aging matters issue 4, 2012

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Aging Matters Magazine Issue 4 includes new articles from Dr Ward Dean on Smart drugs, Nobel Prize for medicine nominee Dr Richard Lippman about free radicals and antioxidants, and Dr Marios Kyriazis about ten years of the breakthrough eye drop treatment for cataract Can-C.


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What a delight it is for me to welcome back one of the world’s most remarkable antiaging physicians - Dr. Ward Dean. It’s a double whammy for us, since he’s discussing his specialist subject of ‘smart drugs and nutrients.’ These are substances which have been shown to improve learning, memory, attention, focus and even intelligence- and not only in individuals who are suffering from known problems- but even individuals who are considered to be ‘normal’ and why not? After all, the purist form of antiaging medicine is not to ‘just’ be content with normal, but to strive for ‘optimal.’ Many of you might have Dr. Dean’s ‘smart drugs and nutrient’ books from the 1980’s; they were best sellers in their class, so it’s great to have an update from him here in this Aging Matters™ magazine.

Plus we have the free radical expert Dr. Richard Lippman discussing how to eradi-cate and reduce the body’s production of unhealthy free radicals. His work was nominated for the Nobel Prize in medicine, so it’s worth taking notice of!

And Britain’s top antiaging physician, Dr. Marios Kyriazis updates us on Can-C™, the remarkable original, clinically proven anti-cataract eye-drops; unbelievably it’s been 10-years since they first appeared.

This issue is all about what more we know now that we didn’t know then!

Phil Micans, MS, PharmBEditor, Aging Matters™ Magazine

Declaration: The IAS Aging Matters™ magazine focuses on the latest international nutritional, hormonal and drug therapies to help combat the signs of aging. These signs include the physical, mental and internal changes consisting of the diseases and disor-ders such as cancer, arthritis and senile dementias etc. However, the main focus is upon the prevention of such aging diseases and disorders for the ‘healthy-aging’ individual.

Copyright 2012: All copyrights are acknowledged. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for illustrations, photographs, artwork or advertising ma-terials while in transmission or with the publisher or their agents.

Disclaimer: All educational information is offered under IAS terms and conditions. This information does not replace the advice of your physician and restrictions may apply in some countries. All prices shown are in US Dollars and are for reference purposes only and they do not include taxes (where applicable), nor do they include shipping & handling fees. Prices, conditions and terms are subject to change without notice.

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IndexWelcome -Phil says thanks for finding the time

Smart drugs and nutrients -Our lead story from Dr. Dean Beating free radicals -Dr. Lippman tells us how Can-C eye-drops 10-years on -What do we know now? Featured products

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Smart drugs and nutrients - an interview with Ward Dean, M.D.

and cognition. Were you surprised at the response you received?

Dr. Dean: First, you’re correct that the books were, in essence, ‘technical manuals.’ I wrote them for my patients, to save my time and theirs, in explaining various cognitive-enhancing drugs and nutrients that I was recommending for them. Although I initially planned a press run of about 500 copies, John Morgenthaler, my co-author and publisher had grander visions. As a result of his creative publicity and marketing skills, the books sold in excess of 250,000 copies each. We had obviously hit a sensitive nerve; we discovered that there was a large number of people out there-more than just my patients- who were concerned about their cognitive processes and memory. These were people of all ages, most of whom weren’t suffering from a ‘senile’ dementia--they just weren’t as sharp as knew they could and should be-or had formerly been-and therefore received no advice or treatment. By publicizing the available cognitive enhancing drugs and nutrients, and explaining their mechanisms of action, dosages, and sources, we’ve been able to help people who were clinically cognitively impaired, as well as those who were considered to be ‘normal.’ The appropriate use of an assortment of various cognitive enhancing drugs and nutrients has improved the memory of many people, and taken them to new levels of alertness, cognition, attention and focus. It’s been very gratifying to hear stories of those whose lives were completely turned around with the use of these nutrients and drugs. And at the same time, I wonder if the producers of the movie ‘Limitless’ weren’t among the readers of my books!

Phil: At the time your books came out, you highlighted a number of substances that were available in Europe, such as piracetam and centrophenoxine, but that were not available in the States. Has anything changed since then and if not why not?

Dr. Dean: Some things have changed. For example, when the books came out, DHEA was available only by prescription through compounding pharmacies; Acetyl-L-Carnitine was available as a drug in Europe (especially, Italy), but nowhere in the U.S.; Vinpocetine was only available as a drug in Hungary; and Idebenone was an expensive pharmaceutical drug available only in Japan by prescription. Of course, all of these formerly ‘exotic’ cognitive enhancers are now available over the counter as dietary supplements in the U.S. However, drugs like Lucidril® (centrophenoxine), and piracetam and related nootropics are still not marketed in the U.S., although they are widely used in Europe and Asia. Unfortunately, as the patent protection on these drugs has expired, no pharmaceutical company will now pursue them for approval in the U.S.

Phil: So, does that mean there are newer and better drugs now available on the US market?

Dr. Dean: Not really! There are several relatively new drugs that may offer potential benefit for Alzheimer’s patients that are now available in the U.S. One is Radazyne® (U.S.), Reminyl® (Europe). Its generic name is galantamine, an extract of the snowdrop herb, which acts as a reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Another anti-Alzheimer drug is Namenda® (U.S.),

Phil Micans interviews Dr. Ward Dean, who is perhaps best known to the public for his two best-selling books on ‘Smart Drugs & Nutrients’ (versions I and II) in the early 1990’s. Dr. Dean graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point in 1967, and served in the Infantry for six years, posted to both Airborne and Ranger forces. He obtained his medical degree from Han Yang University in Korea in 1978, and returned to the Army as a Flight Surgeon for the elite Delta Force from 1982-1985. Dr. Dean later transferred to the Navy, from which he retired as a Commander, in 1996.

Dr. Dean is one of the foremost physicians in antiaging medicine today. He is a true pioneer of the movement and an expert in biomarkers, having published what is still considered the Magnum Opus on the subject--‘Biological Aging Measurement--Clinical Applications,’ published in 1988. Dr. Dean is also responsible for bringing the ‘Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging’ to the attention of the world, having co-authored its release with Professor Vladimir Dilman in 1992. He has recently returned to his former position as Medical Director for the Watson Clinic, in Milton, Florida.

Here in this interview, Phil asks Dr. Dean about his current opinion about nootropics and their role in aging.

Phil: Dr. Dean, it’s a great pleasure to be able to talk with you today. I’m sure I’m only one of many people who have missed your presence on the scene for the past six and one half years, while you endured the hospitality of a federally-funded, secure ‘gated community.’ If I may, I’d like to chat about one of your favorite topics-the nootropics, or the so-called ‘smart drugs.’ Unbelievably, your two best-selling books are 20 years old now. They’ve sold very well- considering that they were, after all, technical manuals, albeit designed for the public on how to help improve and preserve memory // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: 5

Ebixa® (Europe) or memantine, an NMDA receptor blocker. However, I’m not convinced that these newer, relatively expensive drugs have any demonstrable advantages over older, less-expensive alternatives. Also, highly popular and very effective alertness-promoting drugs such as adrafinil, modafinil (Provigil®), and the most recent entry in this class, armodafinil (Nuvigil®) were not available when the books came out.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the situation involving the unlawful and heartless imprisonment of Jay Kimball, the manufacturer of Liquid Deprenyl Citrate (LDC). LDC was a breakthrough, unique antiaging, cognitive and libido-enhancing substance. It was indicated primarily for the prevention and treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, but also was highly recommended as a health-promoting, antiaging nutrient. Mr. Kimball was the President/CEO of Discovery Experimental and Development, Inc (DEDI), who courageously manufactured and sold LDC--a clinically superior and far less costly version of the pharmaceutical selegiline product, deprenyl hydrochloride. Mr. Kimball’s product, formerly sold by IAS, was in direct competition with the pharmaceutical product manufactured by a subsidiary of Sandoz, which at the time was the largest pharmaceutical company in the world. Mr. Kimball was really going up against ‘the big boys.’ After 9 consecutive Grand Juries refused to indict him, the prosecutor persevered with a 10th grand jury which finally issued an indictment. The original charges were five counts of ‘misbranding,’ which was a misdemeanor, for which Mr. Kimball could have served a maximum of 3 years in prison. However, by the end of the trial, the judge and prosecutor had somehow elevated the charges to felonies-Defrauding the FDA, and Money Laundering, with an enhancement for public endangerment- although there was no evidence whatsoever that anyone had ever been harmed by LDC. Mr. Kimball was wrongly convicted and illegally sentenced to 13 years imprisonment! The Life Extension Foundation has recently published an article about Mr. Kimball’s case.

Phil: Yes, that’s definitely a tragic story of a government out of control. We strongly support Mr. Kimball, and hope for his early release. Many of our customers who had used his product reported near-miraculous, life-saving improvements. In this regard, some argue that drugs designed for the treatment of senile dementia- such as deprenyl- shouldn’t be taken by what orthodox medicine considers ‘normal’ individuals. What’s your opinion?

Dr. Dean: Phil, as we grow older, there are age-related alterations in blood flow, neurotransmitter levels, neurotransmitter receptor sensitivity changes, accumulation of cross-linkages and cell function-impairing substances like lipofuscin, and impaired intra-cellular mitochondrial efficiency. All of these contribute to impaired cognitive processes, and cognitive-impairing diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Most of the smart drugs and nutrients that we recommend tend to reverse or normalize these age-related changes. Thus, in proper dosages, I think most cognitive-enhancing drugs and nutrients can be taken by almost

everyone, with very few exceptions. These substances are generally extremely safe, with few (if any) adverse effects, and are designed to be taken indefinitely (as opposed to antibiotics or other drugs that are designed for short-term courses). As for deprenyl, even Professor Knoll, who invented it in the 1960s considers that it should be taken in small quantities regularly by persons over the age of 40 to increase dopamine receptor sensitivity in the brain (just as metformin restores insulin receptor sensitivity in the muscles and liver). At one of the Monaco antiaging conferences, Professor Knoll revealed to me that although the traditional thinking about deprenyl was that its primary mechanism of action was as a reversible Monoamine Oxidase B inhibitor, its major benefit is really because of its unique ability to restore Dopamine receptor sensitivity. Similarly, Professor Imre Nagy, the developer of centrophenoxine, has been taking centrophenoxine for over 40 years. He recommends it as a highly effective antiaging, cognitive enhancing drug, to prevent and remove the accumulation of cell-clogging age pigment (lipofuscin)- the pigment that causes ‘liver spots’ (but which accumulates in every cell in our bodies as we get older-especially the heart and brain).

Phil: Do you have any particular favorite smart drugs and nutrients?

Dr. Dean: Of course. I’m a doctor who practices what he preaches. I regularly take a variety of ‘smart’ drugs and nutrients, for their multiple benefits, including hydergine, phosphatidylserine, vinpocetine, acetyl-L-carnitine, Nootropil® (piracetam), and centrophenoxine or DMAE. Also, I occasionally use vasopressin nasal spray, and modafinil-although the expense of modafinil discourages me from taking it as often as I would like to. In that regard, I recommend adrafinil as a less expensive alternative.

Phil: I think it’s obvious that we are nothing without our mind; but how important do you rate smart drugs and nutrients in an antiaging medicine regime?

Dr. Dean: I rate them very high. It’s tragic to see the number of otherwise physically healthy patients with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. But even more important, and more common, are the numbers of people who suffer from ‘age-related memory impairment’--people who are ‘normal’ for their age, but realize they are not as ‘sharp’ as they used to be (or could be). It’s very gratifying to see these folks return to their former (more youthful) state of cognitive ability.

Phil: I’m sure a lot of people out there would warmly welcome an update from you. What are the chances of a Smart Drugs III book?

Dr. Dean: I’ve been discussing this with John Morgenthaler, my co-author. I also hope to write more for IAS about this subject.

Phil: I for one truly hope so. It’s been great talking with you today, Dr. Dean. Thank you very much, indeed.

Dr. Dean: Thank you, Phil. My pleasure. I look forward to talking with you again soon. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

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Antioxidants and free radicals by Dr Richard Lippman

Separating the science from the spin

The possibility of altering human aging has always been a subject close to my heart ever since I read about Professor Denham Harman’s mice experiments with antioxidants conducted during the 1950s when he extended mean lifespan by 50%!

I began my own anti-aging experiments with several large mice and rat colonies in 1979. I only thought of duplicating Prof. Harman’s revolutionary work to better understand the problems of aging. My first step was to understand the scientific language of his experiments and the results. At the time, the phrase, free radicals, was only applied to outlandish political groups. Another key word, antioxidant, was only known to a few professionals

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working in food chemistry, physical chemistry, and physics. I spent eight long years studying free-radical chemistry and biology, and consequently, I published 27 peer-reviewed articles in leading gerontological journals focusing on antioxidants and free radicals and their effects upon aging.

The 90s arrived, and ’antioxidants’ became the buzz word on everyone’s lips. I suddenly noticed that the word antioxidant was losing its original meaning. Health food suppliers were indiscriminately labeling every third product with the phrase, ’good antioxidant.’ A flood of scientific papers described all types of imaginable and unimaginable substances as being good antioxidants. Additionally, the quantities used were so tiny that they could not have a believable physiologic impact on the subjects, mice or humans, studied. I found all of this quasi-scientific hokum incredibly aggravating!

I remember attending several scientific conferences where speakers described their work with the phrase, ”excellent/superior/good antioxidant.” Many times, I challenged these speakers’ claims. The speakers always evaded my questions and/or referred me to other scientific publications in which further unsupported claims of good antioxidants were made. Many times I asked if these words had specific meanings, as trivializing these words renders them useless.

Finally, after dozens of attempts to pin down pop-science claims, I gave up. I surrendered. Apparently the buzz words, good antioxidants, were so ubiquitous in the pop and hype-marketing culture that they had lost any scientific meaning. Clearly, to health food manufacturers, the words’ use created greater profits, and to researchers, the words’ use resulted in increased grant funding.

