all the ways of the effect of satan on people

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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The Qur’anic Verse which explains All The Ways that Satan affects People with in Details

"And Istafziz [literally means: befool them gradually] those whom you can among them with your voice, make assaults on them with your imaginations and your induced feelings, mutually share with them wealth and children, and make promises to them." But Satan

promises them nothing but deceit.

The Noble Qur’an (17: 64)

Allah (God) Almighty states in this part of the Qur’anic verse the mechanism by which Satan affects humans with, which is befooling people by His voice.And to understand what is the voice of Satan, we need to understand that

every human has a companion devil who whispers to him by a voice matching the one a person thinks to himself with and hears in his or her

head. This companion devil whispers ideas in the mind of the person and he thinks that he is thinking to himself, while in fact his companion devil is

telling him these ideas. A person can distinguish between his ideas and those of his companion

devil (Satan) by examining the content of the idea a person is hearing in his head, such that if the idea contains harm (to hurt oneself and others, lust (perverted sexual ideas), and to say about Allah (God) what you have no

knowledge of (blasphemy, associating partners with Allah (God)) then these ideas are from the companion devil (Satan) of a person and not his ownself.

Allah (God) Almighty states another method of Satan’s attack on humans, which is by generating

imaginations in the mind of people, for example:- Perverted scenarios in one’s head as if a person is

doing something unlawful- Imaging a person living in a false story that he is

successful and doing this and thatAll of these imaginations waste the time of a person

and pushes him to perform actions that are forbidden in the sight of Allah (God) Almighty

Here Allah (God) Almighty shows another way that Satan attacks humans with, which is by generating

emotions within a person. Such that when the companion devil of a human whispers a thought in a

mind of person telling him to have doubts about Allah (God) for example, he at the same time

generates a feeling of tightness one feels in his chest.

Likewise, if the companion devil whispers a thought telling a person to commit adultery then he

generates a feeling of excitement in the chest to encourage a person to do this act.

Allah (God) Almighty states that the companion devil of a person shares a person in his wealth. This is done by the companion devil whispering to the person with a voice matching the one he thinks

with ideas telling him to take usury, such as:- All people take interest on their money so why

don’t you take it as well.- Life is hard so interest and stealing are ok now a


Also it is stated in this Qur’anic verse that Satan shares a person in his parenting to his children. This is done by the companion devils of children whispering to them with a voice identical to the one they

think with, telling them ideas in their head such as: ideas of harm (to hurt themselves and others), lust (perverted sexual ideas), and to say

about Allah (God) what they have no knowledge of. Thus in doing this Satan shares parenting the children with their parents and if the parents do not know how Satan affects their

children, then this would increase the damage inflected by Satan on the children.

Allah (God) Almighty emphasizes that Satan makes promises to people, an example of these promises is the following:

- If you take usury then you would be richHowever, Allah (God) states in clear terms that all the

promises of Satan are lies and deception. Thus a person should not believe them nor perform the actions Satan wants a

person to perform.

Zaid GhazzawiWebsite:

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