aicdc real estate development

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Economy & Finance



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Economic and Community Development for Urban American

Indians in the City of Minneapolis

To create innovative models through sustainable partnerships dedicated to strengthening American Indian

lives through economic and community development


Economic Development and Community


AICDC’s perspective on Community Development is a holistic approach. We care for sustainability, health, wellness, and our culture. If we lose our culture all the wisdom will be lost forever. AICDC helps to make communities stronger in order to hold on to family and culture.


The American Indian Community Development Corporation (AICDC) was established in 1991 as a response to the lack of homeless awareness in South Minneapolis, especially concerning American Indians.


AICDC is dedicated to improving the lives of American Indian residents of the Phillips Community as well as enhancing the community as a whole. AICDC’s approach to the neighborhood includes the community’s indigent, elders, families, homeless and chronically inebriated by promoting improved health care, economic development activities, and housing.

AICDC’s Mission

American Indian Community Development Corporation exists; “to provide culturally unique initiatives, housing and entrepreneurial programs that will strengthen American Indian communities.”

AICDC’s Mission

The objectives of AICDC are to:•Gather and disseminate information on Indian housing

and homeless issues.•Develop linkages between chemical dependency

programs, homeless and housing programs.•Continue in the development of our wet/dry facility and

long-term program for chronic alcoholic homeless individuals located in South Minneapolis.

AICDC’s Mission

• Develop a case management program for homeless and imminently-homeless American Indian families and individuals.

• Develop and manage a Housing Emergency Assistance Program.

• Provide assistance and advocacy for Indian families arriving in the Metro area using a settlement house approach.

AICDC’s Mission

• Provide training to Indian people on tenant’s rights and responsibilities.

• Provide training of American Indians in housing management.

• Provide training in mortgage financing for individual Indian families.

• Manage Indian-owned housing units for rentals.• Contract for new construction of housing units for rental

and homeownership.

AICDC Partners

• City of Minneapolis• Minneapolis CPED• Hennepin County• Metropolitan Council• Minnesota Housing Finance Agency• LISC• Family Housing Fund• National Equity Fund• Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation

AICDC Partners

• McKnight Foundation• Wells Fargo Housing Foundation• Minneapolis Foundation• CSH• Bush Foundation• PPL• Green Institute• NACDI• Little Earth of United Tribes

AICDC Developments:

As part of the response to the homeless issues that were part of everyday life for the American Indians in South Minneapolis, AICDC created a supportive housing complex called “Anishinabe Wakaigun” or “the Peoples’ Home,” in 1996.

AICDC Developments:

Anishinabe Wakaigun is 40 units of culturally specific permanent housing units for late-stage chronic inebriates. It is a wet/dry facility that does not require sobriety of its tenants. The philosophy is to reduce the public cost of providing services while at the same time providing a more stable, culturally appropriate living environment that encourages a reduction in alcohol consumption.

Anishinabe Wakaigun

Artwork created by a KOLA client in Anishinabe Wakiagun.

AICDC Developments:

Hennepin County Detoxification Center:AICDC acquired the operations of the Hennepin County Detox Center, located at 1800 Chicago Ave South in 2002. This was also part of responding to the negative treatment American Indians were receiving in this area of South Minneapolis. There are 40 beds.

Hennepin County Detox Center

AICDC Developments:

Many Rivers East and West:Many Rivers is a multi-phase housing development in the Phillips Neighborhood that includes 2 four-story mixed-use buildings with a total of 76 rental apartments. Many Rivers East, which was completed in August 2003, includes 50 units plus about 5,000 sq. ft of commercial/retail space.

Many Rivers East

AICDC Developments:

Many Rivers West, completed in 2005, includes 26 housing units 5,500 square feet of commercial space, which AICDC occupies, and 35 parking spaces. The top floor of the West building is subsidized by Mille Lacs for its Minneapolis members.

Many Rivers West

AICDC Developments:

Mille Lacs Band Home-Ownership Single Family Homes Development in Minneapolis.In 2004/5 AICDC and the Mille Lacs Band partnered to build high-quality homes for Mille Lacs Ojibwe urban members under AICDC’s Self-Sufficiency in Urban Indian Communities Initiative.

