ah beng and the beanstalk playscript(colour) (1)

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Ah Beng and the Beanstalk Playscript(Colour) (1)


Ah Beng and the Beanstalk

Adapted as a play script by

Chea Ru Yi, Hanis Harani, Khairun Ashikin, Wafa, Nur Amira, Venessa Tan


Narrator - Can be one person or more than one person

Ah Beng - A brave & mischievous young boy

Mama - A serious but understanding mother

Uncle Sam - Friendly and honest

Bob - A big scary giant

Betty - The kind giant’s wife

Fiona - The giant’s pretty daughter

Milky-White - A cow

Performance notes:

(a) Costumes:

Narrator - Blazor

Ah Beng - Cap, boots, overall

Mama - Apron, Dress

Uncle Sam - A walking stick, white beard, old hat, Brown shirt & baggy pants

Bob - Boots, Loose green shirt, Rope/belt, Brown pants, Mask, Chains

Betty - Puffy dress

Fiona - Hairband, Puffy dress

Milky-White - White shirt with black poker dots, cow mask

(b) Set:

Act 1 – Backdrop : Small cottage

Act 2 & 3 – Backdrop : Castle & Small cottage


Act 1- Collar, rope, magic bean, beanstalk

Act 2- Plate, big sandwich, gold coins, big pot, a chair, hen, golden egg,


Act 3- Beanstalk, guitar

Act one

Scene 1

In a small cottage. Enter Narrator, Milky-cow, Ah Beng, and Mama

Narrator : There was once a boy called Ah Beng who was brave and quick-witted. He

lived with his beloved mother in a small cottage in Kuala Lumpur along with his

cow, Milky-White. The cow is their only valuable possession inherited from his

late father. But the day came where Milky-White gave them no milk and his

mother wants to sell it.


Mama : [Sighs and walks back and forth] Our life is getting poorer and poorer. I need to

pay Ah Beng’s school fees and provide food. I need some money. What can I

do? [Thinks hard and glances at Milky-White who is eating grass at a corner] I

know! Our old Milky-White is of no use anymore. Hehe…. [Jumps excitedly,

circles Milky-White a few rounds and freezes]

Milky-White : What is this woman doing? Why is she staring at me like that? What is she up

to? [Asks the audience] Uh,oh…I have a bad feeling. [Gulps]

Mama : I am going to sell this cow! [To audience] Ah Beng ah!! Oooo…….AH BENG!!

[AH BENG enters]

Ah Beng : Yes, mama! How can I help you?

Mama : I want you to take Milky- White to the market and sell her.

Ah Beng : Yes, mama. I will do it.

[MAMA, AH BENG freezes]

Milky-White : What? How can they do this to me? After all that I have done, providing milk to

Ah Beng’s great great grandfather, Ah Beng’s grandfather, Ah Beng’s father..

and.. Ah Beng! Now, they want to sell me? [Sniffs and blows his nose] Well, I

guess it can’t be helped. I shall be a good cow to help my masters!

[MAMA, AH BENG unfreezes]

Mama : One more thing Ah Beng, make sure you get a good price for her. Our Milky-

White is worth at least 5 thousand dollars.

Ah Beng : Ok mother, I will get a good price for her. Then we can have something nice to

eat! Let’s go to Sushi King after this! [Puts a collar on Milky-White and pulls it]

Mama : Sushi King? That does not sound nice.

Ah Beng : What do you suggest then? Any recommendations? [Asks the audience] YES!

That is the best place!


Scene 2

In the market. Enter Milky-White, Ah Beng, Uncle Sam

Narrator : Ah Beng went to the market. Suddenly, a mysterious old man came to

him while he was about to sell his cow.


Ah Beng : Market, market here we go! Good price, good price yes I will!

[Hums and Skips] [Milky White moos after each humming]

Uncle Sam : Hello young man, what are you doing with your cow?

Ah Beng : Hello old man. My mother asked me to sell this cow.

Uncle Sam : Please call me Uncle Sam. I will buy this cow from you. [Strokes the head of the


Milky-White : I love this old man! I don’t mind being sold to him. He smells like grass! [Grins]

Ah Beng : Ok sure but how about the payment? I hope I can get a very good price for her.

Uncle Sam : I will pay you with my finest bean.

Ah Beng : What? Bean? Please tell me that you are kidding right?

Uncle Sam : No, I’m not. Observe carefully son, this is the magic bean. See how they

shine? [Lifts up the beans and both looks at it carefully]

Ah Beng : Magic bean?

Uncle Sam : Yes it is. Plant this bean this evening and tomorrow you will get a surprise

that is far better than money! So do we have a deal?