Science distorted when mingled with hope, amplified for buzz and spun for profit The hyped advertising of antioxidants is a true Juggernaut—much like the idol of Krishna carried on a huge carriage in a Hindu procession under the wheels of whose passage the pious would hurl themselves and often be crushed. I tried to avoid being crushed by my Juggernaut by stepping aside. I tried to think outside the box as my rigid scientific training dictated. I must reiterate that the words antioxidant and free radical have real meanings to those who have studied years of free-radical chemistry in the academic departments of physics and organic and physical chemistry. Years of study and experimentation are needed in these specialties to comprehend the true scientific actions of antioxidants, free radicals, and ROS (reactive oxygen species). Pop science, media hype and spin are meaningless. If a scientist’s only education were from medical school or from the biological sciences, he or she probably would not even know some of the basics of antioxidant and free-radical chemistry— unless he or she collaborated extensively with knowledgeable physicists or physical or

organic chemists.

Please be skeptical of all information about free radicals, ROS, and antioxidants unless it emanates from a lab in which physicians and/or biologists are collaborating with physicists or physical or organic chemists. If information sounds as if it has been created by advertising, it probably has been. I have listed some simple steps that help identify marketing-hyped antioxidants as follows:

1. Antioxidants are discussed but no mention is made of their opposites, namely, pro-oxidants.

2. No detailed descriptions are given as to antioxidant testing conducted on humans.

Efficacious testing in humans can and has been done (ref. 1,2,3,4,5) and patented (6). But since the arrival of the pop-science meaning of antioxidants, few marketers bother with anything so difficult and expensive as human testing. The same is true for natural, bio-identical hormones.

Again, think scientifically. Develop an innate feeling for what seems authentic and what is probably not.

For example, Mitoquinone (MitoQ) is a new patented drug currently under NDA (new drug application) - but which may like most other drugs cost a billion dollars to bring to market- is undergoing animal testing and human double-blind testing. It is expensive to test antioxidants and free-radical scavengers in humans for efficacy. Most manufacturers and their scientists ONLY test antioxidants in vitro (in a test tube), while animal and human testing is rejected as too expensive. If you doubt this statement, please examine the claims for ‘MitoQ’ at:

This scientific article clearly states that ”treatment of endothelial cells with MitoQ resulted in a dramatic increase in superoxide production.” Second, “these findings demonstrate that MitoQ may be prooxidant and proapoptotic.” These quotations signify that cells are damaged or destroyed (apoptotic) by superoxide, and that MitoQ acts as pro-oxidant and not as an antioxidant in living systems. It’s an example of why we must beware of marketing claims conjured up on the cheap and lacking in credible scientific validity.

Slowing Aging with Antioxidants, etc.? The question arises whether there really are genuine antioxidants and free-radical scavengers proven to slow aging in mice and/or humans. Yes, of course; they appear in the pre-1990s literature (1,2,3,4,5,6). The most outstanding example is the work of Professor Denham Harman conducted in the mid-50s: Truly powerful antioxidants, such as butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT), butylated hydroxy anisole (BHA), and Ethoxyquin®, etc., were proven to expand mean lifespan and retard aging in mice and chickens. Indeed, chickens increased their egg-laying lifespan by a resounding 40%! Second, // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: 9

Professor Harman has told me personally that BHT was used in the K rations (canned food) of WWII soldiers, and this brillant step reduced the incidence of stomach cancer by one third.

There are important conclusions to be drawn from this information and from these percentages. The ingredients in ACF228 help to lengthen healthspan as well as lifespan. Truly strong antioxidants do exist that are proven to retard aging. One may ask, how can one identify other truly strong antioxidants? And by truly strong, I mean substances such as BHT and BHA—NOT vitamins. Medical instrumentation does exist that compares strong antioxidants in humans and animals (6).

This medical instrumentation was developed by my multidisciplinary research team in Sweden. This exhausting and expensive research resulted in several US and international patents being issued in the late 1980s (6). My US patent is the only one ever granted that contained numerous claims for retarding human aging.

The only patent ever granted for antiaging This patent is the only one ever tested by three independent government laboratories under the auspicies of the NIA (National Institute on Aging) and judged to slow the aging process.

When I applied for my patent, there were two classical restrictions for approval. The first was a perpetual motion machine, and the second was a fountain-of-youth elixir. My patent did seem to encroach upon this second restriction, but I prevailed. Because of this patent approval and other work with free radicals in living systems, I was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1996.

What Did I Determine? I determined that free radicals, especially hydroxyl radicals (HR or chemically symbolized as •OH), are extremely destructive to our bodies and to our DNA. Indeed, they are so destructive that any organic molecule in their pathway is instantly altered for the worse. They have very short lifespans of only a few nanoseconds, and during that short time interval, our bodies possess no enzyme or other defense against them. Thus, damage occurs; fortunately, however, DNA-repair enzymes do eventually repair much DNA damage, especially in young people.

A poignant example of the incredible destructive power of HR may be seen in the nuclear explosions of Hiroshima and Nagasake that occurred during WWII. In the survivors, enormous cell damage was experienced by HR, destroying in nanoseconds the body and its DNA, as illustrated in figure

one. Those victims with good enzyme repair systems were able to rebuild and regenerate both their bodies and DNA. Furthermore, today, some 60 years later, some survivors I know personally are healthy and living vibrant lives in their advanced senior years.

Enzyme repair systems make amends Enzyme repair systems do make amends, but strong antioxidants—not weak vitamins such as C and E—are the players that help with these vital repair processes. I have done extensive clinical studies on strong antioxidants and free-radical quenchers in animals as well as in humans, and the results are described in my book, Stay 40.

ACF228™ are also described in my book. These ingredients help to lengthen healthspan as well as lifespan. Healthspan lengthens so

that even during our advanced senior years, these ingredients will promote a lean, hard, healthy physique, especially when combined with exercise and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Second, our mean lifespan will increase as indicated by longevity studies conducted with mice, chickens, and dogs (See photos in Stay 40 and in figure two below.)

Figure One. X-rays used on mice caused DNA and bodily damage in the mouse to the right. This damage is similar to hydroxyl radical damage.

Figure Two. The author’s aging 36-month-old Sprague-Dawley mice fed standard lab chow (above) versus 0.4% BHT fed mice (below). // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com10

By mean lifespan, I am refering to average but not maximum lifespan increasing when ACF228™ is consumed. Maximum lifespan does not increase when using antioxidants or free-radical scavengers, as the limiting factor is lymphoma cancer (8).

Avoiding A Limiting Factor to our Maximum Longevity My dear friend and the former head of Karolinska Hospital and Institute (Stockholm, Sweden), Prof. Gunnar Moberg, used to state emphatically that eventually we will all die of cancer if we manage to escape all other maladies. He was correct, and if we are to escape cancer, we have some methods to do so. For example, 5,000 iu daily of vitamin D3 prevents 26 forms of cancer. Sufficient T3 plus T4 (Armour® Thyroid) supplements avoid 32% of all cancers by clearing toxic waste accumulated between cells.

Third, some skin cancers are eliminated by applying BEC5™ cream to areas showing skin-cell changes.

Fourth, daily consumption of bioidentical progesterone (not the synthetic progestins) and estriol avoids prominent cancers of the prostate, breast, and uterus, as these two hormones naturally protect us from the carcinogens, 4-hydroxyestradiol and 16 alpha hydroxyestradiol. These latter two are naturally generated by our bodies’ metabolisms as downstream metabolites of estradiol.

Fifth, regular consumption of natural substances that help to build and maintain our immune system will help us to eliminate cancer and precancerous cells that our bodies may be harboring. A prime example of this is the enzyme catalase contained in ACF228™. Catalase is known to extend lifespan and prevent cancer in mice by 18% versus controls (6). It also might protect against cancer in humans. Recent research with catalase indicates it will extend lifespan and healthspan.

Conclusions In conclusion, I hope that you will examine all antioxidant and free-radical claims with a sharp eye. Please look beyond the horse-and-pony shows of modern marketing, and find some current therapies that truly slow the mean rate of human aging as well as prevent cancers that affect maximum lifespan.

After 32 years of consuming truly strong antioxidants three times daily, I am biologically 20 years younger than are my contemporaries. My youthful look and high state of joyful energy was further enhanced by correcting and balancing my hormones, especially HGH and IGF-1. I am 67-years-young, and I recently proved the value of my therapies by carrying, all by myself, a queen-size mattress and box spring up a flight of stairs in five minutes flat. This feat is testament to the efficacy of my recommendations that significantly improve physical strength and balance as well as enhance brain speed and joie de vivre!

References 1. Richard Lippman,.The Prolongation of Life: A Comparison

of Antioxidants and Geroprotectors Versus Superoxide in Human Mitochondria. Journal of Gerontology, Vol. 36, No.5, (1981) 550–557.

2. Richard Lippman, et. al., Application of Chemiluminescent Probes in Investigating Lysosomal Sensitivity to Superoxide Verus Suspected Radical Scavengers. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, Vol. 17, (1981) 283–287.

3. Richard Lippman, Lipid Peroxidation and Metabolism in Aging: A Biological, Chemical, and Medical Approach. Review of Biological Research in Aging, Alan R. Liss, Inc., NY, NY, Vol. 1, (1983) 315–342.

4. Richard Lippman, and M. Uhlen, Kan Aldrandet Uppskjutas? Forskning and Framsteg, Vol.1, (1981) 24–27.

5. Richard Lippman, Measurement of Lipid Hydroperoxides and Collagen Elasticity Directly in vivo In Mice And Man. Oxygen Radicals in Chemistry and Biology, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, (1984)736–740.

6. Richard Lippman, Method For Retarding Aging, US Patent Nr. 4695590.

7. Richard Lippman, Stay 40, Outskirts Press, Denver, CO. (2009).

8. J. Couzin-Frankel, Aging Genes: The Sirtuin Story Unravels, Science. 334. (Dec. 2011): 1194–1198.


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Can-C eye drops – 10 years on

Marios Kyriazis M.D.

tissues. In addition, NAC reduces oxidative and glycation-related stress both of which are prominent in causing age-related eye damage.

Research into the benefits of NAC also shows that another imidazole-containing dipeptide, namely carcinine, has benefits similar to those of NAC and this strengthens the case supporting NAC’s benefits. It clarifies the fact that NAC and carcinine used as lubricant eye drops act as pharmacological chaperones and heat shock protein enhancers that may even have positive actions in age-related macular degeneration (1).

Glaucoma In primary open-angle glaucoma, there is considerable oxidative damage in the anterior segment of the eye. This oxidative damage has been implicated in many other eye conditions in addition to glaucoma and cataract, including retinopathy of prematurity, and age-related macular degeneration. Therefore, pharmacological agents such as NAC which act to reduce oxidative damage have been shown to have noticeable benefits in such conditions. However, the research regarding the use of NAC in glaucoma in addition to cataract, is becoming progressively convincing (2). The combination of NAC eye drops plus oral non-hydrolysed carnosine may be an effective way of treating not only glaucoma but also cataract, and specifically ripe cataract which is notoriously difficult to treat. This combination may be used in addition to conventional anti-glaucoma therapy with beta blockers and adrenergic agonist medication. Furthermore, as mentioned above, the regime can be enhanced with the addition of carcinine. The combination of carnosine and carcinine regulates several neuronal functions which ultimately prevent further eye damage. In addition, this combination modulates apoptosis and reduces the unnecessary loss of health cells from within the eye tissues.

Dry, irritable eyes and other eye problems Because Can-C contains, in addition to NAC, several eye lubricant molecules, it has been used for dealing with dry eyes, irritation due to contact lenses and eye irritation due to computer screens or due to other causes. The NAC content is useful because it deals with excessive free radical production within the eye, which happens as a result of the irritating agent. Even if the patient just has dry eyes and has no cataract or glaucoma, the use of Can-C eye drops can still be beneficial in this respect because it helps reduce the risk of developing serious eye conditions in the future. Patients using Can-C eye drops have reported benefits in a wide range of other eye conditions such as eye strain, corneal disorders, presbyopia and blurred vision.

Patented NAC Researchers who have studied the effects of NAC in the

The patented form of N-acetylcarnosine eye drops (Can-C) has been used for several years for the treatment of cataract and other eye conditions. Many thousands of patients have noticed improvement of their vision, ranging from mild improvement to complete resolution of the condition. According to the manufacturers of Can-C lubricant eye-drops, over half a million bottles were sold worldwide to-date.

The research behind N-acetylcarnosine (NAC) for cataract is quite impressive, but in the past couple of years new evidence has supported the case for using it against not only cataract but also against glaucoma, eye irritation, the computer eye syndrome, contact lens problems, generally dry eyes, sensitivity to glare, and other eye conditions. It is known that cataract alone is the cause of over half of all cases of blindness across the world. Research supporting the use of NAC eye drops has shown that it prevents age-related damage to the crystallin molecule which is the principal protein that is involved in cataract.

Cataract N-acetylcarnosine is an imidazole-containing dipeptide and an effective modulator of the function of crystallin. It is resistant to carnosinase, the enzyme that destroys carnosine in the

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eye over the past several years continue to examine ways of delivering the agent directly to the eye tissues without loss of its biological activity. The aim is to increase bioavailability of NAC inside the eye so that its biologically active metabolite (carnosine) would be able to stay active for long periods inside the cornea. The researchers have used a vast array of modern techniques in this respect including nuclear magnetic resonance and electronspray ionisation mass spectroscopy.

The specific manufacturing process of patented NAC (i.e. the Can-C eye drops) includes a mucoadhesive cellulose-based compound together with several corneal absorption promoters in an ocular drug delivery system. This combination ensures that NAC as the active ingredient concentration within the eye is maximal and long-lasting (3).

