all sickness is not of the devil study reference notes

Post on 20-May-2015






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These are the Reference Study Notes for the sermon-teaching recorded a while back all sickness is not of the devil. From the teaching of By Grace through faith Ministry of Christian Living and of Spiritual Growth


All Sickness is not of the Devil

Authored By:

Sean W. Begle

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Introduction to All Sickness is not of the Devil

A while back for my Ministry which is By Grace through faith Ministry of Christian Living and of Spiritual GrowthI taught a sermon-teaching titled as All sickness is not of the Devil.

Therefore from the notes I created I have used them,to turn them into the bookAll Sickness is not of the devil.

All Sickness is not of the Devil includes the notesfrom the Open Document Text,and the Rich Text format, which are the same notes in thosetwo different formats.This will prove in dealing with All Sickness is not ofthe devil the truth of how sickness works.You will see it as you read these notes from my sermon-teaching.

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• 1. When it comes to sickness, all sickness it is not of the devil, and all sickness it is not from

the devil.

• 2. The reason why all sickness is not of the devil, and all sickness is not from the devil

is because God he can allow sickness to come upon us and It is not always the devil

afflicting you in sickness and afflicting you through sickness

3. Sometimes sickness will come upon us whether we are doing right

or whether we are doing wrong.

Disease it can come upon us whether we are doing right or whether we are

doing wrong.

For an example Job was a man who was righteous, he lived a righteous life

but he went through sickness, he went through disease he went through

that not because of wrong doing but it was to make him stronger

even in his weakness.

4. God does not always punish us with sickness so when sickness comes

we should not think well what did I do for God to punish me

with this sickness.

5. Even though God is a healer and is able to heal God does not always heal our

every sickness neither will he heal our every sickness.

If it is the will of God to heal us from our sickness God will

heal us from our sickness

6. God does not completely heal all of our sickness he may heal some of it

but leave us with the rest of it

7. Just because you believe that God will heal you from your sickness and have faith

that he will that does not always happen

8. In conclusion all sickness is not of the devil and all sickness Is not from the devil

Sometimes God will allow us to be afflicted he will allow sickness to come upon

regardless is if it is for wrong we have done and right we have done or are doing

Sometime we bring sickness upon ourselves and it is not always God or the devil

but it is us.

God is not and God does not always punish with sickness because of wrongdoing

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Supporting Information

Uncommon Answers by Bob Vaughn

God’s Healing?

I believe divine healing is ordained by God for the church today. In the Bible I don’t find the

slightest hint that it should be otherwise. This precious gift that God has given to the church has

been misunderstood or misused by so many, that much of the church today shuns its practice.

Might we now seek truth, build faith, and dispel fear concerning God’s healing.

Sickness and disease do not always relate to our spiritual condition. Some causes are natural

(contagious diseases), some accidental (infections entering in skin breaks, etc.), and some

emotional (psychosomatic – depression, worry, fear, rage, jealousy, and resentments all cause

alterations in our organic function). Natural, accidental and sometimes emotional causes of

sickness or disease strike Christians. When such happens what should the Christian do? It is

always right, if the particular situation warrants such, to take immediate action such as stopping

bleeding, lowering a high temperature, etc. But the primary move towards healing should be

prayer. Prayer by the individual is often all that is needed for healing; but if the sickness or

disease persists the elders of the church (Titus 1:5-9) should be called (James 5:14). They–

anointing the sick with oil in the name of the Lord and praying the prayer of faith–should initiate

healing in the Christian.

Often as a result of natural sickness or accident, bodies are left crippled (blind, deaf, lame, etc.).

These are not sicknesses and therefore are not to be prayed for by the elders as such. These are

afflictions (hardships) and are to be prayed for by the individual (James 5:13). Even so, with

Gods leading, a person may minister with the gift of miracles or gift of faith and pray for an

afflicted person. THEY WILL BE HEALED. When a man is following the leading of GOD’S Spirit

there is no failure. Gifts operate in the individual ministering and do not depend on the person

being prayed for, as with Peter and the lame man in Acts 3.

Another cause of sickness, disease and afflictions is supernatural. Satan, as God allows, imposes

such (Luke 13:16) and God at times does also (Acts 13:11, II Kings 5:27, I Corinthians 11:30).

Some say that sickness is never “for the glory of God”, but Jesus taught differently, saying, “This

sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God” (John 11:4). In scriptures there do seem to

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be times when it is not God’s will to heal at that time, but later on, after His purposes have been

fulfilled, and sometimes never. Examine these passages: John 11:4, John 9:3, II Kings 13:14, II

Timothy 4:20, I Timothy 5:23. Not always knowing God’s plan for the individual’s life, we should

pray for his healing if it be God’s will. This “if” does not negate our faith in God to heal but is the

expression of our desire for God’s perfect will in the individual’s life (Matthew 8:1-5).

