album cover research

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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Album Cover

ResearchBy April McCullin


These albums covers I love because I think the

busy collaboration of different mediums

(photographs, drawings, prints etc.) works really effective. This could be

used to connote the fast-paced, upbeat song

I have chosen to base my music video on. It could also be a really relevant technique as

my music video includes quite a lot of repetition

and montage-ing of images/footage.


I am thinking of including the ‘FatBoy

Slim’ logo into my own album cover. However, more as a focal point of

the design. Much like these four covers as they are very eye-

catching and have been incorporated as part of

the artwork as apposed to a small insignificant

artist name in the corner. For example, the

top left, the artists’ lipstick has been

matched to the colour of the album name…

therefore, providing an eye catching and appealing effect.


As I have experimented with a variety of different

lighting effects in my music video, I would like to incorporate

these effects into my album cover. These

four examples highlight the many

different effects that are available to use, I

especially like the electronic, distorted

text and figures in the top right cover. This also seems to

represent the upbeat, disco, ‘dancey’ type

of song I have chosen.


These editing effects I think are really

effective! I feel that it is a technique that could be used to depict a certain

‘whacky’, unusual and unique feature on the

album cover. This could be achieved through the use of

Photoshop and could be a lot of fun to get

creative and experimental with! I particularly like the

top right as it related directly to my music

video as I have included a lot of extreme close-up

shots of mouths and the focus of the video

is lip-syncing.

top related