As mentioned above, researchers found that NAC used as a 1% lubricant eye drops can have positive effect not only in cataract but also in other eye conditions where oxidation is involved, such as in primary open angle glaucoma and ARMD. However, the beneficial effect depends on the drug delivery formulation of the eye drops and it is therefore important to use NAC eye drops that have been specially marketed with the correct delivery method (4).

Some scientists believe that NAC has only an indirect antioxidant effect upon the tissue of the eye, and that its benefits are due to the formulation of the preparation (such as in the case of Can-C proprietary drops). This matter has been debated in some detail but opinions remain divided (5).

Testimonials Patients using Can-C eye drops have reported:

“I was having extreme sensitivity to sunlight in the left eye, now it hardly bothers me”

“My vision in my left eye improved from 20/40 to 20/25”

“Using Can-C, my lens cloudiness has reversed, my right eye vision has improved back to 20/20 from 20/30, and my opthalmologist is no longer certain that I have normal-tension glaucoma”

“I had an independent Optometrist check to see if the Can-C drops were doing any good before I ordered more drops. The Optometrist said he could not see any cataracts. I have had a cataract in my right eye for 3 years and a cataract in my left eye for 6 months according to my Optometrist”

However, there also have been some unsuccessful cases. As with any pharmacological or therapeutic agent, the use of NAC has not been without failure. Reports have been received of patients who have not experienced any appreciable improvement in their condition, even after using Can-C for several months. This may be due to as variety of causes, but

a primary reason is that NAC eye drops on their own, are not fully effective in some cases of ripe cataract, in other words when cataract has been fully established. The most benefits have been encountered in cases of mild to medium term cataract and for prevention. Having said that, many patients with ripe cataract have reported some benefit, so the treatment may be a good idea to try in any case.

For a full and all round benefit it may be worth using Can-C in addition to oral combination of agents that have been proven to improve eye disease. Apart from oral N-acetylcysteine, the combination can also include carnosine, histidine, pantethine, methionine and zinc, which act as antioxidants, molecular chaperones, and anti-inflammatory factors which work synergistically enhancing each other’s action, attacking the damage from the inside. This combination is also thought to enhance the action of Can-C eye drops, making it much more effective within the lens of the eye. The capsule formulation is available as Can-C PlusTM

References1. Babizhayev MA. Structural and Functional Properties, Chaperone

Activity and Posttranslational Modifications of Alpha-Crystallin and its Related Subunits in the Crystalline Lens: N-acetylcarnosine, Carnosine and Carcinine act as Alpha- Crystallin/Small Heat Shock Protein Enhancers in Prevention and Dissolution of Cataract in Ocular Drug Delivery Formulations of Novel Therapeutic Agents. Recent Pat Drug Deliv Formul. 2012 Aug 1;6(2):107-48

2. Babizhayev MA. Biomarkers and special features of oxidative stress in the anterior segment of the eye linked to lens cataract and the trabecular meshwork injury in primary open-angle glaucoma: challenges of dual combination therapy with N-acetylcarnosine lubricant eye drops and oral formulation of nonhydrolyzed carnosine. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2012 Feb;26(1):86-117

3. Babizhayev MA, Khoroshilova-Maslova IP, Kasus-Jacobi A. Novel intraocular and systemic absorption drug delivery and efficacy of N-acetylcarnosine lubricant eye drops or carcinine biologics in pharmaceutical usage and therapeutic vision care. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2011 Jul 27.[Epub ahead of print]

4. Babizhayev MA. Bioactivation antioxidant and transglycating properties of N-acetylcarnosine autoinduction prodrug of a dipeptide L-carnosine in mucoadhesive drug delivery eye-drop formulation: powerful eye health application technique and therapeutic platform. Drug Test Anal. 2012 Jun;4(6):468-85

5. Ha JW, Schwahn AB, Downard KM. Ability of N-acetylcarnosine to protect lens crystallins from oxidation and oxidative damage by radical probe mass spectrometry (RP-MS). Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2010 Oct 15;24(19):2900-8. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Eyedrops for Cataract

Can-C is the original anti cataract eye drop, the only NAC eye drop patented and approved by the inventors of the technology IVP (Innovative Vision Products).

Can-C eye drops are the exact formula used in all the clinical studies conducted by IVP.

Can-C Eyedrops

2 x 5ml eye-drop Bottle $38.99 $189.60


Buy 6 for just(Save 20%)

14Restrictions may apply, check IAS terms and conditions for details // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: 15

Featured products

1st Line™ (thiocyanate) 1st Line is an exciting new and all natural weapon in the fight against various types of infections including viruses. 1st Line contains a patented formula that when made up with water becomes a drink that contains thiocyanate ions.

Thiocyanate ions (also known as oxythiocynate) are the same molecules made in the body’s airways and passages, for example they can be found in tears, saliva and milk and they literally form the body’s first line of defence against all types of bacteria, yeasts, fungi, flukes, germs and even viruses, helping to destroy them on contact.

Consuming 1st Line helps to flood the bloodstream with thiocyanates, but unlike antibiotics 1st Line does not attack self molecules, in other words beneficial floras are not disturbed.

Clinical trials have exposed that 1st Line can help quickly to combat various infections relating to helicobacter, pneumonia, soft tissue infections, upper respiratory tract infections and bronchial infections. Other doctors have reported to us that their patients with various viral infections are asymptomatic, even months later after using a few doses of 1st Line.

1 complete kit retail $90 IAS price $79.99

“...thiocyanate ions are not toxic to human cells... and have little if any effect on probiotic species, making them a near perfect antibiotic system.” Professor Paul Clayton

ACF228 is designed to neutralise not only damaging free radi-cal production but also help to reduce other aging effects such as glycosylation and mitochondrial decline.

Dr. Lippman was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work to measure free radical production within the body and as everyone knows free radicals are unstable molecules that cause a lot of dam-age associated with aging and degeneration. The result of Dr. Lippman’s work is the unique and exclusive to IAS- ACF228. This stands for ‘antiaging complete formula version 228.’


For further details about ACF228 and much more besides we recommend Dr. Lippman’s latest book ‘Stay 40.’

ACF228™ 45 capsules retail $60 IAS price $49.99

Adrafinil works like modafinil- it resen-sitizes alpha-1 receptors in the brain to be more sensitive to noradrenaline. This heightens awareness and concentration to prevent narcolepsy (sleeping in the daytime).

The results can be quite remarkable, leading to heightened states of awareness and attention, whilst at the same time not affecting sleep patterns nor causing ‘highs and lows’ that were associated with the earlier form of stimulants.

Adrafinil (Olmifon®)

NEW: Adra-Pro™ 40x 300mg capsules retail $70 IAS price $59.99

Note: Adrafinil is not recommended for continuous use past 3-months unless liver enzymes are being monitored.

Aminoguanidine is internationally recognised as the most potent AGE inhibitor currently available. The abbreviation AGE means ‘advanced glycated end products.’

AGEs are cross linked proteins that do not work efficiently/ correctly and are seen in a number of disorders including diabetes, heart enlargement, skin discoloration and hardening (particularly in smokers), cataracts and even arterial stiffness. (If you want to see glycosylation in action, then cut an apple in half and watch it turn yellow and tough).

Note: Our aminoguanidine tablets also contain vitamin B6 so there is no need for extra supplementation.

Aminoguanidine (pimagedine)

Aminoguanidine 100x 75mg tablets retail $40 IAS price $29.99 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com16

BEC5 Curaderm cream was discovered by Dr. Bill Cham on the Oceania island of Vanuatu. Dr. Cham noticed that when the local farmers rubbed the plant called the ‘devil’s apple’ (found in that region and which is related to eggplant) onto the backs on animals that were experiencing skin cancers- that they had considerable success in its removal.

It is known that BEC5 Curaderm has now been used by more than 80,000 patients, all with remarkable success. Clinical trials in the UK and Australia have confirmed the ability of BEC Curaderm to regress non-melanoma skin cancers within weeks! For example, one open study with 72 patients had 100% healed skin cancer lesions within just 13-weeks of applying BEC5 Curaderm cream twice daily.

BEC5 Curaderm® cream

The eggplant cancer cure by Bill Cham Ph.D. covers all aspects of BEC5 Curaderm treatment.

“BEC5 Curaderm is a topical preparation which is safe and effective, an ideal therapy for outpatient treatment... It is a cost effective treatment for both primary and secondary skin cancer care.” Dermatologists at the Royal London Hospital

Furthermore, BEC5 Curaderm is known not to harm healthy cells, therefore only destroying cancer cells on and under the skin’s surface.

Here are examples of patients before, during and after treatment with BEC5 Curaderm. A typical treatment period from start to finish is 8 weeks.

BEC5 Curaderm is known to be effective for all the following conditions:

Recommended; to achieve best possible results use tamanu oil following the BEC5 treatment

“What’s near perfection? BEC5 Curaderm- it’s a treatment that works nearly every time. It’s incredibly simple to use, has no adverse side effects and is inexpensive compared with other treatments.” Jonathan Wright, M.D.

• Basal cell carcinomas (BCC)• Squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) • Keratoses• Keratoacanthomas• Age spots • Sun spots

BEC5 Curaderm® 20ml tube cream retail $140 IAS price $129.99 (Special: Buy 2 or more for $126 each)

Can-C eye-drops are the original formula for use in cataract and contains a purified and racemized form of n-acetylcarnosine, a natural di-peptide with potent anti-glycating and anti-oxidant properties that prevent lipid peroxidation.

Patients in trials placed 2-drops of Can-C into their eyes twice daily. After 6-months of use, 88.9% of patients showed improvement in the clarity of their lens and 90% saw an improvement in their visual acuity.

There have been numerous reports of cataract shrinkage and even disappearance with documented evidence that Can-C eye-drops remain effective (and safe) more than 24-months later.

The most commonly expressed initial reports are that glare is significantly improved, (for example night driving is much safer) and color perception is enhanced.

What’s more evidence is mounting that Can-C is efficacious for all of the following disorders: cataracts, glaucoma, presbyopia, corneal disorders, eye strain, ocular inflammation, blurred vision, dry eye syndrome, vitreous opacities and lesions, diabeteS mellitus complications, contact lens wearers, (regarding the last point in the list above, Can-C inhibits the accumulation of lactic acid which has greatly benefited those who wear contact lenses, because it enables them to be worn for longer without pain).

Can-C™ eye-drops // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: 17

Left: A woman’s eye shows the cataract before treatment. Right: 5-months later after use of Can-C eye-drops (two drops twice daily), there is no longer a visible cataract and eyesight has improved.

Dr. Kyriazis book, ‘the cataract cure’, details the usefulness and evidence of Can-C eye-drops.Now available from IAS as a free e book:

“I am so grateful for the development of Can-C eye-drops, not only have they significantly improved my own eyesight, but many of my patients report most favorably about them too. Now we have a real alternative to eye surgery so Can-C can be considered to be a genuine breakthrough.” Richard Lippman, Ph.D.

Can-C™ 2x 5ml vials retail $45 IAS price $38.99

SPECIAL OFFER: Buy 6 for just $189.60 (SAVE 20%)

Can-C Plus capsules are specially designed to be used alongside the Can-C™ eye-drops to aid and even boost their effectiveness. As there are a few supplements that can block the action of Can-C eye-drops, Can-C Plus capsules have been carefully designed to avoid them.

Three Can-C Plus capsules a day can be taken with food, with or without Can-C eye-drops, although for maximum benefit it is recommended that they are used together.

Can-C Plus™

Can-C Plus™ 90 capsules retail $40 IAS price $34.99

Like all good antiaging supplements, centrophenoxine has many useful features with few side effects. From a memory and cognition viewpoint, centrophenoxine has demonstrated significant improvements, most notably its ability to speed up the process of memory recall.

One of centrophenoxine’s most noted benefit’s is its ability to effectively and quickly remove a cell toxin that accumulates with age (and Alzheimer’s disease) called lipofuscin. Lipofuscin can make up parts of the so-called Alzheimer brain plaques, but it can even be found in the brain’s of ‘normal’ aging people as well as other organs such as the heart, the lungs and even the skin- where it forms part of the so-called age or liver-spots, the brown flecks found in ‘aged’ person’s skin. Indeed several weeks of centrophenoxine supplementation has seen removal and lightening of such spots.

Centrophenoxine (meclofenoxane)

Centrophenoxine 60x 250mg tablets retail $40 IAS price $29.99

“Centrophenoxine has shown many facets to improve conditions related to my membrane hypothesis of aging, for example its ability to improve brain-performance, survival time in animal experiments, and to remove the cell aging-pigment called lipofuscin. It has been my antiaging supplement for more than 30-years.” Professor Imre Zs.-Nagy

Parkinson’s disease is characterised by the loss of the brain neurotransmitter dopamine and deprenyl helps to prevent this loss by acting on the specific enzyme MAO-b. Professor Knoll also believes that deprenyl very significantly increases PEA (phenylethylamine) and that this may have an even more significant function that the MAO-b inhibition, (for more details on this please read Professor Knoll’s excellent book on the subject- ‘the brain and its self’).

In addition to improving dopamine levels, deprenyl has also been shown to help rebalance serotonin, noradrenaline and acetylcholine levels and whilst the uses remain ‘off-label’ deprenyl has been used for Alzheimer’s and even cancer treatments.

Deprenyl (selegiline)

Professor Jozeph Knoll of Debrechen University in Hungary- the inventor of deprenyl


Our focus here is upon deprenyl’s enhancement of dopamine, which is a key brain chemical responsible for drive, focus and well being and even libido (especially for men).

The experiments of Professor Jozeph Knoll dramatically extended the lifespan of rats who were given deprenyl. Even the first rat to die that was treated with deprenyl died after the last rat not treated with deprenyl died.

The idea behind the antiaging use of deprenyl is to use very small doses regularly in order to help maintain healthy dopamine levels and thus improve cognitive function and help to maintain function at a better level for much longer.

Note: The liquid version titrates selegiline HCL as 1 drop = 1mg.

