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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    Aladdin The magical pantomime adventure

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !1

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script


    Aladdin Poor boy who lives in old Beijing

    Widow Twankey Aladdin’s mother & owner of Mun Chin Takeaway

    Wishee Washee Aladdin’s brother and comedy part

    Fu Fu The Twankeys’ pet Panda

    Emporer Sing Lo Emporer of all of China

    Princess Jasmine The Emporer’s Daughter

    Tu Shy Princess Jasmine’s anxious maid

    Hong Comedy police inspector

    Kong Comedy police sergeant

    Genie Genie of the lamp

    Su Shi Spirit of the ring

    Abanaza Evil Sorcerer

    Mummy Abanaza’s mother

    Chorus of Residents of Beijing, Servants at the Palace, Cave Statues & Ancient Egyptian Dancers

    As always in Pantomime, genders are ambiguous and this is no exception. Particularly Aladdin, Hong, Kong, Wishee-Washee, Fu-Fu, Emporer Sing Lo (or Sing Hi if female), the Genie and Su Shi could be played by either a male or female but the gender of their character must remain the same.

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !2

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script


    ACT I

    Prologue Old Beijing

    Scene 1 Old Beijing

    Scene 2 A Corridor Inside the Palace

    Scene 3 The Gardens of the Palace of Beijing

    Scene 4 An Alleyway in Beijing

    Scene 5 Twankey’s Mun Chin Takeaway

    Scene 6 A Mountain Path

    Scene 7 The Magic Cave

    ACT II

    Scene 8 The Gardens of the Palace of Beijing

    Scene 9 The Royal Jail Cell & Magic Carpet Ride

    Scene 10 Abanaza’s Pyramid

    Scene 11 On The Way Home

    Scene 12 Old Beijing

    Scene 13 The Community Song

    Scene 14 The Palace of Beijing

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !3

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script


    (Feel free to add or remove musical numbers as you wish. At some points in the script there are suggestions as to songs which may be appropriate to use.)

    1. Song Opening Number Wishee Washee & Company

    2. Song Dame’s Number Widow Twankey

    3. Song Aladdin Leaves Aladdin & Company

    4. Song Jasmine Feels Trapped Jasmine & Tu Shy

    5. Song Love Duet Aladdin & Jasmine

    6. Song Baddie Number Abanaza

    7. Song Becoming Friends Aladdin & Su Shi

    8. Song Act I Finale Aladdin, Su Shi & Genie

    9. Song Act I Finale (reprise) Aladdin, Su Shi & Genie

    1. Song Opening Number Act II Aladdin, Jasmine & Company

    2. Song Short Dance Younger cast members

    3. Song Jasmine Laments Jasmine

    4. Song Jail Song Aladdin, Jasmine, Twankey, Wishee & Fu Fu

    5. Song Magic Carpet Song Aladdin & Jasmine

    6. Song Celebration Number Principals & Company

    7. Song Song Sheet Twankey, Fu Fu, Hong & Kong

    8. Song Act II Finale Principals & Company

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !4

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    ACT I

    Prologue Old Beijing

    (Enter Su Shi and the Genie)

    Su Shi Hello there boys and girls.

    Genie Welcome to our tale

    Su Shi We hope you all enjoy yourselves

    Genie And help the bad guys fail!

    Su Shi Now, enough of the rhyme. We should introduce ourselves.

    Genie I am the genie of the magical lamp.

    Su Shi And I am Su Shi, the spirit of the ring.

    Genie We’re are best friends and we hope you'll be our friends too.

    Su Shi Will you join our gang boys and girls? (Audience response) I said, will you join our gang boys and girls? (Audience response) excellent, I'm glad you said yes. Now we can have all sorts of adventures together!

    Abanaza (Enters behind the audience if possible) Boo! Ha, caught you there didn’t I? I am Abanaza the terrifyingly powerful evil genius here to make your life terrible for the next few hours. Welcome to ancient Beijing where our story takes place. Awful isn’t isn’t it? Just like local place name.

    Su Shi Ugh, look what the Panda chucked up.

    Genie It's our old pal ‘have a banana’.

    Abanaza (bruised) It’s Abanaza you imbecile.

    Genie You’re nothing but a jumped-up Egyptian pharaoh who's lost all his power.

