agenda item no. iz.[?j. - north lanarkshire · billy attended the a.g.m. meeting of northern...

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Cumbernauld Community Forum


AGENDA ITEM No. iz.[?j. Date of Meeting: 1 2th April 201 1 Venue: Cornerstone House

Cum be rna u Id

No. 1.

Item Present:

Billy Lees - Cumbernauld Community Forum (Chair) I. Sinclair - (Secretary)

David Cooke - Y.M.C.A. Christine McNeil - Women’s Watershed Group John M King - C.T.R.A. / E.N.W. Alan Sneddon - Condorrat Community Council Leanne Reilly - S.S.E. D. Logan - Westerwood Community Council Donald Masteron - F.S.S.E. / D. E.E. Sam Mitchell - Community Councils, Cumbernauld Env. Soc. Fergus King - S.S.E. Jackie Cowx - Freedom City Church Barney Kinsler - Cumbernauld Park / Craigmarloch

Community Council Robert Johnstone - Condorrat Community Council Jack Banks - Cumbernauld Gardening Club Carol Robb - Greenfaulds Community Council Pastor Jim Gibson - Cumbernauld Churches Connect Betty Dunphy - Unemployed Workers Mae Hardy - K.P.P.G. Alison McCallum - S.TV. Cumbernauld Wilma Knox - C.H.P. Tenants Forum

Cumbernauld Community Forum Y.M.C.A.

In attendance:

Inspector S Haslet, Strathclyde Police, Cumbernauld Division David Parr - H.M.C. Andy Folk - Grontmij for HMC Bridie Casey - H.M.C. Rosalyn Griffith - Community Engagement Officer, N.L.C. Cllr. B. Chadha - North Lanarkshire Council Cllr. Gordon Murray - North Lanarkshire Council Yvonne Cameron - (Minutes) Voluntary Action North


The Chair introduced the following people to the Forum meeting:

Guest Speakers:

Inspector S. Haslet, Strathclyde Police, Cumbernauld Div Bridie Casey - HMC David Parr - Depute Project Director, HMC Andy Follis Grontimj, Environmental

Inspector Haslet updated members on Crime Statistics for Cumbernauld areas. Discussion ensued around Alcohol, Substance Misuse, Drug Dealing and House Breaking Crimes. At this point a question and answer session took



place. Inspector Haslet gave members an overview-around the Policing in Scotland Conference and urged members to go on line to complete the Consultation document. This document can be found on the Scottish Government website. The Chair thanked Inspector Haslet for attending the Forum meeting. Members were encouraged to call the police if they have any problems in their areas.

Apologies :

Margaret Smillie Maralyn Sweet Alice Homer Gordon Wright G. Murphy P. Murphy D. McArthur M. Phimister

Presentation - M80 upgrade:

Bridie Casey - H.M.C. David Parr - Depute Project Director, HMC Andy Follis Grontimj, Environmental

Bridie updated members on the M80 and works completed to date. Photographs were shown to members on a slideshow. The Chair opened the floor to questions. Discussed ensued and varied opinions were shared.

Chair thanked Bridie for her attendance.

Chairpersons Remarks:

No remarks.

Minutes of previous meeting:

Proposed : Christine McNeil Seconded : John King

Matters Arising:

No matters arising from the minute.

Presentation - Haiti, Pastor Jim Gibson

Jim Gibson gave members an update on the work he is presently undertaking, to assist the Haiti appeal. It is hoped to raise monies to assist in building a new hospital. Members were encouraged to assist by taking on the €1,000 challenge, either individually or in a group. The name of the new wing in the Hospital will be “Cumbernauld Wing” Jim thanked the Forum for their continued support and partnership working in raising these funds. Members were thanked for listening to the presentation. Discussion ensued around the work being undertaken. Bobby Johnstone stated that the Rotary Club would be happy to assist with fundraising. Donald Masteron offered to take up the €1,000 challenge and asked the Forum members to support this very good cause in any way they


- 7.

- 8.



can. All members agreed to support Jim with the Fundraising Appeal.

Training - CLAD, Rosalyn Griff ith

IT Training - No update REHlS Training - No update

Sub Group Updates:

Environmental - Bobbv Johnstone

Bobby updated members on the first meeting of the Environmental group. The group are looking to become involved with Britain in Bloom. Ken Wilson has been invited along to the next meeting to agree the Terms of Reference for the group.

Health - Donald Masteron

No update until after the Elections for the X Ray unit. Donald informed members, the Diabetes Group are looking to hold a special event in June at which time they wish to become a member of the Forum.

Food CO-OP

Over 50’s event went well and was well attended.

Community Park - Barnev Kinsler

As per report circulated with previous minutes.

Memorial -John King

No update. Waiting on work commencing.

