after hours emergency 0403603328 newsletter number 2...

Post on 08-Aug-2020






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Respect Responsibility Creativity Achievement


Monday Afternoon Uniform Shop open 3:00 – 4:00 pm

Wednesday Morning Uniform Shop open 8.30 – 9.30 am

TERM 1 - 2018


Fri 2 District Swimming Carnival

Mon 5 Parent Association AGM 7pm Staff Room

Wed 7 Principal Tour 9am

OSHC Management mtg 2pm Staff Room

Fri 9 Assembly hosted by Room 22

Mon 12 Adelaide Cup Day holiday

Tu 13 – Fr 16 Yr 3-5 Water Safety Education – Norwood Pool

Sat 17 Electoral Voting in the Hall

Mon 19 Principal Tour 9am

Year 3 Stardome incursion

Finance Committee 6pm

Tues 20 Education Committee 6 pm

Thurs 22 Assembly hosted by Rm 12


Tues 27 Governing Council 6.30 pm

Wed 28 Principal Tour 9am

Fri 30 Good Friday


Tues 3 Momoyama host information session R/Centre

Fri 6 Assembly Hosted by Rm 4




45 Main Road, BELAIR 5052 Website: Phone: 8370 3733 E-mail: FAX: 8370 2651 OSHC: Phone 8278 7609


Newsletter Number 2 Week ending Friday 2nd March 2018

Leanne Twigden Marija Baggio

Principal Deputy Principal


In Week 2 Room 9 shared their work on Growth and

Fixed Mindsets and the school values of Respect,

Responsibility, Achievement and Creativity. We were

creative in completing large letters in oil pastel and water

colour to make up the school values and in dramatising

skits to show the mindsets. We were also creative in

writing poems on the school values. We were all very

responsible and respectful as we prepared and presented

our assembly and felt that we achieved a successful


Room 5 entertained the school with their assembly on

Friday week 4. Students discussed digital citizenship,

reminded everyone about out of bound areas, relaxed

with yoga moves, shared data about where clothes are

made, explained how mathematics and fitness go

together, showed art work on kindness, danced the Floss,

taught the Floss to the audience and introduced guest

speakers. An excellent assembly, well done room 5.


A special welcome to the new students and their families

who have recently started at Belair.

Rec: Hunter

Year 1: Latoya

Year 3: Tiarna

Year 6: Sharni

We wish these children and their families a long and

rewarding educational journey whilst at Belair Primary



In October last year we informed our community that

Susan Close, Minister for Education and Child

Development announced that Belair Primary School had

been allocated $5 million to revitalise school

infrastructure and provide state-of-the-art spaces for

innovative learning.

Meetings between Architects, DECD staff and school

leaders were held at the end of 2017 with a very short

timeline to agree to initial concepts.

DECD have uploaded information about the concept

proposal on the DECD website.

You can view this through the following link.

This information was shared at Governing Council AGM

on Tuesday.

Governing Council and associated committees will work

with the school to progress this project once further

information from DECD about timelines and detailed

plans are provided.

We will continue to inform the community as

information is received.

Respect Responsibility Achievement Creativity


Both Materials and Services and Excursion levy invoices

were sent home in January. These accounts are now


If you have not already done so, please ensure that

payment is made ASAP.

If you are experiencing difficulties with payment of these

invoices please contact the Finance Office. All School

Card applications need to be lodged at school or online

at under Education, Skills and learning

(forms B, F & M are available from the office) as soon as



No dogs allowed on school grounds between 8.30am

& 3.30pm

Staff car park is for staff cars only (the exception is

OSHC pick up and drop off)

Exemption from school – If your child is going to be

away on holidays for 4 or more days in a row, please

collect an Exemption Form from the front office.

Principal approval is required for this leave.

Student Absences If your child is unwell, having a

family day, will be late for school due to family or has

an early appointment, please send a text via our SMS

phone number – 0418157103 (SMS only) If they are

late, please sign in on the iPad prior to going to class.


Parent Information Nights held in weeks 2 and 3 were

very successful. We hope that you found these useful.

Partnership between home and school is an important

part of your child’s educational journey.

If you were not able to attend, please see your child’s

class teacher and ask for a copy of any information that

was distributed.


The wearing of a school uniform promotes a sense of

belonging and pride in our school. The school uniform

colours are navy blue, light blue and white. Student

footwear is to be predominantly black, brown, white or

navy. Please ensure footwear is in keeping with this, if

you are purchasing new shoes, please ensure that they

meet these guidelines.

Jewellery is limited to a watch, small ear studs or sleeper

earrings and Medic Alert bracelets. Nail polish and

makeup are not part of the uniform. Where possible,

avoid fluorescent footwear, hair ties or similar.

