agricultural sales cde · 2015. 2. 16. · the team will sell the product to prospective...

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Agricultural Sales CDE

David Lehman - Coordinator 785/532-2785 Eisenhower 211

Monday, May 5, 2014 Registration: 4:00-5:00 p.m.

Contest: 5:00 – 9:30 p.m.

The Agricultural Sales Career Development Event will consist of three parts:

1. Written Test 2. Sales Presentation 3. Team Sales Activity

A. Individual Activities

1. Written Test (100 points) The objective test of the Agricultural Sales Career Development Event is designed to evaluate an individual participant's knowledge of basic selling skills. The exam will be based on THE ATTACHED POWERPOINTS. A twenty-five question multiple choice test will be administered, with four points awarded for each correct answer for a possible score of one hundred (100) points. Old reference materials will NOT be used. All the questions will come from the two powerpoint files which describe two different sales methods.

2. Sales Presentation (100 points) Contestants will participate in an interactive sales presentation with a judge who will be playing the role of a prospective customer. Each contestant will be allowed seven (7) minutes for the sales presentation, with a time warning at six (6) minutes, when only one (1) minute is remaining. The sales presentation will conclude at seven (7) minutes. No team members will be judged by the same judge.

Each participant is required to bring two copies of the participant's project summary sheet (details below). One copy of the Product Summary Sheet will be handed to the sales judge by each contestant just before the sales presentation begins and the other copy should be given to the contest coordinators at the time of registration.

Guidelines for the Product Summary Sheet: One page, single sided, typed. The summary sheet should include the following:

1. Representation (company/chapter) 2. Statement of situation – describes the customer’s role play situation, including

possible needs the customer may have 3. Product to be sold 4. Features of the product 5. Warranty 6. Service availability 7. Demonstration of function 8. Competitors and pertinent information 9. Price 10. Closing method

Note: Please e-mail your Product Summary Sheets to David Lehman ( as soon as possible after district contests, so they can be organized for the judges before the day of the state Agricultural Sales CDE.

Product or Service Sold: Each participant will select an agricultural product representing one of the seven instructional areas:

1. Agricultural Mechanics 2. Agricultural Production 3. Agricultural Products and Processing 4. Agricultural Supplies and Services 5. Forestry 6. Natural Resources and Rural Recreation 7. Ornamental Horticulture

Products and Props: Participants are encouraged to bring sample products or props to demonstrate during the sales presentation; however, the size of any products or props must not exceed a reasonable size that can be easily handled by the participant and must be able to fit on the table used during the event. Each participant may also bring additional brochures, photos or other written/visual materials that can be used as part of the sales presentation. A blank invoice may be used by the participant; however, please note that there are no points on the score sheet for filling out an invoice.

Scoring Criteria for Sales Presentation




Pre-call Preparation

Product Summary Sheet Anticipating customer needs Product knowledge


Approaching the customer

First impression Create customer attention Social conversation


Determining customer’s wants and needs

Determine wants and needs Ask good questions Demonstrate good listening skills



Product features and benefits relevant to customer’s wants/needs

Allow customer to participate


Customer objections

Identify customer objections Handle customer objections



Confirming customer interest Recognize closing opportunities Ask for the order




B. Team Activity - 2014

Team Sales Activity (100 points)

The Team Sales Activity will provide the opportunity for teams of up to four contestants from each chapter to work together to demonstrate teamwork, rapport building, need discovery, problem solving, analysis, decision making, ability to handle objections, closing and overall selling and presentation skills. Advisors are not allowed to assist participants during the Team Sales Activity and are not allowed to be in the contest area during this event.

The following information is provided as background information to the teams who will be playing the role of professional salespeople:

Product: Roy-L-Heat Animal Warmer. Please refer to the link shown below the photo for product specifications. The list price of this model is $700 from Valley Vet Supply (see company’s website).

View with top removed and calf inside Outside view of Roy-L-Heat warmer Diagram showing design of the warmer

Sources: Smucker Manufacturing website: & Valley Vet website:

Target customer: Cow-calf producer in rural Kansas, in a location of your choice. You may choose your local area as the location for this cow-calf producer if that is easier for you or you can choose another location in Kansas. Your target customer has 100 commercial Angus cows.

