age of jefferson change for the new country.. election of 1800

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Age of Jefferson

Change for the new country.

Election of 1800

Election Results (1800)

Election of 1800

• Jefferson defeats Adams, but ……

• Jefferson and Burr tie in electoral votes.

• House of Representatives decides the tie.

• Revolution of 1800.

• “A triumph of the common citizen over the aristocratic classes.”

Marbury vs. Madison

Judicial Review is established.

Adams appoints new judges…

• John Adams (Federalist) signs appointments on his last night in office.

• Thomas Jefferson (Democratic –Republican) is to take over as President.

• What political party do you think the judges Adams appointed belonged to? Why did he do this?

• “midnight judges”- what these new judges were referred to as.

• William Marbury was one of these “midnight judges.”

When does Madison come into play?

• James Madison, TJs new Secretary of State, was supposed to officially present Marbury with his new position…

• But he didn’t!

• So… Marbury sued and appealed to the Supreme Court to get Madison to award him the position…

The Verdict.

• Supreme Court refuses to grant Marbury his position!!

• Why?

• A section of the Judiciary Act of 1789 (which set up the federal court system in the first place) was unconstitutional and void.

Lasting Impact…

• This is the first time the Supreme Court overturns an act of Congress.

• Checks & balances in action!

• Judicial Review- Power of the Supreme Court to decide whether laws or acts passed by Congress are unconstitutional.

Jefferson As President

Reversal of Federalist policies

• Secured Congressional repeal of the tax on whiskey.

• Cut back on military budget and reduced the national debt.

• Permitted the Alien and Sedition Act to expire and pardoned those affected by it.

Continues some Federalist policies.

“We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists.”

• Continued Hamilton’s financial programs such as the National Bank.

• Reaffirmed Washington’s policy of isolation.

• Showed that a change of regime (power) not need be drastic and overwhelming change.

Louisiana Purchase• Transportation of goods west of the Appalachians.

• 1n 1800, Napoleon secretly secures the territory from Spain.

• Robert Livingston and James Monroe negotiate to buy New Orleans and West Florida for $2 million - $10 million.

• England or France - Jefferson wonders who to support in their war?

• A small price to pay. $15 million.

Why does Napoleon sell?

• $$$ for his war effort.

• Trouble in Haiti (Haitians fighting for independence)

A Constitutional Problem

• Constitution didn’t specify that the President could negotiate treaties for incorporating new land into the country..

• No time for an amendment.

• Loose Constitutional Interpretation v. Strict Constitutional Interpretation?

Jefferson’s Foreign Policy• Problems:

• Americans relied heavily on overseas trade.

• Pirates of the Barbary Coast were attacking American ships.

• Impressment by England and France was still a major problem.

• Solutions?

• U. S. Navy and Marines are sent to attack Tripoli.

• US defeats the pirates.

• Jefferson puts forward the Embargo Act of 1807. Us refuses to trade with nations at war.

• This hurts American interests and angers many Americans.

Look at p. 69 in your packet and answer the questions on p. 70 with your seat partner

Embargo Act of 1807

• American ships could not sail to foreign ports and prohibited American exports to all foreign countries.

• Reaction to the war with England and France.

• Attempt at neutrality.

• Dismal failure. Why?

• Non-Intercourse Act of 1809.

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