    Su Shi You don’t frighten us!

    Abanaza Oh yes I do.

    Su Shi & Genie Oh no you don’t!

    Abanaza Oh yes I do!

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !5

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    Su Shi & Genie Oh no you don’t

    Abanaza Do, do do.

    Su Shi & Genie Don’t, don’t, don’t.

    Abanaza Boo!

    (Genie squeals and quivers)

    (Laughs) You’re no match for me! (Aside) I can’t wait ’til they’re under my control. It won’t be long ‘til I discover the location of the magic objects they live within, and then they’ll be mine forever!

    Su Shi You can threaten us all you like Abanaza, but we know that you will never find our magical homes.

    Genie Isn’t that right boys and girls?

    Abanaza I don’t have time to stand around here listening to you two morons. No doubt we’ll meet again soon when I am bound to kick your humongous backsides from here to the end of the Great Wall of China! (Evil laugh). (Aside) As for you lot, I'd rest your voices for now if I were you, I've still plenty of tricks up my sleeve!

    (Audience boos)

    Su Shi Don’t worry gang, we don't like him either!

    Genie What a party pooper!

    Abanaza I’ve had enough of your shrivelling cheerfulness and good will. Anyone would think it’s Christmas, yuck! I think you ought to take a little thinking time, you know separately. Split up. Alone! That way you can’t interrupt my evil plans.

    (He raises his arms to cast a magic spell)

    Spirits of darkness and Kings of the past Take these two idiots and toss them apart Throw them quite far, as away as can be Then ensure they never see one another, or for that matter, me.

    (Evil laugh)

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !6

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    (Su Shi and the Genie are twisted apart and exit from opposite sides of the stage)

    (Aside) That should just about do it for now. Thanks for the boos. Keep it up, there’s plenty more where that came from!

    (Exuent All) 

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !7

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    Scene 1 Old Beijing

    Song Opening Number (Bright and Cheerful)

    (Wishee Washee runs on if he isn't already on stage from the opening number)

    Chorus 1 Girls, look it’s Wishee Washee!

    Chorus 2 He’s so dreamy!

    Chorus 3 He’s so funny!

    Chorus 4 Can I reach out and touch him?

    Chorus 1 No! He’s mine!

    Wishee Please girls, there's enough of me for all of you!

    Twankey (From offstage) Wishee!

    Wishee Wide load coming through!

    (Enter Widow Twankey, if possible in some sort of rickshaw perhaps through the auditorium. A bike/scooter with Chinese lanterns might also work nicely)

    Twankey Wisshee, I’ve had it up to here with you. When are you going to learn, you need to respect your mother.

    Wishee You're right Mum.

    Twankey Sorry.

    Wishee You’re right Mum. I should respect my elders.

    (Enter Fu Fu, she indicates to Twankey the audience)

    Hello there, my name is Widow Twankey and I am the proud owner of the Mun Chin takeaway in old Beijing and I’m very poor (Audience reaction) I said I’m very poor (Audience Reaction) Not that poor!

    (Fu Fu puts her paw on Twankey’s bust)

    Not that paw either, you cheeky thing. This, boys and girls, is Fu Fu our pet panda, isn’t she adorable?

    (Fu Fu waves)

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !8

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    We haven’t always been poor boys and girls, I’ve married into money several times. In fact I’ve had nine husbands; four richer four poorer.

    My last husband was my true love, his name was Hankey; Hankey Pankey, tall and lanky, thin-as-a-planky, often cranky, slightly manky, Twankey. Sadly he died of food poisoning, the authorities said his prawn cocktail was off and that was just for starters. He left me with my two sons Wishee Washee, and Aladdin, who keep me busy day to day. But I’m ever so lonely in the night! So gents, I’m single and ready to mingle. Who wants a bit of hanky Pankey with Twankey?

    Song Hankey Pankey with Widow Twankey- Suggest Taylor Swift ‘Shake it Off’ or similar

    So here I am, Widow Twankey all on my own waiting for a rich, preferably good looking, gentleman to sweep me off my feet and into luxurious retirement.

    (Enter Emperor Sing-Lo accompanied by 2 attending guards to Oriental motif)

    Chorus 3 Look tidy it’s the emperor!

    Guard 1 Make way, make way the emperor doesn’t have all day!