This graph highlights the loss of dopamine with age, on average 13% per decade past the age of 40 for the average person, but far greater for those suffering from Parkinson’s disease

Jumex® 50x 5mg tablets retail $70 IAS price $59.99

Dep-Pro™ 20ml/ 300mg liquid bottle retail $90 IAS price $79.99

Esnatri cream is the world’s only bio-identical estrogen cream to replicate the work of Dr. Jonathan Wright.

Dr. Wright has highlighted that the ‘average’ woman produces estrogens in the ratios of estriol 90%, estradiol 7% and estrone 3% and these are the exact same ratios found inside Esnatri.

Each 1ml of Esnatri cream provides 2mg in total of the triple estrogens and it enables a precise, natural and indeed bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for women concerned about the menopause.

IAS provides dose and timing advice from Dr. Wright for both estrogens and progesterones with every purchase.

Note: The additional use of bioidentical progesterone should be used along with an estrogen replacement program.

Esnatri™ cream (bio-identical estrogens)

Esnatri™ 50ml 100mg cream retail $60 IAS price $49.99

Hydergine (ergoloid mesylate)Hydergine is an extract of a fungus that grows on rye called ergoloid mesylate and its approved uses have been to aid persons with memory disturbances, Alzheimer’s disease and even for persons who have suffered from shock related to electric, drowning or suffocation. This is because hydergine is an excellent provider of stabilising the levels of oxygen in the brain and has been shown to improve levels when they are too low and even decrease levels when they are too high.

The result of this optimised oxygen availability in the brain is an ability to do more mental workload without becoming tired. Accordingly, hydergine can be a good tool to battle through boring paperwork or a long drive home in the dark.

A fascinating animal experiment showed a special ability for hydergine to improve mitochondrial condition. The mitochondria are vital organelles found in every cell of our body responsible for the generation of ATP, the universal energy molecule.

Unfortunately mitochondrial efficiency declines as we age and this has been linked to disrupted repair mechanisms. However an Italian study highlighted those old animal mitochondria can be improved with hydergine supplementation.

Hydergine has also been attributed to stimulate the growth of dendrite nerve fibers, since these connective strands are known to decline in aging this is another antiaging feature of hydergine. Some have even linked the density and numbers of dendrite fibers to the level of I.Q.

In summaryv , hydergine helps to protect against conditions of hypoxia and peroxidation, important factors to guard against a stroke and generalised brain injuries.

The Bertonin-Freddari et al, 1994 study highlights that hydergine can improve the size, volume and number of mitochondria in old animals- towards the youthful example; as is shown here the difference between young, old (without hydergine) and old (with hydergine) is significant. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com18

Hydergine can extend the boundaries of mental workload and energy, fighting against boredom and may even provide some groundwork for raising the levels of intelligence.

Note: The liquid form can be titrated in small doses and may be more suitable for those who want low doses or have trouble swallowing tablets.Hydergine® 30x 4.5mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $26.99

Hydergine® 40mg 40ml liquid bottle retail $25 IAS price $18.99

Melatonin (MZS™; PraevoMed®)

Melatonin is one of nature’s remarkable substances and made in response to darkness by the pineal gland.

Its benefits to help overcome jet lag and shift work have become quite well known and indeed it is useful for this purpose since adequate melatonin availability enables our bodies to be correctly in tune with our circadian rhythms, these rhythms dictate our hormonal cyclicity and this cyclicity ultimately determine our aging and our level of immunity. Unfortunately melatonin secretions decline with aging.

Professor Pierpaoli has published widely on melatonin, principally through the New York Academy of Science and at the meetings of the Stromboli conferences on aging and cancer- which IAS is delighted to support.

What is important to know about melatonin is that Professor Pierpaoli advocates a 3mg dose to (his words) “put the pineal to sleep.” In addition, it is also vital to use a melatonin that produces a night peak of melatonin that is the same as the peak produced by the pineal itself. This he has achieved using specific excipients in his own formula ‘MZS™’ (which also contains the additional synergistic ingredients of zinc and selenium).

This graph highlights that Professor Pierpaoli’s Melatonin Zn Se formula mimics the night peak of melatonin. Note that sublingual melatonin tested peaks too soon and that time released formulas peak too late.

Here are some before and after Fundus photos showing the benefit of Melatonin Zn Se. They highlight dramatic improvements to both wet and dry forms of macular degeneration. In a trial published in the New York Academy of Science, 110 eyes, (100 patients) with both wet and dry forms of ARMD were treated only with 1 tablet of Melatonin Zn Se nightly. After 6-months 90% of the treated patients’ eyes had significant improvements to their condition. This is simply remarkable compared to the current approved therapy for ARMD which involves injecting the eye quarterly, (costs $1000+) with 50% improvement at 24-months!

Recommended: For further detailed information about melatonin and all of Professor Pierpaoli’s work we recommend his book ‘the key of life’

MZS™ 60x 3mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $19.99

UK can order in Pounds Sterling at:

MinSaw™ MinSaw has been updated numerous times, but now it’s in its best formula ever. MinSaw provides all of these proven hair growth and protectors in its latest formula:

• Minoxidil: Perhaps the best known agent to help stimulate hair growth, which it does by increasing nitric oxide promotion in the root of the hair and in so doing delivers more nutrition for the hair to grow faster. MinSaw takes has one of the most potent amounts of minoxidil in it at 8%.

• Vitamin C: It’s known to help stimulate hair growth and ‘clean’ the root bulb, thus MinSaw now also contains the active form of L-ascorbic acid.

• Saw Palmetto: This herb helps to block the damaging effects of DHT, a known hair growth restrictor.

• Resveratrol: The remarkable protective agent found in red grape skins has recently been noted to help induce hair thickness.

• Melatonin: This has been documented (and was the subject of a patent) to help prevent hair loss.

• Plus, there is now a sixth active ingredient in MinSaw and that’s retinolic acid (also known as tretinoin). This super // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: 19

high strength vitamin A has long been known to improve skin condition by enhancing blood flow to the skin and in the same way, here in MinSaw this ingredient improves the blood supply around the hair root, helping it to be stronger and healthier.

Just apply a small amount of MinSaw daily to the scalp and see the results for yourself in a few weeks time.

Recommended: Use it in combination with the Scalproller to improve uptake into the scalp

MinSaw™ 30ml bottle topical liquid retail $45 IAS price $39.49

Oxytocin is a hormone produced in the hypothalamus and secreted into the blood by the pituitary gland.

It is coming to light that oxytocin has pain curbing abilities and could be efficacious in fibromyalgia. Other studies are highlighting that oxytocin could be efficacious in the treatment of autism and even schizophrenias. But it is perhaps its ability to enhance bonding between partners that is likely to attract most attention.

From the sexual standpoint oxytocin has been known to increase ejaculate in the male and in females oxytocin has had significant libido enhancement effects, including the inducement of multiple orgasms.

We have worked alongside Dr. Hertoghe to create a practical and efficacious sublingual trouche (that’s a gel like tablet) typical doses are 5 to 20 IU as required.

Oxytocin (Oxy-Pro™)

Oxytocin has been described in detail in Dr. Thierry Hertoghe’s latest book- Passion, Sex and Adventure, the oxytocin story.

Oxytocin 24x 20 IU sublingual troches IAS price $79.99

Piracetam (Nootropil®; also see Anacervix®)

Piracetam was the very first nootropic, (commonly called smart drugs) to be developed and despite being one of the very first products that IAS offered when we went started out in 1991, it still remains one of our best selling products today! Why? Because it is a very beneficial memory agent that has a great

safety record, with very few side effects, plus it is cost effective.

Piracetam has been shown to have a better/ lower toxicity profile than salt. Maybe because it has a very small impact upon brain chemical levels, but rather helps to improve electrical communication across the brain’s corpus callosum.

In medical terms piracetam is used to improve short term memory and to treat a wide variety of senile dementias as well as autism and Down’s syndrome and can also assist with travel and altitude sickness.

Note: IAS offers the original UCB brand called Nootropil which is available in tablet and liquid form. The liquid form was specifically designed for children (it is sweetened with saccharin), but its advantages include being able to titrate low doses (if required) and also aid any person who has difficulty swallowing tablets.

Nootropil® 20 grams 100ml liquid retail $25 IAS price $19.99

Nootropil® 60x 800mg tablets retail $30 IAS price $25.99

Sermorelin is a breakthrough development in the field of growth hormone (GH) replacement, for sermorelin is the bioidentical molecule used by the pituitary gland to help stimulate production and release of GH into the bloodstream.

Sermorelin is not GH; GH is a complicated molecule consisting of 191 amino acids, but rather sermorelin is a 29 chain of aminoacids, but importantly it is the first 29 aminoacids of GH, the part responsible for activation.

This is what makes sermorelin stand head and shoulders over all previous agonists of GH, because sermorelin is GH site specific and therefore effective. What is more, sermorelin has a negative feedback loop (unlike GH itself), so the issues of overdosing and safety associated with injections of GH are minimized/ completely avoided with sermorelin.

And now for the first time it has been shown that sermorelin is stable at room temperature and efficacious when used

Sermorelin // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com20

Sermo-Pro® 30ml/ 30mg liquid bottle retail $225 IAS price $199.99

sublingually. These are additional factors that favor sermorelin as the next generation of GH activators.

We are excited to introduce this sublingual liquid version of sermorelin which has been created with the close cooperation of Dr. Richard Walker of SARA (Scientific Applied Research into Aging), a world renowned antiaging expert.

TA65 contains a highly purified specialized extract of the Chinese herb astragalus. What makes this supplement totally unique is that it is the first natural substance that has been proven to act as a telomerase activator and to extend telomeres in human (in vivo).

Telomeres are the strands on the ends of chromosomes that shorter each time the cell divides and the theory is that this is a significant part of the destructive process of aging. Animals with longer telomeres enjoy a more productive and healthier older age and also appear to live longer. The benefits for humans may not be clear yet, but TA65 production is carefully controlled by TA Sciences, who purchased the technology from the Geron Corporation.

It remains a fact that whilst other substances have claimed to delay the shortening of telomeres, only TA65 has been clinically proven (and published) to actually lengthen short telomeres in humans. If you want the cutting-edge of antiaging supplementation and the best possible chances for longer telomeres, then TA65 is currently your best and indeed only choice.


NEW: TA65® 30 capsules IAS price $218.99TA65® 90 capsules IAS price $

A decline in the secretion of hormones from the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) can result in poor concentration, confusion, memory problems, cold hands and feet, weight gain, menstrual problems, sleep disorders, dry skin, thinning hair and low energy levels. An underactive thyroid is also a major

cause of a common painful musculoskeletal condition known as fibromyalgia.

Aging often leads to hypothyroidism, one of the most famous thyroid experts, Dr. Broda Barnes states that as many as 40% of the adult population could be hypothyroid. Thyroid supplements come in two forms; these are whole or natural supplements and synthetic supplements. It is almost always better to use a whole-natural thyroid extract because the synthetic versions usually only comprise of one of the thyroid hormones, (such as, T3 or T4), whereas, whole-natural thyroids cover a fuller spectrum of thyroid hormones (including T1, T2, T3 and T4).

By measuring a particular hormone known as Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) it can be determined whether supplementation is necessary. However there are simple measures such as noticing if one regularly has cold hands and feet, problems adapting to temperature changes, or checking to see if one’s rising from bed body temperature is regularly below 97.8 degrees Fahrenheit could indicate a hypothyroid condition that needs correction.

Recommended; one of Dr. Hertoghe’s hormone handbooks.

Our natural thyroids include:

Thyroid (Armour®; Synthroid®)

Armour® 100x 15mg tablets retail $55 IAS price $47.49

Armour® 100x 30mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $54.99

Armour® 100x 60mg tablets retail $70 IAS price $64.99

Armour® 100x 90mg tablets retail $90 IAS price $84.99

Armour® 100x 120mg tablets retail $120 IAS price $99.99

ERFA 100x 30mg tablets retail $45 IAS price $39.99

ERFA 100x 60mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $54.99

ERFA 100x 125mg tablets retail $95 IAS price $89.99

Westhroid® 100x 15mg tablets retail $40 IAS price $34.99

Westhroid ® 100x 30mg tablets retail $50 IAS price $37.99 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: 21

100 mcg capsules now available

Arimidex® 28x 1mg tablets retail $225 IAS price $189.99

NEW: Anastro-Pro™ 28x 100mcg capsules retail $35 IAS price $29.99

Westhroid ® 100x 60mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $49.99

Westhroid ® 100x 120mg tablets retail $90 IAS price $79.99 Our synthetic thyroids include: NEW: IBSA® 25 tablets (21.4mcg T3 and 74mcg T4) retail $40 IAS price $29.99

Titre® (T3) 50x 20mcg tablets retail $35 IAS price $25.99

Eutirox® (T4) 84x 100mcg tablets retail $30 IAS price $21.99

NEW: Abaris™ 20 sublingual tablets retail $250 IAS price $199.99

TRH is a hypothalamic hormone whose real uses and benefits are just coming to the fore, primarily after research conducted by Dr. Walter Pierpaoli, the physician and scientist who exposed the benefits of melatonin to the world.

Dr. Pierpaoli’s research suggests that TRH is a ‘master’ hormone responsible not just for helping to adjust thyroid hormones (its principle recognised role), but in helping to recorrect many imbalances throughout the body. For example in his animal experiments TRH supplements have encouraged old animals to:

• Re-establish spermegenesis, (reversing the age-related dysfunction of their testes).

• Correct kidney dysfunction, (a significant finding for renal issues).

• Correct pancreatic dysfunction, (a significant finding for diabetic issues).

• Act as an anti-cancer/ protective agent.

• Lose significant fat deposits and hence weight within 2 to 3 months.

IAS is delighted to be the first organisation in the world to offer a sublingual TRH tablet.

TRH (Abaris™)

New to IAS

ACF228 is now also available in a specially designed mouth inhaler. Developed by free radical expert Dr. Richard Lippman, The ACF228 Breathe-Easy can help those worried about their lung capacity and function, to help protect against oxygen deprivation and hopefully avoid the need for long term use of corticosteroids.


