all rights reserved. no part of this publication may be … · if your marriage is at a crisis...

Post on 12-May-2018






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If your marriage is at a crisis point due to a revelation of infidelity, then this guide is for you.

Nothing damages a marriage in the same way as an affair, no matter what form it takes. If you or your partner has violated the commitment of exclusivity you made in your vows and have been unfaithful, your marriage will suffer for it when it inevitably comes out into the open.

Peter and Nicola enjoy a marriage today that is stronger than it has ever been. They have a level of trust, passion and happiness in their relationship that they had only previously dreamed about. But it hasn’t always been like this and they had to find out the hard way when their 23-year marriage imploded after Peter’s admission of serial infidelity.

Nicola confides: “We were both confused and unsure of what to do next. I was desperate to find a solution to save our marriage, but I was in an incredible amount of pain. I didn’t really believe it was possible. Fortunately, a solution did present itself.

Peter takes up the story: “What we found was a revelation and within a few days we were flying out to the USA to meet with a world renowned relationship expert for an intensive three-day intervention. It was here that we were introduced to the concept of ‘unconditional love’, a profoundly new and different way of understanding what loving another person really means. It has completely changed me, changed the way I view the world and absolutely transformed mine and Nicola’s relationship.”

To be unconditionally loving is something that many people believe they

are, but the truth is very few people actually know how to love somebody

properly. Unconditional Love is totally selfless. It is about “I care how

YOU feel”. The opposite of this kind of Love is ‘conditional love’ which is

“I like how you make ME feel”. It’s Unconditional Love when someone

cares about their partner’s happiness without needing anything in return

for themselves. They’re not disappointed or angry when their partner

makes foolish mistakes or doesn’t automatically give them what they

want. They have no secrets from each other and don’t just tolerate, but

embrace each and every little quirk and personality trait.


This is the true happiness that gives us a reason to live, not the fleeting happiness that we use as a substitute, often without even realising it. When two people love each other unconditionally, they don’t need anything in return for it, as the Love itself is enough. Rather than assigning blame, Unconditional Love helps us to understand the origins of our behaviour and do whatever we need to in order to achieve true happiness in all aspects of our lives – including providing a rock solid foundation for a happy marriage.

Peter continues..“This was what our marriage had been missing for so long, and once we embraced it, our lives were changed forever. We were so inspired by what we learnt that we trained as Infidelity coaches ourselves and went on to found ‘Get Over An Affair’ in order to share everything we’d learnt with others here in this country. We were also featured on the Channel 5 documentary ‘Me and My Affair’ in 2016”

Nicola adds ...“Not only does this approach work, it works quickly and produces lasting results. Speaking from our personal experience, it took us less than nine months to turn our lives around and eliminate the pain of infidelity COMPLETELY. This isn’t like traditional marriage counselling, which only provides temporary solutions most of the time – this is about really turning your marriage and your whole life around and affair proofing it for good.”

In the pages that follow, there is a section for you and a section for your partner where you will each work through five steps that will start the process of bringing you closer together and help you to experience Unconditional Love for the first time in your lives. There’s no denying that it will take courage and commitment from both of you, but it will definitely be worth it in the long run.

Take the time to read your own section first and then, if you like, explore your partner’s section to find out a bit more about their journey. You will soon see that no matter how bad things seem now, recovery is always possible.

The things you’re about to learn have transformed hundreds of people’s lives and are sure to transform yours too!

Peter and Nicola


The discovery that your partner has been unfaithful could easily be one of the worst things to ever happen to you, so emotions will be running high. Very high!

However, no matter how hurt you’re feeling, you need to keep those feelings in check in order to facilitate the healing process for both of you. You might think you have every right to feel ‘wronged’, you might also want to lash out in your pain, but if you are really serious about re-creating a healthy and happy marriage, this can be extremely damaging to the process.

Try following the advice in the following five steps – it will make all the difference


It’s important that there is no blame or anger involved from either of you at this early stage. Although you may be feeling hurt and angry, the important thing is to bring everything out into the open, not to give vent to your anger, as this will be counterproductive and make your partner reluctant to proceed further with the healing process. You may be afraid of hearing all the facts, but it’s important that you do, so you need to ask the right sort of questions.

Tell your partner that you genuinely want to understand what happened and want them to be completely open and honest with you. Remember, a happy, long-lasting marriage can never be built on lies.