    Guard 2 Move out the way and don’t touch the emperor he’s just had his bath!

    Sing-Lo Ladies and Gentleman, if we could have some privacy please, Mrs Twankey and I have some things to discuss.

    (The chorus move in closer, the Emperor ignores them)

    As you know for some time now our government has had to make efficiency savings; (insert joke about current political climate) and as it states in the ancient Chinese scroll of Pan-to-mim, I’ve come to tell you that if you don’t pay your rent I’m going to have to kick you out.

    Twankey Oh boys and girls, what am I going to do? The Mun Chin hasn’t turned a profit for months!

    Sing-Lo Your takeaway makes no money!

    Twankey (Aside) But we do make a mean sweet and sour chicken.

    Sing-Lo Perhaps one of your dirty sons could come and work for me at the palace and earn a measly wage cleaning the palace toilets.

    Twankey How could I possibly let you have one of my sons to do your dirty work?

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !9

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    Wishee We already do your dirty work Mum. You make us clean all the time.

    Twankey That’s not true, I only make you do my dirty work.

    Wishee You’re right. Aladdin never gets in trouble like I do.

    (Aladdin enters or turns around from what he’s doing)

    Aladdin Hi kids! I wonder what I’ve done now.

    Twankey Nothing Aladdin (takes him to one side) look, I’ve been thinking and I think it's time for you to move out of the family home.

    Aladdin That’s a bit of a surprise. Have I done something wrong?

    Twankey No, no I just can't afford to keep you. But I’ve got you a wonderful job at the Palace with a huge pile of responsibilities.

    Aladdin Wow! Perhaps I’ll be able to meet Princess Jasmine.

    Twankey Meet the princess, you'll be lucky to even catch a glimpse, they say she is so beautiful the Emperor makes her wear a veil over her face so that no one can look at her.

    Aladdin I know, she's the girl of my dreams Mum!

    Twankey How do you know that if she wears a veil over her face?

    Aladdin I just do.

    Twankey Well, don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched. It’s what’s on the inside that counts Aladdin, remember that. We can’t all have devastatingly good looks like me you know.

    Wishee Devastating is the word.

    Emperor So boy, are you ready to join the slaves… I mean staff at the Palace.

    Aladdin Count me in.

    Twankey Just give him a final few minutes with me to say goodbye.

    Emperor Very well. Come on boys (He claps twice to indicate his guards should follow. They exit)

    Twankey Well Aladdin, eighteen long, tear-stained, blood stained, rice-strained years down the line and now you're out and about in the big wide world.

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !10

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    Aladdin I’ll miss you Mum.

    Twankey I’ll miss you too you scruffy little ragamuffin. Now go and pack your bags.

    (More crying)

    Wishee I’ll give you a hand Aladdin.

    (Both exit)

    Twankey You may have to forgive me for being so emotional, as we’ve established I’m quite a lonely soul nowadays! It's been a while since I’ve had a boyfriend so I’m on the look out for a man who takes my fancy. Hold onto your husbands ladies, they're sat in what I call the danger zone. So, whenever I come on stage, I’m going to shout ‘Hello boys!’ and I need you all to shout back “no hankey pankey Twankey”. Do you think you can do that? Wonderful, shall we give it a go? After three; one, two, three.

    (Audience reaction)

    I’m not sure that's going to be enough to counteract my hormones. I think we should give it another go; one, two, three.

    (Audience reaction)

    Excellent, much better. I’m in control, for now!

    (Aladdin and Wishee enter with a large backpack. It has camping implements hanging off of it)

    Aladdin I’m all packed Mum.

    Wishee Time to go, you don't want to keep the Emperor waiting.

    Twankey Goodbye for now Aladdin. You know you'll always be in our farts! I mean, hearts.

    Aladdin I’ll be back before long Mum, and I’ll be hand in hand with Princess Jasmine. Just you wait. Just you wait and see.

    Song Suggest Uptown Girl or Similar 

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !11

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    Scene 2 A Corridor Inside the Palace

    (Sirens play and Hong and Kong enter wielding truncheons)

    Hong PC Hong-

    Kong -and PC Kong at your service

    (They stand to attention hitting themselves on their heads with their truncheons)

    Hong Hong and Kong best officers in the Neopolitan Police.

    Kong Yeah we fight baddies.