AICDC ICF single-family home for Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe

AICDC Developments:

This program created Indian -owned housing near the cultural institutions and organizations on or near East Franklin Avenue that have become identified with Urban Indians of Minneapolis. There were 6 original housing units with 8 more to be continued…

AICDC ICF single-family home for the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe

AICDC/Mille Lacs Ojibwe ICF Single-family home

AICDC/ Mille Lacs ICF single-family home

The homeownership rate for American Indians in Minneapolis/St. Paul is 30% while the homeownership rate for all Minnesotans is 80% and leads the nation.

AICDC believes in changing this reality. To address the dramatic homeownership gap we are inviting you to unite with AICDC to create a new partnership and proceed with developing housing specific for our urban people.

The Need to Build a Sense of Place

Historically the Ventura Village neighborhood and Phillips Community have had the largest urban concentration of American Indians in the United States. However, this sense of place in Phillips for Indian people has been seriously eroded over the past 20 years because of immigrant groups and those moving from other cities have been far more successful in acquiring housing and have had far more effective advocates in social service agencies.

The Need to Build a Sense of Place

In terms of homeownership, Native people have the lowest levels of homeownership of any minority group. The result is that Native people have not established a critical mass of homeownership needed to maintain this identity within the only neighborhood ever considered to be an “Indian Community” in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area.

The Need to Build a Sense of Place

Other than in Phillips, Urban Indian populations are not neighborhood based. Federal Relocation policies scattered Indians widely throughout most US cities which resulted in isolating them from each other in efforts to accelerate the assimilation process. Unfortunately, this relocation strategy also made it difficult for Indians to build centralized communities, establish human and economic infrastructures for sustainable development, or create a sense of place and belonging within these cities.

The Need to Build a Sense of Place

Urban Indians have never had the benefit of a cohesive neighborhood infrastructure that focuses on their cultural, social, or economical needs outside of Phillips. AICDC has supported a strategy of maintaining that Indian cultural identification. This is a unique situation that can and will be used as a model to create Native Cultural Identification Centers throughout the country.

The Need to Build a Sense of Place

The hesitancy on part of Urban Indians to consciously identify their urban neighborhoods as home has led to hesitancy to invest in their neighborhoods and communities. As a result, the vast majority of Urban Indians have failed to invest in the most basic and logical means of building equity and wealth - HOMEOWNERSHIP.

The Need to Build a Sense of Place

Unfortunately, this lack of investment has perpetuated the cultural, social, and economic instability of both Urban Indian families and communities. Yet, in spite of the well-documented needs of Urban Indians there has been only minimal attempts at creating public policy to support community investment, homeownership, or equity building among Urban Indians.

AICDC is presently engaged in incorporating the “Self-Sufficient Urban Indian Communities Initiative” strategies for providing affordable housing by fulfilling community-identified development needs and providing some of the missing elements of the community’s plans.

Urban Indian Housing

Urban Indian Housing

AICDC proposes to continue on with this national movement by creating homeownership opportunities in the Ventura Village Neighborhood and Phillips community.

Urban Indian Housing

The program is intended to site such housing in close proximity to the cultural institutions and organizations along Franklin Avenue. It is planned that such a concentration of homeownership can give the critical mass needed to sustain “Native Identification” with the area. NACDI has identified such a valuable cultural resource in its master planning process.

Urban Indian Housing

These plans include:• Creating affordable homeownership opportunities

• Implementing an Elders’ Housing Initiative

• Transforming empty sections and underutilizing portions of Franklin Avenue.

Affordable Housing Opportunities

• AICDC has Exclusive Development Rights to many City of Minneapolis owned lots throughout the Phillips Neighborhood.

• AICDC has committed to develop these sites for the Greater Native Community.

• AICDC will adhere to Native preference in the process of construction of these units.

• AICDC is offering partnerships in many Real Estate Development opportunities.

Location, Location, Location

• AICDC is building stronger partnerships in the community and future partners will have a strong stake in the community through these sites.

• AICDC owned sites are located in an area that will continue to build wealth.

