alabama update july 2013

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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This is the July 2013 Alabama Update for the Alabama Churches of God of Prophecy.





The Fullness of PentecostA. J. Tomlinson, “The Last Great Conflict”

There are none so hungry for the demonstration of God’s great power as those who are nearest to it. From many quarters comes the

cry, from Spirit-filled souls, for the manifestations of God’s power as was shone in the time of the Apostles.

From the fact that this hunger and desire is created in God’s children proves that He who creates such desires is also desirous to bestow

it, and will do so when proper conditions are met.

We are evidently entering the penumbra, and soon will break out the full wave, and the signs of an Apostle will be seen in hundreds,

yea thousands of God’s children as they run to and fro all over the world.

We now have great sympathy for the lame, halt and blind, deaf, dumb and sick; but so far have been unable to relieve suffering

humanity only to a limited extent. Whilst it is true many have been miraculously healed, yet with all that has been done we are limited

in reaching the masses. Far reaching, sensational results and instances have been very rare.

I do not say this to discourage, but rather mean it to encourage us to press on and not be satisfied to rest where we are. We can’t “hold

our own” long, for if we don’t go forward we will soon find ourselves slipping back down the slope, not having reached the goal.

Some people may think we are putting too much stress on the church and her glory and power, but we are in the battle to win, and there

is no retreat to be tolerated. I can bear with others who seem to grow cold and weary in the race, who show less fervency and zeal than

when they first entered the experience of the baptism with the Holy Ghost, but I cannot bear such cooling off in myself.

I have received some letters of warning and criticism, and I wish to show respect to all, the best I can, but there is no compromise

allowed. It is my purpose to agitate this question until the results are seen–the church full established with all of her former glory and

power, gifts and graces. We must not be content to allow the work to go on even as it is. Encouraging reports are coming in from

many places; we hear of good results, but we must not let the good things keep us from obtaining the best. The Spirit has said many

times, “You are too slow---too fearful.” Jesus told the disciples they were slow of heart to believe. We must hurry on, and dare not

stop here.

Ere long, some who are prominent now will be lost to view. No doubt people will wonder what has become of them. They will be

wanted in camp meetings, in other meetings, but they cannot be found. Mail will not reach them. Their families may not even know

their whereabouts; no one will know but God. Elijah was down at the brook alone many days. The ravens fed him, and there he

remained until he received orders. He finally wandered to a perishing widow’s home, raised her dead son to life, and then all of a

sudden burst forth from seclusion and showed himself to King Ahab, who was his enemy. Soon the fire fell on the sacrifice in the

presence of a mocking, idolatrous crowd, four hundred of the prophets of Baal were slain by this mighty man of God, then the rain

came down in torrents in answer to his prayer. This all came to pass after he had been hidden away with God alone for a long time.

Little groups will be formed to pray for the power and gifts of the Spirit. Individuals will be lost to this world, with their faces buried

in their hands as they lay prostrate on the ground before God. Listen at them as they pray, with tears streaming down from their eyes

and their voices trembling with emotion and the power of God. “Lord, I must have the power as it was given the Apostles or I can go

no further. I am not able to preach another sermon or conduct another meeting in the common way, I must have some special help

from thee.” Then a fresh flow of tears, and only a groan will be uttered at intervals as they tarry. Night will come on, but unnoticed,

by the earnest seeker. No desire for food. No care for prominence. No desire for leadership. No greed for money. No care for this

world and its pleasures and business interests. They are only thirsting after God. They want Him. They are toiling to get in

connection with God’s great magazine of power. They would rather die than fail to get it and live. As John Knox cried out as he lay in

an agony of prayer all night long, “Give me Scotland or give me death!” So if you could steal upon those groups of prayers, or slip out

where one is praying alone, you would probably hear him say, “Give me this power or give me death.

All reformations have been strewed more or less with tears, groans and earnest soul-stirring, agonizing prayers. This is the greatest one

yet, so we shall expect no less suffering, agonizing prayers and groans; in fact this is to be, and is the greatest and final consummation

that will not only feel it, but will be involved and evangelized. The saints will be caught away, the tribulation will burst forth and do its

deadly work, and Jesus with His great army will ride down from heaven and subdue all things to Himself. The devil will be chained,

the beast and false prophet thrown alive into the lake of fire, and Jesus and His saints take complete control of this world.

All this just ahead, yea, so near, and we, His children, grow careless and cold, lose energy, zeal and courage at such a time as this?

No! No! Oh, No! All this almost on us and His children, like spoiled babies fussing over toys, back-biting, criticizing each other,

caviling over opinions and petty notions, carrying tales and talking about one another in a way to wound and hurt feelings, will not

repent, neither will they forgive and look over faults and mistakes of the past, but continue to hold grudges, malice, envy, etc.? Oh,

surely not! Time is too precious to use it in such a way.