Additional facts/key planning assumptions:

1. Your target customer (cow-calf producer) prefers to have calves born in February-March 2. This past winter was especially cold and many areas experienced several heavy snowfalls 3. A newborn calf could be worth $500-$600 just a few days after birth 4. Hypothermia is a major cause of calf loss (death) for calves born in late winter/early spring

The team will sell the product to prospective customer(s) in a face-to-face sales call as follows:

1. Establishing rapport 2. Determining potential customer needs and wants 3. Identifying features and benefits of the product to address the customer’s need and wants 4. Matching product benefits to customer needs 5. Identifying potential customer objections and address these objections or concerns 6. Closing the sale

Teamwork and participation of all team members will be judged in addition to the final presentation. The Team Sales Activity consists of three phases as follows:

Presentation (10 minutes): Each team will have ten (10) minutes to deliver their presentation, with an eight (8) minute warning when two (2) minutes are remaining. If teams use a laptop computer, the presentation must be shown on the laptop screen. Projectors may not be used. Each team will be responsible for providing the power supply for their computer. The 10-minute Team Sales Activity should be interactive between the team members and the prospective customer(s).

Scoring Criteria for Team Sales Activity




Teamwork evaluation

Did each team member participate during the presentation and provide input to the proposed solution?

Did team members demonstrate effective communications and listening skills during the presentation?

Did team members respect input of other team members?


Product knowledge / Analysis of information

Did team members demonstrate an appropriate level of product knowledge?

Did team members accurately analyze information?


Selling skills

Did team members establish rapport with customer?

Did team members identify customer’s needs and wants?

Did team members identify features and benefits of the product to address customer’s need and wants?

Did team members match benefits to buying motives?

Did team members recommend appropriate product based on customer’s needs?

Did team members identify potential customer objections and address these objections or concerns?

Did team members close the sale?



Was the overall delivery of the presentation professional and well thought out?

Was the presentation clear and persuasive?

Did all team members participate in the presentation?


Questions and answers

Did team members correctly answer questions?

Was teamwork evident in responses to questions?




Special Notes:

Official Dress is required (non-compliance will result in a 10% deduction off the final team score).

Teams may take the written examination before their scheduled competition times Judges will not be asked to wait for students competing in other CDE Events.


Plaques for top 3 teams Certificates for teams 1-5 Top ten individual medals and certificates

FFA Ag Sales CDE

March 27, 2014

Based on 10 years of research by Huthwaite Corporation that analyzed over 35,000 sales transactions, presented in the book Spin Selling by Neil Rackham

Largest-ever investigation of selling success – researched selling in 27 countries

Concluded that traditional selling methods don’t work for high-value sales

Found that top salespeople were using a probing (investigating) strategy called SPIN

Length of selling cycle is longer

Size of customer’s commitment, as reflected

by the price of the product, is greater

Ongoing relationship between buyer and

seller is more likely

Risk of mistakes is higher because the price

of the product or service is higher in major


Opening Investigating Demonstrating




Opening – warming up events, including introductions and how you begin the conversation

Investigating – asking questions is the most important of all selling skills in larger sales

Demonstrating Capability – demonstrate to customers that you have something worthwhile to offer

Obtaining Commitment – larger sales involve a number of intermediate steps called Advances

Situation questions

Problem questions

Implication questions

Need-payoff questions

At the beginning of the call, successful

salespeople ask data-gathering questions,

called Situation Questions, such as:

“How long have you had your present


“Could you tell me more about your growth


Don’t overuse these questions

Once sufficient information has been gathered from Situation Questions, then you move to a second type of questions – Problem Questions “Have you had any problems with your current


“Are you satisfied with the service you get from your other suppliers?”

Salespeople often don’t ask enough Problem Questions

Successful salespeople also need to ask more complex Implication Questions, such as: “How will this problem affect your future


“What effect does this problem have on your overall customer satisfaction?”

Even experienced salespeople rarely ask good Implication Questions

Successful salespeople ask Need-Payoff Questions that get the customer to tell you the benefits that your solution could provide “Would it be useful to speed up this operation by

10 percent?”

“If we could improve the quality of this process, how would that help you?”

Top performing salespeople ask 10 times as many Need-Payoff Questions compared to the average

Spin Selling

Emphasizes the importance of Closing as the most crucial stage of the sale

Suggests that successful sellers close more often and use more types of closing techniques

In summary, says: Closing techniques are strongly related to sales

You should use many types of closes

You should close frequently during the call















5.8 closes used percall

1.4 closes used percall

Source: Figure 2.1 in SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham, p. 24 (1988)

Closing Low-value Goods

Average transaction time

Number of closes per transaction

% transactions resulting in a sale

Before training in closing

2 minutes

11 seconds


72 %

After training in closing

1 minute

47 seconds


76 %

Source: Figure 2.1 in SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham, p. 24 (1988)