Contrary to the scriptures just cited and contrary to my experience, it is often taught that

healing is available at all times to every Christian. Verses often used to try to prove this are, “by

whose stripes you were healed” (I Peter 2:24), and “He Himself took our infirmities and bore our

sicknesses” (Matthew 8:17).

Let’s look at each of these passages:

I PETER 2:24-25: “Who Himself bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, having died to

sins, might live for righteousness: by whose stripes you were healed. For you were like sheep

going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.”

There are two types of healing that we should consider here-spiritual and physical. From the

context the healing appears to be spiritual – being healed from the guilt and power of sin. But if

it is physical healing it indicates that men are healed because of Jesus’ stripes, giving no hint of

the absolute availability of healing to all Christians at all times. If the healing is physical then

when Christians are supernaturally healed it is because of the stripes Jesus bore for their

healing. Healing is not taught to be available to all Christians at all times without regard for

God’s will.

MATTHEW 8:16-17: “And he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all who were sick:

that it might be FULFILLED which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying, He Himself took our

infirmities and bore our sicknesses.”

Matthew attributed Jesus’ healing the sick at Capernaum, to the FULFILLMENT of the prophecy

in Isaiah 53:4. If this prophesy is fulfilled it doesn’t hold a promise for us.

If a person doesn’t receive his healing he should consider why. Some hindrances may be:

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1) WRONG MOTIVES: James 4:3, “Ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may

consume it upon your lust.” When we pray and ask God to heal us we should desire that God be

glorified. It should be our intention if God heals us to use the renewed health and strength for

His service.

2) LACK OF PERSEVERANCE: The apostle Paul prayed three times concerning the thorn in his

flesh before he got an answer (II Corinthians 12:8). Jesus said, “Men ought always to pray, and

faint not.” (Luke 18:1). Persistence demonstrates our confidence in God to answer.

3) LACK OF FAITH: Some Christians are not sure that God will heal. Some feel their problem is

too big or too small to carry to God. Have honest faith–even if it is not perfect. Mark 9:24: “Lord,

I believe, help thou mine unbelief.”

4) SIN: “He who confesses and forsakes his sin shall have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13). “If I regard

iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me” (Psalm 66:18). In some cases, physical sickness is

a chastisement by God for sin (I Corinthians 11:29-32). In that case, healing will not come until

we judge that sin ourselves, confess it to God, and put it away. “Confess your faults to one

another and pray for one another, that ye may be healed” (James 5:16).

5) UNQUALIFIED ELDERS: The elders of the church in James 5:14 – ordained elders, bishops –

must be qualified (Titus 1:5-9). If they are not and we know it, should we expect anything from

God? Any church with qualified Elders can have a healing ministry.

If after looking for hindrances and finding none, a person is still not healed, that person should

not be brought under condemnation.There is no condemnation to those in Jesus who are living

after the Spirit (Romans 8:1). He should simply continue to live for God, trusting Him to bring

about His perfect will for his life. I speak this not only in agreement with the scriptures but also

from experience. I have been miraculously healed of sickness several times. Other times I’ve not

been healed. I don’t know why, but I still follow Him trusting His will to be done.

Why does God allow sickness?

Question: "Why does God allow sickness?"

Answer: The issue of sickness is always a difficult one to deal with. The key is remembering that

God's ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9). When we are suffering with a sickness,

disease, or injury, we usually focus solely on our own suffering. In the midst of a trial of sickness,

it is very difficult to focus on what good God might bring about as a result. Romans 8:28 reminds

us that God can bring about good from any situation. Many people look back on times of

sickness as times when they grew closer to God, learned to trust Him more, and/or learned how

to truly value life. This is the perspective God has because He is sovereign and knows the end


This does not mean sickness is always from God or that God always inflicts us with sickness to

teach us a spiritual lesson. In a world tainted by sin, sickness, disease, and death will always be

with us. We are fallen beings, with physical bodies prone to disease and illness. Some sickness is

simply a result of the natural course of things in this world. Sickness can also be the result of a

demonic attack. The Bible describes several instances when physical suffering was caused by

Satan and his demons (Matthew 17:14-18; Luke 13:10-16). So, some sickness is not from God,

but from Satan. Even in these instances, God is still in control. God sometimes allows sin and/or

Satan to cause physical suffering. Even when sickness is not directly from God, He will still use it

according to His perfect will.

It is undeniable, though, that God sometimes intentionally allows, or even causes sickness to

accomplish His sovereign purposes. While sickness is not directly addressed in the passage,

Hebrews 12:5-11 describes God disciplining us to "produce a harvest of righteousness" (verse

11). Sickness can be a means of God's loving discipline. It is difficult for us to comprehend why

God would work in this manner. But, believing in the sovereignty of God, there is no other

option than suffering being something God allows and/or causes.