We have time for but one thing now. To go on as we have been is futile. To stop is dangerous. To go back means eternal damnation.

Beloved, we must press on and reach the original in all of its phases. We have teachers (too many, for some are false teachers),

pastors, evangelists, and prophets to a slight degree, but no Apostles are known yet. There is no doubt there are men living who will

develop into Apostles, but no one can palm himself off on us as an Apostle who is not, for the unmistakable signs will prove him the

same as the sign of tongues proves the baptism with the Holy Ghost.

Tongues evidences the baptism as on the day of Pentecost, but there are as truly signs that will evidence and single out the Apostles

until they cannot be hidden, when they are fully developed. That lame man hobbling down the street yonder, see him as he limps! He

must be made to walk! A few words from an Apostle, and a touch of the hand, and the old cane or crutch will be thrown aside, and the

poor cripple leaping and shouting at the top of his voice, until all the folks on Main Street will begin to think a lunatic has escaped

from the asylum.

See that poor, pitiful looking man, all humped up and drawn together, yonder in that wheel chair. What is the matter with him?

Rheumatism, Incurable! Send for Peter ( an Apostle), let him walk beside the chair, and his shadow fall on the poor helpless invalid.

All of a sudden a cry of astonishment is heard. The chair is suddenly vacated. What has happened? Only an Apostle passed by, that’s

all. But the whole country hears of it. Where is the Apostle? He is gone to the city of G______________. Go down to the railroad

station, watch every train as they come in. Help! Help! The train men are unable to handle the cripples, so they call for help. Where

is he (the Apostle)? The cripples are all placed on the platform, and very soon the Apostle passes along and touches everyone, and all

are healed, and running and shouting until the whole city comes together and demands an explanation. Now is the opportunity. The

multitudes have gathered. Upon an old goods box or an express wagon he stands to explain, when after a few words about Jesus and

faith in His name, and God glorifying His Son Jesus, three, five, yea ten thousand people will surrender and accept such a Christ as

that. Hallelujah!

But wait a moment! Hear! Listen! Oh, it’s only a blind man! But see, he gropes his way along all in utter darkness, has not seen the

light of the sun, the green vegetation, the beautiful structures, nor the faces of loved ones for years. What a pitiable sight! You must

have a heart of stone if you do not pity him. The humble, loving, sympathetic Apostle comes near, and suddenly, like a flash a stream

of light appears, and those once faded, sunken eyes sparkle with delight as they once more behold the faces of friends and the beauty of

nature. Nosed abroad? Oh yes, and all will be healed! Glory! The sick, the deaf, the dumb, all will be healed, every one. (Acts 5:12-


But stay! Why that weeping and screaming and people rushing in and about the house yonder? What has happened? A woman has

just died, and she was the only support of an aged widowed mother. Send for Peter (the Apostle). He sees the situation. Nothing is

especially strange; many have died. In fact, death is only a gateway to heaven to those who are prepared. But wait a moment, let us

see what he will do. Lovingly, tenderly, gently he puts them all out of the room and fastens the door. There he is alone with the

corpse. Look in at the keyhole in the door. He kneels down and prays; then turns suddenly and takes the corpse by the hand, and says,

“Tabitha, arise.” (Acts 9:40). Has anything happened? Suddenly the door is opened, and there stands she that was dead in the bloom

of youth and a picture of health.

No good in that, you say? Yes, but the whole city will be stirred (Acts (:42). The newspapers and telephones and telegraphs will

herald the miracle far and wide, and thousands will believe and say goodby to old forms and creeds, and will be staunch followers of

Christ. (Acts 9:35).

How rapidly the world will be evangelized with such as that as a daily occurrence in every country and on every island of the sea! The

lame ought to walk, the sick ought to be healed, the blind ought to see, the deaf ought to hear, the dumb ought to speak, the dead ought

to be raised to life again, the poor ought to have the gospel preached to them. Yes, all this is for us, and just ahead, and who would

dare faint by the way?

“Power to heal the leper,

Power to raise the dead,

Power to fill the empty pots with oil

Is waiting for the worker,

Who in Jesus’ steps will tread

And leave this life of ease for one of toil.

Achievements, Accomplishments,

& Awards 2012 – 2013

Bessemer- Hopewell

Bethany Jones

Graduated from the University of Alabama w/ a

Bachelor of Science, Majoring in Restaurant,

Hotel, and Meetings Management with a

Concentration in Event Planning. Graduated w/

a 4.0 GPA being in the top 5% of her class.