Closing High-value Goods

Average transaction time

Number of closes per transaction

% transactions resulting in a sale

Before training in closing

12 minutes

35 seconds


42 %

After training in closing

8 minute

40 seconds


33 %

Source: Figure 2.1 in SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham, p. 24 (1988)

#1 – By forcing the customer into a decision, closing techniques speed up the sales transaction

#2 – Closing techniques may increase the chances of making a sale with low-priced products, but with expensive products or services they reduce the chances of making a sale

Closing is a method of putting pressure on the customer

Psychological effect of pressure seems to be: If someone asks you to make a small decision, it

might be easier to say “yes” than to argue

The bigger the decision, the more negatively people react to pressure

Therefore, the larger the decision, the less effective closing techniques are likely to be

Most professional buyers have an unfavorable view of closing techniques

In a study of professional buyers, when asked the question “If you detect that a seller is using closing techniques on you, what effect (if any) does this have on your likelihood of buying? More likely to buy = 2

Indifferent = 18

Less likely to buy = 34

Ineffective or have a negative effect when: Sale is large, involving high-value goods

Customer is sophisticated, such as a professional buyer

There is a continuing post-sale relationship with the buyer

Order – customer makes a firm commitment to buy

Advance – when an event takes place that moves the customer forward towards a decision

Continuation – discussions may continue, but no specific action has been agreed upon by the customer to move it forward

No-sale – where the customer actively refuses a commitment

SPIN Selling is all about asking the right

questions … in the right order … Situation,

Problem, Implication and Need-Payoff

SPIN Selling focuses on:

Understanding the customer (Situation)

Identifying the customer’s main problem(s) or

pain (Problem)

Asks the customer how significant this problem is


Confirms how important or valuable a solution

would be for the customer (Need-Payoff)

FFA Ag Sales CDE

March 27, 2014

Know the Four Phases of the Customer-

Oriented Sales Call model, including the

specific steps within each phase

Within Phase 4, know what to do when

the customer says yes, maybe or no

Establishing Rapport

Discovering Customer’s


Making Your Presentation

Closing the


Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Introduce yourself and your company Introduce yourself

Introduce your company

Remind customer of circumstances that

led to your visit

Step 1

Initiate social conversation Offer a sincere compliment

Ask about a topic of mutual interest

Mention a referral if you were referred by

another person

Shift attention to topic of business Confirm customer’s interest in specific area

Emphasize the importance of this business topic

Step 2

Step 3

Discovering Customer’s Needs and Situation Factors Ask questions (information, probing or


Listen carefully to responses

Verify each need and situation factor

Note: Situation factors include current practices,

plans, resources, decision-making process and

competitive products used

Step 1

Confirm Customer’s Needs Summarize needs you have discovered

Confirm importance of these needs Step 2

Propose a customer action “Based on your needs that we just discussed,

I recommend product X . . . “

Step 1

Explain how needs are met by this action Convert features to benefits

Match benefits to buying motives (needs)

Focus on most important needs

Verify the proposed customer action Restate proposed customer action and needs met

Confirm that this action will satisfy these needs

Step 2

Step 3

Ask for customer commitment Follow general guidelines for closing the sale

Use an appropriate closing method

Step 1

Ask customer to initiate action

Confirm the sale (3 steps) 1. Thank them for the order

2. Remind them of the benefits

3. Reassure them that they made a good decision

Step 2

Step 3


Shift attention to topic of business Confirm customer’s interest in specific area

Emphasize the importance of this business topic

Ask for customer commitment Follow general guidelines for closing the sale

Use an appropriate closing method

Step 1

Ask customer to initiate action

Negotiate buyer resistance Follow general strategies for negotiating buyer


Use specific methods (tactics) for negotiating


Step 2

Step 3


Shift attention to topic of business Confirm customer’s interest in specific area

Emphasize the importance of this business topic

Ask for customer commitment Follow general guidelines for closing the sale

Use an appropriate closing method

Step 1

Ask customer to initiate action

Thank them for their time Thank them for taking the time to visit with you

Leave the door open in case something changes

Follow up with a thank you letter if future prospect

Step 2

Step 3


So … if you as the salesperson ask the right

SPIN Selling questions and get responses from

the customer that suggest an opportunity for

you to solve their problem(s) or pain by

providing the appropriate product or service

… then you have the opportunity to

Demonstrate Capability and hopefully Close

The customer has told you what they need …

and assuming you have a product or service

that satisfies that need and solves their

problem(s) … and you Demonstrated

Capability … closing is now much easier

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