The clearest example of this in Scripture is found is Psalm 119. Notice the progression through

verses 67, 71, and 75 - "Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word...It was

good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees...I know, O LORD, that your laws

are righteous, and in faithfulness you have afflicted me." The author of Psalm 119 was looking at

suffering from God's perspective. It was good for him to be afflicted. It was faithfulness that

caused God to afflict him. The result of the affliction was so that he could learn God's decrees

and obey His Word.

Again, sickness and suffering is never an easy thing to deal with. One thing is for sure, sickness

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should not cause us to lose faith in God. God is good, even when we are suffering. Even the

ultimate of suffering—death—is an act of God's goodness. It is hard to imagine that anyone who

is in Heaven as a result of sickness or suffering regrets what they went through in this life.

One final note—when people are suffering, it is our responsibility to minister to them, care for

them, pray for them, and comfort them. When a person is suffering, it is not always appropriate

to emphasize that God will bring good out of the suffering. Yes, that is the truth. However, in the

midst of suffering, it is not always the best time to share that truth. Suffering people need our

love and encouragement, not necessarily a reminder of sound biblical theology.

Why Doesn't God Heal Everyone?

What Does the Bible Say About Healing?

By Mary Fairchild

One of the names of God is Jehovah-Rapha, "the Lord who heals." In Exodus 15:26, God declares

that he is the healer of his people. The passage refers specifically to healing from physical


He said, "If you will listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his

sight, obeying his commands and keeping all his decrees, then I will not make you suffer any of

the diseases I sent on the Egyptians; for I am the Lord who heals you." (NLT)

The Bible records a considerable number of physical healing accounts in the Old Testament.

Likewise, in the ministry of Jesus and his disciples, healing miracles are prominently highlighted.

And throughout the ages of church history, believers have continued to testify of God's power to

divinely heal the sick.

So, if God by his own nature declares himself Healer, why doesn't God heal everyone?

Why did God use Paul to heal the father of Publius who was ill with fever and dysentery, as well

as many other sick people, yet not his beloved disciple Timothy who suffered from frequent

stomach illnesses?

Why Doesn't God Heal Everyone?

Perhaps you are suffering with a sickness right now. You've prayed every healing Bible verse you

know, and still you're left wondering, Why won't God heal me?

Maybe you've recently lost a loved one to cancer or some other terrible disease. It's only natural

to ask the question: Why does God heal some people but not others?

The quick and obvious answer to the question rests in God's sovereignty. God is in control and

ultimately he knows what's best for his creations. While this is certainly true, there are several

clear-cut reasons given in Scripture to further explain why God may not heal.

Biblical Reasons God May Not Heal

Now, before we dive in, I want to admit something: I don't fully understand all of the reasons

God does not heal. I have struggled with my own personal "thorn in the flesh" for years. I'm

referring to 2 Corinthians 12:8-9, where the Apostle Paul stated:

Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, "My grace is all you

need. My power works best in weakness." So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so

that the power of Christ can work through me. (NLT)

Like Paul, I pleaded (in my case for years) for relief, for healing. Eventually, like the apostle, I

resolved in my weakness to live in the sufficiency of God's grace.

During my earnest quest for answers about healing, I was fortunate to learn a few things. And so

I will pass those on to you:

Unconfessed Sin

We'll cut to the chase with this first one: sometimes sickness is the result of unconfessed sin. I

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know, I didn't like this answer either, but it's right there in Scripture:

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest

prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. (James 5:16, NLT)

I want to stress that sickness is not always the direct result of sin in someone's life, but pain and

disease are part of this fallen, cursed world in which we currently live. We must be careful not to

blame every sickness on sin, but we must also realize it is one possible reason. Thus, a good

place to begin if you've come to the Lord for healing is to search your heart and confess your


Lack of Faith

When Jesus healed the sick, on many occasions he made this statement: "Your faith has made

you well."

In Matthew 9:20-22, Jesus healed the woman who had suffered for many years with constant


Just then a woman who had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding came up behind

him. She touched the fringe of his robe, for she thought, "If I can just touch his robe, I will be


Jesus turned around, and when he saw her he said, "Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has

made you well." And the woman was healed at that moment. (NLT)

Here are a few more biblical examples of healing in response to faith:

Matthew 9:28–29; Mark 2:5, Luke 17:19; Acts 3:16; James 5:14–16.

Apparently, there is an important link between faith and healing. Given the multitude of

Scriptures connecting faith to healing, we must conclude that sometimes healing does not occur

because of a lack of faith, or better, the pleasing kind of faith that God honors. Again, we must

be careful not to assume every time someone isn't healed the reason is lack of faith.

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Is Your Healing Really Contingent on Your Faith?