Honors includes… President’s List, Phi Sigma

Theta National Honor Society, Eta Sigma Delta-

HES Honor Society

Bessemer- Woodland Hills

Zach Englebert

Graduated from McAdory High School with an

“Advanced Academic Diploma”. He was a

member in the National Honor Society, Mu

Alpha Theta and received the Barry Porter

Character Award, and played in the Varsity


John Mayes

Graduated from Bessemer High School, active

in R.O.T.C. and received several awards in the


Jennifer Rosser

Graduated from Hueytown High School and

involved in gymnastic, choir, Art Club, BETA

Club, DECA Club and worked at Habitat for

Humanity work site. Has an “Advanced

Academic with Distinction Diploma” and “A-B”

Honor Student. She will attend University of

Alabama at Birmingham with a major in

Psychology and minor in Physical Therapy


Savannah Currie

Graduated from High School

Tanner Dutton

Graduated from High School

Joey Knope

Graduated from High School

Stephanie Knope

Graduated from High School

Carbon Hill

Jacob Butler

Graduated from High School

Jamie Jordan

Graduated from High School

Kyle Woods

Graduated from High School

Chickasaw Ashley Honeycutt

Graduated from Theodore High School

Nikki Milligan

Graduated from Bryant High School

Leonna Fones

Advancing to the 6th Grade from McDavid

Elementary School


Chasity Buford

Graduated from Kindergarten

Trey Burns

A/B Honor Roll

Haleigh Junkin A/B Honor Roll, Softball Pitching Award

Nichols Latham A/B Honor Roll

Chloe Pickrell

A Honor Roll, Top Girl Runner, 25 Mile Club,

50 Mile Club, No Name Award, Leader of the

Class, Good Friend Award, Dance-Graceful and

Gifted Award

Madyson Smith A Honor Roll, Math Fact Challenge Award,

Citizen of the Month, Presidents Outstanding

Academic Excellence, Highest GPA from 3rd

Grade to 5th Grade, 3 Accelerated Reading

Awards, Amy Patrick Parker Scholarship

Wyatt Smith

Math Fact Challenge Award, Stretch Award,

August Citizen of the Month

Andrew Stronge

Mu Alpha Theta, Scholars Bowl Award, The

Instrumental Mag. Musicianship Award, District

Honor Band, Superior Solo and Ensembles,

National School Marching Award, United States

Achievement Academy National

Commemorative Certificate- National Award,

Tuscaloosa Youth Orchesta

Luke Stronge

A/B Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance

Sam Stronge

A/B Honor Roll

Harris Chapel Olivia Scoggins

Graduated from College w/ Degree in Nursing

Carson Simpson

Advancing to the 1th Grade

Chloe Smith

Advancing to Kindergarten

Emma Sutton

Advancing to the 1st Grade

Huntsville: Mastin Lake

Anna Boling

Graduated from High School w/ Academic

Advanced Diploma

Sebastian Hein

Microphone Award

Skylar Hein

A/B Honor Roll

Caitlyn Lawson

Advancing to the 6th Grade, Library Aid, 2


Year Volleyball

Logan Lawson

Advancing to the 4th Grade, Principal’s Award

for A Honor Roll, President’s Education Award

for Outstanding Academic Excellence, 1st Year

Basketball- County Champs

Natalie Lawson

A/B Honor Roll

Ava Lynn

Completed Cycle 1 Classical Conversations, A

Honor Roll, Math Award

Camille Lynn

Classical Conversations Memory Master,

Sciquest Robotics Team- State, A Honor Roll

Lauren Penny

Advancing to Kindergarten

Sydney St. Clair

Band Award

Abigail Shuman

A/B Honor Roll, Good Behavior Certificate,

Perfect Citizenship Ribbon, Top AR Points in

her class, S.P.A.C.E. Program Award

Isabella Shuman

Citizenship Medal, Perfect Attendance, Good

Behavior Certificate, AR Points Award, Queen

of Kindergarten, Best All Around

Matthew Shuman

Good Behavior Certificate, Perfect Citizenship

Ribbon, S.P.A.C.E. Program Award

Nicholas Shuman

Perfect Attendance Certificate

Mikala West

Graduated from High School w/ Academic

Advanced Diploma

Marli Woods

A Honor Roll, Mathematician Award, Reading

Award, 21st Century Award


Carley Caulk

Graduated from High School

Pinson Parkway

Tristan Alexander

Advancing to the 6th Grade (Rudd Middle),

Presidential Award for Educational Excellence

Justin Cotton

Advancing to the 6th Grade (Rudd Middle), A/B

Honor Roll

Kelsey Jolley

Graduated from Geraldine High School, Top

Ten Student, Overall Science Award, Service

Scholarship to Snead State Community, FCA

Scholarship, Beta Club, SGA President, Red

Cord Award from the Red Cross

Shelby Kohler

Advancing to the 6th Grade (Rudd Middle), A

Honor Roll, Presidential Award for Educational

Excellence (Signed from President Obama)