Some questions you might ask include…

“Are you still seeing him/her and, if so, are you prepared to end it?”

“When did you cross the line from friends to lovers?”

“How many times?”

“Where and when did you meet?”


“Who else knows about your affair?”

“Were there any others? If so, how many?”

“How are you feeling and what do you want to do now?”

There’s no judgement implicit in any of these questions, which will make your partner far more ready to open up to you. They are likely to be feeling a great amount of guilt and shame and so will be very sensitive if they feel blame is being heaped on them. Be open, receptive and try to establish what they really want from the relationship as you move forward.

You will learn over time that you can view the affair in a completely different way. One day, you will be able to look back and admit that these circumstances were the catalyst that caused your whole marriage to turn around and begin a new more joyful union. Try to view this step as merely gathering as much information as you can, so that you can then process it all in a completely different way.

If you are calm and understanding throughout this conversation, no matter how difficult it may be, the rest of the process will be much easier for both of you.

The next step is to share your own feelings about the affair, but once again, this isn’t the time to start assigning blame. You can’t become critical/attacking, but your partner needs to understand the impact their infidelity has had on you emotionally. For instance, an admission that “I’m feeling pretty betrayed and stupid right now” is honest without being aggressive, while telling them “You’ve made me feel so stupid!” will put them on the defensive and bring you right back to square one. It’s a good idea to think carefully about what you wish to say well in advance, so you can stay calm throughout the conversation.

Do not expect an apology or any sympathy from your partner at this stage, as that is not the point here. The goal is simply to establish exactly where you are emotionally at this point in time, so you can move forward from there.


There is a simple reason for your partner’s affair. Like most people on the planet, your partner is lacking adequate unconditional Love. Having never experienced any of this life-giving love, most people move around with an emptiness inside them that they’re not even aware of. Later in life, this emptiness manifests itself as feelings of loneliness, boredom, anger, irritation or fear, and literally compels us to seek out different forms of ‘love’ to make us feel better – something we refer to as ‘Imitation Love’. It is this reason, and this reason only, that leads people to overindulge in

drink, drugs, gambling and many other forms of self-destructive

behaviour and it is this lack of unconditional love that led your partner to

have an affair. If someone has not received Unconditional Love as a

child or from within his or her marriage, they will naturally start looking

elsewhere and get imitation love wherever they can find it as a


You may well ask why you didn’t have an affair if your marriage was so devoid of Unconditional Love. Well. you were almost certainly getting your fill of a different form of Imitation Love from somewhere else. The only difference is that your form of imitation love didn’t manifest as infidelity. You might have absorbed yourself with work, shopping, sports, friends, mothering your children… or something else to make up for the emptiness and loneliness of your marriage.

While activities like these will provide a short-term buzz, they’ll never compare to the lasting happiness provided by a marriage based on unconditional Love – where we have the feeling that our partner genuinely cares for us no matter what we do or have done.

In simple terms, neither of you were equipped to provide the other with this very particular kind of Love, as you’d never experienced it for yourselves, having never received it from your parents during your childhood (who will, in turn, have never received it when they were children).

You may well ask whether it is genuinely possible to love someone unconditionally, particularly when they’ve done something to hurt you so deeply, but it really is very possible, vital even. Although it’s important for people to take responsibility for their actions, it is possible to teach and correct people without bringing anger and disappointment into the equation. Every time we frown, sigh, speak harshly, or in any way express


our anger at our partner, we are only communicating that we’re not getting what WE want. We are not showing that we care about our partner’s happiness – only our own. They will sense our selfishness and become disconnected from us.

Giving or withholding acceptance based on another person’s behaviour is the essence of conditional love – we were taught this kind of behaviour when we were children. Think back to how our parents responded when we did something wrong; with scolding, frowns and disapproval. As a result, we were taught to seek the approval of others in any way we could, thus accumulating a lot of skeletons in our closets. It is therefore wrong to assign all the blame for your marital problems to

your partner, no matter how deeply their affair hurt you. It is also no

good to blame yourself either – how could you have known what was

missing until someone taught you the real truth?

When you bring Unconditional Love into your life, your unhappiness will melt away and being part of a loving, committed relationship will become as natural as breathing. Genuine happiness like this enriches the soul and won’t disappear when things become difficult, so persevering through these difficult stages is the only way to really achieve it.