• AICDC’s involvement in making strong partners will raise the community’s presence and value.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• AICDC addresses the fact that the economically disadvantaged are the most adversely affected by energy decisions. AICDC will build the capacity to use sustainability in home ownership for our target families.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• “Green” Design: AICDC has implemented in its real estate development many green design amenities. These “green” design aspects promote long-term affordability, long term durability, and long term sustainability and adaptability. High quality products

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• This “green trend” will soon become the standard way to build and AICDC wants to be a Champion of this type of design for all Native people and communities.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• AICDC has been invited to be a part of a pilot for a new “Green” standard that will be incorporated into Minnesota starting in 2008.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• FACT: We live in a global ecosystem and depend upon it. The choices we make affect us, and our ecosystem, in some obvious ways, as well as some that are less obvious.

• FACT: Our housing stock in the United States consumes roughly 20% of our primary energy and raw materials, and accounts for one-fifth of our nation’s climate changing pollution (5% of the world’s).

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• FACT: The rate at which the global climate is changing has been linked to human activities by leading scientists throughout the world.

• FACT: Health problems such as asthma and obesity are on the rise in Minnesota and throughout the nation. These and other health problems can be improved by the choices we make about where we live and the houses we design and build.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and MethodsMinnesota GreenStar addresses these realities and seeks to transform the Minnesota residential building industry into one where healthy and sustainable building practices are understood, economically advantageous and socially desirable. It not only provides standards for designing and building better homes, but it promotes a socio-economic environment that makes such methods attainable to everyone.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and MethodsCERTIFICATION:The unique strength of this program is in the system of project verification and certification. A home that is registered with the program and is shown to meet its requirements through verification during design and construction will be certified as a Minnesota GreenStar Home. In addition to the benefits listed previously, certified projects may qualify for:

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods * Mortgage and home equity rate

discounts * Rebates on building materials and

products * Tax credits * Preferred utility rates * Preferred homeowner and health

insurance rates

Access to Sustainability

Tools and MethodsAPPROACH:The Standards are based on guidelines that emphasize a whole-systems approach to new construction and provide details on how to achieve these goals by applying the key concepts of green building to the traditional components of homebuilding.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and MethodsThe five key concepts of Green Building are: * Energy Efficiency * Resource Efficiency (including Durability) * Indoor Environmental Quality * Water Conservation * Site and Community

Access to Sustainability

Tools and MethodsThe traditional components of homebuilding are: * Outdoor and Site * Building Envelope and Systems * Mechanicals * Electrical and Lighting * Plumbing Systems and Fixtures * Finish Materials and Coatings * Waste Management

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• AICDC offers Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) construction. This type of construction is ideal for first-time homeowners. When built correctly these structures will yield energy savings of up to 60%.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• Once a structure is built with ICF there is no comparison to typical frame or block construction. The ICF industry falls into a trap of comparing the benefits and features to typical frame construction, there are no comparisons between the two. Both ICF and traditional methods of construction perform the same requirements for most structures, but ICF performance criteria are significantly greater than traditional methods.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• The cost of ICF vs. more traditional methods of construction is typically about 3-5% more for the actual construction, but the cost of ownership of an ICF structure is significantly less than the more traditional methods. In nearly every documented case of the cost of an ICF structure, the return of investment (ROI) for the extra construction cost is within 3 years.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• (Energy Related): High performance R-values; no air infiltration; permanent performance, no downgrading over time; shifts thermal loading from peak periods; lower cost to heat and cool.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• (Health Related): No air infiltration means no dust or allergens; no cavity walls for mold, mildew, bugs, or rodents; non-toxic materials; no off-gassing of materials.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• (Structural Related): High wind resistant; fire rated assembly; strength is permanent; will not rot or decay; resistant to termites (the concrete); impact resistant; no maintenance requirements.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• (Comfort Related): High sound attenuating; enhances steady temperatures; peace of mind during inclement weather events; low maintenance structure; may attribute to lower insurance costs.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods(Constructability related): A Class A building brings tremendous value to the property; design versatility; energy efficient; structurally capable; fire rated; sound deadening; quick; conductive to Exterior Insulation Finish Systems (EFIS) or Stucco; permanence; fully code accepted cast-in-place concrete walls; time tested and proven.

ICF construction offers features and benefits for every type of structure.

Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• AICDC is also partnering with the

Green Institute and an EPA certified Urban Rain Garden Specialized company to make the projects more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

• The proposed rain gardens can and will be able to grow not only some forms of food gardens but cultural staples such as sweet grass and sage.

RaingardensRaingardens(Reduce Runoff through Stormwater (Reduce Runoff through Stormwater

Infiltration)Infiltration)- Shallow (4” to 12”max. deep) Depressions- Surface should be dry in 48 hours (or less)- Soil amendments sometimes needed (compost and/or sand)- Planted with deep-rooting Plants (natives work well)- Design as a Landscape Feature (“natural”, formal, or in-

between)- Design to Integrate into Landscaping - Select plants to attract Wildlife (for multiple


Access to Sustainability

Tools and Methods• The rain gardens are designed to

help alleviate costs to the homeowners as a measure in maintaining long-term affordability.

• These projects that use rain garden technology will become national models for affordable Native housing.

The time is now to renew and create new

partnershipsMany times, in order to survive we have to start a change process. We sometimes need to get rid of old memories, habits, and other past traditions.

Only freed from those past burdens can we take advantage of the present.

That time is now…

Pokegama North

AICDC in collaboration with the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe and others proposes to begin addressing this problem of a lack of affordable housing by creating additional homeownership opportunities in the Ventura Village Neighborhood and Phillips Community in Minneapolis. Pokegema (or lake beside a lake in Ojibwe) is a 6 unit cluster development of sustainable four-bedroom homeownership opportunities for American Indian families.

Pokegama North

The site for these units will be located 14th Avenue South and East 21st and East 22nd Streets. The area is located in a Federal Empowerment Zone and Weed & Seed area, is located next to the impacted commercial corridor of Franklin Avenue, and is within “walkable” service area of the Franklin Avenue LRT station.

Pokegama North

Potential homeowners will be 30-60% AMI eligible because AICDC is addressing not only the initial affordability of a housing unit but in maintaining affordability in homeownership housing. With energy costs projected to rise at an ever-increasing rate, the greatest challenge to long-term homeownership and housing is addressing those energy costs. Not only would sustainable, green building be ideal but would allow American Indian families a home that is appealing and manageable.

Pokegama North

The cost to build a home today using Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) technology is $15,000 more than a unit constructed using traditional 2x6 framing and forced air heating. Yet that home would cost approximately 30% of the energy costs of traditional buildings of equal size.

Pokegama North

Storm-water runoff has also become a monthly cost to the homeowner, and such costs will continue to raise as such fee costs are understandably passed along to the homeowner. Common technology such as the AICDC proposed rain-garden allow for a higher quality home today and cost of housing be far less in the future.

Pokegama North

American Indian families have had challenges to overcome in acquiring and retaining housing. Through the “Self-Sufficiency for Urban Indians” program, AICDC is making housing not only available but is making such ownership sustainable over time for our target families.

Pokegama North

Also, AICDC is partnering with the Green Institute to seek methods to increase long-term homeownership for families through methods of “sustainable technology” and compact design. The Pokegema project will become a model for other such projects and individual homes throughout the Metropolitan Area. HUD officials have asked AICDC to use this development model to benefit Indian people in other areas of the country including Michigan, Chicago, and the Carolinas.

Pokegama North

Project Amenities•ICF Constructed, which will give and energy savings of up to 60%, and will also provide moisture and mold control•Geo-thermal heating through ICF construction for energy savings•AICDC designed and developed private rain gardens with collaboration from Community Design. •Use of native plants, ceremonial plants, and staples such as sweet grass.

Pokegama North

• Energy Star appliances•There will be other amenities included as through council with the Green Institute as through the new “Green Star” standard that is being introduced.•Cluster allows for community identification•Convenient to light rail and transit•Great owner/user or investor opportunity

Pokegama North

• Project price: Estimated, 6 units at $250 K, Total Development Cost = $1.5 million

• Project will use MLB Mortgage program which will provide $120,000 at 2% interest plus additional gap financing of $40,000 for qualified individuals to purchase their primary residence.

• Mortgages for Homeowners will be around $500 per month with energy costs at 30% of a comparable sized stick-built house.