Does Jesus heal people with out faith? We've debunked the myths of faith healing.

Some believers focus exclusively on faith as the key to healing. Yet Jesus healed many who

apparently had no faith. Some were healed because their friends had faith. Others were bound

up by demonic spirits and healed by exorcism, even against their wills.

The truth is that God heals. The myth is that God always heals now at the initiative of our faith.

Faith teacher Frederick K.C. Price has asserted: "The seventh method of receiving healing--

[which] I believe is the highest kind of faith--is the highest way to receive healing...If you believe

you receive it, you will confess that: 'Bless God, I believe I am healed. I believe I have received

my healing...I believe that it is so. I believe that I can walk in divine health all the days of my life.'

You are reading after one man who will never be sick, and I'm not being presumptuous."

Myth is mixed here with truth. The highest kind of faith is, "I believe in Jesus," not just, "I


It is true that faith must be our initiative. But even our initiative comes through the prompting of

the Holy Spirit: "No one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit" (1 Cor. 12:3). Our

faith helps us receive healing, just as the lack of faith hinders healing. But healing does not

depend on faith. Healing depends on the Healer.

Healing is the will of God. Canadian evangelist Peter Youngren wrote: "Jesus clearly shows us

God's will in healing ... the Word of God declares that 'great multitudes followed Him, and He

healed them all' (Matt. 12:15). When Jesus healed all, He was obviously doing the will of His

Father, because He only did that which the Father wanted Him to do."

Youngren adds: "This is why you can come with boldness asking God for healing. God is on your

side. He wants the best for you. He is good."

So, if God wills all to be healed, then can your faith move His hand to heal you? In the words of

the Hertz rental car commercial: "Not exactly!"

Your faith moves Him to save you (see Rom. 10:9-13; Eph. 2:8). And in your salvation is your

healing: "That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: 'He Himself

took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses'" (Matt. 8:17; Is. 53:4-6).

But your faith does not effect your healing now. When you are healed rests entirely on what the

sovereign purposes of the Healer are.

Consider this biblical example. In John 5 Jesus healed one paralytic at the pool of Bethesda

though a multitude thronged that place daily to be healed. Why was one man healed at that

moment while others were not?

John 5:19 gives the answer when Jesus confessed, "'Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do

nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in

like manner.'"

Bible scholar Jack Deere correctly observes that the initiative for the miraculous in Jesus'

ministry did not begin with Him but with the Father. "He healed only the people He saw His

Father healing," Deere writes. "The only firm reason for the healing of the paralytic that we can

derive from the context of John 5 is that the Father willed it, and Jesus executed His Father's will

... We are ultimately faced with the conclusion that sometimes the Lord works miracles for His

own sovereign purposes without giving any explanation for His actions to His followers."

The second myth about healing is that if you stand fast in faith, you will be physically healed in

time and space. Ken and Gloria Copeland have declared that healing will come if we have faith in

our hearts and God's Word in our mouths. But, they add: "It may take time for it to manifest in

your body. So stand fast in faith, giving thanks to God until it does. Focus on God's Word, not on

physical symptoms."

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In what do we "stand fast"? The "rock" on which we stand isn't faith or healing but Christ alone--

the Healer. In Hebrews 10:23 we are admonished to hold fast to the profession of our faith. But

in what is our profession of faith? Certainly, it is not in faith or in healing.

Be careful that your faith is not in faith itself--or, worse yet, in a faith teacher! Just believing

hard enough, long enough or strong enough will not strengthen you or prompt your healing.

Doing mental gymnastics to "hold on to your miracle" will not cause your healing to manifest


So what is faith? It is more than believing in your heart that God heals. The truth is that God is

the God who heals. Faith is trusting the God who heals. Faith is a radical, absolute surrender to

the God who heals. Faith is not holding on for your healing but holding on to the God who can

do the impossible.

The truth is that your healing may manifest in eternity, not in time. If your trust is in God who

heals, then when He heals you is secondary to belonging to the Healer. Certainly you will thank

Him if He heals you today. But if your healing comes beyond death in eternity, will you praise

Him now for that?

Paul did just that: "'O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?' The sting of

death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory

through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always

abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord" (1 Cor.


The third myth about healing is that if you just confess your healing, you will be healed right

now. But you should confess the Healer, not your healing.

In his best-selling book, The Bible Cure, Dr. Reginald B. Cherry encourages us to "speak to the

mountain" of our illness when we pray. That is important in prayer. But praying it and saying it

won't make physical healing manifest now.

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Positive confession does not effect healing. If that were true, anyone who believes in mind-over-

matter mental exercises could heal people. Only Jesus heals.

Our confession should be in Him, not in being healed now. Jesus sternly warned: "'Therefore

whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven.

But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven'"

(Matt. 10:32-33).

