alfresco multi-tenancy: internals of the core repository & cloud

Post on 22-May-2015






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Alfresco DevCon 2012 (Berlin and San Jose) This talk will take a look at the internal workings of core multi-tenancy (MT) in the Alfresco Repository. We will briefly cover how Alfresco has supported MT since Alfresco 3 (including support for dynamic models, workflow, APIs/protocols and Share) and see how it has evolved in Alfresco 4 to support additional features, such as Solr and Activiti, that are required for the Cloud. We will also discuss some key differences between Alfresco core MT and our new Cloud extensions, eg. to support multiple networks, as well as outline where the architecture might head in the future.


MT Internals … enabling multi-tenant SaaS “in the cloud”!

!Jan Vonka!

•  Jan Vonka - Senior Developer @ Alfresco!

•  Core Repository - Cloud / Hybrid Services!

•  At one time, lived & worked here in the Bay Area!

•  My passion:!

•  Flying hot-air balloons!

•  … once indoors @ Hangar 1, Moffett Field, CA!!

Quick intro!


•  Multi-Tenant (MT) Overview!

•  MT Core!

•  MT 4.x and “in the cloud”!•  What’s new in Alfresco 4.x ?!•  How does Alfresco “in the cloud” differ ?!

•  Summary and Feedback (Q & A)!

MT Overview!

MT Overview!4.x instance – example 1!

DB Content (Shared F/S)

Search (Solr)


Repository (including Transforms)

APIs / Protocols (CMIS, REST, WebDAV, …)

MT Overview!4.x instance – example 2!


Content (Shared F/S)

Search nodes Solr2 Solr1 Solr3

Share nodes Sh2 Sh1 Sh3

Repository Cluster R2 R1 R3

Transformer nodes T2 T1 T3

APIs / Protocols (CMIS, REST, WebDAV, …)

MT Overview!4.x instance – example 3!

MT Overview !

Content DB Search Index

Alfresco “vanilla” – single-tenant (single instance) !

Alfresco Cluster

Alfresco – single-tenant (multi-instance)!

MT Overview !

Content DB Search Index

Alfresco Cluster

Content DB Search Index

Alfresco Cluster

Content DB Search Index

Alfresco Cluster

Content DB Search Index

Alfresco Cluster

T1 T2

T3 T4

Alfresco MT – multi-tenant (single instance)!

MT Overview !

Content DB Search Index

Alfresco Cluster





MT Overview!

Why use MT ?!!•  Economies of scale!

•  Lower licensing / TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)!

•  Easier to manage!•  Less administrative overhead, easier upgrades!

•  Scale!•  Cloud – multi-tenant SaaS (Software as a Service)!

•  New use-cases!•  Cloud – eg. B2B collaboration (Business-to-Business)!

MT Overview!

Alfresco has provided multi-tenant option since v3!!•  Single instance / multiple tenants!

•  Each tenant can access logical repo!

•  Full partitioning (isolated tenants)!

•  UIs + APIs / Protocols!

•  Dynamic Models!

MT Core!

MT Core !Repository structure – stores, nodes, associations!!

•  Store -> node hierarchy •  (primary) parent / child assocs •  also

•  secondary child assocs •  peer assocs (source / target)!

!•  Example: workspace://SpaceStore

•  Company Home •  Sites

•  Site1, Site2, … •  User Homes

•  fsmith, jdoe, … •  …

MT Core !Repository structure!!

•  By default, five uniquely named stores •  Live store (workspace://SpacesStore) •  Version2 store (workspace://version2Store) •  Archive store (archive://SpacesStore) •  User store (user://alfrescoUserStore) •  System store (system://system)

!•  See Admin Node Browser (Explorer or Share)

MT Core !MT implementation – tenant context!!

•  Auth (Security) ctx => fully qualified userid •  minimise impact on APIs + support standard protocols

•  myuser@mytenant

•  Internally partitioned by Alfresco “store” •  workspace://SpacesStore

•  workspace://@@mytenant@@SpacesStore

MT Core !MT implementation – tenant context (cont’)!!

•  workspace://SpaceStore (workspace://

•  Company Home •  Sites

•  Site1, Site2, … •  User Homes

•,, …

•  workspace://SpaceStore (workspace://

•  Company Home •  Sites

•  Site1, Site2, … •  User Homes


MT Core !MT implementation – create tenant!

