. Tobias; Orlando Ward; William H. Hastie; Campbell C. Johnson; William Stuart Nelson.

    0738 Chaplains—Inquiries re: Appointment as Camp Chaplains, etc. [1940–1941].

    Principal Correspondents: William H. Hastie; Alphonso S. Powe; W. H. Spillers; E. S. Adams; William R. Arnold; Jason P. Davis; F. Hugo Austin; Andrew C. Bailey; Carl L. Wilberding; William C. Hull; Frederick C. Frommhagen; John C. Bain; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Richard T. Brown; William A. L. Clay; Hyason Diggs;

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    George A. Fisher; Robert C. Weaver; George E. Geddis; J. Clarke Griffin; John Henry Hester; C. S. H. Hunter Jr.; M. E. Johnson; R. H. Collins Lee; Campbell C. Johnson; Allen F. Little; Glenn J. Witherspoon; Robert B. Turner; G. Hamilton Martin; William Pickens; Clifford L. Miller; Mary McLeod Bethune; Robert G. Morris; Grant Reynolds; C. H. Pierson; Andrew L. Johnson; Douglas L. T. Robinson; E. V. Truesdale; G. E. Markwalter; Jesse Moses; Floyd W. Newman; Walter S. Rogers; W. M. H. Thomas; Eugene Easton; Fisher Howard; George Thomas; Dan Harris; Emanuel Richards; S. Arthur Devan; A. J. Allen.

    Reel 14 0001 Chaplains—Inquiries re: Appointment as Camp Chaplains, etc. cont. [1940–1941].

    Principal Correspondents: William H. Hastie; A. R. Emery; C. W. Moore; H. S. Toney; William R. Arnold; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Campbell C. Johnson; Christopher A. Schott; Joseph R. Houchins; J. C. Smith; Melvin Chester Swann; G. L. Van Norman; C. H. Tobias; S. J. Vincent; A. A. Watts; Robert C. Weaver; S. P. West; Arthur D. Williams; G. F. Porter; R. R. Wright Jr.

    0089 Chaplains—Inquiries re: Appointment as Camp Chaplains, etc. cont. [1942–1947].

    Principal Correspondents: Henry J. C. Bowden; Carrol D. Holland; Marcus H. Ray; George G. Bowser; T. W. Smith; H. I. Bearden; Melvin C. Swann; Beverly Ward; Charles T. Watkins; James C. Griffin; James C. Evans; Luther M. Fuller; Noel F. Parrish; H. E. Kessinger; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Joseph H. Beatty; Doris Goss; Charles P. Taft; M. S. Ateca; Grant Reynolds; William R. Arnold; Campbell C. Johnson; Ralph Mark Gilbert; Mitchell C. Ateca; Nimrod Cautious Calhoun; John T. Axton; Juanita B. Kennedy; Leon Kennedy; W. R. Johnson; Ray Wilkins; William Y. Bell Jr.; Albon L. Holsey; William Brooks; Francis J. Haas; James R. C. Pinn; Edward G. Carroll; Charles M. Smith; William D. Cleary; J. Herbert Jones Sr.; William H. Hastie; John H. Hester; Lorenzo Q. Brown; Richard A. Lowe; Roosevelt A. Baker; Ella B. Hardesty; Elmer P. Gibson; Carl R. Johnson; L. D. Revoal.

    0382 Chemical Warfare Service—Akron, Ohio [1941].

    Major Topics: Discrimination in employment; defense industries. Principal Correspondents: Clarence M. Mitchell; A. M. Heritage; Robert C. Weaver;

    William H. Hastie; Louis R. Lautier; L. A. Moyer; S. R. Shepard.

    0404 Civilian Assignment Overseas [1947]. Major Topics: Civil service system; discrimination in employment. Principal Correspondents: Marcus H. Ray; Kinley B. James; James C. Evans; Dwight

    H. Wilson; Ken Munden; Archie Campbell; Edgar F. Love; J. R. Tibbs; Richard C. O’Brien; Theodore F. Ford; Luster D. Simmons; David C. Johannesmeyer; Anthony J. Kaminski; K. L. Trent; Jesse O. Thomas; Harry F. V. Edward; Alma E. Bailey; Richard E. McKensie; Ken Munden; Curtis J. Ivey; R. V. Russell; R. H. Jackman; Hobert J. Clark Jr; Dorothy A. Fields; Hubert N. Elliot; Paul M. Morrille; Eugene Davidson; Egbert C. Gittens; Estelle R. Britton; Edward S. Jenkins; Austin E. Scott; John F. Peterson; Ruby L. Hall; Robert D. Page; John A. Wagner; Charles P. Browning; Glayds M. Baltimore; John F. Peterson; Ruby Lee Hall; Dorothy Adrienne; Charles C. Furman; Mary C. O’Connor.