LAP Report:

The Chair explained Options 1 and 2 to the new people who were in attendance. Billy Lees explained that he asked the councillors to give their support that all groups agreed with option 1 and that the other North forums were in agreement.

Varied opinions were shared about the last Planning meeting. Billy commented that “it was totally unacceptable what went on at this meeting”. “Cumbernauld House Trust was heckled” The House was given the go ahead with planning. Alan Sneddon updated members on the happenings as an objector to this meeting. “The proposals are not commerciallv viable”. Discussion ensued. Gala Day, 6‘h August 201 1 Update - Pastor Jim Gibson

The Gala Day preparations are going well. A route for the parade is currently being worked on and is near completion. Jim reminded members the Gala Day group will require some assistance in the way of preparations for the Gala Day.

Chair thanked Jim for the work undertaken.

All members


- 11.

- 12.



Treasurer’s Report:

Balance as at 1 st April 201 1 , f2285.76

Petty Cash f43.99

Outstanding cheques have to be paid from the above amount.

Correspondence & E-Mails:

Letter from Sandie McKay, acknowledging receipt of grant application. Adult Protection Letter Scotmid Co-op (Clare Cajan) C.C.F. Minutes Voice of Experience invitation to Dementia Consultation 28.4.201 1 Diabetics Group, Constitution and Minutes Letter re V.A.N.L. Secretariat Support N.L.C. Chief Executives Newsletter (No mention of C/Nauld) V.A.N.L. Magazine “Involve” C.L.A.D. “Local Learning, What’s on” Scottish Government “Future on Policing in Scotland’ Local Area Partnership papers. Cumbernauld Crime Prevention Panel documentation. Partnership 4 Change invitation to Addiction Awareness Raising Session on 28’h April 201 1. E-mails from Margaret Smillie, Community Councils “Code of Conduct”. E-mail of Apology from Margaret Smillie for herself and Marilyn Sweet. E-mail, Cllr. Carrigan re Footbridge at Westfield / Condorrat. E-mail, from Steve Williams re Big Launch. N.H.S.L. Sharon Ewing “Development of the Community Garden” E-mail, Rosalyn re Gala Day. Jim Gibson, Gala Day Schedule. Margaret Miller “Kiddies Amusements” Gala Day. Public Protest Poster. E-mail, apologies G. Wright. E-mail, Alastair Scott “Code of Conduct Community Councils” E-mail, Application for Community Halls. E-mail, Health & Safety meeting for the Gala Day. E-mail, from Cllr. Chadha, re Gala Day. E-mail, re community Park Update. E-mail, Sharon Ewing, N.H.S. cancellation of meeting. Chairpersons Report, Cumbernauld Environmental Society. E-mail, Rosalyn, Dates of Annual Leave.


Billy updated members on the Now You’re Talking Event. This event was excellent. Billy was presented with a gift for opening this event. Gift was on display for members to see. Billy thanked David McArthur and his committee for an excellent day.

Billy informed members he attended a meeting of the Alpha Group Project recently and has now agreed to Chair.

5 5


Billy attended the A.G.M. meeting of Northern Corridor Forum.

Billy reminded members, he was still looking for volunteer drivers to escort pregnant mums on a Friday to Kilsyth. Drivers will require to be disclosed. Anyone interested, to contact Billy for further information.

Date of Next Meeting:

Tuesday 1 Oth May 201 1, Cumbernauld College,

The Mezzanine, Cumbernauld.

7.00 p.m.


Cum bernauld Community Forum


Date of Meeting: 8'h March 201 1 Venue: Cumbernauld College, The Mezzanine.

No. 1.


Item Present :

Billy Lees - Cumbernauld Community Forum (Chair) Mr. I . Sinclair -Secretary Cumbernauld Community Forum

Christine McNeil - Women's Watershed Group John M King - C.T.R.A. / E.N.W. D. Logan - Westerwood Community Council Donald Masteron - F.S.S.E. / D.E.E. Gordon Wright - Westerwood Community Council Jackie Cowx - Freedom City Church Barney Kinsler - Cumbernauld Park / Craigmarloch

Community Council Robert Johnstone - Condorrat Community Council Jack Banks - Cumbernauld Gardening Club Carol Robb - Greenfaulds Community Council K. McGregor - Cumbernauld Allotments Gerry Murphy - North Lanarkshire Access Panel, North

Peter Murphy - North Lanarkshire Access Panel, North

Heather Walsh - Strathclyde University David Cooke - Y.M.C.A. Pastor Jim Gibson - Cumbernauld Churches Connect


Lanarkshire Disability Forum, Partnership For Change

Lanarkshire Disability Forum, Partnership For Change

In attendance:

Rosalyn Griffith - Community Engagement Officer, N.L.C. Cllr. B. Chadha - North Lanarkshire Council Cllr. Gordon Murray - North Lanarkshire Council Yvonne Cameron - (Minutes) Voluntary Action North


The Chair introduced the following people to the Forum meeting:

Martin Dickson, North Lanarkshire Council. Heather Walsh, University of Strathclyde John Banks, Cumbernauld Gardening Club K. McGregor, Cumbernauld Allotment Society


A. Sneddon M. Ogden A. Homer J. Burke M. Hardie











M. Smillie

Presentation - Clubnet, Louise McClelland:

Not in attendance at the meeting.