Destin LeBerte

Advancing to the 6th Grade (Rudd Middle), A/B

Honor Roll, Presidential Award for Educational


Kathleen LeBerte

Advancing to the1st Grade

Paola Patino

A/B Honor Roll, Presidential Award for

Educational Excellence


Meagan Chapin

Graduated from St. Clair Co. High School w/

Advanced Diploma, Varsity Volleyball #10,

Beta Club

Morgan Chapin

Graduated from St. Clair Co. High School,

Varsity Volleyball #5 and Co-Captain, Beta


Sheffield- Cliff Haven

John Berryhill

Graduated from Muscle Shoals High School

Hannah Campbell

Graduated from Muscle Shoals High School

Allison Davis

Graduated from Wilson High School

Hannah Campbell

Graduated from Muscle Shoals High School

Ryan Hayse

Graduated from Muscle Shoals High School

Brandon Heacox

Graduated from University of North Alabama w/

Masters in Art of Counseling

Joe Knight

Graduated from Muscle Shoals High School

Trevor Malone

Graduated from Muscle Shoals High School

Nick Pierce

Graduated from University of Alabama w/

Bachelors in Economics and Masters in Applied

Economics, Cum Laude, 4.0 GPA

Vicki Pierce

Graduated from University of Alabama w/

Doctorate in Nursing Education

Nic Shook

Graduated from Muscle Shoals High School

Ryan Sutton

Graduated from Moulton High School

Lyndsey Williams

Graduated from University of North Alabama w/

Bachelors of Science-Education, Magna Cum

Laude/Phi Kappa Phi- Academic Honor Society

Ryan Williams

Graduated from Muscle Shoals High School

Short Creek

Cory Pate

Graduated from High School, Outstanding Peer

Award (Assisting Students w/ Special Needs),

$100,000 G.I. Bill Scholarship, $45,000 Navy



Austin Chambers

Advancing to the 9th Grade

Emily O’Neill

Advancing to the 9th Grade, Most Improved,

Perfect Attendance

Natalie O’Neill

Advancing to the 6th Grade

Zac O’Neill

Advancing to the 7th Grade, Most Improved,

Perfect Attendance

Dakotah Stanton

Advancing to the 9th Grade

Lynn Stanton

Advancing to Kindergarten

Savannah Stanton

Advancing to the 5th Grade, A/B Honor Roll,

Presidential Academic Award, Physical Fitness


Kaley Whitehead

Advancing to the 7th Grade, A/B Honor Roll, A

Average All Year, Beta Club

Marisa Whitehead

Advancing to the 9th Grade, Most Improved


The future belongs to those who believe

in the beauty of their dreams.

~Eleanor Roosevelt

Browntown: We enjoyed

the Mother’s Day program

and Mother’s Day brunch

this month. On Memorial

Day Recognition Sunday,

the children sung songs in

honor of those that gave

their lives.

Carbon Hill: We had a

wonderful Mother’s Day

program. Sister Betty

Prescott had each mother

ushered in and gave them a

trophy. Special mothers

were honored: one that

had a son in the Armed

Force, two that had

deceased daughters, and

then Sister Butler was

honored with a gift and roses,

which she deserved. We had a

ladies’ meeting away from the

church but the men’s stayed and

enjoyed food and a very good

service. Brother Kenneth

Wiggins did the sermon. Our

graduates were honored and

a c k n o w l e d g e d t h e i r

accomplishments. Tyler Keene

did the sermon and we shared a

meal afterwards in their honor.

Chickasaw: Another blessed

month. Sheila Tadlock honored

all moms with a special

Mother’s Day program. Each

mom received gifts to make

them feel loved on this special

day. We had three to graduate

and we celebrated with a

Graduation Party with cake and

finger foods. We are so proud

of them. We attended a district

meeting at the Bayou La Batre

church. Pastor Walter DeGeer

shared a message on Vision And

Importance of Our Vision For

Today. Good Spirit and

w o n d e r f u l f e l l o w s h i p

afterwards. Leonna Jones joined

the Church. It is so sweet to see

our youth become part of the

Body of Christ. We look

forward to more as we see the

Spirit moving in hearts. Our

youth leave for camp in a few

days and we can’t wait to hear

all the news when they return.

Collinsville-Harvest Center:

H arvest Center had 104

worshipers gather to celebrate

our Homecoming on June 9 . th

We were blessed to have Mary

Nell join her son Allen and

Brother Adkins in singing. We

had a full band lead in worship

and Randy Howard brought the

Word. We were so blessed.