New mouth inhaler now available

ACF228™ Breathe-Easy retail $140 IAS price $129.99

Arimidex contains anastrozole and it is perhaps the most famous of the 3rd generation of aromatase inhibitors. These types of drugs prevent the enzyme aromatase from converting testosterone into estrogens (and vice versa in women) and are approved for breast cancers.

Men who have a need to alter the T/E balance (which becomes deranged in the favor of estradiol with age) sometimes utilise Arimidex at approximately 1 mg per week, or 100 mcg per day.

Arimidex® (anastrozole) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com22

Now available from IAS

Andro-Pro™ 60 capsules retail $50 IAS price $44.99

Now available from IAS

Hair-Pro™ 2 oz. spray bottle retail $200 IAS price $179.99

Now available from IAS

Nanogen hydrator 100ml spray bottle retail $25 IAS price $19.99

Now available from IAS

ATP-Boost™ 60 capsules retail $35 IAS price $29.99

Now available from IAS

Gamibetal® 20x 500mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99

Andro-Pro contains the latest cutting-edge nutritional ingredients to naturally boost free testosterone levels.

The most unique ingredient added to Andro-Pro is the recently discovered fructoborate. Fluctoborate is a boron derivative that according to Romanian studies is helping to alleviate bone loss and arthritis; but perhaps the most interesting clinical study was done on 13 men. They were given the equivalent of one capsule of Andro-Pro daily for 60-days, at the end of the 2 months, on average these men experienced serum level increases of vitamin D by 19.6%, DHEA-S up 56% and free testosterone rose by 29.5%.

In addition, Andro-Pro also contains the supporting agents of zinc, B6, magnesium and high quality tribulus terrestris. All factors in improving free testosterone production.

Recommended: Adding DIM-Pro™ to your regime can help to reduce estrogen levels and therefore improve free testosterone levels even further.

Hair-Pro is the very latest development to help induce hair growth and it contains the absolute latest cutting-edge growth factor technologies.Hair Pro is a unique proprietary topical liquid blend that includes finasteride, (the DHT blocking drug used orally for years as a hair loss treatment), but it also contains a plethora of aminoacids that act as hair growth factors including bFGF, TRX, VEGF and IGF-1.

In addition there is aminosyn to promote protein synthesis (hair strength), hyaluronic acid to aid hair hydration (thickness) and dexpanthenol to cleanse the pores of the blocking fat- sebum which can block nutrition from the hair root. No finer multi factorial topical anti-alopecia product exists on the market today.

Recommended: Use it in combination with the Scalproller to improve uptake into the scalp.

Just a few sprays of this light hydrator instantly revives dry, tangling straw-like hair. This is the perfect solution if your hair loss treatment leaves your hair dull or your scalp irritated. The spray drenches your hair to restore condition, shine and volume, and then penetrates to leave your scalp cool and comfortable.

Highly effective and formulated especially for thinning hair, Nanogen’s dermatologically tested Hydrator has hair growth factors to maintain healthy hair growth, contains no pore blocking SLS/SLES, and no Paraben preservatives.

ATP-Boost provides 20mg of ATP, the body’s ultimate energy molecule in each capsule. In addition, ATP Boost contains a unique combination of the nutrients acetyl-L-carnitine and R-lipoic acid that increase mitochondria energy production without the increase in damaging oxidation that usually follows. The result: enhanced energy reserves and reduced aging at the cellular level.

Each Gamibetal tablet contains 500mg of the GABA related molecule- GABOB- technically the closest legal molecule to GHB. The approved use of Gamibetal in Europe is to help with epilepsy but like GHB – GABOB has been shown to improve growth hormone release significantly when taken before bedtime.

Note: GABOB does not have the ‘sleep inducing’ effects of GHB, but it can cause some sedation if taken in high doses.Andro-Pro™


Nanogen® hydration spray

ATP Boost™

Gamibetal® (GABOB) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: 23 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com24

Now available from IAS

Neo40® 30 lozenges $60 IAS price $59.99

Now available from IAS

Nitric oxide test strips 10 off retail $35 IAS price $34.99

Neo40 is a natural blend of hawthorn, beetroot and L-citrulline – an amino acid extracted from melons that is easily converted to L-arginine. In addition, Neo40 daily contains other heart and general health-boosting ingredients, including Vitamins C and E. This means a balanced amount of L-arginine is naturally stimulated - working to safely and substantially boost levels of nitric oxide. In doing so, it works to improve circulation, regulate blood pressure and protect against cardiovascular disorders and erectile dysfunction. A lozenge can be chewed daily.

Note: To further enhance nitric oxide release, try combining Neo40 with NADH and/or Nitric-Pro™.

Recommended: Test your nitric-oxide levels with the Nitric oxide saliva test strips.

The world’s first nitric oxide (NO) saliva test strips have arrived. Now it is simple to determine your level of NO and how it is improving with the supplements and regimes you are adopting.

Healthy levels of NO are essential for heart and arterial health and are implicated in many other problems, including erectile dysfunction.

Simply place some saliva onto the strip and watch the color change from white to pink. Then compare the depth of the pink with the color chart see if your NO levels are depleted, low, normal or optimal.

Note: You can use Neo40® and Nitric-Pro™ to enhance your NO levels.

Progesterone is often the ‘missing’ hormone in the treatment of female menopause. What we mean by this is that whilst estrogen treatments, (see Esnatri™ for details) are often considered as a primary replacement

hormone for women of that certain age, progesterone is often forgotten about.

The best known action of progesterone is its ability to help build bone mass and since progesterone levels fall rapidly in menopause it contributes to osteoporosis in elderly women. Progesterone is strongly advocated to be taken in combination with any estrogen replacement program.

Note: Our progesterone strength has nearly doubled to provide a clinical strength not found in health food stores.


Nitric oxide saliva test strips


Higher strength- now provides 50mg per ml

Progesterone 50ml 2.5 grams cream retail $39 IAS price $29.99

Latest micro-gel now available

Retin-A® 20ml 0.100% micro-gel retail $75 IAS price $69.99

Retin-A contains retinolic acid, a pure form of vitamin A that enhances blood supply to the skin’s surface and transforms the appearance of thicker, tougher skin into more youthful looking, elastic and fresher skin but speeding up the process of the delivery of nutrition to the skin and the removal of waste materials from it.

Retin-A is the cream of choice for cosmetic surgeons to speed up the wound healing of cosmetic surgery and scarring etc.

Note: We now also supply the new micro-gel which is designed to sit on the skin surface and release slowly. Results are improved and side effects are reduced.

Retin-A® (cream)

Now available from IAS

Vitacheck-C® 50 strips retail $15 IAS price $12.99

Until recently it has been difficult to determine how much vitamin C was in your body, luckily that has changed with these simple to use vitamin C test strips.

Simply urinate onto a strip and after a few seconds compare its color with that of the chart on the bottle.

All the evidence is that vitamin C, (which cannot be stored in the human body and must be sought in the diet every day) can protect against a plethora of disorders. Maintaining healthy levels of vitamin C is one of the core programs for maintaining health and preventing infections.

Now you can easily and cheaply check your vitamin C levels every day.

Note: If your vitamin C levels are poor, you can adjust them by taking a teaspoon of the unique Bio-En’R-Gy C®.

Vitamin C urine test strips (Vitacheck-C®)

Product A-Z listing

The following index underneath certain products means that it can’t be shipped there or known restrictions apply. For example:

Can’t be shipped to AustraliaCan’t be shipped to Canada Can’t be shipped to EUCan’t be shipped to JapanCan’t be shipped to UK

Here is an alphabetical listing of IAS stocked products. See our cross-reference list of disorders that relate to these individual products. Much more information is available from our website including full ingredient/ excipient listings, doses and side effects etc. If you need any further information or can’t find what you require, please don’t hesitate to contact us. The inside back cover has all our details.

What do top health professionals have to say about IAS? “IAS is an outstanding resource for the finest, most-up-to-date news and information on healthy aging. They also offer products of the highest integrity and efficacy. In fact, IAS is the world’s greatest source (often the only source) for the most cutting-edge and advanced nutrients to ensure optimum health span and maximum life span.”

Dr. Nicholas Perricone “IAS has a history of making crucial but difficult to access medications available to patients throughout the world. IAS is one of the pioneering societies in anti-aging medicine that has helped this new medical specialty move forward.”

Dr. Thierry Hertoghe

See them all at: // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com26

Glucobay® 30x 100mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $19.99

1st Line™(thiocyanate)

Adrafinil (Olmifon®)

Amantadine (Symmetrel®)

Aminoguanidine (pimagedine)


Acarbose (Glucobay®)

5HTP (5-hydroxy-tryptophan)




Acetyl-L-Carnitine (see ATP Boost™)

Adenosine Triphosphate (see ATP Boost™)

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (see ATP Boost™)

Allicin (see garlic)

Alpha lipoic acid (see lipoic acid)

Aminohydroxybutyric acid (see GABOB)

1 complete kit retail $90 IAS price $79.99

NEW: Adra-Pro™ 40x 300mg cap-sules retail $70 IAS price $59.99

Amantadine 100x 100mg tablets retail $50 IAS price $39.99

Aminoguanidine 100x 75mg tablets retail $40 IAS price $29.99

ACF228™ 45 capsules retail $60 IAS price $49.99

5HTP-Pro™ 60x 50mg capsules retail $25 IAS price $19.99

Adrenal-Pro™ 30ml liquid bottle retail $40 IAS price $29.99

Aldosterone 15x 125mcg capsules retail $120 IAS price $94.99

Anacervix® 30x 420mg capsules retail $30 IAS price $19.99

Olmifon is no longer manufactured. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: 27

Aniracetam (Ampamet®)

ATP Boost™(adenosine triphosphte)

Benfotiamine (Milgamma Mono®)

Azilect® (rasagiline)

Arimidex® (anastrozole)



Ampamet® 20x 750mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $47.49

NEW: Ani-Pro™ 20x 750mg capsules retail $40 IAS price $29.99

60 x 20mg capsules retail $35 IAS price $29.99

Milgamma Mono® 30x 50mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $19.99

BEC5 Curaderm® 20ml tube cream retail $140 IAS price $129.99 Special: Buy 2 or more for $126 each

Azilect® 30x 1mg tablets retail $225IAS price $184.99

Arimidex® 28x 1mg tablets retail $225 IAS price $189.99

NEW: Anastro-Pro™ 28x 100mcg capsules retail $35 IAS price $29.99

Andro-Pro™ 60 capsules retail $50 IAS price $44.49

Artem-Pro™ 90x 100mg capsules retail $35 IAS price $24.99

Arterial wave velocity (see Bio-Clip & Bio-Cuff)

Arginine (see Beyond GHS®; NADH, Nitric-Pro™; Vigor-Pro™)

ATP (see ATP Boost™ & Cell Energy®)

Astragalus extract (see TA65®)

BCI (see Beyond Chelation Improved®)

Banaba Extracts (see Diet-Pro™)

BEC5 Curaderm® cream

Benzoic acid (see Gerovital®)

Beta sitosterol (see BCI)

Beyond Any Multiple® (see BCI)

Beta glucan (see BCI) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com28

Beyond Chelation Improved® 30 sachets retail $80 IAS price $74.99

Beyond B12®

Beyond Fiber®

Beyond GHS®

Beyond B12® 40x 2mg sublingual tablets retail $33 IAS price $29.99

Beyond Fiber® 504 grams powder retail $45 IAS price $41.49

Beyond GHS® 75 tablets retail $95 IAS price $87.49

Beyond Bone Defense® (see Bone-Pro™)

Beyond Chelation Improved®

Beyond Lithium® (see Lithium-Pro™)

BHT (butylhydroxytoluene, see ACF228™)



Bio-En’R-Gy C®

Bio-Clip PLUS® v1.99 one complete kit retail $800 IAS price $799.99

Additional year’s warranty retail $170 IAS price $124.99

Bio-CUFF® one complete kit retail $180 IAS price $149.99

Bio En’R-Gy C® 200 grams powder retail $60 IAS price $52.49

Bone-Pro™ 180 capsules retail $40 IAS price $29.99

Bioflavonoids (see Wobenzym® Energo®)

Bioperine (see Bio-En’R-Gy®)

Biotin (see Beyond B12®; HRT Plus®; BCI; Nitric-Pro™)

Blueberry extracts (see Andro-Pro™)


Borate (see Andro-Pro™)

Boswellin (see Joint-Pro™)

Boron (see Andro-Pro™, BCI, Bone-Pro™, Cardio-Pro™, Prostate-Pro™)

Bromocriptine (Parlodel®)

Parlodel® 30x 2.5mg tablets retail $25.95 IAS price $19.99

Bromelain (see Wobenzym®; Digestif®) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Buxamin (see GABOB)

Caffeine (see Slim & Shape®)

Calcium (see Bone-Pro™, BCI, Nitric-Pro™)

Cabergoline (Dostinex®) Centrophenoxine


Cialis® (tadalafil)

Dostinex® 8x 0.5mg tablets retail $99 IAS price $89.99

Centrophenoxine 60x 250mg tablets retail $40 IAS price $29.99

Can-C™ 2x 5ml vials retail $45 IAS price $38.99

SPECIAL OFFER: Buy 6 for just $189.60 (SAVE 20%)

Can-C Plus™ 90 capsules retail $40 IAS price $34.99

Cardio-Pro™ 90x 215mg capsules retail $30 IAS price $27.49

Cell Energy® 50ml bottle cream retail $70 IAS price $62.49

Can-C™ eye-drops

Can-C Plus™


Cell Energy® cream

Carnosine (see ACF228™; L-carnosine; Can-C™; Cardio-Pro™; Can-C Plus™)

Catalase (see ACF228™)


Ceramides (see Energo®; Slim & Shape®)