Presentation on LAP re-structure, Martin Dickson:

Martin updated members on the decision which was taken by Committee back in December 2010, to reduce six LAP’S to three. 2 Options are available, Option 1 or 2. No Status Quo, as the decision has been taken.

Please see handout (3) circulated with the minutes for information purposes.

At this point Martin opened the floor to questions as follows:

Is this decision for Option 1 or 2 to be taken before the forthcoming Elections?

No decision will be taken prior to the Election. Status Quo is not an option. Decisions have been made, Option 1 or 2. Community Forum’s will remain as they are at present.

Comments were made around the €1.9m budget cuts. ‘Communities will suffer as there is only € l m left on the table” .

Response: “We need to be smarter with the f l m ”

Does the €1 million cover all Community Forums? “I see a danger going in with Airdrie”

“Is there a percentage of time, under new structures of the LAP meetings to be allocated to each Locality? “There is not enough time at the moment at LAP meetings for business. New structures require, more time to be allocated to discuss issues”

Response: “We need to look at how these new structures will be worked out”

“Cumbernauld is last again to be considered for everything, such as closure of X Ray unit, gritting issues etc”.

Response : “ Cumbernauld will have it’s fair share” North Lanarkshire Council have across the board evenly distributed all services.

“How do ordinary people not feel they are being valued? “The link to the Community, N.L. News has been cut off” “Everything you hear is affecting the Community”

If a Contractor put in money to a project, would North Lanarkshire Council allow a Contractors name to be put any advertising?

Yes, I do not think there would be any problem with this.


General comments relating to deprivation stats were made around Option 1 and 2.

Martin urged members to take time at home to read all documentation provided and stated he would be happy to come back to a future Forum meeting to discuss any further questions. Martin asked members to feed back information to their respective groups and consider all options which have been made available.

The Chair thanked Martin for his attendance at the meeting.

Any written comments to be submitted to North Lanarkshire Council, by 6‘h May 201 1.

Chairpersons Remarks:

Billy informed members he had attended a Policing in Scotland Conference, which he thought was excellent. Billy stated he was proud to have been asked to attend this Conference, representing the Voluntary Sector. Discussions took place around Policing Structures. Billy commented he did not think that Policing would go to a 1 tier structure.

At this point there were several interruptions. Billy asked this to be minuted as not acceptable.

The Chair spoke about Cumbernauld Forum taking off and about good publicity around work the Forum are undertaking. The Forum is well represented at the Forum Network meeting.

Minutes of previous meeting:

Paqe 3, item 5, Group Reports - lain spoke about an amendment to the previous minute. As follows:

The fundraiser for the Youth committee was held on 18* March in the Burroughs Club

Matters Arising:

Gordon Wright stated that the Forum meeting last month was a good meeting.

Group Reports: Rotarv Club

Gordon Wright informed members, the Rotary Club are to host a Charity Canal Walk on Sunday 1’‘ May 201 1. Cost f5 / entry fee. Gordon commented “this would be a good way for groups to raise monies’’ Funds raised in sponsorship monies groups can retain.



John King informed members they were waiting on the Contractors getting in touch re the Memorial.

North Lanarkshire Disabilitv Forum

Gerry Murphy informed members there was currently a pilot project being undertaken at the moment with regard to housing. This consultation exercise requires more people to join in, especially people who are disabled. Gerry asked if any members were interested in finding out more about this consultation exercise, to contact him on 01236 610052 at which time he will pass on their details to Inclusion Scotland.

Barnev Kinsler - Friends of Cumbernauld Park

Barney spoke about the public art which was on display within the College building. The art brings in the history of Cumbernauld. Barney informed members Michelle McManus will be attending the Cumbernauld’s Got Talent event on 5‘h June 201 1.

Public Tree Planting is supplied by Woodland Trust. Consultation is in its final stage.

Christine McNeil - Women’s Watershed Group

Christine updated members on the recent event held to celebrate International Women’s Day. This event was very well supported.