Decatur: God is blessing us.

We are thankful for our four

new members and for Brother

Ron and Sister Nancy Wright

becoming regular attendant. All

our services have increased in

attendance. Brother Tommy

Parrish does a great job teaching

our Wednesday night Bible

Study. We are so thankful for

our pastor and wife who let the

anointing of the Lord lead them

and are truly a blessing to us.

Fayette-North Pointe: North

Pointe held a special service

with guest-speaker Robin Gatto

and many were blessed by her

testimony and the Word. We

also had a revival with Rev.

Jerry Trotter and had four saved

during revival and two others the

week before. Six were baptized

during a special service after the

revival. We honored 36 mothers

on Mother’s Day with gifts and

poems read about these special

people God has placed in our

lives to nurture, love, and teach

us about the love of God. We

welcomed two new members

into the North Pointe family and

we are sponsoring four youth to

attend Camp Boothe.

Green Pond: Lord, we exalt

Thee. What an awesome God

we serve. We were honored to

have the Gideon Representative

speak to us. Many souls are

saved through this ministry.

T wenty-five K 4 ch ild ren

graduated from our Child

Learning Center. It was a

beautiful ceremony as they

shared Bible verses and other

accomplishments. Mother’s Day

was observed with a special

program. Each mother was

presented with a gift of

appreciation. A special offering

of $803 was received to assist

the West Blocton church with a

new roof. The men will be

assisting with the completion of

it. Our young men enjoyed an all

night fishing trip, while, the

young ladies enjoyed a lock-in.

The Seniors went strawberry

picking and enjoyed lunch at the

Peach Park. Power Point has

been installed and it is a great

asset to our church.

Hackleburg: What an awesome

revival we had at Hackleburg

C o m m uni ty C hurch with

Evangelist, Glenn Bleakney!

Glenn is President and Founder

of Awake Nations in Venice,

FL. The power of God swept

through the entire church like

mighty waves. Many great

healings and in-filling of the

Holy Spirit. The youth are

burning for God like never

before. God is doing mighty

things in this region. God is

alive and He is faithful!

Haleyville-Pathway: Brother

Rye is doing fine and God

is blessing. Thank

everyone for your prayers.

God bless and keep you

this summer. Be sure to

take Him with you where

e v e r y o u g o a n d

remember, we may take a

vacation from work but

not from God!

Harris Chapel: Praising

God for a great time at

Harris Chapel! Our AM

service was filled with the

presence of God. Great

worship and anointed

message by Associate

Pastor, Renay Saint. The

youth service was another

great time of worship. State

Youth Minister, Tim Beck

shared an anointed message.

We were so blessed to have him

come and worship with us and

share God’s Word! We have

several in need of healing. God

is faithful!

Hazel Green: We began the

month with our Homecoming.

Brother James Wallace was our

guest speaker and what an

o u t s t a n d in g m e s s a g e h e

delivered. We had 115 in

attendance and many others

came in for the wonderful lunch

and the afternoon service.

Praise the Lord for Brother and

Sister Wallace for taking the

time to come and be with us on

this special day. Our singing

consisted of our local groups

a n d g u e s t s i n g e r s t h e

“Galileans”. The Spirit of the

Lord was with us. On Mothers’s

Day each mother was presented

with a small corsage made by

one of our ladies. Our pastor’s

wife and three others were

presented with a beautiful flower

and our great grandmothers

received gifts. Our men cooked

Boston Butts to sponsor our

children to youth camp. Our

graduates were honored for

their dedication in school. Thank the Lord for all He is


Leesburg: A Graduation Party

was held for all our graduates

from Kindergarten through

College. They were presented

certificates and gifts with a

reception afterwards. Ladies

Ministries sponsored a Ladies

Day Breakfast with 45 in

attendance. The Fellowship

Hall was beautifully decorated

and the men prepared and served

breakfast. Guest speaker, Kathy

Brown, Cherokee Christian

Center, spoke on “I Am

Woman” There were special

songs by our Drama Team led

by Andrea Mitchell and Kathy,

plus a group from her church.

Door prizes were given. Lanny

Ransom, local police chief,

spoke at our Adult Bible Study

Class on scams and other things

to be aware of that goes on in

our community.

Pelham: In recent weeks,

Pelham has had a number of

activities which were beneficial

to our membership and others

attending. First, we want to say

that we appreciate Pastor Martin

for hanging in, ministering and

seeing that every aspect of the

church continues to function in

spite of his health aggravations

and with the Spirit’s leading.