    Hong I super strong.

    Kong And I super sneaky.

    Hong Together we be dream team.

    Kong Better than Hing, Ping, Pong, Wong, Ding and Dong.

    Hong And Gok Wan.

    Kong Hong, don't be ridiculous.

    Hong Sorry Kong.

    Kong That okay Hong.

    (Enter Abanaza, lots of evil laughing, he casts a spell to freeze Hong and Kong)

    Abanaza Stop booing you lot, you'll have to start listening to me soon as all this land shall be under my control! I must find a way to have Aladdin collect the magical lamp where the genie resides so that I can take full advantage of his power. As the holder of the lamp, the Genie will have no choice but to do my evil bidding. I shall use these two nincompoops to track down the boy and bring him to me.


    Listen up and listen well, Because I cannot give them hell, I must rely on you alone

    To find Aladdin without a groan. Be careful not to let him see That you two bobbies work for me.

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !12

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    And when you think the moment’s right Jump right in and tie him tight, And do not let him loose until You know I’m there to get my fill.

    Hong/Kong (Entranced) Yes master.

    (They stand to attention hitting themselves with their truncheons)

    Abanaza Quick, hide in the front row, I think our prize awaits!

    (All three hide)

    Aladdin (Looking glum) Hiya boys and girls! I’m feeling bittersweet. What’s that sir? No, I haven't just eaten a Haribo Tangfastic. I’ve been forced to leave home and work for the Emperor here in the Royal Palace. I’m really not looking forward to cleaning the toilets. There is one thing I’m looking forward to though, can you guess what it is? No, it’s not that sir, this is a family show. I’m hoping to meet the royal princess Jasmine. She’s so beautiful boys and girls, and it’s said she has a heart of pure gold. One day, I could ask her for her hand in marriage! I wonder whether I’ll meet her when I’m walking around the palace.

    (Enter Jasmine and Tu Shy)

    Tu Shy Princess, you can’t just sneak out of the palace like this. Your father will be furious!

    Jasmine I don’t care Tu Shy. You’ve seen how I live. I’m locked away and kept from the world.

    Tu Shy But why would you want to escape the palace? You have everything you could ever want.

    Jasmine I have all of these expensive things but no one to share them with Tu Shy. I want more from my life than finery and riches.

    Song Suggest ‘Part Of Your World’ from The Little Mermaid

    (They notice Aladdin who is watching them intently)

    Tu Shy Princess, hide yourself!

    (Jasmine covers her face)

    Jasmine Who is it? Get them away, my father would kill me if he heard I was leaving the palace walls.

    Aladdin Don’t worry, I won’t say anything to your father.

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !13

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    Jasmine Who are you?

    Aladdin You must be Princess Jasmine. I’ve come to work at the palace because we can’t afford our rent.

    Tu Shy I’ve seen you before, you deliver our Mun Chin takeaways.

    Aladdin My mother runs the shop.

    Jasmine (Throws off her veil and turns) Your takeaways are the best in all of Beijing!

    Aladdin What’s your favourite dish?

    Jasmine Chicken chow mein

    Both With egg friend rice and prawn crackers!

    Aladdin I knew it! Do you like Pandas?

    Jasmine In my takeaway?

    Aladdin No, in general.

    Jasmine I love Pandas. Do you like mountain walks?

    Aladdin Yes! And bamboo forests and Chinese new year and street food?

    Jasmine Yes. Though I’ve never eaten street food.

    Aladdin We could share a set meal for two!

    Song Suggest Love is an Open door

    (We hear police sirens as Hong and Kong rise zombie-like from the audience and chase Aladdin. This chase can be as small or enlarged as you can achieve in your auditorium)

    Tu Shy Jasmine! Quickly, you need to get home.

    Jasmine What’s your name, strange takeaway man?

    Aladdin It’s Aladdin. Aladdin Twankey.

    Jasmine Goodbye Aladdin, for now.

    (The police begin to chase Jasmine instead. All exit, Abanaza enters)

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !14

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    Abanaza Poor Aladdin, he seems to have got himself in quite a pickle! I see he’s become instantly infatuated with Princess Jasmine. I don’t know what Emperor Sing-Lo is so concerned about, at least they didn’t meet on Tinder. Oh well, back to it, I need to find a way to get into the magical cave of wonder and steal the Genie’s lamp. Now that Aladdin is so in love, I think he’ll be able to help.