Christine asked the Forum for their support in attending the Spring Variety Show which is scheduled to take place on Friday l l t h March 2011, Muirfield Community Centre from 7pm - 10 pm. Tickets cost €3 and are to raise funds for Redburn School. If members cannot attend this event, a donation of €3 for the ticket would be very much appreciated.

Training - C.L.A.D. - Rosalyn Griffith

I.T. Training REHlS Training

Rosalyn reminded members to sign the sheet if they wished to attend any training and hand it back to her at the end of the meeting. Billy Lees will ensure dates and times are forwarded to members.

lain Sinclair spoke about Local Learning Leaflets which he had previously mentioned at the last Forum meeting. lain has contacted the relevant people and is awaiting copies being sent to him. lain hopes to have copies for the next Forum meeting.


Sub-Group updates:

Environmental - Bobbv Johnstone



Bobby updated members on the work the Environmental group undertaking on behalf of the Forum.

The Group are now looking at opportunities to develop Picnic Area at Broadwood, Dullater and St Maurice’s Pond

Bobby informed members he had contacted a personal friend, who is an officer of NLC This was done on a basis of friendship and not in an official capacity. To ask how they could go about getting a Masterplan. It was suggested that perhaps we could contact a University to get a final year student involved in a project.

Billy Lees met with Bobby Johnstone and the Environmental Sub Group Committee members and the group are now looking at constituting themselves, which will allow them to look at their own funding in the future. Bobby commented the environmental group now need to move on. Bobby thanked the Forum for partnership working with the Environmental Sub Group.

The Augural public meeting will hopefully be held on the 24h March at 7 -15pm the Cumbernauld College where we will elect a committee.

Douglas Logan will contact Rosalyn Griffith re Quarry. Bobby offered to contact Rosalyn also.

Health - Donald Masterton

Donald updated members on information re Treatment Rooms. No decisions will be taken until after the forthcoming Elections.

Donald thanked the Chair for attending this meeting. There were around 120 people in attendance. Speeches were given from Cathie Craigie M.S.P for Cumbernauld and Kilsyth and Jamie Hepburn, Rosemary Lyness, Director of Acute Services, N.H.S. Lanarkshire was in attendance at the meeting. Donald urged the Forum to respond to a letter received from Nicola Sturgeon. As a last resort, the Minister if necessary. “We should not give up the fight”. Donald proposed to thank Nicola Sturgeon for responding to the Forum letter and at the same time ask Politicians to stand up for Cumbernauld. At this point varied discussion ensued around Radiology and issues of concern.

A vote of thanks was given to Donald Masterton from the Forum.

Food CO-OD - Morag

No update, since last meeting.

LAP Report:

Rosalyn informed the Forum the LAP report was now due.

Douglas Logan / Bobby Johnstone





She would require this report by Monday 14'h March 201 1.

Any issues of concern to be logged within this report.

Gala Day, 6'h August 201 1 Update - Pastor Jim Gibson

The gala day meetings are going well at present. There have been 2 meetings to date. Jim asked members for their support nearer the time with the Gala Day. The date of the next meeting is 21" March 201 1, Seafar House, 6.00 p.m. All welcome.

The parade will be a major part of this year's Gala Day and it will be imperative to have people on the ground assisting. Rosalyn informed members the whole of the Link Centre is booked for the Gala Day and the Town Hall. The Provost has confirmed his attendance.

Treasurer's Report: Jackie Cowx

Circulated with the minutes (Handout 12)


Letter from Nicola Sturgeon (Health Minister) NHS Joint Governance Event / P4C Letter from Sandie MacKay re changes to LAP E-mail from Donald McPhillimy (Living Landscapes) Doorstop Advice, Crime Prevention Panel (Scam Busters Booklet) Letter from VANL Brochure from NHS, changes to Stobhill Hospital Letter from Jamie Hepburn, Central Scotland Brochure from Voice of Experience Letters, Councillor Gordon Murray Letter from Scottish Health Council Magazine Brain Tumour UK Forum Minutes E-mail, NHS, Protecting Vulnerable Groups e-mail, Rosalyn, Student from Strathclyde University e-mail Westerwood Community Council, Date of Next Mtg e-mail Regeneration Committee Vacant & Derelict Land Fund. e-mail Police Reform Conference, Glasgow, representing Third Sector e-mail Rosalyn, Community Engagement Officer e-mail Colin Couper, C.L.A.D, Family Learning Group e-mail Margaret Smillie, comments re X-Ray Unit Closure e-mail Keith Vernon, BNL Seminar

Now your Talking Official Opening, Saturday 1 lth March 201 1

Please call David McArthur to confirm attendance 07707564339 to confirm

All welcome.

Billy asked members to support David by attending this event.


- 14.



A. 0. C. B.

Donald Masterton updated members on the recent Public Partnership Event.