The ladies group had an

afternoon tea for Mother’s Day

with 20 in attendance. The

theme was “Love Found A

way.” Sister Donna Howard

was the guest speaker. She had

a unique take on the pregnancy

of Elizabeth and Mary. Not

only did Mary carry Jesus, but

we carry Jesus in our hearts.

The food, fellowship and

laughter was good for all. Most

importantly, the Holy Spirit was

felt in the place. Men’s

breakfast and devotion are being

held on second and fourth

Saturdays. We always enjoy the

food, fellowship and devotion at

Bernetti’s. Pelham honored

high school graduate Carley

Caulk with a dinner and special

message by Brother Dustin from

Hackleburg. He addressed the

graduate and other youth but his

message was appropriate for all

present. His ministry is always a

blessing. The Martin Family

Singers came and blessed us

with a mixture of songs and

music. Some contemporary and

some from the past. They used

their God Given Talents to

encourage worship and joyful

fellowship. We hope they will

be back again soon. Praise the

Lord for Pelham’s sweet Spirit

and devotion to the Lord’s

service and worship.

Russellville-L iving W ord:

Pentecost Sunday we had an

Outside Pentecostal Celebration

service and 5 youth were filled

with the Holy Ghost. That

Tuesday night we began a tent

revival and 2 were saved and 2

were filled with the Holy Ghost.

God is doing great things!

Praise the Lord!

Short Creek: We had a glorious

Mother’s Day as we honored all

our mothers with a gift. We

presented the Mother of our

Church, Sister Tamera Pate with

2 cast-iron skillets which she

collects. We then, recognized

Sister Frances Vines who had

just turned 90 as our oldest

mother, Sister Evelyn Jones, the

second oldest mother. Honor

was given to the youngest

mother and the mother with the

most children attending church.

Cory Pate was recognized as our

graduate and he is leaving in

July for the Navy. He has been

a blessing in our church Praise

and Worship Team and other


Tarrant: We were so proud of

o ur youth . . . .ano the r yea r

completed. What an exciting

month. We installed a cage

around the air conditioners.

Excitement filled the air as 7

mothers, with babies less than a

year old, came forward to be

honored as our youngest mother.

Sister Wynn was honored as our

oldest mother and Sister Mabrey

with the most children present.

We were blessed to have “Pastor

Joe” from Africa to speak in our

morning service and Daniel

Stronge brought the message in

our evening service. We ended

the month with fellowship after

the service.


With the Angels on OurSide

“An Angel a Day” Ann


The angels have played a part

in our past and in our present,

and they will certainly play an

important role in our future. We

don’t know the challenges we

will face tomorrow morning let

alone next year or the year after.

But God does, and he can set his

angels in motion on our behalf.

Perhaps they will come with a

word of encouragement, or with

an exhortation to repentance, or

with a call that only we can

fulfill. They may carry answers

to our prayers form the very

throne of God. They may show

themselves to us in dreams.

Whatever happens, we know

that if we love Christ, we will

have the angels on our side.

How can we go wrong when

the angels are rooting for us?

Try to remember this the next

time you face some kind of

unfolding disaster, the next time

you make a major decision, the

next time you pray for God’s

intervention. We may yet suffer

many indignities in this life, but

the truth is we are destined for a

life of eternal bliss.

Meanwhile, the angels are part

of God’s provision to help us

through the snares of this world.

In the service of Christ, they can

keep our souls intact and our

future secure. Right now they

have their work cut out for them,

but one day, when we are at last

home safe, the angels will

breathe a sigh of relief, put their

feet up, and take a well-deserved

vacation, knowing that they can

spend the rest of eternity

savoring the memory of a job

well done.

Harvest PartnersBelarus

In Mogilev church our small

rehab center continues to grow.

So we rented second place for

them to live in. We found old

building and reconstruct it.

Usually for those who recently

came from prison we provide

free living there for the first

month and help them to find a

job. And after they find a job

th e y s ta r ted p ayin g fo r

themselves. Our goal for them

is to be self-sufficient. Two

leaders from that church

periodically visit people in

different prisons and detention

centers. They share their

testimonies and then they

propose to start sending monthly

encouraging letters to the

prisoners. Some of the prisoners

already plan to join our center

after releasing. In this month we

accepted 3 new people who

recently were released from the

prison. They started to live at

that building that we reconstruct.

And two them already found a

job. Also we glad to see how

those who continue to live at

that center were recently

baptized and continue to grow

spiritually. On June 27, all the

guys from that center planning

to come to Berezino church for

couple days to meet people on

the streets and share their

testimonies how God changed

their lives.

Pastor Arthur with his wife

visited the hospital in Berezino.

Some people became interesting

in God. So a new home group

was formed. Most of them are

single moms. One young

woman who already had a child

was planned to make an

abortion. But after attending the

home group she decided to give

a birth to a child.