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    0632 Civilian Personnel Memos [1946]. Major Topic: Civil service system. Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; George E. Brewer; Marcus H. Ray;

    Emanuel M. Colman; A. H. Shimkus; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Charles H. Cunningham; John W. Martyn; R. Walker; James T. O’Connell; J. A. Ulio.

    0727 Chicago Council of Negro Organizations [1941].

    Principal Correspondents: Robert P. Patterson; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Irene McCoy Gaines.

    0750 Cincinnati Ordnance District [1942].

    Major Topics: Discrimination in employment; defense industries; civil service system. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; James T. O’Connell; Lawrence W.

    Cramer; Grace B. Rountree; William H. Hastie; G. W. DeCamp; William M. Perry; Sylvia M. Roach; Fred A. McMahon; George M. Johnson; R. D. Van Fossen; Vera E. Stallworth; Elna C. Esters; Elizabeth Baker; Dannie S. Williams; Robert C. Weaver.

    0807 Chicago Ordnance District [1942].

    Major Topics: Discrimination in employment; defense industries; civil service system. Principal Correspondents: Howard D. Gould; Margaret M. Jackson.

    0810 Cincinnati Cases [1945].

    Major Topics: COFEP; discrimination in employment; civil service system. Principal Correspondents: Louis R. Lautier; George M. Johnson; Malcolm Ross.

    0833 Civilian Defense [1941–1942].

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; William H. Hastie; Robert Morgan; Walter White; Juliet Robinson.

    0852 Civilian Personnel Advisory Committee [1943].

    Principal Correspondents: John Connell; J. H. Mason. 0875 Civil Service Commissions—General [1941–1944].

    Major Topics: Civil service system; discrimination in employment. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Carolyn D. Downs; L. A. Moyer;

    William H. Hastie; Ruby M. Howard; Franklin D. Roosevelt. 0916 Civilian Assignments—Overseas [1947].

    Major Topics: Discrimination in employment; civil service system. Principal Correspondents: Marcus H. Ray; Theodore A. Douglas; James C. Evans;

    Dorothy A. Fields; Estelle Britton; Muriel K. Fawcett; Marcell L. Johnson; Clarence Mitchell; Robb S. Mackie; Ken Munden; George W. Washington; A. R. Alessandro; Gerald O. Harvin; Dwight H. Wilson; Edgar F. Love; Norris E. Minor; Charles V. McCarthy; Nancy M. Lovell; N. M. Harrisson; G. Raymond Tibbs; Opal C. Purnell; Donald N. Davis; Edward F. Witsell; Lester J. Cappon; E. G. Campbell; Jesse O. Thomas.

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    Reel 15 0001 Civilian Assignments—Overseas cont. [1946].

    Major Topics: Discrimination in employment; civil service system. Principal Correspondents: Nancy M. Lovell; Gerald O. Harvin; Clarence M. Mitchell;

    James C. Evans; Raymond Tibbs; E. C. Brown; Marcus H. Ray; Treva P. Goings; Francis A. Kornegay; Muriel K. Fawcett; Helen S. McAtee; Edythe H. Coleman; Elder H. Russell; Richard C. O’Brien.

    0140 Civil Service Complaints [1944–1946].

    Major Topics: Civil service system; discrimination in employment. Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Louis R. Lautier;

    Richard W. Ganong; D. B. Howard; Harrison D. Watts Jr.; Horace H. Coward; S. J. Good; R. H. Wheat; W. L. Baxter; Frank E. Kinney; Harry W. Generous; George E. Brewer; Henry E. Jenkins Jr.; Tracy K. Dorsett; L. A. Moyer; Franklin D. Roosevelt; J. H. Mason; Naomi Hunter; J. H. Mason; Fred L. Simmons; Will Maslow; William C. Hull; Minnie V. Layton; G. Winkelman; Alfred R. Comas; S. N. Buseck; Manuel Munoz; John F. Aubrey; Naomi E. Rice; Ada Hamilton; Adolphe Jones.

    0322 Civilian Personnel Training Courses [1940].

    Major Topic: Military organization and functions. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; William H. Hastie.