•  On 1st startup, we “bootstrap” the schema objects •  When creating a tenant, we “import” default data …

•  create tenant-specific stores (x5) •  Live store •  Version2 store •  Archive store •  User store •  System store

•  add to “alf_tenant” table •  Tenant Domain, Enabled/Disabled, Content Root (if not co-mingled)

MT Core !MT implementation – Services vs DAOs!

•  Services / APIs

•  “always” accessed in tenant ctx •  notable exception is QuickShare service

•  public/shared links => no login required

•  Persistence DAOs •  direct use •  in some cases, apply to multiple / all (?) tenants

•  eg. system-wide patches / jobs etc

MT Core !Quick reference … something to review later!!

•  MultiTServiceImpl ß TenantService •  Provides name mangling – injected in various services

•  MultiTAdminServiceImpl ß TenantAdminService •  Manage tenants – create, disable / enable, delete

•  MultiTNodeServiceInterceptor •  example that wraps (intercepts) generic NodeService •  instead of injecting TenantService (or extending)

MT Core!See: node-services-context.xml!!

<bean id="multiTNodeServiceInterceptor" class="org.alfresco.repo.tenant.MultiTNodeServiceInterceptor">! <property name="tenantService">! <ref bean="tenantService" />! </property>!</bean>!!<bean id="mtAwareNodeService" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean" >! <property name="targetName">! <value>dbNodeService</value>! </property>! <property name="proxyInterfaces">! <list>! <value>org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeService</value>! </list>! </property>! <property name="interceptorNames">! <list>! <value>multiTNodeServiceInterceptor</value>! </list>! </property>!</bean>!!<bean id="dbNodeService" class="org.alfresco.repo.node.db.DbNodeServiceImpl" init-method="init" >! <!-- … more here … ->!</bean>!

MT Core !

Other examples …!!

•  Core Services, eg.!•  NodeService -> FileFolderService!•  ContentService!•  SearchService (Lucene + Solr since v4)!•  WorkflowService (JBPM + Activiti since v4)!•  … etc!

•  APIs & Protocols, eg.!•  WebScripts!•  CMIS!•  WebDAV!

What’s new in Alfresco v4.x ?!

What’s new in Alfresco v4 !Changes include:

•  Activiti support for MT!•  in addition to JBPM!

•  Solr support for MT!•  “core” tracking, tenant ctx filter, …!

!•  MT pre-configured (enable w/ 1st tenant) !!

•  note: since Enterprise 4.0.2 / Community 4.2.a!

What’s new in Alfresco v4 !Changes include:

•  Alf_Tenant table!•  replaces attribute list!

•  Common implementation!•  eg. for (tenant-based) caches!

•  Various bug fixes & other related improvements!•  from Cloud release + customer feedback!

How does Alfresco “in the cloud” differ ?!

How does Alfresco “in the cloud” differ ? !MT Core 4.x except hosted on AWS and …!!

Search Index (Solr) DB (RDS) Content (S3)

Alfresco Cluster

How does Alfresco “in the cloud” differ ? !Architecture!

How does Alfresco “in the cloud” differ ?!

… with Tenant (aka. Network switching)

•  Unlike MT core, cloud allows Tenant switching!•  User has primary tenant!•  Can be invited to secondary tenants!

•  We split Tenant ctx from Auth ctx (see TenantUtil)!•  Share + APIs support tenant switching!

•  via cloud extensions for:!•  Share / Surf!•  WebDAV protocol!•  SharePoint protocol!•  Core Repo APIs – including the new “public API”!

How does Alfresco “in the cloud” differ ? !Scaling – networks, users, sites, documents, …

•  Hosted Core MT might be “100s” of tenants!•  Cloud supports “100s of thousands” of tenants!

•  over 30000 companies signed up (DG)!

•  Generic improvements get pushed back to core code!


Futures!Health warning – this slide is speculative J!

•  Driven by both Enterprise and Cloud use-cases!

•  Scaling – scale & partition tiers, as needed!•  SharePoint Protocol!•  Refactor of MT dynamic models (+ CMIS 1.1)!•  More dynamic Share / platform (per-tenant overrides)!•  Public / Private / Hybrid – MT vs ST!•  …!

•  What would you like to see on the list ?!


Summary!•  MT Core!•  Fully partitioned by tenant context!

•  What’s new in Alfresco 4.x ?!•  Activiti, Solr, … + improvements & bug fixes!

•  How does Alfresco “in the cloud” differ ?!•  Network switching!

•  Please try it out!•  Download latest Community 4.2 …!•!

Thank you J

… Questions & Feedback ?

! !! ! !!

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