It's time we throw out the lies that cloud the truth about faith and healing. It's time we embrace

the scriptural truths that shatter shallow myths and bring us freedom to confidently trust God.

1. When it comes to sickness, all sickness it is not of the devil, and all sickness it is not from the


2. The reason why all sickness is not of the devil, and all sickness is not from the devil

is because God he can allow sickness to come upon us and It is not always the devil

afflicting you in sickness and afflicting you through sickness

3. Sometimes sickness will come upon us whether we are doing right

or whether we are doing wrong.

Disease it can come upon us whether we are doing right or whether we are

doing wrong.

For an example Job was a man who was righteous, he lived a righteous life

but he went through sickness, he went through disease he went through

that not because of wrong doing but it was to make him stronger

even in his weakness.

4. God does not always punish us with sickness so when sickness comes

we should not think well what did I do for God to punish me

with this sickness.

5. Even though God is a healer and is able to heal God does not always heal our

every sickness neither will he heal our every sickness.

If it is the will of God to heal us from our sickness God will

heal us from our sickness

6. God does not completely heal all of our sickness he may heal some of it

but leave us with the rest of it

7. Just because you believe that God will heal you from your sickness and have


that he will that does not always happen

8. In conclusion all sickness is not of the devil and all sickness Is not from

the devil

Sometimes God will allow us to be afflicted he will allow sickness to

come upon

regardless is if it is for wrong we have done and right we have done or

are doing

Sometime we bring sickness upon ourselves and it is not always God or

the devil

but it is us.

God is not and God does not always punish with sickness

because of wrongdoing

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Supporting Information

Uncommon Answers by Bob Vaughn

God’s Heali g?

I elie e di i e heali g is o dai ed God fo the hu h toda . I the Bi le I do ’t find the slightest hint

that it should be otherwise. This precious gift that God has given to the church has been misunderstood

or misused by so many, that much of the church today shuns its practice. Might we now seek truth, build

faith, and dispel fear o e i g God’s heali g.

Sickness and disease do not always relate to our spiritual condition. Some causes are natural (contagious

diseases), some accidental (infections entering in skin breaks, etc.), and some emotional (psychosomatic

– depression, worry, fear, rage, jealousy, and resentments all cause alterations in our organic function).

Natural, accidental and sometimes emotional causes of sickness or disease strike Christians. When such

happens what should the Christian do? It is always right, if the particular situation warrants such, to take

immediate action such as stopping bleeding, lowering a high temperature, etc. But the primary move

towards healing should be prayer. Prayer by the individual is often all that is needed for healing; but if

the sickness or disease persists the elders of the church (Titus 1:5-9) should be called (James 5:14).

They–anointing the sick with oil in the name of the Lord and praying the prayer of faith–should initiate

healing in the Christian.

Often as a result of natural sickness or accident, bodies are left crippled (blind, deaf, lame, etc.). These

are not sicknesses and therefore are not to be prayed for by the elders as such. These are afflictions

(hardships) and are to be prayed for by the individual (James 5:13). Even so, with Gods leading, a person

may minister with the gift of miracles or gift of faith and pray for an afflicted person. THEY WILL BE

HEALED. Whe a a is follo i g the leadi g of GOD’“ “pi it the e is o failu e. Gifts ope ate i the individual ministering and do not depend on the person being prayed for, as with Peter and the lame

man in Acts 3.

Another cause of sickness, disease and afflictions is supernatural. Satan, as God allows, imposes such

(Luke 13:16) and God at times does also (Acts 13:11, II Kings 5:27, I Corinthians 11:30).

“o e sa that si k ess is e e fo the glo of God , ut Jesus taught diffe e tl , sa i g, This si k ess is ot u to death, ut fo the glo of God Joh : . I s iptu es the e do see to e ti es he it is ot God’s ill to heal at that ti e, ut late o , afte His pu poses ha e ee fulfilled, a d so eti es never. Examine these passages: John 11:4, John 9:3, II Kings 13:14, II Timothy 4:20, I Timothy 5:23. Not

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al a s k o i g God’s pla fo the i di idual’s life, e should p a fo his heali g if it e God’s ill. This if does ot egate ou faith i God to heal ut is the e p essio of ou desi e fo God’s pe fe t ill i

the i di idual’s life Matthe : -5).

Contrary to the scriptures just cited and contrary to my experience, it is often taught that healing is

a aila le at all ti es to e e Ch istia . Ve ses ofte used to t to p o e this a e, hose st ipes ou e e healed I Pete : , a d He Hi self took ou i fi ities a d o e ou si k esses Matthe


Let’s look at ea h of these passages:

I PETER 2:24- : Who Hi self o e ou si s i his o od o the t ee, that e, ha i g died to si s, might live for righteousness: by whose stripes you were healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but

ha e o etu ed to the “hephe d a d Bishop of ou souls.

