agencies that help prevent and help those affected

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Agencies that help Prevent and help those affected by physical child abuse.

Children’s Aid Society • Joseph Kelso advocated for children's rights to live in a safe, caring environment and

for opportunities to be made for them. Through his advocacy, his actions where noticed and in respect to it Child Protection Legislation was made.

• In 1888 the first Children's aid was formed and in 1891 it made it's breakthrough.• Volunteers, the public, and different professionals have made this organization thrive. • Children's Aid with the help of the public protects children from abuse and neglect

and works to provide and ensure that youth and children live in a safe, sustainable home.

• When allegations are made, children's aid takes action to see if a child is being abused or neglected.

• Children's provides these children and youth with services such as guidance, counselling and by also providing resources to their families, or to adoptive and or foster parents who care for them.

• Children's Aid has a legal responsibility to keep children of the province safe• There are 47 children's aid societies• Children's aid also provides services to francophone and first nations communities.

Boost Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention

• Boost started in 2008 and is a community based agency committed to eliminating abuse and voilence of children.

• Boost is a registered charity which offers programs for not only for children and youth, but their families aswell.

• Their core funders are the city of toronto, community support partnerships programs, the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Government of Canada department of justice, Rogers, and CIBC.

• Boost supplies resources for parents (Advice, tips to keeping children safe, difference between abuse and discipline)

• Boost supplies resources for Youth (Advice on relationships, the online website provides information of where to recieve help such as childrens help phone and Justice for Children and Youth)

• Boost provides resources for teachers (Prevention strategies, what to do if you suspect abuse and primary prevention programs)

• Boost for students (Provides answers about commonly asked questions of child abuse

Kids Help Phone• Kids Help phone began on May 16 1989• Kids help phone and their website provides a way for children to anonymously call or go online to

receive professional counselling services at any time of the day or night to talk about anything from overwhelming emotions, to simply confiding in someone.

• The professionals that help the children have backgrounds in social work, child and youth, phycology and more.

• The age of majority who reach out to Children's aid are 12-16 year old's and 17-20 year old's.• Children's Aid offers 8 different approaches to counselling • Children and youth my contact them by phone: 1800-668-6868• Ask Us: An online database for children and youth where they can post things and councillors can

comment with advice.• Info Booths: Children and adults can have access to research.• Virtual Support Community: Children can view other children's posts and build friendships and support

groups online.• Interactive games and tools: The games are made to help relax the children but as well promote

resiliency.• Your Space: Children can post their thoughts privately and build a page that reflects their personality.• Community Referral Database: Provides children with resources in their neighbourhood• IM/Chat Professional Counselling: Children can chat directly with a councillor

The Gatehouse• The Gatehouse was made to honour those who have been impacted by childhood

abuse and helps to link them to resources, provide support through support groups and healing programs aswell as providing child welfare services a place that is child friendly to conduct investigations.

• Gateway trains volunteers who will aid in mentoring other clients.• Gateway provides a warm and safe atmosphere for children who are being

interviewed by the police and child welfare workers.• Investigations for children can be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week• Gateway also follows up and assists with referalls to court preparation programs,

community agencies, and doctor appointments. • Gateway provides support groups for those who have been abused abused or

neglected.• Gateway provides workshops, confrences and educational events for clients• Gateway does not only work with children and teens but also provides extensive

services for adults who have been affected by childhood abuse and helps them with their healing process through a 15 week peer-led support groups.

Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Program (SCAN):

• SCAN is run by Sick Childrens Hospital in Toronto • Health care professionals carefully assess children and teens who

have been abused or neglected and work towards providing them and their family with the necessary resources.

• SCAN assesses those 18 and under. • In cases of abuse, scan will provide x-rays, blood work, and

proceed with other therapies and treatments. • SCAN works closesly with the community, the police, schools,

children's aid and doctors.• SCAN helps educate the community on child maltreatment and

builds ways to prevent it.• SCAN has an emergency line which is open 24 hours.

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