Pokegama North

• Located outside of downtown Minneapolis, just off of Franklin Avenue with access to I-94/I-35W interchange via Hiawatha Avenue

• 6 separate buildings totaling 2600 sq. ft each, including garage parking located under two of the units.

Twin Home

Project cost: 2 units at $200k = $400,000Parcel Address: 2216 17th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55404

• This project is part of the Pokegama North Project and will be constructed at the same time. The buildings will be ICF constructed and financed with the same structure as Pokegama North. The sound dampening capabilities of the ICF construction will give a desirable feature to this twin home design.

Twin Home

The proposed use of the project is two units of single-family homeownership in the form of a duplex (two-family dwelling). The units are designed with the idea of keeping with the low-density residential zoning plate. The project as built will be in the character of the neighborhood and existing zoning of R-2B. The proposed use fits in with the neighborhood because a large proportion of the neighborhood is made up of duplexes and matches the style of existing houses.

Twin Home

Also, the proposed use will not increase the congestion of the public streets, or increase the danger of fire, or be detrimental to the public welfare or endanger public safety. The proposed use will remove the blight and safety hazards of an abandoned lot. Each unit will be about 1,000 square feet and will have separate 2 car garages.

Twin Home

This project is part of the Pokegema North and South Housing Projects and part of the Ventura Village Neighborhood Master Plan as well as NACDI’s Native Corridor Master Plan. The duplex project is made up of two units of affordable home ownership for homebuyers at 50-60 percent AMI that share a common wall in the form of a duplex structure. Each unit will be single-family sized units that will have three to four bedrooms, a kitchen, dining room, living room, and two baths.

Twin Home

Each unit will have front and back porches, and will be located directly across the street from East Phillips Park. This energy efficient structure is located close to the impacted commercial corridor of Franklin Avenue, and is within “walkable” service area of the Franklin Avenue LRT station and other forms of transit. Designed to be in close proximity to the American Indian cultural institutions and organizations along Franklin Avenue, such as the American Indian Women’s’ Resource Center, the Native American Community Clinic, and the American Indian Center.

Pokegama South

Pokegema (or lake beside a lake in Ojibwe) is a 20-unit development of sustainable four-bedroom homeownership opportunities for American Indian families. The site for these units will be located 13th Avenue South and East 24th Street, between Maynidoowadak Odena (American Indian Aids housing and the Philips Gym (Boys and Girls club)). The area is located in a Federal Empowerment Zone and Weed & Seed area, is located next to the impacted commercial corridor of Franklin Avenue, and is within “walkable” service area of the Franklin Avenue LRT station.

Pokegama South

The Pokegema units are part of what is planned to be 20 units of homeownership housing in Minneapolis. Minneapolis is the lead city as part of a national demonstration model called “Self-Sufficient Urban Indian Communities Initiative”. Potential homeowners will be 30-60% AMI eligible because AICDC is addressing not only the initial affordability of a housing unit but in maintaining affordability in homeownership housing.

Pokegama South

• Project Cost: 20 units @$200k each = $4 million estimated development cost

• Similar financing package as Pokegama North

• Same construction package as Pokegama North

Pokegama South

• Underground parking with 2 spaces per unit, secured

• ICF Constructed• AICDC proposed rain-gardens• Completely fenced and secured second floor garden/lawn area

• Completely handicap accessible• Project will have community/homeowners association


A 67,000 Sq. Ft. Mixed Use Development for the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe

Near Downtown Minneapolis Including Elder Specific Housing

(Grandmother’s House)

QuickTime™ and aCinepak decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Is there a lack of Elder Housing?

• Heading Home Hennepin, is a ten year initiative implemented by Hennepin County in 2007. The goal of the initiative is to end homelessness in Hennepin County by 2016. (Homelessness is an indicator of housing trends)

• There is no component or committee (of Heading Home Hennepin), as of yet, that is dealing with the greater Elder Community in Hennepin County.

Is there a lack of Elder Housing?

• The previous statement reflects the current majority standard on Elder Housing, which shows there is little.

• Noko-Wakaigun will assist in bringing that standard to a community standard for Elder Housing.

Elder Housing and Needs

• AICDC has heard many discussions concerning the need for more affordable housing for American Indian Elders in the Phillips community.