There are two types of healing that we should consider here-spiritual and physical. From the context the

healing appears to be spiritual – being healed from the guilt and power of sin. But if it is physical healing

it i di ates that e a e healed e ause of Jesus’ st ipes, gi i g o hi t of the a solute a aila ilit of healing to all Christians at all times. If the healing is physical then when Christians are supernaturally

healed it is because of the stripes Jesus bore for their healing. Healing is not taught to be available to all

Ch istia s at all ti es ithout ega d fo God’s ill.

MATTHEW 8:16- : A d he ast out the spi its ith his o d, a d healed all ho e e si k: that it might

be FULFILLED which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying, He Himself took our infirmities and bore

ou si k esses.

Matthe att i uted Jesus’ heali g the si k at Cape au , to the FULFILLMENT of the p ophe i Isaiah 53:4. If this prophesy is fulfilled it does ’t hold a p o ise fo us.

If a pe so does ’t e ei e his heali g he should o side h . “o e hi d a es a e:

WRONG MOTIVE“: Ja es : , Ye ask a d e ei e ot, e ause e ask a iss, that e a o su e it

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upo ou lust. When we pray and ask God to heal us we should desire that God be glorified. It should

be our intention if God heals us to use the renewed health and strength for His service.

2) LACK OF PERSEVERANCE: The apostle Paul prayed three times concerning the thorn in his flesh before

he got a a s e II Co i thia s : . Jesus said, Me ought al a s to p a , a d fai t ot. Luke : . Persistence demonstrates our confidence in God to answer.

3) LACK OF FAITH: Some Christians are not sure that God will heal. Some feel their problem is too big or

too small to carry to God. Have honest faith–e e if it is ot pe fe t. Ma k : : Lo d, I elie e, help thou i e u elief.

“IN: He ho o fesses a d fo sakes his si shall ha e e P o e s : . If I ega d i i uit i hea t the Lo d ill ot hea e Psal : . I so e ases, ph si al si k ess is a hastise e t

God for sin (I Corinthians 11:29-32). In that case, healing will not come until we judge that sin ourselves,

o fess it to God, a d put it a a . Co fess ou faults to o e a othe a d p a fo o e a othe , that e a e healed Ja es : .

5) UNQUALIFIED ELDERS: The elders of the church in James 5:14 – ordained elders, bishops – must be

qualified (Titus 1:5-9). If they are not and we know it, should we expect anything from God? Any church

with qualified Elders can have a healing ministry.

If after looking for hindrances and finding none, a person is still not healed, that person should not be

brought under condemnation.There is no condemnation to those in Jesus who are living after the Spirit

(Romans 8:1). He should simply continue to live for God, trusting Him to bring about His perfect will for

his life. I speak this not only in agreement with the scriptures but also from experience. I have been

i a ulousl healed of si k ess se e al ti es. Othe ti es I’ e ot ee healed. I do ’t k o h , ut I still follow Him trusting His will to be done.

Why does God allow sickness?

Question: "Why does God allow sickness?"

Answer: The issue of sickness is always a difficult one to deal with. The key is remembering that God's

ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9). When we are suffering with a sickness, disease, or injury, we

usually focus solely on our own suffering. In the midst of a trial of sickness, it is very difficult to focus on

what good God might bring about as a result. Romans 8:28 reminds us that God can bring about good

from any situation. Many people look back on times of sickness as times when they grew closer to God,

learned to trust Him more, and/or learned how to truly value life. This is the perspective God has

because He is sovereign and knows the end result.

This does not mean sickness is always from God or that God always inflicts us with sickness to teach us a

spiritual lesson. In a world tainted by sin, sickness, disease, and death will always be with us. We are

fallen beings, with physical bodies prone to disease and illness. Some sickness is simply a result of the

natural course of things in this world. Sickness can also be the result of a demonic attack. The Bible

describes several instances when physical suffering was caused by Satan and his demons (Matthew

17:14-18; Luke 13:10-16). So, some sickness is not from God, but from Satan. Even in these instances,

God is still in control. God sometimes allows sin and/or Satan to cause physical suffering. Even when

sickness is not directly from God, He will still use it according to His perfect will.

It is undeniable, though, that God sometimes intentionally allows, or even causes sickness to accomplish

His sovereign purposes. While sickness is not directly addressed in the passage, Hebrews 12:5-11

describes God disciplining us to "produce a harvest of righteousness" (verse 11). Sickness can be a means

of God's loving discipline. It is difficult for us to comprehend why God would work in this manner. But,

believing in the sovereignty of God, there is no other option than suffering being something God allows

and/or causes.