June 15, the whole Minsk

church will go on the camp for

one day. We encourage

everybody to invite their

unbelieving friends. On the

same day we will have baptize

service in the river. One young

couple Denis and Lyuba came to

our church 4 months ago. We

disciple them and now they will

be baptized.

With Love, Gena


Prayer Line with Dr. WesslySaturdays 9:00 - 10:00 AM

Dial 712-432-1690Access Code: 650786#

STATE WEB SITESA l a b a m a U p d a t e B l o g :W W W . a l a b a m a u p date.blogspot.comAlabama Web Site: Youth-Tim Beck Web: www.experiencehydrate

AVAILABLE FOR REVIVALSJames Adkins, P O Box 921,Collinsville, AL 35961-0920,Telephone (256) 524-3130.Joey Dobbs: Member of SterrettChurch of God of Prophecy. Telephone (205)746-3017.Earlean Emerson, P O box 1863,Hamilton, AL 35570. Telephone(205) 921-5637.Christine & Curtis Englebert, 111Woodland Road, Dora, AL 35062Telephone (205) 648-2871 or cell #2 0 5 - 2 7 5 - 1 1 9 9 . Fill infor pastors also.Avvis Motes, P O Box 272, Warrior,AL 35180. Telephone (205) 647-4819.Brenda Kay Pate, P O Box 30Cordova, AL 35550; 205-388-1087 or388-3129. Fill in for pastors also.Kevin Rhodes, member at Red Bay,AL Phone # 256-460-8105 home:2 5 6 - 3 5 6 - 4 9 9 7 , .Larry Webb and Nora Lutz,available for revivals and singings,22060 Eastern Valley Road, McCalla,AL 35111, cell# (205) 413-5829;home # (205) 938-3404.Kenneth Wilkins, is available forweek-end revivals and filling in forpastors and special services. Telephone: (205)-763-7101.


Anita Falkner, 3615 Moody Pkwy,Moody, AL 35004. Telephone (205)640-6207.Brenda Kay Pate, P O Box 30;

Cordova, AL, 35550; 205-388-1087 or388-3129.



DEATHSAlexander City: Deacon Gary ClintonKnowles, Sr. passed from this life May4 . th

Bessemer-Woodland Hills: CharleyJones left this life on June 11 . th

Bessemer-Woodland Hills: God calledJackie W. Moody home on June 30 . th

Bessemer-Woodland Hills: MildredHulsey, Frankie Pardue’s mother, leftthis mortal home July 4 . th

Gadsden: Carolyn Williams made hertransition to glory May 31 . st

Summerbrook: Pauline Edwards willbe missed since she left us for herheavenly home May 23 . rd


Carl ButlerWayne ChristmasDarlene CraigWalter DeGeerSheila DilbeckCarol HendersonPam MartinLisa MojicaG. C. PatePatsy PritchettBrent SmalleyCurtis SuttonBeecher Tanner


Tony and Vetres BurnsMark and Angie FellTerry and Patsy GannHoyt and Virginia Holcomb

Coming Events

September10 Sipsey Valley High19 Jemison HighOctober8 Pinson Valley High

August1-4 State Convention

Embassy Hotel–HooverSeptember20-21 Women’s Conference

Camp BootheNovember1-2 Men’s Conference

Camp Boothe6-10 Gordon-Conwell

Camp BootheDecember29-31 Winter Conference

Camp Boothe2014January17-18 Pastor’s/Spouse ConferenceFebruary26-28 S.O.P.A.S. 4 Termth

July30-Aug 3 International Assembly

Rosen Shingle Creek Resortand Convention Center

Convention Messages

Thursday EveningPastor Neal Wright

Friday MorningLesson:

Bishop Hector Ortiz

Friday AfternoonLocal Church Presentations:

Pastor Clint and Elizabeth KnowlesPastor Steven and Darlene Spears

Friday EveningYouth—Tim and Bethany Beck

Saturday MorningPresentation: Discipleship

Darren Schalk

Saturday AfternoonPastor John Billy Butler, Healing


Saturday EveningBishop H. E. Cardin—Families

Sunday MorningState Overseer’s Annual Address

Bishop Hector Ortiz

EvangelismMay Church Statistics

Taken from Church Reporters and Pastors Reports

1.Saved 2.Sanctified 3.Holy Ghost 4.Baptized 5.Added to Church


Calera-Harvest Chapel James Simpson 6 1 1 9Chickasaw Ernest Pigorsch 1Cordova Bobby Patterson 1Decatur Dale Dilbeck 4Dothan Morris Bates 2 1East Lake Highlands Gary Archie 1Fayette-North Pointe Brent Smalley Jerry Trotter 6 6 2Goodwater-Joyful Praise Jimmy Scales 4Green Pond William Noes 1 1 1Hackleburg Clint Knowles 1Robertsdale James Caples 2Russellville-Living Word Mark Fell 2 7 7Sheffield-Cliff Haven Neal Wright 3 4 3 1Short Creek Shane Pate 1Sterrett Terry Gann 12Trinity Worship Center A. L. Henderson 1