Proposed : Christine McNeil Seconded: Gordon Wright

Billy Lees updated members on the recent Forum Network meeting and the presentations which took place with regard to the Youth Strategy. Billy informed members that these presentations were excellent and what had sprung to mind at the point of these presentations, was the lack of Youth Workers from Community Learning & Development in the Cumbernauld area. At this point discussion ensued around Youth Forums. Questions were asked as to where the youth group is from Robert Towart. lain Sinclair offered to take this up with Robert Towart on the Forum's behalf.

lain spoke very candidly about young people driving the Youth Forum, not agencies such as North Lanarkshire Council or and of the Churches. Discussion ensued at this point.

Date of Next Meeting:

Tuesday, 12'h April 201 1 Cornerstone Centre,

Town Centre Cumbernauld.

lain Sinclair


Cumbernauld Community Forum


Date of Meeting: 8'h February 201 1 Venue: Cumbernauld College, The Mezzanine.




Item Present : 4lice Homer - Carbrain Hillcrest Community Council ( Acting

Vlr. I . Sinclair -Secretary Cumbernauld Community Forum

Shristine McNeil - Women's Watershed Group John M King - C.T.R.A. / E.N.W. D. Logan - Westerwood Community Council Donald Masteron - F.S.S.E. / D. E.E. J. Hennessy - Friends of C.A.C.E. Gordon Wright - Westerwood Community Council Jackie Cowx - Freedom City Church Jack Banks - Cumbernauld Gardening Club Aileen Sibbald - Y.M.C.A. Youth Committee D. Gough - Resident of Cumbernauld Barney Kinsler - Cumbernauld Park / Craigmarloch

Community Council In attendance:



Rosalyn Griffith - Community Engagement Officer, N.L.C. Cllr. B. Chadha - North Lanarkshire Council Cllr. Gordon Murray - North Lanarkshire Council Yvonne Cameron - (Minutes) Voluntary Action North


The Chair thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

Apo I og ies :

B. Lees D. McArthur A. Sneddon G. Mu rphy P. Murphy W. Knox B. Johnstone M. Phimister J. Burke Pastor J. Gibson M. Ogden

Chairpersons Remarks:

Alice Homer updated members on the followina items:

Grittinq - Alice Homer

Alice informed members, the recent meeting addressing



gritting issues went very well and the opportunity was given to ask questions. Alice explained, N.L.C. cannot justify spending extra money on gritting, due to the forthcoming budget constraints. If another winter as such happens again, the same rules and regulations will apply. General discussion ensued at this point with members and varied opinions were shared.

Closure of Radioloav - Donald Masteron Donald informed members there is to be a public meeting which will be held in Cornerstone Church on 28‘h February. He has spoken to the relevant parties concerned. Donald will be making an appointment to speak to Diabetes U.K. with regard to this meeting. A letter is to be sent gth February 201 1 to the Cabinet Secretary and M. Marks, N.H.S. with regard to this outstanding issue. lain Sinclair will look at having leaflets made up to publicise this public meeting and he will liaise with Donald beforehand.

L.A.P. Report - John King John informed members he had previously attended a meeting in Croy, which in general was a good meeting. However, the venue chosen, St. Patrick’s was extremely noisy, therefore he did not pick up everything discussed. Radiology was discussed at this meeting.

Debate on remit of the Sub Groups Rosalyn spoke to her report and about the remit of all sub groups of the Forum. Rosalyn circulated copies of Terms of Reference for these groups to the members and asked if members could feedback any proposals, suggestions or indeed any objections. Please see Handout (2) circulated with the minutes. lain Sinclair reminded the members about “reports being a necessity and he proposed these reports being distributed with future minutes. lain stated that he has concern about decisions being made by sub- groups, before going through the relevant protocol of the Forum. Sub-Groups require ratification from the Forum in everything they do. People require time to read and digest reports before attending meetings”. Varied opinions were shared around reporting structures. One point was made about there being a problem with timescale of Sub Group and Forum meetings. Alice opened questions to the floor and general discussion ensued. Alice asked for it to be minuted “Billy Lees always attends meetings of the Environmental Sub-Group”

A proposal was made to the Forum members. Members were asked if they were to accept the documents circulated or if anyone had any objections. No objections were lodged.

This proposal was agreed by all members.

Proposed : J. Hennessy Seconded: D. Masteron

The documents were accepted by the Forum members with the following statement inserted.

Donald Masterton / lain Sinclair

Yvonne Cameron

All members agreed this action


- 3.

- 4.



“Any decisions made by a Sub-Group of the Forum have to be ratified by the full Forum” It was agreed, this statement would be added to all Sub-Group Terms of Reference

Proposed: Gordon Wright Seconded : lain Sinclair

Alice asked if members wished a presentation from Strathclyde Police at the next Forum meeting. Rosalyn will contact Steve Haslett to organise this presentation.