The clearest example of this in Scripture is found is Psalm 119. Notice the progression through verses 67,

71, and 75 - "Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word...It was good for me to be

afflicted so that I might learn your decrees...I know, O LORD, that your laws are righteous, and in

faithfulness you have afflicted me." The author of Psalm 119 was looking at suffering from God's

perspective. It was good for him to be afflicted. It was faithfulness that caused God to afflict him. The

result of the affliction was so that he could learn God's decrees and obey His Word.

Again, sickness and suffering is never an easy thing to deal with. One thing is for sure, sickness should

not cause us to lose faith in God. God is good, even when we are suffering. Even the ultimate of

suffering—death—is an act of God's goodness. It is hard to imagine that anyone who is in Heaven as a

result of sickness or suffering regrets what they went through in this life.

One final note—when people are suffering, it is our responsibility to minister to them, care for them,

pray for them, and comfort them. When a person is suffering, it is not always appropriate to emphasize

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that God will bring good out of the suffering. Yes, that is the truth. However, in the midst of suffering, it

is not always the best time to share that truth. Suffering people need our love and encouragement, not

necessarily a reminder of sound biblical theology.

Why Doesn't God Heal Everyone?

What Does the Bible Say About Healing?

By Mary Fairchild

One of the names of God is Jehovah-Rapha, "the Lord who heals." In Exodus 15:26, God declares that he

is the healer of his people. The passage refers specifically to healing from physical disease:

He said, "If you will listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his sight,

obeying his commands and keeping all his decrees, then I will not make you suffer any of the diseases I

sent on the Egyptians; for I am the Lord who heals you." (NLT)

The Bible records a considerable number of physical healing accounts in the Old Testament. Likewise, in

the ministry of Jesus and his disciples, healing miracles are prominently highlighted. And throughout the

ages of church history, believers have continued to testify of God's power to divinely heal the sick.

So, if God by his own nature declares himself Healer, why doesn't God heal everyone?

Why did God use Paul to heal the father of Publius who was ill with fever and dysentery, as well as many

other sick people, yet not his beloved disciple Timothy who suffered from frequent stomach illnesses?

Why Doesn't God Heal Everyone?

Perhaps you are suffering with a sickness right now. You've prayed every healing Bible verse you know,

and still you're left wondering, Why won't God heal me?

Maybe you've recently lost a loved one to cancer or some other terrible disease. It's only natural to ask

the question: Why does God heal some people but not others?

The quick and obvious answer to the question rests in God's sovereignty. God is in control and ultimately

he knows what's best for his creations. While this is certainly true, there are several clear-cut reasons

given in Scripture to further explain why God may not heal.

Biblical Reasons God May Not Heal

Now, before we dive in, I want to admit something: I don't fully understand all of the reasons God does

not heal. I have struggled with my own personal "thorn in the flesh" for years. I'm referring to 2

Corinthians 12:8-9, where the Apostle Paul stated:

Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, "My grace is all you need. My

power works best in weakness." So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of

Christ can work through me. (NLT)

Like Paul, I pleaded (in my case for years) for relief, for healing. Eventually, like the apostle, I resolved in

my weakness to live in the sufficiency of God's grace.

During my earnest quest for answers about healing, I was fortunate to learn a few things. And so I will

pass those on to you:

Unconfessed Sin

We'll cut to the chase with this first one: sometimes sickness is the result of unconfessed sin. I know, I

didn't like this answer either, but it's right there in Scripture:

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of

a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. (James 5:16, NLT)

I want to stress that sickness is not always the direct result of sin in someone's life, but pain and disease

are part of this fallen, cursed world in which we currently live. We must be careful not to blame every

sickness on sin, but we must also realize it is one possible reason. Thus, a good place to begin if you've

come to the Lord for healing is to search your heart and confess your sins.

Lack of Faith

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When Jesus healed the sick, on many occasions he made this statement: "Your faith has made you well."

In Matthew 9:20-22, Jesus healed the woman who had suffered for many years with constant bleeding:

Just then a woman who had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding came up behind him. She

touched the fringe of his robe, for she thought, "If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed."

Jesus turned around, and when he saw her he said, "Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you

well." And the woman was healed at that moment. (NLT)

Here are a few more biblical examples of healing in response to faith:

Matthew 9:28–29; Mark 2:5, Luke 17:19; Acts 3:16; James 5:14–16.

Apparently, there is an important link between faith and healing. Given the multitude of Scriptures

connecting faith to healing, we must conclude that sometimes healing does not occur because of a lack

of faith, or better, the pleasing kind of faith that God honors. Again, we must be careful not to assume

every time someone isn't healed the reason is lack of faith.

Is Your Healing Really Contingent on Your Faith?

Does Jesus heal people with out faith? We've debunked the myths of faith healing.

Some believers focus exclusively on faith as the key to healing. Yet Jesus healed many who apparently

had no faith. Some were healed because their friends had faith. Others were bound up by demonic

spirits and healed by exorcism, even against their wills.