    0436 Civilian Teachers [1944].

    Major Topics: Illiteracy; military education and training. Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; Ruby L. Grier; F. A. Kornegay; Truman

    K. Gibson Jr.; Russell E. Fossett; Randall L. Tyus; Marie M. Hart; Louise B. Jones; Alphonse Heningburg; Hillery C. Thorne; Alexander J. Allen; Georgia L. Stansbury; Robbie Lee Jackson; Mae Pearl Kelley; Christine E. Thomas; Cleo B. Washington; Reginald A. Johnson; Malcolm W. Johnson Jr.; William H. Martin; John T. Clark; Charles E. Eason; George E. DeMar; Howard D. Haynes; Robert D. Wilkerson; Louis R. Lautier; John W. Davis; Jay T. Wright; Roby H. Puryear; Doris Walker Adams; Mabel Garner; Benjamin E. Mays; F. E. Uhl; G. L. Harrison; Thomas P. Fraser; Ernestine Varnado; James Devine; Merle L. Thruston; H. Liston; Hettie L. Bradford; Sidney Miles; Floyd C. Covington; Marcus M. Rambo; S. L. Bertschey; R. B. Atwood; Mordecai W. Johnson; W. S. Davis; Lawrence A. Davis; William Lloyd Imes; L . G. Alexander; Ralph P. Bridgman; Guy E. Snavely; J. H. Johnston; J. F. Drake; F. D. Bluford; F. L. Atkins; Theodore A. Koch; N. O. Williams; I. J. K. Wells; D. C. Hickson; A. L. Foster; Tanner G. Duckrey; N. Liston; J. D. McGhee; S. Herbert Adams; J. B. Cade; James L. Collins; F. G. Clark; Harriette R. Cash; E. X. Hallenberg; Alexander J. Allen; Adrian S. Fisher; L. L. Umphrey; R. H. Schroeder; Martin D. Jenkins; Charles H. Thompson; E. E. Cummings; C. H. Day; C. H. Bynum; Mary L. Williams; H. D. Hazelwood; J. S. Saundle.

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    Reel 16 0001 Classifications—Army Tests [1940–1941].

    Principal Correspondents: William H. Hastie; Harry R. Pierce; C. H. Tobias; Joseph S. Jackson; J. G. St. Clair Drake Jr.; Wallace Van Jackson.

    0020 Classification and Assignment of Soldiers [1941–1945].

    Principal Correspondents: James C. Evans; Andrew W. L. Brown; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; E. S. Adams; George R. Evans; William H. Hastie; Harry F. Hazlett.

    0059 Clinton Engineering Works, Tennessee, Eastman Corporation [1945].

    Major Topics: Discrimination in employment; defense industries. Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Clarence M. Mitchell; Ralph F.

    Gow; William J. Brennan Jr.; C. D. Barker; John S. Hodgson; William A. Mowery; Edgar P. Baker.

    0119 Clemency Board [1945–1947].

    Major Topics: Military law; courts-martial and courts of inquiry; parole and probation. Principal Correspondents: Marcus H. Ray; Hattie Clark; James C. Evans; James E.

    King Sr.; Frank C. Alfred; Alice Pettaway; Perry W. Howard; Anna B. Johnson; Beatrice Hawkins; Adam Clayton Powell Jr.; James Dixon Jr.; Mary E. Brookins; Theophilus M. Mann; M. Robinson; Edward F. Witsell; Port Eckles; Elizabeth Robinson; Julius A. Thomas; Richard L. Jones; Frank L. Stanley; Charles Bernard Kirk; Julius A. Thomas; W. I. Gibson; Chester Horne Jr.; Vernon H. Owens; Franklin H. Williams; Leonard I. Schreiber; Alphonso Tucker; Victor V. Bennett; Leon Holloman; Alphonso Jackson; F. D. Burchard; Virgil O. Banks Jr.; Calvin L. Preston; D. C. Williams; Mildred Huskins Seay; Campbell C. Johnson; Clarence A. Dockens; Albert Macklin; Charles P. Browning; Lucille Richardson; Chauncey M. Hooper; Adee Sylvester; Lloyd L. Williams; Pearl Stewart; Hubert Gray Jr.; George Widbee; James L. Johnson; Olive E. Washington; Davie Jones; Charles L. Holland; Clinton Jones; Edward Powell; James H. Daley; Bernice Douglas; Martha Hayes; Josephine R. Dennis; Ernest A. Greene; James W. Porter; B. T. George; Charles W. McCarthy; William MacClain.

    0437 Clinton Knox [1944].

    Major Topics: Military education and training; military appointments and promotions. Principal Correspondents: F. E. Ambrose; Clinton E. Knox; William L. Langer; John

    W. Hoot; William L. Langer; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; James C. Evans; Walter Hobson; George P. McMahon; C. M. Crosby; Carl Murphy; Lewis W. Jones; George C. Marshall.