Your support in ensuring that your child follows our

dress code policy would be appreciated. This can be

found on the school website.

Uniform Shop Opening Times: Mondays 3 – 4 pm

Wednesdays 8.30 – 9.30 am


Thank you to parents and teachers

who attended Governing Council

drinks and nibbles and AGM last

Tuesday, 20 February.

We thank outgoing members –

Carly Hocking, Claire Gardner, and John Forbes for their

contributions during their tenure on Governing Council

and associated sub committees.

We welcome the following new and continuing

Governing Council members for 2018:

Chairperson: Phil Wooding, Vice Chairperson: Merrilyn

Larusson, Secretary: Karla Pobke, Treasurer: Aaron

Osterby, and Ex Officio: Leanne Twigden.

Parent Representatives: Kerry Levett, Lisa Jamieson,

Louise Petherick, Adam Thompson, Alison Glastenbury,

Danielle Sherman and Paul Hutchison.

Staff representatives: Dominic Graham and Natalie


Governing Council assists the Principal with school

priorities and relevant policies. We look forward to

working with the new Governing Council and wish them

a productive and enjoyable year.

The 2017 Annual Report will be available shortly on the

school website. A summary was presented at the AGM.

There are opportunities for other parents to join a

subcommittee of Governing Council. They include:

Finance Committee: monitors school financial statements

and helps develop the budget and set school fees. Meet

twice per term on Monday; Week 3 & 8, at 2pm or 6pm


Sports Committee: (After school sports) – assists with the

organisation of out of hours sports played, influences

policy, fees and registration and promotes the code of

conduct and “Be Active” focus. Meet once a term,

Monday week 5 at 6pm.

Out of School Hours Care Committee: (OSHC) assists

with fee structure, programs, staffing and quality

assurance of the program. Meet once a term in week 6

at 2pm.

Canteen Committee: oversees the menu, costs, staffing

and DECD “Right Bite Strategy”. Meet twice per term at

1.45pm, day TBC.

Education Committee: promotes parent participation in

educational issues, encourages parent feedback and assists

with processes for parent feedback, responds to school

policies and organises parent workshops as required.

Meet twice per term on Tuesday week 3 and 8 at 6pm.

Grounds: assists with working bee planning, provides

advice on outside areas around the school. Meet once

per term, day TBC.

Please email your interest in participating in a particular

committee to Janita.

Respect Responsibility Achievement Creativity


In August of this year, students and staff from

Momoyama Elementary School in Kyoto, Japan will visit

Belair for 9 days, from July 30 - August 7. This exchange

program is a longstanding school program and 2018 will

be its 20th year.

An Information Evening for families, who are interested

in hosting, will be held at 6 p.m on Tuesday April 3 in

the Resource Centre. Any family in the school is

welcome to host. Those Belair students who are

considering going on exchange to Japan with the school

in September of 2019 should give serious thought to

hosting. At the Information Evening, all aspects of the

exchange will be explained and families’ questions

answered. Please think about becoming part of this

wonderful program.


Following on from our ‘Love your Library Day’

It is easy to see how much the following children like

books. Congratulations to them for being the best

borrower from each class and especially to Harry from

CW3 for reading the most in the School so far this year.

Well done to Room 15 for borrowing a combined total

of 557 books between them. Keep up the great reading

everyone and don’t forget to record on your Premiers

Reading Challenge sheet.

Room Student Room Student

CW1 Havana H 11 Layla M

CW2 Christian P 12 Erin F

CW3 Harry H

* most in School

13 Talia D

1 Lily O’B 14 Jackson B

2 Kudzi M 15 Leif M

3 Summer W 16 Grace H

4 Millie G 17 Matthew H

5 Jaxon S 18 Daphne L

6 Zac C 19 Themi S

7 Matilda S 20 Olivia T

9 Charlize C 21 Laurence D

10 Shardai M 22 Joanna Y

Remember to get over-due books back to the Resource


Harmony Day and World Poetry Day falls on

Wednesday 21 March (week 8).

If there are any budding authors/poets out there I would

love some work relating to Harmony Day to display in

the Resource Centre.


PA meeting: It was great to see some new faces at our PA

meeting in week 2. Our next meeting is the AGM next

Monday 5 March 7pm in the school staff room - a short

AGM to elect available positions, followed by a regular

PA meeting, takes about 90 minutes all up. All parents

and carers are welcome to attend. We hope to see you


Vice President Position Available: The position of PA Vice

President currently needs filling. This is a valued support

role for our President and is not a difficult role. Anyone

interested in doing more in the school community is

encouraged to contact Kristy Fairlamb for more details.

