age of scientific...isaac newton 1. objects...

Post on 05-Oct-2020






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The student will demonstrate knowledge of scientific, political, economic, and religious changes during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries by

a) describing the Scientific Revolution and its effects.

Scientific Revolution

Scientific Revolution

• The new ideas emphasized reason, observation, and systematic measurement.

• This led to the Scientific Revolution.

• It changed the way people viewed the world and their place in it.

Pioneers of the scientific revolution

Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicolaus Copernicus

• Developed heliocentric theory.

Nicolaus Copernicus

• Developed heliocentric theory.

Heliocentric Theory

The belief that everything revolves around the sun, not the Earth

Nicolaus Copernicus

• Developed heliocentric theory.

• This went against the Church which taught the Geocentric Model…

Nicolaus Copernicus

• Developed heliocentric theory.

• This went against the Church which taught the Geocentric Model…

Geocentric Model

The belief that everything revolves around the Earth

Nicolaus Copernicus • He believed the Earth, and everything else,

revolved around the sun!

He didn’t have the tools to prove it though!

Galileo Galilei

• Galileo proved Copernicus right.

Galileo Galilei

• After playing with some pieces of glass, he realized he could magnify whatever he looked at.

Galileo Galilei

• After playing with some pieces of glass, he realized he could magnify whatever he looked at.

• He then built a telescope, studied the skies. And proved Copernicus’s theory!

Galileo Galilei

• He saw the craters of the moon and even discovered Jupiter’s four largest moons.

• They named the group of them after him. (Galilean Moons): Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto

Galileo Galilei

• Galileo went against the church teachings…

Galileo Galilei

• Galileo went against the church teachings…

• The church put him on trial.

Galileo Galilei

• Galileo went against the church teachings…

• The church put him on trial.

• Galileo was put under house arrest for the rest of his life!

Johannes Kepler

Johannes Kepler

• Discovered the elliptical motion of the planets.

Johannes Kepler

• Discovered the elliptical motion of the planets.

• Also showed that the motion conformed to mathematical formulas.

Isaac Newton

• Was a math genius.

• He wrote the “Law of Gravity” and explained how the planets were held to their orbits!

Isaac Newton

• Was a math genius.

• He wrote the “Law of Gravity” and explained how the planets were held to their orbits!

Law of Gravity

Every mass in the universe attracts every other mass based on its size

Isaac Newton

• He also came up with the laws of motion based on his gravitational theories.

Isaac Newton 1. Objects at rest, stay at rest.

Objects in motion stay in motion. Unless there are other forces.

Isaac Newton 1. Objects at rest, stay at rest.

Objects in motion stay in motion. Unless there are other forces.

2. Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass the greater the amount of force needed.

Isaac Newton 1. Objects at rest, stay at rest.

Objects in motion stay in motion. Unless there are other forces.

2. Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass the greater the amount of force needed.

3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

William Harvey

• He was the first to detail the circulation of the blood.

William Harvey

• He was the first to detail the circulation of the blood.

• He was also the first to correctly describe it was the heart that pumped it!

Importance of the Scientific Revolution

• A new emphasis was placed on reason and the systematic observation of nature

– What could be seen and tested was important!

Importance of the Scientific Revolution

• The scientific method of investigation was developed during this time

Importance of the Scientific Revolution

• 6 steps.

1. Ask a question

2. Do Research

3. Make a guess (Hypothesis)

4. Test the guess

5. Record your results

6. Decide if you are right or wrong

Scientific Method

• It was a way to examine the world and find out how it really works!

Importance of the scientific

revolution • It led to an expansion of scientific knowledge.

Importance of the scientific

revolution • It led to an expansion of scientific knowledge.

• The universe was ordered according to natural laws, not spiritual.

Importance of the scientific

revolution • It led to an expansion of scientific knowledge.

• The universe was ordered according to natural laws, not spiritual.

• “De-Spiritualized” and de-mystified the Universe

Importance of the scientific

revolution • It led to an expansion of scientific knowledge.

• The universe was ordered according to natural laws, not spiritual.

• “De-Spiritualized” and de-mystified the Universe

• It changed the way people viewed the world and their place in it.

Essential Questions

What were some new scientific theories and discoveries?

What were some of the effects of these new theories?

Review Quiz 1

Scientific Revolution

The process of asking a question, doing research, forming a hypothesis, and testing to see if you’re right is known as the –

A Scientific Revolution

B Heliocentric Theory

C Secularism

D Scientific Method

Which group pushed the ideas of the geocentric theory and jailed those who thought differently?

A The Enlightened Scientists

B The French Monarchs

C The Catholic Church

D The Italian Government

This diagram best illustrates the discoveries of

A Johannes Kepler

B Galileo Galilei

C Isaac Newton

D William Harvey

What tool did Galileo use to prove the Heliocentric Theory?

A Oscilloscope

B Microscope

C Periscope

D Telescope

During the Scientific Revolution, what did scientists rely upon to make discoveries?

A Biblical teachings and faith

B Ancient texts and teachings

C Guesswork and hypothesis

D Reason and observation

Who discovered planetary motion was elliptical and not perfect circles?

A William Harvey

B Johannes Kepler

C Galileo Galilei

D Isaac Newton

Whose scientific theory is illustrated by this picture?

A Nicolaus Copernicus

B William Harvey

C Louis Pasteur

D Isaac Newton

Which advancement did NOT occur during the Scientific Revolution?

A Emphasis on reason and systematic observation of nature

B Discovering DNA in humans

C Formulation of the scientific method

D Expansion of scientific knowledge

The English scientist Sir Isaac Newton is famous for the —

A laws of universal gravity

B discovery of blood circulation

C heliocentric theory

D discovery of the atom

The period of invention and discovery during the Renaissance was known as the —

A Classical Age

B Scientific Revolution

C Reformation

D Humanistic Period

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