Donald Masterton - To send letter to Health Minister on the Forum’s behalf and invite her along to the public meeting about the Radiology being held on Monday 28th February in the Cornerstone Church, Cumbernauld Town Centre Minutes of previous meeting:

Amendments to previous minutes from Cllr. Chadha re School patrol at St. Francis Should read “new fence and gates on the footway will be installed once demolition of St. Francis of Assisi School is completed and a patroller will continue helping children to cross the Westfield Drive”

‘Westerwood Community Council should read: Westfield Community Council”

Proposed : J. Hennessy Seconded : J. King

Matters Arising:

No matters arising.

Group Reports:

Treasurer’s Report Jackie spoke to her report. Please see handout (5) circulated with the minutes.

Food CO-OD Jackie spoke to her report. Please see handout (5) circulated with the minutes.

The Forum banner which the P.R. Group have worked on was on display at the Forum meeting.

Barnev Kinsler - Friends of Cumbernauld Park Barney spoke to his report. Please see handout (5) circulated with the minutes.

lain Sinclair - Y.M.C.A. lain introduced Aileen Sibbald to the meeting and informed members the young people are hosting a Three Nation Youth Exchange on 1 8‘h February 201 1 at Burroughs Social Club.

Members were asked if they would assist selling tickets for this event.

All members agreed this action / Rosalyn Griffith

Donald Masterton

Yvonne Cameron

Yvonne Cameron

Yvonne Cameron


Memorial -John King Work has now started on site by N.L.C. contractors. John informed members there is to be a fundraising event on 12* February, Condorrat Social Club at 7.00 p.m. All welcome. This event will assist in helping to fund the War Memorial Fund.

Training - C.L.A.D. - Rosalyn Griffith

Beainners I.T.

1 4th February 201 1 1 pm-3pm Every Monday, Muirfield Community Education Centre until 28th March 201 1.

REHlS Trainina:

REHlS first week in March

Ros reminded members to sign the sheet if they wished to attend any training and hand it back to her at the end of the meeting.

Sub-Group updates:

Environmental - Bobbv Johnstone Chairperson report January. Please see handout (7) circulated with the minutes.

Health - Donald Masteron Previously covered in Chairperson’s remarks within the current agenda.

Food CO-OP Previously covered in Jackie Cowx report circulated with the minutes. Handout (5).

L.A.P. Report:

No report provided.


N.L. News: The next edition of the N.L. News should be around April of this year. Rosalyn reminded members, she would be looking for items to be included in this edition. There is no rush for articles at the moment due to the changes which may be imminent. Rosalyn will update members when she has any further information on this item.

Gala Day, 6’h August 201 1 : lain reminded members, pieces of work will require to be done with relation to next year’s Gala Day. This will ensure this year’s Gala Day is as good if not better than last year’s.

lan reminded members that “we are urgently looking for volunteers to assist with the organisation of the Gala Day

All members agreed to assist.

Yvonne Cameron



- 11.

- 12.


- 14.

Queen and her Court”.

Any members who may be interested please let committee members know a.s.a.p. Date of next Gala Day meeting is 23rd February. Venue T.B.C.

Treasurer’s Report:

Previously covered in Jackie Cowx report circulated with the minutes. Handout (5).

Correspondence: lain read out a list of all correspondence he had received on behalf of the Forum.

Request received from Louise McClelland / Clubnet. Louise wishes to attend next Forum meeting.

lain reminded members, names were being taken for the Volunteer Driver Service which will assist pregnant women to and from hospital. Please pass on any names of anyone interested volunteers to lain as soon as possible.

A.O.C. B. Donald informed members that there is to be a Public Partnership Forum, joint event covering North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire areas, on 18th February 201 1 at South Lanarkshire Council Headquarters, Banqueting Suite, and Hamilton. Time will be confirmed to any interested parties. Lunch and travel expenses will be paid. Anyone interested in attending please let Donald know.

There will be a Lady’s Midnight Tiara Walk held on 30th April 2011, in Stirling to raise funds for Strathcarron Hospic If anyone would like to walk (Ladies) or volunteer to be a steward (Men) please let John Hennessey know a.s.a.p.

Date of Next Meeting:

8‘h March 2011 Cumbernauld College

The Mezzanine 7.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m.

All members agreed this action / lain Sinclair.

lain Sinclair

Donald Masterton


Cumbernauld Community Forum


Date of Meeting: 11 th January 201 1 Venue: Cumbernauld College, The Mezzanine.

No. 1.