Election Day BBQ: We are making use of the throngs of

voters again for our first fundraiser of the year.

We will be having a BBQ running for most of the day on

17 March. We still need helpers on the day. If you are

able to help for one or more hours during the day please

head to our online roster and put your name down.

Thanks in


and, if you’re not able to help on the day, make sure to

come past, say hi and grab a sausage.

Easter Raffle: Easter Sunday is 1 April

and preparations are underway for

our annual super Easter Raffle. Tickets

will be coming home sometime next

week to you via your youngest child.

We’ll be asking for your help with

donations for the prize baskets and

also selling the tickets!

Prize baskets will be made up on Monday 26 March. If

you’ve got an hour or so to spare straight after school

drop-off, please join our parent volunteers in the Staff

Room as we put the baskets together. It’s always lots of


Raffle draw will be held on Wednesday 28 March at

2.30pm in the Hall.

Class Parent Reps: Thank you to those who volunteered

to fill this important role in 2018. All classes now have

their parent reps. We look forward to working with each

of our class reps throughout the year and thank them for

their invaluable support.

You can help make their job easier by naming all your

child’s belongings (first & last name) and assisting when

it’s your class’s turn on the lost property or sick linen


The PA needs YOU!

Would you like to be a non-PA member volunteer? If

you’d like to help with activities from time to time but

can’t get to our meetings, please send your details to the

email below.

Contact the Parent Association: If you want to ask the PA

a question or make a comment or suggestion, please

email and we will respond asap.

Respect Responsibility Achievement Creativity


We have continued to enrol good numbers of devices

throughout the beginning of this term. Please remember

to bring any new devices to Karen so they can be

connected to our internet and registered to have apps


This week three staff members attended training on

MakersEmpire 3D printing in primary schools project.

This is a DECD and MakersEmpire joint project

developing skills in primary aged children. We are one

of 50 schools successful in being part of this project for

the first semester. It is certainly more than just about

printing. It is about solution solving and developing

persistence, resilience and growth mindsets. An exciting

day spent learning about the design thinking and the

connections to the Australian curriculum. There will be

a strong focus on developing students as creators and

inventors. A strong connection will be made to real life

situations that lend themselves to solution based

inquiry. To support this project the school is investing in

a 3D printer to allow implementation of this project.

Stay tuned for updates throughout the semester.


We have had a great start to the term. It’s been great

seeing all the new and of course the familiar faces around

the school. Now that we are all settled in just a few tips

when using the Canteen; Red dots on the bags mean the

students need to bring the bag over to the Canteen to

collect their item. Re-usable bags are recommended to

use for your Canteen lunch as we are an eco-friendly

school and we aim to reduce our waste in the Canteen

this year. These bags can be purchased online

(Flexischools) or from the Canteen. I know we all get

busy in the mornings but please try and remember to

place your child lunch order on Flexischools if you say

you will. We have had numerous students already this

term upset because they were expecting a lunch order

and it didn’t come because parents had forgotten.

Please consider giving your children some money to

spend in the Canteen. It not only helps the Canteen it

also gives them independence in choosing their own

items, a chance to do some maths, communicate with

other adults who are part of the school community.

We need your help! We still have vacant spots on the

Canteen roster. If you are able to help please contact me

in the Canteen and I will find a spot that suits you …

many hands make light work!

If you have any questions regarding the Canteen please

feel free to contact me on 8278 6439 or pop in to have

a chat.




If you wish your child to participate in the 2018

Academic Competitions, open to year 3 - 7 students,

please complete the entry form, attached to this


ICAS - Science, English, Spelling, Mathematics,

Writing, Digital Technologies

Australian Maths Competition

Entries with payment are due no later than Friday 16



Dear Belair Families,

I found this article in a Kids Hope newsletter. It is very

good so I thought I would share it with you.

Words Kids Need to Hear

In his book, Word Kids Need to Hear, David Staal

emphasises some powerful messages children need to

hear for them to reach their potential. Here we explore

two of them – “I treasure you” and “I’m sorry, please

forgive me”.

“I treasure you.”

Kids long to feel special – not because they scored the

most goals in basketball or because they have the bluest

eyes and the blondest hair. They need to feel precious,

prized and valued just for being who they are – children

worth treasuring. There is a world of difference between

“I congratulate you” and “I treasure you”.

Sometimes being treasured for who you are and not

what you do can be difficult for children to understand.

They become used to the social norms of being

measured, evaluated, compared, graded and often

believe that beautiful means better. Whilst congratulatory

comments communicate support, they may also promote

a sense of competition. The treasure message

communicates a high sense of worth – and children who

feel worthy are more likely to respect the worth of other

people. “Every time we affirm how special our children

are to us for being themselves, we’re helping them grow

into adults who rejoice in the diversity of the world’s

people.” (Rogers, Many ways to say I love you, p. 140)

“I’m sorry, please forgive me.”