    0589 Colbert, Lowell [1944].

    Major Topics: Military law; courts-martial and courts of inquiry; forgery; fraud. Principal Correspondents: Lowell Colbert; Robert R. Selway Jr.; W. C. Addleman;

    Marvin Oliv; W. C. Miller; Arthur P. Hayes; Mark H. Russell Jr.; Thomas C. Keach; Raynor Garey; Carl B. Taylor; Wilson A. Copeland; J. W. Myers; Alberta Benedetti; Ellen Schwan; Morton V. Rosso; Frank R. Roberts; Albert J. Hauck; Richard C. Suehr; Robert C. Lindner; Alwyn Cole; Chester L. Fisher; Henry Harmeling; Berniece Reynolds; Frank E. Maloney; C. H. Caldwell; Herman A. Tapper; Wilbur E. Bashore; George M. McLeod; Richard F. Looney.

  • Frame No.


    0722 Columbus ASF Depot [1945]. Principal Correspondents: William J. Brennan Jr.; Ralph F. Gow; Earl L. Edwards;

    Joseph B. Daugherty; S. I. Zeidner; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Fred Zappolo; J. B. Anuskewicz; J. R. Ranck; T. A. Carr; William R. Cunningham; C. P. Tinsley; E. J. Farrell; B. J. Handwerker; S. S. McElhany; J. F. Erzinger; Bud Blackburn.

    0776 Commanders of Negro Troops [1941].

    Principal Correspondent: Truman K. Gibson Jr. 0783 Collegiate Enlisted Reserve [1942].

    Principal Correspondents: Truman K. Gibson Jr.; H. M. Bond; Alfonso Jessie; William H. Hastie; Jessie Scott Hathcock; Thomas H. Henderson; J. M. Ellison; Richard deR.; Kip F. Schoenfeld; Thomas K. Fulcher; J. A. Ulio.

    0834 Construction Contracts Re. Discrimination—Negroes [1942].

    Major Topics: Discrimination in employment; labor unions. Principal Correspondents: William H. Hastie; James T. O’Connell; C. D. Barker;

    Howard S. Friedman; Dwight Horton; R. W. Pulliam; Richard W. Cooper; George M. Johnson; G. B. Parks; H. S. Moore; R. K. Hinchey; R. L. Pollard; E. B. Bush; Woodie R. Gilbert; R. K. Hinchey; J. W. Bateson; William S. Dunmore; James P. Mitchell; Robert C. Weaver; R. B. Chandler; Anthony Sanders.

    0897 COFEP [Committee on Fair Employment Practice], Departmental [1942–1943].

    Major Topic: Discrimination in employment. Principal Correspondents: George M. Johnson; William H. Hastie; Barron B.

    Beshoar; Lawrence W. Cramer; Robert P. Patterson; Ralph A. Bard; Fowler V. Harper; James P. Mitchell; L. B. Swartz; David M. Grant; John A. Davis; H. C. Peterson; Joseph D. Keenan; Phil J. Laurence; Henry L. Stimson; Frank Knox; E. S. Land; Truman K. Gibson Jr.

    Reel 17 0001 COFEP [Committee on Fair Employment Practice], Departmental cont. [1942–

    1943]. Major Topics: Gender discrimination; discrimination in employment; defense

    industries. Principal Correspondents: Lawrence W. Cramer; Robert P. Patterson; William H.

    Hastie; E. Kemper Nelson; F. H. Powell; Joseph F. Battley; Henry L. Stimson; A. H. Onthank; Vince H. Marchbanks; Malcolm S. MacLean; Robert C. Weaver; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Mark Ethridge; W. E. Lorence; Howard C. Petersen; J. P. Davey; Edward S. Greenbaum; Lemuel L. Foster; Lewis W. Clymer; Louis R. Lautier; John E. O’Gara; J. H. Mason; Domenico Gagliardo; Robert C. Brady; George M. Johnson; Will Maslow; John K. Collins; Clarence M. Mitchell; Joy P. Davis; James Forrestal; John A. Davis; Henry B. Wilson Jr.; Frank E. Hook; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Thor A. Christensen; Philip Miller.

  • Frame No.


    0412 COFEP [Committee on Fair Employment Practice], Departmental cont. [1943–1946].

    Major Topics: Discrimination in employment; defense industries. Principal Correspondents: Marcus H. Ray; James R. Pierce; James C. Evans;

    Eugene Davidson; Harold E. Swanson; Foster L. Furphy; Clarence M. Mitchell; Dudley Frank; John S. Hodgson; William A. Mowery; S. L. Brown; E. P. Baker; Eugene Davidson; Truman K. Gibson Jr.; Sidney G. Dendel; Everett M. Goulard; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Louis R. Lautier; Ralph F. Gow; William J. Brennan Jr.; Malcolm Ross; J. S. Hudgens; Frederick M. Hopkins Jr.; E. M. Chandler; John Hope II; John H. Long Jr.; Arthur W. Ayers; George E. Cowden; Roland Sellew; Robert P. Patterson; Will Maslow; Joseph H. B. Evans; Frank W. Wilson; Thomas Reed; W. L. Marbury; James T.

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