Anita Falkner 1 1Angie Fell 5 5 5John Odell Green 1Donna Howard 2 1Randy Jones 1


Number Reports 79Sermons 401Church Homes Visited 703New Homes Visited 858

May, 2013 Statistics����


Alexander City 39 5208.70Aliceville 06 2408.14Alton --- 3186.00Altoona 17 2265.81Anniston Praise Worship 41 5868.69Arab NO REPORT Bayou La Batre 13 393.20Bessemer Hopewell Rd NO REPORT Woodland Hills 69 10,705.86Boaz ---- 1207.68Boldo ---- 1140.40Brown’s Chapel 25 1994.31Browntown 49 4519.41Calera Harvest Chapel NO REPORTCarbon Hill 90 9693.93 Chickasaw 26 1642.18Citronelle 14 1765.00Clanton 24 2683.00Collinsville Harvest Center 36 4310.60Cordova 58 5851.66Cottondale NO REPORTCunningham Bridge 04 616.00 Decatur 42 3037.50Dothan 11 1675.35 Dry Valley ---- 1758.13East Lake Highlands 43 3032.10Elba 09 585.53 Elkmont ---- 710.00Eoline/Tuscaloosa 15 2335.11Fayette-North Pointe 93 4333.25Fort Payne 10 1151.15 Gadsden Living Waters ---- 3529.69Goodwater Joyful Praise NO REPORT Gordo 48 6324.02Grant-Sanctuary on Mt. 15 1109.90Green Pond 97 6563.43Grove Hill NO REPORT Hackleburg 247 20,549.24Haleyville Pathway 29 1754.03Hamilton-New Heights 38 1203.00Harris Chapel 61 8419.72Happy Hill 74 7605.39 Hartselle 17 1249.19Hazel Green 82 2990.29


Huntsville Mastin Lake ---- 7255.00 Bell Road 12 1873.00 Mission 34 ---------Jasper 17 2584.00Leesburg 62 9767.10Lincoln 29 4295.40Mentone 16 1079.00 Montgomery 13 973.10Moulton NO REPORTMunford-Silver Run 17 1301.35Odenville 60 3714.07Pelham 37 3172.50Parrish 21 1257.00Phil Campbell NO REPORTPinson Parkway 31 2298.10Poarch 04 601.36Red Bay 22 3077.80Robertsdale 21 1233.00Rock Cliff 28 64.00Russellville Living Word 34 2928.46Sheffield-Cliff Haven 125 13840.08Short Creek 34 3705.34Sterrett 136 8259.89Summerbrook 33 3976.60Sylacauga-Power of The Cross 06 540.00Tannehill Comm. Mission 40Tarrant City 52 2706.00Trinity Worship 74 8577.30Twilleytown ---- 3781.00West Blocton 07 ----------West Mobile NO REPORT

718.00Winfield- Family Church 31 2544.96World Outreach Ministries NO REPORT






Jasper - April 16 1369.00Alton - April 50 3924.66Boldo - April --- 974.73Dry Valley - April --- 158.13Hamilton-NH April 41 1563.00Hazel Green -March ---- 4232.10Hazel Green- April --- 3811.57Huntsville- April (Mission) 26 ---------Leesburg - April 57 Correction

ALABAMA UPDATE NON-PROFIT ORG.Church of God of Prophecy U.S. POSTAGE P.O. Box 707 A PAID Bessemer, Alabama 35021-0707 Permit No.256



Our Sympathy to our Ministers Families

Zella CreelJuly 8, 2013

Former secretary to M. A. Tomlinson

Mildred Alyne Hopkins HulseyJuly 4, 2013

Deacon Frankie (Luther) Pardue’s mother

James PartonJune 9, 2013

Teresa (Damon) Rose’s father

Louella Hellen SandersonJune 18, 2013

W. T. (Betty) Branch, Sr.’s sister

The Alabama Update is the official monthly publication of

the Church of God of Prophecy in Alabama. Yearly

subscription rate is $7.00. Statements in this publicat

referring to the Church of God have reference to the Church

of God of Prophecy. Articles and news briefs submitted for

publication must be received by the fifth of the month for

publication, and should be sent to: Alabama Update, PO

Box 707, Bessemer, AL . 35021-0707.

L. V. Jones, Editor

Billie Ruth Jones, Assistant Editor



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