A child develops the ability to authentically apologise

when he/she knows how it feels to receive an apology.

We need to help children learn how respect feels then

trust that they will then learn to show it to others. The

late James Baldwin wrote. “Children have never been

very good at listening to their elders, but they have never

failed to imitate them.” (Baldwin, Collected Essays, p.

173). Adults do not diminish their authority by

apologising. In fact authority flows from respect. A

sincere apology fosters respect and trust. Can you

imagine respecting someone unable to apologise?

Neither can the kids.

Respect Responsibility Achievement Creativity

An apology needs to be made with humility and no

excuses and in a timely manner. By keeping an apology

brief – “I’m sorry, please forgive me.” – we maximise the

impact of the words. We can all count on the fact that

we will make mistakes. Our kids will too. How we

handle ourselves after our errors can form lasting

impressions on young memories. We need to make sure

we also model forgiveness. Remember that kids treat

others how they are treated – a child’s ability to forgive

comes from the habits they witness. The ability to

apologise and forgive will serve as two important life

skills we can teach children. The late Dr Martin Luther

King Jr said, “Parents need to give children opportunities

to develop the ability to freely forgive. He who is

devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to

love.” (Coretta Scott King, The Words of Martin Luther

King Jr, p.23)

Sara Walding, Pastoral Care Worker

In School: Wednesday and Friday all day; Tuesday and

Thursday afternoon


Thank you to all who have registered

your child’s interest in playing netball for

Belair Primary School in the coming 2018

Southern Area Junior Netball Association

season (S.A.J.N.A).

Registration is still open and we would love to hear from


If your child is interested in playing in a great team sport,

learning some new skills (or building and developing on

their existing ones) and having loads of fun along the

way - talk to them about netball!!

Netball is played in terms 2 & 3 and we will have teams

for eligible players (either 8yrs old and above, or those

who turn 8 within the season) from year 2 right through

to year 7.

If you are keen to play netball for Belair Primary School,

please go to the school website - After School Sports - for

more information and to access the registration/medical/

consent and uniform ordering forms.

Please have your netball registration forms/payment in to

the front office NO LATER THAN FRIDAY 9th MARCH!

Teams are entered based on numbers of players

registered and no team nomination changes can be made

after the close of registration.

Coaching - every team also needs a coach! Please indicate

on your registration form if a parent/carer/sibling etc, is

keen to coach a team.

Please contact Kerrie Wooding for further enquiries –

0414 492 442


Respect Responsibility Achievement Creativity

Respect Responsibility Achievement Creativity

Respect Responsibility Achievement Creativity


*If you are unable to work please try and swap with someone else first and then let me know. Thanks


MOVE & LEARN - BEFORE SCHOOL KIDS FITNESS CLASSES – Join anytime. Only $10 per session, for all primary

school kids, every Tues, Wed & Thurs, 7.45 – 8.20 am, at the Belair Community centre. Contact Donna Thomas

0409091022 or email:

JUNIOR FIELD NATURALISTS SA - Do you have a fascination with WILD ANIMALS, their lifestyles and habitats? Also

rocks, crystals, geology, astronomy … anything to do with the wonderful world of nature? Our meetings are held on

the LAST THURSDAY of each month (except January and December) at the Bellevue Heights Primary School in the

Activity Room. 7.00pm to 8.15pm, $35.00 per family per year. This money contributes towards our club’s

sponsorship of a Murray Tortoise at the zoo.

KIDS TAEKWONDO - Resilience, Confidence, Discipline, Respect. Blackwood 21 Hall, 21 Coromandel Parade.

Monday 6.30 pm or Friday 5.30 pm. Term 1 enrolments open Enquiries Ph: 0412 909 500 or email:

5 March 6 March 7 March 8 March 9 March

Jodie McLachlan SUSHI LUNCH

HELPER NEEDED Belinda Blockow Lana Giannakopoulos

Jan Charles

Emily Connor

12 March 13 March 14 March 15 March 16 March

PUBLIC HOLIDAY Canteen closed Olivia Thomas Sarah Coote Dannii Olsen

Belinda Blockow

19 March 20 March 21 March 22 March 23 March

Emily Byrne HELPER NEEDED Julia


26 March 27 March 28 March 29 March 30 March

HELPER NEEDED Sarah Mallin Bek Cox Lana Giannakopoulos GOOD FRIDAY

Respect Responsibility Achievement Creativity

Respect Responsibility Achievement Creativity

Respect Responsibility Achievement Creativity

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