Cerebrolysin® 5x 5ml i.m. ampoules retail $99 IAS price $89.99

Cialis® 4x 20mg tablets retail $85 IAS price $74.99

Chasteberry (see DIM-Pro™)

Choline (see BCI; Vigor-Pro™; centrophenoxine; krill)

Chondroitin (see Joint-Pro™; Hy-Col™)

Chromium (see BCI; Diet-Pro™)

Chromium polynicotinate (see ACF228™, Diet-Pro™)

Cinnamon extracts (see Diet-Pro™) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com30

Ciproxin® (ciprofloxacin)

D3-Pro™ (vitamin D)

Dercos® (aminexil)

Deprenyl (selegiline)

Desmopressin (Minurin®)

Detox-Pro™ (DSMA)

Ciproxin® 10x 500mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99

D3-Pro™ 100x 50,000 IU capsules retail $40 IAS price $37.99

Dercos® 200ml bottle shampoo retail $30 IAS price $21.99

Jumex® 50x 5mg tablets retail $70 IAS price $59.99 Dep-Pro™ 20ml/ 300mg liquid (HCL) bottle retail $90 IAS price $79.99

Minurin® 2.5ml nasal spray retail $40 IAS price $34.99

Detox-Pro™ 45 capsules retail $30 IAS price $24.99

Cobalt 100x 200mcg tablets retail $49 IAS price $39.99

CoQ10 Pro 30 x 100mg slow release capsules retail $30 IAS price $

Citrus bioflavonoids (see BCI)

Cobalt chloride

Coccinia indica extracts (see Diet-Pro™)

Coenzyme Q10 (see CoQ10)

CoQ10 Pro (Coenzyme Q10, ubiquinol, biquinone, also see NeySkin®; Energo®)

Collagen (see Hy-Col™)

Copper (see BCI)

Cortisol (Cortisone, see Fludrocortisone)

Curcumin (see Joint-Pro™)

Cranberry extracts (see Andro-Pro™)

Cyprenil® (see deprenyl)

Daidzen (see Bone-Pro™; Prostate-Pro™) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Diet-Pro™ 90 capsules retail $45 IAS price $35.99

Doxycycline 8x 100mg capsules retail $25 IAS price $19.99

Organic best of greens® 10 oz. bottle powder retail $35 IAS price $29.99 Digestif® 60 capsules retail $20 IAS

price $14.99

DIM-Pro ™ 90 capsules retail $40 IAS price $31.99

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, see krill, Phos-Pro™)

Diapid® (see desmopressin)



Di-indolylmethane (see DIM-Pro™)

DIM (see DIM-Pro™; ACF228™)

Dimethicone (see Nanogen®)


Docosahexaenoic acid (see DHA)

Dostinex® (see cabergoline)

D-pantethine (see Can-C Plus™)

D-panthenol (see Nanogen®)

DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid, see Detox-Pro™; ACF228™)

DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol, see centrophenoxine)


Dr. Gordon’s Advanced Green Powder

Dutasteride (Avodart®; Avodart®)

Esnatri™ cream (bio-identical estrogens)

Avodart® 30x 0.5mg tablets retail $90 IAS price $79.99

Esnatri™ 50ml 100mg cream retail $60 IAS price $49.99

Energo® 30ml bottle cream retail $80 IAS price $72.49

EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid, see ® BCI)

Eldepryl® (see deprenyl)

Energo® cream

EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid, see krill)

Ergoloid mesylate (see hydergine) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com32

Estradiol (see Esnatri™)

Estriol (see Esnatri™)

Estrone (see Esnatri™)

Eurycoma Longifolia (see Vigor-Pro™)

Finesteride (Proscar®; Propecia®)

Fluconazole (Diflucan®; Loitin®)

Galantamine (Reminyl®)

Gengigel® mouthwash

Gamalate B6®

Finesteride generic 28x 5mg tablets retail $50 IAS price $34.99

Proscar® 15x 5mg tablets retail $40 IAS price $34.99

Loitin® 7x 50mg capsules retail $40 IAS price $29.99

Reminyl® 28x 8mg tablets retail $125 IAS price $94.99

Gengigel® 150ml bottle liquid retail $25 IAS price $17.49

Gamalate B6® 60x 250mg tablets retail $20 IAS price $15.99

Gerovital-H3® 5x 5ml ampoules retail $60 IAS price $49.99

Gerovital-H3® 25x 100mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99

GH3-Pro™ 60x 100mg tablets retail $20 IAS price $14.99

Fludro-Pro™ 100x 20mcg tablets retail $20 IAS price $14.99

Florinef® (see Fludrocortisone)

Folic acid (folate, see ACF228™, BCI, Beyond B12®; HRT Plus®, Joint-Pro™; Lithium-Pro™; Nitric-Pro™)


Fructoborate (see Andro-Pro™)

GABOB (see Gamalate)

GABA (gamma-aminohydroxybutyric acid, see Gamalate B6®; picamilone)

Garlic (see BCI)

Genotropin® (see HGH)


GH (growth hormone, see HGH)

Ginkgo biloba (see BCI; Vigor-Pro™)

Glucosamine (see Joint-Pro™) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

HRT Plus®(pueraria mirifica)

Hy-Col® (collagen)

Hydrogen (Active H-Minus®)

Hydergine (ergoloid mesylate)

NEW: Hair-Pro™ 2 oz. spray bottle retail $200 IAS price $179.99

Glucuronolactone (see Detox-Pro™)

Grape fruit extract (Naringenin, see Prostate-Pro™)

Glycerine (see Cell Energy®; Nanogen®; Slim & Shape®)

Growth hormone (see HGH)

Grape seed extracts (see BCI; Resveratrol-Pro™; Prostate-Pro™)

Green tea extracts (see Diet-Pro™; Resveratrol-Pro™; Prostate-Pro™; Nanogen®)

g-Strophantinum (see Strodival®)

Gymnena sylvestre extracts (see Diet-Pro™)


Hawthorne Berry (crataegus, see BCI)

Humatrope® (see HGH)

HGH (human growth hormone, somatropin, see IGF-1, Sermorelin, Beyond GHS®, Gamalate)

Hyaluronic acid (see Hy-Col™; Gengigel®)

HRT Plus® 60 tablets retail $50 IAS price $42.49

Hy-Col™ 120x 250mg capsules retail $35 IAS price $29.99

NEW: Active H-Minus® 90 effervescent tablets retail $45 IAS price $39.99

Hydro-Pro® 100x 5mg capsules retail $30 IAS price $24.99

Idebenone 60x 30mg capsules retail $30 IAS price $24.99

Hydergine® 30x 4.5mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $26.99

Hydergine® 40mg 40ml liquid bottle retail $25 IAS price $18.99


Idebenone // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com34

Injection kitsIntramuscular kit 20x pack retail $25 IAS price $21.99

Subcutaneous kit 20x pack retail $25 IAS price $21.99 Syringe & Needle 1x pack retail $1.00 IAS price $0.99

Joint Pro™ 180 capsules retail $50 IAS price $44.99

NEW: Carnosine 60x 250mg capsules retail $30 IAS price $24.49

Lithium-Pro™ 60 capsules retail $25 IAS price $19.99

L-tryptophan 50x 500mg capsules retail $20 IAS price $14.99

Krill 60x 500mg gel capsules retail $50 IAS price $39.99

Inosine (see Beyond GHS®)

Inositol (see BCI; Cell Energy®)

Iodine (see BCI; ACF228™)

Isoflavonoids (see HRT Plus®)

Ixel® (see milnacipran)


Jumex® (see deprenyl)

Ketoconazole (see Nizoral®)

Kohki leaf extract (see Prostate-Pro™)


Laetrile(amygdalin; VitaB17®)

B17 cream 50ml 1% retail $70 IAS price $77.99

L-arginine (see arginine)

L-carnosine (also see Can-C™; Can-C Plus™; Cardio-Pro™; ACF228™)

Lecithin (see Cell Energy®; Slim & Shape™)

L-histidine (see Can-C Plus™)

Licorice (see Digestif®; Beyond GHS®)

Lipoic acid (alpha version see BCI; R-version see ATP Boost™)

Lithium orotate (see Lithium-Pro™, Cardio-Pro™)

Liposomes (see Energo®; Cell Energy®; Slim & Shape®)


Liposomal (see CoQ10, glutathione)

L-methione (see ACF228™; Can-C Plus™)

L-proline (see Nitric-Pro™)

L-tryptophan // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Longevity Maca® 180x 500mg capsules retail $45 IAS price $32.49

Maca (Longevity Maca®; lepidium meyenii walp)

Lycopene (see DIM-Pro™; Prostate-Pro™)

Lysine (see Nitric-Pro™)

Magnesium (see Andro-Pro™, Bone-Pro™, Gamalate B6®; BCI, ; Digestif®; Nitric-Pro™)

Malic acid (see BCI)

Manganese (see Bone-Pro™, BCI)

Meclofenoxane (see centrophenoxine)

Mastic (see Digestif®)

Melatonin (MZS™; PraevoMed®)

Memantine (Namenda®; Ebixa®)

Moclobemide (Manerix®/ Moclamine®)

Metformin (Glucophage®; Metforal®)

Milnacipran (Ixel®; Savella®)

MZS™ 60x 3mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $19.99

UK can order in Pounds Sterling at:

Ebixa® 42x 10mg tablets retail $190 IAS price $174.99

Moclamine® 30x 150mg tablets retail $39 IAS price $24.99

Dianben® 50x 850mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $21.99

Metforal® 50x 500mg tablets retail $22 IAS price $19.99

Ixel® 56x 50mg tablets retail $80 IAS price $64.99

MinSaw™ 30ml bottle topical liquid retail $45 IAS price $39.49

Melon extracts (see Diet-Pro™)

Methione (see BCI)

Minoxidil (see MinSaw™)


Miroestrol (see HRT Plus®) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com36

Modafinil (also see adrafinil)

Alertec® 30x 100mg tablets $169.99

Modiodal® 30x 100mg tablets $179.99

Provigil® 30x 100mg tablets $189.99

Note: This product is only available via

Molybdenum (see; BCI; Joint-Pro™)

N-acetylcarnosine (see Can-C™)

N-acetylcysteine (see ACF228™; Can-C Plus™)

MSM (methylsulfonomethane, see Bio-En’R-Gy®; BCI; Nitric-Pro™)



NADH Direct® 20x 20mg lozenges retail $99 IAS price $89.99

Naltrexone 30x 4.5mg capsules retail $60 IAS price $49.99

Nanogen® conditioner

Nanogen® shampoo

NeySkin® CoQ10

Nicergoline (Sermion®)


Nanogen® 240ml bottle conditioner retail $25 IAS price $21.49

Nanogen® 240ml bottle shampoo retail $35 IAS price $19.49

NeySkin® 50ml tube cream retail $55 IAS price $49.99

Sermion® 50x 10mg tablets retail $50 IAS price $39.99

NeyGero 64-A® 5x 2ml i.m. ampoules retail $140 IAS price $129.49

NeyGeront® 40x 0.5ml capsules retail $80 IAS price $71.49

NEW: Neo40 Daily® 30x lozenges retail $60 IAS price $59.99

NEW: Nitric oxide test strips 10 off retail $35 IAS price $34.99

Nettle root extract (see Prostate-Pro™)

Neo40® // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Nizoral® shampoo (2% ketoconazole)

Paxil® (Seroxat®; paroxetine)

Penicillin (Penilevel®)

Phenytoin (Dilantin®, Epanutin®)

Oxytocin (Oxy-Pro™)

Nitric Oxide Saliva Test Strips

Nizoral® 60ml bottle shampoo retail $20 IAS price $12.49

Seroxat® 14x 20mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99

Penilevel® 30x 250mg sachets powder retail $35 IAS price $29.99

NEW: Phen-Pro™ 28x 25mg capsules retail $19 IAS price $15.99

Oxy-Pro® 24x 20 IU sublingual troches IAS price $79.99

NEW: Neo40® 25 saliva strips $35 IAS price $34.99

NEW: Nitric-Pro™ 225 grams powder retail $40 IAS price $34.99


Norditropin® (see HGH)

Omega 3 (see krill; BCI)

Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA, see ACF228™; Digestif®)

Omega 6 (linoleic acid, GLA, see krill; BCI)

Omega 9 (oleic acid, see krill; BCI)

Ouabain (see Strodival®)

Oxythiocynate (thiocynates, see 1st Line™)

PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid, see BCI; Gerovital®)

Palladium (see Cardio-Pro™)

Palmitate (see BCI)

Pancreatin (see Wobenzym®)

Papain (see BCI; Wobenzym®)

Pentavita (see Nanogen®)

Phosphatidylcholine (see BCI)

Phosphatidylserine (see Phos-Pro™; BCI)

Phospholipids (see krill)

Phosphorous (see Bone-Pro™, Nitric-Pro™) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com38

Phos-Pro™ (phosphatidylserine & DHA)

Propranolol (Inderal®)


Piracetam (Nootropil®; also see Anacervix®)

Phos-Pro® 60x 100mg capsules retail $60 IAS price $47.49

Inderal® 30x 40mg tablets retail $15 IAS price $12.49

Prostate-Pro™ 10x 500mg tablets retail $55 IAS price $49.49

Nootropil® 20 grams 100ml liquid retail $25 IAS price $19.99

Nootropil® 60x 800mg tablets retail $30 IAS price $25.99

NEW: PulmoLife®1 Spirometer + 4 tubes retail $155 IAS price $139.99

PulmoLife®25 additional tubes retail $25 IAS price $19.99

Picamilone 60x 50mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $19.99

Pramiracetam 40x 300mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $49.99

Pregnenolone 50x 100mg capsules retail $25 IAS price $19.99

NEW: Progesterone 50ml 2.5 grams cream retail $40 IAS price $29.99




Progesterone Pimagidine (see aminoguanidine)

Polyphenols (see grape seed extract)

Pomegranate extracts (see Andro-Pro™)