Ah Beng : I love surprises! [To the audience] Do you think I should take this magic

bean? [Asks the audience] Ok, we have a deal. (Shake hands)


Scene 3

In the small cottage. Enter Narrator, Ah Beng and Mama

Narrator : So, Ah Beng ran home as quickly as he could. I wonder what will his mother

feel? Do you think that she will be happy if she sees the magic bean?

Ah Beng : Mama! Mama I’m home!

Mama : Why are you back so soon? Did you get a good price for Milky-White?

Ah Beng : Yes mother. Because of a special offer. Here… (Shows the beans)

Mama : What is this? This is a bean, not money! You lazy good- for- nothing boy! Is

this what you called good price? How are we going to live? We will starve

to death, you useless boy!

(Throws the bean through the open window)

Narrator : Poor poor Ah Beng, he went to sleep sadly. But, you know what? Something

happened to the magic beans overnight. Magic beans need magic words to

grow too. Can you help the beans to grow? Say, “Awongalemou”. Again, louder!

“Awongalemou” Thank you. Look! Whoosh! A huge beanstalk had shot up!

Act 2

Scene 1

In small cottage. Enter Ah Beng.

Narrator : When Ah Beng woke up the next morning, there was a strange green light in his

room. All he could see from the window was green leaves. So, he did

something that everyone would have done. What do you think he did?

Ah Beng : Oh my, this beanstalk grew bigger till I could see! I should climb up the

beanstalk and see what lies above!

Scene 2

In the castle. Enter Ah Beng, Bob, Betty and Fiona.

Narrator : Higher and higher he climbed until he reached the top and found himself on a

strange road.

[AH BENG enters]

Ah Beng : Strange, I have never seen this road before. I wonder where this road leads to.

[Fiona dances at a distance]

Ah Beng : Wow! What a beautiful big-sized girl. I think I should ask her where am I.

[Adjusts his cap and shirt] Hello there beautiful lady, can you tell me where is

this place?

Fiona : Oh hi! You are a human? He is a human [Points at Ah Beng and tell the

audience] But…what a handsome human! [Feels shy and runs away]

Ah Beng : Ya, I am a human.. Wait, wait! I just want to know about this place. Why is she

running away from me? [Asks the audience and runs]

[AH BENG, FIONA exits]

Narrator : So, Ah Beng followed the road until he came across the great castle where he

could smell the most delicious breakfast. As he was hungry, hastily he entered

the castle. But as he reached the door of the castle, he tripped over the feet of

an enormous woman.

[BETTY, AH BENG enters]

Ah Beng : Ouch! [Falls]

Betty : What are you doing here boy. Don’t you know that my husband love to eat boys

for breakfast? Luckily I just finished cooking some bacons and mushrooms for

him today.

Ah Beng : Please, don’t eat me. I’m here to ask you for a bite to eat. It smells so delicious.

You must be a really good cook, pretty, kind and generous too!

Betty : Awww… What a sweet person. Poor boy, here! Have some of this bacon and

mushroom sandwich.

Ah Beng : Thank you, madam! [Eats the sandwich] Wow, this is delicious! This is the best

sandwich that I have eaten in my entire life!

Bob : Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!!!! [Stamps loudly and shouts]

Betty : That is my husband! Quick, hide! [Jack runs everywhere to search for a place to

hide] Come, behind this pot! [Everyone freezes except Ah Beng]

Narrator : So, Ah Beng hides quietly. Wait, why does Ah Beng need to hide? Ah Beng,

can you tell us what are you feeling right now?

Ah Beng : Because I do not want the giant to find me and eat me! I feel scared of course!

Imagine a giant as big as KL twin tower comes hunting for you! Shhhh… stop

asking questions. He can hear us!

Narrator : Alright, back to the story. So, here comes the big, fat, ugly, smelly giant.

Bob : Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!!!! I smell the blood of the naughty boy, Be he alive or be he

dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread! [Sniffs loudly]

Betty : Hush, hush Dear bob, what are you talking about?

Bob : [Goes to the audience and sniffs hard] Boys, boys, boys, I smell boys! Wife,

have I got a boy for breakfast today?

Betty : No dear, but I cook you something nice. [Shows bacons and mushrooms]

Bob : Ok, darling Betty! Whatever you say. Though I prefer boys more. [Gobbles]

Thank you for the breakfast! I shall go and take my nap! But first, I will do my

favourite hobby, which is counting gold coins. [Chuckles] Do you like to do that

too? [Asks the audience]

Betty : Ok, dear! [Picks up the dishes and leaves]

[BETTY exits, NARRATOR enters]

Narrator : The Giant ate the breakfast and started to count his gold coins until he fall

asleep. When he was asleep, Ah Beng picked up two gold coins quietly. Then,

he ran towards the beanstalk and climbed down as fast as he could. I wonder

what is Ah Beng feeling right now? Let’s ask him shall we?

Ah Beng : [Pants] Phew! That was close!

Narrator : Ah Beng, what do you feel right now?