Item Present:

Billy Lees - Chair Alice Homer - Carbrain Hillcrest Community Council Mr. I. Sinclair -Secretary Cumbernauld Community Forum

Christine McNeil - Women’s Watershed Group D. McArthur - Now You’re Talking Pat - Cumbernauld House Trust John M King - CTRA / ENW N. Dekker D. Logan - Westerwood Community Council Donald Masteron - FSSE-DEE R. McAllen - Cumbernauld House Trust Adam Smith - Cumbernauld House Trust J. Hennessy - Friends of CACE Wilma Knox - C.H.P. Tenants Forum Gordon Wright - Westerwood Community Council G. Murphy - North Lanarkshire Access Panel / P4C P. Murphy - North Lanarkshire Access Panel / P4C Robert Johnstone - Condorrat Community Council Margaret Smillie - Dullatur Community Council H.McPherson Y. McPherson


In attendance:

Cllr. B. Chadha - North Lanarkshire Council Cllr. Gordon Murray - North Lanarkshire Council Yvonne Cameron - (Minutes) Voluntary Action North


The Chair thanked everyone for attending the meeting and wished everyone a prosperous New Year. Billy informed members he will not be in attendance at the meeting on 8‘h February as he will be on holiday. Alice Homer will be chairing this meeting on his behalf.


May Hardie Jim Gibson Tom Reilly J. Burke A. Sneddon S. Mitchell R. Griffith R Cadden



John Kirkhope Jackie Cowx

Chairpersons Remarks:

Billy spoke to the members about the Forum hosting events throughout the year. A meeting was scheduled with the Executives and groups to look at the way forward for 2011. Billy will contact all concerned to advise date of the meeting is 26‘h January 2011. Venue being Freedom City Church. Billy re-iterated to members that Cumbernauld has the largest Forum membership and is well represented at the Forum Network meetings. Discussion took place around the N. L. News and the lack of space available to Cumbernauld area. Billy will take this issue forward with Rosalyn Griffith. At this point Alice stated that it had been advertised within the local press that the N.L. News was to be scrapped soon.

Discussion took place around the Service User & Carer Conference hosted by Adult Protection and Partnership 4 Change back in November 201 0. Billy informed members, he had spoken to Yvonne Cameron with regard to an event being hosted within the Cumbernauld area. Billy asked Yvonne Cameron to update members on recent conversations. Yvonne informed members, she has passed on the Forum details to Kaye McGregor, Adult Protection Co- ordinator asking her to contact Billy Lees to arrange to visit the Forum in the near future. Due to budget constraints and time scales, it may not be possible to host a specific event in Cumbernauld, however, the Adult Protection Co-ordinator is happy to come along to the Forum and talk about Adult Protection in general.

Billy informed members that Radiology has now closed in Cumbernauld and that there had been no consultation. “The comments and complaints fell on deaf ears”. Billy would like to see a public meeting held in the next month or so to discuss the issues of the Cumbernauld community members. At this point Donald Masteron updated members on the information he had with regard to the Radiology closure. Donald requested the Forum write a letter to Nicola Sturgeon inviting her along to this meeting. “Frontline services should not be closed. This action was proposed by Donald Masteron and Seconded by Bobby Johnstone. Billy agreed to take this item forward.

Billy Lees

Billy Lees

Billy Lees

Minutes of previous meeting:

Paae 4 - Grittina, Margaret Smillie stated that in last year’s Council report the Council did not purchase an extra 22 snow ploughs, they procured an extra 22 snow ploughs.

Paae 4 - Miners Head, It was stated the funds that have been raised so far was for the miners head. Indeed the f4.500 raised would only cover the cost of a miners head, There is much work to be carried out and fundraising needed before the miners can be commissioned. This would require being approved by the committee, The funds the group has at present will go towards the building of the wall, and then the


three plaques with engraving.

Proposed : Alice Homer Seconded : Gordon Wright

Matters Arising:

No matters arising.

Group Reports:

N.B. Request from the Forum Chair / Secretary.

Due to lengthy verbal reports and the time spent discussing group reports at the Forum meetings, the Forum Chair / Secretary have requested for members to send their group and sub group reports electronically to the Forum Secretary for collation to Yvonne Cameron, VANL. This will cut down on the time spent recording said reports and ensure that members have an accurate reflection of what is being reported on by individual group members. Minutes provided by V.A.N.L are to be action minutes and should be at no time verbatim. Please send group reports to the following e-mail address approximately one week after each Forum meeting. The Forum Secretary will collate group reports and send electronically to Yvonne Cameron at V.A.N.L. to include within the minutes.


Now Your Talkina - David McArthur

David updated members on the recent activities and developments of the Now Your Talking Group.

General discussion ensued and a question and answer session took place with the members.