The truth is that God heals. The myth is that God always heals now at the initiative of our faith.

Faith teacher Frederick K.C. Price has asserted: "The seventh method of receiving healing--[which] I

believe is the highest kind of faith--is the highest way to receive healing...If you believe you receive it,

you will confess that: 'Bless God, I believe I am healed. I believe I have received my healing...I believe

that it is so. I believe that I can walk in divine health all the days of my life.' You are reading after one

man who will never be sick, and I'm not being presumptuous."

Myth is mixed here with truth. The highest kind of faith is, "I believe in Jesus," not just, "I believe."

It is true that faith must be our initiative. But even our initiative comes through the prompting of the

Holy Spirit: "No one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit" (1 Cor. 12:3). Our faith helps us

receive healing, just as the lack of faith hinders healing. But healing does not depend on faith. Healing

depends on the Healer.

Healing is the will of God. Canadian evangelist Peter Youngren wrote: "Jesus clearly shows us God's will

in healing ... the Word of God declares that 'great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all'

(Matt. 12:15). When Jesus healed all, He was obviously doing the will of His Father, because He only did

that which the Father wanted Him to do."

Youngren adds: "This is why you can come with boldness asking God for healing. God is on your side. He

wants the best for you. He is good."

So, if God wills all to be healed, then can your faith move His hand to heal you? In the words of the Hertz

rental car commercial: "Not exactly!"

Your faith moves Him to save you (see Rom. 10:9-13; Eph. 2:8). And in your salvation is your healing:

"That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: 'He Himself took our

infirmities and bore our sicknesses'" (Matt. 8:17; Is. 53:4-6).

But your faith does not effect your healing now. When you are healed rests entirely on what the

sovereign purposes of the Healer are.

Consider this biblical example. In John 5 Jesus healed one paralytic at the pool of Bethesda though a

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multitude thronged that place daily to be healed. Why was one man healed at that moment while others

were not?

John 5:19 gives the answer when Jesus confessed, "'Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing

of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.'"

Bible scholar Jack Deere correctly observes that the initiative for the miraculous in Jesus' ministry did not

begin with Him but with the Father. "He healed only the people He saw His Father healing," Deere

writes. "The only firm reason for the healing of the paralytic that we can derive from the context of John

5 is that the Father willed it, and Jesus executed His Father's will ... We are ultimately faced with the

conclusion that sometimes the Lord works miracles for His own sovereign purposes without giving any

explanation for His actions to His followers."

The second myth about healing is that if you stand fast in faith, you will be physically healed in time and

space. Ken and Gloria Copeland have declared that healing will come if we have faith in our hearts and

God's Word in our mouths. But, they add: "It may take time for it to manifest in your body. So stand fast

in faith, giving thanks to God until it does. Focus on God's Word, not on physical symptoms."

In what do we "stand fast"? The "rock" on which we stand isn't faith or healing but Christ alone--the

Healer. In Hebrews 10:23 we are admonished to hold fast to the profession of our faith. But in what is

our profession of faith? Certainly, it is not in faith or in healing.

Be careful that your faith is not in faith itself--or, worse yet, in a faith teacher! Just believing hard

enough, long enough or strong enough will not strengthen you or prompt your healing. Doing mental

gymnastics to "hold on to your miracle" will not cause your healing to manifest now.

So what is faith? It is more than believing in your heart that God heals. The truth is that God is the God

who heals. Faith is trusting the God who heals. Faith is a radical, absolute surrender to the God who

heals. Faith is not holding on for your healing but holding on to the God who can do the impossible.

The truth is that your healing may manifest in eternity, not in time. If your trust is in God who heals, then

when He heals you is secondary to belonging to the Healer. Certainly you will thank Him if He heals you

today. But if your healing comes beyond death in eternity, will you praise Him now for that?

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Paul did just that: "'O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?' The sting of death is

sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord

Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of

the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord" (1 Cor. 15:55-58).

The third myth about healing is that if you just confess your healing, you will be healed right now. But

you should confess the Healer, not your healing.

In his best-selling book, The Bible Cure, Dr. Reginald B. Cherry encourages us to "speak to the mountain"

of our illness when we pray. That is important in prayer. But praying it and saying it won't make physical

healing manifest now.

Positive confession does not effect healing. If that were true, anyone who believes in mind-over-matter

mental exercises could heal people. Only Jesus heals.

Our confession should be in Him, not in being healed now. Jesus sternly warned: "'Therefore whoever

confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies

Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven'" (Matt. 10:32-33).

It's time we throw out the lies that cloud the truth about faith and healing. It's time we embrace the

scriptural truths that shatter shallow myths and bring us freedom to confidently trust God.

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