Potassium (see BCI; Gerovital®)

Potassium iodide (see ACF228™)

Pueraria mirifica (see HRT Plus®)


Procaine (Novocain®, see Gerovital®)

Pueraria mirifica (see HRT Plus®)

Pygeum africanum (see Prostate-Pro™; Nanogen®) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Reboxetine (Edronax®; Davedax®)

Relenza® (Zanamivir)

Roxithromycin (Rulid®)

Edronax® 60x 4mg tablets retail $80 IAS price $59.99

Relenza® 20x 5mg diskettes retail $60 IAS price $49.99

Rulid® 10x 150mg tablets retail $30 IAS price $21.49

Pyri Pro 60x 50mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.49 Resveratrol-Pro™ 60 capsules retail

$30 IAS price $24.99

Retirides® 30ml 0.025% cream retail $40 IAS price $32.49

Retirides® 30ml 0.050% cream retail $45 IAS price $42.49

Retirides® 30ml 0.100% cream retail $60 IAS price $49.49

Retin-A® 20ml 0.100% micro-gel retail $75 IAS price $69.99

Cerbon 6® 60x 100mg tablets retail $28 IAS price $19.99

Isotonic® 24 oral ampoules retail $60 IAS price $39.99

Hypertonic® 24 oral ampoules retail $60 IAS price $39.99




Quercetin (see Resveratrol-Pro™; Digestif®)

Red algae (carrageenan, see BCI)

Red yeast (see BCI)

Resveratrol (see Resveratrol-Pro™, Cardio-Pro™, BCI, ACF228™)


Retin-A® cream

Retinolic acid (tretinoin, see Retin-A®)

Ribonucleic acids (RNA, see Conisan B®; NeySkin®; NeyDent®; NeyGeront®; Cerebrolysin®)

Ribose (see Bio-En’R-Gy®)

R-lipoic acid (see ATP Boost™)

Rutin (see Wobenzym®)

Saizen® (see HGH)

Salacia reticulata extracts (see Diet-Pro™) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com40

SAMe (S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine; SAMYR®)

Slim & Shape® cream

Stablon® (tianeptine)

Strodival® (g-Strophantinum, Ouabain)


Silver protein (ACS®)

SAMYR® 20x 400mg enteric-coated tablets retail $75 IAS price $59.99

Slim & Shape® 150ml bottle cream retail $70 IAS price $59.99

Stablon@ 60x 12.5mg tablets retail $70 IAS price $59.99

Strodival® 100x 3mg enteric coated tablets retail $80 IAS price $79.99

Solaris® 150ml bottle cream retail $65 IAS price $57.49

ACS200 spray 2 fluid ounces retail $40 IAS price $34.99

NEW: Scalproller® 0.3mm roller kit retail $80 IAS price $69.99

Sermo-Pro® 30ml/ 30mg liquid bottle retail $225 IAS price $199.99

Saw palmetto (Serena repens, see MinSaw™; Nanogen®)


Selepryl® (see deprenyl)

Selegiline (see deprenyl)

Selenium (see BCI; Detox-Pro™; MZS™; Prostate-Pro™; ACF228™; Thym-Uvocal®)


Silicon/ Silica (see Nanogen®; Bone-Pro™, BCI; Wobenzym®)

Solasodine glycosides (see BEC5 Curaderm®)

Somatomedin C (see IGF-1)

Somatropin (see HGH)

Strontium (see Bone-Pro™)

Squalene (see Slim & Shape®)

Succinic acid (DMSA, see Heavy Detox®)

Superoxide dismutase (see Nanogen®) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Tetracycline (Ambramicina®)

Thymus (Thym-Uvocal®)

Thyroid (Armour®; Synthroid®)

NEW: TA65® 30 capsules IAS price $218.99 TA65® 90 capsules IAS price $599.99

Tamanu 50ml bottle oil retail $25 IAS price $21.99

Ambramicina® 16x 250mg tablets retail $29 IAS price $19.99

Thym-Uvocal® 90x 200mg capsules retail $115 IAS price $94.99

Armour® 100x 15mg tablets retail $55 IAS price $47.49

Armour® 100x 30mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $54.99

Armour® 100x 60mg tablets retail $70 IAS price $64.99

Armour® 100x 90mg tablets retail $90 IAS price $84.99

Armour® 100x 120mg tablets retail $120 IAS price $99.99

ERFA 100x 30mg tablets retail $45 IAS price $39.99

ERFA 100x 60mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $54.99

ERFA 100x 125mg tablets retail $95 IAS price $89.99

Westhroid® 100x 15mg tablets retail $40 IAS price $34.99

Westhroid ® 100x 30mg tablets retail $50 IAS price $37.99

Westhroid ® 100x 60mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $49.99

Westhroid ® 100x 120mg tablets retail $90 IAS price $79.99

Our synthetic thyroids include: NEW: IBSA® 25 tablets (21.4mcg T3 and 74mcg T4) retail $40 IAS price $29.99

Tiromel 100 x 25mcg tablets retail $35 IAS price $25.99

Eutirox® (T4) 84x 100mcg tablets retail $30 IAS price $21.99

Symmetrel® (see Amantadine)



Telomeres/ telomerase (see TA65®)

Thymus (see Thym-Uvocal®)

Thyrotropin releasing hormone (see TRH)

TMG (trimethylglycine, betaine, see Bio-En’R-Gy®; BCI; Joint-Pro™)

Tocotrienols (see BCI)

T-Pro™ (see Vigor-Pro™)

Tribulus terrestris (see Andro-Pro™, Beyond GHS®; Vigor-Pro™) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com42

TRH (Abaris™)

NEW: Abaris™ 20 x 5mg sublingual tablets retail $250 IAS price $199.99

Vigor-Pro™ 90 capsules retail $25 IAS price $21.99

Trypsin (see Wobenzym®)

Ubiquinol (see CoQ10)

Ubiquinone (see CoQ10)

Urea (see Slim & Shape®, BEC5 Curaderm®)

Urtica dioica (see Nanogen®)

Valdoxan® (agomelatine)

Vinpocetine (Intelectol®)


Viagra® (sildenafil)

Valdoxan® 28x 25mg tablets retail $150 IAS price $132.49

Intelectol® 50x 5mg tablets retail $20 IAS price $15.99

Efexor® 60x 37.5mg tablets retail $40 IAS price $31.49

Viagra® 4x 100mg tablets retail $88 IAS price $77.49

Vanadium (see BCI; Diet-Pro™)

Vasopressin (see desmopressin)


Vincamine (see Anacervix®)

Vitamin B1 (thiamine, see BCI; Nitric-Pro™)

Vitamin B1 (see benfotiamine)

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin, see BCI; Vigor-Pro™, Nitric-Pro™)

Vitamin A (beta carotene, palmitate, see BCI; Cell Energy®)

Vitamin B3 (niacin, see BCI; Xan-Pro™; Vigor-Pro™, Cell Energy®; picamilone; ; Nitric-Pro™)

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid, see BCI; Vigor-Pro™, Cell Energy®; Nitric-Pro™)

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, see Andro-Pro™, BCI; Vigor-Pro™, Gamalate B6®; Joint-Pro™, Beyond B12®; HRT Plus®; Nanogen®; ACF228™; Nitric-Pro™)

Vitamin B6 (see pyridoxamine)

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin, see Beyond B12®; BCI; Joint-Pro™; Vigor-Pro™, Lithium-Pro™)

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol, see D3-Pro™, Bone-Pro™, BCI; D3-Pro™)

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, see Bio-En’R-Gy®; BCI; Bone-Pro™, Digestif®; Nitric-Pro™) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: 43

Vitamin C test strips (Vitacheck-C®)

Xan-Pro® (xanthinol nicotinate)

Yohimbine (Plain Prowess®)

ZeoGold® (zeolite)

Great teeth for life by Brian Halvorsen, BDS

Stay 40 by Richard Lippman, Ph.D.

Passion, sex, long life & oxytocinby Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.

The atlas of endocrinologyby Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.

Books (recommended further reading)

NEW: Vitacheck-C® 50 strips retail $15 IAS price $12.99

Xan-Pro® 50x 150mg tablets retail $20 IAS price $19.99

Plain Prowess® 100x 5mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $49.99

ZeoGold® 30 capsules retail $55 IAS price $49.99

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Wobenzym® 200 tablets retail $65 IAS price $64.99

Vitamin E (tocopherols, see Can-C Plus™; BCI; Prostate-Pro™, Vigor-Pro™, Energo®; Slim & Shape®; Resveratrol-Pro™; Nitric-Pro™)

Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone, see Bone-Pro™)

Vitamin K2 (menatretrenone, see Bone-Pro™; BCI)


Wormwood (see artemisinin)

Yohimbe (see Vigor-Pro™ and yohimbine)

Zeolite (see ZeoGold®)

Zinc (see Andro-Pro™, BCI; Can-C Plus™; MZS™; Nanogen®; Thym-Uvocal®)


The cataract cure by Marios Kyriazis, M.D.

The eggplant cancer cureby Bill E. Cham, Ph.D.

Was $9.99,now available FREE - download it at:

122 page book $29.99

The key of lifeby Walter Pierpaoli, M.D.

The patient hormone handbook by Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.

The Physician hor-mone handbook v2 by Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.

266 page book $29.99

310 page book $249.99

833 page book $424.99


Condition cross-reference list

AdaptogensHRT Plus®, Maca®, Quinton®

Addison’s disease Aldosterone, DHEA

ADHD (ADD, attention deficit disorder, see mental stimulants)

Adrenal fatigueAdrenal-Pro™, aldosterone, DHEA, hydrocortisone

AGE (Advanced Glycated End Products, cross linking of proteins)

ACF228™, aminoguanidine, Can-C Plus™, Cardio-Pro™, L-carnosine, metformin, pyridoxamine

Age Related Mental Decline (see cognitive)

Aids (see HIV)

Alcoholism (also see compulsive disorders) 5HTP, L-tryptophan, memantine

AllergiesJoint-Pro™, Pregnenolone, Thym-Uvocal®, Wobenzym®

ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, see Lou Gehrig’s disease)

Alzheimer’s (see senile dementia)

Aminoacids (including di-peptides)5HTP, ACF228™, ATP Boost™, Beyond GHS®, Cardio-Pro™, L-carnosine, L-tryptophan, Nitric-Pro

Anabolic (see growth hormone & testosterone)

Anginas (also see heart & blood disorders)Strodival®

Animal useCan-C™ eye-drops, deprenyl, L-tryptophan

Anti-aging (as impacting on a particular theory of aging)

Aminoguanidine (glycosylation), centrophenoxine (membrane), hydergine (mitochondrial), idebenone (free radical), L-carnosine (Hayflick), melatonin (rotational), metformin (neuroendocrine), resveratrol (calorie restriction), ACF228™ (free radical), TA65 (telomeres)

This cross-reference list highlights individual products that have been used to treat & prevent various aging disorders. Note: It does not mean that all these products are synergistic together. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com46

Anti-biotics (also see influenzas & infections)Ciproxin, doxycycline, penicillin, roxithromycin, tetracycline

Anti-depressants (also see depression & well being)

Lithium-Pro™, milnacipran (Ixel®), moclobemide (Manerix®), Paxil®, reboxetine (Edronax®), Stablon®, Valdoxan® (agomelatine), venlafaxine (Efexor®)

Anti-oxidants (free radical scavengers)ACF228™, Bio-En’R-Gy®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bromocriptine, Cardio-Pro™, centrophenoxine, deprenyl, Gerovital-H3®, H Active-minus®, hydergine, idebenone, krill, L-carnosine, melatonin, ATP Boost™, pyritinol, Resveratrol-Pro™, vinpocetine, ZeoGold®

Anxiety (see stress)

ARMD (Age Related Macular Degeneration, also see eyesight)

Melatonin Zn Se®, Nicergoline

Aromatase inhibitorsArimidex®, Beyond HRT®, DIM-Pro™

Arterial (See heart & arterial disorders)

Arthritis (rheumatoid & osteo)Gerovital-H3®, Hy-Col™, Joint-Pro™, krill, pregnenolone, pyritinol, SAMe, Thym-Uvocal®, Wobenzym®

Asthma (see Allergies)

Autism (also see chelation agents)Oxytocin, piracetam

At-home test kits (also see health diagnostics)Bio-Cuff™, PulmoLife®

Bell’s palsyBeyond B12®

Blood disorders (relating to circulation, cholesterol, homocysteine etc., also see angina & heart & arterial disorders & cancer)

Acarbose, aminoguanidine, Anacervix®, ATP-Boost™, Beyond Any Multiple®, Beyond B12®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio-En’R-Gy®, Cardio-Pro™, Gerovital-H3®, krill, metformin, NADH, Neo40®, nicergoline, Nitric-Pro™, propranolol, Resveratrol-Pro, thyroid, TRH, vinpocetine, Wobenzym®

Blood pressureNeo40®, Nitric-Pro™, oxytocin, vinpocetine

Bone problems (also see joints & arthritis) Andro-Pro™, Bone-Pro™, Esnatri™, Hy-Col™, progesterone, SAMe, thyroid

Breathing (see Lungs)

Cancer (also see anti-oxidants & radiation)1st Line™, Arimidex®, artemisinin, BEC5®, Beyond HRT®, Bio-En’R-Gy®, bromocriptine, D3-Pro™, DIM-Pro™, laetrile, melatonin, metformin, naltrexone, progesterone, Resveratrol-Pro™, Thym-Uvocal®, TRH, Wobenzym®

Cardiovascular (see heart & arterial disorders)

Cataplexy (sudden fatigue)Adrafinil, modafinil, picamilone

Cataract (also see eyesight)Can-C™, Can-C Plus™

Chelation agents (removing heavy metals, also see detox)

Bio-En’R-Gy®, Beyond Fiber®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, centrophenoxine, Detox-Pro™, Dr. Gordon’s advanced green powder®, EZ Defense®, L-carnosine, ZeoGold®