Cumbernauld House - Robert McAllen

Robert updated members on the recent activities and development of Cumbernauld House.

General discussion ensued and Robert opened questions to the floor.

Westfield Community Council - Billy Lees

The demolishers have now appeared at the gates of the school. These gates have not to be opened. Billy informed members he had contacted Cllr. Chadha with regard to this issue and Bob had contacted all people concerned. Issues have now been dealt with. At this point Cllr. Chadha updated members on recent developments. Billy stated “any contractors coming into the areas of Cumbernauld, the



- 7.

Community Council should have been informed”. Billy thanked Bob for all his assistance with this matter. Training - C.L.A.D.

1.T: REHIS Training:

Dates are to be confirmed for the above training.

Sub-Group updates:

Environmental - Bobbv Johnstone

Please see attached report (7)

A question and answer session took place with members. Date of Next meeting 27’ January 201 1.

Bobby Johnstone re-emphasised “anything the Environmental Group undertakes] must be endorsed by the Forum in the first instance”.

Health - Donald Masteron

Donald updated members on the recent developments, re the closure of the Radiology unit. Donald expressed his concerns to members and stated that he was very disappointed Local Politicians have not done a lot to assist. Donald asked if the Forum would support an invitation being extended to the Health Secretary, Nicola Sturgeon inviting her along to the public meeting which is to be organised. Donald emphasised how urgent this matter was. All Forum members agreed that this was a matter of urgency. Billy and Donald have agreed to write a letter and organise a venue. Alice suggested also logging this with the Cumbernauld News. Cllr. Murray stated that a letter to this effect has been sent to the Chairman of the LAP.

Date of next Radiology meeting is 13’ January 201 1, in the Link Centre, Cumbernauld at 7.30 p.m.

This action was proposed by : Donald Masterton seconded by: Bobby Johnstone.

A question and answer session took place with members at this point.

No further report to date

Food CO-OD - Billv Lees

In Morag’s absence, Billy informed members that the Food co-op is going well at the moment. Morag hopes to be back in the near future to the Forum meetings.

Rosalyn Griffith

All members agreed this action

Billy Lees / Donald Masterton


- 9.

- 10.

- 11.

- 12.


Report for Forum, in for consideration at the next L.A.P. meeting.

Next meeting is to be held in Kilsyth Primary School on 20th January 201 1, at 6.00 p.m.

Billy reminded groups to bring along reports to the Forum as the LAP needs to answer to the Forums if they are included within the reports. Billy reminded members that Rosalyn is constantly reminding the Forum members to submit these reports and that she has asked for reports on numerous occasions. Billy Johnstone posed the question to the Forum, with regard to previous discussion about Cumbernauld having their own LAP meeting. Bobby requested the Forum to write a letter to the Chair of the LAP, with this request.

N.L. News:

N.L. News, editions out at the moment. Now Your Talking article is included in this issue.

Billy reminded members that more items coming in will prove a stronger case for more space in the newsletter.

Gala Day, 6'h August 2011

A letter will be sent out to local businesses re seeking funding.

Alice informed members that she was asked to log a complaint from Carbrain Community Council re the date chosen for the Cumbernauld Gala Day. At this point discussion took place around the date chosen. Billy agreed to let everyone know at the meeting which is scheduled to take place on 26'h January 201 1.

Treasurer's Report:

Balance as at 30.1 1.201 0 Closing Balance as at 31.12.201 0 €2734.23


Billy apologised on behalf of the Treasurer for her lack of attendance at the meetings. Jackie has had other commitments in her caring capacity, however, has asked Billy to let members know she will be back in the very near future.


Invitation from the Campsie Centre Board NLC Licensing Forum Crime Prevention Panel VANL Involve Magazine Newsletter from Voice of Experience Forum E-mail from Now Your Talking C.C.F. Minutes

Bobby Johnstone

lain Sinclair

Billy Lees




Edinburgh Tenants Federation (Tenants Voice 20 yrs Anniversary magazine) Letter Gordon Murray to Paul Dukes E-mail from Gordon Wright Westerwood Community Council E-mail from Margaret Smillie Dullator Community Council E-mail from Bob Chadha Concerning demolition Steranciss W estf ield Numerous e-mails on weather reports and gritting. Treasurer Report


An update was given about the Diabetes U.K. and its successful Conference. The Forum proposed this would be good to have in the future as a Conference. The Forum agreed to look at a bid for hosting this event.

Bobby suggested posters to be put up in the shops for the public meeting, due to not being able to get an article in the Cumbernauld News.

Billy thanked all for attending the meeting.

Date of Next Meeting:

Tuesday 8'h February 201 1 7.00 p.m.

Cumbernauld College Mezzanine

All members agreed this action

Billy Lees / All members


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