Learning to experience Unconditional Love doesn’t happen overnight, so it’s important that both you and your partner are completely committed to the healing process and willing to see it through to the end. You cannot allow yourselves to give up at the first sign of adversity, as any progress you’ve already made will have been for nothing.

Surely a truly happy life with your partner is worth a little effort early on?

The effects of Real Love are so life-changing that once you experience them for yourself, you will be in no doubt that all that effort was worth it. Let’s face it; if you don’t find out what Unconditional Love is now, you will take that same emptiness with you into any future relationships and you won’t know how to make that relationship work either.


As we already mentioned, very few people have experienced Unconditional Love in their lives or know anything about it. It will therefore be impossible for just anyone to guide you towards properly bringing it into your own life. Your friends and family may have the very best of intentions, whether they are telling you to just end the marriage or do whatever it takes to save it, but they won’t ever be able to offer you advice that will affect lasting, positive change.

The only person who can introduce you to the benefits of unconditional love and guide you and your partner through the healing process is someone who has experienced it for themselves.

Beginning with a three-day intervention, you and your partner will be helped to bring all your feelings out into the open in order to establish exactly what led to the affair and, more importantly, how you can move forward.

Unconditional Love is not based on abstract theories – we havehad our own lives transformed by learning how to bring it into our relationship and have worked hard at correcting our own ‘conditionally loving’ behaviours. Our guidance is based on our own life experiences, which means we are truly passionate and committed to our work.

Although we will help you lay the groundwork, exploring Unconditional

Love is truly a lifelong process, leading to greater and greater levels of

happiness. We’d advise you to explore everything you can about it and

work with us for as long as it takes to get your marriage back on track.


If you’ve had an affair but are ready to take responsibility for what you’ve done and work to save your marriage, you will be experiencing a lot of different feelings at the moment. The following five steps will help you manage those feelings, face up to your mistake and start to do what’s necessary to repair your marriage.

It may seem obvious, but this first step is vital if progress is to be made.

It will be impossible to make progress unless you demonstrate that you are committed to getting your marriage back on track by completely breaking off your affair.

There’s no doubt that this could be a scary process – you might be afraid, for example, that breaking off the affair for good means putting yourself at risk of losing both your partner AND your lover, should any reconciliation in your marriage prove unsuccessful.

You may even be looking for justification for your behaviour out of fear of the blame you’re anticipating and think that ending your marriage would legitimise your infidelity.

If you’re to move forward, it’s important to be completely committed to the process and not delude yourself that you can have it both ways. You must demonstrate serious commitment at this point. Do whatever it takes. For example, remove the other person’s details from your address book, change your mobile phone number, remove them from your list of friends on social media or put a filter on any emails coming in from their email address. If you work with the person concerned, apply to move departments or get another job. It will be worth it in the end.

Being alone is one of humankind’s biggest fears, so telling the truth

about our mistakes is an intimidating prospect. In fact, feeling alone is


what leads people to have affairs in the first place. We’ve been brought

up to fear the consequences of not being accepted by other people and

so we will look for that acceptance anywhere we can. Our whole lives

are based on trying to get other people to like us, and in so doing, most

of what we say is not the whole or even the partial truth. Some of it will

have been complete lies. Think about the things you have told the

person you had the affair with – how much of what they know about you

is actually the truth?

Lying is learned behaviour and even though it wasn’t their fault, our parents were usually the ones who unwittingly taught us to lie. When we were scolded by our parents for things we had done wrong, we didn’t like the feeling – and often we then learnt to protect ourselves from this horrible feeling by lying. This is what causes human beings to lie later in life, often without even realising we’re doing it. Quite simply, we have no understanding of our true selves. We lie to protect ourselves from disapproval and in order to gain somebody else’s approval.

Only through bringing everything into the open can you start moving on. You need to be completely candid and answer any questions your partner has about exactly what happened, no matter how much you fear the repercussions. You need to be completely honest with them and completely honest with yourself.

It’s an incredibly liberating feeling. No matter how much you fear it, once the truth is out in the open, you will feel a great weight lifted off your shoulders. And surely it’s better to have a relationship based on trust and openness, where you both know everything about each other and wholeheartedly accept it, than one based on lies?

This is the cornerstone of infidelity recovery, as you will soon discover…

There is one simple reason for people having affairs – they were only receiving conditional love as opposed to unconditional love.