Cholesterol (see blood disorders)

Crohn’s diseaseNaltrexone

Chronic fatigue syndrome (see mental stimulants & physical energy improvement)

Cognitive (also see memory & senile dementias)Anacervix®, aniracetam, ATP Boost™, centrophenoxine, deprenyl, desmopressin, Gerovital-H3®, hydergine, idebenone, memantine, NADH, nicergoline, phenytoin, phosphatidylserine, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, pyritinol, thyroid, vinpocetine, Xan-Pro™

Compulsive disorder treatment (also see alcoholism)

5HTP, Gamalate-B6®, L-tryptophan, picamilone

Cortisol alteration (also see stress) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

DHEA, aldosterone, fludrocortisone, Gamalate B6®, hydrocortisone, Gerovital-H3®, phenytoin

Cross linking (see advanced glycated end products)

Deep vein thrombosis (see frequent fliers)

Dental (see teeth & gums)

Depression (also see well-being & anti-depressants)

5HTP, aniracetam, ATP Boost™, D3-Pro™, deprenyl, Gerovital-H3®, Lithium-Pro™, L-tryptophan, milnacipran, NADH, NeyGeront®, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, SAMe, Thym-Uvocal®, thyroid, Vigor-Pro™

Detox (also see chelation agents)Artemisinin, Bio-En-R-Gy®, Beyond Fiber®, DIM-Pro™, Detox-Pro™, Dr. Gordon’s advanced green powder®, Silver Protein, ZeoGold®

DHT alteration (dihydrotestosterone)Dutasteride, finasteride, Hair Pro™, MinSaw™, NanoGuard®

DiabetesAcarbose, aminoguanidine, ATP Boost™, benfotiamine, Diet-Pro™, krill, L-carnosine, metformin, Nitric-Pro™, pyridoxamine, TRH

Dieting (See weight loss)

Digestive issuesBeyond Fiber®, Digestif®, Dr. Gordon’s advanced green powder®

DNA support (including telomeres)Beyond Chelation Improved, carnosine, CoQ10, D3-Pro™, krill, NeyGero®, NeyGeront®, Resveratrol-Pro, TA65®

Down’s syndromeMelatonin, piracetam

Energy improvement (see physical energy & mental stimulants)


EpilepsyGamalate®, Gamibetal®, phenytoin

Erectile dysfunction (also see sex-libido &

premature ejaculation)Andro-Pro™, cabergoline, Cialis®, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, oxytocin, Vigor-Pro™, Viagra®, yohimbine

Estrogen alteration (both increases & decreases)

Arimidex®, cobalt chloride, DIM-Pro™, Esnatri™, NADH, progesterone

Eyesight (also see cataract, ARMD & glaucoma)Aminoguanidine, Can-C™, Can-C Plus™, melatonin, nicergoline, picamilone, vinpocetine

ExcitotoxinsAmantadine, Carnosine, deprenyl, idebenone, L-carnosine, Lithium-Pro™, memantine

FertilityMelatonin, metformin, TRH

Fibromyalgia (also see physical energy & mental stimulants & pain relief )

1st Line, milnacipran, naltrexone, oxytocin

Free radical scavengers (see anti-oxidants)

Frequent fliers1st Line, artemisinin, Cardio-Pro™, DHEA, Gamalate-B6®, L-tryptophan, melatonin, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, picamilone, piracetam, pregnenolone, Resveratrol-Pro™, silver protein

Gastrointestinal (see digestive)

Glaucoma (also see eyesight) Can-C™

Glucose control (see diabetes)

Glycation prevention (see AGE)

Growth hormoneBeyond GHS®, bromocriptine, deprenyl, Gamalate®, Gamibetal®, hydergine, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, Sermorelin, Thym-Uvocal®, thyroid


Hair improvementDercos®, dutasteride, finasteride, Gerovital-H3®, Hair Pro™, krill, MinSaw™, Nanogen’s, Nitric-Pro™, Nizoral®

Headaches (see migraines)

Heath diagnosticsBio-Clip CUFF™, Bio-Clip PLUS™,Nitric Oxide saliva strips, PulmoLife®, vitamin C urine strips

Hearing disordersAldosterone, Anacervix®, fludrocortisone, nicergoline, picamilone, vinpocetine

Heart & arterial disorders (also see angina & for blood conditions such as circulation, cholesterol/ homocysteine etc., see blood disorders)

Aminoguanidine, ATP Boost™, Bio-En’R-Gy®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio-Clip, Bio Cuff, Cardio-Pro™, centrophenoxine, CoQ10, idebenone, krill, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, propranolol, Resveratrol-Pro™, SAMe, Wobenzym®

Herpes (also see anti-biotics)1st Line™, ACF228™, amantadine, silver protein, Wobenzym®

HIV (also see immune system improvement)1st Line™, melatonin, naltrexone, Thym-Uvocal®

HGH (see growth hormone)

Homocysteine (see blood disorders)

Hormones (includes hormonal support supplements)

Aldosterone, Adrenal-Pro™, Andro-Pro™, Arimidex, cobalt chloride, Desmopression, DHEA, DIM-Pro™, Esnatri™, fludrocortisone, hydrocortisone, melatonin, oxytocin, pregnenolone, progesterone, Thym-Uvocal®, thyroid, Vigor-Pro™, TRH

HRT (hormone replacement therapy for women)Cobalt chloride, Esnatri™, HRT Plus®, melatonin, progesterone

Human growth hormone (see growth hormone)

Hydrogen H Active-minus®

Hypertension (see blood pressure)

Immune system improvement (also see infections)

1st Line™, ATP Boost™, Beyond B12™, DHEA,

L-carnosine, Maca®, melatonin, NeyGeront®, pyritinol, Resveratrol-Pro™, Thymus, thyroid

Infections (also see immune system improvement, anti-biotics & influenzas)

1st Line™, artemisinin, fluconazole, silver protein, Wobenzym®

Inflammation Bio-En’R-Gy®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Digestif®, Dr. Gordon’s advanced green powder®, krill, Maca, pregnenolone, Thym-Uvocal®, Wobenzym®

Influenzas (also see anti-biotics, infections & immune system improvement)

1st Line™, amantadine, Relenza®

Insulin & glucose control (see diabetes)

Intestinal flora (see probiotics)

Joints (also see bones & arthritis)Hy-Col™, Joint-Pro™, krill, pregnenolone, SAMe, Thym-Uvocal®, Wobenzym®

Kidney disorders (also see infections)Aminoguanidine, SAMe, TRH

Learning (also see memory & mental stimulants)Aniracetam, desmopressin, hydergine, piracetam, pramiracetam

Libido (see sex-libido)

Lipids (see blood disorders)

Liver disorders (also see infections)Idebenone, pregnenolone, SAMe, silver protein

Longevity enhancement (significant increases seen in animal studies)

Centrophenoxine, deprenyl, Desmopressin, melatonin

Lou Gehrig (ALS)Naltrexone

LungsACF228 Breath Easy, Centrophenoxine, Nitric-Pro™, PulmoLife®

LupusMilnacipran, naltrexone // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com48

Macular degeneration (see ARMD & eyesight)

Malaria (also see anti-biotics)Artemisinin

Menopause (see HRT)

Mental stimulants Adrafinil, aniracetam, centrophenoxine, deprenyl, desmopressin, krill, modafinil, NADH, nicergoline, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, Xan-Pro™

Memory (also see cognitive & senile dementia)Aniracetam, centrophenoxine, deprenyl, desmopressin, hydergine, phosphatidylserine, piracetam, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, vinpocetine

Methylation (conversion of one chemical into another inside the body)

Beyond B12®, Bio-En’R-Gy®, SAMe, Wobenzym®, Xan-Pro™

Migraines (also see pain relief )Beyond B12®, nicergoline, memantine, picamilone, Quinton®

Minerals (including trace- also see vitamins)Beyond Chelation Improved®, Cardio-Pro™, Quinton®

Mitochondrial supportATP Boost™, CoQ10, deprenyl, hydergine, idebenone, NADH, pregnenolone, SAMe

Multiple Sclerosis (also see mitochondrial support)

Melatonin, naltrexone

Nail conditionGerovital-H3®, krill

Narcolepsy (sleeping in the daytime)Adrafinil, melatonin, modafinil, picamilone

Oral health care (see teeth & gums)

Osteoporosis (see bone problems)

Pain reliefATP-Pro™, Gerovital-H3®, memantine, milnacipran,

nicergoline, oxytocin, Wobenzym®

Parasites (see infections)

Parkinson (see senile dementia)

Pets (see Animal use)

Photoaging (see radiation & skin problems)

Ph balance (rebalancing)Dr. Gordon’s advanced greens®, H Active-minus®, Quinton®

Physical energy improvement ATP Boost™, Beyond B12®, CoQ10, H Active-minus®, idebenone, L-carnosine, Maca, NADH, pregnenolone, SAMe, yohimbine

PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome)Beyond B12®, krill, HRT Plus®, Maca®, vinpocetine

Premature ejaculation/ ejaculate (also see erectile dysfunction & sex-libido)


ProbioticsBeyond Fiber®, Digestif®, Dr. Gordon’s advanced greens®, Quinton®

Prostate (also see cancer)Beyond B12™, Beyond HRT®, Bone-Pro™, D3-Pro™, DIM-Pro™, dutasteride, finasteride, melatonin, Prostate-Pro™

Prolactin alterationBromocriptine, cabergoline, Gamalate-B6® ®, Gamibetal®

PSA (prostate specific antigen- see prostate)

Radiation (sunburn & radiotherapy)BEC5®, melatonin, Solaris®

RNA support (see DNA support)

Senile dementia (also see cognitive & memory)Amantadine, Anacervix®, aniracetam, bromocriptine, cabergoline, centrophenoxine, deprenyl, desmopressin, galantamine, hydergine, Lithium-Pro™, melatonin,

memantine, NADH, naltrexone, piracetam, pramiracetam,

Senility Gerovital-H3®, NeyGeront® // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail: ias@antiaging-systems.com50

Sex-libido (also see erectile dysfunction & premature ejaculation)

Andro-Pro™, deprenyl, Maca, NADH, oxytocin, Vigor-Pro™, yohimbine

Skin problems (also see radiation and cancer)Aminoguanidine, BEC5®, Cell Energy®, Energo®, Gerovital-H3®, Hy-Col™, L-carnosine, melatonin, NADH, NeySkin®, Retin-A®, silver protein, Solaris®, Thym-Uvocal®, thyroid, Quinton®

Sleep disorders (both a lack of & too much)5HTP, ATP Boost™, adrafinil, L-tryptophan, melatonin, modafinil,

Smoking cessation 5HTP

Sports (see growth hormone, estrogen alteration, physical energy & testosterone)

Stress (also see cortisol)5HTP, Gamalate-B6®, Gerovital-H3®, Gamibetal®, Maca®, L-tryptophan, melatonin, NADH, NeyGeront®, oxytocin, picamilone, phenytoin, propranolol, pregnenolone

Stroke Anacervix®, aniracetam, hydergine, idebenone, nicergoline, Nitric-Pro™, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, vinpocetine

Stomach (see digestive)

Sunburn (see radiation)

Syndrome X (metabolic syndrome)Aminoguanidine, ATP Boost™, DHEA, krill, melatonin, metformin


Teeth & gum disordersCoQ10, Doxycycline, EZ Defense®, Gengigel®, NADH, NeyDent®, silver protein, Quinton®, ZeoGold®

Telomeres (see DNA support)

Testosterone & testes (also see fertility and prostate)

Andro-Pro™, Beyond B12®, Beyond GHS®, melatonin,

NADH, oxytocin, TRH, Vigor-Pro™

Travel (see frequent fliers)

Triglycerides (see blood disorders)

Veterinarian (see animal use)


Vitamins (see ‘just’ minerals for separation)Benfotiamine, Bio- En’R-Gy®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Cardio-Pro™, CoQ10, Gamalate®, Nitric Pro™, Xan-Pro™

WaterH Active-minus®, Quinton®

Weight gainAndro-Pro™, Beyond GHS®, DHEA, Gamalate®, Gamibetal®

Weight loss 5HTP, acarbose, aminoguanidine, ATP Boost™, benfotiamine, Beyond Fiber®, Diet-Pro™, DIM-Pro™, Dr. Gordon’s advanced green powder®, galantamine, L-tryptophan, metformin, thyroid, TRH, Xan-Pro™

Well-being (also see depression)Aniracetam, Beyond B12®, deprenyl, Gamalate-B6®, Gerovital-H3®, H Active-minus®, krill, melatonin, NADH, NeyGeront®, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, SAMe, Thym-Uvocal®, thyroid, Wobenzym®


Check Process is a brand new e-Checking service that we’ve been trialling for a few months on the site. It works just like a normal check, if on your next order you want to use this method simply follow the steps below:

1. On check out select the Check process payment option.

2. Enter your normal delivery and billing information plus the following when prompted:

3. Your order will then be processed within 2 to 10 working days depending on your bank.

4. Once the payment leaves your account notify us with some proof and we will dispatch the products you have ordered

E-checking works by directly charging you via your checking account at your bank just like a regular check. Alternatively you can call us with your order and information and we can charge your account for you. This new option is currently only available to US customers and means that we will no longer be accepting personal checks or money orders. We are always interested in what you think so please send us your feedback via






How to order from IAS

Introducing Check Process – A New Online Check Payment Option

USA & worldUK/ EU


USA & worldJapan

IAS Ltd, PO Box 19, Sark GY9 0SB,Great Britain


JapanEU & world



EU & worldUK

1-866 800 4677 (orders only)1-415 992 5563 (enquiries)050 55 329606+44 208 123 21060208 123

1-415 366 15030367 40 7800+44 208 181 61060208 181 6106

a. Your bank account number

b. Your bank routing number (the 9 digit US Bank routing number)

c. Your phone number

d. And then e-Sign your check.

Restrictions may apply, check IAS terms and conditions for details

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