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Post on 07-Apr-2018






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With Special Thanks to:

A 1920's


Jon Hook

Volume IX

Table of Contents

The Lost Expedition


IntroductionAmerican naturalist, Roy Chapman Andrews, and his

team of archeologists, naturalists, historians, and explorers

people to discover fossilized dinosaur eggs in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert on July 13th, 1923. The earth-shaking discovery further excited the dinosaur mania that was sweeping across the world and Andrews’ fame continued to rise. Andrews’ discovery also fueled the jealousy of a rival at Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History. Dr. Samuel Norris has always imagined himself to be at the center of America’s fascination with dinosaurs, but Andrews has bested him with every discovery and has garnered all of the fame and glory that Dr. Norris believes should be his.

Being the jealous type, Dr. Norris had closely followed Andrews’ exploits in Mongolia and when he learned that the Beiyang government – the internationally recognized

Andrews and the American Museum of Natural History, he

the Chinese government took issue with Andrews’ removal of fossils from the Gobi Desert, so when Dr. Norris sought permission to conduct his exploratory dig in the Gobi Desert,

he not only promised that he would not remove any fossils,

the Chinese government. His assurances were accepted and permission was granted and so for the last two months, Dr. Norris has been conducting his dig in China.

Keeper Information

Although the charismatic Dr. Norris has convinced the Chinese government that he would give all of his documented discoveries to it, he never had any intention of doing so. Jealous and determined to garner the fame that he feels that Roy Chapman Andrews has kept from him, Dr. Norris always planned to send the best and the most

radical nature of his discoveries – discoveries that he feels will not only overturn everything science knows about evolution, but will also make him name and eclipse Andrews’ reputation. Like most of the scientists studying fossils in the early twentieth century, Dr. Samuel Norris began his career as a naturalist studying mammals, birds, and reptiles around the world. In particular, his academic reputation stems from his extensive study of the cavia porcellus, or guinea pig, in South America.

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