aiesec global external relevance

Post on 30-Nov-2014






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Presented at Ontario Atlantic Regional Conference 2013 in Toronto



≈≈ Global External Relevance


AIESEC’s Historical Roots

#nomorecomplacency! Global Climate Change


Civil Unrest & War

#nomorecomplacency! Overpopulation


Poverty and Inequality

#nomorecomplacency!Youth Employability


#nomorecomplacency!Global Youth Unemployment:

Paths of possibilities.





War-Torn Syria



Revolutionized Egypt.


We live in times of profound and remarkable changes


How can we.. as young people positively impact and change this world?


Dance. It’s a universal language.


We are the most educated, networked

and connected generation in human history .


You have already begun your path to improving the world.

By being present, here.




What is AIESEC?



Canada ranks 21st in Innovation


Innovation is important

All execs agree innovation is critical

Our culture encourages innovation Executives understand innovation

Executives model Innovation

Effective at Innovation

Formal Process for Innovation

We know innovation is important…

Leger Marketing & Globe and Mail – 2007 Survey


With every minute we spend working, a US worker will create $13 more for the economy, and $29 in Sweden.

Simply put, Canada is less productive, a and it keeps dropping


What is AIESEC’s relevance in all of this?


AIESEC’s Relevance isCreating BOLD leaders

who: ���

We are the world’s largest student-run non-profit organization


AIESEC’s Relevance isCreating BOLD leaders

who: ���

Representing over 100,000 young people 1,000,000+ alumni

8000 partner organizations 124 countries and territories

ONE Global Youth Voice.


We don’t just teach you. You gain real experiences by developing yourself and others. By taking intelligent risks, thinking creatively to grow AIESEC’s exchange program so that more people can experience the value of global leadership development.


Through our exchange program, it enables us to develop young global leaders. Leaders who have the resilience, risk-taking attitude,

creativity and innovation to solve the big problems.

#nomorecomplacency! ≈≈ We push you to challenge yourself. To step outside of your comfort zone and GROW.

#nomorecomplacency!AIESECers are people who are motivated by values and impact.


AIESEC helps you to become fearless and action-oriented. Unafraid of restrictions and the word “impossible”


Leaders who are NOT COMPLACENT and are willing to take bold risks.


The Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind Potential



No More Complacency!


If you could change one thing in the world what would it be?


How can you turn problems into an opportunity for you to solve? ���

Through a business? non-profit? government?


Our end-product, is you. It all starts from you.

The more successful and impactful you become, the better off AIESEC is. Our end goal is to develop young global leaders, but at the end of the day -- you’ll soon have

a shot at becoming a global, if not a world leader. xt



65 years later, AIESEC is more relevant more than ever. The world needs more

youth leadership.

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