Ah Beng : I am out of breath! I am so nervous And, I took 2 gold coins from the Giant. I am

going to be rich! Wait, I need to rush home to tell my mother. Bye! [Runs]

Narrator : Oh, look how he ran! There goes Ah Beng. Let’s see how his mother reacts.

Scene 3

In the small cottage. Enters Ah Beng, Mama, Narrator

Ah Beng : Mama! Mama! Look what I’ve found…

Mama : Where did you get this coins?

Ah Beng : Mother, on top of this beanstalk lies a huge castle! That is where I found this

gold coins.

Mama : (Examines the coins) This is real gold. It is worth 10 times the value of our

Milky-White. I am so proud of you son!

Narrator : Ah Beng and his mother used the money to buy food and of course, they went

to (any place that was suggested by the audience) too! When the money ran

out, Ah Beng decided to climb up the beanstalk again!

Scene 4

In the castle. Enters Narrator, Betty, Bob.

Narrator : Ah Beng reached the castle and saw the Giant’s wife but she did not look as

friendly like before.

Betty : You again! What makes you come back here. My husband is very angry!

Someone stole some of his coins before. Was it you?

Ah Beng : Not me! I did not steal anything. I came again because I miss your cooking!

Bob : Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!!!! [Stamps loudly]

Betty : That is my husband! Quick, hide!

[Ah Beng hides somewhere]

Bob : Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!!!! I smell the blood of the naughty boy, Be he alive or be he

dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread! Boys, boys, boys, I smell boys!

Betty dear, have I got a boy for breakfast today?

Betty : No dear, but I cook you something nice. It’s your favourite! Chicken chop in

sizzling black pepper sauce!

Bob : Yummy! Ok, chicken chop, no boys. [Gobbles the food]

[Betty exits]

Narrator : Bob the Giant ate the breakfast and took his hen. When he said ‘Lay!’ that hen

lays the golden egg. The giant gazed at his hen until he falls sleep again. When

he is asleep, Ah Beng picked up the hen quietly. Then, he ran towards the

beanstalk and climbed down.

Scene 5

Ah Beng : Mama! Mama! Look what I’ve found…

Mama : Why did you take the hen instead of the coins?

Ah Beng : Because this hen is magical! When I say ‘Lay!’ the hen will lay a golden egg!

Mama : Wow, this hen is more worthy than the coins! I am so proud of you son!


Scene 1

In the castle. Enters Ah Beng, Narrator, Betty, Bob, Fiona

Narrator : Ah Beng and his mother now lived in great luxury. But he got bored so one day,

he climbed the beanstalk again. This time he did not want to take the risk of

talking to the Giant’s wife again. Instead, he walks alone in the castle. Then


Bob : Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!!!! This is not loud enough. Can you say it with me? [To the

audience] YEAH! Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!!!! I smell the blood of the naughty boy, Be

he alive or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread!

Betty : My dear! I think it is the boy who stole your coins and hen, I will help you to find


Bob : Yes, search for that tiny little thief! Once I found him I will eat him alive! Ha! Ha!


Narrator : So, Both of the giants searched high and low for Jack until they were tired.

When they were tired, the giant took his guitar and he said ‘Play!’ By surprise,

his guitar began to play by itself. The giants listened to it and felt asleep. Ah

Beng, then snatch the guitar and ran away. As he was about to escape, the

guitar spoke and said: “Master, help me! Help me!”

Bob : Roarrrr!!! (Roars loudly) Come here you little devil. I will catch you and I will eat


Ah Beng : Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t catch me! I am Ah Beng!

Narrator : Ah Beng climbed down from that beanstalk, followed closely by the Giant. When

Ah Beng reached the ground he took his axe. However, the giant was as fast as

Lightning and he caught Ah Beng!

Bob : Caught ya! Who do you think you are? I am going to eat you!

Ah Beng : No, please don’t eat me! HELP!

Narrator : When the Giant was about to eat Ah Beng, he stopped.

[FIONA enters]

Fiona : Stop! Father! Don’t kill the person whom I love!

Bob : Fiona! What? You love him? What are you doing here?

Fiona : I followed him few days ago and found out where he lives. Father, I fell in love

with him at first sight. Please allow me to be married to him.

Bob : Ok then, since you two are meant to be together, I will not kill this boy. [Holds

hand with Fiona and Ah Beng]

Narrator : Since that day, Ah Beng lived happily. And of course, he gets to go to the

beanstalk to visit Fiona and all of the coins, the hen and the harp belongs to

him. Mama was so proud to have a giant as her daughter-in-law. Bob the giant

never eat boys anymore and Betty made delicious food everyday, like Nasi

Lemak, Char Kuey Teow, Roti Canai and…. What is nice somemore? [Asks the

audience] Everyone lived happily ever after. [Everyone takes a group-fie]


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