Conditional love is all about winning others over – we do whatever we can to please other people and receive ‘love’ in return. Conditional love forces


us to build up a fake persona in order to receive the love we crave, until the weight of our lies becomes too much to bear.

Unconditional love is the opposite. This kind of love is about two people accepting each other for who they really are, not who they pretend to be.

When we aren’t receiving Unconditional Love, we will start looking for substitutes or ‘imitations’ of the real thing because they temporarily make us feel better. We refer to these substitutes as Imitation Love and they fall into four categories…

• Praise. Everyone likes to be complimented and told they’ve done well. The problem is, this feeling is temporary and you’ll have to keep working hard to get a dose of it. Think of what first dates are like – everyone is trying their hardest to impress the other person. As the relationship progresses, it becomes clear that each partner is more than just their best qualities, so a relationship that is based on constantly seeking praise and acknowledgement is doomed to fail.

• Power. In the absence of Unconditional Love, power can be very satisfying, whether it involves the use of money, authority, physical and verbal intimidation, anger, violence or sex. These are simply poor substitutes for Unconditional Love and may offer a quick fix, but will never cure your feelings of loneliness.

• Pleasure. Sex, food, alcohol, drugs, shopping, gambling and fast cars are all just distractions. If they were anything more than that, addicts would be the happiest people in the world. These sensations are fleeting and will never compare to the lasting happiness provided by Unconditional Love.

• Safety. Everyone likes to feel secure. This is why people will often put up with jobs they’re unhappy with for years, as the prospect of moving on is just too intimidating. Similarly, if we’ve been repeatedly hurt in relationships, we’ll settle for someone who hurts us less, even if that doesn’t even resemble Unconditional Love.

Whatever form it happens to take, imitation love can never compare to the real thing. Your affair resulted from a lack of this kind of love in your life and in your relationship. Your partner is undoubtedly receiving imitation love in one form or another too, but probably in different forms to you. You chose the thrill and temporary buzz of an affair. On the other hand, your partner may be gambling, drinking or living their life through the children for example.


To be clear, you chose to have an affair and therefore the consequences

of your decision are your responsibility. However, the reason behind why

you had the affair in the first place was not your fault. You didn’t know

the truth about unconditional Love, your spouse didn’t know the truth

about Unconditional Love and your parents didn’t know the truth about

Unconditional Love in order to teach you about it either. Blaming anyone

will not solve anything. Understanding the real cause and committing to

put things right is the only successful way forwards.

Fixing your marriage will require work; there’s no getting around it. However, you need to accept this and commit yourself to doing whatever it takes to get your relationship back on track. Do not give up at the first sign of adversity, or you will never get to experience Unconditional Love in your own life. This is a lifelong journey you’re embarking on – one that could be truly amazing!

True Unconditional Love is rare. Very few people have experienced it in their own lives and so you should be wary of their advice when it comes to fixing your marriage, no matter how well-intentioned they may be.

Imagine that you’ve lived in Antarctica for your entire life, so all you’ve ever known is temperatures between -20°C and -60°C. One day, however, the temperature rises from -40°C to 0°C. Compared to what you’ve known all your life, you’d think that was warm, but how would you possibly know what genuine warmth was? How could you know what it could be like to bask on a beach in Grand Cayman, where the temperatures might vary between 30°C and 35°C in the afternoon?

So it is with Unconditional Love. It is impossible to describe unless we’ve experienced it for ourselves, but once we do, all forms of Imitation Love pale in comparison. That’s why the only person who can help you bring it


into your marriage is someone who is living proof it works and who has helped many other couples to experience it too. Someone who will stage an intensive three-day intervention to help you put everything you’ve learnt in this guide into practice.

Once you have been through this process, experiencing Unconditional

Love for the first time will totally affect all aspects of your life.

Loving and positive relationships at home and at work. that would

previously have seemed impossible, will become effortless.


Although we’ve covered quite a lot in this guide, it’s just the first step towards experiencing Unconditional Love for yourselves. As we mentioned early on, we are experienced infidelity coaches who are passionate about sharing the transformative power of Unconditional Love with others. That’s why we’d like to be the ones to help you and your partner fix your marriage and get ready for a long, happy life together.

We offer a three-day intervention followed by 6 months unlimited coaching for couples who are experiencing the devastating effects of an affair, but are serious about building a better relationship.

You can also speak to us directly for free advice by calling 024 77 920 106 or emailing

We look forward to meeting you!


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