    (Abanaza laughs and exits) 

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !15

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    Scene 3 The Gardens of the Palace of Beijing

    (Aladdin runs in and hides behind a plant. Emperor enters and Tu Shy runs in out of breath)

    Emperor Tu Shy, just the person I was hoping to see.

    Tu Shy Oh Emperor, have you seen Princess Jasmine?

    Emperor I was about to ask you the same question.

    (Enter Hong and Kong dragging Jasmine in their wake)

    Hong Emperor, we found princess.

    Kong She with street boy.

    Hong His name Aladdin.

    Kong We chase him.

    Hong But no luck.

    Emperor Is this true Jasmine?

    (She looks away)

    Tu Shy?

    (She looks at Jasmine)

    I am very disappointed in you Jasmine. I expected better of you. You are safe within these walls and that is where you’ll stay in future. So Shy, please ensure Princess Jasmine doesn’t leave the palace ever again.

    Tu Shy Yes your highness.

    Emperor Don’t let me down Jasmine.

    (He exits with Hong and Kong)

    Jasmine Oh Tu Shy, what am I going to do? I’ll never see Aladdin again!

    (Aladdin stands up from behind the plant and waves to the audience)

    What’s that boys and girls? Have you seen Aladdin? (Audience reaction, Aladdin jumps up again)

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !16

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    Tu Shy He’s behind us?

    (Audience reaction, Aladdin jumps out again)

    Jasmine I don’t believe you.

    (Audience reaction, Aladdin jumps out and walks to right behind the Princess and puts his hands over her eyes.)

    Aladdin Don’t worry Princess, I’m never far away.

    (They embrace)

    Jasmine Aladdin!

    Tu Shy How did you get here?

    Aladdin I was running away from the chuckle brothers and this is where I ended up!

    Tu Shy You shouldn’t be here Aladdin.

    Aladdin So I heard.

    Jasmine My father has forbidden our love Aladdin. You have to leave, I’m sorry.

    Aladdin If that’s your wish Princess then I understand. You know where to find me if you need me.

    (He exits)

    Tu Shy Come on Princess, let’s get you inside.

    (Emperor re-enters with Hong, Kong and 2 palace guards. They stand in the following order from stage left to stage right; Guard 1, Hong, Emperor, Kong, Guard 2)

    Emperor Now, I’ve had about enough of you two and your incompetence. This is just like Ned the Noodle Ninja all over again. He wrapped you up in spaghetti and you were found tied to the royal flag pole with meatballs in your mouth.

    Hong That unfair judgement your importantness.

    Kong Yeah, those meatballs were delicious!

    Emperor I think it’s time for a changing of the guard.

    Hong What you mean sir?

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !17

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    Kong We’re the best in business.

    Hong The Bee’s knees!

    Kong The dogs-

    Hong - biscuits!

    Emperor Enough! Hand me your truncheons.

    Hong But sir-

    Emperor - I’ve heard enough. Hand them over.

    (They both hand him their truncheons. He holds the truncheons above their heads)

    Shall I boys and girls?

    (Audience reaction)


    Hong & Kong Ow!

    (The additional guards laugh hard at the slapstick violence. Hong and Kong snatch back their truncheons and hit the onlooking guards)

    Guard 1 Oi!

    Guard 2 That’s not fair.

    (They snatch the truncheons and hit Hong and Kong back)

    Hong Ouch!

    Kong Don’t do that.

    (They snatch the truncheons again, turn to the middle and hit Emperor. He, furious, takes the truncheons back again)

    Hong Your majesticles, have I ever told you how kind you are?

    Kong And how forgiving you always be.

    Emperor Stop grovelling, it doesn’t suit you.

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !18

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    Aladdin Pantomime Script

    (Hits them both)

    Hong Ouch!

    Kong Not again.

    Emperor Now, get out of my sight you low-life scum.

    Hong Yes boss.

    Kong Aye sir.

    (Emperor hands Guard 1 and 2 the truncheons. Hong and Kong run off chased by Guard 1 and 2 who are hitting them joyously)

    Emperor You just can’t get the staff these days.

    (Emperor exits.)

    © Jack Northcott 2017 !19

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