• AICDC operates 4 housing programs in Minneapolis, primarily in the Philips Neighborhood (South Minneapolis, near Franklin and Cedar).

• AICDC did a research study with the Wilder Research Group to find initial need of Elder Housing in the neighborhood in 2006.

• The research report from Wilder shows there is a strong need and want for more affordable Elder housing in this neighborhood.


• Noko-Wakiagun will address the problem of a lack of affordable elder housing for Mille Lacs Band Members.

• Noko-Wakaigun will allow for 30,000 sq.ft. of commercial space for the Mille Lacs Band in close proximity to downtown Minneapolis.

• Project Cost for Noko-Wakaigun = $8 million • Noko-Wakaigun Development Value = $10.5 million

Project Features:

• Noko-Wakaigun will be a mixed-use residential, retail and office development. The proposed building will contain 11 - 2 bedroom Elder specific affordable housing units. Units are designed for Elders who are caregivers, for Elders that need live in caregivers, or for Elders that may want room for visitors.

Project Features:

• 30,000 sq. ft. of commercial space. There are three of the four floors that are eligible for commercial use.

• Energy efficient, “green” design. This building will be a “Class A” building by being constructed completely with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF).

Project Features:

• The project will have an attached parking garage with underground parking. There will be 170 parking stalls, which Hennepin County finds as a desirable use. There will be 37 heated spaces in the basement and 133 spaces in the the garage.

• There will also be a “green” roof that will mediate runoff water costs. Completely pedestrian friendly, close to services, close to many forms of transit, which not only makes it “green” but easily accessible.

Project Features:

• The road system provides excellent access to the development. Franklin Avenue is a major east-west arterial, which intersects with several north-south arterials including Nicollet, Portland, Park, Chicago, Bloomington, and Hiawatha Avenues. These arterials provide easy access to Franklin Avenue and Noko-Wakiagun at Columbus Avenue.

Project Features:

• There are 56 churches, schools, public and private agencies, government services and agencies, and medical facilities in the market area. These institutions provide support for development that is now occurring along or near Franklin and Columbus Avenues. This area of Minneapolis has long contained the city’s highest concentration of hospitals and medical services. Five schools and institutions higher education are located in the area providing educational opportunities for area residents.

Project Features:

• The commercial use will allow the Mille Lacs band to be eligible for New Market Tax Credits, which would discount the project price by 25%.

Housing Units’ Features and

Amenities• Each unit will be 2 bedroom units at about 1,000 sq. ft.

• The rents would be about $900.00 per month. (The higher rent includes services.)

Housing Units’ Features and

Amenities• Each unit will have Lansing brand safety screens on the windows. The screens will not allow a person of an excess of 200 lbs to fall through. Will never rust and would withstand a 12 gauge shotgun blast.

Housing Units’ Features and

Amenities• Fully accessible for the handicapped, with appropriately spaced hallways and doors. Durable paint products will be added to maintain longer life of walls and corners.

• There will be attached parking, underground parking, and heated parking.

Housing Units’ Features and

Amenities• A security system• Community Room• Elevator• The “green” roof will act as a secured outdoor patio.

Development Trends

• Central Minneapolis has experienced continuous housing development over the past 40 years. Residential development has exploded in the southern downtown area since 2000.

Development Trends

• Additional development within the Phillips Neighborhood is being done by companies that are adding employment to the area. Employees of such firms are creating developments that are changing the Franklin Avenue area and combined with the 150,000 people employed in downtown Minneapolis, provide a strong market for housing in the Franklin Avenue area.

Competitive Commercial Buildings

• Competitive commercial buildings on Franklin Avenue were identified and surveyed to determine occupancy, vacancy and asking rental rates.

Competitive Commercial Buildings

• Rental rates on Franklin Avenue are low relative to the quality of the buildings, but have been increasing over the past few years.

• As Franklin Avenue continues its resurgence, it’s very likely that net rents will increase faster than inflation

Other AICDC Real Estate

Opportunities/Partnerships• Bii-Gii-Wiin Workforce Housing - 60 units of

next step supportive housing **• HUD 202 - HUD Elder Specific Housing - only about 40 units allowed per Metro Area per year **

• HUD 181 - HUD Disabled Supportive Housing **** Total Development Costs have yet to be determined



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